如果您的 Internet 连接按流量计费或速度较慢,您可能会讨厌每个月为Windows 10更新下载大量数据以及更新如何使您的 Internet 连接变慢的事实。幸运的是,较新版本的Windows 10有一个称为(Windows 10)传递优化(Delivery Optimization)的内置功能,允许您设置Windows 更新(Windows Update)限制。换句话说,您可以限制用于下载更新以及将更新上传给其他人的带宽。让我们看看如何更改Windows 10中的带宽限制:
注意:(NOTE:)本指南是在2020 年 10 月 10 日更新的 Windows(Windows 10 October 2020 Update)上创建的。要了解您使用的Windows 10版本,请阅读本指南:(Windows 10)我安装了哪些版本、版本和类型的 Windows 10?(What version, edition, and type of Windows 10 do I have installed?). 此外,如果您想更清楚地了解Windows 更新(Windows Update)的功能以及它在Windows 10中的工作方式,请先查看本指南:Windows 10 更新的完整指南(The complete guide to Windows 10 updates)。
如何在Windows 10中更改(Windows 10)Windows 更新(Windows Update)下载的带宽限制
首先从 Windows 10打开设置应用程序(opening the Settings app)(按键盘上的Windows + I在“设置”(Settings)应用中,转到“更新和安全”(Update & security)。

在窗口左侧,选择Delivery Optimization。这是允许您的 Windows 10 PC 优化Windows 更新(Windows Update)带宽的功能。这是您的 PC 可用于从Microsoft(Microsoft)服务器以及本地网络和 Internet 上的其他 PC(from other PCs on your local network and the internet)下载和上传更新的可用带宽。单击或点击“高级选项”。("Advanced options.")

访问传递优化(Delivery Optimization)的高级(Advanced) 选项(Options)
您现在应该看到Download settings(Download settings)和Upload settings的几个选项、滑块和复选标记。默认情况下,未选中任何选项,这意味着 Windows 10 会根据需要使用您的互联网带宽。

(Advanced)用于控制用于Windows 10更新的带宽的高级选项
首先,您有下载设置(Download settings),可让您控制Windows 10中用于下载更新的带宽。下载设置(Download settings)有两个选项:“绝对带宽”("Absolute bandwidth")和“测量带宽的百分比”。("Percentage of measured bandwidth.")
它们都允许您更改Windows 10中的下载带宽限制。但是,它们的不同之处在于第一个 - “绝对带宽”("Absolute bandwidth") - 允许您使用手动指定的Mbps值指定带宽限制,而第二个 - “测量带宽的百分比”("Percentage of measured bandwidth") - 允许您使用百分比设置带宽限制价值观。后者根据您的 PC 上可用的总带宽设置限制,由Windows 10测量。
- “限制在后台下载更新使用多少带宽” - 设置在后台下载("Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background")Windows 10更新使用多少互联网连接。
- “限制在前台下载更新使用多少带宽”("Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the foreground") - 设置在您面前打开Windows 更新(Windows Update)窗口时用于下载Windows 10更新的带宽。您可能希望将此设置为比先前设置更高的值,以便在您主动搜索更新时更快地传递更新。

带宽(Bandwidth)Windows 10:Windows更新(Update)下载限制
提示:(TIP:) 您(Did)是否知道您还可以选择何时允许Windows 10安装更新以及何时重新启动您的 PC 以应用更新?(Windows 10)查看本指南以了解如何配置所有这些:设置 Windows 10 更新计划以及何时重新启动 PC(Set the Windows 10 update schedule and when it restarts the PC)。
如何为Windows 10更新设置上传带宽限制
在页面上进一步向下滚动,您会看到Windows Update带宽的(Windows Update)上传设置(Upload settings),您也可以根据需要进行配置:
- “限制使用多少带宽将更新上传到 Internet 上的其他 PC”("Limit how much bandwidth is used for uploading updates to other PCs on the internet") - 如果您将传递优化(Delivery Optimization)(Delivery Optimization)设置为从 Internet 上的其他 PC 下载和上传Windows 10更新,则此设置控制使用多少 Internet 带宽用于上传数据。
- 每月上传限制(Monthly upload limit)- 设置要上传到其他 PC的Windows 10更新的最大数量。最小值为 5 GB,最大值为 500 GB。

带宽(Bandwidth)Windows 10:Windows更新(Update)上传限制
如何查看Windows 更新(Windows Update)使用了多少带宽
启用前面讨论的设置几天后,您可以返回交付优化(Deliver Optimization)并检查您的带宽如何用于Windows 10更新。为此,请单击或点击活动监视器(Activity monitor)链接。

查看Delivery Optimization提供的活动监视器(Activity Monitor)
您会看到包含下载统计信息和上传统计信息的报告,您可以在其中了解从不同来源下载了多少 Windows 10 更新(以 GB 和 MB 为单位):Microsoft、本地网络上的其他 PC 和 Internet 上的其他 PC。您还可以查看您的 Windows 10 PC 已将多少更新上传到 Internet 或本地网络上的其他人。

