了解如何在Facebook 上(Facebook)更改语言在各种情况下都非常有用。也许您需要在朋友的设备上查看您的Facebook帐户,或者您可能正在帮助某人以他们的母语使用流行的社交媒体网站。只需点击几下,无论您出于何种原因,您都可以将Facebook 上的语言更改为另一种语言。(Facebook)而且,虽然我们详细介绍了如何将Facebook 上(Facebook)的语言从英语(English)更改为西班牙语,但格式保持不变,因此如果您尝试切换到英语(English),您还可以按照本指南中的简单步骤在任何设备上导航菜单。阅读本教程并了解如何更改FacebookWindows、Android、iOS 或 macOS上的应用程序或浏览器中的语言:
如何在Windows或Mac上的浏览器中更改Facebook 上的语言(Facebook)
如果您需要在Mac或 Windows 10 计算机或设备上更改Facebook语言,请在任何网络浏览器(Chrome、Safari、Firefox )中打开(Firefox)Facebook并登录。单击(Click)或点击右上角的向下菜单箭头. 然后,访问Settings & Privacy,其图标看起来像一个齿轮。

在“设置和隐私”(Settings & Privacy)菜单中,单击或点击最后一个选项“语言”(Language)。

按语言(Press Language)访问Facebook语言设置
或者,您也可以通过访问此链接访问Facebook语言设置: (Facebook)Facebook 语言和区域设置(Facebook Language and Region Settings)。
在这里,您会遇到右侧窗格中显示的几个选项。第一部分是您需要在Facebook 上(Facebook)更改语言的部分。如果名称 - Facebook 语言(Facebook language)- 还不够,描述会让你知道这是Facebook使用的“按钮、标题和其他文本”(“for buttons, titles and other text)。”当前语言也显示在此部分,您可以单击或点击旁边的编辑链接以更改(Edit)Facebook 上(Facebook)的语言。

按下链接后,该部分会立即更改,显示“以这种语言显示 Facebook”(“Show Facebook in this language”)选项。按下它下面的字段以打开一个下拉菜单,该菜单按字母顺序列出可用的语言。当你找到你需要的——在我们的例子中,西班牙语(Spanish)(西班牙)(Espanol)) ——点击或点击它来选择它。

如何从浏览器将Facebook 上的语言更改为西班牙语(Facebook)
提示:(TIP:)如果您选择一种本地语言(或不太流行的语言),您可能会看到第二个字段,称为“如果您的第一语言不可用,请以该语言显示 Facebook”。(“Show Facebook in this language if your first language is not available.”)当您的首选语言不可用时,使用相应的下拉菜单选择Facebook要使用的辅助语言。(Facebook)

(Change Facebook)当第一种语言不可用时,将Facebook 语言更改为另一种语言
选择完语言后,按下突出显示的保存更改(Save Changes)按钮。片刻之后,您的设置将被应用,您可以使用您选择的语言使用Facebook的新界面。

按保存更改(Press Save Changes)以享受新的Facebook语言设置
或者,还有另一种不太明显的方法可以将Facebook界面更改为另一种语言,它可以在Facebook 设置(Facebook’s Settings)的几个选项卡中使用。向下滚动(Scroll)到页面的最底部,您可以看到连续显示的几种语言。

在Facebook 上,从“(Facebook)设置”(Settings)页面中的任意位置更改语言
单击或点击列表中的任何语言都会立即将其应用到 Facebook 的界面。如果您看不到要查找的语言,请按行末尾的+ (plus)

选择您要使用的语言或单击或点击 +
这将打开一个带有扩展语言列表的弹出窗口。顶部的建议和左侧的排序选项应该可以帮助您更快地找到所需的语言。当您看到它时,按下它以更改Facebook 上(Facebook)的语言。

如何从选择您的语言(Select Your Language)页面更改Facebook中的语言(Facebook)
提示:(TIP:)您还可以从 Facebook 的设置(Settings)页面执行许多其他操作,例如从连接到您帐户的任何设备上查看和注销(reviewing and logging out from any devices connected to your account)或清除您的 Facebook 外活动(clearing your off-Facebook activity)。
如果您使用的是 Facebook 的Android应用程序,步骤很简单。在您的Android(Android)智能手机或平板电脑上启动Facebook应用程序,然后点击屏幕右上角的汉堡按钮。

向下滚动(Scroll)到屏幕底部。如果尚未展开,请点击“设置和隐私”(Settings & Privacy)选项以打开其下拉菜单。然后,按下地球图标旁边的语言(Language)条目,以查看Android应用程序中可用的(Android)Facebook语言设置。

