您是否曾经陷入无法找到您正在旅行的路线并且不知道为什么您的谷歌地图(Maps)停止提供语音指令的情况?如果您涉及到这个问题,那么您来对地方了。驾驶时无法专注于设备的屏幕,语音指令在这种情况下发挥着重要作用。如果不解决,这将变得非常危险,因此尽快解决“谷歌(Google) 地图(Maps)不说话”问题很重要。
谷歌地图(Google Maps)是一个令人难以置信的应用程序,它极大地帮助了交通更新。这是一个绝妙的选择,可以帮助您减少旅行时间。此应用程序可让您毫无问题地寻找理想的地方。谷歌地图(Google Maps)将显示您目的地的方向,毫无疑问,您可以按照路线到达那里。谷歌地图(Google Maps)停止响应语音指令的原因有很多。这里有十种简单有效的方法来解决“谷歌地图(Google Maps)不说话”的问题。
如何修复谷歌地图不在 Android 上说话(How to Fix Google Maps not talking on Android)
这些方法包括要为Android和 iOS 实现的过程。这些故障排除步骤将帮助您轻松地将Google 地图(Google Maps)恢复到正常的功能状态。
打开通话导航功能:(Switch on the Talk Navigation Feature:)
首先(First),您应该知道如何在您的Google 地图(Google Maps)应用上启用谈话导航。
1. 打开谷歌地图(Google Maps)应用。
2.现在点击屏幕右上角的帐户图标(Now click on the account icon on the top-right-hand side of the screen)。
3. 点击设置(Settings)选项。
4. 转到导航设置部分(Navigation Settings section)。
5. 在指导音量部分(Guidance Volume section),您可以选择适合您的音量级别。
6. 本节还将为您提供将通话导航与蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机连接的选项。
方法 1:检查音量(Method 1: Check the Volume Level)
这是用户之间的常见错误。低音量或静音可以欺骗任何人相信(Low)谷歌地图(Google Maps)应用程序中存在错误。如果您在通话导航方面遇到问题,第一步应该是检查您的音量。
对于 Android,请按照下列步骤操作:(For Android, follow these steps:)
2. 确保谷歌地图(Google Maps)现在可以正常工作。
3. 另一种方法是导航到设置(Settings)。
4.搜索声音和振动(Sound and vibration)。
5. 检查您手机的媒体。确保它处于最高级别并且未静音或处于静音模式。
6. 如果您的媒体音量较小或为零,您可能听不到语音指令。因此(Hence)将其调整到最高水平。
7. 打开谷歌地图并立即尝试。
对于 iOS,请执行以下步骤:(For iOS, follow these steps:)
1. 如果您的手机音量过低,您将无法正常使用语音导航。
3. 打开iPhone 控制中心(iPhone Control Center)。
4. 提高音量。
5. 在某些情况下,即使您的手机音量已满,您的语音导航也可能无法完全访问音量。许多 iPhone 用户报告了这个问题。要解决此问题,只需在使用语音指导帮助时调高音量条即可。
方法 2:取消静音语音导航(Method 2: Unmute Voice Navigation)
默认情况下,谷歌地图(Google Maps)始终启用语音导航,但有时可能会意外禁用。以下是一些演示如何在Android和 iOS 中取消静音语音导航的方法。
对于 Android,请按照下列步骤操作:(For Android, follow these steps:)
1. 启动谷歌地图(Google Maps)应用程序。
2. 搜索您的目的地。
4. 单击扬声器图标后,有一些符号可以使语音导航静音/取消静音。
5. 单击取消静音(Unmute )按钮(最后一个扬声器图标)。
对于 iOS,请执行以下步骤:(For iOS, follow these steps:)
上述过程也适用于 iOS。单击“取消静音扬声器符号”将打开您(ON)的语音导航,如果您是 iPhone 用户,您可以通过其他方式执行此操作。
1. 启动谷歌地图(Google Maps)应用程序。
2. 搜索您的目的地。
3.通过单击主页上的个人资料图片进入设置。(Settings )
4. 单击导航(Navigation)。
现在您已通过在 iOS 中取消静音您的语音导航成功修复了您的语音导航。
方法三:增加语音导航的音量(Voice Navigation)
在大多数情况下,取消静音语音导航将为您提供帮助。但在某些情况下,调整语音引导音量也会帮助用户(help the user)面对“谷歌地图(Google Maps)不说话”的问题。以下是在Android(Android)和 iOS 中实现此功能的一些步骤。
对于 Android,请按照下列步骤操作:(For Android, follow these steps:)
1. 启动谷歌地图(Google Maps)应用程序。
2.通过单击主页上的个人资料图片进入设置。(Settings )
3. 进入导航设置(Navigation settings)。
4. 将语音提示的音量设置为LOUDER选项。
对于 iOS,请执行以下步骤:(For iOS, follow these steps:)
1. 启动谷歌地图(Google Maps)应用程序。
2.通过单击主页上的个人资料图片进入设置。(Settings )
3. 进入导航设置(Navigation settings)。
4. 将语音提示的音量设置为LOUDER选项。
方法4 :打开蓝牙(Bluetooth)语音(ON Voice)
当蓝牙(Bluetooth)或无线耳机等无线设备连接到您的设备时,您的语音导航功能可能会遇到问题。如果这些设备未与您的手机正确配置,则 Google 的语音指导将无法正常工作。以下是解决方法:
对于 Android,请按照下列步骤操作:
1. 启动您的谷歌地图。
2.通过单击主页上的个人资料图片进入设置。(Settings )
3. 进入导航设置(Navigation settings)。
4. 打开以下选项。
对于 iOS,请执行以下步骤:(For iOS, follow these steps:)
1. 启动谷歌地图(Google Maps)应用程序。
2.通过单击主页上的个人资料图片进入设置。(Settings )
3. 进入导航设置(Navigation settings)。
4. 开启以下选项:
- 通过蓝牙播放语音
- 在通话期间播放语音
- 播放音频提示
5. 启用“通话时播放语音(Play voice during phone calls)”,即使您正在通话,也可以播放导航指令。
方法五:清除缓存(Method 5: Clear Cache)
