(Are)在Windows 10系统上,您的扬声器或耳机(Windows 10)是否出现卡顿、静电或失真的声音?那么,你并不孤单。让我们看看如何修复Windows 10中的音频卡顿或失真问题。
一些Windows 10用户抱怨他们的系统遇到了音频卡顿问题。在看电影、听音乐,尤其是在参加虚拟会议时,这可能会非常令人不快和烦人。在本指南中,我们将列出在Windows 10计算机中修复音频卡顿的可能原因和解决方案。所以,继续阅读。
如何修复 Windows 10 中的音频失真问题(How to Fix Audio Distortion Problem in Windows 10)
是什么导致了 Windows 10 中的音频卡顿问题? (What causes the audio stuttering problem in Windows 10? )
您在Windows 10(Windows 10)中遇到声音卡顿问题的原因有很多。其中一些是:
1. 过时的声音驱动程序:(1. Outdated sound drivers:) 如果您系统上的音频驱动程序过时,您可能会在Windows 10系统上遇到音频卡顿问题。
2. 音频增强:(2. Audio enhancement: ) Windows 10 内置音频增强功能,提供更好的音频质量。但是,如果故障可能是此问题背后的原因。
3.音频设置配置错误:(3. Misconfiguration of audio settings: )如果在您的计算机上进行了不正确的音频设置配置,则会导致音频卡顿问题。
我们列出了一些您可以尝试修复Windows 10 PC 中音频卡顿的解决方案。
方法一:重启电脑(Method 1: Restart your computer)
大多数情况下,只需重新启动您的设备,即手机、笔记本电脑、计算机等,即可消除小故障和问题。因此,重新启动(reboot)可能会帮助您解决 Windows 10 声音卡顿问题(fix Windows 10 sound stuttering problem)。
1. 按键盘上的Windows 键(Windows key)打开开始菜单(Start menu)。
2. 点击Power,然后选择Restart,如图所示。
方法 2:禁用音频增强 (Method 2: Disable Audio Enhancements )
音频增强是(Audio)Windows 10的一项内置功能,可让用户获得流畅、不间断的音频体验。然而,众所周知,音频增强通常会导致音频失真或断断续续。因此(Therefore),禁用音频增强可能会帮助您修复Windows 10中的声音失真问题。请按照以下步骤禁用此功能:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入Run并从搜索结果中启动它。(Run)
2. 或者,同时按Windows + R键打开“运行”(Run)对话框。
3.屏幕上弹出 “运行”对话框后,键入(Run dialog box)mmsys.cpl 并按(and hit )Enter 键(Enter)。参考下图。
4. 现在,右键单击您的默认播放设备(default playback device),然后单击属性(Properties)。
5. 屏幕上将出现一个新窗口。在这里,切换到顶部的增强选项卡。(Enhancements)
6. 接下来,选中标题为Disable all sound effects(Disable all sound effects)的选项旁边的框,如下图所示。
7. 单击确定(OK)保存更改。
如果没有,请执行以下方法来更新并重新安装 Windows 10 计算机上的音频驱动程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10 PC 中没有声音 [已解决](No Sound in Windows 10 PC [SOLVED])
方法 3:更新音频驱动程序(Method 3: Update Audio Drivers)
1. 在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中,键入设备管理器(device manager)并按Enter。
2.从搜索结果中打开设备管理器。(Device Manager)
3. 向下滚动到声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controllers)部分,然后双击将其展开。
4. 现在,右键单击声音驱动程序(sound driver)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)选项,如下图所示。
5. 将弹出一个新窗口。在这里,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers),如图所示。
6. 等待您的计算机自动扫描(scan)并更新(update)您的音频驱动程序。
最后,在更新音频驱动程序后,检查您是否能够解决Windows 10音频卡顿问题。
方法 4:重新安装音频驱动程序 (Method 4: Reinstall Audio Drivers )
音频驱动程序可能会损坏,并可能导致系统上的音频出现多个问题,包括声音卡顿或失真问题。在这种情况下,您需要卸载出现故障的音频驱动程序并在系统上重新安装新的驱动程序以修复 Windows 10 中的音频卡顿。 (fix audio stuttering in Windows 10. )按照给定的步骤在 Windows 10 上重新安装音频驱动程序:
1. 启动设备管理器(Device Manager),如上方法所述。为清楚起见,请参阅下面的图片。
2. 现在,向下滚动并双击声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controllers)以展开菜单。
3. 右键单击您的音频驱动程序(audio driver),然后单击卸载(Uninstall),如下所示。
4. 卸载声音驱动程序后,右键单击(right-click)屏幕并(screen)选择扫描硬件更改。(Scan for hardware changes. )请参阅给定的图片。
5. 等待您的计算机自动扫描并(automatically scan and install)在您的系统上安装默认音频驱动程序。
最后,重新启动计算机并检查您是否能够修复Windows 10上的音频卡顿问题。
方法 5:更改音频格式设置 (Method 5: Change Audio Format Settings )
有时,您的音频驱动程序可能不支持系统上设置的音频格式。此外,如果您启用了高质量音频格式(high-quality audio format),您可能会遇到音频卡顿的问题。在这种情况下,您需要将音频格式设置更改为低质量以解决此问题,如下所述:
1. 同时按下Windows + R键打开运行对话框(Run dialog box)。在这里, 输入(Enter)mmsys.cpl并按Enter (hit )。
2. 右键单击您的默认播放设备(default playback device),然后单击属性(Properties),如图所示。
3.从顶部切换到高级(Advanced)选项卡,然后单击下拉菜单以选择较低质量的默认音频格式(default audio format)。
注意:(Note:)我们建议将默认音频格式选择为16 位、48000 Hz(DVD 质量)。(16 bit, 48000 Hz (DVD quality).)
