Synology几乎不需要介绍网络产品,尤其是网络附加存储 ( NAS ) 和监控解决方案。在本文中,我们将回顾DiskStation DS1621+ 6-bay NAS。从理论上讲,它非常适合需要灵活而强大的NAS(NAS)解决方案的小型企业和爱好者。但是DiskStation DS1621+是万能的,无所不能吗?阅读我们的评论以了解:
Synology DiskStation DS1621+:适合谁?
Synology DiskStation DS1621+是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 需要NAS进行系统备份的小型企业
- 想要构建云存储服务但没有专门的 IT 部门的家庭用户和小型企业
- 合作开展媒体项目的企业
- 想要创建基于家庭的多媒体存储和流媒体平台的用户
- 希望在其硬件上托管 Web 应用程序、网站或 Web 服务的企业
- 使用多个虚拟机的 IT 专业人员
Synology DiskStation DS1621+,我们有很多好话要说:
Buy now
- 该设备简单而坚固,可轻松访问主要组件
- 软件环境模块化,定期更新,非常好用
- 应用程序(Apps)不断出现,并允许设备在广泛的场景中使用
- AMD处理器非常强大
- 支持 SSD 缓存
- 该设备没有防尘保护,这在某些情况下可能有用
- 全速运转,风扇很吵
- 不包括 10Gb 或 2.5Gb以太网(Ethernet)连接
与Synology产品一样,使用DiskStation DS1621+非常愉快。它是一个坚固耐用且结构完善的NAS(网络附加存储(Network Attached Storage))解决方案,可以说是此类解决方案可用的最佳软件和良好的硬件。设置起来轻而易举,如果您需要高级配置,文档随时可用。我们向家庭用户、IT 专业人员和需要可访问且友好的网络附加存储解决方案的小型企业推荐它。这是一个真正的万事通。
Synology DiskStation DS1621+拆箱
DiskStation DS1621+在一个简单、相对较小的纸板箱中,但这是有道理的,因为设备本身非常紧凑。
正面有一张贴纸,概述了DiskStation DS1621+的主要优点和设备图片,而背面则印有更多技术细节。
Synology DiskStation DS1621+的包装
在包装内,您可以找到DiskStation DS1621+、一个电源适配器、两条优质LAN电缆、两个用于锁定驱动器托盘的塑料钥匙、一包螺丝(用于将 2.5 英寸存储驱动器安装到 3.5 英寸驱动器托架中) ,以及快速安装指南。
The traditional approach of Synology towards packaging shows that their devices are oriented towards prosumers and professionals. There are no bells and whistles, but the package includes all the accessories needed to get the DiskStation DS1621+ going.
DiskStation DS1621+结构紧凑,高度为 6.53 英寸(166 毫米),宽度为 11.1 英寸(282 毫米),深度为 9.57 英寸(243 毫米)。重量为 11.2 磅(或 5.1 千克),即使没有驱动器也相对较重。
Synology DS1621+ 正面
该设备有六个 3.5 英寸驱动器托架,可以使用随附的钥匙单独锁定。每个托架都有自己的状态指示灯。它们支持 3.5 英寸驱动器的免工具安装,而随附的螺钉也允许安装 2.5 英寸驱动器。根据需要和安装的驱动器数量,可以在Synology Hybrid RAID ( SHR )、Basic、JBOD、RAID 0、RAID 1、RAID 5、RAID 6、RAID 10中配置驱动器。当然,所有驱动器都是可热插拔的。
在DiskStation DS1621+的正面,有一个电源按钮、一个状态LED、一个警报LED以及四个LED(LEDs),指示每个端口的LAN连接状态。(LAN)隐藏(Hidden)在右下角,有一个 USB 3.2 Gen 1端口。
DS1621 DS1621+共有三个USB 3.2 Gen 1端口,其中一个在前面
移至设备背面,我们有交流电源连接器、一个Kensington 安全(Kensington Security)插槽、另外两个 USB 3.2 Gen 1端口、四个千兆(Gigabit)网络端口(支持链路聚合)和两个 eSATA 端口。Synology DiskStation DS1621+还有一个PCIe x8扩展槽,可用于安装例如 10GbE 网卡。
