在过去的几十年里, GPS(GPS)系统取得了长足的进步。现在可以在您的Android(Android)智能手机上轻松访问该技术。几个应用程序可以确定您的确切位置。最受欢迎和使用最广泛的当然是谷歌地图(Google Maps)。使用这些应用程序,您不仅可以找到您的位置并进行导航,还可以与您的朋友分享这个位置。这个大家不熟悉或者不知道怎么使用这个功能,下面我们就来聊聊如何在安卓上与好友分享自己的位置。(how to share your location with friends on Android.)
1. 使用谷歌位置分享来追踪亲人(1. Use Google Location Sharing to Keep Track of Loved Ones)
如前所述,分享您的位置最流行和最方便的选择是使用Google 地图(Google Maps)。它预装在所有Android智能手机上,并且可能是所有Android用户都有权使用的最有用的服务。在导航方面,这一代人最依赖谷歌地图。(Google Maps)它是一个极其重要的服务应用,可以让人们找到地址、商家、徒步路线、查看交通情况等。谷歌地图(Google Maps)就像一个不可或缺的指南,尤其是当我们在一个未知的区域时。
除了帮助您导航外,谷歌地图(Google Maps)还可用于与您的朋友分享您的位置。请按照以下步骤查看如何与朋友分享您的位置。
1.您需要做的第一件事是 在您的设备上打开谷歌地图。(Google Maps)
2. 现在点击屏幕右上角的“个人资料图片” 。(“Profile Picture”)
3. 之后选择位置共享(Location sharing)选项,然后点击共享位置(Share Location )按钮。
4. 如果这是您第一次,那么您可能必须授予对 Google 地图的位置访问权限。(grant location access to Google Maps.)
5. 您使用Google 地图(Google Maps)共享的位置是实时位置。这意味着它将不断更新您的位置并跟踪您的所有动作。
6.您可以确定您的实时位置对您的联系人可见的时间段。( You can determine the period for which your live location will be visible to your contacts.)还有一个选项可以一直保持打开状态,直到您再次手动将其关闭。
7. 确定持续时间后,选择要与其共享位置的联系人。(select a contact with whom you would like to share your location.)
8. 如果联系人未列出,您可以选择任何其他应用程序来分享您的位置,例如Gmail、WhatsApp、Messenger等可供您使用。
9. 现在,您的朋友将可以访问您的实时位置,(your live location will be accessible to your friends)并且您将收到一条消息,其中显示可以查看您位置的人员列表。
10. 如果您想在任何时候停止分享您的位置,那么您只需点击停止(Stop)按钮即可。
如果您想在 Android 上与朋友分享您的位置,这是最常用的方法(This is the most used method if you want to share your location with friends on Android)。但是,如果您不想通过Google Maps分享您的位置,那么您可以查看下一种方法。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 上伪造 GPS 位置(How to Fake GPS Location on Android)
2. 使用 WhatsApp Messenger 与 Android 上的朋友分享您的位置(2. Share your location with Friends on Android using WhatsApp Messenger)
很多人可能不知道此功能,但可以使用WhatsApp与您的朋友分享您的实时位置。(WhatsApp)该应用程序与谷歌地图(Google Maps)集成,您可以与您的联系人共享数据。它将成为对话(Conversation)的一部分,这意味着您甚至不必关闭应用程序即可共享您的位置。您也可以将它发送到一个组,这样每个人都可以查看它。下面给出了相同的分步指南。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是 在您的设备上打开WhatsApp 。
2. 现在选择您想与之分享您的实时位置的联系人或群组。(contact or a group)
3. 点击文本框右侧的附加按钮(看起来像回形针)。(Attach button )
4. 之后选择“位置”(“Location”)选项。
5. 现在您可以选择分享您当时的位置(当前位置(Current Location)),或者 如果您在移动中选择分享实时位置。( a Live location)
