您可能会遇到一条错误消息,指出:此设备无法启动。(This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API )(代码 10)当您尝试使用加密狗将(Dongle)Xbox 360 控制器连接到您的 Windows 10 PC 时(Controller),系统资源不足,无法完成 API。当设备显示此错误时,您将无法使用Xbox 360控制器。(Xbox 360)
但是,您不能将其与错误消息混淆:系统资源不足,无法完成请求的服务(Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service ),当您在磁盘存储空间用完时尝试在计算机中安装新应用程序时会发生这种情况。本文主要介绍解决系统资源不足的步骤,无法在您的 Windows 10 PC 上完成 API 错误消息( Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error message on your Windows 10 PC)。所以,继续阅读。
修复系统资源不足无法完成 API 错误(Fix Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API Error)
原因:系统资源不足,无法完成API错误(Reasons: Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API Error)
设备驱动程序或控制器驱动程序的问题:在(Problems with Device Drivers or Controller Drivers: )设备驱动程序(Device Drivers)的帮助下,计算机硬件与其操作系统之间建立了一个值得信赖的接口。而(Whereas)控制器驱动程序(Controller Driver)从设备接收数据并将其临时存储以稍后将其传输给设备驱动程序。如果设备(Device)驱动程序或控制器(Controller)驱动程序有问题,可能会导致此设备无法启动。(代码 10)系统资源不足,无法完成 API(This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API)错误消息。当您在休眠模式下(Hibernation Mode)或更新后使用系统时,此问题会更频繁地发生。
过时的设备驱动程序:(Outdated Device Drivers: )系统上安装的设备(Device)驱动程序如果不兼容,可能会触发上述错误。您可以通过将驱动程序更新到最新版本来快速解决此问题。
不正确的配置:(Improper Configurations: )有时,错误配置的设置可能会导致此错误,因为系统可能无法识别连接的设备。
不兼容的 USB 端口:(Incompatible USB Port: )当您将Xbox控制器插入正面USB端口时,它可能会出现故障,因为与位于CPU背面的端口相比,正面端口的功率较低。
USB 挂起设置:(USB Suspend Settings: )如果您在计算机中启用了USB 挂起(USB Suspend)设置,那么如果所有USB设备未处于活动状态,它们将从计算机中挂起。当您将 Xbox控制器(Controller)连接到Windows PC时,此设置可能会触发上述错误。
损坏的注册表文件和系统文件:(Corrupt Registry Files and System Files: )损坏的上过滤器(Corrupt Upper Filters)和下过滤器(Lower Filters)注册表值也可能触发系统资源不足,无法完成系统中的 API(Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API )错误消息。损坏的系统文件也可能导致同样的情况。
第三方防病毒软件:(Third-Party Antivirus Software: )某些第三方防病毒软件可能会阻止外部设备运行,并可能导致此类问题。
注意:(Note:)我们建议您下载并安装Xbox Accessories 应用程序,以便为您的(Xbox Accessories app)Xbox控制器提供统一支持并管理帐户。
方法一:基本硬件故障排除(Method 1: Basic Hardware Troubleshooting)
1. 确保连接电缆状况良好( connecting cable is in good condition)并插入正确的端口。
2. 尝试将 USB 线连接到位于(connect the USB cable to the USB) CPU背面的USB 2.0 端口(2.0 port),而不是被视为辅助端口(Auxiliary Port)的正面端口。
3. 在资源需求高的情况下,前置USB端口在优先级列表中设置为Low 。当您使用USB 加密狗连接(USB dongle)Xbox控制器时,这种情况会变得更加明显。
4. 如果您的计算机连接了多个USB设备,请改用(USB)USB 集线器(USB hub)。
这可能有助于修复此设备无法启动。(代码 10)系统资源不足,无法完成(This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API)Windows 10 PC中的 API 错误,系统重新启动后。
但是,如果这不起作用,请尝试将Xbox 控制器(Xbox Controller)与另一台计算机(another computer)连接。如果您再次遇到同样的问题,则设备可能存在硬件问题。
方法 2:强制 Windows 识别 Xbox 控制器(Method 2: Force Windows to Recognize Xbox Controller)
如果您的设备驱动程序有问题,您可以强制Windows识别Xbox 360 控制器(Controller),如下所示:
1. 首先,从您的计算机上拔下 Xbox 控制器。(unplug Xbox Controller)
2. 按Windows + I keys 打开 Windows设置( Settings)。
3. 点击设备 (Devices )部分,如图所示。
4.从左侧面板导航到蓝牙和其他设备。(Bluetooth & other devices )
