虽然这是一个好消息,但它很容易让人不知所措。你选择其中哪一个?什么应该是您的最佳选择?如果你想知道同样的事情,不要害怕,我的朋友。我在这里为您提供所有这些帮助。在本文中,我将与您讨论2022 年市场上10 款适用于Android的最佳免费清洁应用程序。(Android)我将告诉你每一个细节和信息。当你读完这篇文章时,你不需要知道其他任何东西。所以一定要坚持到底。现在,不再浪费时间,让我们开始吧。继续阅读。
2022 年适用于 Android 的 10 款最佳免费清洁器应用程序(10 Best Free Cleaner Apps for Android in 2022)
现在,我们将看看互联网上适用于Android的 10 款最佳免费清洁应用程序。(Android)阅读以找出答案。
1.清洁大师(1.Clean Master)
首先(First),我要和你谈谈的免费安卓清洁器应用程序叫做 Clean (Android)Master。该应用程序已从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载超过 10 亿次。这应该会给你一些关于它的受欢迎程度和可靠性的想法。该应用程序具有大量惊人的功能。它会清除您Android设备中的所有垃圾文件。除此之外,还有一个防病毒选项。除此之外,您还可以获得有关延长电池寿命和提高性能的帮助。该应用程序的开发人员声称他们将继续实时更新防病毒功能,以便该应用程序始终能够处理最新的恶意文件以及安卓(Android)恶意软件。
借助此应用程序,您可以摆脱广告中的所有垃圾,应用程序中的垃圾数据。除此之外,该应用程序还允许您从Android设备中删除所有系统缓存。独特之处在于,尽管该应用程序会删除所有垃圾数据,但它不会删除您的个人数据,例如视频和照片。除了所有这些之外,还有另一个名为“Charge Master”的选项,可让您在屏幕的状态栏上查看电池充电状态。
尽管这还不够,Game Master选项确保游戏加载速度更快且没有任何滞后,从而增加了它的优势。Wi-Fi 安全功能会检测并警告您任何可疑的 Wi-Fi 连接。不仅如此,还有一个集成的应用程序锁定功能,有助于确保所有应用程序的安全。
Download Clean Master
2.Cleaner for Android – 最好的无广告清洁剂(2.Cleaner for Android – Best ad-free cleaner)
您(Are)是否正在寻找一款没有任何广告的Android清洁器应用程序?(Android)你来对地方了,我的朋友。让我向您介绍适用于Android的(Android)Cleaner,它是您能找到的最好的无广告清洁器。该应用程序也称为Systweak Android清洁器,可用于清洁这反过来又提高了您正在使用的Android设备的速度。(Android)除此之外,它还优化了电池,延长了它的寿命。除此之外,还有另一个功能称为重复文件(Duplicate Files)以及文件资源管理器(File Explorer),可帮助您删除冗余文件和重复文件。
该应用程序还释放设备的RAM。因此,每次玩游戏时,游戏体验都会变得更好。除此之外,该应用程序还可以组织您曾经发送和接收的所有文件,无论是任何类型的 - 音频、视频、图像等等 - 这样每当出现空间不足的问题时,您都可以在一处查看所有文件并删除文件,您不想再保留在设备上。除此之外,这个隐藏模块还允许您查看、重命名、存档甚至删除您存储在设备上的任何隐藏文件。
Download Cleaner For Android
3.机器人优化器(3.Droid Optimizer)
另一个绝对值得您花时间和关注的Android免费清洁器应用程序是Droid Optimizer。该应用程序也已从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载超过一百万次。该应用程序的用户界面 (UI) 很简单,而且非常易于使用。除此之外,还有一个介绍屏幕,它将掌握所有功能和权限。这就是为什么我要向那些刚刚起步或对技术知之甚少的人推荐这个应用程序的原因。
独特的“排名系统”旨在激励您将设备保持在最佳状态。要开始清理过程,您只需在屏幕上点击一次。这就对了; 该应用程序将负责该过程的其余部分。您将能够在屏幕顶部看到统计数据。除此之外,您还可以查看可用RAM以及磁盘空间以及“排名”分数。不仅如此,您进行的每项清理操作都会在排名得分功能上获得积分。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 2020 年 8 款最佳 Android 相机应用(8 Best Android Camera Apps of 2020)
如果您没有时间每天执行清理操作怎么办?好吧,Droid Optimizer也有这个问题的答案。该应用程序上有一项功能可让您安排定期和自动清理过程。借助此应用程序,您可以清除缓存、删除不再需要的任何文件,甚至停止在后台运行的应用程序。除此之外,还有一个名为“晚安调度程序”的功能,用于节省能源。该应用程序通过在一段时间内自行处于非活动状态时禁用 Wi-Fi 等功能来实现这一点。批量删除应用程序功能可帮助您在几秒钟内获得可用空间,从而增加其优势。
Download Droid Optimizer
4.多合一工具箱(4.All-in-one Toolbox)
Download All In One ToolBox
CCleaner是一种广泛使用的Android清洁器应用程序,也是目前互联网上最好的应用程序之一。Piriform 拥有该应用程序。借助此应用程序,您可以清理手机的RAM,删除垃圾以创建更多空间,并在此过程中提高手机的整体性能。该应用程序不仅适用于Android操作系统,而且还兼容Windows 10 PC,甚至 macOS。
除此之外,您可以在此应用程序的帮助下同时卸载多个不同的应用程序。想知道您正在使用的手机空间是如何被利用的吗?存储分析器(Storage Analyzer)功能为您提供了相同的详细概念,从而为您提供了覆盖。
Download CCleaner
6.Cache Cleaner - DU Speed Booster
