MAC 地址(MAC Address)或媒体访问控制地址(Media Access Control Address)是分配给每个网络接口卡(Network Interface Card)的 唯一标识符。在这篇文章中,我们将了解什么是 MAC 地址以及如何在Windows 10/8.1MAC 地址(MAC Address)。我们还将涉及MAC 地址(MAC Address)过滤、查找和欺骗。
无论您使用的是有线网络还是无线网络,您都需要一张网卡才能连接到其他计算机并允许其他计算机访问您的计算机。虽然我们大多数人认为 IP 地址对于联系网络上的另一台计算机很重要,但这并不是唯一的因素。比 IP(互联网协议(Internet Protocol))地址更重要的是MAC(媒体访问控制(Media Access Control))地址——分配给网络接口卡的地址,以便在网络上识别它。

网卡(Network)是网络(Network)接口卡的简称。我们简称为网卡(NIC)。每个 NIC(Every NIC)都有一个MAC地址 - 就像邮政地址一样,这样在您的网络上传输的数据包可以到达正确的NIC,然后从那里到达您的计算机。虽然 IP 地址是网络接口(Network Interface)卡(网卡(Network)或NIC)的软件部分,但MAC地址是硬件地址,没有它,数据包将继续在网络上漫游,因为它们没有任何地址可以存放传递数据。网络上的每个数据包都有一个包含(MAC)您要连接的计算机的MAC地址,然后是数据。数据包的最后一部分将包含一个位,以确定数据位是否正确传递,或者在传输过程中是否损坏或更改。
(MAC)当您单击Windows 系统托盘(Windows System Tray)中的打开网络适配器时, (Open Network Adaptors)MAC地址不会出现。与由您的ISP或网络管理员提供的(ISP)IP 地址(IP addresses)不同,它可能是静态的或动态的。MAC地址由网络接口卡 ( (MAC)NIC )的制造商分配。这些MAC地址内置于卡中,并使用一种称为地址解析协议(Address Resolution Protocol)的方法进行解析。这个地址解析协议(Address Resolution Protocol)首先获取要联系的计算机的IP地址,然后解析成MAC在将其嵌入到数据包的头部之前的地址,以便它们准确地传送到预期的计算机,而不是网络中的任何其他计算机。
MAC地址由完整的冒号分隔,IP 地址(IPv4地址(IPv4))也是如此。但与只有四个数字字符用全冒号分隔以使其看起来像一个四位数 x 4 部分不同,MAC地址是字母数字字符的组合。它是一组由六个完整冒号分隔的六个字符。此外,与每组 IP 地址中使用的四个字符不同,MAC地址每组仅使用两个字符。下面是一个MAC地址示例,供您理解:
阅读:(Read:) 如何在 Dlink 路由器中设置 MAC 过滤(How to set up MAC filtering in the Dlink router)。
如何定位NIC(网络接口卡(Network Interface Cards))的MAC 地址(MAC Address)
要找到网络适配器的MAC地址,您必须转到命令行。Press WinKey+R,在出现的运行(Run)对话框中输入cmd ,然后按(cmd)Enter键。
键入getmac /v /fo list并按Enter键。将显示每个NIC适配器(网络适配器 - 有线和无线)的输出。

在 Windows 11/10 中更改 MAC 地址
- 按Windows Key + Break或Pause键打开系统(System) 属性(Properties)窗口。
- 如果Pause键与Shift键结合使用,您可能需要按Win+Fn+Pause键。
- 单击(Click)系统(System)窗口左侧的设备管理器(Device Manager)
- 出现“设备管理器(Device Manager)”对话框后,查找名为“网络(Network)适配器”的类别
- 单击(Click)网络(Network) 适配器(Adaptors)前面的加号以查看连接到您计算机的所有网卡;(Network)
- 选择(Select)要更改其MAC地址的网络适配器(MAC)
- 右键单击网络适配器并选择属性
- 单击高级选项卡。

完成后,现在在可用选项列表中,选择 Locally Administered MAC Address或Network Address;请注意,根据您的网络适配器的类型,只会出现两个选项之一
选择单选按钮后,在值(Value)字段中键入六位字母数字代码;请注意,您不必输入破折号或完整的冒号;如果您想输入 00:4f:gH: HH:88:80,您只需输入 004fgHHH8880 ,不带任何破折号或完整的冒号;添加破折号可能会导致错误
关闭其他打开的对话框(如果有)并关闭设备管理器(Device Manager)
这是更改网络适配器的MAC(媒体访问控制)ID 的最简单方法。(Media Access Control)
提示(TIP):您还可以使用其中一些免费的MAC 地址更改工具(MAC Address Changer Tools)。
MAC 地址欺骗和过滤
当您使用上述方法更改MAC地址时,您实际上是在欺骗MAC地址。硬件MAC地址保持不变,但仅在没有其他地址时优先使用。如果要恢复到原始MAC地址,只需按照上述步骤操作,不要输入值,而是选择“不存在(Not Present)”或“无值(No Value)”的单选按钮。这将使您回到原来的MAC地址。
MAC Address in Windows 11/10: Change, Lookup, Spoofing
A MAC Address or Media Access Control Address is a unique identifier assigned to every Network Interface Card. In this post, we will see what is MAC Address and how do you change a MAC Address in Windows 10/8.1. We will also touch upon MAC Address filtering, lookup and spoofing.
What is MAC Address
Whether you are using a wired network or a wireless one, you need a network card to connect to other computers and to allow other computers to your computer. While most of us believe that it is the IP address that is significant in contacting another computer on the network, it is not the only factor. More important than IP (Internet Protocol) address is the MAC (Media Access Control) address – an address assigned to the network interface card, so that it is identified on the network.