5. 单击Xbox 控制器(Xbox Controller ),然后单击删除设备(Remove Device ),如下图所示。
6. 按照即将出现的提示中的说明从系统中删除(Remove)设备。
7. 最后,重新启动(restart )计算机并将 Xbox Controller 连接(connect Xbox Controller)到它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从您的 Android 手机投射到 Xbox One(How to Cast to Xbox One from your Android Phone)
方法 3:更新驱动程序(Method 3: Update Drivers)
系统上安装的设备驱动程序,如果不兼容或过时,可能会触发此设备无法启动。(代码 10)系统资源不足,无法完成 API(This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API)问题。您可以通过使用任何给定选项将系统驱动程序更新到最新版本来快速解决此问题。
3A。通过 Windows 更新更新 Xbox 控制器驱动程序
(3A. Update Xbox Controller Drivers through Windows Update
1.如上所述打开 Windows设置。(Settings)
2. 点击更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 单击检查更新(Check for Updates),然后安装可用的Xbox 更新( Xbox updates)(如果有)。
3B。通过设备管理器更新 Xbox 控制器驱动程序(3B. Update Xbox Controller Drivers through Device Manager)
1.通过Windows 搜索(Windows Search )栏启动设备管理器,如图所示。(Device Manager)
2. 向下滚动并双击Xbox 外围设备(Xbox Peripherals)以展开此部分。
3. 右键单击 Microsoft Xbox One 控制器(Microsoft Xbox One Controller )驱动程序,然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
4. 现在,单击 浏览...(Browse… ) ,然后 在即将出现的弹出窗口中让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中进行选择 。(Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer )
5. 现在,为 Windows驱动程序选择Windows Common Controller 。(Windows Common Controller for Windows)
6. 在这里,点击更新 Xbox 360 无线接收器(Update Xbox 360 wireless receiver)。
7. 屏幕上会弹出更新驱动程序警告窗口。(Update Driver )单击(Click)是并(Yes )继续。
设备管理器(Device Manager)将在您的设备上安装最新的驱动程序更新。重新启动(Restart your) 系统(system)并检查这是否可以解决系统资源不足(Insufficient)无法完成API错误。如果没有,请尝试后续方法。
方法 4:删除损坏的注册表值
(Method 4: Delete Corrupt Registry Values
1. 同时按下Windows + R键启动(keys)运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入regedit并单击OK,如下图所示。
3. 导航以下路径:
HKEY _LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class
4.屏幕上会显示几个类子键。(Class sub-keys)其中,找到36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000子键,双击。
5. 在右侧面板中,右键单击 UpperFilters。(right-click on UpperFilters. )单击“删除(Delete)”选项以从系统中永久删除此注册表文件。
6. 重复步骤 4 以删除 LowerFilters 值(delete the LowerFilters values)。
7. 最后,重新启动系统(restart your system)并尝试连接 Xbox 360 控制器。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无线 Xbox One 控制器需要 Windows 10 的 PIN(Fix Wireless Xbox One controller requires a PIN for Windows 10)
方法 5:删除损坏的文件
(Method 5: Remove Corrupt Files
我们将使用系统文件检查器(System File Checker)( SFC ) 和部署映像服务(Deployment Image Servicing)与管理(Management)( DISM ) 来扫描和修复损坏的文件,并将系统恢复到正常运行状态。按照给定的步骤在 Windows 10 PC 上执行所述命令:
1.通过在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows Search bar.)键入 cmd启动(cmd )命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
2. 单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如下所示。
3. 依次输入以下命令,并在每个命令后按Enter:
sfc /scannow
