一些 PC 用户在尝试使用媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)(选项设置为保留已安装的应用程序和文件)(Keep installed apps and files)从 Windows 7/8.1/10 升级到最新版本的 Windows 10时可能会遇到错误 0x80070004 – 0x3000D(error 0x80070004 – 0x3000D)。这篇文章旨在帮助遇到此问题的用户,提供他们可以尝试成功解决问题的解决方案。

Windows 10 Setup
We couldn’t install Windows 10
We’ve set your PC back to the way it was just before you started installing Windows 10.
0x80070004 – 0x3000D
The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during MIGRATE_DATA operation
Windows 10升级(Upgrade)安装错误 0x80070004 – 0x3000D
- 更改计算机名称(Change Computer Name)(如果适用)
- 验证用户文件夹的位置和用户配置文件的状态(User Profiles)
- 创建一个新的管理员帐户
- 删除名为 TODO 的文件
- 创建(Create)或修改(Modify)AllowOSUpgrade注册表项(AllowOSUpgrade)
- 直接下载Windows 10 ISO
- 全新安装 Windows 10。
1]更改计算机名称(Change Computer Name)(如果适用)
如果以下任何一项是您的计算机名称,那么您在将计算机升级到Windows 10时最有可能遇到(Windows 10)错误 0x80070004 – 0x3000D(error 0x80070004 – 0x3000D):
这些是保留名称,不得用于计算机(Computer)名称。因此(Hence),您需要更改要升级的Windows PC中的计算机名称。
2]验证(Verify)用户文件夹的位置和用户配置文件的状态(User Profiles)
可能是用户(Users)目录已移动或重新定位,并且Windows 10安装程序无法在 %systemdrive% (即安装当前操作系统的位置)上找到用户配置文件。此案例适用于Windows 7和Windows 8。
如果您有任何更改或移动了“用户”、“程序(Program)数据”或“程序(Program)文件”文件夹,或者操作系统的用户配置文件损坏,您可能会遇到此问题。因此(Hence),在升级到Windows 10之前,您需要重新安装或重置/修复您当前的操作系统。
但是,如果您没有移动任何文件夹,那么您的用户配置文件很可能已损坏。因此,您可以检查您的计算机是否有任何损坏的用户配置文件,而不是重新安装Windows 。就是这样:
- 按Windows key + R调用“运行”对话框。
- 在 Run 对话框中,键入
并按Enter打开System Properties。 - 在“高级( Advanced )”选项卡上,单击“用户配置文件”(User Profiles )部分下的“设置”(Settings )按钮。
- 在纸上记下您拥有的所有帐户,然后从您当前的用户帐户中退出并尝试登录您在计算机上拥有的帐户。
- 如果您在登录任何帐户时遇到错误,请返回用户配置文件(User Profiles)并删除该帐户。
此解决方案只需要您创建一个新的管理员帐户或启用内置管理员帐户(enable the inbuilt administrator account),然后登录该帐户并从那里执行Windows 10升级安装。
如果有任何机会,您 的计算机上安装了Orbx(Microsoft Flight Simulator)程序,那么您需要从 Orbx 文件夹中删除TODO文件。(TODO )
- 打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)或Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)并配置 Windows 7/8 以显示受保护的操作系统文件。
- 导航到以下目录:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Orbx
在上面的路径中,C 是安装Windows 7/8UserName是您的帐户名。
- 在ORBX文件夹下,检查是否有一个名为Todo的文件。如果文件存在,则删除该文件。
- 重新启动计算机。
重试Windows 10升级安装。该过程应该完成,没有任何错误。否则,继续下一个解决方案。

由于这是注册表操作,建议您备份注册表(back up the registry) 或 创建系统还原点 作为必要的预防措施。完成后,您可以执行以下操作:
- 按Windows key + R调用“运行”对话框。
- 在“运行”对话框中,键入
并按 Enter 以打开注册表编辑器(open Registry Editor)。 - 导航或跳转到下面的注册表项路径:
- 在该位置的右窗格中,双击AllowOSUpgrade条目以编辑其属性。
如果密钥不可用,请右键单击右侧窗格中的空白区域,然后选择New > DWORD (32-bit) Value。将值名称重命名为AllowOSUpgrade 并按 Enter。
- 双击(Double-click)新创建的条目以编辑其属性。
- 在数值数据字段中输入1 。
- 单击确定以保存更改。
- 重启你的电脑。
启动时,重试Windows 10升级安装。如果问题仍未解决,请尝试下一个解决方案。
6]直接下载Windows 10 ISO
出于某种原因,使用媒体创建(Media Creation)工具(即Windows 更新助手(Windows Update Assistant))可能会导致此问题。在这种情况下,您可以 直接从Microsoft网站下载 Windows 10 ISO 映像文件。将ISO下载到设备上的某个位置(最好是桌面)后,双击 ISO 映像将其安装为虚拟驱动器(double-click the ISO image to mount it as a virtual drive),然后双击setup.exe 文件开始就地升级过程。
注意(Note):如果您尝试从Windows 7升级,则需要第三方虚拟驱动器软件(third-party virtual drive software)来安装 ISO 映像。
7]全新安装Windows 10
如果一切都失败了,您可以在设备上全新安装 Windows 10(clean install Windows 10)。
类似的错误代码:(Similar Error Codes:)
0x80070004-0x3000D, Installation failed during MIGRATE_DATA operation
Some РC usеrs might encounter the error 0x80070004 – 0x3000D when trying to upgrade from Windows 7/8.1/10 to the latest version of Windows 10 using the Media Creation Tool with option set to Keep installed apps and files. This post is intended to help users that are experiencing this issue, with solutions they can try to successfully resolve the issue.

