什么是Windows 11/10/8/7中的干净启动状态(Clean Boot State)?如何执行干净启动(Clean Boot)?Windows 11中的安全模式(Safe Mode)和干净启动状态(Clean Boot State)有什么区别?好吧,我们大多数人都熟悉Windows中的安全模式(Safe Mode)。当您重新启动Windows计算机并开始按键盘上的F8键时,您将进入安全模式(Safe Mode)。安全启动(Safe Boot)模式使用一组最少的预定义设备驱动程序和服务来启动Windows操作系统。
Windows 11/10 中的干净启动状态
另一方面,还有干净启动状态(Clean Boot State),用于诊断和解决高级Windows问题。如果您的计算机无法正常启动,或者您在启动计算机时收到无法识别的错误,您可以考虑执行“干净启动”。
要进入 Clean Boot State,请在开始搜索中键入MSConfig ,然后按 Enter(Enter)打开System Configuration Utility。单击(Click)常规(General)选项卡,然后单击选择性启动(Selective Startup)。
清除Load Startup Items复选框,并确保选中Load System Services和Use Original boot configuration。

接下来,单击“服务(Services)”选项卡。选中隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务(Hide All Microsoft Services)复选框。现在单击全部禁用(Disable all)。

Click Apply/OK并重新启动计算机。
这将使Windows进入干净启动状态(Boot State)。
如果干净启动帮助您修复了错误,那很好!否则在General选项卡中,也单击以清除Load System Services复选框,单击Apply/OK,然后重新启动。
干净启动(Clean Boot)后要做什么;如何(How)在干净启动(Clean Boot)中进行故障排除?
在系统配置实用程序(System Configuration Utility)中:
- 选择隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务(Hide all Microsoft services)
- 然后选择全部禁用。
- 单击应用/确定。
进入 Clean Boot State后,您可能会发现问题已经消失。
然后您需要一个接一个地启用一项服务(Service)并重新启动进入干净启动(Clean Boot),直到问题再次出现。
最好始终先创建系统还原点。(Best to always create a system restore point first.)
如果使用原始启动配置在Windows 10中显示为灰色,请参阅此帖子 。您可能还想了解Hardware Clean Boot。
不,这是Windows的一种状态,它以最少的程序启动,允许用户确定是否有其他程序在 PC 上引起任何问题。它永远不会删除您的文件和程序,但仅用于故障排除。
是的,它是安全的。当您正常启动时,它将启动所有已在启动时注册的程序。在 Clean Boot期间,它会过滤掉这些程序并帮助用户解决硬件或软件问题。
干净启动(Boot)和Windows 恢复(Windows Recovery)是一样的吗?如何启动到Windows恢复?
虽然这两个程序都可以帮助您进行故障排除,但在Windows(Windows)工作时使用干净启动,但恢复(Recovery)是在您无法访问 PC 或出现BSOD时使用。您将需要使用Windows可启动USB驱动器启动到恢复。请(Make)务必小心使用它,尤其是在您打算重置 PC 时。
How to perform Clean Boot in Windows 11/10
What is Clean Boot State in Windows 11/10/8/7? How to perform Clean Boot? What is the difference between Safe Mode and Clean Boot State in Windows 11? Well, most of us are familiar with the Safe Mode in Windows. When you restart your Windows computer and start pressing the F8 key on your keyboard, you will enter the Safe Mode. The Safe Boot mode uses a minimal pre-defined set of device drivers and services to start the Windows operating system.
Clean Boot State in Windows 11/10
On the other hand, there is also the Clean Boot State which is used to diagnose and troubleshoot advanced Windows problems. If your computer is not starting normally, or if you receive errors when you start the computer that you cannot identify, you could consider performing a “clean boot.”
What does a Clean Boot do?
When you start the computer in clean boot, the computer starts by using a pre-selected minimal set of drivers and startup programs, and because the computer starts with a minimal set of drivers, some programs may not work as you expected.
How to perform Clean Boot
To enter Clean Boot State, type MSConfig in start search and hit Enter to open the System Configuration Utility. Click the General tab, and then click Selective Startup.
Clear the Load Startup Items checkbox, and ensure that Load System Services and Use Original boot configuration are checked.

Next, click the Services tab. Select the Hide All Microsoft Services checkbox. Now click Disable all.

Click Apply/OK and restart the computer.
This will put Windows into a Clean Boot State.
If the clean boot helped you fix the error, fine! Else in the General tab, also click to clear the Load System Services checkbox, click Apply/OK, and restart.
To configure Windows to use the normal startup state, simply undo the changes.
What to do after Clean Boot; How to troubleshoot in Clean Boot?
Clean-boot troubleshooting is designed to isolate a performance problem. To perform clean-boot troubleshooting, you must take a number of actions, and then restart the computer after each action. You may need to manually disable one item after another to try and pinpoint the one that is causing the problem. Once you have identified the offender, you can consider removing or disabling it.
Before you perform Clean Boot, you need to ensure the following:
In the System Configuration Utility:
- Select Hide all Microsoft services
- Then select Disable all.
- Click Apply/OK.
Once you enter Clean Boot State, you may find that your problem has gone away.
Then you need to enable one Service after another and reboot into Clean Boot till the problem reappears.
In this way, you will be able to identify the process that is causing problems.
Best to always create a system restore point first.
See this post if the Use original boot configuration is greyed out in Windows 10. You might want to also read about Hardware Clean Boot.
Does a clean boot erase everything?
No, it is a state of Windows where it starts with minimum programs allowing users to figure out if another program is causing any issue on the PC. It will never delete your files and programs but is only meant for troubleshooting.
Is a Clean Boot safe?
Yes, it is safe. When you boot normally, it will launch all the programs that have registered with the startup. During Clean Boot, it filters out those programs and helps users to troubleshoot hardware or software problems.
Is Clean Boot and Windows Recovery the same? How do I boot into Windows recovery?
While both the programs help you troubleshoot, Clean boot is used when Windows is working, but Recovery is when you have lost access to the PC or getting BSOD. You will need to use a Windows bootable USB drive to boot into the recovery. Make sure to use it carefully, especially if you plan to reset the PC.