您是否厌倦了尖叫“OK Google”或“Hey Google”让 Google 助理在您的 Android 设备上工作?(Are you tired of screaming ‘OK Google’ or ‘Hey Google’ for Google Assistant to work on your Android device?)好吧,我们都知道,当您想打电话给某人、使用计算器、设置闹钟或在网络上搜索某些内容时, Google Assistant可以派上用场,甚至无需触摸您的手机。但是,它仍然是一个人工智能驱动的数字助理,可能需要不时修复。如果您的手机没有响应“ OK Google ”,那么问题背后可能有一些原因。因此,在本文中,我们列出了一些您可以遵循的方法来 修复 Android 手机上的 Google Assistant 无法正常工作的问题。(fix Google Assistant not working issue on Android Phone.)
修复 Google Assistant(Fix Google Assistant)无法在Android上运行(Android)
谷歌助理不响应“OK Google”背后的原因。(Reasons behind Google Assistant Not Responding to ‘OK Google.’)
Google Assistant没有响应您的命令可能有多种原因。一些可能的原因如下:
2.你必须在谷歌助手(Google Assistant)上启用语音匹配功能。
3. 麦克风可能无法正常工作。
4. 您可能需要授权Google 助理(Google Assistant)访问您的麦克风。
这些可能是Google 助理(Google Assistant)无法在您的Android设备 上运行的部分原因。
修复“OK Google”无法在 Android 上运行的 9 种方法(9 Ways to Fix ‘OK Google’ Not Working on Android)
如果您想修复无法在 Android 上运行的 Google Assistant,我们列出了一些您必须遵循的方法:(We are listing some methods that you must follow if you want to fix Google Assistant not working on Android:)
方法 1:检查您的 Internet 连接(Method 1: Check your Internet connection)
您必须检查的最基本的事情是您的 Internet 连接。由于Google 助理(Google Assistant)使用您的 WI-FI 网络或蜂窝数据来响应您,因此请确保您的设备上有稳定的互联网连接。
要检查您的互联网是否正常工作,您可以在网络浏览器上打开任何随机站点。如果网站加载成功,则表明您的互联网工作正常,但如果加载失败,您可以检查 WI-FI 连接的接线或重新启动手机。
方法 2:检查与您的 Android 设备的兼容性(Method 2: Check the Compatibility with your Android device)
谷歌助手(Google Assistant)不支持所有版本的Android,你必须确保其他几件事来检查你设备上应用程序的兼容性。检查在您的Android设备上使用Google 助理(Google Assistant)的以下要求:
- Google Assistant 支持具有 1GB 可用内存的Android 5.0和具有 1.5GB 可用内存的 Android 6.0 。
- 谷歌播放服务。
- 谷歌应用程序版本 6.13 及更高版本。
- 屏幕(Screen)分辨率为 720p 或更高。
方法 3:检查 Google Assistant 上的语言设置(Method 3: Check Language Settings on Google Assistant)
要 (To )修复 Google Assistant 无法在 Android 上运行的问题,(fix Google Assistant not working on Android, )您可以检查Google Assistant的语言设置,并根据您的口音和您说的语言检查您是否选择了正确的语言。大多数用户选择美国英语(US English)作为Google Assistant的默认语言。要检查语言设置,您可以按照以下步骤操作:
1.在您的设备上打开Google 助理。(Google Assistant)
2. 点击屏幕左下角的方框图标。(box icon)
3. 现在点击右上角的个人资料图标(Profile icon)。
4. 向下滚动以找到语言(Languages)部分。
5.开放语言,你会看到大量的选项列表。从列表中,您可以轻松选择所需的语言(select the desired language)。
设置语言后,您可以检查是否能够修复无法在 Android 手机上运行的 Google Assistant。 (fix Google Assistant not working on your Android phone. )
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 Google 助理打开设备手电筒(How to Turn ON Device Flashlight Using Google Assistant)
方法 4:检查 Google Assistant 的麦克风权限(Method 4: Check Microphone Permissions for Google Assistant)
您可能必须授予Google 助理(Google Assistant)访问您的麦克风和响应您的命令的权限。因此,要 (Therefore, to )修复 OK Google 无法在 Android 上运行(fix OK Google not working on Android),您可以按照以下步骤检查应用权限:
1. 前往您设备的设置(Settings)。
2. 打开“应用程序(Apps)”或“应用程序和通知(Apps and notifications)”。在应用部分,点击权限(Permissions)。
3. 现在,选择“麦克风(Microphone)”以访问您设备上麦克风的权限。
4. 最后,确保(make sure that the toggle is on)“ Gboard ”的切换开关处于打开状态。
