小型 PC 或迷你 PC 对很多人都很有吸引力,包括Digital Citizen的编辑。其中一些非常小,可以放在您的手掌中。华硕 PN62(ASUS PN62)也是如此。虽然这款迷你 PC 配备了之前的第 10 代英特尔(Intel)处理器,而不是最新的第 11 代处理器,但它仍然有一些技巧。如果您正在寻找具有可靠构建质量和大量连接选项的迷你 PC,请阅读此评论:
ASUS Mini PC PN62:它适合谁?
- 喜欢在家或工作中的办公桌上放置小型计算机的人
- 希望迷你 PC 性能可靠的用户
- 想要 Wi-Fi 6 和大量连接选项的人
- 极端温度下的工业(Industrial)用途
以下是我们喜欢ASUS Mini PC PN62 的地方:
Buy now
- 体积小重量轻
- Wi-Fi 6 和大量连接选项
- 性能与竞争对手不相上下
- 内置读卡器
- 适用于 4K 显示器
- 易于安装在显示器背面
ASUS Mini PC PN62占用空间小,几乎可以安装在您想要的任何位置,借助VESA板和支架。它具有坚固的构造质量、比竞争对手略胜一筹的冷却系统、方便的读卡器、Wi-Fi 6 和大量的连接选项。总体而言,华硕 Mini PC PN62(ASUS Mini PC PN62)是任何想要在家中、办公室使用小型 PC 的人的绝佳选择,特别是对于那些在家工作且空间有限的人。
华硕 Mini PC PN62 拆箱
ASUS Mini PC PN62 装(ASUS Mini PC PN62)在一个相对较小的盒子里,类似于下图。您所看到的只是公司的品牌名称、名称和您刚购买的计算机的图片。
ASUS Mini PC PN62采用简单的包装盒
华硕迷你电脑 PN62
除了ASUS PN62 之外(ASUS PN62),您还可以找到电源线、电源适配器、技术文档、一个支撑盘、一堆螺丝和一个用于VESA支架的板,可用于将迷你 PC 连接到电脑的背面电脑显示器。
拆箱 ASUS Mini PC PN62 快速而轻松。在零售包装内,该公司提供了您开始设置它所需的一切,包括一个用于将其安装在计算机显示器背面的盘子。(Unboxing the ASUS Mini PC PN62 is quick and painless. Inside the retail packaging, the company offers everything you need to get started with setting it up, including a plate for mounting it on the back of a computer display.)
ASUS Mini PC PN62设计简洁,可最大限度地减少空间并提供尽可能多的连接选项。它的外壳由黑色磨砂塑料制成,看起来还不错。您会在顶盖上看到您刚购买的型号中带有英特尔处理器的贴纸。(Intel)它可以是以下任何一种:英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i3-10110U、英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i5-10210U、英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i7-10510U 和英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i7-10710U。在ASUS Mini PC PN62的正面,您可以找到以下内容:电源(Power)按钮、用于视频会议的麦克风、耳机插孔、USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C端口、microSD 读卡器、USB 3.2端口、用于远程控制的红外接收器和驱动器活动指示灯。
ASUS Mini PC PN62 右侧
ASUS Mini PC PN62 左侧
您会在ASUS Mini PC PN62(ASUS Mini PC PN62)的背面找到更多通风口,旁边还有一个HMDI端口、一个DisplayPort、一个USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C端口、一个以太网(Ethernet)端口、两个USB 3.2端口和电源插孔。
底盖有四个橡胶支脚、更多通风孔、贴有您刚购买的迷你 PC 的详细信息的贴纸,以及可让您打开ASUS PN62并查看内部内容的螺丝。
ASUS Mini PC PN62底部
就尺寸而言,这款迷你 PC 非常紧凑:宽度、深度和高度为 4.52 x 4.52 x 1.92 英寸或 115 x 115 x 49 毫米。它的重量也只有 1.5 磅或 700 克(包括 2.5 英寸硬盘(HDD))。
