有许多第三方最佳天气应用程序(Best Weather Apps)和小部件(Widgets)可以下载到您的Android手机上,以便准确读取天气,以及其他附加功能。
适用于Android的12 个最佳天气应用程序(Apps)和小部件(Widget)(2022 年)
带有天气预报新闻的实时雷达,称为Accuweather,多年来一直是大多数 Android 用户获取天气更新的首选。这个名字本身就暗示了他们提供的信息的准确性。该应用程序提供与天气相关的警告,提醒您注意风暴和恶劣天气,以便提前做好准备。
您最多可以提前 15 天查看天气,并可以通过 24/7 全天候更新获取实时天气状况。
他们的RealFeel 温度(RealFeel Temperature)技术可以深入了解温度。非常酷的是 Accuweather 如何比较实际天气条件和天气感觉。一些不错的功能包括Android磨损支持和雷达。用户最欣赏它的“MinuteCast”功能,因为它定期、及时地实时更新降水。
您可以获取任何位置或所到之处的天气更新。Accuweather在(Accuweather)Google Play商店中获得了 4.4 星的好评。他们屡获殊荣的超准确天气预报系统绝对不会让您失望!这第三部分提供的实时更新,Android应用程序将是你因祸得福。该应用程序可免费下载。Their paid version will cost you $2.99。
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Today Weather 是 Android 用户最好的天气应用之一。(Today Weather is one of the best weather apps for Android users.) 在深入( B)了解这个第三方应用程序提供的功能之前,我想先欣赏一下它的数据驱动的用户(User)界面,它非常具有交互性和优雅性。该应用程序易于使用,并且看起来很漂亮。Today Weather提供的详细天气预报非常准确,令人印象深刻。
您访问的任何位置,该应用程序都会以最准确和可靠的方式为您提供该地区的天气详细信息。它还具有类似雷达的Accuweather ,并通过(Accuweather)天气(Weather)小部件提供快速查看功能。
它从Here.com(Here.com)、Accuweather、Dark Sky、Open Weather Map等10 多个数据源对齐和获取天气预报。您可以在世界任何地方使用该应用程序来预测天气。该应用程序具有恶劣天气条件的警报功能 - 暴风雪,大雨,风暴,雪,雷暴等。
这款手机还为那些配备AMOLED 显示屏(AMOLED displays)的手机设置了深色主题。这个应用程序的设计很棒!
我喜欢的一些额外的附加功能是紫外线指数和花粉计数。今天的天气 24/7 全天候为您服务,每分钟更新一次。它有很好的用户评论,并在Google Play Store(Google Play Store)上获得了 4.3 星评级。
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另一个提供非常成功的天气小部件的搜索引擎是雅虎(Yahoo)。尽管雅虎(Though Yahoo)已经逐渐从已知的搜索引擎中消失,但它的天气预报(Weather)一直是可靠的,具有极好的 4.5 星评级。
雅虎(Yahoo)天气应用程序上准确显示了有关风(Wind)、雨、压力、降水机会的所有必要细节。他们有 5 天和 10 天的预测来提前计划您的一周。雅虎天气的界面由令人惊叹和优雅的Flickr 照片装饰。(Flickr photos)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 17 款适用于 Android 的最佳 Adblock 浏览器(17 Best Adblock Browsers for Android)
您最多可以添加 20 个您有兴趣跟踪的城市并左右滑动以快速访问。雅虎(Yahoo)天气应用程序具有对讲功能,非常易于访问。
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适用于Android 手机(Android Phones – Weather 1)的最受赞誉和赞赏的天气应用程序之一– Weather 1 。可以肯定的是,它是 Android 用户最好的天气应用程序或小部件之一。(It is safe to presume that it is one of the best weather apps or widgets for Android users.)天气状况尽可能详细地表达出来。温度、风速(Wind)、压力、紫外线指数(UV Index)、每日天气、每日温度、湿度、每小时下雨机会、露点等标准,均来自非常可靠的来源——国家气象局(National Weather Service)、WDT。
您可以使用 1 Weather(Weather)通过应用程序为您提供的预测来计划天、周和月。他们有来自著名气象专业人士Gary Lezak的称为 12(Gary Lezak)周 PRECISION CAST(Week PRECISION CAST)的功能。该应用程序在可定制的小部件上提供所有信息,以便快速访问。该小部件还会在您的主屏幕上告诉您第二天的天气状况。
他们有一个叫做 1WeatherTV 的东西,它充当天气预报和相关新闻的新闻频道。
您甚至可以跟踪日出、日落和月相。它甚至可以告诉你月球周期(Lunar Moon Cycle)的白天时间。
适用于Android(Android)的 1 Weather应用程序拥有 4.6 星的超级Google Play商店评级。它是免费的。
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名单上的下一个是天气频道,它在Google Play(Google Play)商店中获得了 4.6 星的星级评分,并获得了来自世界各地的数十万用户的疯狂好评。借助实时雷达更新和当地天气状况通知,该应用程序的准确性不断提高。
无论您身在世界何处,天气频道(Weather Channel)应用程序的花粉预报和雷达更新都会跟随您。他们会自动检测您的位置并使用其GPS 跟踪器(GPS tracker)工具提供更新。该应用程序的用户也极力推荐NOAA警报和恶劣天气警报。(NOAA)
您可以使用天气频道的 24小时未来(Hour Future)雷达查看长达 24 小时的未来更新。如果您希望浏览应用程序而没有广告的不便,则必须为付费版本支付 9.99 美元的价格。高级版还提供了有关湿度和紫外线指数(UV Index)功能以及 24 小时未来雷达的更详细信息。