注意:(Note:) 您可以在旅行时使用实时位置,或者您不在特定地点(use the live location when you are traveling, or you are not in a specific place),您的联系人可以通过您的实时位置跟踪您。但是,您当前的位置是您当前所在的位置。此外,您还可以选择手动搜索位置并将其发送给您的联系人。
6. 如果您选择“实时位置共享”(“Live location sharing”),那么您可以选择您想要共享此位置的持续时间。
8. 最后,点击发送按钮( send button),您的位置将被发送。在实时位置共享的情况下,您的确切位置将不断刷新和更新。
3. 使用 Facebook Messenger 分享您的位置(3. Share your location using Facebook Messenger)
另一个流行的即时通讯应用程序是Facebook Messenger。与WhatsApp类似,它可以访问您的实时位置。当您第一次打开该应用程序时,它会要求您获得位置访问权限。如果您随后允许,Messenger将能够帮助您与朋友分享您的位置详细信息。
为Facebook Messenger(Facebook Messenger)打开定位服务后,您的消息将带有位置标签。您的朋友可以点击它,他们将能够看到它是从哪里发送的。他们甚至可以点击并按住消息并选择“查看地图”(“View Map”)选项。这将使他们更详细地了解您的位置。但是,这只会显示您在发送此消息时的位置。此外,您还可以像在WhatsApp中一样分享您的实时位置。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是在您的设备上打开Facebook Messenger应用程序。
2. 现在打开您想分享您的位置(share your location)的对话。
3. 点击附件按钮(Attachment button) (四个点排列成方形)。
4. 在这里,选择位置(Location )选项,然后点击共享实时位置(Share Live Location )按钮。
5. 您的位置将作为消息发送给他/她。他们可以打开消息,他们将能够看到您的确切位置。(They can open the message and they will be able to see your exact location.)
注意:(Note:)您可能会看到“允许信使使用您的位置(Allow messenger to use your location)”选项,您必须选择允许。(Allow.)
6. 与WhatsApp类似,您可以通过群发短信的方式将其发送给多个人。
4. 使用 Google Hangouts 分享您的位置(4. Share your location using Google Hangouts)
尽管Google Hangouts的使用频率不高,但它仍然是一款不错的与朋友分享位置信息的应用。该过程与其他在线消息传递应用程序非常相似。您需要做的就是打开对话并点击回形针图标(paper clip icon)。之后选择位置选项( location option)。
您可以手动输入地址或点击 GPS 按钮(enter an address or tap on the GPS button)以查明您的确切位置。如果您想发送其他地址,则可以将图钉移动到该特定点。最后,点击发送按钮(Send button),它将发送您所在位置的谷歌地图(Google Maps)数据。
5. 通过 Snapchat 分享您的位置(5. Share your location via Snapchat)
1.在您的 Android 智能手机上打开Snapchat 应用程序。(Snapchat application)
2.将 Snapchat 向左滑动(Swipe the Snapchat towards the left side)以打开 Snap Map。
3. 在快照地图中,您可以通过单击右上角的齿轮图标来(Gear icon)打开您的位置( turn on your location)。
4.取消勾选“幽灵模式(Ghost mode)”选项,让您的朋友看到您的位置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Snapchat 中标记位置(How to Tag a Location in Snapchat)
6. 通过短信 (SMS) 分享您的位置(6. Share your location via Text Messages (SMS))
您可能会惊讶地发现,即使是您的默认消息应用程序也可以帮助您与朋友分享您的位置。您唯一需要确保的是您的SIM卡已启用MMS 服务(MMS service)。通过短信分享您的位置会将其转换为彩信。这些服务需要您支付一些额外费用。
1. 在您的智能手机上打开短信(SMS)应用程序。
2.搜索您要与之共享位置的联系人。(Search for the contact with whom you want to share your location.)