Synology DS 1621+ 的背面
内部看起来不错:AMD Ryzen V1500B四核 2.2 GHz处理器,最高 32 GB ECC DDR4(我们的标准配备 4 GB)使该设备适用于轻型虚拟机和多媒体应用程序。DiskStation DS1621+的灵活性通过添加两个M.2 2280 NVMe SSD(NVMe SSDs)用于写入缓存的可能性得到进一步提高。这大大提高了读写性能,并允许更多用户访问。
RAM也很容易访问:您只需松开设备底部的两个螺丝,即可更换或添加内存。不过要小心(Careful),它是ECC DDR4,所以你需要寻找兼容的模块。
只需卸下两颗螺丝即可进入DDR4 DIMM插槽
NAS由两个 90 毫米风扇冷却。不幸的是,外壳的设计不允许安装空气过滤器,因此在多尘的环境中,您应该确保定期清洁设备,因为它会延长风扇的使用寿命。当您确实需要更换风扇时,它们很容易接近并且可以通过背面进行更换。
Synology DS1621+上没有灰尘过滤器
DiskStation DS1621+访问硬盘时的功耗约为 51W,硬盘休眠时的功耗约为 25W 。正常运行时噪音水平较低,但如果您将风扇设置为 100% 运行,则最好有一个专用的隔音服务器机房。
如果您想阅读该产品的完整规格,您可以从这个页面下载数据表:(Data Sheet)Download Center - DS1621+。
Overall, the design is rugged and inspires confidence in the longevity of the product. There are many connectivity options, and the drives are super easy to access and replace, thanks to the tool-less mounting design. Status LEDs ensure that you can get a good idea of the state of the DiskStation DS1621+ without accessing the interface. The focus was on efficiency when designing the device, and it shows.
设置和使用Synology DiskStation DS1621+
我们使用五个Synology 8TB硬盘测试了DiskStation DS1621+,这些硬盘非常容易安装在托架中。我们还获得了两个 400GB SSD驱动器,我们配置它们用于读/写缓存。插入所有驱动器后,硬件设置很简单:插入交流电缆,使用LAN电缆将(LAN)NAS连接到路由器,然后打开设备电源。
DS1621 DS1621+界面可从任何浏览器访问
然后我们选择使用最新的 DiskStation Manager操作系统 ( DSM 7.0.1 )。安装DSM并重新启动后,您可以配置登录详细信息。然后,安装向导会询问您是要为NAS安装标准推荐的软件包,还是要全部安装。您也可以跳过此步骤,稍后手动安装。然后会询问您是否要创建一个QuickConnect ID ,您可以使用该 ID通过 Internet远程连接到您的NAS 。
在DS1621+上设置QuickConnect ID
如前所述,您的存储驱动器可以配置为在任何Synology Hybrid RAID ( SHR )、Basic、JBOD、RAID 0、RAID 1、RAID 5、RAID 6、RAID 10模式下工作。在支持的文件系统方面,您可以在Brtfs和 ext4 之间进行选择,尽管您可以为外部驱动器选择更多类型的文件系统。配置文件系统和RAID就像从几个菜单选项中进行选择一样简单。我们采用了RAID 10配置(四个驱动器,总共大约 14 TB 的可用空间和驱动器冗余),SSD缓存和热备件(第五个驱动器)。当其中一个RAID驱动器发生故障时,热备份会激活,并且迁移和更换会自动完成,无需人工干预。
最新版本的DSM操作系统看起来很棒并且组织良好。图形用户界面易于使用,并提供所有必要的视觉提示,即使是初学者也能开始使用Synology DiskStation DS1621+。
Synology为工具和应用程序提供模块化方法。完成快速设置向导后,您可以使用套件中心(Package Center)下载并安装在您的特定场景中个性化和使用DiskStation DS1621+套件中心(Package Center)基本上是一个应用商店,其中包含由Synology开发的解决方案和来自经过验证的第三方的应用程序。
以下是您可以使用 DiskStation DS1621+ 执行的一些操作:
- 私有云存储服务 - 您可以创建您的Dropbox或OneDrive版本。