4. 最后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)以实施这些更改。参考下图。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 上修复无声音的 8 种方法(8 Ways To Fix No Sound on Windows 10)
方法 6:卸载冲突的网络驱动程序(Method 6: Uninstall Conflicting Network Driver)
有时,您的网络驱动程序(例如Realtek PCIe 系列以太网控制器(Realtek PCIe Family Ethernet Controller))可能会干扰系统上的音频适配器,这可能会导致Windows 10出现音频失真问题。因此,要修复 Windows 10 声音卡顿问题(fix Windows 10 sound stuttering problem),您必须卸载有冲突的网络驱动程序。
1. 单击此处键入以搜索(Type here to search )栏或搜索图标。键入device manager,然后按 Enter(Enter),如图所示。
2. 从搜索结果中单击设备管理器(Device Manager)以启动它。
3. 在设备管理器(Device Manager)窗口中,向下滚动到网络(Network)适配器。 双击(Double)网络适配器(Network adapters)以展开菜单。
4. 找到Realtek PCIe 系列以太网控制器(Realtek PCIe Family Ethernet controller)。右键单击它并从菜单中选择卸载。(Uninstall)参考下图。
5. 屏幕上会弹出一个确认窗口。在这里,选择删除此设备的驱动程序软件。(Delete the driver software for this device.)
方法 7:禁用输入和输出设备(Method 7: Disable Input and Output Devices)
如果您有太多的输入和输出音频设备连接到您的 Windows 10 计算机,它们可能会相互干扰,从而导致音频失真问题。在这种方法中,
一种。首先,要修复 Windows 10 中的音频卡顿(fix audio stuttering in Windows 10),我们将禁用所有输入和输出设备。
1. 按照方法 3(Method 3)中的说明启动设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2. 向下滚动并双击音频输入和输出(Audio inputs and outputs)以展开菜单。
3. 右键单击此处列出的所有音频设备,一个接一个,然后选择(all the audio devices)禁用(Disable) 设备(device)。参考图片。
4. 禁用所有音频设备后,重新启动(Restart)计算机。
5. 接下来,再次执行步骤 1-3(steps 1-3),这一次,选择启用设备(Enable device)以启用任何一个音频设备。检查音频是否清晰无失真。
方法 8:运行音频疑难解答(Method 8: Run Audio Troubleshooter)
如果您在Windows 10系统上遇到音频卡顿问题,您可以运行内置的音频疑难解答(Troubleshooter)程序来解决问题。只需(Simply)按照以下步骤操作:
1. 同时按Windows + I键在 Windows 10 PC 上打开“设置”(Settings)应用。
2. 转到更新和安全(Update and Security)部分,如图所示。
3. 单击左侧面板中的疑难解答(Troubleshoot)。
4. 点击Additional Troubleshooters,如下图所示。
5. 选择启动和运行(Getup and running)部分下的播放音频。(Playing Audio)然后,单击运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)。请参阅给定的图片。
疑难解答程序将在您的Windows 10系统上运行并自动修复问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Windows 10 中没有响应的音频服务(How to Fix Audio Services Not Responding in Windows 10)
方法 9:重置 CPU 电源计划 (Method 9: Reset CPU power plan )
有时,重置CPU电源计划也有助于 修复 Windows 10 中的音频卡顿(fix audio stuttering in Windows 10)。因此,如果您在系统上使用扬声器或耳机时遇到音频失真或卡顿,请按照以下步骤重置CPU电源计划。
1.如前一种方法所述,在您的 PC 上打开设置应用程序。(Settings)点击(Click)系统(System),如图所示。
2. 单击左侧面板中的电源和睡眠(Power and sleep)。
3. 单击屏幕右侧 相关(Related Settings)设置下的其他电源设置,如图所示。(Additional power settings)
4. 您当前的电源计划将显示在列表顶部。单击(Click)旁边可见的更改计划设置选项。(Change plan settings)参考下图。
5. 在这里,点击更改高级电源设置(Change advanced power settings)。屏幕上会弹出一个新窗口。
6. 双击处理器电源管理(Processor power management)将其展开。
7. 双击最小处理器状态(Minimum processor state)和最大处理器状态,然后将(Maximum processor state )On battery (%)和Plugged in (%)字段中的值更改为100。检查屏幕截图以供参考。
8. 重置CPU电源计划后,重新启动(Restart)计算机。
我们希望我们的指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够解决 Windows 10 问题中的音频卡顿或失真问题。(fix audio stuttering or distorting in Windows 10 issue. )让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何建议/疑问,请在下面的评论部分告诉我们。
How to Fix Audio Stuttering in Windows 10
Are you experiencing stuttering, statіc, or a distоrted sound from your speakers or headphones on Windows 10 system? Well, you are not alone. Let’s see how to fix audio stuttering or distortion problem in Windоws 10.
