
启动计算机时会发生很多事情。PC 做的第一件事是通过其POST 程序(POST programme )开机(Power On Self Test)自检检查硬件是否工作正常。它在进入实际启动过程之前检查硬件兼容性和连接。如果您注意到,只要您按下电源按钮,它就会发出一声BEEP,然后启动。这种单一的哔哔声不是随机的。它表示在硬件层面一切正常。那么还有其他的蜂鸣模式吗?就在这里。查看 计算机哔声代码(Computer Beep codes)列表及其含义。



  • AC适配器
  • 系统板电源
  • 处理器故障
  • BIOS 损坏
  • 内存故障
  • 显卡故障
  • 系统板故障
  • BIOS 认证失败

由于没有标准的所有原始设备制造商(OEMs)都遵循蜂鸣声。每个 OEM(Every OEM)都有自己的模式,因此我们在下面列出了流行的模式。

阅读(Read)RAM 故障的迹象是什么(What are the signs of RAM failure)


虽然代码在下面列出为 1、2、3 等,但其含义如下。哔声代码 3(Beep Code 3)表示以小延迟重复 3 次哔声系列。当您关闭 PC 时,它也会关闭哔声。

Power LED Blinking/Beep Codes for Inspiron

LED/Beep CodeFault DescriptionFault(s)Suggested Action
1Motherboard: BIOS ROM FailureMotherboard, covers BIOS corruption or ROM errorRun the Dell Diagnostics
2MemoryNo Memory (RAM) detectedTroubleshoot the Memory
3Motherboard: Chipset
  • Chipset Error (North and South bridge error
  • Time-Of-Day Clock test failure
  • Gate A20 failure
  • Super I/O chip failure
  • Keyboard controller failure
Run the Dell Diagnostics
4MemoryMemory (RAM) Failure
5Real-Time Clock Power FailureCMOS battery failureTry reseating the CMOS Battery and run the Dell Diagnostics if that does not resolve the issue
6Video BIOSVideo card/chip failureRun the Dell Diagnostics
7Central Processing Unit (CPU)Central Processing Unit (CPU) FailureRun the Dell Diagnostics

阅读(Read)硬盘故障的迹象是什么(What are the signs of Hard Drive Failure)

Power LED Blinking/Beep Codes for XPS

Error DescriptionSuggested Next Step
1Possible motherboard failure – BIOS ROM checksum failureRun the Dell Diagnostics
2No RAM detected
Note: If you installed or replaced the memory module, ensure that the memory module is seated properly
Troubleshoot the Memory
3Possible motherboard failure – Chipset errorRun the Dell Diagnostics
4RAM read/write failure.Troubleshoot the Memory
5Real-Time Clock (RTC) power failTry reseating the CMOS Battery and run the Dell Diagnostics if that does not resolve the issue
6Real-Time Clock failureRun the Dell Diagnostics
7Video card or chip failure.
8Processor failure

(HP Error Beep)带有通用核心 BIOS的(Common Core BIOS)HP 错误哔声代码

HP Beep代码与平时略有不同。有MajorMinor两种类型。Major指向错误类别,而Minor(Minor)特定于类别内的问题,即长短闪烁,并伴有长短哔声

Number of long beeps/blinksError category
1Not used; Single beep/blinks are not used
5System board


  • 1 秒的停顿发生在最后一次主要眨眼之后。
  • 2 秒的停顿发生在最后一次轻微眨眼之后。
  • 模式的前 5 次迭代会出现哔声(Beep)错误代码序列,然后停止。
  • 闪烁(Blink)错误代码序列一直持续到拔下计算机或按下电源按钮。

IBM 桌面

No beepNo power, loose expansion card (ISA, PCI, or AGP), a short, or an improperly grounded motherboard
1 shortSystem okay
1 longVideo/display problem; video card incorrectly seated or defective
2 shortPOST Error displayed on the monitor
3 longProblem with 3270 keyboard card
1 long, 1 shortProblem with the system board
1 long, 2 shortProblem with display adapter (MDA, CGA)
1 long, 3 shortProblem with EGA
Repeating short beepsProblem with the power supply or system board
Continuous beepProblem with the power supply or system board

IBM ThinkPad

Continuous beepingSystem board failure
1 beep with blank displayLCD connector problem, LCD backlight inverter failure, video adapter failure, or LCD assembly failure
1 beep w/message “Unable to access boot sourceBoot device failure or bad system board
1 long, 2 shortSystem board, video adapter, or LCD assembly failure
1 long, 4 shortLow battery voltage
1 beep every secondLow battery voltage
2 short w/messageRead the error message on the display
2 short with blank displaySystem board failure


1 shortNo error: The system is booting properly.
1 long, 1 shortBIOS ROM checksum error: The contents of the BIOS ROM do not match the expected contents. If possible, reload the BIOS from the PAQ.
2 shortGeneral error: No specifics available on what this code means
1 long, 2 shortVideo error: Check the video adapter and make sure it’s seated properly. If possible, replace the video adapter.
7 beeps (1 long, 1 short, 1 long, 1 short, pause, 1 long, 1 short, 1 short)AGP video: The AGP video card is faulty. Reseat the card or replace it outright. This beep pertains to Compaq Deskpro systems.
Continuous beepMemory error: Bad RAM; replace and test
1 short, 2 longBad RAM: Reseat RAM, then retest; replace RAM if failure continues.

华硕 BIOS 哔声代码

BIOS BeepDescription
One short beepVGA detected / No keyboard detected
Two short beepsWhen using Crashfree to recover BIOS, the new BIOS is successfully recognized.
One continuous beep followed by two short beeps then a pause (repeated)No memory
One continuous beep followed by three short beeps No VGA detected
One continuous beep followed by four short beeps Failure of Hardware component


Symptom or errorService part or action, in sequence
One beep and a blank, unreadable, or flashing LCD.
  1. Reseat the LCD connector
  2. LCD assembly
  3. External CRT
  4. System board
One long and two short beeps, and a blank or unreadable LCD.
  1. System board
  2. LCD assembly
  3. DIMM
Two short beeps with error codes.POST error. See Numeric error codes for more help.
Two short beeps and a blank screen.
  1. System board
  2. DIMM
Three short beeps, pause, three more short beeps, and one short beep.
  1. DIMM
  2. System board
One short beep, pause, three short beeps, pause, three more short beeps, and one short beep.
  1. DIMM
  2. System board
Only a cursor appears.Reinstall the operating system
Four cycles of four short beeps and a blank screen.System board (Security chip)
Five short beeps and a blank screen.System board


相关:如何在 Windows 11/10 中禁用系统提示音。

About the author

我是一名硬件工程师,拥有超过 10 年的 IOS 和 MacOS 系统工作经验。在过去的 5 年里,我也是一名夜班老师,并且自学了如何使用 Google Chrome。我在这两个领域的技能使我成为网站开发、图形设计或网络安全工作的完美人选。

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