- 云(Cloud)备份 - 您可以使用Cloud Sync从公共云服务(如Google Drive )安全地在本地备份数据。
- 多媒体(Multimedia)服务器 - 您可以将DS1621+设置为存储和下载图片、音乐和视频,然后使用它将您的内容流式传输到网络中的设备。
- 视频(Video)监控 - 您可以使用DS1621+存储来自多达 40 个 IP 摄像机的视频片段,并在需要时访问它。包括两个免费的 IP 摄像机许可证。
- 备份(Backup)服务器 - 您可以设置DS1621+以创建连接到网络的 PC 的备份。
- Web服务器 - 您可以安装Apache、PHP和WordPress或Joomla等内容管理(Content Management) 系统(Systems),并托管您自己的网站。
- 基于 Web 的协作平台 - 您可以安装多种工具来构建基于 Web 的协作平台:聊天服务、团队日历、办公生产力应用程序、最多 5 个Synology MailPlus上的免费邮件帐户。
- 虚拟机管理器 - 您可以在DS1621+Windows、Linux甚至DSM虚拟机。
Synology DS1621+有一个虚拟机管理器(Machine Manager)模块
链路(Link)聚合是一项有用的功能,但对缓解网络适配器的 1Gbps 限制几乎没有作用。特别是由于CPU和文件系统可以处理大量并发用户,如果你需要一台NAS进行多个文件传输,并且你认为你会受到网络适配器带宽的限制,你可以购买PCIe扩展卡。
支持文档易于访问且详细。在DSM 帮助(DSM Help)模块中,您可以获得有关其功能的信息、教程链接以及展示NAS潜力以及如何设置的视频链接。
DSM 帮助文档
如果您要在家中使用DiskStation DS1621+,请务必安排定期维护,包括除尘和清洁设备,因为它没有灰尘过滤器。此外,根据工作量,风扇可能会变得非常响亮。在我们的测试中,我们没有设法以超过 60% 的容量加载强大的处理器,但是在如此小的机箱中安装六个驱动器和两个SSD(SSDs)可能会导致高温。说到温度,在我们的测试中,驱动器从未超过 98.5华氏度(Fahrenheit)(37摄氏度)。(Celsius)SSD(SSDs)的温度稍高一些,为 104华氏度(Fahrenheit)(40摄氏度(Celsius))。
The Synology operating system is, we believe, the most advanced and user-friendly management system for network-attached storage solutions. We had no trouble setting up the Synology DiskStation DS1621+ and, while we didn’t have enough time to test out each individual scenario, we can safely say that this NAS is a very powerful tool for small businesses and enthusiasts。
Synology DiskStation DS1621+传输数据的速度有多快?
毕竟,它是一个NAS解决方案,我们测试了与同一网络上其他设备之间的传输速率。考虑到设备的规格,结果是可以预测的:使用链路聚合,将数据写入DiskStation DS1621+的传输速度最高为 1032 Mbps ,读取数据的传输速度最高为1792 Mbps。这是最好的情况,打开SSD缓存和链路聚合。(SSD)在没有链路聚合的情况下,这些值明显较低,因为带宽限制为 1 Gbps :写入为916 MBps ,读取为 906 (MBps)Mbps。
这个结果是意料之中的,因为RAID 10已经有足够的读/写带宽来处理网络流量,即使有两个聚合的 1Gbps 链路。SSD缓存在这种情况下没有真正的优势(顺序传输,大的,连续的文件)。只有当工作负载包含小文件时,SSD缓存才会有所作为。
The specs of the hard disks or/and SSDs that you install inside the NAS will have the most impact on performance, but if you go with high-speed drives and configurations, you might hit the limitation of the network infrastructure. It all comes down to the predicted workload: make sure you design your solution based on your needs.