Several Windows 10 users have complained that they encounter an audio stuttering issue on their system. This can be extremely unpleasant and annoying while watching a movie, listening to music, and especially while attending a virtual meeting. In this guide, we are going to list down the possible causes and solutions to fix audio stuttering in Windows 10 computers. So, keep reading.
How to Fix Audio Distortion Problem in Windows 10
What causes the audio stuttering problem in Windows 10?
There are numerous reasons why you experience the sound stuttering issue in Windows 10. A few of these are:
1. Outdated sound drivers: If the audio drivers on your system are outdated, there are chances that you will encounter an audio stuttering issue on your Windows 10 system.
2. Audio enhancement: Windows 10 comes with an in-built audio enhancement feature to provide better audio quality. But, if malfunctioning can be the reason behind this issue.
3. Misconfiguration of audio settings: If an improper configuration of audio settings was done on your computer, it would lead to audio stuttering issues.
We have listed some solutions that you can try to fix audio stuttering in Windows 10 PCs.
Method 1: Restart your computer
Most of the time, simply restarting your device viz phone, laptop, computer, etc., gets rid of minor glitches & issues. Thus, a reboot might help you fix Windows 10 sound stuttering problem.
1. Press the Windows key on the keyboard to open the Start menu.
2. Click on Power, and select Restart, as shown.
Once PC restarts, check whether a sound distortion issue is occurring while using speakers or headphones. If it is, try the next solution.
Method 2: Disable Audio Enhancements
Audio enhancement is a built-in feature on Windows 10 that allows users to get a smooth and uninterrupted audio experience. However, often, audio enhancements have been known to cause the audio to distort or stutter. Therefore, disabling audio enhancements might help you fix the sound distortion problems in Windows 10. Follow these steps to disable this feature:
1. Type Run in the Windows search bar and launch it from the search results.
2. Alternatively, press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
3. Once the Run dialog box pops up on your screen, type mmsys.cpl and hit Enter. Refer to pic below.
4. Now, right-click on your default playback device and click on Properties.
5. A new window will appear on the screen. Here, switch to the Enhancements tab on the top.
6. Next, check the box next to the option titled Disable all sound effects, as depicted below.
7. Click on OK to save the changes.
Now, play a song or video to check whether the audio stuttering issue is resolved or not.
If not, then implement the following methods to update and reinstall the audio drivers on your Windows 10 computer.
Also Read: No Sound in Windows 10 PC [SOLVED]
Method 3: Update Audio Drivers
Evidently, audio drivers play an essential role in providing a perfect audio experience. If you are using an outdated version of audio drivers on your computer, you might encounter an audio stuttering issue. Updating your audio drivers to the latest version can help you fix the error.
Follow these steps to do so:
1. In the Windows search bar, type device manager and hit Enter.
2. Open the Device Manager from the search results.
3. Scroll down to the Sound, video, and game controllers section and double-click on it to expand it.
4. Now, right-click on sound driver and select the Update driver option, as depicted below.
5. A new window will pop up. Here, click Search automatically for drivers, as shown.
6. Wait for your computer to automatically scan and update your audio drivers.
Finally, after the audio drivers are updated, check whether you were able to resolve the Windows 10 audio stuttering issue.
