如今,手机(Mobile)游戏越来越成为主流。事实上,它已经成为一个独立的流派,与 PC 游戏和Play Station或Xbox相提并论。Android让任何人和每个人都可以在自己的手机上玩最有趣、最令人兴奋的游戏。许多像PUBG Mobile这样的游戏甚至在全球范围内都有锦标赛和锦标赛。因此,手机游戏不再局限于简单的休闲和消遣。它变得如此严重。随着竞技手游的日益普及,每个人都渴望比其他人更好,争夺头把交椅的日子越来越难。
如何在没有 Root 的情况下破解 Android 游戏?(How to Hack Android Games Without Root?)
黑客攻击合理吗?(Is Hacking Justified?)
好吧,为了获得不正当优势而侵入 Android 游戏通常是不受欢迎的。特别是,如果它是一个竞争性的多人游戏。如果您通过 hacks 和 mods 获得了不应有的优势,那么它会破坏其他所有人的游戏体验。这是非常不鼓励的,游戏开发人员一直在尝试修复代码中可被利用来创建此类黑客的任何漏洞或薄弱环节。反作弊措施日益强大,但不幸的是,黑客也是如此。
但是,如果所讨论的游戏是一个简单的离线单人游戏,不影响或涉及任何其他人,那么黑客行为就不算犯罪。一些 Android 游戏开发者本质上使某些关卡变得非常困难,因此用户很难进一步进步。这是开发人员用来迫使玩家进行微交易的策略。他们希望您在资源上花费实际资金来克服游戏中的困难阶段。信不信由你,在大多数情况下它是有效的。玩家通常更愿意花几块钱来避免因被困在同一点数天或数周而导致的所有挫败感。像这样的案例证明使用黑客攻击游戏是合理的。使用巧妙的技巧免费获得所有这些资源似乎是对强迫玩家浪费血汗钱的正当惩罚。
有哪些不同类型的黑客?(What are the different kinds of Hacks?)
当我们谈论破解 Android 游戏时,它可能意味着很多事情。如前所述,入侵任何游戏的主要目标是利用其漏洞或代码薄弱区域( exploit its loopholes or weak areas of code)在玩游戏时获得不正当优势。从一个简单的时间破解开始,让您可以为您的能量或心灵充电到复杂的模组,为您的角色增加额外的能力或力量,或者以通常不可能的方式修改他们的外观。
基于时间的黑客( Time-Based Hack)——最简单的黑客是基于时间的黑客。许多游戏都有一个概念或能量或生命或心灵需要补充才能再次玩。在某些情况下,建造建筑物甚至兑换礼物等某些行为需要您等待一两天。您可以使用基于时间的技巧来跳过等待,并尽早获得好处。
资源黑客( Resources Hack)– 黑客的下一个最受欢迎的用途是获取无限资源。如前所述,这些资源极大地影响了游戏的进度,并且无限供应它们使得通过阶段或关卡变得非常容易。
经验提升( Experience Boost)- 大多数游戏奖励 XP(经验点(Experience Points))以实现目标或完成任务。这些点反过来会增加你的排名。如果您太渴望在游戏中达到最高等级或等级,那么您可以为此目的使用 XP 提升或破解。
Auto-Clicker 或 Unlimited Taps App( Auto-Clicker or Unlimited Taps App ) – 一些游戏严重依赖于在屏幕上反复点击。事实上,您点击的速度越快,您获得的积分就越多。许多应用程序都可以为您进行敲击。这些应用程序被称为自动点击器。
使用修改后的 APKs( Using Modified APKs) – 如果您想跳过手动入侵任何游戏的麻烦,那么您只需下载并安装修改后的APK即可。这些APK文件安装了一个启用了所有 hack 的游戏版本。您立即拥有无限的资源、经验、能量等。此外(Additionally),一些修改后的APK(APKs)还具有额外的内容或DLC(DLCs),这是给每个游戏玩家的好礼物。
如何在没有 Root 的情况下破解 Android 游戏?(How to Hack Android Games Without Root?)
