即使没有任何编码经验,您也可以轻松添加GIF 。(GIFs)这篇文章将教您将GIF添加到您的电子邮件中,并将其与您的营销活动正确整合。

静态图像与 GIF(Static Image vs. GIF)
图形交换格式(Graphic Interchange Format)( GIF ) 是一种数字图像格式,自 1987 年Compuserve开发它以来一直存在。它类似于翻书,其中单个图像用多个帧进行编码。

Litmus的2020 年电子邮件状态(2020 State of Email by) 研究发现,大约 51% 的营销人员在他们的一些电子邮件中使用GIF(GIFs)。
Dell XPS 12 Convertible Ultrabook是在电子邮件中使用GIF(GIFs)的显着成功之一。戴尔的电子邮件策略师David Sierk在 2012 年发送的电子邮件中包含一个GIF,展示了超极本如何从笔记本电脑过渡到平板电脑。
戴尔(Dell)的转化率增长了 103%,使超极本的收入翻了一番。

尼尔森诺曼集团(Nielsen Norman Group)的一项研究发现,人们对不使用动画GIF(GIFs)的电子邮件有更积极的反应。虽然最好谨慎使用GIF(GIFs)并仅用于特定目的,但执行良好且位置完美的GIF可以将您的电子邮件阅读器变成付费客户。
电子邮件中的 GIF 如此神奇的 4 个原因(4 Reasons Why GIFs in Emails Work Like Magic)
大多数电子邮件客户端都支持GIF文件格式, (GIF)Outlook 2007到 2016 桌面版除外。您还可以从应用程序上的桌面和移动电子邮件客户端或直接从客户的网站查看它们。
- GIF 吸引了读者的注意力(GIFs Grabs the Reader’s Attention)
在您的电子邮件中添加GIF(GIFs)可以帮助吸引客户的注意力。这样做,您可以让他们按照您的行动(Action)呼吁( CTA ) 采取行动。
- 它可以简化复杂的想法。(It can Simplify Complex Ideas.)

- GIF 可以帮助展示产品和服务。(GIFs can Help Demonstrate Products and Services.)
- 它可以让您的读者对您的新内容感到兴奋。 (It can Make Your Readers Excited about Your New Content. )
在电子邮件中添加 GIF 时要记住的 7 件事(7 Things to Remember When Adding a GIF to an Email)
1. 使用支持 GIF 的电子邮件客户端。(1. Use an Email Client that Supports GIFs.)发送电子邮件时,请确保收件人使用支持GIF(GIFs)的电子邮件服务。幸运的是,除了Outlook 2007到 2016之外,几乎所有的电子邮件客户端都可以发送和接收带有GIF的电子邮件。(GIFs)
2. 不要使用不专业的 GIF。(2. Don’t Use an Unprofessional GIF.)在使用GIF(GIF)之前,请始终问自己是否适合您的观众。确保(Make)GIF看起来很专业。
3. 将您的 GIF 与 CTA 匹配。(3. Match your GIFs with a CTA.)除了展示您的产品或服务之外, GIF(GIFs)的最佳用途之一是引导读者使用CTA。您的GIF必须包含一条消息,说明他们在阅读电子邮件后应该做什么,无论是点击链接还是查看您的报价。

4. 不要添加没有目的或背景的 GIF。(4. Don’t Add a GIF without a Purpose or Context.)GIF必须有助于您的内容的整体目的,无论是通知还是娱乐。如果没有,它可能会将客户赶走而不是吸引他们。同样(Again),最好对您的目标受众进行彻底的研究。
5. 创建自定义 GIF,而不是使用在线可用的内容(5. Create Custom GIFs Instead of Using What’s Available Online)。使用流行的GIF(GIFs)可能很诱人,因为它们具有吸引注意力的能力。但是,最好创建一个反映您的营销信息 的自定义GIF 。
6. 不要添加加载缓慢的 GIF。(6. Don’t Add a Slow Loading GIF. )在上传之前,请(Make)确保GIF快速加载且动画流畅。(GIF)如果有任何帧出现冻结,请检查GIF文件大小,并在可能的情况下减小它。GIF文件不应大于 2.5 MB,以便它可以快速加载到阅读器的屏幕上并无缝动画。
7. 仅对 GIF 的一部分进行动画处理。(7. Animate Just One Part of the GIF.)一些读者发现GIF 让人(GIFs)分心。如果您不想在客户消化电子邮件的要点时打扰他们,请尝试仅对GIF的一部分进行动画处理。这样,他们仍然可以在欣赏GIF(GIFs)动画的同时专注于电子邮件的信息。
如何在电子邮件中插入 GIF(How to Insert GIFs in Emails)