When you encounter this issue. you’ll receive the following full error message;
Windows 10 Setup
We couldn’t install Windows 10
We’ve set your PC back to the way it was just before you started installing Windows 10.
0x80070004 – 0x3000D
The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during MIGRATE_DATA operation
When you encounter this error, the installation will stop at a certain percentage and fail repeatedly whenever you try. Most
Windows 10 Upgrade install error 0x80070004 – 0x3000D
If you’re faced with this issue, you can try our recommended solutions below in no particular order and see if that helps to resolve the issue.
- Change Computer Name (if applicable)
- Verify the location of Users folder and the state of User Profiles
- Create a new Administrator account
- Delete the file named TODO
- Create or Modify the AllowOSUpgrade registry key
- Directly download the Windows 10 ISO
- Clean install Windows 10.
Let’s take a look at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions.
1] Change Computer Name (if applicable)
If the any of the following is your computer name, you’re most likely to encounter the error 0x80070004 – 0x3000D while upgrading your computer to Windows 10:
- System (or SYSTEM)
- Network
These are reserved names and must not be used for Computer name. Hence you need to change the computer name in the Windows PC you are upgrading from.
If you’re still unable to upgrade after these changes, you can try the next solution.
2] Verify the location of Users folder and the state of User Profiles
It might be that the Users directory was moved or relocated and Windows 10 installer couldn’t find user profiles on the %systemdrive% i.e. where the current operating system is installed. This case is applicable to both Windows 7 and Windows 8.
If you had any changes or moved your folders of “Users”, “Program Data” or “Program files”, or user profiles of the operating system got corrupted, you may encounter this issue. Hence before upgrading to Windows 10, you’re required to re-install or reset/repair your current operating system.
However, if you’ve not moved any of your folders, then it’s likely your user profiles are corrupted. So, rather than reinstalling Windows, you can check if your computer has any corrupt user profile. Here’s how:
- Press Windows key + R to invoke the Run dialog.
- In the Run dialog, type
and hit Enter to open System Properties. - On the Advanced tab, click Settings button available under User Profiles section.
- Make a note of all the accounts you have on a paper and then sign out from your current user account and try logging in the accounts you have on your computer.
- If you get error in logging in any of the account, come back to User Profiles and delete that account.
Once done, try the upgrade install again. If the issue persists, continue with the next solution.
3] Create a new Administrator account
This solution simply requires you to create a new administrator account or enable the inbuilt administrator account, then log into that account and perform the Windows 10 upgrade install from there.
4] Delete the file named TODO
If by any chance, you have Orbx (Microsoft Flight Simulator) program installed on your computer, then you need to delete the TODO file from the Orbx folder.
Do the following:
- Open up File Explorer or Windows Explorer and configure Windows 7/8 to show protected operating system files.
- Navigate to the following directory:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Orbx
In the above path, C is the drive where Windows 7/8 is installed, and UserName is your account name.
- Under ORBX folder, check if there is a file called Todo. If the file exists, delete the file.
- Restart computer.
Retry the Windows 10 upgrade install. The process should complete without any errors. Otherwise, proceed with the next solution.
5] Create or Modify the AllowOSUpgrade registry key

Since this is a registry operation, it is recommended that you back up the registry or create a system restore point as necessary precautionary measures. Once done, you can proceed as follows:
- Press Windows key + R to invoke the Run dialog.
- In the Run dialog box, type
and hit Enter to open Registry Editor. - Navigate or jump to the registry key path below:
- At the location, on the right pane, double-click the AllowOSUpgrade entry to edit its properties.
If the key is not available, right-click on the blank space on the right pane and then select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Rename the value name as AllowOSUpgrade and hit Enter.
- Double-click the newly created entry to edit its properties.
- Input 1 in the Value data field.
- Click OK to save changes.
- Restart your computer.
On boot, retry the Windows 10 upgrade install. If the issue is still unresolved, try the next solution.
6] Directly download the Windows 10 ISO
It’s possible that for some reason, using the Media Creation tool aka Windows Update Assistant might be causing this issue. In which case, you can directly download the Windows 10 ISO image file from the Microsoft website. Once you have downloaded the ISO to a location (preferably the desktop) on your device, double-click the ISO image to mount it as a virtual drive and then double-click the setup.exe file to start the in-place upgrade process.
Note: If you’re attempting the upgrade from Windows 7, you’ll need a third-party virtual drive software to mount the ISO image.
7] Clean install Windows 10
If all fails, you can clean install Windows 10 on the device.
Similar Error Codes:
Hope this helps!