ASUS Mini PC PN62具有 Wi-Fi 6 和蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5)
在操作系统方面,如果您购买这款包含存储的迷你 PC,您还可以购买预装Windows 10的(Windows 10)家庭(Home)版和专业(Pro)版。华硕(ASUS)表示,这款迷你电脑已经过严格的测试。该公司承诺它可以应对极端条件,从干燥的 -40°C 温度到长期超过 60°C 的湿热环境。这可能使其成为需要在工业应用中使用它的商业用户的一个有吸引力的选择。
有关此迷你 PC 的更多详细信息,请访问此页面:ASUS Mini PC PN62。
设置和使用ASUS Mini PC PN62
在使用ASUS Mini PC PN62 之前(ASUS Mini PC PN62),我们需要安装固态驱动器或硬盘,以及RAM。根据您购买的版本,您可能需要这样做。幸运的是,访问它的内部很容易。只需松开放置在其底部的四个螺钉并打开底盖即可。
ASUS Mini PC PN62里面有什么
用于添加RAM(RAM)和存储的插槽很容易访问。此外,在ASUS Mini PC PN62的包装内,您可以找到所需的所有螺丝。在我们的评测单元中,我们安装了容量为 120 GB 的金士顿 A400 M.2 SSD(Kingston A400 M.2 SSD),读取数据的速度为 500MB/s,写入数据的速度为 320MB/s。我们安装的RAM是 8 GB 的HyperX HX426S15IB2/8 DDR4-2666。将它们添加到迷你 PC 大约需要一分钟,我们准备好了。
添加 RAM 和 SSD
我们安装了 Windows 10(installed Windows 10),只用了几分钟,然后开始使用ASUS PN62。无论我们做什么,用户体验都非常好,从启动只需 22 秒到浏览网页、在Microsoft Office中编辑文档,再到一些简单的图像和视频编辑。我们使用的应用程序感觉很快,操作系统运行良好,没有任何问题。
Windows 10 启动速度有多快
只要我们不强调华硕Mini PC PN62(ASUS Mini PC PN62)内部的处理器,几乎没有噪音。然而,当我们对处理器进行压力测试时,迷你 PC 变得非常响亮。为了让您了解它的响度,请收听下面的视频。
我们喜欢ASUS Mini PC PN62的一个方面是它不会像我们测试的其他 mini PC 那样收集灰尘和指纹。即使在我们测试了两周之后,它的哑光效果看起来也很好。
ASUS Mini PC PN62不会聚集大量灰尘和指纹
如果您想让安装驱动程序的过程尽可能简单,我们建议使用Intel Driver & Support Assistant (Intel DSA)。迷你 PC 内部有许多英特尔(Intel)组件,此工具可以轻松查找、下载和安装所有驱动程序。
安装和使用英特尔 DSA
这款迷你 PC 具有兼容 Wi-Fi 6 的网卡,可与市场上最快的路由器配合使用。我们对其进行了快速SpeedTest ,在 Wi-Fi 6 网络上的下载速度达到了 780.14 Mbps。但是,如果您想要更高的速度,您可以使用迷你 PC 背面的以太网端口,并通过电缆将其连接到网络。(Ethernet)
您在 Wi-Fi 6 上获得的速度
我们对 ASUS Mini PC PN62 提供的用户体验感到满意。它适用于除游戏、视频编辑或计算机辅助设计 (CAD) 之外的一切——需要强大显卡的任务。如果您想要更大的功率,可以选择配备 Intel Core i7 处理器的版本。此外,如果您想要更低的价格,英特尔酷睿 i3 有更实惠的选择。这是你的选择。(We are pleased with the user experience offered by the ASUS Mini PC PN62. It is good for everything except gaming, video editing, or computer-aided design (CAD) - tasks that require a powerful video card. If you want more power, there are versions with an Intel Core i7 processor. Also, if you want a lower price, there are more affordable options with an Intel Core i3. The choice is yours.)