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
等待(Wait)所有命令被执行。然后,检查这是否可以修复此设备无法启动。(代码 10) 系统资源不足,无法完成 API(This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API)错误。否则,请尝试下一个解决方案。
方法六:卸载第三方杀毒软件(Method 6: Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Software)
由于与第三方杀毒软件冲突,系统可能无法识别Xbox 360 。未能在硬件和驱动程序之间建立稳定的连接会导致上述错误。因此,您可以禁用它,或者更好的是,卸载它。
注意:(Note:)我们以从 Windows 10 PC 卸载Avast Free Antivirus的步骤为例进行了说明。
1. 在您的计算机上启动Avast Free Antivirus程序。
2. 点击Menu > 设置(Settings),如下图。
3. 在故障排除(Troubleshooting )部分下,取消选中启用自我防御(Enable Self-Defense)框。
5.通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动控制面板。(Control Panel)
6. 选择程序和功能(Programs and Features),如下图所示。
7. 在这里,右键单击Avast Free Antivirus,然后单击卸载(Uninstall),如突出显示的那样。
8. 通过在确认提示中单击是并(Yes)重新启动系统(Restart your system.)来卸载它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Xbox One 上进行游戏共享(How to Gameshare on Xbox One)
方法 7:调整电源设置(Method 7: Tweak Power Settings)
某些节电(Certain Power Saver)设置可能会阻碍与外部设备的连接,或在不使用时自动断开这些设备。检查它并在需要时禁用它们很重要。
1.按照前面方法打开控制面板。(Control Panel)
2. 单击查看方式(View by)>大图标。(Large icons. )然后,单击电源选项(Power Options),如下图所示。
3. 单击下一个屏幕中的更改计划设置(Change plan settings )。
4. 在编辑计划设置(Edit Plan Settings )窗口中,单击更改高级电源设置。(Change advanced power settings.)
5. 双击USB settings > USB 选择性挂起设置(USB selective suspend setting)以展开这些部分。
6. 单击电池(On battery )选项并从下拉菜单中选择禁用,如图所示。(Disabled)
7. 同样,也为Plugged in选项选择Disabled 。
8. 最后,单击确定(OK )并重新启动计算机(restart the computer)以实施这些更改。
方法 8:运行 Windows 干净启动(Method 8: Run Windows Clean Boot)
如本方法所述,可以通过干净启动(clean boot of all essential services)Windows 10系统中的所有基本服务和文件来解决有关系统资源不足以完成 API的问题。(Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API)
注意:确保您以(Note:)管理员(administrator)身份登录以执行 Windows 干净启动。
1. 打开运行(Run )对话框,输入msconfig命令,然后按 Enter(Enter)键。
2.系统配置(System Configuration)窗口将会出现。切换到服务(Services)选项卡。
3. 选中Hide all Microsoft services(Hide all Microsoft services)旁边的框,然后单击Disable all按钮,如给定图片中突出显示的那样。
4.接下来,切换到启动(Startup )选项卡,然后单击打开任务管理器(Open Task Manager)链接。
5. 切换到任务管理器(Task Manager)窗口中的启动(Startup)选项卡。
6. 接下来,选择不需要的启动任务。(task )单击右下角显示的禁用。(Disable)
7.对所有此类消耗资源、不相关的任务重复此操作,除非与(Repeat)Windows和Microsoft 相关的(Microsoft-related)流程。
8. 退出任务管理器(Task Manager)和系统配置(System Configuration)窗口并重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复此设备无法启动。(代码 10) 系统资源不足,无法完成 Windows 10 中的 API 错误(fix This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error in Windows 10)。让我们知道哪种方法适合您。请随时在下面的评论部分中提出您的疑问或建议。
Fix Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API Error
You may encoυnter an error messаge stating: This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API when you try to connect Xbox 360 Controller to your Windows 10 PC using a Dongle. You will not be able to use your Xbox 360 controller when the device shows this error.