A Network card is a term used in short for a Network interface card. We call it NIC for short. Every NIC has a MAC address – just like a postal address so that the data packets traveling on your network can reach the correct NIC and from there, your computer. While the IP address is the software part of the Network Interface card (Network card or NIC), the MAC address is the hardware address, without which data packets will just keep on roaming on the network, as they do not have any address where to deliver the data. Each data packet on the network has a header containing the MAC address of the computer you wish to connect to and then the data. The last part of the data packet will contain a bit to ascertain if the data bit was correctly delivered or was it corrupted or changed during the transmission.
MAC addresses do not appear when you click on Open Network Adaptors in the Windows System Tray. Unlike IP addresses, that are provided by your ISP or network admins, and may be static or dynamic. MAC addresses are assigned by the manufacturers of network interface cards (NIC). These MAC addresses are built into the cards and are resolved using a method called Address Resolution Protocol. This Address Resolution Protocol first obtains the IP address of the computer to be contacted and then resolves it into the MAC address before embedding it into the header of the data packets so that they are delivered exactly to the computer intended and not to any other computer in the network.
Structure of MAC Address
A MAC address is separated by full colons, as is the IP address (IPv4 addresses). But unlike only four numeric characters separated by full colons to make it look like a four digit set x 4 parts, the MAC address is a combination of alphanumeric characters. It is a set of six characters separated by six full colons. Also, unlike the four characters used in IP address per set, the MAC address employs only two characters per set. Here is an example of a MAC address for your understanding:
You can see that it is six sets (parts) divided by full colons and can contain both alphabets and characters. The first two or three sets indicate the code of manufacturers of the network interface card just like the first two sets of IP address tells you where you are located.
Read: How to set up MAC filtering in the Dlink router.
How To Locate MAC Address of NIC (Network Interface Cards)
To locate the MAC address of your network adaptors, you have to go to the command line. Press WinKey+R, type cmd in the Run dialog box that appears and press Enter key.
Type getmac /v /fo list and press Enter key. The output for each of your NIC adaptor (network adaptors – wired and wireless) will be displayed.

Change MAC Address in Windows 11/10
It is not advised to change the MAC address on networks as it may create conflicts and sometimes, may fail to appear on the network. But if you want to change the MAC address for some reason, it is an easy process.
- Press Windows Key + Break or Pause key to open System Properties window.
- If the Pause key is combined with the Shift key, you may need to press Win+Fn+Pause key.
- Click on Device Manager to the left side of the System window
- Once the Device Manager dialog appears, look for the category named Network Adaptors
- Click on the plus sign preceding Network Adaptors to see all the Network cards attached to your computer;
- Select the network adaptor whose MAC address you wish to change
- Right click on the network adaptor and select Properties
- Click on the Advanced tab.

Having done that, now In the list of available options, select Locally Administered MAC Address or Network Address; note that only one of the two options will appear based on the type of your network adaptor
When you select one of the above options, you will get a text box saying Value.
Type a six digit alphanumeric code in the Value field after selecting the radio button; note that you do not have to type the dashes or full colon; if you wish to type 00:4f:gH:HH:88:80, you simply type 004fgHHH8880 without any dashes or full colons; adding dashes may result in error
Click OK to close the dialog box
Close other open dialog boxes (if any) and close the Device Manager
That is the simplest method to change the MAC (Media Access Control) ID of the network adaptor.
TIP: You can also use some of these free MAC Address Changer Tools.
MAC Address Spoofing and Filtering
Spoofing is a method by which you change your MAC address to someone else’s MAC address. That is the common notion in the world of Internet. Spoofing is useful when your network won’t let you in due to MAC filter restrictions. Hackers too indulge in MAC address spoofing.
When you change the MAC address using the above method, you are actually spoofing the MAC address. The hardware MAC address remains the same but is given preference only when there is no other address. If you want to revert to the original MAC address, just follow the above steps and instead of inputting a value, select the radio button that says “Not Present” or “No Value“. That will get you back to your original MAC address.
MAC addresses are especially useful when it comes to protecting your network from unwanted connections. All you have to do is to authorize only the MAC addresses that you wish to connect to the Internet or the network. This you can do it easily using third-party programs. You can also filter MAC addresses manually by going to your router page and entering the MAC addresses that are allowed to interact with the router.