有时,您的 Windows 11/10 计算机上的设备管理器(Device Manager)可能会报告错误代码。如果您看到与硬件相关的错误,那么这篇文章将帮助您确定原因并向您展示如何解决问题。
如果您的某些设备无法正常工作,运行硬件和设备疑难解答、 Windows USB 疑难解答等可能会对您有所帮助。但如果没有,您可能必须找出与您的问题相关的错误代码并手动进行特定的故障排除。在这篇文章中,我们将分享如何修复设备管理器错误(Fix Device Manager Error)。
如何在设备管理器中查找(Device Manager)错误代码(Error Codes)
要查找错误代码,请打开设备管理器(Device Manager),双击有问题的设备类型。接下来,右键单击有问题的设备,然后单击“属性(Properties)” 。这将打开设备的属性(Properties)对话框。您可以在此对话框的设备(Device)状态区域中看到错误代码。
Windows 设备管理器错误代码(Windows Device Manager Error Codes)列表及其解决方案
- 代码 1(Code 1) – 此设备未正确配置
- 代码 3 –此设备的驱动程序可能已损坏
- 代码 9(Code 9) – Windows无法识别此硬件
- 代码 10 –此设备无法启动(This device cannot start)
- 代码 12 -此设备找不到足够的可用资源以供使用(This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use)
- 代码 14(Code 14) - 在您重新启动计算机之前,此设备无法正常工作
- 代码 16 - Windows 无法识别此设备使用的所有资源(Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses)
- 代码 18 (Code 18) – 重新安装(– Reinstall)此设备的驱动程序
- 代码 19(Code 19) - Windows无法启动此硬件设备
- 代码 21(Code 21) – Windows正在删除此设备
- 代码 22 –用户在设备管理器中禁用了设备。
- 代码 24 -此设备不存在,无法正常工作。
- 代码 28(Code 28) - 此设备的驱动程序未安装
- 代码 29(Code 29) – 此设备被禁用,因为设备的固件没有为其提供所需的资源。
- 代码 31(Code 31) - 此设备无法正常工作,因为Windows无法加载此设备所需的驱动程序。
- 代码 32 -此设备的驱动程序(服务)已被禁用。
- 代码 33(Code 33) - Windows无法确定此设备需要哪些资源。
- 代码 34(Code 34) - Windows无法确定此设备的设置。
- 代码 35 (Code 35) – 您的(– Your)计算机系统固件没有包含足够的信息来正确配置和使用此设备。
- 代码 36(Code 36) - 此设备正在请求PCI中断,但配置为ISA中断(反之亦然)。
- 代码 37 - Windows 无法初始化此硬件的设备驱动程序。
- 代码 38 - Windows 无法加载此硬件的设备驱动程序,因为设备驱动程序的先前实例仍在内存中。
- 代码 39 - Windows 无法加载此硬件的设备驱动程序。驱动程序可能已损坏或丢失。
- 代码 40(Code 40) - Windows无法访问此硬件,因为它在注册表中的服务密钥信息丢失或记录不正确。
- 代码 41 (Code 41) - Windows成功加载了此硬件的设备驱动程序,但找不到硬件设备。
- 代码 42(Code 42) -Windows 无法加载此硬件的设备驱动程序,因为系统中已存在重复的设备。
- 代码 43 - Windows 已停止此设备,因为它报告了问题。(Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems.)
- 代码 44(Code 44) - 应用程序或服务已关闭此硬件设备。
- 代码 45 -目前,此硬件设备未连接到计算机
- 代码 46(Code 46) - Windows无法访问此硬件设备,因为操作系统正在关闭。
- 代码 47(Code 47) -Windows 无法使用此硬件设备,因为它已准备好安全移除
- 代码 48 -此设备的软件已被阻止启动(The software for this device has been blocked from starting),因为已知它与Windows存在问题。
- 代码 49 - Windows 无法启动新的硬件设备,因为系统配置单元太大(超过注册表大小限制)
- 代码 50(Code 50) - Windows无法应用此设备的所有属性。
- 代码 51 -此设备当前正在另一台设备上等待(This device is currently waiting on another device)。
- 代码 52 - Windows 无法验证此设备所需驱动程序的数字签名(Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device)。
- 代码 53(Code 53) - 此设备已保留供Windows内核调试器使用。
- 代码 54(Code 54) - 此设备发生故障并正在重置。
- 代码 56 - Windows 仍在为此设备设置类配置。
您可能需要更新或安装设备驱动程序,运行 硬件和设备疑难解答,或按照解决方案中的建议执行系统还原。(perform System Restore)
代码 1(Code 1):此设备配置不正确
如果您收到设备管理器(Device Manager)错误 代码 1 – 此设备配置不正确(Code 1 – This device is not configured correctly),这意味着有问题的特定硬件没有在计算机上安装驱动程序,或者驱动程序没有正确配置以使设备正常工作。要解决此问题,请从Win + X Menu中打开Device Manager > Right-click导致问题的硬件,然后选择属性。
单击(Click)更新驱动(Update Driver)程序。这将在内部检查Windows 更新(Windows Update)以安装适用于该硬件的最新工作驱动程序。如果问题仍然存在,或者是因为没有新的驱动程序,或者甚至最新的驱动程序不起作用,您将需要手动更新它。
代码 3(Code 3):此设备的驱动程序可能已损坏
如果您收到任何设备的代码 3(Code 3),则意味着您有注册表问题或内存不足问题。完整的错误信息说——
此设备的驱动程序可能已损坏,或者您的系统可能内存或其他资源不足。(代码 3)(The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources. (Code 3))
- 检查内存:(Check Memory: )打开任务(Task)管理器,查看是否有空闲内存。如果没有,那么您可以关闭一些消耗大量内存的应用程序。您还可以检查系统(System)资源和虚拟内存设置并尝试增加它。
如果这也没有帮助,那么您应该考虑增加RAM。这将帮助您启动和使用更多应用程序。 - 卸载并重新安装驱动程序: (Uninstall and reinstall the driver: )有时,设备驱动程序已损坏,甚至注册表项不正确。您可以尝试卸载然后重新安装驱动程序。如果这没有帮助,您可以尝试系统还原以返回到该驱动程序正在工作的位置。
代码 9(Code 9):Windows 无法识别此硬件
如果您看到错误代码 9(Code 9),Windows 无法识别此硬件;那么该特定硬件或设备存在问题。完整的错误信息会说
Windows 无法识别此硬件,因为它没有有效的硬件标识号。如需帮助,请联系硬件制造商。(Windows cannot identify this hardware because it does not have a valid hardware identification number. For assistance, contact the hardware manufacturer.)
