
使用 创建 Web 按钮
在多种情况下,用户需要在其网站中实现自定义 Web 按钮。例如,如果您正在创建一个电子商务商店,您可以通过在不同的有吸引力的设计中引入 Web 按钮来让您的博客具有吸引力,从而迫使用户点击。
1]在您的PC上启动并转到“File > New”创建一个新页面(如果软件默认不打开新页面)。

阅读(Read):如何在 Paint.NET 中裁剪和旋转图片(How to Crop and Rotate a Picture in Paint.NET)。
- 工具箱
- 历史箱
- 图层框
- 颜色框

3]现在,我们必须添加不同的图层来创建一个按钮。通过单击“图层(Layers)”框中的“添加新图层(Add New Layer)”来添加图层。

阅读(Read):如何在 中制作 YouTube 缩略图(How to Make a YouTube Thumbnail in。
4] 因为我们会创建很多层,所以最好重命名每个层以避免混淆。双击(Double)新添加的图层并将其名称更改为“ Base ”。您可以根据自己的选择给出任何名称。

5] 我们正在创建一个圆角矩形按钮。为此,请从“工具”框中选择“(Tools)形状(Shapes)”选项,然后从“颜色(Color)”框中选择您喜欢的颜色。颜色框的“更多(More)”选项中提供了更多颜色。

6]我们必须选择“圆角矩形(Rounded Rectangle)”和“填充模式(Filled Mode)”。

阅读(Read):如何在 Paint.NET 中为图像创建和添加投影效果(How to create and add Drop Shadow effect to an image in Paint.NET)。


9]点击“基础(Base)”层,然后从工具框中选择“魔术棒”。(Magic Wand)选择魔棒后(Magic Wand)点击(Click)圆角矩形。


11]当您选择渐变(Gradient)时,您将在工具栏上看到不同类型的纹理可用。您必须选择“线性(Linear)”纹理。按照以下屏幕截图中的指示放置鼠标。现在,按住鼠标左键并将其拖动到圆角矩形的下边缘,同时按下“ Shift ”键。

12] 现在,我们必须在按钮上编写自定义文本。为此,添加一个图层并将其名称更改为“文本(Text)”。现在,从工具框中选择“文本(Text)”并选择您选择的颜色。在圆角矩形内单击并在那里写下您的文本。(Click)您还可以更改文本的字体样式和大小。

13] 现在,我们必须给形状赋予光泽感。为此,再添加一层并将其名称更改为“ Glossy ”。该层应位于所有层的顶部。如果没有,请将其拖动到顶部。

14]现在,选择基础层。然后选择魔棒(Magic Wand)并单击圆角矩形。之后,回到光泽(Glossy)层并从颜色框中选择白色。
现在,从工具框中选择“形状”工具,然后单击工具栏上的“(Shapes)形状类型(Shape type)”以选择“椭圆(Ellipse)”。您必须在填充模式下选择椭圆(Ellipse)(请参阅本文的第 6 步)。
接下来,您必须绘制椭圆,使其某些部分位于圆角矩形的最顶部。完成后,按“ Enter ”。


16] 现在,我们必须为形状添加边框。为此,选择基础层并转到“Effects > Stylize > Outline”。


18]在最后一步,我们必须保存按钮。为此,请按“ Ctrl + S ”并从下拉菜单中选择图像格式。您可以将图像保存为JPG、PNG、BMP和许多其他格式。它会要求您将图像展平或不展平。选择(Select)“展平(Flatten)”。

阅读(Read):免费水印去除软件和在线工具(Free Watermark Remover software & Online tool)。
Web 按钮已准备就绪。按照上述步骤,您可以创建不同颜色的 Web 按钮。您还可以选择不同的渐变纹理,使按钮具有不同的外观。

阅读(Read):如何使用 Paint 在屏幕截图上添加透明图像(How to add a Transparent Image over a Screenshot with Paint)。
How to create a Web Button using is a very powerful tool for editing and creating images. It comes with a pool of features. You can do a lot of things with this free software like making the images transparent, creating watermarks, etc. In this article, we will see the steps of creating a web button in

Create a Web Button using
There can be multiple situations where the user needs a custom web button to implement in his website. For example, if you are creating an eCommerce store, you can make your blogs attractive by introducing web buttons in different attractive designs that force users to click.
Let’s start the tutorial.
1] Launch on your PC and go to “File > New” to create a new page (if the software does not open a fresh page by default).

Read: How to Crop and Rotate a Picture in Paint.NET.
2] You should have the following tools available on the screen:
- Tools box
- History box
- Layers box
- Colors box
If not, enable them by clicking on the respective icons available in the top right corner. See the below screenshot.

3] Now, we have to add different layers to create a button. Add a layer by clicking the “Add New Layer” in the “Layers” box.

Read: How to Make a YouTube Thumbnail in
4] Because we will create many layers, it is better to rename each layer to avoid confusion. Double click on the newly added layer and change its name to “Base.” You can give any name as per your choice.

5] We are creating a rounded rectangular button. For this, select the “Shapes” option from the “Tools” box and choose your favorite color from the “Color” box. More colors are available in the “More” option of the color box.

6] We have to select “Rounded Rectangle” with “Filled Mode.”

Read: How to create and add Drop Shadow effect to an image in Paint.NET.
7] Press and hold the left button of your mouse and drag to create the rounded rectangular shape. After drawing it, you can also change its dimensions.

8] Now, we will add the gradient effect to the button. For this, add a new layer and change its name to “Gradient.”

9] Click on the “Base” layer and select “Magic Wand” from the tools box. Click on the rounded rectangle shape after selecting the Magic Wand.

10] Choose a lighter color and select “Gradient” from the tools box.

11] When you select the Gradient, you will see different types of textures available on the toolbar. You have to select the “Linear” texture. Place your mouse as directed in the below screenshot. Now, press and hold the left click on the mouse and drag it to the lower edge of the rounded rectangular shape while pressing the “Shift” key.

12] Now, we have to write a custom text on the button. For this, add one more layer and change its name to “Text.” Now, select “Text” from the tools box and choose the color of your choice. Click inside the rounded rectangular shape and write your text there. You can also change the font style and size of the text.

13] Now, we have to give a glossy touch to the shape. For this, add one more layer and change its name to “Glossy.” This layer should be at the top of all the layers. If not, drag it to bring at the top.

14] Now, select the base layer. Then select the Magic Wand and click on the rounded rectangular shape. After that, come back to the Glossy layer and select the white color from the colors box.
Now, select the “Shapes” tool from the tools box and click on the “Shape type” on the toolbar to select “Ellipse.” You have to select the Ellipse in the filled mode (refer to step 6 of this article).
Next, you have to draw the ellipse in such a way that some of its parts lies on the topmost part of the rounded rectangle. When you are done, press “Enter.”

15] Double click on the Glossy layer to open its properties and reduce its opacity.

16] Now, we have to add a border to the shape. For this, select the base layer and go to “Effects > Stylize > Outline.”

17] Vary the thickness and intensity of the outline to give the shape the look of a button.

18] In the last step, we have to save the button. For this, press “Ctrl + S” and select the image format from the drop-down menu. You can save the image in JPG, PNG, BMP, and many other formats. It will ask you to flatten the image or not. Select “Flatten.”

Read: Free Watermark Remover software & Online tool.
The web button is ready. By following the above steps, you can create web buttons in different colors. You can also select a different gradient texture to give your buttons a different look.

That’s it. Hope you liked the article. Don’t forget to share your views in the comments section.
Read: How to add a Transparent Image over a Screenshot with Paint.