关于破解Android(Android)游戏的一个常见误解是,您需要 root 设备才能这样做。某些复杂的黑客攻击可能是必要的,但在大多数情况下,不需要根您的设备。在本节中,我们将介绍无需 root即可破解Android游戏的简单方法。(Android)
方法 1:击败基于时间的游戏(Method 1: Beating the Time-Based Games)
- 首先,打开游戏并启动一些需要时间的事情。也许启动建设计时器,礼物兑换,或者可能耗尽你所有的能量/生命/心脏。
- 如前所述,该游戏应该是离线游戏(offline game),否则此技巧将不起作用,因为在线游戏会从其服务器收集时间数据。
- 一旦游戏显示计时器,指示您需要等待多少时间才能补充基于时间的资源,请返回主屏幕。
- 注意不要关闭或退出游戏,只需点击主页按钮即可让游戏在后台运行。( home button leaving the game running in the background.)
- 现在在您的设备上打开日期和时间设置。( open Date and Time Settings)
- 在这里,禁用自动日期和时间(disable the Automatic date and time)选项并将其设置为手动。
- 之后,将日期更改为未来的某一天。
- 现在回到游戏,你会看到你的资源已经被补充了。
方法 2:对需要过度点击的游戏使用自动点击器(Method 2: Using an Auto-Clicker for Games that Require Excessive Tapping)
另一个聪明而有用的技巧是使用自动点击器应用程序。有几款游戏要求您尽可能快地点击屏幕。使用应用程序为您做这件事是击败游戏的绝妙方式。这些应用程序几乎适用于所有游戏,并且可在Play 商店(Play Store)免费获得。
SimpleHat Software开发的Automatic Clicker就是这样一种有效的应用程序。它可用于以固定间隔在屏幕上的任何位置点按。您可以选择希望应用在屏幕上单击的频率。如前所述,您无需 root 设备即可使用 Automatic Clicker。请按照以下步骤查看如何使用自动点击器应用程序:
1.您需要做的第一件事是确保游戏唯一依赖的就是您定期点击屏幕。( tapping on the screen at regular intervals.)
2. 接下来,使用上面给出的链接下载并安装Automatic Clicker应用程序。
3.启动应用程序并自定义各种设置,如点击频率和位置(clicks and position)。
4. 现在启动游戏,只需点击屏幕,自动点击器应用程序将完成剩下的工作。
方法3:获得无限经验值(XP)(Method 3: Getting Unlimited Experience Points (XP))
如前所述,所有安卓(Android)游戏都会提供一些用于完成任务或达到设定目标的经验值。这些 XP 积分不仅可以提高您的游戏排名,还可以提高您的Google Play 游戏(Google Play Games)排名。您实现的目标越多,获得的 XP 点数就越多。现在每个人都希望自己的个人资料看起来不错,并且渴望获得高位。
有两种方法可以在Google Play(Google Play) 游戏(Games)中达到装饰排名。您要么努力工作,在游戏中取得进步并积累积分,要么使用XP 提升(XP boost)应用程序来获得无限的 XP 积分。( app to get unlimited XP points.)第一种方法的问题是,随着您的进步,游戏变得越来越困难,并且很少获得 XP 点数。因此,一个人感到沮丧并选择了一种简单的出路。
Play 商店(Play Store)中有一个非常有趣的应用程序,叫做Boost exp,它可以让您非常轻松地获得大量 XP 点数。这个应用程序最好的部分是它完全合法且使用安全。该应用程序要求您解决简单的mathematics addition problems like “22+16”,如果您回答正确,您将获得 10000 XP 积分。您可以重复此过程 5 次,这样您将获得 50000 XP 点。您可以根据需要继续此过程。但是,每 5 次尝试后,您将不得不观看一个小广告。如果你同意,那么这个应用程序是获得无限 XP 的最佳方式。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在没有 Root 的情况下将 Android 屏幕镜像到您的 PC(How to Mirror Android Screen to your PC without Root)
方法四:在安卓游戏中获得无限资源或特殊能力(Method 4: Getting Unlimited Resources or Special Abilities in an Android Game)
列表中的下一项可能是您最热切等待的一项。本节是您破解Android游戏并获得无限资源的指南。许多应用程序将允许您修改游戏并应用资源破解,以便您在玩游戏时获得无限资源。这些应用程序最好的部分是您无需 root 设备即可使用它们。然而,成功率取决于游戏本身。有些游戏有复杂的反作弊措施和难以攻破的防火墙(Some games have complex anti-cheating measures and firewalls that are difficult to breach)。如果所述游戏是离线游戏( offline game)并且不需要登录您的帐户进行在线验证和认证,则效果最佳。在本节中,我们将讨论两个最适合完成工作的此类应用程序。
一种。使用 Lucky Patcher 破解 Android 游戏(a. Hack Android Games using Lucky Patcher)
Lucky Patcher是最受欢迎和广泛使用的黑客应用程序之一,它允许您在没有 root 的情况下修改游戏。它可以免费使用并在其官方网站上提供。您不会在Play Store上找到该应用程序,因为它在技术上允许您使用不公平的手段来利用游戏中的漏洞。
(Lucky Patcher)如果游戏是离线游戏,Lucky Patcher效果最好。部落(Clans)冲突(Clash)、帝国时代(Age)等热门网络游戏具有先进的防作弊措施,需要在线验证和认证,因此无法被黑客入侵。可以预先确定Lucky patcher 是否能够破解游戏。当应用程序打开时,它会显示您设备上已安装应用程序和游戏的列表。如果您要破解的游戏周围有红色轮廓,则该游戏无法被破解。绿色轮廓意味着黑客工作的机会非常高。
下面给出了使用Lucky Patcher(Lucky Patcher)破解Android游戏的分步指南。
1.您需要做的第一件事是从其官方网站(official website)下载Lucky patcher APK(download the Lucky patcher APK)。