无效(Invalid Device ID)的设备 ID 意味着操作系统无法识别硬件。虽然您可以尝试更新该硬件的驱动程序,但它不起作用。 Windows仅为其识别的设备安装驱动程序。因此,最好的解决方案是联系硬件供应商并尽快更换。
代码 10(Code 10):此设备无法启动。尝试升级此设备的设备驱动程序。
当设备管理(Device Manager)器由于驱动程序过时或损坏或临时硬件故障而无法启动硬件设备时,会生成错误消息。
此设备无法启动。尝试升级此设备的设备驱动程序。(代码 10)(This device cannot start. Try upgrading the device drivers for this device. (Code 10))
因此,如果简单的重启不能解决问题,则可能需要 卸载/更新设备驱动程序并运行硬件疑难解答(Hardware Troubleshooter)或USB 疑难解答。
根据Microsoft的说法, OEM应该使用(OEMs)FailReasonString键来显示确切的原因。但是,如果硬件密钥不包含“FailReasonString”值,则会显示上述消息。
代码 14(Code 14):在您重新启动计算机之前,此设备无法正常工作。要立即重新启动计算机,请单击重新启动计算机(Restart Computer)。
当您收到 设备管理器(Device Manager)错误 代码 14(Code 14)时,这意味着该设备在您重新启动计算机之前无法正常工作。错误消息扩展为:
在您重新启动计算机之前,此设备无法正常工作。要立即重新启动计算机,请单击重新启动计算机。 (This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. To restart your computer now, click Restart Computer. )
要解决此问题,只需重新启动计算机。您可以通过转到Start > Shutdown >并选择重新启动来重新启动,或者使用Alt + CTRL + Del重新启动Windows 10 PC。如果您卡在其中任何一个上,只需按住电源按钮一会儿,直到您的 PC 关闭。然后再次按下电源按钮以重新启动 PC。
代码 18(Code 18):重新安装此设备的驱动程序。
有时设备会出现故障或停止工作。在查看他们在设备管理器(Device Manager)上的列表时,它将显示错误-
重新安装此设备的驱动程序(代码 18)。(Reinstall the drivers for this device (Code 18).)
- 打开设备管理器(Device Manager),然后选择有问题的设备。右键单击它,然后选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver)。这将启动Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务,并寻找更新。如果可用,它将安装它。
- 第二种方法是您选择卸载的地方。右键单击(Right-click)设备管理器的设备,安装完成后选择卸载,从顶部选择扫描硬件更改。
代码 19(Code 19):Windows 无法启动此硬件设备
如果您在设备管理器中看到设备的Code 19 错误(Error)消息,这意味着设备的配置在注册表配置单元中不完整或损坏。完整的错误信息会说——
Windows 无法启动此硬件设备,因为其配置信息(在注册表中)不完整或已损坏。(代码 19)(Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19))
发生这种情况的主要原因(Primary)是为一个驱动器设置了多个服务,并且打开服务密钥或从驱动程序检索服务密钥失败。当我说Service Key时,这意味着驱动程序拥有表单的密钥-
有两种方法可以修复它。首先是卸载并重新安装驱动程序。第二种方法是将您的 Windows 10 计算机恢复 到该设备正常工作的状态。
代码 21(Code 21):Windows 正在删除此设备
当Windows(Windows)正在删除设备但该过程尚未完成时,会显示此 错误代码 21 ;(Error Code 21)此错误代码通常是暂时的,并且会随着时间的推移而消失,但如果您设法对此有所了解,请重新启动Windows 10 PC 几次以将其删除。
- 尝试执行Windows 10 PC 的干净启动,然后使用正常模式重新启动。
- 运行硬件(Run Hardware)和设备(Devices) 疑难解答(Troubleshooter),它应该可以帮助您摆脱这些消息。
代码 22:此设备已禁用
此设备已禁用(代码 22)(This device is disabled (Code 22))
设备可能因多种原因被禁用。这可能是因为Windows在遇到严重问题或被用户在设备管理器(Device Manager)中禁用时才这样做。
要解决此问题,请在设备管理器中找到禁用的设备,右键单击它,然后选择“启用设备”选项。稍后,这将启动启用设备向导(Enable Device Wizard)。按照说明操作,设备将重新联机。
代码 28(Code 28):未安装此设备的驱动程序
未安装此设备的驱动程序(代码 28)(The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28))
