想(Want)成为Microsoft MVP吗?Microsoft MVP 奖计划(Microsoft MVP Award Program)根据过去 12 个月内对离线和在线技术社区的贡献(与Microsoft软件、服务和产品相关)来表彰技术社区的杰出成员。在成立的第一年,微软(Microsoft)授予 37 位技术社区领导者为MVP(MVPs)。目前全球大约有 4,000 名MVP(MVPs),使用近 90项Microsoft技术,跨越 90 个国家/地区,使用近 40 种语言,每年回答超过 1000 万个问题。
如何成为 Microsoft MVP
2013年2 月(February 2013),微软 MVP 奖(Microsoft MVP Award)结束了20 年(20 years)。MVP计划可能始于软件开发人员社区,但今天它涵盖了Microsoft软件、产品和服务的整个范围。最初的MVP(MVPs)活跃于Usenet和CompuServe等在线同行支持社区。但今天,除了参与论坛之外,甚至还考虑了博客等其他贡献途径。(Blogging)
作为微软“最有价值专家”奖获得者已有一段时间,我经常被问到这个问题——如何成为微软 MVP(HOW TO BECOME A MICROSOFT MVP)。自然,大多数渴望成为一体的人都想知道答案。My short answer usually is: You cannot really ‘work’ to become a Microsoft MVP. If your community contributions are good, you just get recognized as one!尽管如此,我还是想借此机会分享一些关于该主题的见解,并借用网络上的一些Microsoft资源——关于如何成为 Microsoft MVP或MCC。
什么是 Microsoft MVP
The MCC award “is an award offered by Microsoft, which is designed to recognize notable contributions to Microsoft online community forums such as TechNet, MSDN, and Answers. The MVP award takes those contributions into consideration, but it looks beyond these tools at overall industry leadership. They consider quality, quantity, and level of impact. It involves sharing knowledge (Forums, Wiki, blogs, Gallery), speaking at conferences, and leading others.
MVP计划是一种奖励,而不是一种认证。无需考试,无需面试!成为Microsoft MVP的唯一途径是获得(Microsoft MVP)Microsoft的认可和认可。
MVP 表彰会持续一年,之后,如果贡献继续具有模范性,则会得到更新。与 MCC 相比,成为 Microsoft MVP 更加困难,因为选择过程更加严格(The MVP recognition lasts for a period of one year, after which, if the contribution continues to be exemplary, it gets renewed. It is more difficult to become a Microsoft MVP, as compared to MCC since the selection process is more rigorous)。
- 反馈(Feedback)——这包括提供有价值、礼貌和最准确的建议和反馈。
- 支持(Support)- 始终尝试提供优质的帮助和咨询。如果可能,请测试您自己的建议。永远不要胡乱猜测。您所在地区的专家评估您的社区工作样本。
- Knowledge/Education——主持(Lead)会议,为成功的博客做贡献,写书?
MVP 奖励计划(MVP Award Program)补充了产品生命周期的三个领域——宣传(– Advocacy)、支持(Support)和反馈(Feedback)。Microsoft期望至少在两个领域做出贡献,但也可能有例外。
- 撰写(Write)文章、客座博客或书籍。尝试成为知名博客的客座博主。即使有自己的博客供您贡献也很好!
- 在任何在线/离线社区、论坛、新闻组、用户组(User Groups)中保持活跃,或向Microsoft报告错误。
- 成为您的技术论坛的版主(Moderator)、回答者(Answerer)、领导者(Lead)
- 专注(Focus)于您感兴趣的领域。例如,如果您想成为Windows MVP,您发布的任何关于 Office的帖子都不会计入您的贡献。只会考虑您有关Windows(Windows)的帖子。
- 最重要的是……保持一致!
心态(Mind)好;MVP 奖(MVP Award)是根据过去 12 个月的贡献来评估的,因此您必须至少保持活跃一年。奖励期过后,奖励结束,可以触发续期评估流程,您可以获得重新提名。
最近,在印度(India),MVP India社区进行了一些虚拟头脑风暴,以找出成为MVP所需的技能。遇到的一些主要品质是:
- 总是热衷于学习和分享
- 承诺
- 对技术的热情
- 具备解决问题的能力
- 开箱即用的思维
- 一致性
- 乐于接受反馈并成为一个好的倾听者。
如何申请成为Microsoft MVP
如果Microsoft(Microsoft)认为您值得成为Microsoft MVP ,它可能会直接与您联系。这是我认为最好的方法!但是你也可以自己申请——或者更好的是,请求另一个MVP来提名你。如果他或她相信你的案子是非曲直,他可能会。我个人有幸提名三位(现在是四位),他们是TheWindowsClub.com的成员,成功地参加了MVP计划。我提名的另一位候选人在我提名他后只是放松并停止参与——假设现在“工作”已经完成。That is why I said – be consistent. Don’t just participate in forums for the sake of getting the award. It won’t work. If your passion dictates, you will continue to contribute – and that is what Microsoft looks for. Your passion, consistency, and quality!