为了了解ASUS Mini PC PN62的性能如何,我们在几个基准测试中将它与Intel NUC10i5FNH进行了比较。两款迷你电脑共享相同的英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i5-10210U 处理器以及类似的设计和制造质量方法。
我们使用的第一个基准测试是CPU-Z。在单线程(Single Thread)测试中,华硕 Mini PC PN62(ASUS Mini PC PN62)的得分为 429 分,比英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)低 10% 。
CPU-Z 单线程分数
在 CPU-Z 的多线程测试中,两台迷你 PC 之间的差异仅为 5%——对于大多数用户来说无法区分。
CPU-Z 多线程分数
接下来,我们运行了PCMark 10,这是一个基准应用程序,用于评估系统在日常活动中的性能。这意味着网页浏览、视频会议、应用程序启动时间、生产力和数字内容创建。在这个基准测试中,英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)的差异也是 5% 。
PCMark 10 分数
我们还检查了两台迷你电脑浏览网页的速度。我们在Google Chrome中使用了(Google Chrome)JetStream 2基准测试,它使用JavaScript和WebAssembly。您获得的分数越高,您的 PC 渲染网站的速度就越快。这一次,华硕 Mini PC PN62(ASUS Mini PC PN62)拥有 5% 的性能优势。
JetStream 2 得分
7-Zip 是一个文件归档应用程序,非常适合检查处理器的速度。在压缩测试中,ASUS Mini PC PN62比Intel NUC10i5FNH慢 10% 。
7-Zip 压缩速度
在解压测试中,ASUS Mini PC PN62比Intel NUC快 4% 。
7-Zip 解压速度
为了测试两台迷你电脑内部处理器达到的温度,我们进行了 AIDA64 的稳定性测试。ASUS Mini PC PN62测得的最高温度为 88摄氏度(Celsius)(190华氏度(Fahrenheit))。这一结果表明,华硕开发的散热系统比(ASUS)英特尔(Intel)开发的散热系统效率略高。
ASUS Mini PC PN62达到的最高温度
两台迷你电脑的最大功耗相同,因为它们使用相同的处理器。39瓦(Watts)是一个出色的结果,展示了我们比较中两台迷你 PC 中使用的笔记本电脑处理器的能效。
ASUS Mini PC PN62所汲取的力量(Power)
ASUS Mini PC PN62 提供了与 Intel NUC10i5FNH(具有相同处理器的类似 mini PC)非常接近的可靠性能。两次交换打击,在大多数情况下,性能差异可以忽略不计。然而,华硕似乎在其冷却系统的效率方面占据上风,它提供的最高温度略低于英特尔。(ASUS Mini PC PN62 offers reliable performance that’s very close to that of the Intel NUC10i5FNH, a similar mini PC with the same processor. The two exchange blows, and in most cases the performance difference is negligible. However, ASUS seems to have the upper hand when it comes to the efficiency of its cooling system, which provides maximum temperatures that are slightly lower than Intel’s.)
您对ASUS Mini PC PN62有何看法?
现在您知道我们对ASUS Mini PC PN62的看法及其优缺点了。您还知道它在性能和可用配置选项方面的期望。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对ASUS Mini PC PN62的看法。你喜欢它所提供的吗?你(Are)有兴趣购买吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们知道您的想法。
ASUS Mini PC PN62 review: A mini PC that fits in your hand!
Small form-fаctor РCs or mіnі-PCs are attractive to a lot of peoplе including the editors at Digital Citizen. Some of them are so small that they can fit in the palm of your hand. This is also the case with ASUS PN62. While this mini PC comes with the previous 10th generation of Intel processors, instead of the latest 11th generation, it still has some tricks up its sleeve. If you are on the lookout for a mini PC with solid build quality and plenty of connectivity options, give this review a read:
ASUS Mini PC PN62: Who is it good for?
This small form-factor computer is an excellent choice for:
- People who prefer smaller computers on their desks at home or at work
- Users who want reliable performance from their mini-PC
- People who want Wi-Fi 6 and plenty of connectivity options
- Industrial uses at extreme temperatures
Pros and cons
Here is what we like about the ASUS Mini PC PN62:
See price on:
Buy now
- Small size and weight
- Wi-Fi 6 and plenty of connectivity options
- Performance on par with the competition
- Built-in card reader
- Works with 4K displays
- Easy to mount on the back of your monitor
There are some downsides too:
- Fairly noisy under full load
ASUS Mini PC PN62 takes little space and can be mounted almost anywhere you want, with the help of a VESA plate and mount. It sports solid build quality, a cooling system that’s slightly better than that of its competition, a handy card reader, Wi-Fi 6, and plenty of connectivity options. Overall, ASUS Mini PC PN62 is an excellent option for anyone who desires a small form-factor PC for their home, office, and especially for those who work from home and have limited space.