- 打开设备管理器(Device Manager)(WIN + X + M,找到有问题的设备。
- 右键单击(Right-click)该设备,然后将其从系统中删除。
- 现在回到设备管理器顶部,右键单击启动扫描(Scan)硬件更改以重新安装驱动程序。
- 计算机会提示您提供驱动程序的路径。导航(Navigate)到您下载的OEM文件。(OEM)
代码 29:(Code 29:)此设备已禁用,因为设备的固件未为其提供所需的资源。
通常,设备会因设备管理器错误代码 29(Device Manager Error Code 29)而被禁用,因为设备的固件没有为其提供所需的资源。这是一个需要访问BIOS(BIOS)的低级硬件问题。
首先,要解决此问题,请记下设备名称,然后重新启动计算机。按DEL键或F12。这将带您进入 BIOS。现在搜索设备列表,该设备处于禁用状态。如果是,请启用它。
代码 31(Code 31):此设备无法正常工作
如果您在设备管理器(Device Manager)中列出的设备显示错误代码 31(Error Code 31),则仅表示设备无法正常工作,因为Windows无法加载此设备所需的驱动程序。虽然您可以多次重新启动计算机以查看错误是否得到解决,但如果没有解决,您将不得不再次重新安装驱动程序。
- 打开设备管理器(Device Manager),然后右键单击出现此问题的设备。
- 在出现的菜单上,选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver)以启动硬件更新(Hardware Update)向导。
- 虽然Windows Update应该为您找到稳定的驱动程序,但如果找不到,请从OEM网站下载新驱动程序并手动更新它。
代码 33(Code 33):Windows 无法确定此设备需要哪些资源。
如果您收到 Windows 无法确定任何设备需要哪些资源(代码 33(Code 33))错误,这意味着确定设备所需资源类型的BIOS转换器失败。该消息还将说:
Windows 无法确定此设备需要哪些资源。(Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device.)
唯一的出路是使用设置实用程序(Setup Utility)重置所有内容或更新 BIOS(Update the BIOS)。您将从硬件供应商处下载最新的BIOS文件,然后对其进行更新。除此之外,您还可以尝试配置(Configure)、修复或更换硬件。
代码 34(Code 34):Windows 无法确定此设备的设置
Windows上的许多设备使用资源来执行它们应该执行的操作。虽然Windows可以自动确定每个设备的资源,但如果失败,您会收到错误代码 34(Error Code 34)。完整的错误信息(Full Error Message)包括——
Windows 无法确定此设备的设置。请查阅该设备随附的文档并使用“资源”选项卡来设置配置。(代码 34)(Windows cannot determine the settings for this device. Consult the documentation that came with this device and use the Resource tab to set the configuration. (Code 34))
注意:资源是可以添加到基于 Windows 的应用程序的可执行文件的二进制数据。它可以是 IO、Memory或其他任何形式。
虽然 Windows 可以找出并使用自动设置,但如果它不起作用,则可以手动配置它。但是,您将需要手动配置设备。您可以找到或要求OEM的支持团队帮助您获得硬件文档,以获取有关手动配置设备的说明。
配置完成后,重新启动计算机,然后检查它是否工作正常。要手动更改资源值,您需要在设备管理器(Device Manager)中切换到设备的资源(Resource)选项卡。从自动切换到手动,并按照文档进行操作。
代码 35(Code 35):您的计算机的系统固件没有包含足够的信息
您的计算机的系统固件没有包含足够的信息(代码 35)(Your computer’s system firmware does not include enough information (Code 35))
发生这种情况时,存储BIOS资源分配的(BIOS)MPS或多处理器系统(Multiprocessor System)表缺少您设备的条目,必须更新。
代码 36(Code 36):此设备正在请求PCI中断
此设备请求PCI中断(代码 36 )在请求(Code 36)PCI中断但配置为ISA中断时显示在设备状态上,反之亦然。这是一个技术错误代码,您需要管理员或了解此问题并采取适当措施的人。
此设备正在请求 PCI 中断,但配置为 ISA 中断(反之亦然)。请使用计算机的系统设置程序重新配置此设备的中断。(This device is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt (or vice versa). Please use the computer’s system setup program to reconfigure the interrupt for this device.)