MVP提名人经过严格的审查程序。一个由MVP(MVP)团队和Microsoft产品组成员组成的小组评估每个被提名人在过去 12 个月的技术专长和贡献。一旦您申请或被提名, Microsoft(Microsoft)最多可能需要 3 个月的时间做出决定。如果您获得该奖项,您将收到一封欢迎电子邮件。如果您在 3 个月内没有收到任何邮件,则意味着您的提名没有成功。有关这方面的更多信息,您可以访问 MVP 网站(MVP website)。
虽然任何人都可以申请该奖项,但 Microsoft 员工、Microsoft 临时员工以及政府或国有员工没有资格申请 MVP 奖。(While anyone can apply for the Award, Microsoft Employees, Microsoft Contingent Staffs, and Government or State Owned Employees are not eligible to apply for the MVP Award.)
Microsoft MVP 的好处
- (Recognition)MVP证书等(MVP)认可好处,使用官方MVP标志等。
- (Software)通过TechNet 或MSDN 订阅获得所有Microsoft软件的(Microsoft)软件许可证。许多第 3 方软件供应商还向MVP(MVPs)提供免费许可,供其个人使用。
- 邀请参加MVP 全球峰会(MVP Global Summit)、本地(Local)和区域 MVP 开放日(Regional MVP Open Days)
- 直接访问独家学习资源
- 直接访问Microsoft 产品团队(Microsoft Product Teams)和MVP 产品组交互(MVP Product Group Interaction)和反馈(Feedback)团队
- 最后……与成为Microsoft MVP相关的状态。
如果您正在考虑向后工作,通过找出成为MVP所需的一切,做这些事情然后渴望获得奖励,那么您可能不会成功。只有当您充满热情并强烈希望帮助他人时,您的贡献才会以应有的方式出现。所以我的建议是:不要为MVP 奖(MVP Award)“工作” 。继续为您的社区做出贡献,享受贡献,并做好贡献 - MVP 奖(MVP Award)一定会如您所愿!要记住的是质量和一致性。
Windows 爱好者可能想阅读有关Windows Insider MVP计划的信息。
什么是Microsoft 社区贡献者(Microsoft Community Contributor)
Microsoft 社区贡献者(Microsoft Community Contributor)或MCC是指将他/她的大部分时间和精力用于Microsoft Answers、MSDN和TechNet等在线技术社区的个人。Microsoft会审查此类个人对其社区的贡献,如果认为合适,将授予他们MCC身份。
该权益使您获得 Microsoft 社区贡献者的认可,并在您的在线社区(MSDN、TechNet、Answers)的个人资料中作为奖励状态引人注目。但是,认可仅限于 90 天的有限期限。(The benefit earns you recognition as Microsoft Community Contributor and is noticeable as an award status in your profile on the online community (MSDN, TechNet, Answers). The recognition, however, is for a limited period of 90 days only.)
如何成为 MCC
- 尝试在社区中产生影响- 为此目的使用(– Use)Microsoft Answers、TechNet、MSDN或其他知名论坛等工具。此外,保持贡献的质量和数量。
- 统治论坛 - 查找对审核和(Forums – Find)答疑(Answerers)者有巨大需求的技术论坛。成为(Become)该技术的专家。始终(Always)正确回答大量问题,如果不可能,至少提出很多问题(尤其是那些不是来自你的问题)。在我看来,能够正确地在网上搜索并发布相关资源链接的能力也同样重要。然后,如果您愿意,可以找到版主(Moderators)或向他们发送电子邮件,并申请成为论坛版主(Forum Moderator)、领导(Lead)或回答者(Answerer)。
这些常见问题解答可能会回答您可能对MCC 奖(MCC Award)提出的一些问题。
Keep learning and keep sharing! All the best!
