就像饥饿的动物一样,您个人计算机上的所有内容总是想占用/吃掉尽可能多的资源。Windows PC 上的占用者是在用户不知道的情况下不断在后台运行的各种应用程序、进程和服务,占用的资源是CPU和临时内存,即RAM。
高CPU使用率在(CPU)Windows中是一个非常常见的问题,当不需要的应用程序或进程从处理器中吸取比最初预期的更多的功率时,就会发生高 CPU 使用率问题。当您的个人计算机接近尾声(high CPU usage)或您正在执行需要大量处理能力的操作(例如:在(For example:)Premiere Pro上编辑视频或在Photoshop中处理多个图层,以及甚至不要让我们开始玩游戏)。高CPU使用率最终也可能导致永久性处理器损坏。
Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation是众多因提示CPU使用率过高而臭名昭著的进程之一。它是 Windows 众多后台进程之一,是音频处理和输出必不可少的进程。
修复 Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation 高 CPU 使用率(Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage)
在本文中,我们将讨论为什么音频设备图隔离(Audio Device Graph Isolation)进程会导致CPU使用率高,以及如何减少其CPU消耗以重新获得一些急需的处理能力。
什么是 Windows 音频设备图隔离过程以及为什么它会导致 CPU 使用率高?(What is the Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation process & why it causes high CPU usage? )
首先,音频设备图隔离(Audio Device Graph Isolation)进程是官方合法的Windows进程,而不是病毒或恶意软件(malware)。该进程充当Windows中的主要音频引擎,负责处理数字信号处理。简而言之,它允许第三方应用程序在您的计算机上运行声音。该过程还控制Windows提供的声音增强功能。
但是,该过程与Windows 音频(Windows Audio)服务是分开的,这允许第三方声卡/音频硬件制造商包含他们自己的增强服务,而无需修改Windows 音频(Windows Audio)服务。
那么如果是合法服务,为什么会导致 CPU 使用率高呢?(So if it is a legitimate service, why does it cause high CPU usage?)
通常,Audio Device Graph Isolation进程的 CPU(’ CPU)使用率可以忽略不计,在应用音频效果时,使用率会略有增加,然后回落到零。高CPU(CPU)使用率的可能原因是损坏/安装不当的音频增强驱动程序和启用的音效。
高CPU(CPU)使用率的另一种解释是某些恶意软件或病毒可能将自己伪装成进程并在您的计算机上找到了自己的方式。要检查您计算机上运行的音频设备图形隔离(Audio Device Graph Isolation)进程是否是病毒,请按照以下步骤操作 -
1. 我们首先启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。根据您的方便使用以下任何一种方法打开它。(Use)
一种。在Windows搜索栏中键入任务管理器( (Type Task Manager)Windows键 + S),然后在搜索返回时单击打开。(Open)
湾。右键单击任务栏并选择任务管理器(Taskbar and select Task Manager)。
C。右键单击(Right-click)开始按钮(或按Windows键 + X)并从高级用户/开始菜单中选择任务管理器。(Task Manager)
d。通过按组合键Ctrl + Shift + ESC.直接启动任务管理器。(Task Manager)
2. 在 Processes 选项卡下,找到 Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation 进程并右键单击它。( locate the Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation process and right-click on it. )
3. 从随后的选项/上下文菜单中,选择打开文件位置(Open file location)。
4. 默认情况下,进程源自C:\Windows\System32文件夹,应用程序文件名为Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation。尽管在某些系统中,应用程序可能被命名为audiodg。
如果您的应用程序文件/进程的名称或地址与上述位置 (C:WindowsSystem32) 不同,则您的个人计算机上运行的音频设备图隔离(Audio Device Graph Isolation)进程可能是病毒/恶意软件应用程序。在这种情况下,您需要运行防病毒扫描并清除病毒(run an antivirus scan and get rid of the virus)。您可以选择使用一些专门的第三方防病毒软件或内置的Windows防御者。
如何修复音频设备图隔离高 CPU 使用率?(How to fix Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage?)