2. 现在您需要在您的设备上安装 APK( install the APK),为此您需要为您用于下载APK的浏览器应用程序(例如Chrome )启用(enable the settings)未知(Unknown)来源的设置。
3.在您的设备上启动 Lucky Patcher(Launch the Lucky Patcher)并忽略模式弹出消息,然后单击NO 选项(NO option)。
4. 现在寻找您想要破解的游戏并点击它。
5.屏幕上会弹出一个选项列表。(pop up)选择“打开补丁菜单”(“Open menu of patches”)选项。
6. 之后,选择“创建修改的 APK”(“Create Modified APK”)选项。
7. 要在游戏中获得无限资源,请点击“APK rebuilt for InApp and LVL emulation”选项。
8. 现在您将看到三个选项。忽略第三个选项并选择“Support patch for LVL emulation”或“Support patch for InApp emulation”选项,然后单击Rebuild the App 选项(Rebuild the App option)。
9. Lucky Patcher现在将为您的游戏创建修改后的APK并将其保存在您设备的本地存储中。这可能需要几分钟。
10.创建并保存APK后,(APK)卸载原版游戏。( uninstall the original game.)
11. 之后,打开您的文件管理器应用程序并在(file manager app)内部(Internal)存储器中查找Lucky Patcher文件夹。如果您的设备允许,您可以简单地搜索它。
12. APK文件将位于Lucky Patcher主文件夹内的 Modified 文件(Modified folder)夹中。
14. 完成后,启动游戏并查看破解是否有效,以及您是否有无限资源可供使用。
湾。使用 Game Killer 破解 Android 游戏(b. Hack Android Games with Game Killer)
Game Killer是另一个有趣的应用程序,可让您获得无限资源,如硬币、宝石或钻石。它适用于大多数应用程序,无需植根您的设备。它使用内存更改技术来修改游戏并更改您拥有的资源数量。对于某些游戏,您需要通过Game Killer应用程序启动游戏才能使黑客工作。但是,对于其他人,您可以正常运行游戏,并且资源破解仍然可以使用。尽管此应用程序适用于非 root 设备,但只有在授予应用程序 root 访问权限后才能发挥其最大潜力。请按照以下步骤了解如何在您的设备上使用Game Killer 。
- 您需要做的第一件事是下载Game Killer APK并在为您的浏览器启用未知来源设置后安装它。(Unknown)
- 安装应用程序后,启动它。
- 现在,您将看到一个选项列表。只需(Simply)选择第一个选项,即“Hack Android Games” Without Root。
- 之后,可以使用Dream Killer破解的游戏列表将显示在您的屏幕上。
- 找到您要破解的游戏并点击其名称。
- 这将打开您可以应用于游戏的各种黑客的列表。根据游戏及其资源,可以使用无限金币、无限宝石等选项。
- 选择(Select)您要激活的任何黑客。您可以选择多个选项,甚至可以根据需要全部应用它们。
- 完成选择后,只需点击设备导航面板上的后退按钮即可。
- 现在Dream Killer将自动启动游戏的修改版本,并激活所有黑客。
- 如前所述,对于某些游戏,您可能必须每次都从Game Killer中打开应用程序,以保持拥有无限资源。(Game Killer)
至此,我们到了本文的结尾。我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够在没有 root 的情况下破解 Android 游戏。(hack Android games without root.)破解 Android 游戏是一种有趣且令人兴奋的方式,可以击败游戏开发者设定的极其困难的关卡或复杂的目标。如果所讨论的游戏是离线单人游戏并且拥有无限的资源或特殊能力不会破坏其他人的体验,那绝对是无害和道德的。
在本文中,我们介绍了一些基本的技巧,您可以在不生根设备的情况下应用这些技巧。如前所述,如果您想跳过手动破解游戏的麻烦,您可以简单地下载一个mod版本或破解版本的游戏。带有 hack 的APK(APK)文件在互联网上很容易获得,只需确保它们来自受信任的站点,并且您在安装它们之前已为您的浏览器启用了未知来源设置。(enabled the Unknown sources settings)
How to Hack Android Games Without Root
Mobile gaming is getting more and more mainstream thesе days. In fact, it has become a separate genre that is at par with PC gaming and Play Station or Xbox. Android has made it possible for anyone and everyone to plаy the most intriguing and exciting games on their mobile phones itself. A lot of games like PUBG Mobile even have tournaments and championships on a global level. Thus, mobile gaming is no more limited to simple leisure and pass-time. It is as serious as it gets. With the increased popularity of competitive mobile gaming, everyone craves to be better than others, the race for the top-spot keeps getting difficult by the day.
