今天,我们有多个应用程序用于同一目的。例如,对于休闲购物,我们有Amazon、 Flipkart、Myntra等。对于杂货店购物,我们有 Big Basket、Grofers等。要说的重点是,我们可以将应用程序用于几乎所有用途考虑到。我们只需前往Play 商店(Play Store),点击安装按钮,该应用程序很快就会成为设备上其他应用程序的一部分。虽然有些应用程序是轻量级的并且占用很少的空间,但其他应用程序会占用大量空间。但是,如果您的手机没有足够的内部存储空间来存储轻量级应用程序,您会怎么想?
幸运的是,现在大量的Android设备都有一个microSD 卡(microSD card)插槽,您可以在其中插入您选择和大小的 SD 卡。microSD 卡是扩展手机内部存储空间并为新应用程序创造充足空间的最佳且最便宜的方式,而不是从设备中移除或删除现有应用程序以创建一些空间。您还可以将 SD 卡设置为新安装的应用程序的默认存储位置,但如果这样做,一段时间后,您仍会收到相同的警告消息,即设备空间不足(not enough space)。
这是因为某些应用程序的设计方式是它们只能从内部存储运行,因为内部存储的读/写速度比 SD 卡快得多。这就是为什么如果您将默认存储保存为 SD 卡,仍然会在您设备的内部存储中安装一些应用程序,并且应用程序的首选项将被您的首选项覆盖。因此,如果发生这种情况,您将需要强制某些应用程序将它们移动到 SD 卡中。
现在最大的问题来了: 如何强制将应用程序移动到 Android 设备上的 SD 卡?(How to force move apps to an SD card on an Android device?)
因此,如果您正在寻找上述问题的答案,请继续阅读本文,就像本文一样,列出了几种方法,您可以使用这些方法将应用程序从Android设备移动到 SD 卡。所以,事不宜迟,让我们开始吧。
如何在 Android 中强制将应用程序移动到 SD 卡(How to Force Move Apps to an SD Card in Android)
Android手机上有两种类型的应用程序可用。第一个是预装到设备中的应用程序,第二个是您安装的应用程序。与预装应用程序相比,将属于第二类的应用程序移入 SD 卡很容易。其实,要移动预装的应用程序,首先你需要root你的设备,然后使用一些第三方应用程序,你可以将预装的应用程序移动到你的Android设备的SD卡中。
下面您将找到不同的方法,您可以使用这些方法将预安装的应用程序和您安装的应用程序移动到手机的 SD 卡中:
方法一:将已安装的应用程序移入SD卡(Method 1: Move the installed applications into the SD card)
请按照以下步骤将您安装的应用程序移动到您的Android手机的 SD 卡中:
1. 打开手机的文件管理器(File Manager)。
2. 您将看到两个选项:内部存储(Internal storage)和SD 卡(SD card)。转到手机的内部(Internal )存储(storage)。
3. 单击应用程序(Apps )文件夹。
4. 将显示您手机上安装的应用程序的完整列表。
5.点击您要移动到 SD 卡的应用程序(Click on the app you want to move to the SD card)。应用信息页面将打开。
6. 单击屏幕右上角的三点图标。( three-dot icon)将打开一个菜单。
8.从更改存储对话框中选择SD 卡。(SD card)
9. 选择 SD 卡后,会出现一个确认弹窗。单击(Click)移动(Move)按钮,您选择的应用程序将开始移动到 SD 卡。
10.等待(Wait)一段时间,您的应用程序将完全传输到 SD 卡。
完成上述步骤后,您选择的应用程序将移至 SD 卡,并且不再在手机内部存储中可用。同样,也移动其他应用程序。
方法2:将预装的应用程序移入SD卡(需要Root)(Methods 2: Move pre-installed applications into the SD card (Root Required))
上述方法仅对显示 移动(Move)选项的应用程序有效。而仅通过单击“移动(Move)”按钮无法移动到 SD 卡的应用程序要么默认禁用,要么移动按钮不可用。为了移动此类应用程序,您需要借助一些第三方应用程序,例如Link2SD。但如上所述,在使用这些应用程序之前,您的手机需要root。
手机植根后,请按照以下步骤将预装的应用程序移至 SD 卡。
1.首先,进入Google Play Store,搜索AParted应用。
AParted:此应用程序用于在 SD 卡中创建分区。在这里,您将需要 SD 卡中的两个分区,一个用于保存所有图像、视频、音乐、文档等,另一个用于将链接到 SD 卡的应用程序。