我要与您讨论的下一个Android清洁器应用程序是(Android)Cache Cleaner – DU Speed Booster and Cleaner。该应用程序既可以删除手机中的所有垃圾,也可以用作防病毒应用程序。因此,您可以将其视为整体增强Android(Android)设备的一站式解决方案。
该应用程序释放了RAM,同时清理了几个不需要的后台应用程序。这反过来又提高了Android设备的速度。除此之外,它还会清除所有缓存以及临时文件、已过时的 apk 文件和残留文件。除此之外,您还可以扫描所有现有应用程序、最近安装的应用程序,甚至是存储卡上的所有数据和文件。
Download DU Cache Cleaner
7.SD女仆(7.SD Maid)
SD Maid是另一个值得您花时间和关注的免费Android清洁应用程序。用户界面 (UI) 很简单,而且很简约。打开应用程序后,您将看到四个快速功能,可帮助您清洁正在使用的Android设备。
Download SD Maid
8.诺顿安全与防病毒(8.Norton Security and Antivirus)
如果你不是生活在岩石下——我很确定你不是——你确实知道诺顿(Norton)的名字。在 PC 的安全世界中,它既古老又值得信赖。现在,他们终于意识到了智能手机领域的巨大市场,并推出了自己的安全、杀毒和清洁应用程序。
Download Norton Mobile Security And Antivirus
9.去速度(9.Go Speed)
您是否正在寻找一款轻量级的Android 清洁器应用程序?(Android cleaner app)你来对地方了,我的朋友。请允许我向您介绍Go Speed。该应用程序非常轻巧,因此占用的手机内存空间更少。开发人员声称该应用程序的效率比几乎所有更清洁和助推器应用程序的效率高 50%。这背后的原因显然是防止应用程序自动启动的功能。用于构建应用程序的高级监控技术实现了同样的目标。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 和 iPhone 的 8 个最佳换脸应用程序(8 Best Face Swap Apps for Android & iPhone)
Download Go Speed
10.强力清洁(10.Power Clean)
最后但并非最不重要的一点,让我们将注意力转向免费的Android清洁器应用程序Power Clean。该应用程序轻巧、快速且高效。它可以帮助您清理残留文件,提高手机的速度,从而提高整体性能。
先进的垃圾清理引擎可清除所有垃圾文件、残留文件和缓存。除此之外,手机内存和存储空间也可以通过在屏幕上单击来清理。先进的内存清理器有助于进一步优化手机的存储空间。除此之外,您还可以在此应用程序的帮助下删除 apk 文件以及重复的照片。
Download Power Cleaner
10 Best Free Cleaner Apps For Android in 2022
The digital revolution has completely changed the face of our lives. Now, we cannot dream оur lives without an Android smartphone, and for good reason. These Android smartphones are actually good enough that yоu do not need to perfоrm daily maintenance on them. However, it is a good idea to clean them up every once in a while. Otherwise, the notifications, cache files, and other junk can make your system heaνy. This, in turn, is going to cause your device to lag, and in some cases, even cause the life of your smartphone to shorten. That iѕ where Android free cleaner apps come in. They can help you to clean all the junk. Therе is a wide range of them out there оn the internet.
While that is a piece of good news, it can be pretty overwhelming quite easily. Which one among them do you choose? What should be the best option for you? In case you are wondering the same things, do not be afraid, my friend. I am here to help you with all of that. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the 10 best free cleaner apps for Android in 2022 that are out there in the market. I am going to tell you every little detail and information about each one of them as well. By the time you finish reading this article, you are not going to need to know anything else. So make sure to stick to the end. Now, without wasting any more time, let us begin. Keep on reading.
