日历(Calendar)应用程序的流行度正在迅速增长,这得益于先进的功能,可以非常方便地跟踪事件和管理我们的日程安排。您必须在打印的日历上手动写下事件或使用计划器来安排会议的日子已经一去不复返了。这些高级应用程序会自动与您的电子邮件同步并将事件添加到日历中。他们还会及时提醒您,以确保您不会错过任何重要的会议或活动。现在,在这些应用程序中,最耀眼和最受欢迎的是谷歌日历(Google Calendar)。谷歌(Google)制造的并非所有东西都是黄金,但这个应用程序确实如此。特别是对于使用Gmail的人来说,这个应用程序非常适合。
谷歌日历是来自(Google Calendar)谷歌(Google)的一个非常有用的实用程序。其简单的界面和一系列有用的功能使其成为使用最广泛的日历应用程序之一。Google 日历(Google Calendar)适用于Android和Windows。这使您可以将您的笔记本电脑或计算机与您的手机同步,并随时随地管理您的日历活动。它很容易访问,制作新条目或编辑是小菜一碟。但是,就像其他所有应用程序一样,Google 日历(Google Calendar)有时可能会出现故障。无论是由于更新错误还是设备设置中的某些问题;谷歌日历(Google Calendar)有时停止工作。这对于最终用户来说非常不方便。因此,在本文中,如果您发现Google 日历无法正常工作,我们将教您如何修复它。(Google Calendar)
如何修复无法在 Android 上运行的 Google 日历(How to Fix Google Calendar Not Working on Android)
解决方案 1:重新启动您的设备(Solution 1: Restart your Device)
解决方案 2:确保您的 Internet 工作正常(Solution 2: Make sure that your Internet is working properly)
Google 日历(Google Calendar)的主要功能与您的Gmail同步,并根据通过电子邮件收到的邀请自动在日历上添加事件。为此,Google 日历需要稳定的互联网连接。(To do so, Google Calendar requires a stable internet connection.)如果您未连接到Wi-Fi或蜂窝网络或互联网无法正常工作,则该应用程序将无法运行。从通知面板(Drag)下拉,打开快速(Quick)设置菜单,查看是否开启了Wi-Fi。
如果您已连接到网络,并且它显示出适当的信号强度,那么是时候测试它是否具有互联网连接。最简单的方法是打开YouTube并尝试播放任何视频。如果它在没有缓冲的情况下播放,那么互联网工作正常,问题是别的。如果没有,请尝试重新连接到Wi-Fi或切换到您的移动数据。之后,检查Google 日历(Google Calendar)是否正常工作。
解决方案 3:清除 Google 日历的缓存和数据(Solution 3: Clear Cache and Data for Google Calendar)
每个应用程序都以缓存文件的形式保存一些数据。当这些缓存文件损坏时,问题就开始了。Google 日历(Google Calendar)中的数据丢失可能是由于损坏的残留缓存文件干扰了数据同步过程。因此,所做的新更改不会反映在Calendar上。要修复 Google 日历无法在 Android 上运行的问题,(To fix Google Calendar not working on Android issue,)您可以随时尝试清除应用程序的缓存和数据。按照以下步骤清除Google 日历(Google Calendar)的缓存和数据文件。
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 点击应用(Apps)选项。
3. 现在,从应用程序列表中选择Google 日历(Google Calendar)。
4. 现在,单击存储(Storage)选项。
5. 您现在将看到清除数据和清除缓存(clear data and clear cache)的选项。点击相应的按钮,这些文件将被删除。
6. 现在,退出设置并再次尝试使用Google 日历(Google Calendar),看看问题是否仍然存在。
解决方案 4:更新应用程序(Solution 4: Update the App)
您可以做的下一件事是更新您的应用程序。无论(Irrespective)您遇到何种问题,从Play 商店(Play Store)更新都可以解决。一个简单的应用更新通常可以解决问题,因为更新可能会附带错误修复以解决 Google 日历无法正常工作的问题。(resolve Google Calendar not working issue.)
