如何备份旧 Android 手机上的数据(How to back up data on your old Android phone)
1. 在 Google Drive 上设置备份(1. Setting up Backup on Google Drive)
所有Android智能手机都需要Google 帐户(Google Account)才能登录设备并使用各种功能、应用程序和程序。首次设置手机时,您必须登录或创建Google 帐户。(Google Account)此Google 帐户是解决您所有与(Google Account)Android设备相关的问题的通用解决方案。使用一个帐户,您可以使用Google和Android提供的所有非常有用的应用程序和服务。
由于一小时的需要是备份您的数据,因此可以解决您所有问题的一款应用是Google Drive。它是提供给您的免费云存储空间,可为您的所有重要数据创建和保存备份。因此,您需要确保的第一件事是您的Google 帐户已链接到 Google Drive,并且已启用数据备份。(Google account is linked to Google Drive, and data backup is enabled.)在大多数情况下,它是默认链接的,但确保绝对没有坏处。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1.您需要做的第一件事是在您的设备上打开设置。( Settings)
2. 现在向下滚动并选择系统( System)选项。
3.在这里,点击备份和恢复(Backup and Restore)选项。
4. 在Google 备份(Google Backup)部分下,点击备份帐户( Backup account)选项并选择您的Google 帐户( Google account)。如果您在同一设备上登录多个Google帐户,请(Google)选择您的主帐户。(select your primary account.)
5. 现在点击 Google 帐户(tap on the Google Account)选项。
6.在这里,确保“备份到谷歌驱动器(Backup to Google Drive)”旁边的切换开关已打开。(turned on.)
7. 您还可以点击您设备的名称并查看正在备份的不同数据项。它包括应用数据、设备设置、短信(SMS)和通话记录。
8. 此外,它还通过谷歌照片(稍后讨论)和联系人备份您的照片。( backs up your photos via Google Photos (will be discussed later) and Contacts.)
9. 点击立即备份(Back up now)按钮以确保所有内容都备份到与您的帐户相关联的Google Drive上。(Google Drive)
10. 现在理想情况下,备份应该会自动进行,您需要手动按下蓝色的备份按钮(press the blue back up button)。但是,为此,您需要确保启用了自动同步。
2. 为您的 Google 帐户启用自动同步(2. Enable Auto-Sync for your Google Account)
如前所述,您可以选择使用蓝色按钮手动备份数据或将其设置为不时自动备份数据。显然,自动备份更方便,而且设置起来也超级简单。您需要做的就是确保为您的Google 帐户(Google Account)启用了自动同步(Auto-sync)。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1.首先,在您的设备上打开设置。( Settings)
2.现在向下滚动并选择用户和帐户( Users & accounts)选项,然后在这里选择谷歌(Google)选项。
3. 这将打开您的 Google 帐户的同步设置(Sync settings)。
4. 在这里,确保启用了联系人、云端硬盘、Gmail、文档、Chrome 等(Contacts, Drive, Gmail, Docs, Chrome, etc., is enabled.)基本选项旁边的切换开关。(toggle switch)
5. 就这样,一切就绪。现在,您的所有数据都将定期自动备份。
3. 使用 Google 相册备份您的照片和视频(3. Backup your Photos and Videos using Google Photos)
在传输包含照片和视频的媒体文件时,没有比Google Photos更好的解决方案了。这是一款出色的云存储应用程序,可自动将您的照片和视频备份到云端。该应用程序是Google(Google)送给Android用户的礼物,对于Google Pixel用户来说更是如此,因为他们有权获得无限的云存储空间。Android用户绝对不需要尝试任何其他云存储服务,因为Google 照片(Google Photos)是最好的。您需要做的就是使用您的谷歌(Google)帐户登录,您将在云服务器上分配一个指定的空间来存储您的媒体文件。
将媒体文件备份到Google 照片(Google Photos)的最佳功能是您可以随时随地访问它们。当您在新设备上登录Google 帐户(Google Account)并打开Google 照片(Google Photos)时,您将能够查看和下载所有照片。它甚至可以通过计算机上的网络访问。下面给出了在Google Photos(Google Photos)上设置媒体备份的分步指南:
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开Google 相册(Google Photos)应用。这应该是一个预装的应用程序(pre-installed app),但如果您没有找到它,那么您可以在Google Play 商店( Google Play Store)免费下载并使用您的 Google 帐户登录。( log in with your Google Account.)
