


这两个平台也允许您使用语音消息进行交流。凭借其游戏背景,Discord采用即按即说的方式来做到这一点,拥有独立的语音室,最多可有 99 名其他成员加入。相比之下,Slack用户需要开始通话,支持 2 到 15 个用户(基于成本)。
毫不奇怪,Discord和Slack都专注于安全性,帮助您维护您的在线隐私(online privacy),而不用冒个人数据的风险。这两个平台都对数据进行加密以帮助防止数据泄露,但其中一些将取决于您自己的帐户安全性。

Slack专注于业务沟通,建立了一个认真对待行业合规性法规的平台。它符合或超过许多数据安全行业标准(industry standards),包括ISO/IEC 27001和 27017。为了提供帮助,它提供了双因素身份验证、公司用户帐户的单点登录等。
虽然Discord并没有过多地关注基于工作的环境,但它仍然为个人用户帐户提供了许多额外的安全功能。其中包括强制执行安全密码(enforcing a secure password)、用户帐户的双重身份验证、阻止未知消息等。

如果您担心使用此类平台的数据安全性,您应该检查数据是否已(check to see if data has been compromised)在线泄露。
第三方集成(Third-Party Integrations)

在 Discord 上,这通常意味着将机器人添加到 Discord 服务器(adding a bot to your Discord server)。机器人由第三方开发人员创建,用于为Discord添加新功能,从音乐机器人(music bots)到审核机器人(moderation bots)。您可以自己在 Web 服务器上托管它,也可以邀请机器人到您的Discord服务器,机器人由开发人员自己托管。
除了机器人,您还可以将Discord与数量有限的音乐和游戏服务集成,包括 Spotify(including Spotify)和Xbox。诸如此类的娱乐功能是(Entertainment)Discord成为游戏玩家和爱好者的完美平台的原因所在。

另一方面, Slack(Slack)是关于生产力及其支持和提供的集成的。Slack有数千个受支持的集成(thousands of supported integrations)(命名的应用程序),您可以将它们直接插入到您的服务器中,其中大多数旨在帮助团队协作和更好地远程工作,从Google Drive到Trello。
但是,与Discord不同的是,您不能托管自己的应用程序。您希望集成的任何第三方服务都必须作为应用程序添加到 Slack 的数据库中,并获得预先批准。相比之下,如果您可以编写代码(can code),则可以创建自己的Discord机器人来非常快速地插入新功能。

但是,如果您在 Discord 上看到语音质量问题,您的用户可能需要升级到付费计划,因为在您的服务器上没有(seeing voice quality issues on Discord)Discord Nitro提升的情况下,音频质量会受到限制。这是付费的Discord用户将其付费子特权捐赠给服务器的地方,以解锁整个服务器的额外好处。
然而, Discord Nitro(Discord Nitro)订阅提供了其他好处,用户可以获得额外的个性化特权,例如额外的表情符号插槽、GIF头像和标签。Discord Nitro每月收费 4.99 美元(每年 49.99 美元),没有服务器升级或每月 9.99 美元(每年 99.99 美元),每月两次升级。

相比之下,大多数Slack功能都具有明显的局限性。服务器聊天记录最多可容纳 10,000 条消息,而视频和语音聊天仅限于两个用户,服务器集成仅限于 10 个应用程序。这使得大型组织的团队协作变得相当困难,迫使所有者升级。
然而,Slack 并不是一项廉价的服务。可以使用各种 Slack(Various Slack)计划,由服务器所有者按每个用户支付,每个用户每月的费用在 6.67 美元到 12.50 美元之间,或者对于超大型企业来说更多。
在 Slack 与 Discord 之间进行选择(Choosing Between Slack vs. Discord)
当然,如果您对基于工作的协作感兴趣,可以考虑使用Microsoft Teams 等替代方案。如果Slack是您的首选,那么有很多Slack 技巧(Slack tips)可以帮助您为您的团队创建最佳服务器,但如果您更喜欢Discord,则可以很容易地创建一个新的 Discord 服务器(make a new Discord server)来进行尝试。
Slack vs Discord: Which Is Better?
If you’re looking for a web-based community or team chat system, you’ll find it hard to choose between Slack or Diѕcоrd. Both platforms are built with tеamѕ in mind, offering community chat rooms, private messаging, screen sharing, vidеo calling, third-party integrations, and more.
If the choice between Slack vs. Discord is proving difficult for your next community project, it might be worth thinking about the pros and cons. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so if you’re looking to set up a new Slack or Discord server, you’ll need to consider which is best for you by considering these points.

The most important feature of chat-based services like Slack and Discord is communication. As you might expect, both platforms offer two ways to communicate with other server members.
Both Slack and Discord offer users the ability to chat privately or publicly in shared rooms, with administrators able to limit access to individual users through invites or server roles. There is a near-unlimited limit on server members on either platform, so you should be able to fit your entire team or group in a single server to chat.

