
AllTrails:查找(Find)、下载(Download)和跟踪您的远足(Track Your Hike)
作为徒步旅行者,您应该下载的第一个也是最重要的徒步旅行应用程序是AllTrails。您可以下载适用于 Android(AllTrails app for Android)或iPhone(for iPhone)的 AllTrails 应用程序。您还可以通过AllTrails 网站(AllTrails website)访问该服务。

AllTrails 路线指南包括有关每条路线的所有以下信息。
- 路径描述
- 难度等级
- 审稿人评分
- 步道(Trail)长度、海拔增益和路线类型
- 以红色突出显示小径的地图
- 步道(Trail)天气、日出和日落时间以及紫外线指数
- 参观过这条小径的徒步旅行者的评论集
注意(Note):强烈建议您订阅AllTrails,以便获得所有高级功能,如无广告、将地图下载到手机、天气和空气质量的地图叠加层等等。每年只需 29.99 美元。
搜索和下载新轨迹(Searching for and Downloading New Trails)

当您在结果中选择任何线索时,您将看到上面列出的所有详细信息。向下滚动(Scroll)以查看地图、天气详细信息(weather details)、步道特征等。
使用高级版,您可以选择跟踪详细信息页面上的下载按钮。(Download)这将下载路线详细信息页面,最重要的是,您可以在路线上使用的地图,即使您不在网格中且没有蜂窝信号(cellular signal)。
访问和使用您下载的轨迹(Accessing and Using Your Downloaded Trails)
选择应用程序底部的计划(Plan)以查看可让您计划下一次旅行的功能。要查看您下载的地图,请从菜单 中选择地图。(Maps)

如果您选择下载更多图层(Download More Layers),您可以将附加信息加载到下载的地图上。确保(Make)在您出发前完成此操作并发现自己脱离了网格。
- 路
- 卫星
- 美国地质勘探局地形
- 地形
- 世界公园
- OSM(开放街图)
- OCM(开放循环地图)

谷歌地图(Google Maps):离线地图计划您的旅行
这将我们带到谷歌地图(Google Maps)旁边。这是户外爱好者的第二款必备徒步旅行应用程序。
这可能看起来并不明显,因为大多数人使用谷歌地图(Google Maps)作为行车路线,但谷歌地图(Google Maps)有一个特定的功能,对于任何计划去探索网格的人来说都是至关重要的。

点击屏幕底部的路径名称以查看位置详细信息窗口。要将地图下载到该位置,请点击右上角的三个点以打开菜单。从该菜单中选择下载离线地图。(Download offline map)
确保您的整个行车路线都包含在内是个好主意,这样即使您在途中必须在蜂窝网络覆盖范围之外开车,谷歌地图(Google Maps)仍然可以正常工作。
选择下载(Download)以将该地图存储在您的手机上。现在,下次您搜索并开始导航到该目的地时,谷歌地图(Google Maps)将使用您存储在智能手机上的地图,而不是使用蜂窝数据和互联网。
Google Fit:记录跟踪锻炼(Log Trail Workouts)和健身进度(Fitness Progress)
每个徒步旅行者都应该使用的第三个必备徒步应用是Google Fit。

还有很多其他健身应用(other fitness apps)可供选择,但Google Fit提供的简单性在您外出时非常受欢迎。
Google 健身(Google Fit)可帮助您在每次远足时跟踪您的健身进度。要开始使用,您只需启动应用程序,点击右下角的+图标,然后从弹出列表中 选择添加活动。(Add activity)

这将启动活动跟踪窗口。只需(Just)从活动(Activity)类型框中选择活动(步行或远足适用于在小径上行走),然后选择开始步行(Start walking)以启动实时活动跟踪器。

- 每英里步行的路线图由标记指示
- 远足期间累积的总步数
- 徒步旅行的总时间
- 远足距离
- 燃烧的卡路里
Google Fit还可以让您分享这些远足。如果您已达到远足里程目标并想在社交媒体上与您的朋友分享,或者只是想将远足发短信给您的几个朋友,这将特别有趣。

选择您想要分享徒步路线的应用程序,Google Fit会打开该应用程序以显示新帖子或短信,您可以在其中分享徒步旅行。
徒步旅行应用程序将改善您的户外探险(Apps Will Improve Your Outdoor Adventure)
3 Best Hiking Apps to Find Trails, Log Hikes, and Not Get Lost
Are you one of the many thousands оf people who enjoy heading out into the wilderness on an adventure every оpportunity you get? Іf so, уou can enhance that experience by using the right mobile hiking apps.
The point of heading out in the wild may be to get away from technology. But mobile apps can help you get to those adventures more quickly, remove the anxiety about getting lost in the woods, and make tracking the fitness gained from your hikes much easier.
In this article, you’ll discover three important apps that work together to make any avid hiker’s experience off the beaten path far more enjoyable.

