Snapchat是通过图片或“快照(Snaps)”与您的朋友和家人分享您的生活的最佳社交媒体平台之一。它具有令人兴奋的功能和华丽的过滤器。它的工具与其他社交网络应用程序完全不同,因此,它一直保持着它在用户中的热潮。“ Best Friend 的表情符号(Best Friend’s emojis)”和“ Snap Score ”让用户保持愉悦。发布内容的时间限制会在之后消失,这让用户产生了FOMO(害怕(Fear)错过)(Out),从而使他们对应用程序产生了浓厚的兴趣。
Snapchat不断更新其功能以满足用户的期望。其中一项功能是Snapchat Story。Snapchat故事是展示您生活中特殊时刻的绝佳方式。Instagram和Facebook等许多社交媒体应用程序也提供此功能。但Snapchat故事的独特性来自其多样性、选项和组件。
因为我们的社交圈是我们所有社交群体的混合体,即朋友、家人、大学校友和专业人士;您可能想与朋友分享自己的一面,但不想与办公室同事分享。对于此类用户,Snapchat提供了一个名为“私人故事(Private Story)”的独特工具。Snapchat故事的这个组件通过允许您限制您的观众,让您完全控制谁可以看到您的照片。
现在,您可能想知道如何在 Snapchat 上制作私人故事?(how to make a Private story on Snapchat?)
创建私人(Private)故事与发送快照的正常过程不同。通过本文,我们将向您介绍“Snapchat 中不同类型的故事”、“如何创建自己的私人(Private)故事”和“如何编辑您的故事”。

如何在 Snapchat 上制作私人故事(How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat)
Snapchat 故事的类型(Types of Snapchat Stories)
我的故事(My stories):如果您使用“故事(Story)”按钮添加快照,则默认情况下可以使用这种类型的故事分享选项。我的故事只能由您的Snapchat朋友查看。
公共故事(Public stories):任何Snapchat用户都可以通过“快照地图(Snap Map)”选择您发布故事的“位置(location)”来查看公共故事。如果愿意,用户自己可以选择将所有故事设置为“公开”。(Public)
私人故事(Private stories):这些类型的故事仅对您手动选择的那些用户可见。其余朋友以及其他Snapchat用户无法查看私人(Private)故事。
当您在Snapchat上发布故事时,默认情况下,您的所有朋友都可以查看它们。在“私人故事(Private stories)”的帮助下,您可以自由选择特定用户并授予他们查看您的故事的权限。
注意:(Note:)以下两种方法仅适用于 iOS 或Android设备中最新的Snapchat版本。(Snapchat)
方法 1:从 Snap 选项卡(Method 1: From the Snap tab)
1.首先,点击屏幕底部中间的“相机图标”,找到“(Camera icon)快照(Snap)”选项卡。

注意:(Note:)或者,通过 从“聊天(Chat)”选项卡向左(swiping left)滑动或从“故事”选项卡(Stories)向右滑动来访问“(swiping right )快照(Snap)”选项卡。
2. 拍照,或者更准确地说,在Snap选项卡中“拍照”(或录制视频(or record a video))。
注意:(Note:)您也可以上传(upload) 图片或视频进行发布。
3. 上传或点击图片后,点击屏幕右下角的“发送至”选项。(Send To)

4. 点击“故事(Stories)”版块右侧的“ +New Story” 。你会看到两个选项。

5.选择“新的私人故事(只有我可以贡献)(New Private Story (Only I can contribute)) ”。

6. 您将看到朋友、群组和搜索栏的列表。选择(Choose)您愿意与之分享上述故事的“用户”。(users)

注意:(Note:)选择用户或组后,您会 在他们的个人资料照片旁边看到一个蓝色勾号。(blue tick)在进行下一步之前,您还可以取消选择其中一些。
7. 最后,点击“勾选(Tick)”标记发布私人故事。
注 1:(Note 1:)私人故事总是有一个挂锁(padlock)图标。它还显示一个眼睛图标(eye icon) ,以保存可以看到图片的用户数量。这些图标区分“私人故事(private story)”和通常的“我的故事(my story)”。
注意2:(Note 2: )您选择查看您的私人故事的人可以看到它与普通故事混合。而(Whereas)在多个Android设备上,它可能会单独出现。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Snapchat 是否有好友限制?什么是 Snapchat 上的好友限制?(Does Snapchat Have a Friend Limit? What is Friend Limit on Snapchat?)
方法 2:从您的个人资料选项卡(Method 2: From Your Profile tab)
1. 转到“ Snapchat ”帐户的“个人资料(Profile)”部分。
2. 点击“ +New Story”图标。