如果您的BIOS带有设置工具,您可以更改IRQ保留的设置。在极少数情况下,BIOS可能具有为外围组件互连 ( PCI ) 或ISA设备保留某些IRQ(IRQs)的选项。
代码 39(Code 39):Windows 无法加载此硬件的设备驱动程序
当Windows使用设备时,它会将其驱动程序加载到内存中,然后与设备进行通信。这就像没有司机一样;你不能开车。如果您收到任何设备的错误代码 39,这意味着Windows无法加载设备驱动程序。完整的错误消息说
Windows 无法加载此硬件的设备驱动程序。驱动程序可能已损坏或丢失。(代码 39)(Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39))
代码 40(Code 40):Windows 无法访问此硬件
如果您在其中一台设备上遇到Windows无法访问此硬件(代码 40(Code 40))错误,则意味着Windows无法访问该硬件。仅当注册表中设备的服务键或子键信息丢失或记录不正确时,才会显示此错误。解决此问题的唯一方法是手动重新安装设备驱动程序。
- 打开设备管理器,然后选择有问题的设备。
- 右键单击(Right-click)设备并从出现的菜单中选择卸载。(Uninstall)
- 接下来,选择菜单栏上的操作,然后选择(Action)扫描(Scan)硬件更改以重新安装驱动程序。
检测到设备后,Windows 更新服务(Windows Update Service)将查找并安装新驱动程序。但是,如果您已经从OEM网站下载了稳定版本,则可以选择手动安装。
代码 41(Code 41):Windows 成功加载设备驱动程序但找不到硬件
对于已插入非即插即用设备并已安装驱动程序的设备出现。当硬件的设备驱动程序正确加载时,Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)找不到硬件设备。
- 使用快捷键Win + X + M打开设备管理器(Device Manager)
- 右键单击(Right-click)您有 Code 41 Error的设备。
- (Select Uninstall)从出现的菜单中选择卸载。
- 删除后,单击计算机图标并右键单击。
- 现在选择扫描(Scan)硬件更改以重新安装驱动程序。
找到设备后,它也会提示您安装驱动程序。您可以安装驱动程序,从OEM网站手动下载,或者让Windows 搜索(Windows Search)它。发布此错误应该得到解决。
代码 42(Code 42):已在系统中运行的重复设备
有时Windows会因为相同的子进程而感到困惑,这会导致错误代码 42(Error Code 42)。当您在设备管理器(Device Manager)中检查设备的状态时,它会说 -
Windows 无法加载此硬件的设备驱动程序,因为系统中已存在重复的设备。(代码 42)(Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system. (Code 42))
解决此问题的唯一方法是重新启动您的Windows PC,它会自动将一切恢复原状。
代码 44(Code 44):应用程序或服务已关闭此硬件设备
硬件(Hardware)设备由操作系统、应用程序(Application)甚至服务控制。由于它们可以与设备完全交互,因此它们会重新启动以确保操作顺畅。但是,可能会发生设备关闭并且从未重新启动的情况。这是你得到错误的地方 -
应用程序或服务已关闭此硬件设备(代码 44)。(An application or service has shut down this hardware device (Code 44).)
有趣的是,错误(Error)代码 44 可能随时出现。它可能在程序安装期间,或在Windows 启动(Windows Startup)期间,甚至在关闭期间。要解决此问题,您需要做的就是重新启动计算机,它应该可以修复它。
代码 46(Code 46):Windows 无法访问此硬件设备
有时,即使在设备管理器中列出了该设备, (Device Manager)Windows也无法访问该设备。如果您收到此错误消息作为弹出窗口,通常意味着某个进程试图访问它但由于系统正在关闭而失败。
Windows 无法访问此硬件设备,因为操作系统正在关闭。下次启动计算机时,硬件设备应该可以正常工作。(代码 46)(Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device because the operating system is in the process of shutting down. The hardware device should work correctly next time you start your computer. (Code 46))
注意:此错误代码仅在 启用驱动程序验证程序且所有应用程序已关闭时设置。
代码 47(Code 47):Windows 无法使用此硬件设备
关于使用USB设备,您会记得的最突出的事情是安全弹出(Eject)。这样做时,如果您看到其中一台设备出现错误代码 47 ,则表示它正在弹出过程中。(Error Code 47)这种情况的完整错误消息是:
Windows 无法使用此硬件设备,因为它已准备好安全删除,但尚未从计算机中删除。要解决此问题,请从您的计算机上拔下此设备,然后重新插入。(代码 47)(Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for safe removal, but it has not been removed from the computer. To fix this problem, unplug this device from your computer and then plug it in again. (Code 47))
代码 48(Code 48):此设备的软件已被阻止
从一个功能更新升级到另一个功能更新时,通常会出现此错误代码 48。如果在内部测试期间,报告带有设备的设备出现问题,并且OEM未提供更新,您将看到此消息。
此设备的软件已被阻止启动,因为已知它存在与 Windows 相关的问题。请与硬件供应商联系以获取新驱动程序。(代码 48)(The software for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with Windows. Contact the hardware vendor for a new driver. (Code 48))
代码 50(Code 50):Windows 无法应用此设备的所有属性
每个设备都具有多种功能。驱动程序确保Windows可以识别这些属性中的每一个以利用其功能。但是,如果您收到任何设备的错误代码 50(Error Code 50),则意味着Windows无法应用该设备的所有属性。完整的错误(Error)消息包括
Windows 无法应用此设备的所有属性。设备属性可能包括描述设备功能和设置(例如安全设置)的信息。要解决此问题,您可以尝试重新安装此设备。但是,我们建议您联系硬件制造商以获取新的驱动程序。(代码 50)(Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device. Device properties may include information that describes the device’s capabilities and settings (such as security settings, for example). To fix this problem, you can try reinstalling this device. However,we recommend that you contact the hardware manufacturer for a new driver. (Code50))
- 右键单击(Right-click)列表中的设备,然后选择卸载。
- 然后在设备管理器中扫描新的硬件更改。
- 一旦确定新硬件,您将可以选择手动重新安装驱动程序。
- 安装后,将计算机重新启动到Windows即可应用所有设置。
代码 51(Code 51):此设备当前正在另一个设备上等待
设备可能需要相互等待才能完成某些工作,或者只需要按顺序进行。如果您收到错误代码 51,则表示该设备当前正在等待另一个设备或一组设备启动。关于这种情况的事情是没有解决方案,你需要保持原样。除非设备出现故障,否则您真的没有解决方案。如果问题持续的时间更长,那么您可能需要重新启动 Windows 10 计算机。
您还可以在设备管理器(Device Manager)中检查其他设备是否因该设备进入内部等待而发生故障。重新启动计算机或修复其他设备以解决此问题。此外,请确保运行硬件疑难解答。
代码 52(Code 52):Windows 无法验证驱动程序的数字签名
如果您收到一条错误消息,提示“ Windows无法验证此设备所需驱动程序的数字签名。(代码 52(Code 52)),则表示驱动程序可能未签名或损坏。完整的错误消息如下 -
Windows 无法验证此设备所需驱动程序的数字签名。最近的硬件或软件更改可能安装了签名不正确或损坏的文件,或者可能是来自未知来源的恶意软件。(代码 52)(Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52))
代码 53(Code 53):此设备已保留供Windows内核调试器使用
内核调试(Kernel Debugging)有助于详细找出问题,因此,如果您在设备管理器下列出的设备上看到(Device Manager)代码 53(Code 53),则意味着它已保留供Windows内核调试器在此启动会话期间使用。(代码 53(Code 53))。这通常发生在 IT 管理员或对Windows 10(Windows 10)内核调试(Kernel Debugging)有足够了解的人试图解决设备周围的问题时。
要解决此问题,您将需要具有管理员权限并访问 credit 命令。在命令提示符下,键入并执行bcdedit /debug off
. 一旦禁用Windows内核调试,它将允许设备正常启动。
代码 54(Code 54) - 此设备发生故障并正在重置
有时Windows或设备本身必须重新启动。虽然它通常很快,但如果你设法捕捉到处于这种状态的设备,它会给出错误代码 54(Code 54)。这是在执行ACPI(ACPI)重置方法时分配的间歇性问题代码。虽然它会在一段时间内自动解决,但如果设备由于故障而从未重新启动,它将卡在此状态,需要重新启动系统。因此,只需重新启动您的Windows 10 PC 并在设备管理器(Device Manager)中重新检查设备的状态。它应该永远消失了。