Unboxing the ASUS Mini PC PN62
The ASUS Mini PC PN62 comes in a relatively small box, similar to the one pictured below. All you see is the company’s brand name, the name, and the picture of the computer you just bought.
ASUS Mini PC PN62 comes in a simple box
When you unbox it and take everything out, you find the mini PC itself. As you can see for yourself, it has quite a utilitarian appearance.
Along with the ASUS PN62, you find the power cord, the power adapter, the technical documentation, a support disc, a bunch of screws, and a plate for the VESA mount that can be used to attach the mini PC to the back of a computer display.
The things you find inside the box
Unboxing the ASUS Mini PC PN62 is quick and painless. Inside the retail packaging, the company offers everything you need to get started with setting it up, including a plate for mounting it on the back of a computer display.
Design and hardware specifications
The ASUS Mini PC PN62 has a simple design that minimizes space and offers as many connectivity options as possible. Its case is made of black matte plastic, which looks pretty good. You see a sticker with the Intel processor found inside the model you just bought on the top cover. It can be any of the following: Intel Core i3-10110U, Intel Core i5-10210U, Intel Core i7-10510U, and Intel Core i7-10710U. On the front of the ASUS Mini PC PN62, you find the following: the Power button, a microphone for video conferencing, a headphone jack, a USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C port, a microSD card reader, a USB 3.2 port, an infrared receiver for remote control, and a drive activity indicator.
The ports on the front
On the right side, you find the air vents used by the cooling system and a Kensington security slot.
The right side of ASUS Mini PC PN62
The left side is all about air vents.
The left side of ASUS Mini PC PN62
You find more air vents on the rear of the ASUS Mini PC PN62, alongside one HMDI port, a DisplayPort, a USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C port, an Ethernet port, two USB 3.2 ports, and the power jack.
The ports on the rear
The bottom cover has four rubber feet, more air vents, stickers with details about the mini PC you just bought, and the screws that allow you to open the ASUS PN62 and see what’s inside.
The bottom side of ASUS Mini PC PN62
In terms of size, this mini PC is very compact: it has 4.52 x 4.52 x 1.92 inches or 115 x 115 x 49 mm in width, depth, and height. It also weighs just 1.5 pounds or 700 grams (with a 2.5” HDD included).
ASUS Mini PC PN62 has Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5
In terms of operating systems, if you buy this mini PC with storage included, you can also buy it with Windows 10 preinstalled, both in its Home and Pro editions. ASUS says that this mini PC has undergone rigorous testing. The company promises it can cope with extreme conditions, ranging from dry -40°C temperatures to humid and hot environments exceeding 60°C for long periods. This may make it an appealing choice for business users who need to use it in industrial applications.
For more detailed information about this mini PC, go to this page: ASUS Mini PC PN62.
Setting up and using the ASUS Mini PC PN62
Before using the ASUS Mini PC PN62, we needed to install a solid-state drive or a hard disk, and the RAM. Depending on which version you purchase, you may need to do the same. Luckily, accessing its internals is easy. All it takes is loosening four screws placed on its bottom and opening the bottom cover.
What is inside the ASUS Mini PC PN62
The slots for adding RAM and storage are easy to access. Also, inside the packaging of the ASUS Mini PC PN62, you find all the screws you need. In our review unit, we installed a Kingston A400 M.2 SSD with a capacity of 120 GB, capable of speeds of 500MB/s for reading data and 320MB/s for writing data. The RAM we installed was 8 GB of HyperX HX426S15IB2/8 DDR4-2666. Adding them to the mini PC took about a minute, and we were ready to go.
Adding the RAM and the SSD
We installed Windows 10, which took just a couple of minutes and then started using the ASUS PN62. The user experience was snappy no matter what we did, from booting up in just 22 seconds to browsing the web, editing documents in Microsoft Office, to some light image and video editing. The apps we used felt snappy, and the operating system ran well, without any hiccups.