下载和上传了多少 Windows 10 更新
您为Windows 10更新设置了哪些限制?
现在您知道如何限制用于下载更新以及在Windows 10中上传更新的带宽。在结束本教程之前,请在下方发表评论,并告诉我们您选择为Windows 10 PC、笔记本电脑或平板电脑设置的带宽限制。
How to change the bandwidth limits for Windows 10 updates -
If you have a metered or slow internet connection, you probably hate the fact that a lot оf data gets downlоaded each month for Wіndows 10 updates and also how updates make yоur internet connection slower. Fortunatelу, newer versionѕ of Windows 10 have a built-in feature cаlled Delivery Optimization, that allows you to set Windows Update limits. In other words, you can limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates, as well as for uploading updates to others. Let's see how to change the bandwidth limit in Windows 10:
NOTE: This guide was created on Windows 10 October 2020 Update. To find out what version of Windows 10 you're using, read this guide: What version, edition, and type of Windows 10 do I have installed?. Also, if you'd like to have a clearer view of what Windows Update does and how it works in Windows 10, check this guide first: The complete guide to Windows 10 updates.
How to change the bandwidth limit for Windows Update downloads in Windows 10
Start by opening the Settings app from Windows 10 (press Windows + I on your keyboard). In the Settings app, go to Update & security.

Go to Update & Settings
On the left side of the window, select Delivery Optimization. This is the feature that allows your Windows 10 PC to optimize the Windows Update bandwidth. That's the bandwidth available for your PC to download and upload updates from Microsoft's servers, as well as from other PCs on your local network and the internet. Click or tap on "Advanced options."

Access the Advanced Options for Delivery Optimization
You should now see several options, sliders, and checkmarks for Download settings and Upload settings. By default, no option is checked, meaning that Windows 10 uses your internet bandwidth as it sees fit.

Advanced options for controlling the bandwidth used for Windows 10 updates
To enable a setting, check the box near its name, and then set it to the value you want using the slider beneath its name. Let's take each setting one by one:
First, you have the Download settings that let you control the bandwidth in Windows 10 used for downloading updates. There are two options for Download settings: "Absolute bandwidth" and "Percentage of measured bandwidth."
Both of them let you change the download bandwidth limit in Windows 10. However, they differ in the sense that the first one - "Absolute bandwidth" - allows you to specify bandwidth limits using Mbps values that you specify manually, while the second one - "Percentage of measured bandwidth" - lets you set bandwidth limits using percentage values. The latter puts limits based on the total bandwidth available on your PC, as measured by Windows 10.
For each bandwidth limiting options, you get the same two choices:
- "Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background" - set how much of your internet connection is used for downloading Windows 10 updates in the background.
- "Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the foreground" - set how much of your bandwidth is used for downloading Windows 10 updates while you have the Windows Update window open in front of you. You may want to set this to a higher value than the previous setting, so that updates are delivered faster when you actively search for updates.

Bandwidth Windows 10: Windows Update download limits
Depending on which method you prefer, select it, and specify the Mbps bandwidth limits or the percentage limits you prefer.
TIP: Did you know that you can also choose when Windows 10 is allowed to install updates and when it can restart your PC to apply them? Check this guide to see how to configure all that: Set the Windows 10 update schedule and when it restarts the PC.
How to set an upload bandwidth limit for Windows 10 updates
Scrolling down further on the page, you get to see the Upload settings for the Windows Update bandwidth, which you can also configure as you prefer:
- "Limit how much bandwidth is used for uploading updates to other PCs on the internet" - if you set Delivery Optimization to download and upload Windows 10 updates from and to other PCs on the internet, this setting controls how much of your internet bandwidth is used for uploading data.
- Monthly upload limit - set the maximum amount of Windows 10 updates you want to upload to other PCs. The minimum value is 5 GB and the maximum 500 GB.

Bandwidth Windows 10: Windows Update upload limits
When you’re done setting everything up, you can close the Settings app. From now on, the bandwidth is used for updates according to your choices.
How to see how much bandwidth was used by Windows Update
A few days after enabling the settings discussed earlier, you can get back to Deliver Optimization and check how your bandwidth is used for Windows 10 updates. To do that, click or tap the Activity monitor link.

View the Activity Monitor offered by Delivery Optimization
You see reports with download statistics and upload statistics, where you learn how many Windows 10 updates were downloaded in terms of GB and MB, from different sources: Microsoft, other PCs on the local network, and other PCs on the internet. You also see how many updates your Windows 10 PC has uploaded to others on the internet or the local network.

How many Windows 10 updates were downloaded and uploaded
That was it!
What limits did you set for Windows 10 updates?
Now you know how to limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates, as well as for uploading updates in Windows 10. Before closing this tutorial, leave a comment below, and tell us what bandwidth limits you chose to set for your Windows 10 PC, laptop, or tablet.