修复音频设备图隔离的高CPU使用率不是火箭科学,需要您执行以下操作之一。首先(First),如果您计算机上运行的进程是病毒,请运行防病毒扫描以将其删除。如果不是,请尝试禁用所有音效并卸载有问题的音频驱动程序。该问题也可以通过重新安装 Skype(reinstalling Skype)来解决,有时也可以通过禁用“嘿 Cortana”功能来解决。
(Run)使用Windows Defender运行防病毒扫描(Antivirus Scan)
如果该过程确实是病毒,请按照以下步骤使用Windows Defender运行(Windows Defender)防病毒扫描(antivirus scan)(您也可以从计算机上安装的任何第三方应用程序运行病毒扫描)。虽然如果不是病毒,你可以直接跳到下一个方法。
1.打开 Windows 设置(Open Windows Settings)并点击更新和安全(Update & Security)。
2.从左侧面板切换到Windows 安全(Windows Security )(或Windows Defender )设置页面。(Windows Defender)
3. 现在,单击打开 Windows 安全性(Open Windows Security )按钮。
4. 单击病毒和威胁防护(Virus and Threat Protection)(盾牌图标),然后执行快速扫描(Quick Scan)。
由于Audio Device Graph Isolation主要关注音频效果,因此禁用所有这些可以帮助您解决进程的高CPU使用率。要禁用音频效果 -
1. 按键盘上的Windows key + R启动运行(Run)命令框。在文本框中键入控制或控制面板(control panel),然后单击确定。
2. 从控制面板(Control Panel)项目列表中,单击声音(Sound)。
要更轻松地查找声音计算机设置,请通过单击(Sound)按标签查看(View by label)旁边的下拉菜单将图标大小更改为大或小。
(您也可以通过右键单击任务栏上的扬声器(Speakers)图标,选择打开声音设置(Open sound settings),然后单击下一个窗口中的声音控制面板来访问(Sound Control Panel)声音设置。(Sound)某些 Windows(Certain Windows)版本将直接具有打开播放(Playback)设备的选项用户右键单击扬声器图标。)
3.选择您的主要(默认)播放设备(Select your primary (default) playback device),然后单击窗口右下角的“属性”按钮。(Properties )
4. 切换到扬声器属性(Speaker Properties)窗口的增强(Enhancements )选项卡。
5. 在这里,您将找到应用于播放设备发出的声音的音效列表。可用的Windows音效列表包括环境(Environment)、语音消除(Voice Cancellation)、音高转换(Pitch Shift)、均衡器(Equalizer)、虚拟环绕(Virtual Surround)、响度均衡(Loudness Equalization)。
6. Check/tick the box next to Disable all sound effects 是单击它。
7.如果您没有找到禁用所有音效(Disable all sound effects)的选项(如下图所示),请取消选中单个音效旁边的框,(uncheck the boxes next to individual sound effects)直到所有音效都被禁用。
8. 禁用所有音效后,单击应用(Apply )按钮保存更改。
9.对您拥有的所有其他Playback设备(Playback)重复(Repeat)步骤 3 到 6,并在完成后重新启动您的个人计算机。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 WMI 提供程序主机高 CPU 使用率 [Windows 10](Fix WMI Provider Host High CPU Usage [Windows 10])
方法 2:卸载损坏的音频(Audio)驱动程序/更新音频(Audio)驱动程序
如果之前的方法没有降低 Audio Device Graph Isolation 的CPU使用率,请尝试卸载当前的音频驱动程序并将它们更新到最新版本。您可以选择手动更新音频驱动程序或使用第三方应用程序为您更新。要手动更新音频驱动程序 -
1.使用以下任一方法打开设备管理器。(Open Device Manager)
一种。打开运行命令框(Windows键 + R),输入devmgmt.msc并单击确定。
湾。按Windows键 + X(或右键单击开始按钮)打开开始/高级用户菜单。选择设备管理器。(Device Manager.)