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WeatherBug是一个值得信赖且最古老的第三方天气应用程序之一。WeatherBug的开发人员在应用程序的外观和用户界面方面并没有让他们失望。WeatherBug是Appy Awards的 2019 年最佳天气应用程序(Best Weather App)的赢家。
他们提供每小时甚至 10 天的预报,并实时更新天气状况。如果您想要拥有专业天气网络、恶劣天气警告、动画天气图和国际(International)天气预报的WeatherBug优势,您肯定需要在您的Android上安装该(Android)应用程序(App)。
该应用程序提供天气数据定制、多普勒雷达动画(Doppler radar animations)以获取有关降水机会、风况的信息。
该应用程序还告诉您更多关于空气质量、花粉计数、温度、飓风追踪器的信息。该小部件可让您快速访问 Android 主屏幕本身的所有信息。
WeatherBug获得了用户的广泛好评,在(Goodwill)Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得了 4.7 星好评。付费版售价高达 19.99 美元
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这个第三方应用程序是天气频道(Weather Channel)本身的一个小变种。它不同于您手机上可能拥有或在此列表中阅读的任何基本天气应用程序。它确实具有您期望从天气预报应用程序中获得的所有基本功能,但对雷暴、龙卷风、飓风和其他类似的天灾人祸提供了更明亮的光线。
雨水和洪水跟踪器以及当地温度及其惊人的多普勒雷达技术,可帮助使用(Doppler)GPS跟踪器进行实时定制。风暴和龙卷风警报将通过每小时NOAA预报,甚至提前 8 小时为您提供足够的警告,并提供高清雷达天气图。(Radar)
Storm Radar应用程序提供的前 3 大功能是GPS天气图、NOAA实时预报、最多提前 8 小时的未来雷达图、实时天气警报。Storm雷达和 The Weather Channel的雨量追踪器是一样的。两者同样可靠。
Storm雷达在google play 商店中获得 4.3 星评级。它可以免费下载。
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现在可以通过Over(Over) drop轻松访问有关天气状况的详细实时更新和准确的天气预报。它从可靠的天气来源(如黑暗(Dark)的天空)收集数据。最好的功能是 24/7 更新,甚至是 7 天预报,并通过这个第三方天气应用程序在您的 Android 手机上提供严重状况警报。
该应用程序是免费的,还有一个收费版本,售价 7.49 美元。它在Google Play商店中获得 4.4 星评级。
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天气预报(Weather)、NOAA警报、每小时更新、当前温度和动画雷达。这就是NOAA Weather应用程序为 Android 用户提供的功能。用户界面非常简单易用。
NOAA Weather应用程序为您所站在的任何位置提供点对点实时天气更新。如果您计划或执行徒步旅行、骑自行车探险或在宜人的天气中长途步行,这会很有帮助。
使用NOAA 天气(NOAA Weather)应用程序,您将始终知道在上班或外出时何时需要带雨伞。该应用程序直接从国家天气(National Weather)服务向您提供高度准确的数据。
您可以从Google Play 商店免费(Free)下载此应用程序,或以 1.99 美元的低价购买高级版本。
天气应用程序拥有 4.6 星评级和来自全球用户的好评。
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强烈推荐的天气应用程序 - 去天气,不会让你失望。这不仅仅是一个正常的天气应用程序。它将为您提供漂亮的小部件、动态壁纸以及您所在位置的基本天气信息和气候条件。它提供实时天气报告、定期预报、温度和天气状态、紫外线指数、花粉(Pollen)计数、湿度、日落和日出时间等。Go weather 还提供降水预报和下雨机会,不准确。可以自定义小部件以在主屏幕上提供更好的外观,主题也可以。
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(Great)适用于Android(Android)用户的强大而强大的天气预报应用程序 -胡萝卜(Carrot)天气。大多数天气应用程序在某个时间点后会变得乏味,最终会失去魅力。但是,Carrot为用户准备了更多的东西。它肯定不是那些羊群中的一只。
是的,它提供的天气数据非常准确,而且非常详细。源头是暗天(Dark Sky)。但Carrot Weather最棒的地方在于它的对话和风景以及独特的用户界面。该应用程序的高级版本将让您访问小部件和时间旅行功能。时间旅行功能将带您向前长达 10 年,或回到过去近 70 年,并向您显示未来或过去任何特定日子的天气详细信息。
可悲的是,尽管该应用程序有很多承诺,但它也有很多缺点,它在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中的评分已降至可悲的 3.2 星。
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如果您不想将手机上的空间浪费在不必要的小部件或第三方 Android 应用程序上,您可以使用Google内置的天气源,如上面列表中所述。
请让我们知道您最喜欢 Android 的 12 款最佳天气应用程序中的(12 best weather apps for Android you like the most)哪一款。如果您觉得我们可能错过了任何好的内容,请将它们放在评论部分供我们的读者阅读。
12 Best Weather Apps and Widget for Android (2022)
It had become difficult to recall the times when evеryone used to turn to traditional sources of weather forecasts. Newspapers, radіos, and TVs used to be our maіn source for judging how the weather will fare on а partiсular day. Picniсs аnd nature trips wеre planned on the basis of this information alone. More thаn often, the information gathered υsed to be inaccurate, and predictionѕ failed. A prediction оf a sunny, humid day turned out to be the rainiest day of the week at times.