2. 现在点击屏幕左上角的个人资料图片,然后选择(tap on your profile picture)设置(Settings)选项。
3. 之后,选择备份和同步(Backup & sync)选项,并在此处确保备份和同步旁边的切换开关已启用(e toggle switch next to the Backup & sync is enabled)。
4. 现在,如果您想要无限的存储空间并且没有Google Pixel,那么您可以选择在上传质量上稍作妥协。( choose to compromise a little with the upload quality.)
5.点击上传大小(Tap on the Upload size)选项,而不是原始(Original)质量,选择高质量(High-quality)选项。老实说,它不会有太大的不同,我们建议您选择相同的。
6. 默认情况下,只有相机拍摄的照片会备份到Google Photos上,如果您想添加其他额外的文件夹或目录,您可以通过点击“备份设备文件夹(Back up device folders)”来完成。
7. 在这里,您需要启用要在Google 照片(Google Photos)上备份其内容的文件夹旁边的切换开关(enable the toggle switch next to the folders)。
8. 至此,我们已经结束了数据(Data)传输过程的第一部分。如果您完成上述步骤,那么您的所有数据都将备份到云端。现在,您只需登录您的Google 帐户(Google Account)并从云端下载数据,即可在新设备上恢复它们。
如何在您的新 Android 手机上恢复数据(How to Restore Data on your new Android Phone)
- 您将看到一个欢迎屏幕并要求您选择一种语言(select a language)。这样做并点击Start/Continue按钮。
- 您应该有一个可用的 Wi-Fi 网络,以便您可以使用互联网登录您的帐户并恢复您的数据。
- 如果您家中没有 Wi-Fi 网络,请让您的家人创建一个移动热点。
- 连接到网络后,点击继续( Continue)按钮。
- 现在将要求您在“复制您的数据(Copy your data)”和“设置新设备(Set up a new device)”之间进行选择。由于我们要恢复您的所有数据,请选择您的数据副本选项(choose the Copy of your data option)。
- 之后,您将被带到“将您的数据来自...(Bring your data from…) ”页面。
- 如果您也访问旧设备,请选择“从 Android 手机备份(A backup from an Android phone)”选项,因为这是传输所有数据的最简单方法。
- 现在,您需要按照屏幕上的说明开始数据恢复过程。第一条指令是在旧手机上打开Google应用。(Google)这样做并点击下一步按钮。( Next button.)
- 在旧手机上只需说Ok Google,然后是“设置我的设备(Set up my device)”。如果没有为Google Assistant激活语音命令,您也可以输入“设置我的设备(set up my device)” 。
- 您的旧设备现在将开始搜索附近的设备,新设备的型号最终会出现在屏幕上。点击它。(Tap on it.)
- 现在您必须验证两个屏幕上显示的模式,然后在两者之间建立连接。
- 点击“确认屏幕锁定(Confirm your screen lock)”页面上的下一步按钮。
- 之后,点击“复制(Copy)到您的新设备?(Copy to your new device?)“ 页。这会将您的Google 帐户(Google Account)的详细信息复制到新设备。
- 在下一页上,您将被要求登录您的帐户。用户名已经输入,您只需要输入密码。由于数据是直接从您的旧设备复制的,因此无需进行双重验证。
确认您的屏幕锁定(Confirm your screen lock),您将被带到选择(Choose)要恢复的内容页面。
- 如果您希望传输所有数据,只需点击恢复按钮。(Restore button.)否则,您可以通过取消选择它们旁边的复选框来选择省略一些应用程序。
- 恢复过程需要一些时间。完成后,您必须完成最后的步骤,包括设置屏幕锁定、激活定位服务和其他制造商提供的服务。( setting up a screen lock, activating location services, and other manufacturer provided services.)