您对Synology DiskStation DS1621+有何看法?
现在您了解更多有关Synology DiskStation DS1621+ Network Attached Storage解决方案、其功能和限制的信息。您对DS1621+有何看法?你打算买一个吗?您是否也在考虑其他型号或品牌?如果您已经拥有DiskStation DS1621+,请不要犹豫,与其他可能对此型号感兴趣的读者分享您的经验。
Reviewing the Synology DiskStation DS1621+ NAS: jack of all trades
Synology requires little іntroduction whеn іt comes to networking products, especially netwоrk-attached storage (NAS) and surνeillance solutions. In this article, we wіll reνiew the DiskStation DS1621+ 6-bаy NAS. On paper, it is perfеct for small businesses and enthusiasts who neеd a flexible and robuѕt NAS solutiоn. Bυt is the DiskStation DS1621+ a jack of all trades and a master of none? Read our review to find out:
Synology DiskStation DS1621+: Who is it good for?
Synology DiskStation DS1621+ is an excellent choice for:
- Small businesses in need of a NAS for system backups
- Home users and small businesses who want to build their cloud storage service and don’t have a dedicated IT department
- Businesses who work collaboratively on media projects
- Users who want to create their home-based multimedia storage and streaming platform
- Businesses who want to host web apps, websites, or web services on their hardware
- IT professionals who work with multiple virtual machines
Pros and cons
We have many good things to say about the Synology DiskStation DS1621+:
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- The device is simple and robust, with easy access to the main components
- The software environment is modular, regularly updated, and very easy to use
- Apps are constantly appearing and allow the device to be used in a wide range of scenarios
- The AMD processor is very powerful
- There is support for SSD caching
There are a few downsides to consider as well:
- The device has no dust protection, which might be useful in certain scenarios
- At full speed, the fans are very noisy
- There is no 10Gb or 2.5Gb Ethernet connection included
As always with Synology products, the DiskStation DS1621+ was a pleasure to work with. It is a rugged and well-built NAS (Network Attached Storage) solution, with arguably the best software available for such solutions and good hardware. Setting it up is a breeze, and documentation is readily available if you need advanced configuration. We recommend it to home users, IT professionals, and small businesses that want an accessible and friendly network attached storage solution. It’s a real jack of all trades.
Unboxing the Synology DiskStation DS1621+
The DiskStation DS1621+ comes in a simple, relatively small cardboard box, but that makes sense since the device itself is very compact.
On the front, there is a sticker outlining the main advantages of the DiskStation DS1621+ and a picture of the device, while on the back you have more technical details printed on the box.
The packaging for Synology DiskStation DS1621+
Inside the package, you find the DiskStation DS1621+, a power adapter, two high-quality LAN cables, two plastic keys to lock the drive trays, a pack of screws (for mounting 2.5-inch storage drives in the 3.5-inch drive bays), and a quick installation guide.
The accessories that come with the DS1621+
The traditional approach of Synology towards packaging shows that their devices are oriented towards prosumers and professionals. There are no bells and whistles, but the package includes all the accessories needed to get the DiskStation DS1621+ going.
Hardware specifications and design
The DiskStation DS1621+ is compact, with a height of 6.53 inches (166 mm), a width of 11.1 inches (282 mm), and a depth of 9.57 inches (243 mm). At 11.2lbs (or 5.1 kg), it’s relatively heavy even without drives.
The front of the Synology DS1621+
The device has six 3.5-inch drive bays, which can be individually locked with the included keys. Each bay has its own status light. They support tool-less installation for 3.5-inch drives, while the included screws allow the installation of 2.5-inch drives as well. The drives can be configured in Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR), Basic, JBOD, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10, depending on the needs and the number of drives installed. Naturally, all drives are hot-swappable.
The drive bays allow tool-less installation of hard-drives
On the front of the DiskStation DS1621+, there’s a power button, a status LED, an alert LED, as well as four LEDs indicating the status of the LAN connection for each port. Hidden in the lower right corner, there is a USB 3.2 Gen 1 port.