添加 GIF(adding a GIF)时,请注意以下事项以确保将其正确添加到电子邮件中。
在 Gmail 中添加 GIF(Adding a GIF in Gmail)
- 选择电子邮件中最适合 GIF的部分。(GIF)
- 单击插入照片(Insert Photo )(不是附件)。

- 从您的计算机或Google+相册中选择GIF文件,然后点击Upload。

- 您还可以使用对齐(Align)按钮 修改GIF在电子邮件正文中的位置。
在 Outlook 中添加 GIF(Adding a GIF in Outlook)
- 单击(Click)要放置GIF的电子邮件部分。
- 选择内嵌图片(Insert Pictures Inline)。

- 从您的计算机中选择一个 GIF。
- 单击电子邮件(Email)页面 底部的插入按钮。(Insert)
在 Yahoo Mail 中添加 GIF(Adding a GIF in Yahoo Mail)
- 通过选择撰写(Compose)按钮 创建电子邮件。
- 单击(Click)要嵌入GIF的部分。
- 选择底部工具栏上的GIF图标。(GIF)从流行的GIF(GIFs)集合中选择一个GIF以插入到您的电子邮件中。

- 要更改GIF的大小,请将鼠标悬停在图片上。
- 单击GIF(GIF)右上角的三点图标,然后选择Small或Large。

在电子邮件中嵌入 GIF(Embedding a GIF in Email)
您还可以按照以下步骤将 GIF 嵌入电子邮件中。(embed a GIF)对于此方法,您需要GIF的链接或来源。
- 在电子邮件正文中,粘贴以下代码:

- 更改用引号括起来的值。对于img src ,将其更改为您要添加 的GIF的链接。
- 您可以根据自己的喜好 更改宽度(width)和高度的值。(height )
- 您还可以将alt更改为GIF的替代文本,如果您希望GIF有边框(border),请将其值更改为 1。

创建 GIF 的最佳软件(Best Softwares for Creating a GIF)
如果您有Adobe Animation(Adobe Animation)和Photoshop CS6等动画软件,则创建GIF相对容易。但是,如果您没有可以运行这些程序的 PC 或设备,您可以尝试以下替代方法:
- Wondershare Filmora
- 天才运动
- 光景
- GIF朋友
- 皮卡松
- MakeaGIF
- 瘸子
The Best Way to Add a GIF to Your Emails
Marketing emails cаn sometimes be bland. So, how do you improve an email other than well-written content? Try adding a GIF.
You can easily add GIFs even without any coding experience. This post will teach you to add a GIF to your emails and properly integrate it with your marketing campaign.

Static Image vs. GIF
Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) is a digital image format that has been around since 1987 when Compuserve developed it. It is similar to a flipbook where a single image is encoded with multiple frames.
Unlike static images or pictures, a GIF has a short animation that lasts for a few seconds and is often looped. Some of the most effective GIFs only have certain parts with motions, and the whole image needn’t be animated.

The 2020 State of Email by Litmus study found that about 51 percent of marketers use GIFs in some of their emails.
The Dell XPS 12 Convertible Ultrabook is one of the notable successes of using GIFs in emails. The 2012 email sent by David Sierk, Dell’s email strategist, contained a GIF that showcases how the ultrabook transitions from a laptop to a tablet.
Dell saw an increase of 103% increase in conversion, which doubled the ultrabooks’ revenue.

A study by the Nielsen Norman Group found that people have a more positive reaction to emails not using animated GIFs. While it would be best to use GIFs sparingly and only for specific purposes, a well-executed and perfectly placed GIF can turn your email readers into paying customers.
4 Reasons Why GIFs in Emails Work Like Magic
Most email clients support the GIF file format, except for Outlook 2007 to 2016 desktop. You can also view them from desktop and mobile email clients on the app or directly from the client’s website.
- GIFs Grabs the Reader’s Attention
Adding GIFs to your email can help grab the customer’s attention. In doing so, you can make them act towards your Call to Action (CTA).
- It can Simplify Complex Ideas.
GIFs can illustrate complex processes or instructions without too much wordiness in the email.