要成为 Microsoft MVP,您必须年满 18 岁。如果您是一名对 Microsoft 技术充满热情并且乐于分享您对最新 Microsoft 产品的热情的学生,那么您可能希望成为Microsoft 学生合作伙伴。访问此处了解有关Microsoft 学生助理计划(Microsoft Student Associate Program)的更多信息,并访问此处了解如何成为Microsoft 区域总监。
(To become a Microsoft MVP, you have to be at least 18 years of age. If you are a student who is passionate about Microsoft technologies and aren’t shy about sharing your enthusiasm for the latest Microsoft products, you might want to become a Microsoft Student Partner. Go here to learn more about the Microsoft Student Associate Program and here to find out how to become a Microsoft Regional Director.)
How to become a Microsoft MVP or MCC
Want tо become a Microsoft MVP? The Microsoft MVP Award Program recognizes outstanding members of technical communities based on contributions – related to Microsoft software, services, and products – made during the previous 12 months to offline and online technical communities. In the first year of its existence, Microsoft awarded 37 technical community leaders as MVPs. There are currently around 4,000 MVPs worldwide, in almost 90 Microsoft technologies, spanning 90 countries, speaking nearly 40 languages, and answering more than 10 million questions a year.
How to become a Microsoft MVP
In February 2013, the Microsoft MVP Award completed 20 years. The MVP program may have started with the software developer community, but today it encompasses the entire gamut of Microsoft software, products, and services. The initial MVPs were active in the online peer support communities such as Usenet and CompuServe. But today, apart from participating in forums, even other avenues of contribution like Blogging are considered.
Having been a Microsoft ‘Most Valuable Professional’ Awardee for a while now, I am often asked this question – HOW TO BECOME A MICROSOFT MVP. Naturally, most people keen on becoming one, want to know the answer. My short answer usually is: You cannot really ‘work’ to become a Microsoft MVP. If your community contributions are good, you just get recognized as one! Nevertheless, I would like to take this opportunity to share a few insights on the topic, borrowing upon, from a few Microsoft resources on the web – on how to become a Microsoft MVP or MCC.
What is a Microsoft MVP
The MCC award “is an award offered by Microsoft, which is designed to recognize notable contributions to Microsoft online community forums such as TechNet, MSDN, and Answers. The MVP award takes those contributions into consideration, but it looks beyond these tools at overall industry leadership. They consider quality, quantity, and level of impact. It involves sharing knowledge (Forums, Wiki, blogs, Gallery), speaking at conferences, and leading others.
The MVP program is an award and not a certification. There is no exam to take, no interview to give! The only way to become a Microsoft MVP is to be recognized and acknowledged by Microsoft.
Again, some people think of an MVP or Most Valuable Professionals as a Microsoft employee. No, they aren’t! In fact, they are an independent community of technology leaders who share their expertise and real-world knowledge about Microsoft products. They come from a wide range of backgrounds (teachers, artists, doctors, engineers, as well as technologists – or a businessman like I am) and actively share their real-world technical expertise with others – more as a passion!
The MVP recognition lasts for a period of one year, after which, if the contribution continues to be exemplary, it gets renewed. It is more difficult to become a Microsoft MVP, as compared to MCC since the selection process is more rigorous.
Microsoft never discloses its requirements on becoming an MVP, so it is not an easy nut to crack. One must realize that it is not an exam that you can take to become an MVP. The only way to become an MVP is to be recognized for your contributions. The number of people who you reach via your contributions is also very important.
Essentially, a person should possess the following three qualities or should be incredibly strong in one, according to this Wiki article on TechNet.
- Feedback – This includes providing valuable, polite, and most accurate suggestions and feedback.
- Support – Always try to provide quality assistance and consultation. If possible, test your own advice. Do not ever make wild guesses. Experts in your area evaluate samples of your community work.
- Knowledge/Education – Lead conferences, contribute to successful blogs, and write books?
The MVP Award Program complements three areas of the product lifecycle – Advocacy, Support, and Feedback. Microsoft expects contributions in at least two areas, but there can be exceptions.
In practice, try to do the following:
- Write articles, guest blogs, or books. Try becoming a guest blogger on the better-known blogs. Even having your own blog where you contribute is just fine too!
- Be active in any online/offline communities, forums, newsgroups, User Groups, or report bugs to Microsoft.
- Become a Moderator, Answerer, Lead on your technology forums
- Focus on your area of interest. For instance, if you want to be a Windows MVP, any posts you make about, say, Office will not be counted towards your contribution. Only your posts about Windows will be considered.
- And most importantly … Be consistent!
