如果没有 PC,我们的大多数办公室和个人任务都无法完成。体积庞大的 PC 有一个固定的位置,因为我们不可能随身携带它。然而,在这个小工具不断缩小的世界里,手掌大小的Android 智能手机(Android Smartphone)是最方便携带的小工具,可以装进每个人的口袋。
使用Android 智能手机(Android Smartphone),您可以通过远程操作控制您的 PC。但是,我们不要得意忘形,仅靠智能手机是无济于事的。为此,我们需要可以通过本地Wifi、蓝牙(Bluetooth)或通过互联网从任何地方工作并远程控制 PC 的 android 远程桌面应用程序。
从智能手机控制 PC 的10 个最佳 Android 应用程序(Best Android Apps)
因此,事不宜迟,让我们开始列出可以通过智能手机控制 PC 的最佳 Android 应用程序。
1. 团队查看器(1. Team Viewer)
Team Viewer是一种领先的远程访问工具,可在Play 商店中使用,它可以从您的设备连接到使用(Play Store)Windows、macOS、Linux、Chrome、Android、iOS 或Blackberry操作系统的所有可用台式机、智能手机或笔记本电脑。需要在两台设备上打开应用程序并共享用户 ID(User ID)和密码(Password)才能访问远程设备。
它通过使用强大的 256 位AES编码来加密会话和 2048 位RSA进行密钥交换以及可选的双因素身份验证,为您提供唯一的标识号,从而确保安全的授权访问。因此,没有正确的密码,任何人都无法侵入您的系统。
它不需要您在同一个WiFi或局域网上。它支持屏幕共享,并允许您从任何地方通过 Internet 完全控制您的 PC 和远程设备。它支持双向数据传输,允许在任意两个远程设备之间以高达 200 MBPS的速度复制和粘贴文本、图像和文件。(MBPS)
除了数据,它还提供聊天和VoIP功能,可以传输声音和高清视频,以便通过网络拨打电话、开会和召开会议。它有助于记录所有这些远程屏幕、音频和视频以及VoIP 会话(VoIP sessions),以备将来需要时参考。
团队(Team)查看器确保仅对受信任的设备、联系人和会话进行受控访问,并且不会启用列入黑名单的活动。它是免费供个人使用的,但功能有限,会禁用各种高级功能。对于不知道如何使用此应用程序的人,Team viewer 通过在线帮助视频和支持文档提供教程。
它最常用于 IT 领域,是一种一体式远程控制解决方案,是一款价格高昂的专有软件,适用于使用Android和桌面版本的商业应用程序。Team Viewer不与在开源VNC或第三方VNC软件(如TightVNC、UltraVNC等)上运行的系统链接,有些人认为这是它的缺点。
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2.Chrome远程桌面(2. Chrome Remote Desktop)
(Chrome Remote Desktop)谷歌(Google)制作的Chrome 远程桌面允许您使用智能手机从任何远程位置查看和控制您的 PC。它可以从任何安卓设备或智能手机轻松安全地访问使用Windows、Mac或Linux操作系统的 PC,像鼠标一样使用它来控制计算机。唯一的先决条件是Google帐户,才能使用远程共享功能。
这个Chrome 远程桌面应用程序(Chrome Remote desktop app)易于设置,并且具有漂亮的用户界面。它可免费用于个人和商业用途。它强制要求提供一次性验证码以启用访问。
这个应用程序接受通过互联网进行实时屏幕共享和远程协助。它在一个地方管理连接详细信息。它对您的数据进行编码以隐藏它,并将联合会话交互保存在一个地方,以防止使用 Chrome 的SSL功能(包括AES )进行未经授权的访问。它还可以在Windows中复制粘贴工作音频。
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3.统一遥控器(3. Unified Remote)
Unified Remote应用程序可以使用(Remote)蓝牙(Bluetooth)或Wifi从任何 android 智能手机远程控制Windows、Linux或Mac OS支持的 PC 。它在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中提供免费和付费版本。
Unified遥控器的付费版本具有网络唤醒功能,您可以使用该功能从任何Android设备远程启动和控制您的PC,将其用作鼠标。它还启用了许多其他有趣的功能。它预装了“浮动遥控器”功能,允许用户在其付费版本中获得超过 90 个遥控器的全部功能。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在没有 PC 的情况下启动 Android(How to Root Android without a PC)
此外,付费版本还可以访问各种其他功能,包括如上所述的自定义遥控器、小部件支持和Android用户的语音命令。它还具有屏幕查看器、扩展键盘和许多其他功能。它还可以控制Raspberry Pi和Arduino Yun。
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4.电脑遥控器(4. PC Remote)