清除缓存可能是解决手机上所有问题的最常见方法。在清除缓存的同时,您还可以清除数据以提高应用程序的效率。请按照以下步骤从您的Google 地图(Google Maps)应用程序中清除缓存:
1. 进入设置菜单(settings menu)。
2. 点击应用选项(Apps option)。
3. 打开应用管理器(App Manager)并找到谷歌地图(Google Maps)。
4.打开谷歌地图(Google Maps),进入存储部分。(storage section.)
5. 您将找到清除缓存( Clear Cache)和清除数据的选项。(Clear Data.)
6.一旦你执行了这个操作,看看你是否能够修复谷歌地图不能在安卓上说话的问题。(fix Google Maps not talking on Android issue.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 上无法识别的 Android 手机(Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10)
方法6:正确配对蓝牙(Method 6: Pair Bluetooth Properly)
如果您的设备和蓝牙(Bluetooth)之间没有建立正确的连接,那么谷歌地图的语音导航将无法工作。此问题的解决方法是断开您的设备重新连接。当您与蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接时,这将在大多数情况下起作用。 请(Please)关闭您的连接并使用手机的扬声器一段时间,然后尝试重新连接。这适用于Android和 iOS。
方法 7:禁用通过蓝牙播放(Method 7: Disable Play over Bluetooth )
由于启用了蓝牙(Bluetooth)的画外音,可能会出现错误“ Google Maps not talk in Android(Google Maps not talking in Android) ” 。如果您不使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备,则应通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)功能禁用通话导航。否则将继续在语音导航中产生错误。
1. 打开谷歌地图应用(Google Maps app)。
2. 现在点击屏幕右上角的帐户图标。(account icon)
3. 点击设置选项(Settings option)。
4. 转到导航设置部分(Navigation Settings section)。
5. 现在只需关闭“通过蓝牙播放语音(Play voice over Bluetooth)”选项。
方法 8:更新谷歌地图应用(Method 8: Update the Google Maps App)
如果您已尝试上述步骤并继续遇到错误“Google Maps not talk on Android”,那么您应该在 Play 商店中查找更新。如果应用程序有一些错误,那么开发人员将修复这些错误并将更新发送到您的应用商店以获得更好的版本。这样,您可以自动解决问题而无需任何其他解决方法。
2. 点击左上角的三个垂直线(three vertical lines)。
3. 现在点击“我的应用程序和游戏”( “My Apps and Games”)。
4.转到已安装选项卡并搜索地图(Go to the Installed tab and search for Maps)并点击更新(Update)按钮。
5. 应用程序更新后,再次尝试使用它,看看问题是否已解决。
方法 9:执行系统更新
如果您在更新Google 地图(Google Maps)应用程序后仍然遇到语音导航问题,那么执行系统更新可能会解决此问题。在某些情况下,它可能不支持谷歌地图(Google Maps)的某些功能。您可以通过将操作系统版本更新到当前版本来克服这个问题。
对于 Android,请按照下列步骤操作:(For Android, follow these steps:)
1. 转到您的设备设置(Settings)。
2. 进入系统(System )并选择高级设置(Advanced settings)。
3. 点击系统更新(System update)。
4. 等待您的设备更新并在您的Android上重新启动(Android)Google 地图(Google Maps)。
对于 iPhone,请按照下列步骤操作:(For iPhone, follow these steps:)
1. 转到您的设备设置(Settings)。
2. 单击常规(General )并导航到软件更新(Software Update)。
3.等待(Wait)更新并在您的 iOS 上重新启动它。
如果您的 iPhone 在当前版本中运行,您将收到提示通知。否则,检查更新并需要下载并安装所需的更新。
方法 10:重新安装Google 地图(Google Maps)应用程序
如果您已尝试上述所有方法,但不知道为什么您的语音导航不起作用,请尝试卸载您的Google 地图(Google Maps)并重新安装。在这种情况下,与应用程序关联的所有数据都将被删除并重新配置。因此,您的(Hence)Google 地图(Google Map)有多种可能有效运行。
推荐:(Recommended:) 在 Android 上检查屏幕时间的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Check Screen Time on Android)
这些是解决“谷歌地图(Google Maps)不说话”问题的十种有效方法。这些方法中至少有一种可以帮助您确定地解决问题。如果您对取消Google 地图(Google Maps)上的语音导航有任何疑问,请在评论部分告诉我们。
Fix Google Maps not talking on Android
Have you ever been stuck in a situatіоn where you cannot find the route you are traveling on and have no idea why уour Google Maps stops giving voice instruction? If you relatе to this problem, then you haνe come to the right place. One cannot concentrate on the device’s screen while driving, and voice instructions play a significant role in this situation. If not fixed, this becomes very dangerous, so it is important to solve the “Google Maps not talking” issue as ѕoon as possible.