List of Device Manager Error Codes on Windows 11/10 along with solutions
At times your Device Manager on your Windows 11/10 computer may report an error code. If you see a hardware-related error, then this post will help you identify the cause and show you how to resolve the issue.
If some of your devices are not working properly, running the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter, Windows USB Troubleshooter, etc., may help you. But if it doesn’t, you may have to find out the error code associated with your problem and manually go for specific troubleshooting. In this post, we will share how to Fix Device Manager Error.
How to find Error Codes in Device Manager
To find out the error code, open Device Manager, double-click the device type that has the problem. Next, right-click the device that has the problem, and then click Properties. This opens the device’s Properties dialog box. You can see the error code in the Device status area of this dialog box.
List of Windows Device Manager Error Codes & their Solutions
We have listed most of the error codes below, along with the possible solutions. The error codes which need extended troubleshooting have been linked in the post.
- Code 1 – This device is not configured correctly
- Code 3 – The driver for this device might be corrupted
- Code 9 – Windows cannot identify this hardware
- Code 10 – This device cannot start
- Code 12 – This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use
- Code 14 – This device can not work properly until you restart your computer
- Code 16 – Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses
- Code 18 – Reinstall the drivers for this device
- Code 19 – Windows cannot start this hardware device
- Code 21 – Windows is removing this device
- Code 22 – The device was disabled by the user in Device Manager.
- Code 24 – This device is not present, is not working properly.
- Code 28 – The drivers for this device are not installed
- Code 29 – This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.
- Code 31 – This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device.
- Code 32 – A driver (service) for this device has been disabled.
- Code 33 – Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device.
- Code 34 – Windows cannot determine the settings for this device.
- Code 35 – Your computer’s system firmware does not include enough information to properly configure and use this device.
- Code 36 – This device is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt (or vice versa).
- Code 37 – Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware.
- Code 38 – Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory.
- Code 39 – Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing.
- Code 40 – Windows cannot access this hardware because its service key information in the registry is missing or recorded incorrectly.
- Code 41 – Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device.
- Code 42 -Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system.
- Code 43 – Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems.
- Code 44 – An application or service has shut down this hardware device.
- Code 45 – Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer
- Code 46 – Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device because the operating system is in the process of shutting down.
- Code 47 -Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for safe removal
- Code 48 – The software for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with Windows.
- Code 49 – Windows cannot start new hardware devices because the system hive is too large (exceeds the Registry Size Limit)
- Code 50 – Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device.
- Code 51 – This device is currently waiting on another device.
- Code 52 – Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device.
- Code 53 – This device has been reserved for use by the Windows kernel debugger.
- Code 54 – This device has failed and is undergoing a reset.
- Code 56 – Windows is still setting up the class configuration for this device.
You may have to update or install device drivers, run the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter, or perform System Restore as recommended in the solutions.
Code 1: This device is not configured correctly
If you receive Device Manager error Code 1 – This device is not configured correctly, it means that the particular hardware in question has no drivers installed on the computer or the driver is not configured properly for the device to work. To resolve the issue, from the Win + X Menu, open Device Manager > Right-click on the hardware causing the issue, and select Properties.