1. 前往Play 商店(Play Store)。
2. 在左上角,你会发现三条水平线(three horizontal lines)。点击它们。
3. 现在,单击“我的应用程序和游戏”(“My Apps and Games”)选项。
4. 搜索谷歌日历(Google Calendar)并检查是否有任何待处理的更新。
5. 如果是,则单击更新(update)按钮。
6. 应用程序更新后,再次尝试使用它并检查您是否能够修复 Google 日历无法在 Android 上运行的问题。( fix Google Calendar not working on Android issue.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Android 上恢复丢失的 Google 日历活动(Restore Missing Google Calendar Events on Android)
解决方案 5:更新 Android 操作系统(Solution 5: Update the Android Operating system)
故障可能不在于Google 日历(Google Calendar)应用,而在于Android操作系统本身。有时,当操作系统更新挂起时,以前的版本可能会出现一些错误。待更新的更新可能是Google 日历(Google Calendar)无法正常工作的一个原因。让您的软件保持最新始终是一个好习惯。这是因为,随着每次新的更新,该公司都会发布各种补丁和错误修复,以防止此类问题发生。因此,我们强烈建议您将操作系统更新到最新版本。
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 点击系统(System)选项。
3. 现在,点击软件更新( Software update)。
4. 您将找到检查软件更新(Check for Software Updates)的选项。点击它。
5. 现在,如果您发现有可用的软件更新,请点击更新选项。
7. 之后,打开谷歌日历(Google Calendar),看看它是否正常工作。
解决方案 6:检查日期和时间设置(Solution 6: Check Date and Time Settings)
可能导致Google 日历(Google Calendar)无法正常工作的一个通常被忽略的因素是您设备上的日期和时间不正确。信不信由你,但日期和时间设置对谷歌日历(Google Calendar)的同步能力有重要影响。因此,确保正确设置日期和时间始终是明智之举。最好的办法是设置启用自动日期和时间设置。您的设备现在将从您的运营商处接收数据和时间数据,这将是准确的。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
2. 现在点击系统(System)选项。
3. 之后,点击日期和时间(Date and time)选项。
4. 在这里,打开自动设置(Set automatically)选项旁边的开关。
5. 在此之后重新启动您的设备,然后检查Google 日历(Google Calendar)是否正常工作。
解决方案 7:重新安装 Google 日历(Solution 7: Re-Install Google Calendar)
如果上述方法都不起作用,那么可能是时候重新开始了。继续并卸载该应用程序,然后稍后再次安装。(Go ahead and uninstall the app and then install it again later.)这样做可能会解决更新未能解决的任何技术故障。它还将确保应用程序故障不是由冲突的设置或权限引起的。在某些Android设备中,Google 日历(Google Calendar)是预装的应用程序,无法完全删除。但是,您仍然可以卸载应用程序的更新。下面给出了这两种情况的分步指南。
2. 现在点击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3. 之后,滚动已安装应用程序列表以查找Google 日历(Google Calendar),然后点击它以打开应用程序(App)设置。
4. 在这里,点击卸载按钮(Uninstall button)。
5. 但是,如果您的设备上预装了Google 日历,您将找不到(Google Calendar)卸载按钮(Uninstall button)。在这种情况下,点击屏幕右上角的菜单选项(三个垂直点),然后选择卸载更新(Uninstall updates)选项。
6. 卸载应用程序后,重新启动设备。
7. 现在打开 Play Store,搜索 Google Calendar 并安装它。(search for Google Calendar and install it.)