3. 打开对话窗口并选择“回形针(Paper Clip)”或加号图标以访问位置(Location)选项。
4. 最后,点击位置(click on the location),您可以通过打开 GPS(turning your GPS On)轻松分享您的位置,也可以搜索特定位置。您的联系人将收到您(Your contact will receive your Google maps ID for the location)已共享的位置的 Google 地图 ID。
7.安装第三方应用分享位置(7. Install third-party application for sharing location)
如果你想在你的安卓(Android)手机上与朋友分享你的位置,那么你可以安装一个名为“查找我的朋友(Find my friends)”的应用程序,这是一个免费的应用程序。此应用程序允许您通过该应用程序轻松地与您的朋友和家人分享您的位置,您甚至可以找到您联系人的确切位置。但是,您和您的朋友必须在智能手机上安装此应用程序。您可以通过Google Play(Google Play)商店安装此位置共享应用程序,轻松试用它。
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够使用 Android 手机与朋友分享您的位置。( share your location with friends using your Android phone.)与您的朋友和家人分享您的位置可以成为救命稻草。它不仅可以帮助他们准确地找到您的地址,还可以让家庭成员跟踪他们所爱的人。
Android和 iPhone 用户都可以使用谷歌地图(Google Maps)来满足他们的所有导航需求。由于GPS卫星网络非常好,可以准确地确定一个人的位置。我们鼓励您尝试各种方式来分享您的位置,如本文所述。
How to Share Your Location with Friends on Android
GPS systems have сome a long way in the last couple of deсades. The teсhnology іs now easily accеssible on your Android smartphone. Several apps can asсertаin your exact location. The most popular and widely uѕed iѕ of course Google Mapѕ. Using these apps, yoυ can not only find your location аnd navigate but also share thiѕ location with your friends. Everyone isn’t familiar wіth this оr doesn’t know how to use this fеature, so we are going to talk about how to share your location with friends on Android.
Directly sharing your location is an extremely convenient way to communicate your exact whereabouts with your friends. Often we struggle to explain where we are or give directions to our house as we try to do it verbally. People often forget that they have this option right at their fingertips. This is exactly what we will be discussing in this article. We are going to make things easier for you by discussing the various ways in which you can share your location with your friends on Android.
How To Share Your Location With Friends On Android
1. Use Google Location Sharing to Keep Track of Loved Ones
As mentioned earlier, the most popular and convenient option for sharing your location is to use Google Maps. It is pre-installed on all Android smartphones and probably the most useful service that all Android users are entitled to. This generation depends on Google Maps more than anything else when it comes to navigation. It is an extremely important service app that allows people to find addresses, businesses, hiking routes, review traffic situations, etc. Google Maps is like an indispensable guide, especially when we are in an unknown area.
In addition to helping you with navigation, Google Maps can also be used to share your location with your friends. Follow the steps given below to see how to share your location with your friends.
1. The first thing that you need to do is open Google Maps on your device.
2. Now tap on your “Profile Picture” which is present on the top right corner of your screen.
3. After that select the Location sharing option and then tap on the Share Location button.
4. If this is your first time then you might have to grant location access to Google Maps.
5. The location that you share using Google Maps is a live location. This means that it will keep updating your location and track all your movements.
6. You can determine the period for which your live location will be visible to your contacts. There is also an option to keep it on at all times until you manually turn it off again.
7. Once you have finalized the duration, select a contact with whom you would like to share your location.
8. If the contacts are not listed, you can choose any other app to share your location such as Gmail, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc. are available at your disposal.
9. Now, your live location will be accessible to your friends and you will get a message that shows the list of people who can see your location.
10. If you want to stop sharing your location at any point in time, then you can simply tap on the Stop button.
This is the most used method if you want to share your location with friends on Android. However, if you do not want to share your location through Google Maps, then you can check out the next method.
Also Read: How to Fake GPS Location on Android
2. Share your location with Friends on Android using WhatsApp Messenger
“WhatsApp” is one of the most widely used messaging services in the world. It is free, simple, and extremely easy to use. Apart from texting, it comes with additional features like voice calling, video calling, conference calling, sharing images, videos, documents, files, contacts, and a lot more, making WhatsApp extremely useful and an inseparable part of modern communications. The best thing about WhatsApp is that it is easy to pick up and therefore it has been able to expand its user base to the old and not so tech-savvy generation. Irrespective of your age or technical prowess, you can use WhatsApp. As a result, people from all walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds have flocked to WhatsApp.
A lot of people might not be aware of this feature but WhatsApp can be used to share your live location with your friends. The app has integration with Google Maps and you can share the data with your contacts. It will be a part of the Conversation and this means that you don’t even have to close the app to share your location. You can also send it to a group and this way everyone will be able to able to view it. Given below is a step-wise guide for the same.