Click on Update Driver. This will internally check with the Windows Update to install the latest working driver for that hardware. If the problem persists, either because there was no new driver or even the latest one did not work, you will need to update it manually.
Since updating the driver did not work, you will have to download the driver from the OEMs website manually. To know which version of the driver is installed, go to Properties and check the driver’s version. Go to the OEM website and either download an older version or a new version and install it manually.
Code 3: The driver for this device might be corrupted
If you are receiving Code 3 for any of your devices, it means you either have a registry issue or low memory issue. The full error message says –
The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources. (Code 3)
To resolve this, there are a few solutions:
- Check Memory: Open Task manager, and see if you have free memory. If not, then you can close some applications which are consuming a lot of memory. You can also check on System resources and virtual memory settings and try increasing it.
If this also doesn’t help, then you should think of increasing the RAM. This will help you launch and use more applications. - Uninstall and reinstall the driver: Sometimes, the device driver gets corrupted, or even registry entries are not right. You can try uninstalling and then reinstalling drivers. If that doesn’t help, you can try the system restore to go back to a point where that driver was working.
Code 9: Windows cannot identify this hardware
If you see Error Code 9, Windows cannot identify this hardware; then there is a problem with that particular hardware or device. The full error message will say
Windows cannot identify this hardware because it does not have a valid hardware identification number. For assistance, contact the hardware manufacturer.
Invalid Device ID means that the OS fails to recognize the hardware. While you may try to update the driver of that hardware, it will not work. Windows Only installs drivers for the devices it recognizes. So the best solution is to contact the hardware vendor and get it replaced as soon as possible.
Code 10: This device cannot start. Try upgrading the device drivers for this device.
The error message is generated when the Device Manager can’t start the hardware device due to outdated or corrupted drivers or temporary hardware failure.
This device cannot start. Try upgrading the device drivers for this device. (Code 10)
So if a simple restart doesn’t resolve the problem, then may have to Uninstall/Update Device Drivers and run the Hardware Troubleshooter or USB Troubleshooter.
According to Microsoft, OEMs are supposed to display the exact cause using the FailReasonString key. However, if the hardware key does not contain a “FailReasonString” value, the message above is displayed.
Code 14: This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. To restart your computer now, click Restart Computer.
When you receive a Device Manager error Code 14, it means this device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. The error message expands to:
This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. To restart your computer now, click Restart Computer.
To resolve this, simply restart your computer. You can either restart by going to Start > Shutdown > and select restart or use Alt + CTRL + Del to restart your Windows 10 PC. In case you are stuck on either of them, just press the power button for a while until your PC shuts down. Then press the power button again to restart your PC.
Code 18: Reinstall the drivers for this device.
Sometimes a device will fail or stop working. On checking with their listing on the Device Manager, it will display the error-
Reinstall the drivers for this device (Code 18).
You can either reinstall the driver by manually checking for the update or remove the driver first and then choose to install it again.
- Open Device Manager, and select the device in question. Right-click on it, and choose Update Driver. This will initiate Windows Update service, and look for an update. If available, it will install it.
- The second method is where you choose to uninstall. Right-click on the device manager’s device and select uninstall once the installation is complete, select scan for hardware changes from the top item.
This will find that device again, and this time chooses to install the driver manually. You can try to download the driver from the OEM website, and when prompted to provide the driver’s path, browser, and select the driver you downloaded.
Code 19: Windows cannot start this hardware device
If you see a Code 19 Error message for a device in the device manager, it means the device’s configuration is incomplete or corrupted in the registry hive. The full error message would say—
Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)
The Primary reason for this to happen is when more than one service is set for one drive, and there is a failure opening the service key or retrieving the service key from the driver. When I say Service Key, it means that driver has a key to the form-
If this goes missing or is not defined properly, this error message shows up.
There are two ways to fix it. The first is to uninstall and reinstall a driver. The second method is to restore your Windows 10 computer to a point where this device was working properly.
Code 21: Windows is removing this device
This Error Code 21 shows up when Windows is in the process of removing a device, but the process is not yet complete; this error code is usually temporary and goes away with time, but if you managed to get your sharp eyes on this, then restart your Windows 10 PC a couple of times to remove this.
That said, if it still doesn’t resolve it for you can:
- Try performing a clean boot of Windows 10 PC, and then reboot back using normal mode.
- Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter, and it should help you get rid of those messages.
This error is something you should be least bothered about.
Code 22: This device is disabled
If you are receiving this error on the description of the device listed under the device manager, then it simply means that the device has been disabled.
This device is disabled (Code 22)
A device can be disabled for many reasons. It could be because Windows did it when it encountered some serious problem or was disabled by the user in Device Manager.
To resolve this issue, find the device disabled in the device manager, right-click on it, and select the option “Enable Device.” In a moment, this will start the Enable Device Wizard. Follow the instructions, and the device will be back online.
Code 28: The drivers for this device are not installed
If you are receiving an error for one of the devices on your computer, then it simply means you need to install drivers manually. There is any number of reasons that a driver might not be installed for a device.
The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28)
Before installing it, you may want to manually download the driver from the OEM or the hardware vendor’s website. Once the download is complete, follow this:
- Open Device Manager (WIN + X + M, and find the device in question.
- Right-click on the device, and delete it from the system.
- Now go back to the top of the device manager, and right-click to initiate the Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver.
- The computer will prompt you to provide the path of the driver. Navigate to the OEM file you downloaded.