如果开关关闭,您可以启用它并检查 Google 助理(Google Assistant)是否在您的设备上工作。
方法 5:在 Google Assistant 上启用“Hey Google”选项 (Method 5: Enable the ‘Hey Google’ option on Google Assistant )
如果您想使用“Hey Google”或“ OK Google ”等语音命令,您必须确保在Google Assistant上启用“Hey Google”选项。这可能是Google 助理(Google Assistant)没有响应您的命令的原因。您可以按照以下步骤在Google Assistant(Google Assistant)上启用“Hey Google”选项:
1.在您的设备上打开Google 助理。(Google Assistant)
2. 点击屏幕左下角的方框图标。(box icon)然后点击右上角的个人资料图标(Profile icon)。
3. 打开语音匹配(Voice match)部分并打开“ Hey Google ”的(Hey Google)开关(toggle on)。
启用“ Hey Google ”后,您可以轻松 修复 Android 设备上的 Google Assistant 无法正常工作的问题。 (fix Google Assistant not working issue on your Android device. )
方法 6:在 Google Assistant 上重新训练语音模型 (Method 6: Retrain Voice Model on Google Assistant )
Google 助理(Google Assistant)在尝试识别您的声音时可能会遇到问题。当您的声音无法识别时,当您的手机处于锁定状态时, Google 助理可能无法工作。(Google Assistant)但是,有一个重新训练语音模型的选项,允许用户再次训练他们的语音并删除以前的语音模型。
1.在您的 Android 手机上启动Google Assistant 。
2. 点击屏幕左下方的方框图标(box icon),然后点击顶部的个人资料图标。(Profile icon)
3. 进入语音匹配(Voice Match)部分。
4. 现在点击语音(Voice)模型选项。但是,请确保启用“ Hey Google ”选项,因为如果“Hey Google”选项关闭,(off)您将无法重新训练您的声音(you will not be able to retrain your voice if)。
5. 点击“重新训练语音模型(Retrain voice model)”开始重新训练过程。
完成再培训过程后,您可以检查此方法是否能够修复 'OK Google' not working on Android。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 版 Google 相册中编辑视频(How to Edit Videos in Google Photos for Android)
方法 7:确保您设备的麦克风正常工作(Method 7: Ensure that your Device’s Microphone is Working Properly)
如果您仍然无法解决问题,那么您可以检查设备的麦克风是否正常工作。由于Google 助理(Google Assistant)会访问您的麦克风以识别或识别您的语音命令,因此您的设备上的麦克风可能存在故障。
方法 8:从您的设备中删除其他语音助手(Method 8: Remove Other Voice Assistants from your Device)
许多Android手机都配备了自己的内置人工智能数字助理(AI-powered digital assistant),例如三星(Samsung)设备附带的Bixby 。这些语音助手可能会干扰Google Assistant的工作,这可能是您在使用(Google Assistant)Google Assistant应用 时遇到问题的原因。
您可以从设备中移除其他语音助手,以防止对Google Assistant(Google Assistant)的任何干扰。您可以禁用或卸载其他语音助手。
1. 前往您设备的设置(Settings)。
2.根据您的手机转到“应用程序和通知(Apps and notification)”或“应用程序”,然后点击(Apps)管理应用程序(Manage apps)。
3. 现在向下滚动并从您的设备中禁用或卸载其他语音助手。(disable or uninstall other Voice Assistants from your device.)
从您的设备上卸载其他语音助手后,您可以检查您是否能够顺利运行Google Assistant 。
方法 9:清除 Google 服务的缓存和数据(Method 9: Clear Cache and Data for Google services)
要修复 Google Assistant 无法在 Android 上运行(To fix Google Assistant not working on Android),您可以尝试清除缓存和应用数据。缓存可能是Google 助理无法在您的(Google Assistant)Android设备 上正常工作的原因。
1. 前往您设备的设置(Settings)。
2. 转到“应用程序和通知(Apps and notifications)”或“应用程序(Apps)”。点击管理应用程序(Manage apps)。
3.从应用程序列表中找到Google 服务,然后点击底部的“(Google services)清除数据(Clear data)”。然后选择“清除缓存(Clear cache)”。
4. 最后,点击“确定(OK)”清除应用数据。
清除数据后,您可以检查此方法是否能够修复您设备上 Google Assistant 的工作。 (fix the working of Google Assistant on your device. )
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ))
Q1。如何在 Android 上重置 Google 助理?(Q1. How do I reset Google Assistant on Android?)
