小米以其智能手机而闻名,很少有西方用户知道该公司还生产许多其他产品,包括一些无线路由器。我们最近拿到了小米 Mi 路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)。这款WiFi 路由器(WiFi router)售价不到 40美元(USD),看起来像是一款高级设备。但它对网络有好处吗?要找出这个问题的答案,请阅读我们的评论:
小米 Mi 路由器 3 (Xiaomi Mi Router 3) AC1200:它对谁有好处?
小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)适用于:
- 设备数量少的小型公寓和网络
- 预算非常低的人
- 没有速度超过 100 Mbps 的 Internet 连接的用户
- 比网络功能和性能更看重颜值的人
注意:(NOTE:)我们收到了来自Gearbest.com的(Gearbest.com)小米 Mi 路由器 3 (Xiaomi Mi Router 3) AC1200 无线(AC1200 wireless)路由器进行测试。这是一家提供优惠价格和国际免费送货的在线商店(online shop)。您可以从这里以(here)折扣价(discount price)购买这款路由器。
小米路由器3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)有以下优点:
- 价格非常实惠
- 看起来不错
- 它提供了一个用于远程管理的移动应用程序
- 用户界面很漂亮
- 它在 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段上提供良好的速度
- 它包含比市场上大多数 AC1200 路由器更多的功能
- 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段的表现令人失望
- 用户界面(user interface)仅提供英文和中文(English and Chinese)版本。有些应用程序只有中文
- 您需要一个Windows应用程序(Windows app)才能访问此路由器上的USB存储(USB storage),这是中文的
- 无法使用速度超过 100 Mbps 的互联网连接
- 它不能安装在墙上
- 它只有两个以太网(Ethernet)端口,最大工作速度为 100 Mbps
小米路由器3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)是一款不平衡的产品。一方面,它得益于精美的设计和美观的用户界面(user interface)。这款产品看起来比实际贵很多,而且它包含一些在AC1200 无线(AC1200 wireless)路由器上很少见的功能,例如从移动应用程序进行远程管理。此外,它在 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)上提供的性能也不错。然而,5 GHz上的(GHz)WiFi则完全不同,因为我们的测试公寓(test apartment)中有房间无法使用。此外,与智能家居领域(home space)的其他供应商相比,它缺乏语言支持(language support). 它不能使用速度超过 100 Mbps的互联网连接这一事实对我们来说是一个很大的缺点,以太网(Ethernet)连接仅以 100 Mbps而不是 1 Gbps的速度工作的事实也是如此。即使这款路由器非常实惠,您也可以以相似的价格找到更好的选择。
拆箱小米 Mi 路由器 3 (Xiaomi Mi Router 3) AC1200 无线(AC1200 wireless)路由器
小米路由器 3 (Xiaomi Mi Router 3) AC1200 无线(AC1200 wireless)路由器采用白色薄纸盒包装(cardboard box)。您可以在顶部看到设备图片、公司徽标(company logo)和少量信息。
在包装盒的背面,您可以看到有关该产品主要功能的信息。打开包装盒,您可以看到无线路由器(wireless router),包装精美。
打开所有东西,你会发现以下物品:小米路由器3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)路由器、电源适配器(power adapter)、保修和产品手册。不幸的是,没有捆绑网络电缆。(network cable)
小米提供的开箱体验令人愉快。但是,该包装缺少以太网电缆。如果您打算将台式电脑连接到小米路由器 3,则需要单独购买一台。(The unboxing experience offered by Xiaomi is enjoyable. However, the package lacks an Ethernet cable. You need to purchase one separately if you plan to connect a desktop computer to the Xiaomi Mi Router 3.)