- 只需(Simply)按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,一切就绪。
- 由于数据已从云端恢复,包括您的设置、背景、应用程序布局等在内的所有内容都已恢复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 从 Google 备份将应用程序和设置恢复到新的 Android 手机(Restore Apps and Settings to a new Android phone from Google Backup)
备份和恢复其他附加数据(Backup and Restore Other Additional Data)
尽管Google Drive备份几乎可以处理所有事情,但可能会遗漏一些额外的数据。在本节中,我们将讨论其中的一些,并教您如何确保将其转移到您的新设备上。
1. 书签、密码和搜索历史(1. Bookmarks, passwords, and search history)
起初,您可能没有意识到它的重要性,但是当您开始在新设备上使用浏览器(例如Chrome)时,您确实会错过这些让浏览更轻松的小而方便的元素。随着时间的推移,我们遇到了一些我们希望稍后访问的有用网站,我们将它们保存为书签。除此之外,为了让事情变得更简单,我们将登录 ID 和密码保存在浏览器上,这样我们就不需要每次都记住和输入它们。甚至您的搜索历史也很重要,因为它可以让您将您的步骤追溯到一个网站,该网站的信息可能在未来变得相关。
因此,如果所有这些数据都没有传输到您的新设备上,那就太可惜了。幸运的是,对于Chrome用户来说,这个过程非常简单。您只需使用您的 Google 帐户登录Chrome,您的所有(Google Account)数据(Chrome)都会同步和备份。稍后,当您在新设备上登录同一帐户时,您将取回所有书签、密码,甚至搜索历史记录。下面给出了确保为Google Chrome启用同步的分步指南:
1. 您需要做的第一件事是在您的设备上打开Google Chrome 应用程序(Google Chrome app)。
2. 现在点击屏幕右上角的三点菜单,然后选择(three-dot menu)设置(Settings)选项。
3.在这里,您将能够在 Account 标题下看到您的 Google 帐户( Here, you will be able to see your Google account mentioned under the Account header)。如果没有,则表示您尚未登录Chrome。只需(Simply)点击添加帐户提示( Add account prompt)并登录您的Google帐户。
4. 现在点击同步和谷歌(tap on Sync and Google) 服务(services)选项。
5. 在此确保同步您的 Chrome 数据旁边的切换开关已启用。( toggle switch next to Sync your Chrome data is enabled.)
6. 要检查正在同步和备份的内容,请点击管理(Manage)同步选项。
7. 理想情况下,您希望同步所有数据,因此只需启用“同步(Sync)所有内容”选项旁边的切换开关( enable the toggle switch),一切就绪。
2. 短信、彩信和 WhatsApp 聊天(2. SMS, MMS, and WhatsApp Chats)
尽管大多数人已经开始使用WhatsApp、Messenger、Hike等在线消息应用程序,但仍有一些人更喜欢使用运营商提供的短信(SMS)服务。现在,虽然SMS已备份到Google Drive,但它不包含任何媒体内容。简而言之,您的MMS(彩信(multimedia messaging)服务)没有得到备份。因此,您将无法恢复在对话线程中共享的任何照片和视频。
要备份这些彩信(back up these multimedia messages),您需要使用第三方应用程序,例如 SMS Backup+ and SMS Backup and Restore。这些应用程序在Play 商店(Play Store)免费提供,可用于备份您的所有SMS和MMS。它将所有数据上传到其服务器,然后您可以通过对同一帐户进行抽样签名将它们下载到您的新设备。
现在对于像WhatsApp这样的应用程序,他们有自己的内置数据备份系统。例如,WhatsApp集成了(WhatsApp)Google Drive,您的所有聊天和媒体文件都会备份到您的Drive上。您甚至可以选择备份您在聊天中收到的视频。要恢复您的聊天和消息,您只需登录您的WhatsApp帐户,系统将提示您恢复与您的帐户关联的所有聊天。
3. 音乐(3. Music)
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够将数据从旧 Android 手机传输到新手机。(transfer data from your old Android phone to a new one.)在切换到新设备时,传输数据是所有智能手机用户的主要关注点。如果您的某些联系人、照片或应用程序数据未正确传输到您的新设备,那将非常不方便。
值得庆幸的是,Google和Android确保您的所有数据都同步到您的Google 帐户(Google Account)并备份到云端。除此之外,大多数移动制造商和原始设备(OEMs)制造商都有自己的数据备份工具。Samsung有Smart Switch,HTC有HTC Transfer Tool,LG 有Mobile Switch(也称为Sender)等。如果您的设备是同一品牌,您也可以使用这些应用程序。
How to Transfer data from your old Android phone to new one
Transferring data from our old smartphone to a new one is a major concern for a lot of Android users. That іs exactly why we are here to help you. Thankfully, the Android system has a lot of convenient built-in features that make the data transfer process seamless. It’s backυp and restоre tools make sure that nothіng getѕ lost in transition. You can rest assured that you will be picking up exactly wherе you left off. In this artiсlе, we are going to discusѕ in detail the complete proceѕs of transfеrring your data from your old Android phone tо a new one.