Now that technology has taken over the world by storm; weather forecasting has become extremely accurate. It has also become extremely convenient and easy for everyone to just look up weather predictions, not just for the day but also for the entire coming week.
There is a lot of third-party Best Weather Apps and Widgets to download on your Android phones to have an accurate reading of the weather, with other additional features.
12 Best Weather Apps and Widget for Android (2022)
Live radar with weather forecasting news, called Accuweather, has been the top choice for most Android users over the years for weather updates. The name itself suggests the accuracy of the information provided by them. The application provides weather-related warnings that will alert you from storms and harsh weather to prepare you beforehand.
You can check the weather up to 15 days in advance, and have access to live weather conditions with a minute to minute updates 24/7.
Their RealFeel Temperature tech gives a deep insight into the temperature. Something super cool is how Accuweather compares the actual weather conditions and how the weather feels. Some good features include Android wear support and radar. Users have appreciated its “MinuteCast” feature the most for its regular, timely real-time updates on the precipitation.
You can get weather updates for any location or wherever you go. Accuweather has a great rating of 4.4-stars on the Google Play store. Their award-winning super accurate weather forecasting systems will not disappoint you at all! The real-time updates provided by this third part, the Android application will be a blessing in disguise for you. The app is available for free download. Their paid version will cost you $2.99.
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Today Weather is one of the best weather apps for Android users. Before I get into the features this third-party application offers, I would like to appreciate its data-driven User interface, which is extremely interactive and classy. The app is simple to use, and it looks beautiful. The detailed weather forecasts offered by Today Weather are extremely impressive, as they are accurate.
Any location you visit, the app will provide you weather details for that area in the most accurate and reliable manner. It also has a radar-like Accuweather and provides quick view features with Weather widgets.
It aligns and sources its weather forecast from more than 10 data sources like Here.com, Accuweather, Dark Sky, Open weather Map, etc. You can be anywhere in the world and use the app to forecast the weather. The app has an alert feature for harsh weather conditions- a snowstorm, heavy rain, storm, snow, thunderstorms, etc.