Google Maps is an incredible application that greatly helps with traffic updates. It is a brilliant alternative that will help you reduce your travel duration for sure. This application allows you to look for your ideal places without any problem. Google Maps will feature your destination’s direction, and you can undoubtedly reach there by following the route. There are a lot of reasons where Google Maps stops responding with voice instructions. Here are ten simple and effective methods to fix the “Google Maps not talking” issue.
How to Fix Google Maps not talking on Android
These methods include a procedure to be implemented for both Android and iOS. These troubleshooting steps will help you to bring your Google Maps to a normal functional state at your ease.
Switch on the Talk Navigation Feature:
First of all, you should know how to enable talk navigation on your Google Maps app.
1. Open the Google Maps app.
2. Now click on the account icon on the top-right-hand side of the screen.
3. Tap on the Settings option.
4. Go to the Navigation Settings section.
5. In the Guidance Volume section, you can choose the level of volume that is suitable for you.
6. This section will also give you the option to connect your talk navigation with Bluetooth earphones.
Method 1: Check the Volume Level
This is a common mistake among users. Low or muted volumes can fool anyone into believing there is an error in the Google Maps app. If you are facing an issue with the talk navigation, the first step should be to check your volume level.
Another usual mistake is to keep the talk navigation muted. A lot of people forget to unmute the voice icon and as a result, fail to hear anything. These are some of the preliminary solutions to solve your problem without delving into the more technical ones. Check for these two simple mistakes and if the problem persists, then check out the solutions discussed further.
For Android, follow these steps:
1. Everyone knows how to increase the volume of their device; by clicking the upper volume button and make it to the highest level.
2. Ensure if Google Maps works fine now.
3. Another way is to navigate to Settings.
4. Search for Sound and vibration.
5. Check for your mobile’s media. Ensure it is at the highest level and is not muted or in silent mode.
6. If your media volume is less or zero, you may not hear the voice instructions. Hence adjust it to the highest level.
7. Open Google Maps and try now.
For iOS, follow these steps:
1. If your phone has a very low volume, you won’t be able to use voice navigation properly.
2. To increase the volume of your device, just click the upper volume button and make it to the highest level.
3. Open the iPhone Control Center.
4. Increase your volume level.
5. In some cases, even though your phone’s volume is full, your voice navigation might not have full volume access. Many iPhone users report this problem. To resolve this, just gear up the volume bar when you are using voice guidance assistance.
Method 2: Unmute Voice Navigation
Google Maps always enables voice navigation by default, but sometimes it may be disabled accidentally. Here are some methods that demonstrate how to unmute voice navigation in Android and iOS.
For Android, follow these steps:
1. Launch the Google Maps application.
2. Search for your destination.
3. Click on the speaker symbol as follows.
4. Once you click the speaker icon, there are symbols that can mute/unmute the voice navigation.
5. Click on the Unmute button (the last speaker icon).
For iOS, follow these steps:
The above procedure also works for iOS. Clicking on the “unmute speaker symbol” will turn ON your voice navigation, and if you are an iPhone user, you could do this in another way.
1. Launch the Google Maps application.
2. Search for your destination.
3. Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture on the home page.
4. Click on Navigation.
5. When you click on it, you can unmute your voice navigation by tapping on the unmute symbol.
Now you have successfully fixed your voice navigation by unmuting your voice guidance in iOS.
Method 3: Increase the Volume of Voice Navigation
Unmuting voice navigation will help you in most situations. But in some cases, adjusting the voice guidance volume will also help the user facing the “Google Maps is not talking” issue. Here are some steps to implement this in Android and iOS as well.