8. 首次打开应用程序时,请确保授予所有权限请求。
9. 一切设置好后,检查Google 日历(Google Calendar)是否正常工作。
解决方案 8:为 Google 日历下载并安装旧版 APK(Solution 8: Download and Install an Older APK for Google Calendar)
如果上述方法都不起作用,那么罪魁祸首肯定是进入最新更新的错误。谷歌(Google)可能需要一些时间来注意到这一点,然后修复它。在此之前,该应用程序将继续出现故障。您唯一能做的就是等待带有错误修复的新更新。在此之前,还有一种替代方法是使用APK文件下载并安装较旧的稳定版Google 日历。(Google Calendar)您可以从APKMirror(APKMirror)找到稳定且值得信赖的APK文件。现在,由于您将使用Chrome等浏览器下载(Chrome)APK文件,因此您需要启用从未知来源(Unknown Sources)安装铬(Chrome)。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1. 打开手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在点击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3.滚动(Scroll)浏览应用程序列表并打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
4. 现在在Advanced settings下,您将找到Unknown Sources选项。点击它。
5. 在这里,打开开关以启用使用 Chrome 浏览器下载的应用程序的安装。( toggle the switch on to enable the installation of apps downloaded using the Chrome browser.)
之后,下一步是从APKMirror下载Google Calendar的(Google Calendar)APK 文件(APK file)。下面给出的步骤将在此过程中为您提供帮助。
1. 首先,使用Chrome(Chrome)等网络浏览器访问 APKMirror 的网站。您可以通过直接单击此处(here)来执行此操作。
2. 现在搜索谷歌日历(Google Calendar)。
4.向下滚动(Scroll)一点,寻找至少几个月前的版本,然后点击它( tap on it)。请注意,APKMirror上也提供 beta 版本,我们建议您避免使用它们,因为 beta 版本通常不稳定。
5. 现在单击“查看可用的 APKS 和捆绑包”( “See Available APKS and Bundles”)选项。
7. 现在按照屏幕上的说明并同意下载文件。
8.您将收到一条警告,指出 APK 文件可能有害。(You will receive a warning that states the APK file might be harmful.)忽略这一点并同意将文件保存在您的设备上。
9. 现在转到下载(Downloads)并点击您刚刚下载的APK 文件(APK file)。
10. 这将在您的设备上安装应用程序。
11.现在打开新安装的应用程序,看看它是否正常工作。如果您仍然遇到问题,那么您可以尝试下载更旧的版本。(then you can try to download an even older version.)
12. 该应用程序可能会建议您更新到最新版本,但请注意不要这样做。只要您愿意,就可以继续使用旧版应用程序,或者直到新的更新包含错误修复为止。
13. 此外,在此之后禁用 Chrome 的未知来源设置(disable the Unknown sources setting for Chrome)是明智的,因为它可以保护您的设备免受有害和恶意应用程序的侵害。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 与其他人共享您的 Google 日历(Share Your Google Calendar With Someone Else)
解决方案 9:从网络浏览器访问 Google 日历(Solution 9: Access Google Calendar from a web browser)
如果上述方法都不起作用,则意味着该应用程序存在严重错误。然而,幸运的是谷歌日历(Google Calendar)只是一个应用程序。它可以方便地从网络浏览器访问。我们建议您在应用程序的问题得到解决时执行此操作。请按照以下步骤使用基于 Web 的Google 日历(Google Calendar)客户端。
1.在您的手机上打开谷歌浏览器。(Google Chrome)
2. 现在点击屏幕右上角的菜单按钮(三个垂直点)(menu button (three vertical dots)),然后从下拉菜单中选择桌面站点(Desktop site)。
3. 之后,搜索谷歌日历(Google Calendar)并打开它的网站。
4. 您现在可以像以前一样使用Google 日历的所有功能和服务了。(Google Calendar)
如何在 PC 上修复 Google 日历无法正常工作的问题(How to Fix Google Calendar Not Working issue on a PC)
如前所述,Google Chrome不仅限于Android智能手机,您还可以在计算机上使用它,也可以通过 chrome 等网络浏览器使用它。如果您在计算机上使用Google Chrome(Google Chrome)时遇到问题,那么有几个简单的解决方案。在本节中,我们将提供逐步指南来解决Google 日历(Google Calendar)无法正常工作的问题。
方法 1:更新您的 Web 浏览器(Method 1: Update your Web browser)
如果Google 日历(Google Calendar)无法在您的计算机上运行,则可能是由于网络浏览器过时所致。将其更新到最新版本并帮助解决问题并让您享受Google 日历(Google Calendar)的所有功能。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1、为了便于理解,我们以谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)为例。