- GIFs can Help Demonstrate Products and Services.
GIFs can help introduce innovative products that people might be unfamiliar with and showcase their unique features in seconds.
- It can Make Your Readers Excited about Your New Content.
GIFs are great for previewing things to come, such as an upcoming show or product. Because you aren’t limited to one static image, it can make your audience curious using multiple teasers in just one animation.
7 Things to Remember When Adding a GIF to an Email
1. Use an Email Client that Supports GIFs. When sending an email, make sure that the recipients use email services that support GIFs. Fortunately, almost all email clients can send and receive emails with GIFs, except for Outlook 2007 to 2016.
2. Don’t Use an Unprofessional GIF. Always ask yourself if a GIF is appropriate for your audience before using it. Make sure the GIF looks professional.
3. Match your GIFs with a CTA. One of the best uses of GIFs, aside from demonstrating your product or service, is to guide the reader to a CTA. Your GIF must contain a message of what they should do after reading the email, whether it’s following a link or viewing your offer.

4. Don’t Add a GIF without a Purpose or Context. A GIF must contribute to your content’s overall purpose, whether it’s to inform or entertain. If it doesn’t, it may drive customers away rather than luring them in. Again, it’s best to conduct thorough research about your target audience.
5. Create Custom GIFs Instead of Using What’s Available Online. It can be tempting to use popular GIFs because of their attention-grabbing power. However, it’s best to create a custom GIF that reflects your marketing message.
6. Don’t Add a Slow Loading GIF. Make sure a GIF loads quickly and animates smoothly before you upload it. If any frames appear to be freezing, examine the GIF file size and, if possible, reduce it. The GIF file should be no larger than 2.5 MB so that it quickly loads on the reader’s screen and animates seamlessly.
7. Animate Just One Part of the GIF. Some readers find GIFs distracting. If you don’t want to disturb your customers while they digest the gist of the email, try animating only a part of the GIF. This way, they can still focus on the message of the email while appreciating the GIFs animation.
How to Insert GIFs in Emails

Inserting GIFs in your email is pretty straightforward. First, you will need a short animated video to create or download through websites like Giphy.
When adding a GIF, note the following to ensure you add it correctly to an email.
Adding a GIF in Gmail
- Select a part of the email where the GIF is most suited.
- Click Insert Photo (not Attachment).

- Choose the GIF file from your computer or Google+ album and hit Upload.

- You can also modify the placement of your GIF into the email’s body using the Align button.
Adding a GIF in Outlook
- Click on the email section where you want to place the GIF.
- Select Insert Pictures Inline.

- Select a GIF from your computer.
- Click the Insert button at the bottom of the Email page.
Adding a GIF in Yahoo Mail
- Create an email by selecting the Compose button.
- Click the part where you want to embed the GIF.
- Select the GIF icon at the bottom toolbar. Choose a GIF from the collection of popular GIFs to insert in your email.

- To change the size of the GIF, hover your mouse on the picture.
- Click the three-dot icon on the upper right corner of the GIF and select Small or Large.

Embedding a GIF in Email
You can also embed a GIF into an email by following the steps below. For this method, you need the link or the source of the GIF.
- In the body of the email, paste this code:
<img src=”https://online-tech-tips.com/bestpic.gif” width=”200″ height=”300″ alt=”OTTGIF” border=”0″>

- Change the value enclosed in quotation marks. For the img src, change it with the link of the GIF you want to add.
- You can change the values of width and height per your preference.
- You can also change alt as the alternative text of the GIF, and if you want the GIF to have a border change its value to 1.

Best Softwares for Creating a GIF
Creating a GIF is relatively easy if you have animation software such as Adobe Animation and Photoshop CS6. However, if you don’t own a PC or a device that can run these programs, you can try the following alternatives:
- Wondershare Filmora
- Gifted Motion
- Photoscape
- GIFPal
- Picasion
- MakeaGIF
- Gimp
What do you think about inserting GIFs into emails? Comment your thoughts below.