3. 选择“新的私人故事(只有我可以贡献)(New Private Story (Only I can contribute)) ”。

4. 像以前的方法一样,搜索并“选择(Select)”您想与之分享故事的朋友、群组或人。
5. 选择观众后,点击屏幕右侧的“勾号(tick)”按钮。
6. 现在,您将获得以下选项:
私人故事名称(Private Story Name):您可以点击屏幕顶部的“私人故事名称”为您的(Private Story Name)私人(Private)故事命名。
查看这个故事(View this Story):如果您想查看图片的外观,或者想添加一个被排除在外的用户,请点击“查看这个故事(View this Story)”。
自动保存到记忆(Auto-Save to Memories):您可以启用或禁用自动保存模式以分别保存或省略保存私人(Private)故事。
如何在您的私人故事中添加和删除快照?(How to add and remove Snaps from your private story?)
创建Snapchat Private Story(Snapchat Private Story)后,您可以使用许多选项。您可以通过添加新快照或删除现有快照来编辑故事。
a) 添加新快照(a) Adding new snaps)
前往您的 Snapchat 个人资料的故事(Stories),然后从您想要修改或编辑的私人故事(Private Story)中 点击“添加快照(Add Snap)” 。您还可以通过选择“故事”旁边的三点(three-dots) 图标从列表中选择“添加到故事”。(Add to Story)
b) 删除现有快照(b) Removing an existing snap)
导航到您要删除的快照所在的故事,然后选择“快照(Snap)”。找到显示屏右上角的三个水平点。(three horizontal dots)点击(Tap)“从菜单中删除(Delete from the menu)”。所选快照将从您的故事中删除。
除此之外,您还可以在发布后更改私人故事的名称。(Private)Snapchat还提供了从查看者列表中删除现有用户(remove existing users)或添加新用户的选项。(adding new users)您还可以将您的私人故事自动保存到“(auto-save)回忆部分(Memories section)”以供将来查看。与您的私人故事(Private story)相邻的三个水平点包含上述所有选项。
Snapchat 上更多类型的故事(Some More Types of Stories on Snapchat)
Snapchat 中的个人故事(personal stories)主要分为三种类型;Snapchat还提供了两个“协作故事(collaborative stories)”。这些基本上是公共故事,其中提到了一些特定的位置。它让世界各地的任何Snapchat用户都可以查看此类故事。您需要做的就是前往“快照地图(Snap map)”,在那里您将能够查看您周围不同人的故事。
1. 点击屏幕左下角的“位置”图标以访问“(Location)快照地图(Snap Map)”。
2. 或者,您也可以从主屏幕(Home screen.)向右滑动。(swipe right)
我们的故事(Our story):您在Snap地图上看到的故事可以分享并转发给任何人,甚至是陌生人。这意味着一旦在“我们的故事(Our story)”部分分享了一张图片,几乎没有机会将其从互联网上下载下来。因此(Hence),这是分享与个人生活相关的故事的最不安全的选择,因为它是公开的,访问不受限制。
校园故事(Campus story):校园故事是Our Story的一种,有“仅限校园(campus only)”的限制。如果您在过去 24 小时内访问了某个特定校园或住在一个校园内,您可以看到该校园内发布的所有故事。Snapchat将学生社区聚集在一起是一次了不起的尝试。就像(Just)“我们的故事”一样,它是公开的。
如何保持您的私人内容私密?(How to keep your Private Content Private?)
您需要了解故事的内容。如果您在Snapchat(Snapchat)上不小心行事,您可能会收到来自陌生人的快照、来自随机用户的邀请、奇怪的聊天请求以及大量垃圾邮件。为避免此类情况,请确保不要分享任何敏感信息或易受攻击的图片,即使在分享“私人故事(Private stories)”时也是如此。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q 1. 如何在我的故事中创建私人故事?(Q 1. How do I create a private story on my story?)
转到屏幕左上角的帐户资料(Account Profile) (或故事“缩略图”或“ bitmoji ”)。点击“故事”部分下带有“ +(Stories)私人+Private Story”的按钮。 如果您愿意,您也可以选择自定义故事选项。(Custom Story)
Q 2. 如何创建自定义故事?(Q 2. How do I create a custom story?)
要在Snapchat中创建自定义故事,请在(Custom Story)故事(Stories)部分的右上角,点击创建故事(Create story)图标。现在,为您的故事命名,然后邀请(invite)您的朋友参与其中。这与他们的位置无关。因此,您可以邀请远距离的朋友和邻居。
Q 3. 你如何在 Snapchat 上制作私人故事?(Q 3. How do you make a private story on Snapchat?)
通过点击主屏幕底部的相机图标转到Snapchat应用程序的“(Snapchat)快照(Snap) ”选项卡并拍摄照片。现在,点击“发送到(Send to)”,然后点击“ +New Story ”。从可用选项中,选择“新建私人故事(只有我可以贡献)(New Private Story(Only I can contribute)) ”,然后选择您要与之共享图片的用户。现在,通过点击勾选标记选项发布图片。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够了解Snapchat 故事的类型(types of Snapchat stories)以及如何创建和分享私人故事(how to create & share private stories)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat for Close Friends
Snapchat is one of the best social media platforms to share your lifе through pictures or “Snaps”, with your friends & family. It comes with exciting features and gorgeous filters. Its tools are quite different from other social networking apps, hence, it has kept its craze among users alive. “Best Friend’s emojis” and “Snap Score” keep users entertained. The time-limit on the posted content after which it disappears gives users FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and thus, keeps them hooked to the app.
Snapchat keeps updating its features to meet the expectations of its users. One such feature is the Snapchat Story. Snapchat story is an amazing way to showcase the special moments of your life. Many social-media apps like Instagram and Facebook also offer this feature. But the uniqueness of Snapchat’s story comes from its variety, options, and components.
Since our social circle is a mix of all our social groups, i.e. friends, family, college alumni, and professionals; you may want to share a side of yourself with your friends but not with your office colleagues. For such users, Snapchat offers a unique tool called “Private Story”. This component of the Snapchat story gives you complete control over who sees your pictures, by allowing you to restrict your audience.
Now, you might be wondering how to make a Private story on Snapchat?
Creating a Private story differs from the normal process of sending snaps. Through this article, we would educate you on “the different types of stories in Snapchat”, “how to create your own Private story” and “how to edit your story”.