However, you must not confuse it with the error message: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service which occurs when you try to install a new application in your computer when your disk storage space has run out. This article primarily concentrates on the steps to resolve Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error message on your Windows 10 PC. So, continue reading.
Fix Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API Error
Reasons: Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API Error
Problems with Device Drivers or Controller Drivers: A trustworthy interface is established between the computer hardware and its operating system with the help of Device Drivers. Whereas, Controller Driver receives data from the device and stores it temporarily to transfer it to the device driver later. If there is a problem with Device drivers or Controller drivers, it could lead to This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error message. This issue is seen to occur more often when you use your system in Hibernation Mode or after an update.
Outdated Device Drivers: The Device drivers installed on your system, if incompatible, might trigger the said error. You can quickly fix this problem by updating your driver to the latest version.
Improper Configurations: Sometimes, a misconfigured setup might cause this error as the system might not recognize the attached device.
Incompatible USB Port: When you plug the Xbox controller into the front USB port, it may malfunction since the front ports have lower power as compared to the ports located in the backside of the CPU.
USB Suspend Settings: If you have enabled USB Suspend settings in your computer, then all USB devices will be suspended from the computer if they are not in active use. This setting may trigger a said error when you connect Xbox Controller to your Windows PC.
Corrupt Registry Files and System Files: Corrupt Upper Filters and Lower Filters registry values might also trigger Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error message in your system. The same can be caused by corrupt system files.
Third-Party Antivirus Software: Some third-party antivirus software might prevent an external device from running and potentially, cause such issues.
Note: We recommend that you download and install the Xbox Accessories app for unified support for your Xbox controller and to manage accounts.
Method 1: Basic Hardware Troubleshooting
1. Make sure that the connecting cable is in good condition and plugged into the correct port.
2. Try to connect the USB cable to the USB 2.0 port, present at the back of the CPU, rather than the front port which is considered as Auxiliary Port.
3. In the case of high-resource demand, the front USB port is set to Low on the priority list. This situation becomes more pronounced when you connect the Xbox controller using a USB dongle.
4. If multiple USB devices are connected to your computer, use a USB hub instead.
This might help fix This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error in Windows 10 PC, after a system reboot.
However, if this doesn’t work, try to connect the Xbox Controller with another computer. If you face the same issue again, then there could be a hardware problem with the device.
Method 2: Force Windows to Recognize Xbox Controller
If there is an issue with your device driver, you can force Windows to recognize the Xbox 360 Controller, as instructed below:
1. Firstly, unplug Xbox Controller from your computer.
2. Press Windows + I keys to open Windows Settings.
3. Click on Devices section, as shown.
4. Navigate to Bluetooth & other devices from the left panel.
5. Click Xbox Controller and then, Remove Device as depicted below.
6. Follow the instructions in the upcoming prompts to Remove the device from your system.
7. Finally, restart your computer and connect Xbox Controller to it.
Also Read: How to Cast to Xbox One from your Android Phone
Method 3: Update Drivers
The device drivers installed on your system, if incompatible or outdated, might trigger This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API issue. You can quickly fix this problem by updating your system drivers to the latest version using any of the given options.
3A. Update Xbox Controller Drivers through Windows Update
1. Open Windows Settings as explained above.
2. Click on Update & Security, as shown.
3. Click on Check for Updates and then, install available Xbox updates, if any.
3B. Update Xbox Controller Drivers through Device Manager
1. Launch Device Manager through Windows Search bar, as shown.
2. Scroll Down and double-click on Xbox Peripherals to expand this section.
3. Right-click on the Microsoft Xbox One Controller driver and then, click on Update driver, as depicted below.
4. Now, click on Browse… followed by Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer in the upcoming pop-up.
5. Now, select Windows Common Controller for Windows driver.
6. Here, click on Update Xbox 360 wireless receiver.
7. The Update Driver Warning window will pop up on the screen. Click on Yes and proceed.
The Device Manager will install the recent driver updates on your device. Restart your system and check if this could fix Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error. If not, try the succeeding methods.