How to Transfer data from your old Android phone to new one
Our lives are heavily reliant on our smartphones. We use them almost throughout the day, be it for work or recreation. As a result, we end up accumulating a lot of data over the years. This data includes both personal as well as professional files. Under no circumstances, would we want our data to get lost while switching to a new smartphone. So without wasting any time let’s see how you can transfer data from your old smartphone to new one using the below-listed steps:
How to back up data on your old Android phone
The easiest way to transfer your data from your old Android phone to your new one is to use the backup and restore feature of Android. As the name suggests, it is a two-step process. Simply back up all your essential data from your old phone to a cloud server and then restore them by downloading it from the cloud to your new phone. As the name suggests, it is a two-step process. In this section, we are going to discuss the first part of the process, and that is backing up your data.
1. Setting up Backup on Google Drive
All Android smartphones require a Google Account to sign in to the device and use various features, apps, and programs. You must have logged in to or created a Google Account while setting up your phone for the first time. This Google Account is a universal solution to all your Android device-related problems. Using a single account, you can use all the extremely useful apps and services offered by Google and Android.
Since the need of the hour is backing up your data, the one app that will solve all your problem is Google Drive. It is a free cloud storage space provided to you that creates and saves a backup for all your essential data. Therefore, the first thing that you need to make sure is that your Google account is linked to Google Drive, and data backup is enabled. In most cases, it is linked by default, but there is absolutely no harm in making sure. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. The first thing that you need to do is open Settings on your device.
2. Now scroll down and select the System option.
3. Here, tap on the Backup and Restore option.
4. Under the Google Backup section, tap on the Backup account option and select your Google account. In case you are logged into multiple Google accounts on the same device, then select your primary account.
5. Now tap on the Google Account option.
6. Here, make sure that the toggle switch next to “Backup to Google Drive” is turned on.
7. You can also tap on your device’s name and check out the different data items that are getting backed up. It includes app data, device settings, SMS, and call history.
8. Additionally, it also backs up your photos via Google Photos (will be discussed later) and Contacts.
9. Tap on the Back up now button to make sure that everything gets backed up on Google Drive that is linked to your account.
10. Now ideally, a backup should take place automatically, and you need to press the blue back up button manually. However, for this, you need to make sure auto-sync is enabled.
2. Enable Auto-Sync for your Google Account
As mentioned earlier, you have the choice to either manually backup your data using the blue button or set it to automatically back up your data, now and then. Obviously, automatic backup is more convenient, and it is super easy to set it up. All that you need to do is make sure that Auto-sync is enabled for your Google Account. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device.
2. Now scroll down and select the Users & accounts option and in here, select the Google option.
3. This will open the Sync settings for your Google Account.
4. Here, make sure that the toggle switch next to essential options like Contacts, Drive, Gmail, Docs, Chrome, etc., is enabled.
5. That’s it you are all set. All your data will now be get backed up automatically at frequent intervals.
3. Backup your Photos and Videos using Google Photos
When it comes to transferring your media files that include photos and videos, there is no better solution than Google Photos. It is an amazing cloud storage app that automatically backs up your photos and videos on the cloud. This app is a gift from Google to Android users and more so for Google Pixel users as they are entitled to unlimited cloud storage space. There is absolutely no need for Android users to try any other cloud storage service as Google Photos is the best one out there. All that you need to do is sign in with your Google account, and you will be allocated a designated space on the cloud server to store your media files.