2.单击左侧的箭头或双击标签本身,展开声音、视频和游戏控制器。(Expand Sound, video and game controllers)
3. 右键单击您的主要音频(Audio)设备,然后从随后的上下文菜单中选择卸载设备。(Uninstall device )
4. 将出现一个要求确认您的操作的弹出框。选中删除此设备的驱动程序软件旁边的框(Check the box next to Delete the driver software for this device),然后单击卸载(Uninstall )按钮。
5. 卸载驱动程序后,再次右键单击您的音频设备,这次选择(Audio)更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
6. 在以下屏幕中,单击自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件(Search automatically for updated driver software)。
计算机将开始在 Internet 上为您的音频(Audio)硬件寻找最新的驱动程序并自动安装它们。确保您的互联网连接正常工作。
方法 3:禁用“你好小娜”
“Hey Cortana”是一项始终开启的功能,它会不断检查用户是否正在尝试使用Cortana。虽然它使启动应用程序和执行其他任务更容易,但它也可能是音频设备图隔离(Audio Device Graph Isolation)进程CPU使用率高的原因。禁用“Hey Cortana”并检查CPU使用率是否恢复正常。
1.按Windows键 + I(Windows)打开 Windows 设置(Open Windows Settings)或按Windows按钮启动开始,然后单击齿轮图标。
2. 点击小娜(Cortana)。
3. 默认情况下,您应该在Talk to Cortana设置页面,但如果不是,请单击它并切换到 Talk to Cortana页面。
4. 在右侧面板上,您会在 Hey Cortana 下找到标有“(Hey Cortana)让Cortana 响应 'Hey Cortana'”(“Let Cortana respond to ‘Hey Cortana’”)的选项。单击(Click)切换开关并关闭该功能。
方法 4:重新安装 Skype
一些用户报告说,在进行Skype通话时,音频设备图隔离进程的(Audio Device Graph Isolation)CPU使用率达到了顶峰。如果您在使用Skype时也遇到此问题,请考虑重新安装该应用程序或使用其他视频通话软件。
1.使用前面提到的方法打开Windows设置,然后单击(Open Windows settings)应用程序(Apps)。
2. 在应用程序(Apps)和功能设置页面上,在右侧面板上向下滚动,直到找到 Skype 并单击它展开。
3. 单击Skype下的(Skype)卸载(Uninstall )按钮,并在以下弹出窗口中确认。
(您也可以从Control Panel > Programs和功能卸载(Features)Skype或任何其他应用程序)
4. 要重新安装 Skype,请访问Download Skype | Free calls | Chat app,并下载(download )该应用程序最新版本的安装文件。
5. 打开安装文件并按照屏幕上的说明将 Skype(install Skype )重新安装到您的计算机上。
让我们知道上述哪种方法修复了音频设备图隔离(fixed Audio Device Graph Isolation’s high CPU usage)在您的个人计算机上的高 CPU 使用率。
Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage
Like a hungry animal, everything on your personal computer alwаys wants to hog/eat up as many resоυrceѕ as рossible. The hoggers on a Windows PC are thе various appliсations, processеs, and ѕervices that constantly run in the background without the user ever knowing about them, and the resources being hоggеd upon are the CPU and temporarу memory, i.e, RAM.
High CPU usage is a pretty common problem in Windows and occurs when an unwanted application or process siphons more power out of the processor than it is originally meant to. The high CPU usage problem becomes even more infuriating when your personal computer is nearing its end days or you are performing an action that requires a lot of processing power (For example: Editing a video on Premiere Pro or working with multiple layers in Photoshop, and don’t even get us started on games). High CPU usage can also eventually lead to permanent processor damage.
The Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation is one of the many processes infamous for prompting high CPU usage. It is one of Windows’ many background processes and is an essential process for audio processing and output.
Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage
In this article, we will be addressing why the Audio Device Graph Isolation process causes high CPU usage and how to reduce its CPU consumption to gain back some much-needed processing power.
What is the Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation process & why it causes high CPU usage?
To start off, Audio Device Graph Isolation process is an official and legitimate Windows process and not a virus or malware. The process serves as the primary audio engine in Windows and is responsible for handling digital signal processing. In simpler words, it allows third-party applications to run sound on your computer. The process also controls the sound enhancements provided by Windows.
The process is, however, separate from the Windows Audio service and this allows third-party sound card/audio hardware manufacturers to include their own enhancement services without tinkering with the Windows Audio service.
So if it is a legitimate service, why does it cause high CPU usage?
Normally, the Audio Device Graph Isolation process’ CPU usage is negligible, and when audio effects are being applied, the usage will increase slightly before falling back to zero. The possible reasons for high CPU usage are corrupt/poorly installed audio enhancement drivers and the enabled sound effects.
Another explanation for the high CPU usage is some malware or a virus may have disguised itself as the process and found its way on your computer. To check if the Audio Device Graph Isolation process running on your computer is a virus or not, follow the below steps-
1. We start by launching the Task Manager. Use any of the below methods as per your convenience to open it.
a. Type Task Manager in the Windows search bar (Windows key + S) and click on Open when the search returns.
b. Right-click on the Taskbar and select Task Manager.
c. Right-click on the start button (or press Windows key + X) and select Task Manager from the power user/start menu.
d. Launch Task Manager directly by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + ESC.
2. Under the Processes tab, locate the Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation process and right-click on it.
3. From the ensuing options/context menu, select Open file location.
4. By default, the process originates from the C:\Windows\System32 folder, and the application file is called Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation. Although, in some systems, the application may be named audiodg.
If the name or address of your application file/process differs from the above-stated location (C:\Windows\System32), the Audio Device Graph Isolation process running on your personal computer is likely a virus/malware application. In this case, you will need to run an antivirus scan and get rid of the virus. You can either choose to use some specialized third-party antivirus software or the built-in Windows defender.
Nevertheless, the process file can be present at its default location and still cause high CPU usage. Unfortunately, we can’t just disable or end the process as it is essential for audio output, and disabling it will make your computer go completely silent. We will instead have to solve the problem from its root.
How to fix Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage?
Fixing Audio Device Graph Isolation’s high CPU usage is no rocket science and requires you to perform one of the below actions. First up, if the process running on your computer is a virus, run an antivirus scan to remove it. If it isn’t, try disabling all the sound effects and uninstalling the problematic audio drivers. The problem has also been known to resolve by reinstalling Skype and sometimes by disabling the ‘Hey Cortana’ feature.
Run an Antivirus Scan using Windows Defender
If the process is indeed a virus, follow the below steps to run an antivirus scan using the Windows Defender (you may also run a virus scan from any third-party application you might have installed on your computer). Although if it isn’t a virus, you can directly skip to the next method.
1. Open Windows Settings and click on Update & Security.
2. Switch to the Windows Security (or Windows Defender) settings page from the left panel.
3. Now, click on the Open Windows Security button.
4. Click on Virus and Threat Protection (shield icon) and then perform a Quick Scan.
Method 1: Disable all kinds of sound effects
Since the Audio Device Graph Isolation is primarily concerned with audio effects, disabling all of them could help you resolve the process’s high CPU usage. To disable audio effects-
1. Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to launch the Run command box. Type control or control panel in the textbox and click on OK.
(Alternatively, click on the start button, type control panel, and click on Open)
2. From the list of Control Panel items, click on Sound.
To make looking for the Sound computer settings easier, change icon size to large or small by clicking on the drop-down menu next to the View by label.
(You can also access Sound settings by right-clicking on the Speakers icon on your taskbar, selecting Open sound settings, and then clicking on the Sound Control Panel in the next window. Certain Windows versions will directly have the option to open Playback devices when the user right-clicks on the speaker icon.)