Method 4: Delete Corrupt Registry Values
As discussed earlier, incorrect registry values can trigger Insufficient system resources to complete the API error message. To delete these registry values from your Windows system, follow the below-mentioned steps:
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Type regedit and click OK, as depicted below.
3. Navigate the following path:
HKEY _LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class
4. Several Class sub-keys will be displayed on the screen. Among them, locate 36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000 sub-key and double-click it.
5. From the right panel, right-click on UpperFilters. Click on the Delete option to delete this registry file from the system permanently.
6. Repeat Step 4 to delete the LowerFilters values as well.
7. Finally, restart your system and try connecting Xbox 360 controller.
Also Read: Fix Wireless Xbox One controller requires a PIN for Windows 10
Method 5: Remove Corrupt Files
We will use System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Image Servicing & Management (DISM) to scan and repair corrupt files and restore the system to its functioning state. Follow the given steps to execute said commands on your Windows 10 PC:
1. Launch Command Prompt by typing cmd in the Windows Search bar.
2. Click Run as administrator, as highlighted below.
3. Enter the following commands, one after the other, and hit Enter after each:
sfc /scannow
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
Wait for all commands to be executed. Then, check if this could fix This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error. Or else, try the next solution.
Method 6: Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Software
Due to conflicts with third-party antivirus, Xbox 360 may not be recognized by the system. A failure to establish a steady connection between the hardware and the driver results in the said error. Thus, you can disable it or better yet, uninstall it.
Note: We have explained the steps to uninstall Avast Free Antivirus from Windows 10 PC as an example.
1. Launch Avast Free Antivirus program on your computer.
2. Click on Menu > Settings, as shown below.
3. Under the Troubleshooting section, uncheck the Enable Self-Defense box.
4. Click on OK in the confirmation prompt and Exit the application.
5. Launch Control Panel by searching for it in the Windows search bar.
6. Select Programs and Features, as shown below.
7. Here, right-click Avast Free Antivirus and then, click Uninstall, as highlighted.
8. Uninstall it by clicking Yes in the confirmation prompt and Restart your system.
Also Read: How to Gameshare on Xbox One
Method 7: Tweak Power Settings
Certain Power Saver settings can hinder connection with external devices or automatically, disconnect these when not in use. It is important that you check for it and disable these if required.
1. Open Control Panel as instructed in the previous method.
2. Click on View by > Large icons. Then, click Power Options, as depicted below.
3. Click on Change plan settings in the next screen.
4. In the Edit Plan Settings window, click on Change advanced power settings.
5. Double-click on USB settings > USB selective suspend setting to expand these sections.
6. Click on the On battery option and select Disabled from the drop-down menu, as illustrated.
7. Likewise, select Disabled for the Plugged in option as well.
8. Lastly, click on OK and restart the computer to implement these changes.
Method 8: Run Windows Clean Boot
The issue concerning Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API can be fixed by a clean boot of all essential services and files in your Windows 10 system, as explained in this method.
Note: Make sure you log in as an administrator to perform Windows clean boot.
1. Open the Run dialog box, type msconfig command, and hit Enter key.
2. The System Configuration window will appear. Switch to the Services tab.
3. Check the box next to Hide all Microsoft services, and click on Disable all button, as shown highlighted in the given picture.
4. Next, switch to the Startup tab and click on the Open Task Manager link.
5. Switch to the Startup tab in the Task Manager window.
6. Next, select the startup task which is not required. Click Disable displayed in the bottom right corner.
7. Repeat it for all such resource-consuming, irrelevant tasks, barring Windows & Microsoft-related processes.
8. Exit the Task Manager and System Configuration window and restart your PC.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you were able to fix This device cannot start. (Code 10) Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API error in Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you. Feel free to drop your queries or suggestions in the comment section below.