The only real difference between the two platforms for text-based communication is in threaded messages. In public or private channels on Slack, you can reply to a message and create a new “thread” to group replies together. This, unfortunately, isn’t possible in Discord, although you can “reply” to specific messages.
On Slack, you’ll also find that chat history is limited unless you upgrade to a paid plan. On Discord, all messages are saved indefinitely, allowing you to scroll back or search through and review old messages.

Both platforms allow you to use voice messaging to communicate, too. With its gaming background, Discord does this with a push-to-speak approach, with separate voice-capable rooms that up to 99 other members can join. In contrast, Slack users need to start a call, with support for between 2 and 15 users (based on the cost).
You can also show off your camera feed or share your screen in Discord or Slack, but Slack offers more features in line with its work-based approach, with the ability to remote control another user’s screen among others.
It’s not surprising that both Discord and Slack are focused on security, helping you to maintain your online privacy without risking your personal data. Both platforms encrypt data to help protect against data breaches, but some of this will depend on your own account security.

With a focus on business communication, Slack has built a platform that takes industry compliance regulations seriously. It meets or exceeds a number of industry standards for data security, including ISO/IEC 27001 and 27017. To help, it offers two-factor authentication, single sign-on for company user accounts, and more.
While Discord isn’t focused as much on work-based environments, it still has a number of extra security features for individual user accounts. These include enforcing a secure password, two-factor authentication for user accounts, blocking unknown messages, and more.

Both platforms allow you to limit who has access to your shared server, requiring an invitation to join. This is done by email for Slack, while Discord users can receive emailed or URL invitations that can be disabled remotely or time-limited for single or limited use.
If you’re worried about your data security using platforms like these, you should check to see if data has been compromised online.
Third-Party Integrations
If you’re developing a product with a set purpose like communication in mind, it makes sense to avoid reinventing the wheel. Both Slack and Discord understand this with the approach that both platforms use for third-party integrations.

On Discord, this usually means adding a bot to your Discord server. Bots are created by third-party developers to add new features to Discord, from music bots to moderation bots. You either can host it yourself on a web server or invite the bot to your Discord server, with the bot hosted by the developer themselves.
Along with bots, you can also integrate Discord with a limited number of music and gaming services, including Spotify and Xbox. Entertainment features like these are why Discord is the perfect platform for gamers and hobbyists, in particular.

Slack, on the other hand, is all about productivity with the integrations that it supports and offers. Slack has thousands of supported integrations (named apps) that you can insert into your server directly, with most designed to help teams collaborate and work better remotely, from Google Drive to Trello.
Unlike Discord, however, you can’t host your own apps. Any third-party services you wish to integrate must be added as an app to Slack’s database, receiving pre-approval. In contrast, if you can code, you can create your own Discord bot to insert new features pretty quickly.
Both Slack and Discord have a free-to-use product that you can try straight away–no trial periods, no upfront costs. There are, however, some limitations that you’ll need to consider.

For Discord, most features are free to use without obvious limitations. Chat history isn’t limited, and you can have thousands of users active and online (using voice and text chat facilities) at once.
Your users may need to upgrade to a paid plan if you’re seeing voice quality issues on Discord, however, as audio quality is capped without Discord Nitro boosts on your server. This is where paid Discord users donate their paid sub perks to a server to unlock additional benefits for that server as a whole.
Discord Nitro subscriptions offer other benefits, however, with users gaining additional personalization perks, such as additional emoji slots, GIF avatars and tags. Discord Nitro costs $4.99 a month ($49.99 a year) without server boosts or $9.99 a month ($99.99 a year) for two boosts a month.

In contrast, most Slack features are offered with obvious limitations. Server chat history is limited to up to 10 thousand messages, while video and voice chat is limited to two users only, with server integrations limited to 10 apps. This makes team collaboration pretty difficult for larger organizations, forcing owners to upgrade.
Slack, however, is not a cheap service to pay for. Various Slack plans are available, paid by the server owner on a per-user basis, costing between $6.67 and $12.50 per user, per month, or more for extremely large businesses.
The more expensive the Slack plan, the more storage, customization, better security, and other features are available for users. If you’re a hobbyist or small business owner, however, Slack’s additional features may prove too costly.
Choosing Between Slack vs. Discord
In the battle between Slack vs. Discord, it all comes down to your requirements and preferences. Both platforms offer an easy way to communicate in different ways. While Slack is definitely a platform built for team working, Discord is geared towards hobbies like gaming.
Of course, there are alternatives like Microsoft Teams to consider if you’re interested in work-based collaboration. If Slack is your preferred option, there are plenty of Slack tips that can help you create the best server for your team, but if you prefer Discord, it’s pretty easy to make a new Discord server to try things out.