Note: Sometimes, executing the EXE file is all you need to install the hardware driver.
Code 29: This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.
Often, a device gets disabled with Device Manager Error Code 29 because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources. This is a low-level hardware problem that will need access to the BIOS.
First, to resolve this issue, make a note of the device name, and then restart your computer. Press the DEL key or F12. This will take you to the BIOS. Now search for the devices list, and this device is in a disabled state. If yes, enable it.
In case it still doesn’t work, you may have to check the Manufacturers’s information about the device to see if there are special instructions given to configure it in the BIOS.
Code 31: This device is not working properly
If your device listed in Device Manager shows an Error Code 31, it simply means that the device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. While you may restart your computer multiple times to see if the error gets resolved, if it doesn’t, you will have to reinstall the drivers once again.
- Open Device Manager, and then right-click on the device which is having this issue.
- On the menu that appears, choose Update Driver to start the Hardware Update wizard.
- While Windows Update should find a stable driver for you, in case it cannot, download new drivers from the OEM website and manually update it.
Code 33: Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device.
If you receive Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device (Code 33) error for any device, it means the BIOS translator that determines the kind of resources required by the device has failed. The message will also say:
Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device.
The only way out is to use the Setup Utility to reset everything or Update the BIOS. You will have download the latest BIOS file from the hardware vendor and then update it. Apart from this, you can also try to Configure, repair, or replace hardware.
If these don’t help, you may have to buy new hardware.
Code 34: Windows cannot determine the settings for this device
Many devices on Windows use resources to execute what they are supposed to do. While Windows can automatically determine the resource for each of these devices, in case it fails, you get an Error Code 34. Full Error Message includes—
Windows cannot determine the settings for this device. Consult the documentation that came with this device and use the Resource tab to set the configuration. (Code 34)
Note: A resource is binary data that you can add to a Windows-based application’s executable file. It can be in the form of IO, Memory, or anything else.
While Windows can figure out and uses automatic settings, it is possible to configure it manually if it doesn’t work. However, you will need a device manual configuration. You can either find or ask the support team of OEM to help you with the hardware documentation for instructions on manually configuring the device.
Once you have configured, reboot your computer, and then check if it is working fine. To manually change the resource values, you need to switch to the device’s Resource tab in Device Manager. Switch from automatic to manual, and follow the documentation.
Code 35: Your computer’s system firmware does not include enough information
The message is:
Your computer’s system firmware does not include enough information (Code 35)
It appears on one of the devices; it means that your computer’s firmware doesn’t have enough support or drivers to configure and use it properly. In short, the BIOS is outdated and needs to be updated.
When it happens, the MPS or the Multiprocessor System table that stores the BIOS resource assignments is missing an entry for your device and must be updated.
I recommend you to download the latest BIOS update from your computer’s OEM website. You will have to carefully figure out the right BIOS update for your computer, which depends on the motherboard version.
Code 36: This device is requesting a PCI interrupt
This device is requesting a PCI interrupt (Code 36) to appear on the device status when it is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt, and vice versa. This is a bit of a technical error code where you will need an admin or a person who understands this problem and take appropriate action.
Full error message goes as—
This device is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt (or vice versa). Please use the computer’s system setup program to reconfigure the interrupt for this device.
To resolve this, you will have to change the settings for IRQ reservations in the BIOS. Since BIOS varies for every OEM, it is best to see the hardware documentation or contact your computer’s manufacturer.
In case your BIOS comes with a setup tool, you can change the settings for IRQ reservations. On rare occasions, the BIOS might have options to reserve certain IRQs for peripheral component interconnect (PCI) or ISA devices.
Code 39: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware
When Windows uses a device, it loads its driver into memory and then communicates with the device. This is just like without a driver; you cannot run a car. If you are receiving an error code 39 for any device, this means Windows is not able to load the device driver. The full error messages say
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)
The only recommended solution for this is to reinstall the driver for that device. You can also try removing the device completely, and then perform the scan for a hardware change, and then install the driver. Sometimes there are the latest drivers available with OEMs, and it makes more sense to use the latest driver for that device.
Code 40: Windows cannot access this hardware
If you are getting Windows cannot access this hardware (Code 40) error on one of your devices, it means that Windows cannot access that hardware. This Error shows up only when the device’s service key or subkey information in the registry is missing or recorded incorrectly. The only way to resolve this issue is to reinstall the device driver manually.
- Open the device manager, and select the device in question.
- Right-click on the device and select Uninstall from the menu that appears.
- Next, choose Action on the menu bar, and select Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver.
Once the device is detected, Windows Update Service will find and install new drivers. However, if you have downloaded a stable version from the OEM website, you can choose to install it manually.
Code 41: Windows successfully loaded the device driver but cannot find the hardware
It appears for the devices which have plugged-in a non-plug and play device and have installed the driver. While the device driver for the hardware is loaded without an error, the Windows OS cannot find the hardware device.
The only solution is to remove and find the device manually. Follow the steps to reinstall it:
- Open Device Manager using shortcut key Win + X + M
- Right-click on the device for which you have Code 41 Error.
- Select Uninstall from the menu that appears.
- Once it is removed, click on the computer icon and right-click.
- Now select Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver.
Once it finds the device, it will prompt you to install the driver as well. You can either install the driver, manually download from the OEM website, or let Windows Search for it. Post this error should be resolved.