2. 单击安装(Install )按钮下载并安装它。
3. 完成后,在 Google Play 商店中搜索另一个名为Link2SD的应用程序。(Link2SD)
4. 下载并安装在您的设备上。
5. 在设备上安装这两个应用程序后,您还需要卸载并格式化 SD 卡(unmount and format the SD card)。要卸载和格式化 SD 卡,请按照以下步骤操作。
湾。在设置下,向下滚动并单击存储(Storage )选项。
C。您将在 SD 下看到Unmount SD 卡(Unmount SD card)选项 点击它。
d。一段时间后,您将看到消息SD 卡已成功弹出(SD card successfully ejected),之前的选项将更改为挂载 SD 卡(Mount SD card)。
e. 再次单击安装 SD 卡(Mount SD card )选项。
F。将出现一个确认弹出窗口,要求您使用 SD 卡,您必须先安装它(to use the SD card, you have to mount it first)。单击安装选项,您的 SD卡(Mount)将再次可用。
6. 现在,通过单击其图标打开您已安装的AParted应用程序。(AParted)
7. 下面的屏幕将打开。
8. 单击左上角的添加按钮。(Add)
9. 选择默认设置并将第 1 部分保留为fat32。第 1 部分将成为保留所有常规数据(如视频、图像、音乐、文档等)的分区。
10. 将蓝色条(blue bar)向右滑动,直到获得该分区所需的大小。
11. 分区 1 大小完成后,再次单击屏幕左上角的“添加”按钮。(Add)
12. 点击fat32会打开一个菜单。从菜单中选择ext2 。它的默认大小将是您的 SD 卡大小减去分区 1 的大小。此分区用于将链接到 SD 卡的应用程序。如果您觉得此分区需要更多空间,可以再次滑动蓝色条进行调整。
13. 完成所有设置后,单击应用(Apply)和确定(OK)以创建分区。
14. 将出现一个弹出窗口,说正在处理分区(processing partition)。
16. 将打开一个屏幕,其中包含手机上所有已安装的应用程序。
17. 单击要移动到 SD 的应用程序 将打开包含应用程序所有详细信息的以下屏幕。
18. 单击链接到 SD 卡(Link to SD card)按钮,而不是移动(Move)到 SD 卡之一,因为您的应用程序不支持移动到 SD 卡。
19. 将出现一个弹出窗口,要求您选择 SD 卡第二个分区的文件系统(select the file system of your SD card’s second partition)。从菜单中选择ext2 。
20. 单击确定(OK )按钮。
21. 您将收到一条消息,说明文件已链接并移动到 SD 卡的第二个分区。
22. 然后,点击屏幕左上角的三行。
23. 将打开一个菜单。单击(Click)菜单中的重新启动(Reboot)设备选项。
同样,将其他应用程序链接到 SD 卡,这会将很大一部分应用程序转移到 SD 卡中,大约 60%。这将清除手机内部存储的大量空间。
注意:(Note: )您可以使用上述方法移动预装的应用程序以及您在手机上安装的应用程序。支持移动到SD卡的应用,可以选择移动到SD卡,如果有自己安装的应用程序不支持移动到SD卡,可以选择链接SD 卡选项。(link to the SD card option.)
方法三:将 (Method 3: Move the )预装的 (pre-installed )应用程序移入SD卡(无需root)(applications into the SD card (Without Rooting))
在之前的方法中,您需要先root您的手机,然后才能将应用程序强制移动到Android手机上的SD卡(force move the apps to an SD card on your Android phone)。即使您进行了备份,扎根手机也会导致重要数据和设置丢失。在最坏的情况下,生根可能会完全损坏您的手机。所以,一般来说,人们避免生根手机。(people avoid rooting their phones.)如果您也不想 root 手机,但仍需要将应用程序从手机的内部存储移动到 SD 卡,那么此方法适合您。使用此方法,您可以在不root手机的情况下移动预装的应用程序并且不支持移动到SD卡。
1.首先(First),下载安装APK编辑器(APK editor)。
2.下载后,打开它并选择“ APK from App ”选项。
3. 应用程序的完整列表将打开。选择要移动到 SD 卡的应用程序。
4. 将打开一个菜单。单击(Click)菜单中的通用编辑(Common Edit)选项。
5. 将安装位置设置为首选外部。(Prefer External.)