You will get daily notifications from the Today weather app for weather updates for every day. You can share weather information with your friends through this app.
The phone also has a dark theme for those phones with AMOLED displays. The design of this application is great!
Some extra additional features that I loved were the UV index and pollen count. Today weather is there for you 24/7 with minute by minute updates. It has great user reviews and has achieved a 4.3-star rating on Google Play Store.
It is free for download.
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When Google comes up with any such third-party applications, you will always know that you can depend on it. The same goes for the Google weather search feature. Though this is not an additional application, it already exists in your Android phone if you use the default Google search engine. All you need to do is search for weather-related data on the Google search engine.
A weather page pops up with a beautiful and user-friendly interface. The background changes with the weather conditions, and it looks really cute. Timely and hourly forecasts for the weather will pop up on your screen. You can even check the weather updates for the coming days. Google is dependable when it comes to most things, and therefore, we can surely trust it with our weather news.
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Another search engine that came up with a very successful weather widget is Yahoo. Though Yahoo has been gradually diminishing from the known search engines, its Weather forecast has always been a dependable one with a superb 4.5-star rating.
All necessary details regarding the Wind, rain, pressure, chances of precipitation are accurately represented on the Yahoo weather application. They have 5 day and 10-day forecasts to plan ahead on your week. The interface of yahoo weather is adorned by Flickr photos that are stunning and classy.
The simple interface is very easy to understand and is extremely user friendly. You can see animated sunsets, sunrise, and pressure modules. You can track weather-related forecasts of any city or destination you wish to. Good features like map browsing for radar, heat, snow, and satellite is available.
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You can add up to 20 cities that you are interested in tracking and swipe left and right for quick access. The Yahoo weather app is extremely accessible with a talkback feature.
The developers update the Yahoo weather app regularly to bring you the best mobile experience.
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One of the most awarded and appreciated weather applications for Android Phones – Weather 1. It is safe to presume that it is one of the best weather apps or widgets for Android users. Weather conditions are expressed in the greatest detail possible. Criteria like temperature, speed of the Wind, pressure, UV Index, daily weather, daily temperature, humidity, hourly chances of rain, dew point, all from a very reliable source- National Weather Service, WDT.
You can plan days, weeks, and months with the forecasts that 1 Weather makes accessible to you with the app. They have something called the 12 Week PRECISION CAST feature from the well-renowned meteorology professional Gary Lezak. The app makes all information available on a customizable widget for quick access. The widget will tell you about the next day’s weather conditions, as well, on your home screen.
They have a thing called the 1WeatherTV, which acts as a news channel for the weather predictions and related news.
You can even track sunrise, sunsets, and phases of the moon. It even tells you about the daylight hours with the Lunar Moon Cycle.
The 1 Weather app for Android has a super Google Play store rating of 4.6-Stars. It is free of cost.
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The next one on the list is The weather channel, with a stellar rating of 4.6-stars on the Google Play store and crazy awesome reviews by the lakhs of users from around the world. With the live radar updates and local weather condition notifications, this app continues to impress its heights of accuracy.
No matter where you are in the world, pollen forecasts and radar updates of the Weather Channel app are going to follow you. They automatically detect your location and provide updates with their GPS tracker facility. The NOAA alerts and severe weather alerts are also extremely recommended by the users of this app.
Something novice that this app brings to light is a Flu tracker with flu insights and flu risk detector in your area.
You can see up to 24-hour future updates with the Weather Channel’s 24 Hour Future radar. If you wish to surf the application without the inconvenience of advertisements, a price of $9.99 has to be paid for the paid version. The premium version also provides a higher detail on humidity and UV Index features, and the 24-hour future radar.
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A well trusted, and one of the oldest third-party weather application is the WeatherBug. The developers of WeatherBug have not disappointed when it comes to the appearance and the user interface of the application. The WeatherBug was the winner of the 2019 Best Weather App by Appy Awards.
They provide hourly and even 10 day forecasts with real-time updates on weather conditions. If you want the WeatherBug advantage of having a professional weather network, warning on harsh weathers, animated weather maps, and International weather forecasts, you definitely need to install the App on your Android.
The application provides for weather data customizations, Doppler radar animations for information on chances of precipitation, wind conditions.