默认情况下,Android应用程序上的(Android)Facebook语言设置遵循设备语言(Device Language)。这意味着 Facebook 的界面使用与您的智能手机相同的语言。因此,您可以使用顶部的设备语言选项并(Device Language)更改 Android 上的语言(change the language on your Android)。
但是,如果您只想更改Facebook 上(Facebook)的语言,请滚动列表并点击您希望使用的任何选项。您最近使用的语言列在开头,例如我们在本教程中选择的语言西班牙语 - Espanol (Espana)。

Facebook 会立即自动(Facebook)重新加载并将界面语言更改为您选择的语言。如果某些菜单仍在使用以前的语言,请不要担心。只需关闭 Facebook 应用程序(close the Facebook app),然后再次打开它即可查看应有的一切。
如果您通过Google Chrome、Safari或其他浏览器访问(Safari)Facebook,第一步是相同的。但是,在按下右上角的汉堡图标后,您会得到一个不同的菜单。向下滚动(Scroll)并点击最后一部分顶部的语言设置。(Language)


如何使用 iPhone 或 iPad在Facebook 上更改语言(Facebook)
iOS 版 Facebook(Facebook for iOS)需要类似的步骤来更改其界面语言。打开应用程序并点击右下角的汉堡包按钮。

按iOS (Press)Facebook应用右下角的菜单按钮
在下一个屏幕上,一直向下滚动。按Settings & Privacy以显示下拉菜单,然后访问其最后一个条目App Language。

从设置(Settings)和隐私(Privacy)下拉菜单中点击应用语言(App Language)
您甚至不必在 iPhone 上打开Facebook即可更改其界面语言,因为这是通过iPhone 或 iPad 上的“设置”应用程序完成的。(Settings)或者,您可以通过打开Settings,向下滚动到最后一部分,然后点击Facebook条目来访问以下页面。
这会将您带到Facebook(Facebook)应用程序的 iOS 设置,该应用程序会自动使用您 iPhone 的语言,如此屏幕的第二部分“首选语言”(Preferred Language)所示。要更改Facebook上的语言,请点击语言(Language)。
注意:(NOTE:)在我们的测试中,我们注意到如果您在 iPhone 上使用一种语言,则首选语言(Preferred Language)部分可能不可用。为避免此问题,请将 iPhone 或 iPad 上的显示语言更改为(change the display language on your iPhone or iPad)其他语言,然后您可以访问“语言”(Language)选项。

如何从 iOS设置(Settings)应用程序更改Facebook中的语言(Facebook)

iOS 版应用的Facebook(Facebook)语言设置
注意:(NOTE:)如果您在 iPhone 或 iPad 上的浏览器中使用该网站,则Facebook更改语言在该网站上完成。有关如何在移动网络浏览器上更改Facebook语言的详细信息,请查看上一章的最后部分。
How to change language on Facebook: All you need to know -
Knowing how to change language on Facebook can be useful in a variety of situations. Mаybe you need to check уour Facebook account on a friend’s device, or perhaps you’re helping someone use the popular social mediа site in theіr native tongue. With a few clicks or taps, yоυ can change the language on Facеbook to another, regardless of your reasons. And, while we detail hоw to change language on Faсebook from Englіѕh to Spanish, the formаt remains the same, so if you аrе trying to switch to English, you can also follow the simple steps in this guide to navigate the mеnus on any device. Read this tutorial and learn how to change Facebook lаnguage from the aрp оr a browser on Wіndows, Android, iOS, or macOS:
How to change language on Facebook in a browser on Windows or Mac
If you need to change the Facebook language on a Mac or a Windows 10 computer or device, open Facebook in any web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and log in. Click or tap on the downward menu arrow in the top-right corner. Then, access Settings & Privacy, whose icon looks like a cogwheel.

Press on Settings & Privacy from the dropdown menu
From the Settings & Privacy menu, click or tap on the last option, Language.

Press Language to access the Facebook language settings
Alternatively, you can also reach the Facebook language settings by accessing this link: Facebook Language and Region Settings.
Here, you come across several options displayed in the right-hand pane. The first section is the one you need to change language on Facebook. If the name - Facebook language - is not enough, the description lets you know this is what Facebook uses “for buttons, titles and other text.” The current language is also displayed in this section, and you can click or tap on the Edit link next to it to change language on Facebook.

How to change Facebook language from your browser on Windows and Mac
As soon as you press the link, the section changes, revealing the “Show Facebook in this language” option. Press on the field under it to open a dropdown menu that lists the available languages in alphabetical order. When you find the one you need - in our case, Spanish (Espanol) - click or tap on it to select it.

How to change the language on Facebook to Spanish from your browser
TIP: If you choose a local language (or one that’s not very popular), you might get a second field, called “Show Facebook in this language if your first language is not available.” Use the corresponding dropdown menu to select a secondary language for Facebook to use when your first choice is unavailable.