小米路由器3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)是一款外观精美的无线路由器(wireless router),外置四根不可拆卸天线。路由器的涂层是防刮的,可以防止指纹的出现。小米 Mi 路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)有一个联发科 MT7620 SoC(MediaTek MT7620 SoC)(片上系统(System-on-a-chip)),运行频率为 580 MHz,128 MB RAM和 128 MB固件存储空间(storage space)。它支持 802.11ac 和 802.11n 无线标准。
2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)的理论最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)为 300 Mbps,5 GHz 频段(GHz band)为867 Mbps。在路由器的背面,我们有以下项目:Reset插孔、一个USB 2.0端口、两个以 100 Mbps工作的以太网(Ethernet)端口、用于将路由器连接到互联网的WAN 端口(它以 100 (WAN port)Mbps的速度工作),以及电源(Power)插孔。与其他路由器相比,小米路由器3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)没有WPS和电源(Power)按钮。
通风格栅位于路由器底部,确保小米路由器3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)在运行过程中不会过热。正如您在下面看到的,它没有用于将其安装在墙上的孔。它只能放置在平面上。
正如您在我们的图片中看到的,小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)小巧轻便。它的宽度、深度和高度为 7.6 x 5.11 x 0.93 英寸或 195×130×24 毫米。它的重量也只有 7 盎司或 200 克。路由器的前面板有一个报告其状态的三色LED 。如果出现网络故障(network failure)或其他设备登录(device logs),指示灯会以相应的颜色闪烁。该路由器上没有其他LED 和灯,一些用户会欣赏这一点。(LEDs and lights)
如果您想阅读该产品的所有官方规格,请访问此页面:小米路由器 3 规格(Xiaomi Mi Router 3 Specifications)。
设置和使用小米路由器 3 (Xiaomi Mi Router 3) AC1200 无线(AC1200 wireless)路由器
您可以像设置任何其他无线路由器(wireless router)一样设置小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)。您可以连接到其默认的无线广播(default wireless broadcast),也可以使用必须单独购买的网线连接台式电脑。(network cable)连接电脑后,在您喜欢的浏览器中加载路由器的(web browser)IP地址(IP address)(或mifi.com 。同意服务条款,并提供您要求的将路由器连接到互联网的详细信息。
小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)建立网络连接后,会要求您设置无线网络(wireless network)名称和密码(name and password)。遗憾的是,您不能为两个无线频段设置不同的名称和密码:2.4 GHz和 5 GHz。小米对两个频率使用相同的密码,并在 5 GHz 频段的(GHz band)网络广播(network broadcast)名称中添加“_5G” 。但是,您可以稍后从管理用户界面更改此设置。
然后会要求您更改管理员密码(administrator password)。不幸的是,您无法更改用户名。无论您做什么,都不要将此密码设置为与您的WiFi 密码(WiFi password)相同。
下一步,小米(Xiaomi)建议您在智能手机上下载MiWiFi 应用程序(MiWiFi app)。如果需要,请执行此操作,然后加载管理用户界面。正如您在下面看到的,小米(Xiaomi)在用户界面方面做得很好。它看起来很棒,而且组织得很好。初学者和临时用户会喜欢它并在设置网络时感到轻松。
一个小缺点是,当您更改重要设置时,路由器必须重新启动才能应用它们。好处是这个过程往往很快,大约在 30 到 40 秒内结束。我们立即注意到的另一个缺点是小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)只能使用速度高达 100 Mbps的互联网连接。我们(Ours)的有 1 Gbps,所以它被浪费在这个路由器上。
用户界面(user interface)虽然看起来很棒,但只有英文和中文(English and Chinese)版本。这可能是某些市场的一个重要缺点。一个积极的特点是帮助文档(help documentation)易于访问,并且很好地解释了配置小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)的更多技术问题。
在存储方面,小米(Xiaomi)采取了与其他公司不同的方法。当您通过USB 端口(USB port)连接外部硬盘时,路由器会检测到它并自动挂载它。但是,它不像其他无线路由器那样与网络共享。要访问和管理您的硬盘,您需要下载并安装适用于Windows的(Windows)Mi Router存储(Mi Router storage) 客户端应用程序(client app),或智能手机上的MiWiFi应用程序(MiWiFi app)。不幸的是,Windows 应用程序(Windows app)只有中文(Chinese)版,我们无法使用。因此,我们无法测试此路由器上USB 端口的速度。(USB port)
配置小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)后,我们将所有设备连接到它:台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机、智能插头、智能灯泡、无线打印机(wireless printer)和Xbox One控制台。我们在连接我们的设备时没有任何问题,并且我们能够轻松地执行网络传输。我们享受的速度在 2.4 GHz 频率(GHz frequency)上很好。我们能够通过网络传输媒体、共享文件和文件夹、创建家庭组(Homegroup)等等。
但是,5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频率上的性能相当差。在一些房间里,互联网几乎没有工作,而网络传输功能正常。此外,性能经常下降,困扰着我们的网络传输。您可以在下面看到我们与路由器在同一个房间执行的WiFi 网络传输的图形表示。(WiFi network)虽然平均速度不错,但在传输过程中突然下降。我们每天都遇到这个问题,整整一周我们都在测试小米路由器 3(Xiaomi Mi Router 3)。
小米路由器 3 的外观和设置都很漂亮。设置(Xiaomi Mi Router 3 is beautiful to look at, and to set up. The setup )过程(process )并不困难,但它不会让您在其他 AC1200 路由器上设置所有可以设置的内容。您必须进入管理用户界面,才能(is not difficult, but it does not let you set everything you can on other AC1200 routers. You have to enter the administration user interface so that you can )使(make )网络按照您想要的方式工作。在 2.4 GHz 频段上性能良好,在 5 GHz 频段上性能较差。(the network work the way you want to. Performance is good on the 2.4 GHz band, and rather poor on the 5 GHz band.)