2.在您的计算机上打开Google Chrome ,然后点击屏幕右上角的菜单选项(三个垂直点) 。(menu option (three vertical dots))
3. 从下拉菜单中,单击帮助(Help)并选择关于 Google Chrome(About Google Chrome)选项。
4.它会自动搜索更新。如果您发现任何待处理的更新,请单击(Click)安装按钮。(install button)
5. 再次尝试使用谷歌日历(Google Calendar),看看问题是否仍然存在。
方法 2:确保您的 Internet 工作正常(Method 2: Make sure that your Internet is working properly)
就像Android应用程序一样,您需要稳定的互联网连接才能正确使用Google 日历(Google Calendar)。确保打开 YouTube 并尝试在其上播放视频。除此之外,您还可以在线搜索任何内容,看看是否可以打开其他随机网站。如果事实证明互联网连接不佳或没有互联网连接是所有问题的原因,请尝试重新连接到Wi-Fi网络。如果这不起作用,那么您需要重置您的路由器。最后一种选择是致电网络服务提供商并要求他们修复它。
Method 3: Disable/Delete Malicious Extensions
谷歌日历(Google Calendar)不起作用的原因可能是恶意扩展。扩展程序是Google 日历(Google Calendar)的重要组成部分,但有时,您下载的某些扩展程序并没有考虑到您的计算机的最佳意图。确保最简单的方法是切换到隐身浏览并打开Google 日历(Google Calendar)。当您处于隐身模式时,扩展程序将不会处于活动状态。如果谷歌日历(Google Calendar)工作正常,那么这意味着罪魁祸首是一个扩展。请按照以下步骤从Chrome中删除扩展程序。
1. 在您的计算机上打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
2. 现在点击菜单按钮并从下拉菜单中选择更多工具。(More tools)
3. 之后,单击扩展(Extensions)选项。
4. 现在disable/delete最近添加的扩展,尤其是您在此问题开始出现时添加的扩展。
5. 删除扩展程序后,检查Google 日历(Google Calendar)是否正常工作。
方法 4:清除浏览器的缓存和 Cookie(Method 4: Clear Cache and Cookies for your Browser)
如果上述方法都不起作用,那么是时候清除浏览器的缓存文件和 cookie 了。由于Google 日历(Google Calendar)在隐身模式下工作,但不是在正常模式下,下一个可能的问题原因是 cookie 和缓存文件。请按照以下步骤将它们从您的计算机中删除。
1.首先,在您的计算机上打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
2. 现在点击菜单按钮并从下拉菜单中选择更多工具。(More tools)
3. 之后,单击清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)选项。
4. 在时间范围下,选择所有时间(All-time)选项并点击清除数据按钮(Clear Data button)。
5. 现在检查谷歌日历(Google Calendar)是否正常工作。
至此,我们到了本文的结尾。我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助。如果您仍然无法解决 Google 日历无法正常工作的问题,则可能是由于 Google 端的服务器相关问题。(If you are still unable to fix the problem of Google Calendar not working, then it is probably due to a server related issue on Google’s end.)您唯一能做的就是写信给 Google 的支持中心并报告此问题。希望(Hopefully)他们能正式承认该问题并迅速解决该问题。
Google Calendar Not Working? 9 Ways to Fix it
The popularity of Calendar aрps is growing rapidly, owing to the advanced features that make it verу convenient to keep traсk of events and manage our schedule. Gone are the days when you had to manually writе down events on a printed calеndar or use а planner to sсhedule your meetings. These advanced apps automatically sync with your email and add eνents to thе calendar. Τhey also give timely reminders to ensure that you do not miss out on any important meеting or activity. Now, out of these apps, one that shіnes brightest and is most popular is Google Calendar. It might be true that not everythіng thаt Google makes is gold, but this app is. Especially for people using Gmaіl, this app is the perfect fit.