The DS1621+ has three USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports in total, with one on the front
Moving to the back of the device, we have the AC power connector, a Kensington Security slot, two more USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports, four Gigabit network ports (with link aggregation support), and two eSATA ports. The Synology DiskStation DS1621+ also has a PCIe x8 expansion slot that can be used for installing, for example, a 10GbE network card.
The back of the Synology DS 1621+
The internals are looking good: an AMD Ryzen V1500B quad-core 2.2 GHz processor with up to 32 GB ECC DDR4 (ours came with the standard 4 GB) makes the device suitable for light virtual machines and multimedia applications. The flexibility of the DiskStation DS1621+ is further improved by the possibility of adding two M.2 2280 NVMe SSDs for write caching. This greatly increases reading and writing performance and allows access for a greater number of users.
The SSDs are conveniently located in the enclosure
The RAM is easily accessible as well: you only need to undo two screws on the bottom of the device and you can replace or add memory. Careful, though, it’s ECC DDR4, so you need to look for compatible modules.
Just remove two screws to gain access to the DDR4 DIMM slots
The NAS is cooled by two 90mm fans. Unfortunately, the design of the enclosure doesn’t allow an air filter to be installed, so in dusty environments, you should make sure you clean the device regularly, as it will prolong the life of the fans. When you do need to replace the fans, they are easily accessible and can be replaced through the back.
There are no dust filters on the Synology DS1621+
The DiskStation DS1621+ has a power consumption of roughly 51W when accessing the drives and about 25W when the drives are hibernating. The noise level is low in normal operation, but if you set the fans to run at 100%, you’d better have a dedicated server room with soundproofing.
If you would like to read the complete specifications of this product, you can download the Data Sheet from this page: Download Center - DS1621+.
Overall, the design is rugged and inspires confidence in the longevity of the product. There are many connectivity options, and the drives are super easy to access and replace, thanks to the tool-less mounting design. Status LEDs ensure that you can get a good idea of the state of the DiskStation DS1621+ without accessing the interface. The focus was on efficiency when designing the device, and it shows.
Setting up and using the Synology DiskStation DS1621+
We tested the DiskStation DS1621+ with five Synology 8TB drives, which were very easy to install in the bays. We were also provided with two 400GB SSD drives that we configured for read/write caching. Once you pop in all the drives, the hardware setup is straightforward: plug the AC cable, connect the NAS to the router using the LAN cable(s), and power on the device.
The DS1621+ interface can be accessed from any browser
We then chose to use the latest DiskStation Manager operating system (DSM 7.0.1). After installing the DSM and rebooting, you can configure the login details. The setup wizard then asks whether you want to install the standard recommended packages for your NAS, or if you want to install them all. You can also skip this step and install them manually later. You are then asked whether you want to create a QuickConnect ID that you can use to remotely connect to your NAS via the internet.
Setting up the QuickConnect ID on the DS1621+
As described before, your storage drives can be configured to work in any of the Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR), Basic, JBOD, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10 modes. In terms of supported file systems, you can choose between Brtfs and ext4, although you can choose from more types of file systems for external drives. Configuring the file system and the RAID was as easy as choosing from several menu options. We went with a RAID 10 configuration (four of the drives, totaling a usable space of roughly 14 TB and drive redundancy), SSD caching, and a hot spare (the fifth drive). The hot spare activates when one of the RAID drives fails, and the migration and replacement are done automatically, without the need for human intervention.
The final RAID configuration, with a hot spare and SSD caching
The latest version of the DSM operating system looks great and is well organized. The graphical user interface is user-friendly and provides all the necessary visual cues for even beginners to start working with the Synology DiskStation DS1621+.
The DSM graphical interface is practical and looks good
Synology offers a modular approach for the tools and apps. After you go through the quick setup wizard, you can use the Package Center to download and install all the tools needed to personalize and use the DiskStation DS1621+ in your particular scenario. The Package Center is basically an app store with both solutions developed by Synology and apps from verified third parties.