AllTrails: Find, Download, and Track Your Hike
The first and most important hiking app you should download as a hiker is AllTrails. You can download the AllTrails app for Android or for iPhone. You can also access the service via the AllTrails website.
AllTrails has one of the most comprehensive libraries of hiking, biking, or running trails all across the world. No matter where you live or are traveling, it’ll tell you where all the best trails are near you.

AllTrails trail guides include all of the following information about each trail.
- Trail description
- Difficulty rating
- Reviewer rating
- Trail length, elevation gain, and route type
- A map with the trail highlighted in red
- Trail weather, sunrise and sunset times, and UV index
- A collection of reviews by hikers who’ve visited the trail
Note: It’s highly recommended that you subscribe to AllTrails so that you get all of the premium features like no ads, download maps to your phone, map overlays for weather and air quality, and more. It only costs $29.99 per year.
Searching for and Downloading New Trails
From the main page of the app, you can search for trails using either a town or park location or the name of a specific trail you may already know about.

When you select any trail in results, you’ll see all of the details listed above. Scroll down to see the map, weather details, trail features, and more.
With the premium version, you can select the Download button on the trail detail page. This will download the trail detail page and most importantly, the map that you can use while on the trail, even if you’re off the grid and without a cellular signal.
Accessing and Using Your Downloaded Trails
Select Plan at the bottom of the app to see features that’ll let you plan out your next trip. To see your downloaded maps, select Maps from the menu.
When you tap the downloaded map that you’re interested in, you’ll see a large view of the map with a blue dot showing your location. You’ll also see the elevation you can expect as you travel along that trail.

If you select Download More Layers, you can load additional information onto the downloaded map. Make sure to do this before you head out on the trail and find yourself off the grid.
Available map layers include:
- Road
- Satellite
- USGS Topo
- Terrain
- World Parks
- OSM (OpenStreetMap)
- OCM (Open Cycle Map)
Each layer that you download will appear as an extra overlay of information on top of the original AllTrails map.
Note: Keep in mind that each layer you download consumes more of your phone’s storage. So only download only the layers that you absolutely need for your trip.

On the trail detail page, you can tap Directions from the menu to see directions to your trailhead. The app will let you choose from any of the navigational apps you have installed on your phone.
Google Maps: Offline Maps to Plan Your Trip
This leads us next to Google Maps. This is the second must-have hiking app for outdoor enthusiasts.
This may not seem obvious since most people use Google Maps for driving directions, but Google Maps has one specific feature that’s critical for anyone planning to go exploring off the grid.
That feature is the ability to download maps to your phone that you can use even when you’re driving far away from any cell phone towers.
To use this feature, it’s best to search for the trail name that you found on AllTrails. This will bring up the trailhead as the destination.

Tap the trailhead name at the bottom of the screen to see the location details window. To download the map to that location, tap the three dots at the upper right to open the menu. Select Download offline map from that menu.
You’ll see a blue outline appear over the map. Pinch or spread your fingers on this display to resize the map to the area you’d like to download.
It’s a good idea to make sure your entire driving route is included so that even if you have to drive outside of cellular coverage en route, Google Maps will still work fine.
Select Download to store that map on your phone. Now, the next time you search for and start navigation to that destination, Google Maps will use the map you’ve stored on your smartphone, rather than using cellular data and the internet.
Google Fit: Log Trail Workouts and Fitness Progress
The third must-have hiking app every hiker should use is Google Fit.

There are plenty of other fitness apps to choose from, but Google Fit offers simplicity that’s much appreciated when you’re heading out on the trail.
Google Fit helps you track your fitness progress as you embark on each hike. To get started, you just have to launch the app, tap the + icon at the lower right, and select Add activity from the pop-up list.

This will launch the activity tracking window. Just select the activity from the Activity type box (Walking or Hiking works for walking on trails), then select Start walking to launch the real-time activity tracker.
When you’re done hiking, just select the pause and then the stop button under the tracking map.

You can tap Journal at the bottom of the app page to see all of the past hikes you’ve gone on. Selecting any of these will show you all of the fitness stats related to that hike.
This includes:
- The route map with each mile walked indicated by a marker
- Total steps accumulated during the hike
- Total time elapsed during the hike
- Distance hiked
- Calories burned
Google Fit also lets you share these hikes. This is especially fun if you’ve reached a hike mileage goal and want to share it with your friends on social media, or just want to text the hike to a few of your friends.
To do this, just tap the share icon at the top of the hike description screen. This will open an image of the hike route map. You can edit the appearance of the map and then tap the checkmark to continue.

Choose the app you want to choose to share your hike route and Google Fit will open that app to a new post or text message where you can share the hike.
Hiking Apps Will Improve Your Outdoor Adventure
You may be tempted to leave all electronics behind when you head out into the wilderness. But if you bring along your phone and use these three apps, you can track your location, log your hikes, and keep track of your fitness progress.
And if you download the maps as described above, you can do all of this completely off the grid. After all, that’s where all of the best hikes can be found.