For Android, follow these steps:
1. Launch the Google Maps application.
2. Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture on the home page.
3. Enter Navigation settings.
4. Set the volume of voice guidance to the LOUDER option.
For iOS, follow these steps:
The same procedure applies here.
1. Launch the Google Maps application.
2. Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture on the home page.
3. Enter into Navigation settings.
4. Set the volume of voice guidance to the LOUDER option.
Method 4: Toggle ON Voice over Bluetooth
When a wireless device like Bluetooth or wireless headphones is connected to your device, you might face an issue in your voice navigation functionality. If these devices are not configured correctly with your mobile, then Google’s voice guidance will not work well. Here is how to fix it:
For Android, follow these steps:
1. Launch your Google Maps.
2. Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture on the home page.
3. Enter into Navigation settings.
4. Toggle ON the following options.
For iOS, follow these steps:
The same procedure works here.
1. Launch the Google Maps application.
2. Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture on the home page.
3. Enter into Navigation settings.
4. Toggle ON the following options:
- Play voice over Bluetooth
- Play voice during phone calls
- Play audio cues
5. Enabling “Play voice during phone calls” will let you play navigation instructions even if you are on a phone call.
You can even hear the Google voice navigation through your Bluetooth car’s speaker.
Method 5: Clear Cache
Clearing cache is probably the most common fix for all problems on the phone. While clearing the cache, you can clear data as well to improve the app’s efficiency. Follow these steps to clear cache from your Google Maps app:
1. Go to the settings menu.
2. Tap on the Apps option.
3. Open App Manager and locate Google Maps.
4. On opening Google Maps, go to the storage section.
5. You will find the options to Clear Cache as well as to Clear Data.
6. Once you perform this operation, see if you’re able to fix Google Maps not talking on Android issue.
Also Read: Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10
Method 6: Pair Bluetooth Properly
Oftentimes, the problem with talk navigation is related to the Bluetooth audio device. Make sure that your earphones are connected properly. The problem can arise if you have not enabled pairing with the Bluetooth device. Make sure that the Bluetooth device that you are using is paired properly and that the volume control on the device is set to a proper audible level.
If the proper connection is not established between your device and Bluetooth, then Google Maps’ voice guidance will not work. The fix for this issue is to disconnect your device re-connect it again. This will work most of the time when you are connected with Bluetooth. Please turn OFF your connection and use your phone’s speaker for a while and try to reconnect it again. This works for both Android and iOS.
Method 7: Disable Play over Bluetooth
The error “Google Maps not talking in Android” can show up due to Bluetooth-enabled voiceover. If you are not using a Bluetooth device, then you should disable the talk navigation through the Bluetooth feature. Failing to do so will continue to create errors in voice navigation.
1. Open the Google Maps app.
2. Now tap on the account icon on the top-right hand side of the screen.
3. Tap on the Settings option.
4. Go to the Navigation Settings section.
5. Now simply toggle off the option for “Play voice over Bluetooth”.
Method 8: Update the Google Maps App
If you have tried the above steps and continue to face the error “Google Maps not talking on Android”, then you should look for updates in the play store. If the app has some bugs, then the developers will fix those bugs and send updates to your app store for a better version. This way, you can automatically resolve the problem without any other workarounds.
1. Open Playstore.
2. Tap on the three vertical lines on the top left-hand side.
3. Now tap on “My Apps and Games”.
4. Go to the Installed tab and search for Maps and tap on the Update button.
5. Once the app gets updated, try using it once again and see if the issue has been resolved.
Method 9: Perform a System Update
If you still face a voice guidance issue after updating the Google Maps application, there are chances that performing a system update might fix this issue. In some cases, it may not support some features of Google Maps. You can overcome this by updating your OS version to the current version.
For Android, follow these steps:
1. Go to your device Settings.
2. Go to System and select Advanced settings.
3. Click on System update.
4. Wait for your device to be updated and relaunch Google Maps on your Android.
For iPhone, follow these steps:
1. Go to your device Settings.
2. Click on General and navigate to Software Update.
3. Wait for updation and relaunch it on your iOS.
If your iPhone is running in the current version, you will be notified with a prompt. Else, check for updates and need to download and install the required updates.
Method 10: Reinstall the Google Maps application
If you have tried all the methods mentioned above and did not know why your voice guidance is not working, try uninstalling your Google Maps and re-install it again. In this case, all the data associated with the application will be deleted and reconfigured. Hence, there are many possibilities that your Google Map will function effectively.
Recommended: 3 Ways to Check Screen Time on Android
These were the ten effective ways to fix the “Google Maps not talking” issue. At least one of these methods will help you to resolve the issue for sure. If you have any questions regarding unmuting the voice guidance on Google Maps, please let us know in the comment section.