How fast Windows 10 boots
As long as we did not stress the processor inside the ASUS Mini PC PN62, there was almost no noise. However, when we stress-tested the processor, the mini-PC became quite loud. To give you perspective of how loud it gets, listen to the video below.
One aspect that we like about the ASUS Mini PC PN62 is that it doesn’t gather dust and fingerprints as much as other mini PCs that we tested. Its matte finish looks good even after the two weeks in which we tested it.
ASUS Mini PC PN62 doesn't gather a lot of dust and fingerprints
If you want to make the process of installing drivers as easy as possible, we recommend using Intel Driver & Support Assistant (Intel DSA). The mini PC has many Intel components inside, and this tool makes it easy to find, download, and install all drivers.
Install and use Intel DSA
This mini-PC has a Wi-Fi 6 compatible network card that works well with the fastest routers on the market. We ran a quick SpeedTest on it, and we reached 780.14 Mbps for the download speed on a Wi-Fi 6 network. However, if you want even higher speeds, you can use the Ethernet port on the back of the mini PC and connect it through a cable to the network.
The speed you get on Wi-Fi 6
We are pleased with the user experience offered by the ASUS Mini PC PN62. It is good for everything except gaming, video editing, or computer-aided design (CAD) - tasks that require a powerful video card. If you want more power, there are versions with an Intel Core i7 processor. Also, if you want a lower price, there are more affordable options with an Intel Core i3. The choice is yours.
Performance in benchmarks
To see how well the ASUS Mini PC PN62 performs, we compared it with the Intel NUC10i5FNH in several benchmarks. Both mini PCs share the same Intel Core i5-10210U processor and a similar approach to design and build quality.
The first benchmark we used is CPU-Z. In the Single Thread test, ASUS Mini PC PN62 had a score of 429 points, 10% lower than Intel NUC10i5FNH.
CPU-Z Single Thread score
In CPU-Z’s Multi-Thread test the difference between the two mini PCs was of only 5% - indistinguishable for most users.
CPU-Z Multi-Thread score
Next, we ran PCMark 10, a benchmark app that evaluates the system’s performance in regular daily activities. That means web browsing, video conferencing, app start-up times, productivity, and digital content creation. In this benchmark too, the difference was 5% in favor of the Intel NUC.
PCMark 10 score
We also checked how fast the two mini PCs are at browsing the web. We used the JetStream 2 benchmark in Google Chrome, which uses JavaScript and WebAssembly. The higher score you get, the faster your PC is at rendering websites. This time, ASUS Mini PC PN62 had a 5% performance advantage.
JetStream 2 score
7-Zip is a file archiving app that’s great for checking how fast a processor is. In the compression test, ASUS Mini PC PN62 was 10% slower than Intel NUC10i5FNH.
7-Zip Compression speed
In the decompression test, ASUS Mini PC PN62 was 4% faster than the Intel NUC.
7-Zip Decompression speed
To test the temperatures reached by the processor inside the two mini PCs, we ran AIDA64’s stability test. The maximum temperature measured by the ASUS Mini PC PN62 was 88 degrees Celsius (190 Fahrenheit). This result shows that the cooling system developed by ASUS is slightly more efficient than the one developed by Intel.
The maximum temperature reached by ASUS Mini PC PN62
The maximum power consumption was the same for both mini PCs because they use the same processor. 39 Watts is an excellent result that showcases the energy efficiency of the laptop-oriented processors used inside the two mini PCs from our comparison.
The Power drawn by ASUS Mini PC PN62
ASUS Mini PC PN62 offers reliable performance that’s very close to that of the Intel NUC10i5FNH, a similar mini PC with the same processor. The two exchange blows, and in most cases the performance difference is negligible. However, ASUS seems to have the upper hand when it comes to the efficiency of its cooling system, which provides maximum temperatures that are slightly lower than Intel’s.
What is your opinion about the ASUS Mini PC PN62?
Now you know what we think about the ASUS Mini PC PN62, and its pros and cons. You also know what to expect from it in terms of performance and the configuration options available. Before closing this review, tell us your thoughts about ASUS Mini PC PN62. Do you like what it has to offer? Are you interested in purchasing it? Comment below, and let us know what you think.