要在Android上重置您的Google 助理(Google Assistant),您可以按照以下步骤操作:
- 在手机上启动Google 助理(Google Assistant)应用。
- 点击屏幕右下角的汉堡图标。
- 从顶部点击您的个人资料图标。
- 转到设置并找到助理(Assistant)设备。
- 最后,禁用这些选项并在一分钟后启用它以重置Google Assistant。
Q2。如何修复 OK Google 无法正常工作?(Q2. How do I fix OK Google Not Working?)
要修复OK Google无法在您的设备上运行的问题,请确保在Google Assistant中启用“Hey Google”选项。此外,请检查您的互联网连接是否稳定。此外,您可以查看我们在本指南中提到的方法。
Q3。如何修复 OK Google 在 Android 上没有响应?(Q3. How do I fix OK Google not responding on Android?)
如果Google Assistant没有响应您的声音,您可以尝试在 Google Assistant 上重新训练您的声音,并(Google Assistant)检查您是否在Google Assistant上设置了正确的语言。如果您选择了错误的语言,则Google 助理(Google Assistant)可能无法理解您的口音或无法识别您的声音。
Q4。当 Google Assistant Voice 不起作用时该怎么办?(Q4. What to Do When Google Assistant Voice Won’t Work?)
当Google Assistant语音无法在您的设备上运行时,您必须检查您的麦克风是否正常工作。如果你的麦克风有问题,Google 助理(Google Assistant)可能无法捕捉到你的声音。
我们希望上述指南能够帮助您 修复无法在 Android 上运行的 Google Assistant(fix Google Assistant not working on Android)。如果上述任何一种方法能够解决您设备上的问题,请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
Fix Google Assistant Not Working on Android
Are you tired of screaming ‘OK Google’ or ‘Hey Google’ for Google Assistant to work on your Android device? Well, we all know that Google Assistant can come in handy when you want to call someone, use a calculator, set alarms, or search something on the web without even touching your phone. However, it is still an AI-powered digital assistant, and it may require fixing from time to time. If your phone is not responding to ‘OK Google,’ then there may be some reasons behind the issue. Therefore, in this article, we are listing some ways that you can follow to fix Google Assistant not working issue on Android Phone.
Fix Google Assistant Not Working on Android
Reasons behind Google Assistant Not Responding to ‘OK Google.’
There may be various reasons behind Google Assistant not responding to your commands. Some of the possible causes are as follows:
1. You may have an unstable internet connection.
2. You have to enable the voice match feature on Google Assistant.
3. The microphone may not be working correctly.
4. You may have to grant permission to Google Assistant to access your microphone.
These could be some of the reasons why Google Assistant is not working on your Android device.
9 Ways to Fix ‘OK Google’ Not Working on Android
We are listing some methods that you must follow if you want to fix Google Assistant not working on Android:
Method 1: Check your Internet connection
The most basic thing that you must check is your Internet connection. Since Google Assistant uses your WI-FI network or your cellular data to respond to you, make sure you have a stable internet connection on your device.
To check if your internet is working correctly, you can open any random site on your web browser. If the site successfully loads, your internet is working correctly, but if it fails to load, you can check the wiring of your WI-FI connection or restart your phone.
Method 2: Check the Compatibility with your Android device
Google Assistant does not support all the versions of Android, and you have to ensure several other things to check the compatibility of the app on your device. Check the following requirements for using Google Assistant on your Android device:
- Google Assistant supports Android 5.0 with 1GB of memory available and Android 6.0 with 1.5GB of memory available.
- Google play services.
- Google app version 6.13 and above.
- Screen resolution of 720p or higher.
Method 3: Check Language Settings on Google Assistant
To fix Google Assistant not working on Android, you can check the language settings of Google Assistant and check if you have chosen the correct language according to your accent and the language that you speak. Most of the users choose US English as the default language for Google Assistant. To check the language settings, you may follow these steps:
1. Open Google Assistant on your device.
2. Tap on the box icon from the bottom left of the screen.
3. Now tap on your Profile icon from the top-right.
4. Scroll down to locate the Languages section.
5. Open languages, and you will see a massive list of options. From the list, you can easily select the desired language.
After you have set the language, you can check if you were able to fix Google Assistant not working on your Android phone.
Also Read: How to Turn ON Device Flashlight Using Google Assistant
Method 4: Check Microphone Permissions for Google Assistant
There are chances that you may have to grant permissions for Google Assistant to access your microphone and respond to your commands. Therefore, to fix OK Google not working on Android, you may follow these steps to check the app permission:
1. Head to the Settings of your device.
2. Open ‘Apps‘ or ‘Apps and notifications.’ In the apps section, tap on Permissions.
3. Now, select ‘Microphone‘ to access the permissions for the microphone on your device.
4. Finally, make sure that the toggle is on for ‘Gboard.’
If the toggle was off, you can enable it and check if Google Assistant is working or not on your device.