3. Select your primary (default) playback device and click on the Properties button at the bottom-right of the window.
4. Switch to the Enhancements tab of the Speaker Properties window.
5. Here, you will find a list of sound effects that are being applied to the sound emanating from your playback device. The list of available Windows sound effects includes Environment, Voice Cancellation, Pitch Shift, Equalizer, Virtual Surround, Loudness Equalization.
6. Check/tick the box next to Disable all sound effects by clicking on it.
7. If you do not find the option to Disable all sound effects (like in the below picture), one by one, uncheck the boxes next to individual sound effects until all of them have been disabled.
8. Once you have disabled all sound effects, click on the Apply button to save your changes.
9. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for every other Playback device you have and restart your personal computer once done.
Also Read: Fix WMI Provider Host High CPU Usage [Windows 10]
Method 2: Uninstall corrupt Audio drivers/update Audio drivers
If you aren’t already aware, drivers are software files that help applications communicate effectively with the hardware components. Regularly updating your drivers is important for a seamless experience and corrupt or outdated drivers can cause a number of problems.
If the previous method didn’t decrease Audio Device Graph Isolation’s CPU usage, try uninstalling your current audio drivers and updating them to the latest version. You can either choose to update the audio drivers manually or use a third-party application to do it for you. To update audio drivers manually-
1. Open Device Manager using either of the below-explained methods.
a. Open run command box (Windows key + R), type devmgmt.msc and click on OK.
b. Press the Windows key + X (or right-click on the start button) to open the start/power user menu. Select Device Manager.
2. Expand Sound, video and game controllers by clicking on the arrow to its left or by double-clicking on the label itself.
3. Right-click on your primary Audio device and select Uninstall device from the ensuing context menu.
4. A pop-up box requesting confirmation for your action will arrive. Check the box next to Delete the driver software for this device and click on the Uninstall button.
This will uninstall any corrupt or outdated drivers your audio device might be currently using and therefore, causing high CPU usage.
5. Once the drivers have been uninstalled, right-click on your Audio device once again and this time select Update driver.
6. From the following screen, click on Search automatically for updated driver software.
The computer will start looking for the most up-to-date drivers available on the internet for your Audio hardware and install them automatically. Ensure your internet connection is working properly.
Method 3: Disable ‘Hey Cortana’
‘Hey Cortana’ is an always-on feature that constantly checks if the user is trying to use Cortana. While it makes launching applications and performing other tasks easier, it might also be the reason for the Audio Device Graph Isolation process’s high CPU usage. Disable the ‘Hey Cortana’ and check if the CPU usage falls back to normal.
1. Open Windows Settings by pressing the Windows key + I or press the Windows button to launch start and then click on the gear icon.
2. Click on Cortana.
3. By default, you should be on the Talk to Cortana settings page but if you are not, click on it and switch to the Talk to Cortana page.
4. On the right-hand panel, you will find an option labeled “Let Cortana respond to ‘Hey Cortana’” under Hey Cortana. Click on the toggle switch and turn off the feature.
Method 4: Reinstall Skype
Some users have reported the CPU usage of the Audio Device Graph Isolation process goes through the roof when making a Skype call. If you are also facing the issue when using Skype, consider re-installing the application or using an alternative video calling software.
1. Open Windows settings using the method mentioned earlier and click on Apps.
2. On the Apps & features settings page, scroll down on the right-panel until you find skype and click on it to expand.
3. Click on the Uninstall button under Skype and confirm it in the following pop-ups.
(You can also uninstall Skype or any other application from Control Panel > Programs and Features)
4. To reinstall Skype, visit Download Skype | Free calls | Chat app, and download the installation file for the latest version of the application.
5. Open the installation file and follow the on-screen instructions to install Skype back on your computer.
Let us know which one of the above methods fixed Audio Device Graph Isolation’s high CPU usage on your personal computer.