Mind well; the MVP Award is evaluated based on the past 12 months of contribution, so you have to remain active for at least a year. After the award period, the award ends, the renewal assessment process can be triggered, and you could get renominated.
Recently, in India, the MVP India community did a bit of virtual brainstorming to figure out the skills required to become an MVP. Some of the main qualities that came across were:
- Always keen to learn and share
- Being committed
- Passion for technology
- Possess problem-solving skills
- Out of Box Thinking
- Consistency
- Open to feedback and being a good listener.
How to apply to become a Microsoft MVP
Microsoft may contact you directly if it finds you worthy of becoming a Microsoft MVP. That’s the best way in my opinion! But you can also apply on your own – or better still, request another MVP to nominate you. If he or she is convinced about the merits of your case, he may. I personally have had the pleasure and the privilege of nominating three (now four), who were members of TheWindowsClub.com, to the MVP program successfully. One other candidate, I had nominated, simply relaxed and stopped participating after I had nominated him – assuming that the ‘job’ was now done. That is why I said – be consistent. Don’t just participate in forums for the sake of getting the award. It won’t work. If your passion dictates, you will continue to contribute – and that is what Microsoft looks for. Your passion, consistency, and quality!
MVP nominees undergo a rigorous review process. A panel that includes members of the MVP team and Microsoft product groups evaluates each nominee’s technical expertise and contributions for the past 12 months. Once you have applied or are nominated, it may take up to 3 months for Microsoft to make a decision. If you get the award, you will get a welcome email. If you do not receive any mail in 3 months, it would mean that your nomination was not successful. For more information on this, you can visit the MVP website.
While anyone can apply for the Award, Microsoft Employees, Microsoft Contingent Staffs, and Government or State Owned Employees are not eligible to apply for the MVP Award.
Microsoft MVP Benefits
- Recognition benefits like MVP certificate and more, use of official MVP logo, etc.
- Software licenses for all Microsoft software via a TechNet or MSDN subscription. Many 3rd-party software vendors also give a free license to MVPs for their personal use.
- Invitation to MVP Global Summit, Local and Regional MVP Open Days
- Direct access to exclusive learning resources
- Direct access to Microsoft Product Teams and MVP Product Group Interaction & Feedback teams
- Finally… the status which is associated with being a Microsoft MVP.
If you are thinking of working backward, by finding out what all is required to become an MVP, do those things and then aspire for the award, the chances are that you may not be successful. Only if you are passionate and feel strongly about helping out others, will your contributions come across the way they should. So my advice: Don’t ‘work’ for the MVP Award. Keep contributing to your community, enjoy contributing, and contribute well – and the MVP Award is sure to come your way! The thing to remember is quality and consistency.
Windows enthusiasts may want to read about the Windows Insider MVP Program.
What is a Microsoft Community Contributor
Microsoft Community Contributor or MCC is an individual who dedicates much of his/her time and energy to online technical communities such as Microsoft Answers, MSDN, and TechNet. Microsoft reviews the contributions of such individuals towards its communities and if found suitable, awards them the MCC status.
The benefit earns you recognition as Microsoft Community Contributor and is noticeable as an award status in your profile on the online community (MSDN, TechNet, Answers). The recognition, however, is for a limited period of 90 days only.
How to become an MCC
There is no single rule or a guaranteed method that can make you an MCC, or an MVP for that matter. Being an MVP/MCC is all about helping others. But still, some tips mentioned below may help in getting the desired results. Recognition is one major driving factor that makes you even more successful in what you do, and Microsoft recognizes your community contributions very well.
- Try to create an impact in the community – Use tools like Microsoft Answers, TechNet, MSDN, or other well-known forums for this purpose. Also, maintain quality and quantity in your contributions.
- Rule the Forums – Find technology forums where there’s a huge need for moderation and Answerers. Become an expert in that technology. Always answer loads of questions correctly and if not possible, at least propose a lot of them (especially ones that aren’t from you). The ability to be able to search on the net properly and post relevant resource links is equally important too, in my opinion. Then if you wish, track down the Moderators or email them and make a case to become a Forum Moderator, Lead, or Answerer.
These FAQ’s may offer answers to some questions you may have about the MCC Award.
Keep learning and keep sharing! All the best!
To become a Microsoft MVP, you have to be at least 18 years of age. If you are a student who is passionate about Microsoft technologies and aren’t shy about sharing your enthusiasm for the latest Microsoft products, you might want to become a Microsoft Student Partner. Go here to learn more about the Microsoft Student Associate Program and here to find out how to become a Microsoft Regional Director.