How to Make a Private Story on Snapchat
Types of Snapchat Stories
If you are new to Snapchat, you may be confused about the Snapchat ‘Story’ feature. It is important for you to know the types of ‘Stories’ Snapchat offers before posting them, or else, you may end up sharing your pictures with the wrong group of people.
There are three types of stories offered by Snapchat:
My stories: If you add your snaps using the “Story” button, this type of story-sharing option is available by default. My stories can be viewed only by your Snapchat friends.
Public stories: Any Snapchat user can view public stories by selecting the ‘location’ from where you posted the story, through “Snap Map”. Users themselves can choose to set all their stories to “Public” if they wish to do so.
Private stories: These types of stories are only visible to those users, whom you select manually. The remaining friends, as well as other Snapchat users, cannot view Private stories.
When you post a story on Snapchat, by default, all your friends can view them. With the help of ‘Private stories’, you have the freedom to pick specific users and grant them access to view your story.
Here we will show you how to make a private story on Snapchat, just for close friends. We also have provided an alternative solution to help you out.
Note: The following two methods are applicable only for the most recent Snapchat version in iOS or Android devices.
Method 1: From the Snap tab
In this method, we will post a Private story using the portion of the app where the phone camera is activated for taking photos or recording videos. The required steps are explained below:
1. First, tap the “Camera icon” present in the centre at the bottom of the screen to find the “Snap” tab.

Note: Alternatively, reach the Snap tab by swiping left from the “Chat” tab or swiping right from the “Stories” tab.
2. Take a picture, or more precisely, “Snap” a picture (or record a video) in the Snap tab.
Note: You can alternatively upload a picture or a video to post.
3. Once you upload or click a picture, tap the “Send To” option at the bottom-right on the screen.

4. Tap “+New Story” on the right of the “Stories” section. You’ll see two options.

5. Select “New Private Story (Only I can contribute)“.

6. You’ll see a list of friends, groups, and a search bar. Choose “users” with whom you are comfortable sharing the said story.