如果您想了解有关此无线路由器(wireless router)的实际性能和我们的基准测试的更多信息,请阅读本评论的下一页。
Reviewing Xiaomi Mi Router 3: The most beautiful affordable wireless router!
Xiaomi is famous for itѕ smartphones and very few western userѕ know that the company makes many other products, іnсluding a couple of wіreless routers. We recentlу got our hands on a Xiaomi Mi Router 3. This WiFi router costs less than 40 USD, and it looks like a premium deνice. But is it any good at networking? To fіnd out the answer to thіs question, read our review:
Xiaomi Mi Router 3 AC1200: Who is it good for?
Xiaomi Mi Router 3 is a suitable choice for:
- Small-sized apartments and networks with a small number of devices
- People with a very low budget
- Users who do not have internet connections that are faster than 100 Mbps
- People who value good-looks more than networking features and performance
NOTE: We received the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 AC1200 wireless router for testing, from Gearbest.com. It is an online shop that offers excellent prices and international free shipping. You can buy this router at a discount price, from here.
Pros and cons
Xiaomi Mi Router 3 has the following positives:
- The price is very affordable
- It looks great
- It offers a mobile app for remote management
- The user interface is beautiful
- It offers good speeds on the 2.4 GHz wireless band
- It includes more features than most AC1200 routers on the market
There are also important downsides to consider:
- The performance on the 5 GHz wireless band is disappointing
- The user interface is available only in English and Chinese. Some apps are just in Chinese
- You need a Windows app to access the USB storage on this router, which is in Chinese
- It is incapable of using internet connections which are faster than 100 Mbps
- It cannot be mounted on walls
- It has only two Ethernet ports, and they work at a maximum of 100 Mbps
Xiaomi Mi Router 3 is an unbalanced product. On one hand, it benefits from beautiful design, and a great-looking user interface. This product looks a lot more expensive than it is, and it includes some features you rarely see on AC1200 wireless routers, like remote management from a mobile app. Also, the performance it offers on the 2.4 GHz band is good. However, the WiFi on the 5 GHz is completely different story, as we had rooms in our test apartment where it was unusable. Also, its language support is lacking, when compared to other vendors in the smart home space. The fact that it cannot use internet connections that are faster than 100 Mbps, is a big downside for us, and so is the fact that Ethernet connections work only at 100 Mbps, instead of 1 Gbps. Even though this router is very affordable, you can find better options, at a similar price.
Unboxing the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 AC1200 wireless router
The Xiaomi Mi Router 3 AC1200 wireless router comes in a thin white cardboard box. You can see a picture of the device on the top, the company logo, and little information.
On the back side of the box, you see information about this product's main features. Open the box, and you get to look at the wireless router, nicely packaged.
When you open everything, you find the following items: the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 router, the power adapter, the warranty and the product manual. Unfortunately, there is no network cable bundled.
The unboxing experience offered by Xiaomi is enjoyable. However, the package lacks an Ethernet cable. You need to purchase one separately if you plan to connect a desktop computer to the Xiaomi Mi Router 3.
Hardware specifications and design
Xiaomi Mi Router 3 is a beautiful wireless router with four external antennas which cannot be detached. The coating of the router is scratch-resistant and prevents the appearance of fingerprints. Xiaomi Mi Router 3 has a MediaTek MT7620 SoC (System-on-a-chip) running at 580 MHz, 128 MB of RAM, and 128 MB of storage space for the firmware. It offers support for the 802.11ac and 802.11n wireless standards.