Change Facebook language to another one when the first isn't available
When you are done selecting your language(s), press on the highlighted Save Changes button. After a few moments, your settings are applied, and you can enjoy Facebook with its new interface in the language you chose.

Press Save Changes to enjoy the new Facebook language settings
Alternatively, there is another, less obvious way to change the Facebook interface to another language, and it’s available in several tabs from Facebook’s Settings. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and you can see quite a few languages displayed in a row.
NOTE: Some of the tabs on the left can take you away from this page, so, first, make sure Settings is shown at the top, as seen below.

On Facebook, change language from anywhere in the Settings page
Clicking or tapping on any language from the list applies it immediately to Facebook’s interface. If you can’t see the language you’re looking for, press the + (plus) button at the end of the row.

Select the language you want to use or click or tap on +
This opens a pop-up window with the expanded language list. The suggestions on top and the sorting options on the left should help you find the language you want faster. When you see it, press on it to change language on Facebook.

How to change language in Facebook from the Select Your Language page
TIP: There are many other things you can do from Facebook’s Settings page, like reviewing and logging out from any devices connected to your account or clearing your off-Facebook activity.
How to change Facebook language on an Android smartphone or tablet
If you’re using Facebook’s Android app, the steps are simple. Launch the Facebook app on your Android smartphone or tablet, and then tap on the hamburger button available in the top-right corner of your screen.

Press on the hamburger button from the top-right corner in your Android's Facebook app
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. If it’s not expanded already, tap on the Settings & Privacy option to open its dropdown menu. Then, press on the Language entry, next to the globe icon, to see the available Facebook language settings from the Android app.

Access Language from the Settings & Privacy dropdown menu to change Facebook language
By default, the Facebook language settings on the Android app follow the Device Language. This means that Facebook’s interface uses the same language as your smartphone. So you can use the Device Language option at the top and change the language on your Android.
However, if you only want to change language on Facebook, scroll through the list and tap on whichever option you wish to use. The languages you used recently are listed at the beginning, like our choice for this tutorial, Spanish - Espanol (Espana).

The Facebook language settings on the Android app
Right away, Facebook automatically reloads and changes the interface language to the one you selected. If some of the menus are still using the previous language, don’t worry. Just close the Facebook app and then open it again to see everything as it should be.
If you’re accessing Facebook through Google Chrome, Safari, or another browser, the first step is the same. However, after pressing the top-right hamburger icon, you get a different menu. Scroll down and tap the Language setting, available at the top of the last section.

How to change language in Facebook on a mobile browser
Any recently used languages are suggested at the top, under the current one. You can either use the Search field to speed up the process, or tap on the language you want to use from the list.

Facebook language settings in the mobile version of the website
If you are prompted to choose how to open the link, select the browser you’re currently using for Facebook. The interface language for the popular website is changed right away to the one you chose.
How to change the language on Facebook using an iPhone or iPad
Facebook for iOS requires similar steps to change its interface language. Open the app and tap on the hamburger button in the lower-right corner.

Press the menu button from the lower-right corner of your iOS Facebook app
On the next screen, scroll all the way down. Press on Settings & Privacy to reveal a dropdown menu, and then access its last entry, App Language.

Tap on App Language from the Settings & Privacy dropdown menu
You don’t even have to open Facebook on your iPhone in order to change the language of its interface, because this is done from the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Alternatively, you can get to the page below by opening Settings, scrolling down to the last section, and tapping the Facebook entry.
This takes you to the iOS settings for the Facebook app, which automatically uses your iPhone’s language, as seen in the second section on this screen, Preferred Language. To change language on Facebook, tap on Language.
NOTE: During our tests, we noticed that if you’re using a single language on your iPhone, the Preferred Language section might not be available. To avoid this issue, change the display language on your iPhone or iPad to something else, and you can then access the Language option.

How to change language in Facebook from the iOS Settings app
The available options are sorted alphabetically, with suggestions shown on top. When you find the language you want, tap on it to select it. Once it’s checked, you can close the Settings app.

Facebook language settings for the iOS version of the app
When you get back to Facebook, you get a brief loading screen, and the app is displayed in the language you chose.
NOTE: If you’re using the website in a browser on an iPhone or iPad, the Facebook change language is done on the website. Check the last part of the previous chapter for details on how to change Facebook language on a mobile web browser.
What language did you use for the Facebook language settings and on which device(s)?
It’s important to remember that, while Facebook might remember and even suggest the languages on other devices connected to your account, your new settings are only displayed for your current session. Luckily, the steps illustrated in this guide are all you need for any Facebook app or browser used to check the social media website. We’d like to know what language you chose for Facebook’s language settings. Are you using the mobile Facebook app, or do you prefer to open the site in your browser? Let us know in the comments.