此远程控制应用程序在Windows XP/7/8/10上运行,并使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)或WiFi通过您的智能手机(Smartphone)控制您的 PC ,将其用作鼠标来控制您的 PC,并且名副其实,即 PC 遥控器。它还提供了许多其他有价值的功能。
该应用程序提供“数据线”功能,您可以打开主屏幕并查看任何文件和其他内容,并使用Android 智能手机上的(Android Smartphone)FTP服务器查看 PC 中的所有驱动器和记录。
因此,换句话说,使用 PC Remote应用程序,您可以实时查看桌面屏幕并使用触摸板进行控制,还可以比较桌面屏幕和触摸板屏幕。PC Remote应用程序还允许您使用PowerPoint和Excel。
使用触摸板,您可以在桌面上玩超过 25 到 30 个控制台游戏。您还可以通过应用程序中可用的不同游戏手柄布局自定义您自己的游戏。PC Remote易于连接,其服务器端桌面程序约为 . 31MB。
PC Remote可以从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载,免费提供,但附带广告,这是不可避免的。
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5.奇异果(5. KiwiMote)
KiwiMote易于(KiwiMote)设置,是用于控制 PC 的广泛使用的Android远程控制移动应用程序之一。它支持Android 4.0.1 及更高版本。使用您的手机,它可以扫描您桌面上显示的二维码。另一方面,您可以使用相同的Wifi、热点(Hotspot)或路由器通过输入 IP、(Router.)端口(Port)和唯一PIN来连接到您的 PC。(PIN)
您可以从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)免费下载KiwiMote ,但它带有广告。此应用需要在您的系统上安装通用编程语言Java,并且安卓设备和PC需要连接到同一个Wife、路由器或Hotspot
该应用程序支持Windows、Linux和Mac操作系统,因此可以通过Android控制使用这些操作系统的所有 PC 。该应用程序还包含高度动态和令人难以置信的功能,例如游戏手柄、鼠标和出色的键盘。
KiwiMote具有易于使用的界面,可以使用许多流行的桌面应用程序,例如Adobe PDF Reader、GOM Player、KM Player、Pot Player、VLC Media Player、Windows Media Player、Windows Photo Viewer,还有更多你可以想到的,这是这个应用程序的一大优点。
该应用程序将您的 PC 与手机连接,但无法在您的 Android 屏幕上查看您的 PC 屏幕。如果这是它的缺点之一,那么如前所述,该应用程序的另一个负面特征是,它在从互联网下载时带有高度刺激和烦人的传单。
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6. VNC查看器(6. VNC Viewer)
(VNC Viewer)由Real VNC开发的(Real VNC)VNC Viewer是另一种可免费下载的开源软件,可从 Internet上的Google Play商店获得。(Google Play)它无需任何网络配置,使用手机即可连接到所有使用第三方开源VNC兼容软件(如TightVNC、Apple屏幕共享等)的计算机。
VNC 查看器(VNC Viewer)不仅允许用户访问在线文档,还支持聊天和发送电子邮件。它通过对蓝牙键盘和鼠标的支持为其移动用户构建安全、无缝和强大的访问。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 从您的 PC 远程控制 Android 手机的 7 个最佳应用程序(7 Best Apps to Remote Control Android Phone from your PC)
该应用程序连接到所有支持Windows、Linux、Mac甚至Raspberry Pi流行桌面操作系统的计算机,但无法连接到免费的家庭订阅小工具和移动平台,如Firefox、 Android、iOS、Blackberry、Symbian、MeeGo、Nokia X、Windows 8、Windows 10、Windows RT等无法使用此应用程序来回传输文件。
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7.微软远程桌面(7. Microsoft Remote Desktop)
Microsoft 远程桌面(Microsoft Remote Desktop)是最好的和最受好评的优秀远程桌面Android应用程序之一。无论您身在何处,它都可以在Google Play Store上找到,并且对所有用户都非常方便。(Google Play Store)在 Windows 软件上运行的任何远程安装都不需要任何其他软件安装,除了Microsoft Remote Desktop。