As a result, people often resort to hacking or cheating to get an undue advantage. Several mods and patches exist that allow Android users to tamper with the original coding of the game. These hacks and mods grant special abilities and powers to the users. The most common use of any hack is to get unlimited resources. Every game has its own currency and resources like coins, gold, tokens, diamonds, etc. which regulates the progress of the user. With the help of these hacks it possible to get unlimited resources and in turn rapidly progress through the stages or levels.
How to Hack Android Games Without Root?
Is Hacking Justified?
Well, hacking into an Android game to get an undue advantage is often frowned upon. Especially, if it a competitive multiplayer game. If you are getting an undue advantage through hacks and mods, then it ruins the gaming experience for everyone else. This is highly discouraged and game developers are constantly trying to fix any loopholes or weak links in the code that can be exploited to create such hacks. Anti-cheating measures are getting stronger day by day but unfortunately so are the hacks.
However, if the game in question is a simple offline single-player game that does not affect or involve anyone else, then hacking isn’t that criminal. Some Android game developers essentially make certain levels extremely hard so that the user has a tough time progressing further. It is a tactic used by developers to force players into making micro-transactions. They want you to spend actual money on resources to overcome the difficult stages in the game. Believe it or not, in most cases it works. Players often prefer to spend a few bucks to avoid all the frustration that is a result of being stuck at the same points for days or weeks. Cases like these justify using hacks to exploit the game. Using clever tricks to get all those resources for free seems like a justified punishment for compelling players to waste their hard-earned money.
What are the different kinds of Hacks?
When we talk about hacking an Android game, it could mean a lot of things. As mentioned earlier, the main goal of hacking into any game is to exploit its loopholes or weak areas of code to get an undue advantage while playing. Starting from a simple time hack that allows you to recharge your energy or hearts to complex mods that add extra abilities or powers to your character or modify their appearance in ways not possible normally.
Given below is a list of few hacks that we are going to discuss in this article and teach you how to apply them in your games.
Time-Based Hack – The simplest hack of all is a time-based hack. Many games have a concept or energy or lives or hearts that need to be replenished before you can play again. In some cases, certain actions like constructing a building or even redeeming gifts require you to wait for a day or two. You can skip the wait using a time-based hack and reap the benefits early on.
Resources Hack – The next most popular use of hacks is to get unlimited resources. As mentioned earlier, these resources greatly affect the progress in the game, and having an unlimited supply of them makes it super easy to progress through the stages or levels.