1. The first thing that you need to do is open WhatsApp on your device.
2. Now choose the contact or a group with whom you would like to share your live location.
3. Tap on the Attach button (looks like a paperclip) which is present on the right side of the text box.
4. After that select the “Location” option.
5. Now you can choose to share your location at that moment (Current Location) or choose to share a Live location if you are on the move.
Note: You can use the live location when you are traveling, or you are not in a specific place, and your contact can follow you through your live location. However, your current location is the one where you are at the moment. Moreover, you also have the option of manually searching for a location and sending it to your contact.
6. If you choose “Live location sharing”, then you can select the duration for which you would like to share this location.
7. You can also add a small message in the add comment section.
8. Finally, tap on the send button, and your location will be sent. In the case of live location sharing, your exact location will keep getting refreshed and updated from time to time.
3. Share your location using Facebook Messenger
Another popular instant messaging app is Facebook Messenger. Similar to WhatsApp, it has access to your live location. When you open the app for the first time, it asks for your permission to get location access. If you allow it then, Messenger will be able to help you share your location details with your friends.
Once you turn on your location services for Facebook Messenger, your messages will have a location tag. Your friends can tap on it and they will be able to see where it was sent from. They can even tap and hold the message and select the “View Map” option. This will give them a more detailed view of your location. However, this would only show your location at the time when this message will be sent. Additionally, you can also share your live location just like in WhatsApp. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. The first thing that you need to do is open the Facebook Messenger app on your device.
2. Now open the conversation where you would like to share your location.
3. Tap on the Attachment button (four dots arranged in a square pattern).
4. Here, select the Location option and then tap on the Share Live Location button.
5. Your location will be sent to him/her as a message. They can open the message and they will be able to see your exact location.
Note: You may see the option of ”Allow messenger to use your location”, where you have to select Allow.
6. Similar to WhatsApp, you can send it to multiple people by texting them in a group.
4. Share your location using Google Hangouts
Although Google Hangouts is not very frequently used, it is still a decent app for sharing your location details with your friends. The process is very similar to other online messaging apps. All that you need to do is open the conversation and tap on the paper clip icon. After that select the location option.
You can either manually enter an address or tap on the GPS button to pinpoint your exact location. If you want to send some other address, then you can move the pin to that particular point. Finally, tap on the Send button and it will send the Google Maps data for your location.
5. Share your location via Snapchat
Snapchat is another way with which you can share your location with your friends on Android. You can follow these steps for sharing your location through Snapchat.
1. Open the Snapchat application on your Android smartphone.
2. Swipe the Snapchat towards the left side to open the Snap Map.
3. In the Snap Map, you can turn on your location by clicking on the Gear icon in the top right corner.
4. Untick the option of ”Ghost mode” for your friends to see your location.
Another way of sharing your location through Snapchat is by clicking a snap of your place and sending it to your friends on Snapchat.
Also Read: How to Tag a Location in Snapchat
6. Share your location via Text Messages (SMS)
You might be surprised to know that even your default messaging app can help you share your location with your friends. The only thing that you need to make sure of is that the MMS service is enabled for your SIM card. Sharing your location via a text message converts it to a multimedia message. These services require you to pay some additional charges.
1. Open the SMS apps on your smartphone.
2. Search for the contact with whom you want to share your location.
3. Open the conversation window and select the ”Paper Clip” or Plus icon to access the Location option.
4. Finally, click on the location, where you can easily share your location by turning your GPS On, or you can search for a specific location. Your contact will receive your Google maps ID for the location, which you have shared.
7. Install third-party application for sharing location
If you want to share your location with friends on your Android phone, then you can install an application called “Find my friends“, which is a free application. This application allows you to share your locations with your friends and family easily through the app, and can you can even find the exact location of your contacts. However, you and your friends must have this application installed on the smartphone. You can easily try out this location-sharing app by installing it through the Google Play store.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to share your location with friends using your Android phone. Sharing your location with your friends and family can be a lifesaver. It not only helps them find your address accurately but also enables family members to keep track of their loved ones.
Both Android and iPhone users can use Google Maps for all their navigation needs. Owing to the wonderful network of GPS satellites, it is possible to accurately determine one’s location. We would encourage you to try the various ways to share your location as described in this article.