您可以使用远程桌面助手配置Microsoft 远程桌面。(Microsoft Remote Desktop)配置后,它可以访问打印机等其他资源。这个远程桌面(Remote Desktop)应用程序还支持使用高级带宽压缩的高质量视频和音频流。该应用程序还具有智能键盘挂钩功能和智能 24 位颜色支持。
该工具的主要缺点是它仅对Windows进行尽职调查,不适用于任何其他平台。其次,作为一项专有技术,它无法连接到Windows 10 Home。如果这两个异常被删除,它是通过您的安卓手机控制您的 PC 的最佳应用程序之一。
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8. 飞溅顶 2(8. Splashtop 2)
它是众多安全远程控制应用程序之一,可从您的安卓手机控制您的 PC。它允许从远程智能手机(Smartphone)访问许多不同的应用程序、多媒体文件、游戏等等。
它使您能够连接和管理Windows 操作系统(Windows Operating)以获得最佳游戏体验之一,并且您可以使用此应用程序玩许多赛车游戏。除了 windows 应用程序之外,它还仅允许访问 macOS。
通过易于实现的用户界面,您可以使用此应用程序流式传输高清音频和视频,并连接许多不同的设备,如Kindle Fire、Windows手机等。它具有易于使用的局域网唤醒功能在本地网络上从附近的任何其他地方访问您的计算机。
slashtop2 应用程序支持使用高分辨率计算机网络摄像头并加密具有审计跟踪和多级密码的消息。该系统唯一设想的缺点是它不连接到使用Linux 操作系统(Linux Operating)的任何设备,并且如前所述仅符合Windows和 macOS。
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9.机器人微粒(9. Droid Mote)
Droidmote是用于远程控制您的 PC的最佳Android应用程序之一,它推广了(Android)Android、Linux、Chrome和Windows 操作系统(Windows OS),使您能够通过手机在 PC 上满足您的游戏需求。
使用此应用程序,您不需要外接鼠标,因为它有自己的触摸鼠标选项,可以在您的Android TV 上玩您最喜欢的视频游戏。该应用程序要求您安装该应用程序的设备已植根。
虽然它不像团队(Team)查看器、Chrome远程桌面、PC Remote等许多其他应用程序那样不是一个非常受欢迎的应用程序,但它绝对是您可以用来控制计算机的箭袋中的一个选项。
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10.远程链接(10. Remote Link)
这个应用程序的名字是另一个很好的应用程序,它提供远程访问以从您的Android手机控制 PC。华硕(ASUS)的这款应用程序可在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)免费下载,它提供了许多出色且独特的功能,可使用WIFI访问您的 Windows 10 个人电脑。
此应用程序具有蓝牙(Bluetooth)、操纵杆模式(Joystick Mode)和许多游戏选项等功能,可提供出色的用户体验。除了上述功能外,它还提供了一些独特的、独特的功能,如触摸板遥控器、键盘遥控器、演示遥控器、媒体遥控器等,以方便用户使用。
推荐:(Recommended:) 如何在 Android 上捕获滚动屏幕截图(How to Capture Scrolling Screenshots on Android)
它具有Microsoft开发的带有Inter-Switch Link的(Inter-Switch Link)Remote Desk专有协议,可使用图形界面通过 Internet 与另一台设备连接。这个应用程序不适合业余爱好者,对于那些在万维网(World Wide Web)上使用应用程序有良好经验的人来说非常有用。
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在我们上面的讨论中,我们试图了解如何最好地使用Android 智能手机(Android Smartphone)作为鼠标来控制我们的 PC。Android手机与Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中提供的各种应用程序相结合,可以帮助控制我们的 PC,舒适地坐在家里的沙发上,真是因祸得福。在办公室累了一天之后,没有比这更奢侈的了。
10 Best Android Apps to Control PC from Smartphone
Most of оur оffice as well as personal tasks would not have been possible without a PC. The PC being bulky in size has a fixed place, aѕ it is not possible to carry it everywhere with us. However, in this world of shrinking gadgets, the pаlm-sized Andrоіd Smartphone is the most conveniently carried gаdget that fits into eνeryone’s pocket.