Experience Boost – Most games award XP (Experience Points) for achieving targets or fulfilling missions. These points in turn increase your rank. If you are too eager to get to the highest rank or tier in your game, then you can use an XP boost or hack for that purpose.
Auto-Clicker or Unlimited Taps App – Some games rely heavily on tapping repeatedly on the screen. In fact, the faster you can tap, the more points you will get. Many apps can do the tapping for you. These apps are known as auto-clickers.
Using Modified APKs – If you want to skip the trouble of manually hacking into any game, then you can simply download and install a modified APK. These APK files install a version of the game with all the hacks enabled. You instantly have unlimited resources, XP, energy, etc. Additionally, some modified APKs also have additional content or DLCs which is a great gift for every gamer.
How to Hack Android Games Without Root?
A common misconception about hacking Android games is that you need to root your device to do so. It might be necessary certain complex hacks but, in most cases, there is no need to root your device. In this section, we are going to lay down simple ways in which you can hack Android games without root.
Method 1: Beating the Time-Based Games
As mentioned earlier, time-based hacks are easy to use and quite effective. It requires no additional app, mod, or APK. If the game in question is a simple offline game, then changing the date and time on your device can easily beat the time mechanism of the game. Follow the steps given below to successfully use this trick.
- Firstly, open the game and initiate something that requires time. Maybe start the timer for construction, a gift redemption, or maybe use up all your energy/lives/heart.
- As mentioned earlier, this game should be an offline game otherwise this trick will not work as online games collect time data from their servers.
- Once the game shows a timer indicating the amount of time you need to wait before time-based resources can be replenished, come back to the home screen.
- Be careful not to close or exit the game, instead simply tap on the home button leaving the game running in the background.
- Now open Date and Time Settings on your device.
- Here, disable the Automatic date and time option and set it to manual.
- After that, change the date to one day in the future.
- Now come back to the game and you will see that your resources have been replenished.
Method 2: Using an Auto-Clicker for Games that Require Excessive Tapping
Another clever and useful hack is to use an auto-clicker app. Several games require you to tap on your screen as fast as you can. Using an app to do it for you is a brilliant way to beat the game. These apps work for almost every game and are available for free on the Play Store.
One such effective app is the Automatic Clicker developed by SimpleHat Software. It can be used to tap at any point on the screen at fixed intervals. You can choose how frequently you would like the app to click on your screen. As mentioned earlier, there is no need for you to root your device to use Automatic Clicker. Follow the steps given below to see how to use an auto-clicker app:
1. The first thing that you need to do is make sure that the only thing the game relies on is you tapping on the screen at regular intervals.
2. Next, download and install the Automatic Clicker app using the link given above.
3. Start the app and customize the various settings like frequency of clicks and position.
4. Now launch the game and simply tap on the screen and the auto-clicker app will do the rest.
Method 3: Getting Unlimited Experience Points (XP)
As mentioned earlier, all Android games provide some XP points for completing missions or achieving set targets. These XP points not only improve your in-game rank but also your Google Play Games rank. The more targets you achieve, the more XP points you gain. Now everyone wants their profile to look good and a high rank is coveted.
There are two ways to get reach a decorated rank in Google Play Games. You either work hard, progress in your game, and accumulate points, or use an XP boost app to get unlimited XP points. The problem with the first method is that games get difficult as you progress, and XP points are rarely received. Thus, one feels frustrated and opts for an easy way out.
There is a very interesting app on the Play Store called Boost exp that can enable you to get a lot of XP points very easily. The best part about this app is that it is completely legal and safe to use. The app asks you to solve simple mathematics addition problems like “22+16” and if you answer it correctly you get 10000 XP points. You can repeat this process 5 times and just like that you will get 50000 XP points. You can continue this process for as long as you want. However, after every 5 attempts, you will have to watch a small ad. If you okay with that then this app is the best way to get unlimited XP.
