如果您是电子书迷,您可能拥有最适合您的数字书的平板电脑(best tablet for your digital books),但您仍然需要一个可以更轻松地管理电子书的工具。

以下是适用于您的手机、笔记本电脑或 PC 的最佳电子书阅读器软件列表,可帮助您整理电子书收藏。
该软件还有一个基本的电子书阅读器(ebook reader),允许您选择您喜欢的分页方法、书签页面或编辑书籍的元数据。您还可以手动编辑书籍的格式和内容。

查看我们的指南,了解更多提示和技巧,以充分利用 Calibre 电子书阅读器(tips and tricks to get the most out of the Calibre ebook reader)。
如果您有大量的电子书收藏,Alfa Ebooks Manager是一款理想的电子书阅读器软件工具,可用于在一个地方组织和管理您的书籍。它易于使用,您可以使用它来扫描您的计算机以查找书籍文件、添加封面、自定义字段、标签、解析元数据以及更新来自网络的数据。
Alfa Ebooks Manager具有干净和优美的界面,带有可自定义的配色方案,以及完整的拖放支持(drag-and-drop support)。您还可以通过CSV Import/Export工具或Calibre 导入(Calibre Import)工具导入书籍。

电子书阅读器软件在其数据库中附带样书,并在有吸引力的书架上显示书籍封面的效果图。您可以使用图书馆浏览器(Library Explorer)模式查看书籍,并查看作者、流派、语言、出版商等详细信息。
使用Alfa Ebook Management的缺点是您无法在没有订阅的情况下从Google或Amazon提取图书详细信息。(Amazon)
Delicious Library允许您将所有电子书、音乐、电影、软件、工具、视频游戏等分类到您的数字书架上。
您可以使用键盘、无线条码扫描仪或Mac 计算机上的 iSight 网络摄像(webcam on a Mac computer)头来导入所有资料。

Delicious Library允许您创建所有电子书的库存,并整合您的评分、愿望清单和朋友,以根据您的收藏家资料生成智能推荐。此外,电子书阅读器软件允许您添加朋友、查看他们的书架以及他们列表中的任何推荐物品,这样您就可以互相借用物品。
使用Mac版(Mac)Delicious Library,您的电子书收藏可以整齐地组织在一个地方,您可以从网络上为每本书添加更多信息。图书馆还有一个列表视图和统计页面,显示货架上的物品及其价格。

LibraryThing 让您可以结识志趣相投的人,与他人分享您的图书馆,并查看他们的藏书以了解他们的品味或您可能有什么共同点。
电子书阅读器软件完全免费使用,并提供多种语言版本。您可以对来自国会图书馆(Congress)、(Library)亚马逊和(Amazon)4,900 多个其他图书馆的书籍进行分类。
LibraryThing 还可以让您对音乐和电影(catalog music and movies)进行分类,与其他藏书家讨论您的书籍品味,跟踪和借阅您的书籍,并每月从早期发行的书籍中获取一本新书。
除了您的个人目录之外,LibraryThing 还显示和汇总有关一本书或其作者的评级、标签、评论和事实。您可以在移动设备上或在笔记本电脑和 PC 上使用 LibraryThing 轻松进行编目。
Kindlian 扫描您的设备,解析图书元数据,然后将其组织成一个漂亮的图书馆。您可以使用鼠标的拖放操作在收藏夹之间复制和移动书籍。

Kindlian 内置的电子书阅读器让您可以免费预览和阅读书籍(read books for free)。它可以打开没有DRM 保护的( DRM protection)PDF、MOBI、TXT和AZW文件的书籍。您可以选择不同的电子阅读模板、更改字体大小和缩放页面。
电子书阅读器软件还可以制作书签并将非 Kindle 书籍转换为Kindle MOBI格式,如EPUB、HTML和FB2。
该软件分为三个部分:Readerware Books、Readaware Music和Readerware Video。如果要对书籍进行分类,可以使用拖放功能,Readerware会自动将您的书籍收藏添加到数据库中,并附上封面(cover art)。

Readerware还允许您搜索、浏览甚至打印您的藏书。您可以在手机、笔记本电脑或 PC 上使用该软件。
组织您的电子书数据库(Organize Your eBook Database)
Best eBook Reader Software for Mobile, Laptop or PC
If you’re an ebook buff, you probably have the best tablet for your digital books, but you still need a tool that’ll make it easier to manage ebooks.
Ebook reader software can help you download and catalog ebooks for a more comfortable reading experience. It’s not easy to find an effective ebook management tool because there aren’t many options available.