Code 42: A duplicate device already running in the system
Sometimes Windows gets confused because of an identical subprocess, which results in Error Code 42. When you check on the status of the device in Device Manager, it will say-
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system. (Code 42)
The error could also happen when a device with a serial number is discovered in a new location before it is removed from the old location.
The only way to resolve this is to restart your Windows PC, and it will automatically put things back into place.
Code 44: An application or service has shut down this hardware device
Hardware devices are controlled by the OS, Application, and even services. Since they can completely interact with the devices, they are rebooted to ensure the operation is smooth. However, it may so happen that the device is shut down and never rebooted. This is where you get the error –
An application or service has shut down this hardware device (Code 44).
It is interesting to note that Error code 44 can appear at any time. It could be during program installation, or during Windows Startup, or even shut down. To resolve this, all you need to do is restart your computer, and it should fix it.
However, if this also doesn’t solve the problem, it could be a corrupt registry. You can use a registry cleaner to get rid of all corrupted and invalid entries. Then reboot your computer to see if the issue was resolved.
Code 46: Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device
Sometimes the device, even though listed in the Device Manager, is not accessible by the Windows. In case you got this error message as a pop-up, it usually means that some process was trying to access it but failed because the system is shutting down.
Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device because the operating system is in the process of shutting down. The hardware device should work correctly next time you start your computer. (Code 46)
The good news is that you do not have to resolve this issue, but when you restart the system, the application or process will reaccess it and get its work done.
Note: This error code is only set when Driver Verifier is enabled, and all applications have already been shut down.
Code 47: Windows cannot use this hardware device
The most prominent thing you will remember about using a USB device is the Safe Eject. When doing so, if you get to see Error Code 47 for one such device, it means it’s in the process of ejection. The full error message for such a scenario is :
Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for safe removal, but it has not been removed from the computer. To fix this problem, unplug this device from your computer and then plug it in again. (Code 47)
While the process hardly takes any time, but in case it gets stuck, and Windows is still preparing the device for removal or pressed a physical eject button, then follow the below method.
You can either unplug and plug it back in (make sure there is no file copy or move in the process), or you can restart your computer to do a reset for this status.
Code 48: The software for this device has been blocked
This error code 48 shows up usually when upgrading from one feature update to another. If, during internal testing, a device with a device is reported to be creating a problem, and the OEM did not offer an update, you will see this message.
The software for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with Windows. Contact the hardware vendor for a new driver. (Code 48)
The only correct solution is to install a compatible driver that works with the current version of Windows. You will need to check with the OEM to know if there is a new update. If not, then you may try installing the only driver with compatibility mode to see if the problem resolves for you.
Code 50: Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device
Every device comes with multiple functions. The drivers make sure Windows can identify each of these properties to make use of its functionality. However, if you are getting Error Code 50 for any of the devices, it means that Windows cannot apply all the properties of that device. The full Error message includes
Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device. Device properties may include information that describes the device’s capabilities and settings (such as security settings, for example). To fix this problem, you can try reinstalling this device. However,we recommend that you contact the hardware manufacturer for a new driver. (Code50)
The only way to fix this problem is to reinstall the device and then reload the drivers again. If possible, figure out the latest version of the driver from the OEMs website and install it manually.
- Right-click on the device in the list, and choose to uninstall.
- Then scan for new hardware changes in the device manager.
- Once it figures out new hardware, you will have the option to reinstall the driver manually.
- Once installed, reboot your computer to Windows can apply all the settings.
Code 51: This device is currently waiting on another device
It is possible that devices need to wait for each other to either complete some work or just have to be in sequence. If you are getting error code 51, then it means that the device is currently waiting on another device or set of devices to start. The thing about the situation is that there is no resolution, and you need to leave as it is. Unless the device fails, you really have no solution. If the issue stays around much longer, then you may want to reboot your Windows 10 computer.
You can also check if other devices failed in the Device Manager because of which this device has gone into internal wait. Restart your computer or fix another device to resolve this. Also, make sure to run the Hardware Troubleshooter.
Code 52: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers
If you are getting an error message saying, “Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. (Code 52), then it means that driver may be unsigned or corrupted. The full error message goes like-
Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)
You may have downloaded an unsigned driver from somewhere and tried installing it. If that’s not the case, then the driver files have been corrupted because of some reason. In either case, you will need to reinstall the driver again. Make sure you download it from the Device vendors website.
Code 53: This device has been reserved for use by the Windows kernel debugger
Kernel Debugging helps one to find out issues in detail, so if you see Code 53 on a device listed under Device Manager, it means that it has reserved for use by the Windows kernel debugger for the duration of this boot session. (Code 53). This mostly happens when an IT admin or someone who has enough knowledge about Windows 10 Kernel Debugging is trying to troubleshoot issues around the device.
To resolve this issue, you will need to have admin privileges and access to the credit command. In the command prompt, type and execute bcdedit /debug off
. Once you disable the Windows kernel debugging, it will allow the device to start normally.
Code 54 – This device has failed and is undergoing a reset
Sometimes Windows or the device itself has to restart. While it’s usually fast, but if you managed to catch a device in such a state, it gives error Code 54. This is an intermittent problem code assigned while an ACPI reset method is being executed. While it will automatically resolve itself in a while, if the device never restarts due to a failure, it will be stuck in this state, and the system reboot is required. So simply restart your Windows 10 PC and recheck the device’s status in the Device Manager. It should be gone for good.
I hope this post helps you.