Method 5: Enable the ‘Hey Google’ option on Google Assistant
If you want to use voice commands like ‘Hey Google’ or ‘OK Google,’ you have to make sure that you enable the ‘Hey Google’ option on Google Assistant. This could be the reason why Google Assistant is not responding to your commands. You can follow these steps to enable the ‘Hey Google’ option on Google Assistant:
1. Open Google Assistant on your device.
2. Tap on the box icon from the bottom-left of the screen. Then tap on the Profile icon from the top-right.
3. Open the Voice match section and turn the toggle on for ‘Hey Google.’
When you enable ‘Hey Google,’ you can easily fix Google Assistant not working issue on your Android device.
Method 6: Retrain Voice Model on Google Assistant
Google Assistant may have issues while trying to identify your voice. When your voice is not recognizable, Google Assistant may not work when your phone is on lock. However, there is an option to retrain the voice model that allows users to train their voice again and delete the previous voice model.
1. Launch Google Assistant on your Android phone.
2. Tap on the box icon from the bottom left of the screen then tap on your Profile icon at the top.
3. Go to the Voice Match section.
4. Now tap on the Voice model option. However, make sure that you enable the ‘Hey Google‘ option as you will not be able to retrain your voice if the ‘Hey Google’ option is off.
5. Tap on ‘Retrain voice model‘ to start the retraining process.
After completing the retraining process, you can check if this method was able to fix ‘OK Google’ not working on Android.
Also Read: How to Edit Videos in Google Photos for Android
Method 7: Ensure that your Device’s Microphone is Working Properly
If you’re still unable to resolve the issue, then you can check if your device’s microphone is working correctly or not. Since Google Assistant accesses your microphone to identify or recognize your voice commands, there are chances that you may have a faulty microphone on your device.
To check the microphone on your device, you can open the voice recorder app on your device and record your voice. After registering your voice, you may playback the recording, and if you are able to hear your voice clearly, then the problem is not with your microphone.
Method 8: Remove Other Voice Assistants from your Device
Many Android phones come with their own in-built AI-powered digital assistant such as Bixby that comes with Samsung devices. These voice assistants may interfere with the working of Google Assistant, and it could be the reason behind you facing issues with the Google Assistant app.
You can remove other voice assistants from your device to prevent any interference with Google Assistant. You can disable or uninstall the other voice assistant.
1. Head to the Settings of your device.
2. Go to ‘Apps and notification‘ or ‘Apps‘ depending upon your phone then tap on Manage apps.
3. Now scroll down and disable or uninstall other Voice Assistants from your device.
After uninstalling other voice assistants from your device, you can check if you are able to run Google Assistant smoothly.
Method 9: Clear Cache and Data for Google services
To fix Google Assistant not working on Android, you can try to clear the cache and app data. The cache could be the reason why Google Assistant is not working correctly on your Android device.
1. Head to the Settings of your device.
2. Go to ‘Apps and notifications‘ or ‘Apps.’ Tap on Manage apps.
3. Locate Google services from the list of applications and tap on ‘Clear data‘ from the bottom. Then select ‘Clear cache.’
4. Finally, tap on ‘OK‘ to clear the app data.
After clearing the data, you can check if this method was able to fix the working of Google Assistant on your device.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1. How do I reset Google Assistant on Android?
To reset your Google Assistant on Android, you may follow these steps:
- Launch the Google Assistant app on your phone.
- Tap on the hamburger icon at the bottom right of the screen.
- Tap on your profile icon from the top.
- Go to settings and locate Assistant devices.
- Finally, disable the options and enable it after a minute to reset Google Assistant.
Q2. How do I fix OK Google Not Working?
To fix OK Google not working on your device, make sure you enable the ‘Hey Google’ option in Google Assistant. Moreover, check whether your internet connection is stable or not. Furthermore, you can check out the methods that we have mentioned in this guide.
Q3. How do I fix OK Google not responding on Android?
If Google Assistant is not responding to your voice, you can try to retrain your voice on Google Assistant and check whether you have set the correct language on Google Assistant. If you are choosing the wrong language, then Google Assistant may not understand your accent or may not recognize your voice.
Q4. What to Do When Google Assistant Voice Won’t Work?
When Google Assistant voice is not working on your device, then you must check whether your microphone is working correctly or not. If you have a faulty microphone, Google Assistant may not be able to catch your voice.
We hope the above guide was able to help you fix Google Assistant not working on Android. If any of the above methods were able to fix the issue on your device, let us know in the comments below.