10 Best Free Cleaner Apps for Android in 2022
Now, we are going to take a look at the 10 best free cleaner apps for Android out there on the internet. Read along to find out.
1.Clean Master
First of all, the free Android cleaner app I am going to talk to you about is called Clean Master. The app has been downloaded for more than a billion times from the Google Play Store. That should give you some ideas about its popularity as well reliability. The app comes with tons of amazing features. It cleans all the junk files from your Android device. In addition to that, there is an option for antivirus as well. Along with that, you can also get help for enhanced battery life as well as boosted performance. The developers of the app have claimed that they are going to keep updating the antivirus feature in real-time so that the app is always able to handle the latest malicious files along with the Android malware.
With the help of this app, you can get rid of all the junk from ads, junk data from apps. Apart from that, the app also enables you to remove all the system cache from your Android device. The unique thing is although the app removes all the junk data, it does not delete your personal data such as videos and photos. In addition to all of these, there is also another option called ‘Charge Master’ that lets you see the battery charging status on the status bar of the screen.
As of all of it was not enough, the Game Master option sees to it that games load faster and without any lags, adding to its benefits. The Wi-Fi security feature detects and warns you of any suspicious Wi-Fi connections. Not only that, but there is also an integrated app lock feature that helps in keeping all the apps safe.
Download Clean Master
2.Cleaner for Android – Best ad-free cleaner
Are you looking for an Android cleaner app that comes without any ads? You are in the right place, my friend. Let me present to you the Cleaner for Android, which is the best ad-free cleaner you will ever going to find. Also called Systweak Android cleaner, the app works on cleaning This, in turn, enhances the speed of the Android device you are using. In addition to that, it also optimizes the battery, prolonging its life. Along with that, there is another feature called Duplicate Files as well as File Explorer that helps you to remove redundant as well as duplicate files.
The app also frees up the RAM of the device. As a result, the gaming experience gets much better every time you play. In addition to that, the app also organizes all the files you have ever sent as well as received, be it of any kind – audio, video, image, and many more – so that whenever there is an issue of low space you could just view all of the files at one place and delete the files, you would not like to keep on your device anymore. Along with that, this hidden module also enables you to view, rename, archive, or even delete any hidden files that you stored on your device over time.
The app also a feature where you schedule cleaning operations on a regular basis. In addition to that, the hibernation module optimizes the battery life by hibernating the apps you are not using at the moment.
Download Cleaner For Android
3.Droid Optimizer
Another Android free cleaner apps that are definitely worth your time as well as attention is the Droid Optimizer. This app too, has been downloaded more than a million times from the Google Play Store. The user interface (UI) of the app is simple, as well as extremely easy to use. In addition to that, there is also an introduction screen that is going to handhold through all the features as well as permissions. That is why I am going to recommend this app for those who are only starting out or to those who have little knowledge regarding technology.
A unique ‘ranking system’ is in place with the aim of motivating you keeping your device in the best possible shape. To start the cleanup process, all you need to do is tap once on the screen. That is it; the app is going to take care of the rest of the process. You are going to be able to see the stats at the top of the screen. In addition to that, you can also view the free RAM as well as disk space along with the ‘rank’ score. Not only that, you are going to receive points on the rank score feature for every cleanup action you carry on.
Also Read: 8 Best Android Camera Apps of 2020
What if you do not have the time to perform a cleanup operation every day? Well, the Droid Optimizer has an answer to that question as well. There is a feature on the app that is going to allow you to schedule a regular as well as an automated cleanup process. With the help of this app, you can clear the cache, remove any files that are not needed anymore, and even stop apps running in the background. In addition to that, there is also a feature called ‘Good night scheduler’ for conserving energy. The app does so by disabling features such as your Wi-Fi when it is inactive for a period of time on its own. The mass-delete apps feature helps you get free space in a matter of seconds, adding to its benefits.
Download Droid Optimizer
4.All-in-one Toolbox
This app is, in general, what its name suggests – All-in-one. It is an efficient as well as versatile Android booster app. The toolbox feature mimics the model of many other apps. The quick one-tap booster lets you remove cache, background apps, and clean up memory. In addition to that, features such as file manager, CPU cooler that stops background apps for reducing the CPU load, thereby reducing its temperature, and app manager are also present. The ‘Easy Swipe’ feature, on the other hand, pops up a radial menu on the screen. This menu helps you to access utilities from the home screen or other apps within no time. On the downside, the organization of the features of the app could have been much better. They are scattered all over along with several different tabs as well as a vertical feed.
Download All In One ToolBox
CCleaner is a widely used and one of the best Android cleaner app that is up there on the internet as of now. Piriform owns the app. With the help of this app, you can clean the RAM of your phone, delete junk to create more space, and improve the overall performance of the phone in the process. The app does not only work with the Android operating system, but it is also compatible with Windows 10 PCs, and even macOS.