Also Read: How to Mirror Android Screen to your PC without Root
Method 4: Getting Unlimited Resources or Special Abilities in an Android Game
The next item on the list is probably the one that you have been most eagerly waiting for. This section is your guide to hack Android games and get unlimited resources. Many apps will allow you to modify the game and apply resources hack so that you get unlimited resources while playing the game. The best part about these apps is that you do not need to root your device to use them. The success rate, however, depends on the game itself. Some games have complex anti-cheating measures and firewalls that are difficult to breach. It works best if the said game is an offline game and does not require logging into your account for online verification and authentication. In this section, we are going to discuss two such apps that are best suited to get the job done.
a. Hack Android Games using Lucky Patcher
Lucky Patcher is one of the most popular and widely used hacking apps that allows you to modify games without root. It is free to use and available on its official website. You won’t find the app on Play Store as it technically allows you to use unfair means to exploit the loopholes in the game.
Lucky Patcher will work best if the game is an offline game. Popular online games like Clash of Clans, Age of empires, etc. cannot be hacked as they have advanced anti-cheating measures and require online verification and authentication. It is possible to pre-determine whether or not Lucky patcher will be able to hack the game or not. When the app is open it shows the list of installed apps and games on your device. If the game that you wish to hack has a red outline around it, then the game can’t be hacked. A green outline means that the chances of the hack working are pretty high.
Given below is a step-wise guide to using Lucky Patcher to hack Android games.
1. The first thing that you need to do is download the Lucky patcher APK from its official website.
2. Now you need to install the APK on your device and to do so you need to enable the settings of the Unknown source for your browser app (e.g. Chrome) that you used to download the APK.
3. Launch the Lucky Patcher on your device and ignore the modal popup message and click on the NO option.
4. Now look for the game that you wish to hack and tap on it.
5. A list of options will pop up on the screen. Select the “Open menu of patches” option.
6. After that select, the “Create Modified APK” option.
7. To get unlimited resources in the game, tap on the “APK rebuilt for InApp and LVL emulation” option.
8. Now you will be presented with three options. Ignore the third option and select either “Support patch for LVL emulation” or “Support patch for InApp emulation” option and click on the Rebuild the App option.
9. Lucky Patcher will now create a modified APK for your game and save it on your device’s local storage. This might take a couple of minutes.
10. Once the APK has been created and saved, uninstall the original game.
11. After that, open your file manager app and look for the Lucky Patcher folder in the Internal memory. You can simply search for it if your device allows it.
12. The APK file will be located within the Modified folder inside the main folder of Lucky Patcher.
13. Tap on it and begin the installation of the modified APK.
14. Once completed, launch the game and see if the hack has worked or not and whether or not you have unlimited resources at your disposal.
b. Hack Android Games with Game Killer
Game Killer is another interesting app that allows you to get unlimited resources like coins, gems, or diamonds. It works for most of the app without rooting your device. It uses a memory changing technique to modify the game and alter the number of resources that you have. For some games, you need to launch the game via Game Killer app for the hack to work. However, for others, you can run the game normally and the resources hack will still work. Although this app works for non-rooted devices, its maximum potential can only be utilized after giving root access to the app. Follow the steps given below to learn how to use Game Killer on your device.
- The first thing that you need to do is download the Game Killer APK and install it after enabling the Unknown source setting for your browser.
- Once the app has been installed, launch it.
- Now, you will be presented with a list of options. Simply select the first option that says “Hack Android Games” Without Root.
- After that, a list of games that can be hacked with Dream Killer will show up on your screen.
- Find the game that you want to hack and tap on its name.
- This will open a list of various hacks that you can apply to the game. Options like unlimited coins, unlimited gems, etc. will be available depending on the game and its resources.
- Select whichever hack you would like to activate. You can select multiple options and even apply them all if you want.
- Once you are done selecting, simply tap on the back button on the navigation panel of your device.
- Now Dream Killer will automatically launch a modified version of the game with all the hacks activated.
- As mentioned earlier, for some games you might have to keep opening the app from Game Killer every time to keep having those unlimited resources.
With that, we come to the end of this article. We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to hack Android games without root. Hacking an Android game is a fun and exciting way to beat the ridiculously difficult level or complex targets set by the game developers. It is absolutely harmless and ethical if the game in question is an offline single-player game and having unlimited resources or special abilities is not going to ruin other people’s experience.
In this article, we have covered some basic hacks that you can apply without rooting your device. As mentioned earlier, if you want to skip the trouble of hacking games manually, you can simply download a mod version or hacked version of the game. APK files with hacks are easily available on the internet, just make sure that they are from a trusted site and you have enabled the Unknown sources settings for your browser before installing them.