Here’s a list of the best ebook reader software for your mobile, laptop, or PC that will help you organize your ebook collections.
Calibre is a free ebook management tool that provides a central place where you can sort and organize your ebook collection. You can use Calibre to convert ebooks into different file formats, pull information from Google and Amazon to your device, and synchronize to ebook reader devices.
The software also has a basic ebook reader that allows you to choose your preferred pagination method, bookmark pages, or edit the books’ metadata. You can also manually edit the books’ formatting and contents.

However, Calibre doesn’t allow you to annotate, or add notes and highlights to your ebooks. The interface is also a bit crowded with all the drop-down menus, buttons, and search fields.
If you’re an ebook lover and read books on more than one device, Calibre is worth considering. The software not only holds all the different versions of your books in one library, but it also keeps the files organized neatly in folders.
Check out our guide on more tips and tricks to get the most out of the Calibre ebook reader.
If you have a large ebook collection, Alfa Ebooks Manager is an ideal ebook reader software tool to use to organize and manage your books in one place. It’s easy to use, and you can use it to scan your computer for book files, add covers, custom fields, tags, parse metadata, and update data from the web.
Alfa Ebooks Manager has a clean and polished interface with a customizable color scheme, and full drag-and-drop support. You can also import books via the CSV Import/Export tools or the Calibre Import tool.

The ebook reader software comes with sample books in its database, and displays renderings of the book covers on an attractive bookshelf. You can view the books using the Library Explorer mode and see details such as author, genre, language, publisher and more.
The downside of using Alfa Ebook Management is that you can’t pull book details from Google or Amazon without a subscription.
Delicious Library allows you to catalog all your ebooks, music, movies, software, tools, video games, and more onto your digital shelves.
You can use your keyboard, a wireless barcode scanner, or the iSight webcam on a Mac computer to import all your stuff.

Delicious Library allows you to create an inventory of all your ebooks, and integrates your ratings, wishlist, and friends to generate smart recommendations based on your collector profile. Plus, the ebook reader software allows you to add friends, see their bookshelves and any recommended items on their lists so you can lend items to each other.
With Delicious Library for Mac, your ebook collection is organized neatly in one place, and you can add additional information on each book from the web. The library also has a list view and statistics page that displays the items on the shelf and their prices.
If you have a decent-sized book collection, LibraryThing will help you organize and catalog it. LibraryThing takes the traditional library as we know it to another level.
You can view your ebook collection in one place, and see who else is reading the same books. You can also use online resources to find the book you want in a different library or buy it.

LibraryThing allows you to meet people with similar tastes, share your library with others, and view their book collections to find out their tastes or what you might have in common.
The ebook reader software is entirely free to use and is available in many languages. You can catalog books from the Library of Congress, Amazon, and more than 4,900 other libraries.
LibraryThing also lets you catalog music and movies, discuss your book tastes with fellow bibliophiles, track and lend your books, and snag a new book from early-release books every month.
Beyond your personal catalog, LibraryThing shows and aggregates ratings, tags, reviews, and facts about a book or its author. You can use LibraryThing on a mobile device for easy cataloging on the go, or on a laptop and PC.
If you have a Kindle ebook reader, Kindlian is a cool add-on for your device. The ebook reader software copies all your books to your computer so you can organize, view, and manage your ebooks and collections.
You can also pick a library layout, color scheme, and edit book information like the author, title, cover, description, and series.
Kindlian scans your device, parses book metadata, and then organizes it into a beautiful library. You can use your mouse’s drag and drop to copy and move books between collections.

Kindlian’s built-in ebook reader lets you preview and read books for free. It can open books in PDF, MOBI, TXT, and AZW files that don’t have DRM protection. You can choose between different e-reading templates, change font sizes, and zoom pages.
The ebook reader software also makes bookmarks and converts non-Kindle books to the Kindle MOBI formats like EPUB, HTML, and FB2.
Readerware is unique and innovative ebook reader software that manages and catalogs all your ebooks, music, and videos. Once you feed in a list of barcode scans or ISBNs, Readerware will automatically download the relevant information from the web, and catalog your books for you.
The software comes in three parts: Readerware Books, Readaware Music, and Readerware Video. If you want to catalog books, you can use the drag and drop feature, and Readerware will automatically add your book collection to the database, complete with cover art.

Readerware also includes multiple views, a want list, media links, biographies, support for multiple images, thumbnail and detail views, loans, and more. You can configure the display to present your collection the way you want.
Readerware also allows you to search, browse, and even print your book collection. You can use the software with your mobile, laptop, or PC.
Organize Your eBook Database
If you’ve managed paper books before, you know the hassle of organizing and cataloging each one on a library shelf.
With ebook reader software, you don’t need to struggle arranging your books by title, author, or genre. The software will download and organize your ebook collection. This not only saves you time, but also makes for a pleasant reading experience.
Do you have a preferred ebook reader software for organizing your ebook collection and wishlist? Tell us about it in the comments.