The app also tells you more about air quality, pollen count, temperature, hurricane tracker. The widget will allow you quick access to all information on your Android’s home screen itself.
The WeatherBug has gained a lot of Goodwill from its users and has a great 4.7-star rating on the Google Play Store. The paid version costs a steep $19.99
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This third party application is a little variant by the Weather Channel itself. It differs from any basic weather application that you might have on your phone or read about on this list. It does have all the basic functions that you expect from a weather forecasting application but puts a brighter light on thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other such hard acts of god.
Rain and flood tracker and the local temperature and their amazing Doppler radar tech, help with customization in real-time with a GPS tracker. Storm and tornado alerts will give you sufficient warning with hourly NOAA Forecasts and even 8 hours in advance, available with the Radar weather map in high definition.
The top 3 features provided by the Storm Radar app is the GPS weather map, NOAA forecasts in real-time, future radar map up to 8 hours in advance, weather alerts live. The rain tracker of the Storm radar and The Weather Channel is the same. Both are equally dependable.
The Storm radar holds a 4.3-star rating on google play Store. It is available for download, free of cost.
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Detailed real-time updates on the weather conditions and accurate weather forecasting are now easily accessible with Over drop. It gathers its data from reliable weather sources like the Dark sky. The best feature being the 24/7 updates and even the 7-day forecast with severe condition alerts made available by this third party weather application on your android phones.
The Overdrop application has a widget for easy access on the home screen, including time, weather, and battery features too! Do not be worried about the GPS tracker that Overdrop uses to provide you with real-time updates in whatever location you are. The app respects your privacy and keeps your location history safe.
My favourite thing is the number of themes that the application offers you to keep things exciting always!
The app is free, as well as has a paid version costing $7.49. It has a 4.4-star rating on the Google Play store.
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Weather forecasts, NOAA alerts, hourly updates, current temperature, and animated radars. That is what the NOAA Weather application offers to android users. The user interface is extremely simple and easy to use.
Point to point real-time weather updates for whatever location you stand on is given by the NOAA Weather app. This can be helpful if you plan or execute a trek, cycling expedition, or a long walk in the pleasant weather.
With the NOAA Weather app, you will always know when it is necessary to carry an umbrella when going off to work or outdoors. The app provides highly accurate data to you, straight from the National Weather services.
You can download this application from the Google play store for Free or buy a premium version for a small price of $1.99.
The weather app has a 4.6-star rating and great reviews from users worldwide.
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A highly recommended weather application- Go weather, will not disappoint you. This is more than just a normal weather application. It will provide you with beautiful widgets, live wallpapers alongside the basic weather information and climate conditions in your location. It provides real-time weather reports, regular forecasts, the status of temperature and weather, UV index, Pollen count, humidity, sunset and sunrise time, etc. Go weather also provides precipitation forecasts and chances of rain, which are high inaccuracy. The widgets can be customized to provide a better look on the home screen, and so can the themes.
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Great and powerful weather forecasting application for Android users- Carrot weather. Most weather apps can get boring after a point in time, and they eventually lose their charm. But, Carrot has a lot more in store for its users. It is certainly not one of those sheep in a herd.
Yes, the data it provides on the weather is extremely accurate, as well as detailed. The source is Dark Sky. But what is best about Carrot Weather is its dialogue and scenery and its unique UI. The premium version of the app will give you access to the widgets and the time travel feature. The time travel feature will take you forward up to 10 years, or back in the past almost 70 years, and show you weather details for any specific day in the future or the past.
Sadly, even though the app has a lot to promise, but it has a lot of drawbacks, which has dropped its rating to a sad 3.2-stars on the Google Play Store.
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With Carrot weather, we have come to the end of the list for the best Weather forecast apps and widgets for Android users. At least one of these applications almost feels like a must on an Android phone. If you always plan ahead, you can never get stuck out on your house’s side due to unexpected rain or forget to carry a sweater on a chilly night outside.
In case you do not wish to waste space on your phone for an unnecessary widget or third-party android application, you can use Google in-built weather feed, as mentioned in the list above.
If you do download any of the given applications, do not forget to utilize its widget for easy access, to always have the weather update right in front of you on the home screen.
Do let us know which among the 12 best weather apps for Android you like the most. If you feel we might have missed out on any of the good ones, drop them down here in the comments section for our readers.