Method 4: Reinstall Audio Drivers
The audio drivers can get corrupt and may cause multiple issues with the audio on your system, including sound stuttering or distortion problems. In such situations, you need to uninstall your malfunctioning audio drivers and reinstall fresh ones on your system to fix audio stuttering in Windows 10. Follow the given steps for the reinstallation of audio drivers on Windows 10:
1. Launch Device Manager as explained in the previous method. Refer to pic below for clarity.
2. Now, scroll down and double-click on Sound, video, and game controllers to expand the menu.
3. Right-click on your audio driver and click on Uninstall, as shown below.
4. After uninstalling the sound driver, right-click on the screen and select Scan for hardware changes. Refer to the given pic.
5. Wait for your computer to automatically scan and install the default audio drivers on your system.
Finally, restart your computer and check whether you were able to fix the audio stuttering issue on Windows 10.
Method 5: Change Audio Format Settings
Sometimes, your audio driver may not support the audio format set on your system. Moreover, if you have enabled high-quality audio format, you might encounter audio stuttering issues. In this scenario, you need to change audio format settings to a low quality to fix this issue, as explained below:
1. Press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box. Here, type mmsys.cpl and hit Enter.
2. Right-click on your default playback device and click on Properties, as shown.
3. Switch to the Advanced tab from the top, and click on the drop-down menu to choose the default audio format of lower quality.
Note: We recommend selecting the default audio format as 16 bit, 48000 Hz (DVD quality).
4. Finally, click on Apply and then OK to implement these changes. Refer to pic below.
Also Read: 8 Ways To Fix No Sound on Windows 10
Method 6: Uninstall Conflicting Network Driver
Occasionally, your network driver, such as, Realtek PCIe Family Ethernet Controller, can interfere with the audio adapter on your system, which may cause audio distortion issues on Windows 10. Hence, to fix Windows 10 sound stuttering problem, you will have to uninstall the conflicting network driver.
1. Click on Type here to search bar or the search icon. Type device manager, and hit Enter, as shown.
2. Click on Device Manager from the search result to launch it.
3. In the Device Manager window, and scroll down to Network adapters. Double click on Network adapters to expand the menu.
4. Locate Realtek PCIe Family Ethernet controller. Right-click on it and select Uninstall from the menu. Refer to pic below.
5. A confirmation window will pop up on your screen. Here, select Delete the driver software for this device.
If the audio stuttering issue persists, try the next fix.
Method 7: Disable Input and Output Devices
If you have too many input and output audio devices connected to your Windows 10 computer, they might interfere with each other, leading to audio distortion issues. In this method,
a. Firstly, to fix audio stuttering in Windows 10, we will disable all the input and output devices.
b. Then, we will enable the audio devices one-by-one to determine which audio device is causing audio problems.
Follow the steps listed below to do the same:
1. Launch Device Manager as explained in Method 3.
2. Scroll down and double-click on Audio inputs and outputs to expand the menu.
3. Right-click on all the audio devices listed here, one-by-one, and select Disable device. Refer pic.
4. Once you have disabled all the audio devices, Restart your computer.
5. Next, follow steps 1-3 again, and this time, choose Enable device to enable any one of the audio devices. Check whether the audio is clear and undistorted.
Method 8: Run Audio Troubleshooter
If you are experiencing an audio stuttering issue on your Windows 10 system, you can run the in-built audio Troubleshooter to fix the problem. Simply follow these steps:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open the Settings app on your Windows 10 PC.
2. Go to the Update and Security section, as shown.
3. Click on Troubleshoot from the panel on the left.
4. Click on Additional troubleshooters, as shown below.
5. Select Playing Audio under the Getup and running section. Then, click on Run the troubleshooter. Refer to the given pic.
The troubleshooter will run on your Windows 10 system and will automatically fix the problem.
Also Read: How to Fix Audio Services Not Responding in Windows 10
Method 9: Reset CPU power plan
Sometimes, resetting the CPU power plan also helps fix audio stuttering in Windows 10. Thus, if you are experiencing audio distortion or stuttering while using speakers or headphones on your system, then follow the steps given below to reset the CPU power plan.
1. Open the Settings app on your PC as explained in the previous method. Click on System, as shown.
2. Click on Power and sleep from the left panel.
3. Click Additional power settings under Related Settings on the right-hand side of the screen, as depicted.
4. Your current power plan will be shown on top of the list. Click on the Change plan settings option visible next to it. Refer to pic below.
5. Here, click on Change advanced power settings. A new window will pop up on your screen.
6. Double click on Processor power management to expand it.
7. Double-click on Minimum processor state and Maximum processor state and change the values in the On battery (%) and Plugged in (%) fields to 100. Check the screenshot for reference.
8. After you reset the CPU power plan, Restart your computer.
We hope our guide was helpful, and you were able to fix audio stuttering or distorting in Windows 10 issue. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any suggestions/queries, let us know in the comment section below.