Google Calendar is an extremely useful utility app from Google. Its simple interface and array of useful features make it one of the most widely used calendar apps. Google Calendar is available for both Android and Windows. This allows you to sync your laptop or computer with your mobile and manage your calendar events anytime and anywhere. It is easily accessible, and making new entries or editing is a piece of cake. However, just like every other app Google Calendar might malfunction at times. Be it due to a buggy update or some problem in the device settings; Google Calendar stops working at times. This makes it very inconvenient for the end-user. Therefore, in this article, we are going to teach you how to fix Google Calendar if you ever find out that it is not working.
How to Fix Google Calendar Not Working on Android
Solution 1: Restart your Device
Whenever you are facing any problem on your mobile, be it related to a particular app or some other issue like the camera not working, or speakers not working, etc. try restarting your device. The good old turning it off and on again treatment can solve a variety of different problems. Due to this reason, it is the first item on our list of solutions. Sometimes, all that your device needs are a simple reboot. So, press and hold the power button until the power menu pops up on the screen and then tap on the restart button.
Solution 2: Make sure that your Internet is working properly
The main function of Google Calendar in sync with your Gmail and automatically add events on the calendar based on the invites received via email. To do so, Google Calendar requires a stable internet connection. If you are not connected to a Wi-Fi or cellular network or the internet is not working, then the app won’t work. Drag down from the notification panel to open the Quick settings menu and check whether or not the Wi-Fi is enabled.
If you are connected to a network, and it shows proper signal strength, then it is time to test whether or not it has internet connectivity. The simplest way to do this is by opening YouTube and trying to play any video. If it plays without buffering, then the internet is working fine, and the problem is something else. If not then try reconnecting to the Wi-Fi or switching to your mobile data. After that, check whether Google Calendar is working or not.
Solution 3: Clear Cache and Data for Google Calendar
Every app saves some data in the form of cache files. The problem starts when these cache files get corrupted. The loss of data in Google Calendar might be due to corrupted residual cache files that are interfering with the process of data synchronization. As a result, new changes made aren’t being reflected on the Calendar. To fix Google Calendar not working on Android issue, you can always try clearing the cache and data for the app. Follow these steps to clear the cache and data files for Google Calendar.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the Apps option.
3. Now, select Google Calendar from the list of apps.
4. Now, click on the Storage option.
5. You will now see the options to clear data and clear cache. Tap on the respective buttons, and the said files will be deleted.
6. Now, exit the settings and try using Google Calendar again and see if the problem persists.
Solution 4: Update the App
The next thing that you can do is to update your app. Irrespective of whatever kind of problem you are facing, updating it from the Play Store can solve it. A simple app update often solves the problem as the update might come with bug fixes to resolve Google Calendar not working issue.
1. Go to the Play Store.
2. On the top left-hand side, you will find three horizontal lines. Click on them.
3. Now, click on the “My Apps and Games” option.
4. Search for Google Calendar and check if there are any pending updates.
5. If yes, then click on the update button.
6. Once the app gets updated, try using it again and check if you’re able to fix Google Calendar not working on Android issue.
Also Read: Restore Missing Google Calendar Events on Android
Solution 5: Update the Android Operating system
It is possible that the fault isn’t with the Google Calendar app but the Android operating system itself. Sometimes when an operating system update is pending, the previous version might get a little buggy. The pending update could be a reason behind Google Calendar not working properly. It is always a good practice to keep your software up to date. This is because, with every new update, the company releases various patches and bug fixes that exist to prevent problems like this from happening. Therefore, we would strongly recommend you to update your operating system to the latest version.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the System option.