6. 单击屏幕左下角的保存按钮。(Save)
7. 之后,等待一段时间,因为进一步的过程需要一些时间。该过程完成后,您将看到一条消息成功(success)。
8. 现在,进入手机设置,检查应用程序是否已移至 SD 卡。如果它已成功移动,您将看到移动到内部存储按钮(move to the internal storage button)将变得可访问,您可以单击它来反转该过程。
同样,使用上述步骤,您可以将其他应用程序移动到 SD 卡,而无需对您的手机进行 Root。
受到推崇的: (Recommended: )
希望(Hopefully),使用上述方法,您将能够强制将应用程序从内部存储移动到Android手机上的 SD 卡,无论它是什么类型的应用程序,并且可以在手机的内部存储上腾出一些可用空间。
How to Force Move Apps to an SD Card on Android
Today, wе haνe multіple appliсations for the same purpose. For example, for casual shopping, we have Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc. For grоcery ѕhopping, we have Big Basket, Grоfers, etс. The рoint of saying is that we have the luxury of using an application for almost еvery purpose we can think of. We simply have to head to the Play Stоre, hіt thе install button, and within no time, the app will be a part of other applications presеnt on the device. While some applications are lightweight and consume vеry little space, оthers eat up a lot of space. But how would you feel if your phone is not having enough internal storage space for even а lightweight application?
Luckily, nowadays a large number of Android devices have a microSD card slot where you can insert an SD card of your choice and size. A microSD card is the best and the cheapest way of expanding your phone’s internal storage and creating ample space for the new applications instead of removing or deleting the existing ones from the device in order to create some space. You can also set the SD card as the default storage place for your newly installed application but if you do so, still after some time, you will get the same warning message not enough space on your device.
This is because some apps are designed in the way that they will only run from internal storage because the read/write speed of internal storage is much faster than the SD card. That is why if you have saved the default storage as the SD card, still some apps will get installed into the internal storage of your device and the app’s preference will be overridden by your preference. So, if such a thing happens, you will need to force some apps to move them into the SD card.
Now comes the biggest question: How to force move apps to an SD card on an Android device?
So, if you are looking for the answer to the above question, keep reading this article as in this article, several methods are listed using which you can move the applications from your Android device to the SD card. So, without further ado, let’s start.
How to Force Move Apps to an SD Card in Android
There are two types of applications available on Android phones. The first one is the applications that are pre-installed into the device and the second ones are those that are installed by you. Moving the applications belonging to the second category into an SD card is easy as compared to the pre-installed apps. In fact, in order to move the pre-installed applications, first of all, you need to root your device, and then using some third-party applications, you can move the pre-installed applications into the SD card of your Android device.
Below you’ll find different methods using which you can move both, the pre-installed applications and the apps installed by you into the SD card of your phone:
Method 1: Move the installed applications into the SD card
Follow the below steps in order to move the applications that are installed by you into the SD card of your Android phone:
1. Open the File Manager of your phone.
2. You will see two options: Internal storage and SD card. Go to the Internal storage of your phone.
3. Click on the Apps folder.
4. A complete list of the apps installed on your phone will appear.
5. Click on the app you want to move to the SD card. The app info page will open up.
6. Click on the three-dot icon available at the top right corner of your screen. A menu will open up.
7. Select the Change option from the menu that has just opened up.
8. Select the SD card from the change storage dialog box.
9. After selecting the SD card, a confirmation pop up will appear. Click on the Move button and your selected app will start moving to the SD card.
10. Wait for some time and your app will completely transfer to the SD card.
Note: The above steps may vary depending on the brand of the phone you are using but the basic flow will remain the same for almost all the brands.
After completing the above steps, the app you have selected will move to the SD card and will no longer be available in the internal storage of your phone. Similarly, move the other apps also.
Methods 2: Move pre-installed applications into the SD card (Root Required)
The above method is only valid for the apps that show the Move option. Whereas the apps which cannot be moved to the SD card just by clicking on the Move button are either disabled by default or the move button is not available. In order to move such applications, you need to take the help of some third-party applications like Link2SD. But as discussed above, before using these applications, your phone needs to be rooted.
To root your phone, you can use any one of the following methods. They are very popular and safe to use.