App Store? No, Package Center
Here are some of the things that you can do with your DiskStation DS1621+:
- Private cloud storage service - you can create your version of Dropbox or OneDrive.
- Cloud backup - you can safely backup data locally from a public cloud service (like Google Drive) using Cloud Sync.
- Multimedia server - you can set the DS1621+ to store and download pictures, music and videos, and then use it to stream your content to the devices that are part of your network.
- Video surveillance - you can use the DS1621+ to store video footage from up to 40 IP cameras and access it whenever needed. There are two free IP camera licenses included.
- Backup server - you can set DS1621+ to create backups of the PCs that are connected to the network.
- Web server - you can install Apache, PHP, and Content Management Systems like WordPress or Joomla, and host your own websites.
- Web-based collaboration platform - you can install multiple tools for building a web-based collaboration platform: a chat service, a team calendar, office productivity apps, up to 5 free mail accounts on Synology MailPlus.
- Virtual machine manager - you can run multiple Windows, Linux, or even DSM virtual machines on the DS1621+.
Other packages can help turn your NAS into a VPN server, e-mail server, and even an LDAP server.
The Synology DS1621+ has a Virtual Machine Manager module
Link aggregation is a useful feature, but does little to mitigate the 1Gbps limitation of the network adapters. Especially since the CPU and file system can handle a large number of concurrent users, if you need a NAS for multiple file transfers and you think you will be limited by the network adapter bandwidth, you can purchase a PCIe expansion card.
The support documentation is easily accessible and detailed. In the DSM Help module, you get information about its features, links to tutorials, as well as links to videos that showcase the potential of your NAS, and how to set it up.
The DSM Help documentation
If you are to use the DiskStation DS1621+ in a home setting, make sure to schedule regular maintenance that includes dusting and cleaning the device, as it has no dust filter. Also, depending on the workload, the fans can get very loud. During our tests we didn’t manage to load the powerful processor at more than 60% of its capacity, but having six drives and two SSDs in such a small enclosure can lead to high temperatures nevertheless. Speaking of temperatures, the drives never went past 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) during our tests. The SSDs were just a bit hotter, at 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius).
The Synology operating system is, we believe, the most advanced and user-friendly management system for network-attached storage solutions. We had no trouble setting up the Synology DiskStation DS1621+ and, while we didn’t have enough time to test out each individual scenario, we can safely say that this NAS is a very powerful tool for small businesses and enthusiasts.
How fast is Synology DiskStation DS1621+ at transferring data?
Since, after all, it is a NAS solution, we tested the transfer rates to and from other devices on the same network. The results were predictable, given the specs of the device: using link aggregation, the transfer speed maxed out at 1032 Mbps for writing data to the DiskStation DS1621+ and 1792 Mbps for reading data. This is the best-case scenario, with SSD cache and link aggregation turned on. Without link aggregation, the values were obviously lower, as the bandwidth was limited to 1 Gbps: 916 MBps for writes, 906 Mbps for reads.
The read speeds with link aggregation are very good
When we disabled the read/write cache provided by the SSDs, there was very little difference in terms of read speed from the device.
Turning off SSD caching has little effect on sequential transfers
This result is to be expected, as RAID 10 already has enough read/write bandwidth to process the network traffic, even with two aggregated 1Gbps links. SSD caching has no real advantage in this scenario (sequential transfers, with large, contiguous files). Only when the workload includes small files, the SSD caching makes a difference.
The specs of the hard disks or/and SSDs that you install inside the NAS will have the most impact on performance, but if you go with high-speed drives and configurations, you might hit the limitation of the network infrastructure. It all comes down to the predicted workload: make sure you design your solution based on your needs.
What is your opinion of the Synology DiskStation DS1621+?
Now you know more about the Synology DiskStation DS1621+ Network Attached Storage solution, its features and limitations. What is your opinion about the DS1621+? Do you plan to buy one? Are you considering other models or brands as well? If you already own a DiskStation DS1621+, do not hesitate to share your experience with other readers who might be interested in this model.