3. Now, click on the Software update.
4. You will find an option to Check for Software Updates. Click on it.
5. Now, if you find that a software update is available, then tap on the update option.
6. Wait for some time while the update gets downloaded and installed.
7. After that, open Google Calendar and see if it is working properly or not.
Solution 6: Check Date and Time Settings
A commonly ignored factor that might be responsible for Google Calendar not working is the incorrect date and time on your device. Believe it or not, but the date and time settings have an important impact on the sync ability of Google Calendar. Therefore, it is always wise to make sure that the date and time are set properly. The best thing to do is set to enable the automatic date and time setting. Your device will now receive data and time data from your carrier, and that will be accurate. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the System option.
3. After that, tap on the Date and time option.
4. Here, toggle on the switch next to Set automatically option.
5. Restart your device after this and then check if Google Calendar works properly.
Solution 7: Re-Install Google Calendar
If none of the above methods works, then it is probably time for a fresh start. Go ahead and uninstall the app and then install it again later. Doing so might solve any technical glitch that an update failed to resolve. It will also make sure that the app malfunction is not caused by conflicting settings or permissions. In some Android devices, Google Calendar is a pre-installed app and cannot be removed completely. However, you can still uninstall updates for the app. Given below is a step-wise guide for both the scenarios.
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the Apps option.
3. After that, scroll through the list of installed apps to look for Google Calendar and then tap on it to open the App settings.
4. Here, tap on the Uninstall button.
5. However, if Google Calendar was pre-installed on your device that you will not find an Uninstall button. In this case, tap on the menu option (three vertical dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen and select the Uninstall updates option.
6. Once the app has been uninstalled, restart your device.
7. Now open Play Store, search for Google Calendar and install it.
8. When you open the app for the first time, make sure to grant all the permission requests.
9. Once everything is set up, check whether Google Calendar is working properly or not.
Solution 8: Download and Install an Older APK for Google Calendar
If none of the above methods works, then the culprit is most certainly a bug that made its way into the latest update. Google might take some time to notice this and then fix it. Until then, the app will continue to malfunction. The only thing that you can do is wait for a new update with bug fixes. Until then, there is an alternative which is to download and install the older stable version of Google Calendar using an APK file. You can find stable and trustworthy APK files from APKMirror. Now since you’ll be downloading the APK file using a browser like Chrome, you need to enable installation from Unknown Sources setting for Chrome. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Open Settings on your phone.
2. Now tap on the Apps option.
3. Scroll through the list of apps and open Google Chrome.
4. Now under Advanced settings, you will find the Unknown Sources option. Click on it.
5. Here, toggle the switch on to enable the installation of apps downloaded using the Chrome browser.
After that, the next step is to download the APK file for Google Calendar from APKMirror. Given below are the steps that will help you in the process.
1. Firstly, go to APKMirror’s website using a web browser like Chrome. You can do that by directly clicking here.
2. Now search for Google Calendar.
3. You will find many versions arranged according to their release date with the latest one on the top.
4. Scroll down a little and look for a version that is at least a couple of months old and tap on it. Take note that beta versions are also available on APKMirror and we could recommend you to avoid them as beta versions aren’t usually stable.
5. Now click on the “See Available APKS and Bundles” option.
6. An APK file has multiple variants, select the one that is suitable for you.
7. Now follow the on-screen instructions and agree to download the file.
8. You will receive a warning that states the APK file might be harmful. Ignore that and agree to save the file on your device.
9. Now go to Downloads and tap on the APK file that you just downloaded.
10. This will install the app on your device.
11. Now open the newly installed app and see if it works properly or not. If you are still facing problems, then you can try to download an even older version.