- KingoRoot
- iRoot
- Kingroot
- FramaRoot
- TowelRoot
Once your phone is rooted, proceed with the below steps to move the pre-installed applications to the SD card.
1. First of all, go to the Google Play Store and search for the AParted application.
AParted: This application is used to create partitions in an SD card. Here, you will need two partitions in the SD card, one to keep all the images, videos, music, documents, etc. and another one for the applications that are going to link to the SD card.
2. Download and install it by clicking on the Install button.
3. Once it is done, search for another application called Link2SD in the Google Play Store.
4. Download and install it on your device.
5. Once you have both the applications on your device, you also need to unmount and format the SD card. To unmount and format the SD card, follow the below steps.
a. Go to the Settings of your phone.
b. Under settings, scroll down and click on the Storage option.
c. You will see the Unmount SD card option under the SD Click on it.
d. After some time, you will see the message SD card successfully ejected and the previous option will change to Mount SD card.
e. Again click on Mount SD card option.
f. A confirmation pop up will appear asking to use the SD card, you have to mount it first. Click on Mount option and your SD card will be available again.
6. Now, open the AParted application which you have installed by clicking on its icon.
7. The screen below will open up.
8. Click on the Add button available at the top left corner.
9. Choose the default settings and leave part 1 as fat32. This part 1 is going to be the partition that will keep all your regular data like videos, images, music, documents, etc.
10. Slide the blue bar to the right until you get the desired size for this partition.
11. Once your partition 1 size is done, again click on the Add button available at the top left corner of the screen.
12. Click on fat32 and a menu will open up. Choose ext2 from the menu. Its default size will be your SD card size minus the size of the partition 1. This partition is for the applications that are going to be linked to the SD card. If you feel like you need more space for this partition, you can adjust it by sliding the blue bar again.
13. Once you are done with all the settings, click on Apply and OK to create the partition.
14. A pop up will appear saying processing partition.
15. After the partition processing is completed, you will see two partitions there. Open the Link2SD application by clicking on its icon.
16. A screen will open up which will contain all the installed applications on your phone.
17. Click on the application you want to move to the SD The below screen with all the details of the application will open up.
18. Click on the Link to SD card button and not on the Move to SD card one because your app does not support moving to SD card.
19. A pop up will appear asking to select the file system of your SD card’s second partition. Select ext2 from the menu.
20. Click on the OK button.
21. You will receive a message saying that the files are linked and moved to the second partition of the SD card.
22. Then, click on the three lines at the top left corner of the screen.
23. A menu will open up. Click on the Reboot device option from the menu.
Similarly, link the other apps to the SD card and this will transfer a huge percentage, approximately 60% of the application into the SD card. This will clear a decent amount of space of the internal storage on the phone.
Note: You can use the above method for moving pre-installed apps as well as the apps installed by you on your phone. For the applications that support moving to the SD card, you can choose to move them to the SD card, and if there are some applications that are installed by you but do not support moving to the SD card then you can choose the link to the SD card option.
Method 3: Move the pre-installed applications into the SD card (Without Rooting)
In the previous method, you need to root your phone before you can force move the apps to an SD card on your Android phone. Rooting your phone can lead to loss of important data and settings even if you have taken the backup. In the worst of cases, rooting can completely damage your phone. So, generally, people avoid rooting their phones. If you also do not want to root your phone but still need to move the applications from the internal storage of your phone to the SD card, then this method is for you. Using this method, you can move the apps that are pre-installed & do not support moving to the SD card without rooting the phone.
1. First of all, download and install the APK editor.
2. Once downloaded, open it and Select the “APK from App” option.
3. A complete list of the apps will open up. Select the app you want to move to the SD card.
4. A menu will open up. Click on the Common Edit option from the menu.
5. Set the install location to Prefer External.
6. Click on the Save button available at the bottom left corner of the screen.
7. After that, wait for some time as the further process will take some time. After the process is completed, you will see a message saying success.
8. Now, go to the settings of your phone and check whether the application has moved to the SD card or not. If it has moved successfully, you will see that the move to the internal storage button will become accessible and you can click on it to reverse the process.
Similarly, using the above steps you can move the other apps to the SD card without rooting your phone.
Hopefully, using the above methods, you will be able to force move apps from the internal storage to the SD card on your Android phone no matter what type of application it is and can make some space available on the internal storage of your phone.