Note: Once a user or a group is selected, you will see a blue tick next to their profile photo. You can also deselect some of them before moving to the next step.
7. Finally, tap the “Tick” mark to post the Private story.
Note 1: Private Story always has a padlock icon. It also displays an eye icon which saves the count of the users who can see the picture. These icons differentiate between ‘private story’ & usual ‘my story’.
Note 2: People you have chosen to view your private story can see it mixed with normal stories. Whereas on several Android devices, it may appear separately.
Also Read: Does Snapchat Have a Friend Limit? What is Friend Limit on Snapchat?
Method 2: From Your Profile tab
In this method, we will create a new Private Story from the profile page.
1. Go to the “Profile” section of your “Snapchat” account.
2. Tap the “+New Story” icon.

3. Select “New Private Story (Only I can contribute)”.

4. Like the previous method, search and “Select” friends, groups, or people you want to share your story with.
5. After selecting the viewers, tap the “tick” mark button at the right of the screen.
6. Now, you will be given following options:
Private Story Name: You can tap “Private Story Name” at the top of the screen to give a name to your Private story.
View this Story: If you want to see how the picture looks, or want to add a user who is left out, tap “View this Story”.
Auto-Save to Memories: You can enable or disable the Auto-saving mode to save or omit to save the Private story, respectively.
Note: While posting a Private story, most users forget that anyone viewing your story can always screenshot the pictures. Therefore, you are never completely safe.
How to add and remove Snaps from your private story?
You have many options to work with once you’ve created a Snapchat Private Story. You can edit the story by adding new snaps or deleting existing ones.
a) Adding new snaps
Head to your Snapchat profile’s Stories and tap “Add Snap” from Private Story you would like to modify or edit. You can also choose “Add to Story” from the list by selecting the three-dots icon beside the “story”.
b) Removing an existing snap
Navigate to the story where the snap, you wish to delete, exists and select the ‘Snap’. Find the three horizontal dots at the upper-right side of the display. Tap “Delete from the menu“. The selected snap will be deleted from your story.
Besides this, you also can change the name of your Private story after you post it. Snapchat also offers the option to remove existing users from or adding new users to the viewers’ list. You can also auto-save your Private stories to the “Memories section” to view them in the future. The three horizontal dots present adjacent to your Private story contain all of the options mentioned above.
Some More Types of Stories on Snapchat
Primarily, there are three types of personal stories in Snapchat; Snapchat also offers two ‘collaborative stories’. These are basically public stories with some specified locations mentioned within. It lets any Snapchat user around the world view this type of story. All you need to do is head to “Snap map” where you will be able to view stories of various people around you.
1. Tap the “Location” icon present at the bottom-left corner of the screen to access the “Snap Map“.
2. Alternatively, you can also swipe right from the Home screen.
Our story: The stories you see on the Snap map can be shared and forwarded to anyone, even a stranger. It means that once a picture is shared in the “Our story” section, there is almost no chance to get it off the internet. Hence, this is the most unsafe option to share stories related to personal life as it is public, with unrestricted access.
Campus story: A campus story is a type of Our Story, with the restriction of “campus only”. If you visited a particular campus in the last 24 hours or live in one, you can see all the stories posted from within that campus. It is an amazing attempt by Snapchat to bring the student community together. Just like “Our Story”, it is public.
How to keep your Private Content Private?
You need to be aware of the content of your stories. If you act carelessly on Snapchat, you may receive snaps from strangers, invites from random users, bizarre chat requests, and a lot of spam. To avoid such situations, make sure to not share any sensitive information or vulnerable pictures, even while sharing ‘Private stories’.
As a Snapchat user, you should take some time and read Snapchat privacy tips available online. You should also learn how to create a Private story on Snapchat & how to use other features correctly; before sharing anything.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q 1. How do I create a private story on my story?
Go to your Account Profile (or story “thumbnail”, or “bitmoji”) present at the top-left corner of the screen. Tap the button with “+Private Story” under the Stories section. You can also opt for the Custom Story option if you want to.
Q 2. How do I create a custom story?
To create a Custom Story in Snapchat, under the top-right corner of the Stories section, tap the Create story icon. Now, give a name to your story and then invite your friends to participate in it. It is regardless of their location. So, you can invite your long-distance friends as well as neighbours.
Q 3. How do you make a private story on Snapchat?
Go to the Snap tab of the Snapchat app by tapping the camera icon at the bottom of the home screen and snap a picture. Now, tap “Send to” and then “+New Story“. From the available options, select “New Private Story(Only I can contribute)” Then select the users with whom you want to share the picture. Now, post the picture by tapping the tick mark option.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to learn about types of Snapchat stories and how to create & share private stories. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.