The theoretical maximum bandwidth is 300 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band, and 867 Mbps for the 5 GHz band. On the back side of the router, we have the following items: the Reset jack, a USB 2.0 port, two Ethernet ports working at 100 Mbps, the WAN port for connecting the router to the internet (it operates at 100 Mbps), and the Power jack. Compared to other routers, the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 has no buttons for WPS and Power.
The ventilation grids are on the bottom of the router, and they ensure that the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 does not heat up too much during its operation. As you can see below, it has no holes for mounting it on walls. It can only be placed on flat surfaces.
As you have seen in our pictures, the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 is compact and lightweight. It is 7.6 x 5.11 x 0.93 inches or 195×130×24 mm in width, depth, and height. It also weighs just 7 ounces or 200 grams. The front panel of the router has a three-color LED that reports its status. If a network failure occurs or another device logs in, the indicator flashes with a corresponding color. There are no other LEDs and lights on this router, and some users will appreciate this.
If you would like to read all the official specifications of this product, go to this page: Xiaomi Mi Router 3 Specifications.
Setting up and using the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 AC1200 wireless router
You can set up the Xiaomi Mi Router 3 just like any other wireless router. You can connect to its default wireless broadcast, or you can connect a desktop PC using a network cable that you have to purchase separately. After your PC is connected, load the IP address of the router ( or mifi.com, in your favorite web browser. Agree to the terms of service, and provide the details requested of you for connecting the router to the internet.
After Xiaomi Mi Router 3 establishes a connection to the internet, it asks you to set up a name and password for the wireless network. Unfortunately, you cannot set different names and passwords for the two wireless bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Xiaomi uses the same password for both frequencies and adds "_5G" to the name of the network broadcast on 5 GHz band. However, you can change this later from the administration user interface.
You are then asked to change the administrator password. Unfortunately, you cannot change the username. Whatever you do, do not set this password to be the same as your WiFi password.
At the next step, Xiaomi recommends that you download the MiWiFi app on your smartphone. Do that, if you want, and then load the administration user interface. As you can see below, Xiaomi did a great job with the user interface. It looks great, and it is nicely organized. Beginners and casual users will love it and feel at ease when setting up their network.
One minor downside is that, when you change important settings, the router has to reboot to apply them. The upside is that this process tends to be fast, and it is over in about 30 to 40 seconds. Another downside that we immediately noticed is that Xiaomi Mi Router 3 can only use internet connections that are up to 100 Mbps in speed. Ours has 1 Gbps, so it was wasted on this router.
The user interface, while it looks great, is available only in English and Chinese. This may be an important downside in some markets. One positive feature is that the help documentation is easily accessible, and does a good job at explaining the more technical issues of configuring the Xiaomi Mi Router 3.
When it comes to storage, Xiaomi has a different approach from other companies. When you attach an external hard disk through the USB port, the router detects its and mounts it automatically. However, it does not share it with the network as other wireless routers do.To access and manage your hard disk, you need to download and install the Mi Router storage client app for Windows, or the MiWiFi app on your smartphone. Unfortunately, the Windows app is available only in Chinese, and we could not use it. Therefore, we could not test how fast the USB port is on this router.
After configuring the Xiaomi Mi Router 3, we connected all our devices to it: desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart plugs, a smart bulb, a wireless printer, and an Xbox One console. We had no issues in connecting our devices, and we were able to perform network transfers with ease. The speed we enjoyed was good on the 2.4 GHz frequency. We were able to stream media over the network, share files and folders, create a Homegroup, and so on.
However, the performance on the 5 GHz wireless frequency was rather poor. In some rooms, the internet barely worked, while network transfers were functional. Also, there were frequent drops in performance that plagued our network transfers. You can see below a graphical representation of a WiFi network transfer that we performed in the same room with the router. While the average speed was good, it had a sudden drop in the middle of the transfer. We encountered this issue daily, for the whole week we tested the Xiaomi Mi Router 3.
Xiaomi Mi Router 3 is beautiful to look at, and to set up. The setup process is not difficult, but it does not let you set everything you can on other AC1200 routers. You have to enter the administration user interface so that you can make the network work the way you want to. Performance is good on the 2.4 GHz band, and rather poor on the 5 GHz band.
If you would like to learn more about the real-life performance of this wireless router and our benchmarks, read the next page of this review.