The best feature about backing up your media files to Google Photos is that you can access them anytime and anywhere. When you sign to your Google Account on your new device and open Google Photos, you will be able to view and download all your photos. It can even be accessed via the web on a computer. Given below is a step-wise guide to set up media backup on Google Photos:
1. Firstly, open the Google Photos app on your device. This should be a pre-installed app, although if you do not find it, then you can download it for free on Google Play Store and log in with your Google Account.
2. Now tap on your profile picture on the top left-hand side of the screen and select the Settings option.
3. After that, select the Backup & sync option and here make sure that the toggle switch next to the Backup & sync is enabled.
4. Now if you want unlimited storage space and do not own a Google Pixel, then you can simply choose to compromise a little with the upload quality.
5. Tap on the Upload size option, and instead of Original quality, select the High-quality option. Honestly, it wouldn’t make that much of a difference, and we would advise you to opt for the same.
6. By default, only the pictures taken by your Camera are backed up on Google Photos, if you want to add other additional folders or directories, you can do so by tapping on the “Back up device folders”.
7. Here, you need to enable the toggle switch next to the folders whose contents you would like to back up on Google Photos.
8. With that, we have come to the end of the first part of the Data transfer process. If you complete the above-mentioned steps, then all your data will get backed up to the cloud. You can now restore them on your new device by simply signing in to your Google Account and downloading the data from the cloud.
How to Restore Data on your new Android Phone
Until now, we were dealing with the old Android phone and making sure that everything is set on that end. In this section, we are going to discuss the process of setting up your new phone and restoring all your data onto the new device. It would be best if you keep your old phone nearby as that makes the process easier. Although the data has been backed up to the cloud, we would suggest to you to not reset your old device just yet. You can, however, go ahead and switch the SIM card/s and the external memory card (if you have one). After that, follow the steps given below, and they will take you through the entire process:
Let’s start from the very beginning, i.e. when you switch on your device for the first team.
- You will be greeted with a welcome screen and asked to select a language. Do that and tap on the Start/Continue button.
- You should have a Wi-Fi network available so that you can use the internet to sign to your accounts and restore your data.
- If you do not have a Wi-Fi network at home, ask someone in your family to create a mobile hotspot.
- Once you have connected to a network, tap on the Continue button.
- You will be now asked to choose between “Copy your data” and “Set up a new device”. Since we want to restore all your data, choose the Copy of your data option.
- After that, you will be taken to the “Bring your data from…” page.
- If you access your old device as well then, select the “A backup from an Android phone” option as it is the easiest way to transfer all your data.
- Now, you need to follow the on-screen instructions to start the data restoration process. The first instruction will be to open the Google app on the old phone. Do that and tap on the Next button.
- On the old phone simply say Ok Google, followed by “Set up my device”. You can also type in “set up my device” if the voice command is not activated for Google Assistant.
- Your old device will now start searching for nearby devices, and the model number of your new device will eventually appear on the screen. Tap on it.
- Now you will have to verify patterns displayed on both screens, and then the connection will be established between the two.
- Tap on the Next button on the “Confirm your screen lock” page.
- After that, tap on the Copy button on the “Copy to your new device?” page. This will copy the details of your Google Account to the new device.
- On the next page, you will be asked to sign in to your account. The username will already be entered, and you just need to enter the password. Since the data was copied directly from your old device, there won’t be any need for two-factor verification.
Confirm your screen lock, and you will be taken to the Choose what to restore page.
- If you want all the data to get transferred, then simply tap on the Restore button. Otherwise, you can choose to leave out a few apps by deselecting the checkbox next to them.
- The restoration process will take some time. Once completed, you will have to go through the final steps that involve setting up a screen lock, activating location services, and other manufacturer provided services.
- Simply, follow the on-screen instructions, and you will be all set.
- Since the data has been restored from the cloud, everything including your settings, background, app layout, etc.
Your phone will be ready to use, and the data will continue to get restored over time. Depending on the amount of data and the speed of your internet, it might even take a couple of hours. Meanwhile, you can continue exploring the various features of your new phone.