In addition to that, you can uninstall several different apps at the same time with the help of this app. Want to have an idea of how the space of the phone you are using is being utilized? The Storage Analyzer feature has got you covered by giving you a detailed idea of the same.
Not only that, but the app also comes loaded with a system monitoring tool, apart from all the standard cleaning features. This new feature helps you to keep track of the CPU usage by multiple apps, the amount of RAM they each consume, and the temperature level of the phone at any given point. With the regular updates, it gets better and better.
Download CCleaner
6.Cache Cleaner – DU Speed Booster
The next Android cleaner app I am going to talk to you about is Cache Cleaner – DU Speed Booster and Cleaner. The app works both on removing all the junks from your phone along with working as an antivirus app. Therefore, you can consider it a one-stop solution for the overall enhancement of your Android device.
The app frees up RAM, along with cleaning several unwanted background apps. This, in turn, enhances the speed of the Android device. In addition to that, it also cleans all the cache as well as temp files, apk files that have become obsolete, and the residual files. Along with that, you can scan all your existing apps, apps that you have recently installed, and even all the data and files on your memory card.
As if all of that was not enough, the Android cleaner app also acts as a network booster. It checks all the network status that includes networking devices, Wi-Fi security, download speed, and many more. Also, the CPU cooler feature spots as well as clean apps, thereby reducing overheating.
Download DU Cache Cleaner
7.SD Maid
Another free Android cleaning app that deserves your time as well as attention is the SD Maid. The user interface (UI) is simple, along with being minimalistic. Once you open the app, you are going to see four quick features that are going to help you clean the Android device you are using.
The first of those features is called CorpseFinder. What it does is searching for and removing any orphaned files or folders that have been left after deleting an app. In addition to that, another feature named SystemCleaner is also a search and delete tool. However, it deletes only that general files and folders that the app thinks is safe to delete.
The third feature AppCleaner executes the same action for the apps present on your phone. However, keep in mind that you are going to have to buy the premium version to use this app. In addition to that, you can also make use of the Database feature for optimizing any app database that you are using.
Some other features include a mass app deletion feature in case you want more space in your phone as well as a storage analysis feature for finding and removing files that are larger in size.
Download SD Maid
8.Norton Security and Antivirus
In case you are not living under a rock – which I am pretty sure you are not – you do know the name of Norton. It is old as well as a trusted name in the security world of PCs. Now, they have finally realized the huge market in the field of smartphones and has come with their own security, antivirus, and cleaner app.
The app is second to none when it comes to protecting the phone from viruses as well as malware. In addition to that, there are also a few of ‘find my phone’ tools along with amazing anti-theft features. In case you would like to make use of the added features of the privacy report as well as app advisor for better assessment of the risks posed by your apps, you would have to buy a subscription package to the premium version.
Download Norton Mobile Security And Antivirus
9.Go Speed
Are you searching for an Android cleaner app that is lightweight? You are in the right place, my friend. Allow me to introduce to you Go Speed. The app is extremely lightweight, thereby taking less space in your phone memory. The developers have claimed that the app is 50% more efficient than almost all of the cleaner and booster apps. The reason behind this apparently is the feature of preventing apps from auto-starting. The advanced monitoring technique with which the app has been built achieves the same.
Also Read: 8 Best Face Swap Apps for Android & iPhone
There is an in-built terminator that stops all the bloatware from running in the background. In addition to that, there is an app manager that helps you in managing apps that you hardly ever use. The app performs a deep cleaning of the storage space that includes cleaning cache as well as temp files and removing the junk files from your phone. As if all of it was not enough, there is a floating widget that allows you to check the memory status of your phone in real-time.
Download Go Speed
10.Power Clean
Last but not the least, let us turn our attention towards the free Android cleaner app Power Clean. The app is lightweight, fast, and efficient. It can help you to clean residual files, boost the speed of the phone, and thereby improving the overall performance.
The advanced junk cleaner engine removes all the junk files, residual files, and cache. In addition to that, the phone memory, as well as storage space, can also be cleaned by a single tap on the screen. The advanced memory cleaner helps in optimizing the storage space of the phone further. In addition to that, you can also remove apk files as well as duplicate photos with the help of this app.
Download Power Cleaner
So, guys, we have come towards the end of the article. It is now time to wrap it up. I hope the article has provided you with a value that you needed and was worth your time as well as attention. Now that you have the necessary knowledge make sure to put it to the best possible use. In case you think I have missed a specific point or if you would like me to talk about some other topic, do let me know. Until next time, stay safe, take care, and bye.