12. The app might recommend you to update to the latest version but take note not to do that. Keep using the older app for as long as you want or until a new update comes with bug fixes.
13. Also, it would be wise to disable the Unknown sources setting for Chrome after this as it protects your device against harmful and malicious apps.
Also Read: Share Your Google Calendar With Someone Else
Solution 9: Access Google Calendar from a web browser
If none of the above methods works, then it means that there is some serious bug with the app. However, thankfully Google Calendar is just an app. It can be conveniently accessed from a web browser. We would suggest you do that while the issue with the app gets fixed. Follow the steps given below to use the web-based client for Google Calendar.
1. Open Google Chrome on your mobile.
2. Now tap on the menu button (three vertical dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen and from the drop-down menu select Desktop site.
3. After that, search for Google Calendar and open its website.
4. You will now be able to use all the features and services of Google Calendar, just like old times.
How to Fix Google Calendar Not Working issue on a PC
As mentioned earlier, Google Chrome is not just restricted to Android smartphones, and you can use it on a computer as well via a web browser like chrome. If you are facing problem while using Google Chrome on your computer, then are several simple solutions. In this section, we are going to provide a step-wise guide to fix the Google Calendar not working issue.
Method 1: Update your Web browser
If Google Calendar is not working on your computer, then it is probably due to an outdated web browser. Updating it to its latest version and help resolve the issue and allow you to enjoy all the functionalities of Google Calendar. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. For the ease of understanding, we will take Google Chrome as an example.
2. Open Google Chrome on your computer and tap on the menu option (three vertical dots) on the top-right hand side of the screen.
3. From the drop-down menu, click on Help and select About Google Chrome option.
4. It will automatically search for updates. Click on the install button if you find any pending updates.
5. Try using Google Calendar again and see if the problem persists or not.
Method 2: Make sure that your Internet is working properly
Just like the Android app, you will need a stable internet connection to use Google Calendar properly. To make sure open YouTube and try playing a video on it. Apart from that, you can also search for anything online and see if you can open other random websites. If it turns out that poor or no internet connection is the cause of all trouble, then try reconnecting to the Wi-Fi network. If that doesn’t work, then you need to reset your router. The last alternative would be to call the network service provider and ask them to fix it.
Method 3: Disable/Delete Malicious Extensions
It is possible that the reason behind Google Calendar not working is a malicious extension. Extensions are an important part of Google Calendar, but sometimes, you download certain extensions that don’t have the best intentions in mind for your computer. The easiest way to make sure is to switch to incognito browsing and open Google Calendar. While you are in incognito mode, the extensions won’t be active. If Google Calendar works properly, then it means that the culprit is an extension. Follow the steps given below to delete an extension from Chrome.
1. Open Google Chrome on your computer.
2. Now tap on the menu button and select More tools from the drop-down menu.
3. After that, click on the Extensions option.
4. Now disable/delete recently added extensions, especially the ones that you added around the time when this problem began to occur.
5. Once the extensions have been removed, check if Google Calendar works properly or not.
Method 4: Clear Cache and Cookies for your Browser
If none of the above methods works, then it is time to clear cache files and cookies for your browser. Since Google Calendar works in incognito mode but not in normal mode, the next possible cause of the problem is the cookies and cache files. Follow the steps given below to remove them from your computer.
1. Firstly, open Google Chrome on your computer.
2. Now tap on the menu button and select More tools from the drop-down menu.
3. After that, click on the Clear browsing data option.
4. Under the time range, select the All-time option and tap on the Clear Data button.
5. Now check if Google Calendar is working properly or not.
With that, we come to the end of this article. We hope that you find this information helpful. If you are still unable to fix the problem of Google Calendar not working, then it is probably due to a server related issue on Google’s end. The only thing that you can do is write to Google’s support center and report this issue. Hopefully, they will formally acknowledge the issue and deliver a speedy fix for the same.