Using the Android Smartphone you can control your PC through remote operation. However, let’s not get carried away, just a smartphone alone would be of no help. For this to happen, we would need the android remote desktop apps that could work via local Wifi, Bluetooth, or from anywhere via the internet and remotely control the PC.
10 Best Android Apps to Control PC from Smartphone
So, without any further delay, let’s get down to listing the best Android apps that can control your PC from your smartphone.
1. Team Viewer
Team Viewer a leading remote access tool, available on the Play Store, can connect from your device to all available desktops, smartphones, or laptops using Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome, Android, iOS, or Blackberry operating systems. It is required to open the app on both of the devices and share the User ID and Password to access the remote device.
It ensures secured authorized access by providing you with a unique identification number through the use of a powerful 256-bit AES encoding to encrypt sessions and 2048-bit RSA for key exchange along with optional two-factor authentication. So, no one can break into your system without the correct password.
It does not require you to be on the same WiFi or local area network. It enables screen sharing and allows you complete control of your PC as well as remote devices from anywhere over the internet. It enables bi-directional data transfer allowing copying and pasting text, images, and files, with speed up to 200 MBPS, between any two remote devices.
Besides data, it offers chat and VoIP features enabling transmission of sound and HD videos for making calls, conferences and undertakes meetings over the net. It facilitates the recording of all these remote screens, audio & video, and VoIP sessions for future references if needed.
The Team viewer ensures controlled access only to trusted devices, contacts, and sessions, and no blacklisted activity is enabled. It is free for personal use but with curtailed features disabling various advanced features. For those who do not know how to use this app, Team viewer offers tutorials through online help videos and support documents.
Most used in IT sectors, an all-in-one remote control solution, it is a premium-priced proprietary software for a business application using both Android and desktop versions. Team Viewer does not link with systems functioning on open-source VNC or third-party VNC software like TightVNC, UltraVNC, etc. which some consider its drawback.
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2. Chrome Remote Desktop
Chrome Remote Desktop, made by Google, allows you to view and control your PC from any remote location using your Smartphone. It enables access easily and safely to a PC using Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system from any android device or Smartphone, using it like a mouse to control the computer. The only pre-requisite is a Google account, to use the remote sharing features.
This Chrome Remote desktop app is easy to set up and has a good looking user interface. It is freely available both for personal and commercial use. It imperatively asks for a one-time verification code to enable access.
This app is receptive to live screen sharing and remote assistance over the internet. It manages the connection details in one place. It codes your data concealing it and saves the joint session interactions, in a single place, against unauthorized access using Chrome’s SSL features including AES. It also enables copy-pasting of working audios in Windows.
This multi-platform app supports multiple monitors and is free to install and use both for personal and commercial purposes. The only drawback of this tool is that its free version supports ads, secondly, the app cannot make use of resources or locally stored data of the remote app and thirdly, can accept the transfer of files from only limited sources and not every platform.
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3. Unified Remote
Unified Remote app can remotely control your PC supported by Windows, Linux, or Mac OS from any android Smartphone using Bluetooth or Wifi. It has both the free and paid versions available on the Google Play Store.
The free version also enables ads. The other useful features included in this app are a file manager, screen mirroring, media player control, and many other basic functions like a keyboard and mouse with multi-touch support in its free version.