Also Read: Restore Apps and Settings to a new Android phone from Google Backup
Backup and Restore Other Additional Data
Although Google Drive backup takes care of almost everything, several additional data might get missed out. In this section, we are going to discuss some of them and teach you how to make sure that it gets transferred to your new device.
1. Bookmarks, passwords, and search history
At first, you might not realize its importance, but when you start using your browser (say Chrome) on your new device, you will indeed miss these small and convenient elements that make browsing easier. Over time, we come across several useful websites that we wish to visit later, and we save them as bookmarks. In addition to that, to make things easier, we save our login id and password on our browser so that we do not need to remember and type them in, every single time. Even your search history is important as it allows you to trace back your steps to a website whose information might become relevant in the future.
Therefore, it would be a shame if all this data is not transferred to your new device. Fortunately, for Chrome users, this process is really simple. All that you need to do is sign in to Chrome with your Google Account, and all your data will get synced and backed up. Later, when you sign in to the same account on your new device, you will get back all your bookmarks, passwords, and even the search history. Given below is a step-wise guide to making sure that sync is enabled for Google Chrome:
1. The first thing that you need to do is open the Google Chrome app on your device.
2. Now tap on the three-dot menu on the top-right corner of the screen and select the Settings option.
3. Here, you will be able to see your Google account mentioned under the Account header. If not, then it means that you haven’t signed in to Chrome yet. Simply tap on the Add account prompt and sign in to your Google account.
4. Now tap on Sync and Google services option.
5. Here make sure that the toggle switch next to Sync your Chrome data is enabled.
6. To check what is getting synced and backed up, tap on the Manage sync option.
7. Ideally, you would want to sync all your data, so simply enable the toggle switch next to Sync everything option, and you are all set.
2. SMS, MMS, and WhatsApp Chats
Although most of the people have started using online messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Hike, etc. there are still some people who prefer to use SMS services provided by the carrier. Now, although SMS gets backed up to Google Drive, it does not include any media content. To state it in simple words, your MMS (multimedia messaging service) does not get backed up. Therefore, you won’t be able to restore any photos and videos that were shared in a conversation thread.
To back up these multimedia messages, you need to use a third-party app like SMS Backup+ and SMS Backup and Restore. These apps are available for free on Play Store and can be used to backup all your SMS and MMS. It will upload all the data to its server, and then you can download them to your new device by sampling signing to the same account.
Now for apps like WhatsApp, they have their own built-in data backup system. WhatsApp, for example, has Google Drive integration, and all your chats and media files get backed up on your Drive. You can even choose to backup the videos that you received on chat. To restore your chats and messages, you simply need to log in to your WhatsApp account, and you will be prompted to restore all the chats linked to your account.
3. Music
If most of your songs are locally saved on your device in MP3 format, then it will be quite easy for you to transfer them on to your new phone. The only thing that you will need is a computer to act as an intermediate channel between the two devices. You need to connect your mobile to a computer and locate the directory or folder containing all the MP3 music files and copy the contents onto your computer.
Now, if you are using the same music player as you used to in your old phone, then it will create a similar directory on your new device. All that you need to do is connect your phone to the computer and copy the files to this directory. The best part is that even if you do not find the right directory, you can create a new folder and your music player will be able to find all your songs.
However, if you are using an app like Wynk, Spotify, Saavn, etc., then the songs downloaded will be saved as a part of the app data. These songs will not be found locally saved on your device, and you can’t copy-paste them as discussed previously. Since these apps are either linked to your Google account or your mobile number, your data gets synced. Therefore, all you need to do is sign in to the same account on your new phone, and you will get back your songs. You might have to download them again, but these songs will be visible in your library is greyed out format.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to transfer data from your old Android phone to a new one. Transferring your data is a major concern for all smartphone users while switching to a new device. It would be quite inconvenient if some of your contacts, photos, or app data do not get transferred properly to your new device.
Thankfully, Google and Android make sure that all your data gets synced to your Google Account and gets backed up on the cloud. Apart from that, most of the mobile manufacturers and OEMs have their own data backup tool. Samsung has Smart Switch, HTC has HTC Transfer Tool, LG has Mobile Switch (also known as Sender), etc. You can also use these apps if both your devices are of the same brand.