The paid version of the Unified remote has a Wake-on-LAN feature using which you can start and control your PC remotely from any Android device, using it as a mouse. It has a lot of other interesting features enabled in it. It comes pre-loaded with a ‘Floating Remotes’ feature which allows users to get more than 90 remotes in their full feature functions in its paid version.
Also Read: How to Root Android without a PC
Further, the paid version also gives access to various other functions including custom remotes as indicated above, widget support, and voice commands for Android users. It also has a screen viewer, an extended keyboard, and many other functions. It enables control of Raspberry Pi and Arduino Yun as well.
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4. PC Remote
This remote control app runs on Windows XP/7/8/10 and uses the Bluetooth or WiFi to control your PC through your Smartphone, using it as a mouse to control your PC and stands true to its name i.e. PC remote. It offers a host of other valuable features too.
The app provides the “Data Cable” feature whereby you can open the home screen and view any files and other content and see all drives and records in your PC using the FTP server on your Android Smartphone.
So, in other words, using the PC Remote app you can view the desktop screen in real-time and control it with a touchpad and also compare the desktop screen and the touchpad screen. The PC Remote app gives you access to the use of PowerPoint and Excel also.
Using the touchpad you can play more than 25 to 30 console games on your desktop with a tap. You can also customize your own games through different layouts of gamepads available in the app. PC Remote is easy to connect and its server-side desktop program is approx. 31MB.
PC Remote can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and is available for free but comes with ads, which are unavoidable.
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5. KiwiMote
The KiwiMote is easy to set up and one of the extensively used Android remote control mobile app to control the PC. It supports Android version 4.0.1 and above. Using your mobile phone it can scan the QR code displayed on your desktop. On the flip side, you can connect to your PC by way of entering an IP, Port, and a unique PIN using the same Wifi, Hotspot, or a Router.
You can download KiwiMote free of cost from the Google Play Store but it comes with the ads. This app requires installing on your system the general-purpose programming language Java, and both the android device and the PC need to be connected to the same Wife, router, or the Hotspot
This app supports Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems and as such can control all PCs using these operating systems through the Android. The app also houses the highly dynamic and incredible features like the gamepad, mouse, and an excellent keyboard.
KiwiMote with its easy to use interface enables the use of many popular desktop applications, such as Adobe PDF Reader, GOM Player, KM Player, Pot Player, VLC Media Player, Windows Media Player, Windows Photo Viewer, and many more you can think off, which is a big plus of this app.
The app connects your PC with the mobile but does not enable viewing of your PC screen on your android screen. If this is one of its downside, another negative feature of the app as mentioned earlier too, is that it comes with highly irritating and annoying flyers on downloading from the internet.
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6. VNC Viewer
VNC Viewer developed by Real VNC is another free to download, open-source software available on the Google Play store from anywhere on the internet. It connects without any network configuration, using the mobile phone, to all computers using third party open source VNC compatible software like TightVNC, Apple screen sharing, and so on.
It provides secure, instant support and back-up offering a number of validated proposals to prevent access to unwanted people. Those persons who are unable to provide the necessary validation are instantly blacklisted to prevent attacks, scanning of the port, and unwanted checking of the network profile.
The VNC Viewer not only allows users access to online documentation but also enables chatting and emailing. It builds secure, seamless, and strong access for its mobile users through the support of blue tooth keyboards and mouse.
Also Read: 7 Best Apps to Remote Control Android Phone from your PC
The app connects to all computers supporting the Windows, Linux, Mac or even the Raspberry Pi popular desktop operating system but cannot connect to free home subscribed gadgets and mobile platforms like Firefox, Android, iOS, Blackberry, Symbian, MeeGo, Nokia X, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows RT, etc un-abling to & fro file transfer using this app.
Though it offers free VNC subscription to home users but comes at a premium to business users. It also offers support in various languages and has a well scrutinized, proficiency tested, secure design. On the whole, it is an innovative app but if you using the open-source option, in spite of VNC compatible software, you might find some features missing in it.
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7. Microsoft Remote Desktop
Microsoft Remote Desktop is one of the best and top-rated excellent remote desktop Android app. It is available on the Google Play Store and very convenient for all the users, no matter where you are. Any remote installation that runs on Windows software does not need any other software installation, other than the Microsoft Remote Desktop.
This app has an excellent, easy to understand and a clean user interface, which makes it simple and straight forward to set up the remote desktop connection. The remote desktop app supports high-quality video and audio streaming, using advanced bandwidth compression enabling a smooth display of the videos and other dynamic contents, on the remote device.
You can configure Microsoft Remote Desktop using the remote desktop assistant. Once configured, it enables access to other resources like printers, etc This Remote Desktop app also supports high-quality video and audio streaming using advanced bandwidth compression. The app has a smart keyboard hooking feature and smart 24-bit colour support also.
The major drawback of the tool is that it gives due diligence to Windows only and does not work for any other platform. Secondly, being a proprietary technology it cannot connect to Windows 10 Home. If these two anomalies are removed, it is one of the best apps to enable control of your PC through your android mobile.
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8. Splashtop 2
It is one amongst the many, secure remote control app, to control your PC from your android mobile. It allows entry to many different applications, multimedia files, games, and a lot more from the remote Smartphone.
It enables you to connect to and manage the Windows Operating system to get one of the best gaming experiences and you can play a number of racer games using this app. In addition to the windows applications, it enables access to macOS only.
With an easy to implement the user interface, you can stream high definition audios and videos using this app and connect with a number of different devices like Kindle Fire, Windows phones, etc. It has an easy to use, Wake-on-LAN feature on the local network to access your computer from any other place in the vicinity.
Many white collared computer professionals use their business features like file transfer, remote print, chat, and multi-user access to advance their clients’ systems. Though the app does not offer free trial options on the internet, it favours the new users to attract them to the app. However, the paid version of the app is the best to opt for by regular users, as it provides better services and additional features.
The slashtop2 app enables the use of high-resolution computer webcam and encrypts messages featuring audit trails and multi-level password. The only conceived drawback of the system is that it does not connect to any device using the Linux Operating system and as indicated earlier only conforms to Windows and macOS.
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9. Droid Mote
Droidmote is one of the best Android apps to remote control your PC that promotes Android, Linux, Chrome, and Windows OS and enables you to satisfy your gaming needs on your PC through your mobile phone.
With this app, you do not need an external mouse as it has its own touch mouse option to play your favourite video games on your Android TV. The app requires your device on which you are installing the app, to be rooted.
The app provides a host of features to its users like the multi-touch pad, a remote keyboard, a remote gamepad, and a remote mouse in addition to a fast scroll feature. You can use this app only if both the devices on which you have installed it, are on the same local area network. This can be considered as its advantage or disadvantage depending on the user of the app.
Though it is not a very popular app like many other apps such as the Team viewer, Chrome remote desktop, PC Remote, etc. but it is a definite option to have in your quiver that you can use to control your computer.
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10. Remote Link
This app going by its name is another good app to provide remote access to control the PC from your Android phone. Available for free on the Google Play Store, this app from ASUS, offers many good and unique features using WIFI to gain access to your Windows 10 personal computer.
This app with features like Bluetooth, the Joystick Mode, and a number of gaming options provides great user experience. In addition to the above features, it offers some exclusive, inimitable features like touchpad remote, keyboard remote, presentation remote, media remote, etc for its user’s convenience.
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The app supports a customs look, providing maximum security through strong encryption codes and techniques. It has an urbane tone and clean user interface to provide a restraint-free experience to its users.
It has a Microsoft developed Remote Desk proprietary protocol with the Inter-Switch Link to connect using a graphical interface with another device, over the internet. This app not meant for an amateur is of great use for those who have good experience in the use of applications on the World Wide Web.
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In our above discussion, we have tried to see how best we can use the Android Smartphone, as a mouse, to control our PC. It is a blessing in disguise that the Android mobile in conjunction with a variety of apps available on the Google Play Store can help control our PC, sitting comfortably on the couch at home. There is no bigger luxury than this, after a tiring day in the office.