在这篇文章中,我们将讨论适用于Windows 11/10最佳免费 3D 文件查看器软件(best free 3D file viewer software)。使用这些免费软件,您可以轻松查看各种 3D 文件。这些查看器通常支持的一些 3D 文件格式包括OBJ、3DS、DAE、FBX、PLY、IGS、IFC、STEP、STL、WRL、VRML、AMF、WRZ等。
这些免费的 3D 文件查看器软件提供了许多方便的工具来可视化和分析您的 3D 模型。您可以找到不同的投影模式、自动旋转功能、基本的旋转、缩放、移动和平移功能、侧视口等。您还可以使用各种绘制样式(如线框、阴影、隐藏线等)渲染模型。这些甚至可以让您设置显示设置、灯光配置等,以便在自定义视图中正确查看模型。除了所有这些功能,您还可以使用这些免费软件来编辑、创建和转换 3D 文件。
现在,让我们来看看免费的 3D 模型查看器列表及其功能。
如何在线查看 3DS 文件?
您可以使用专门的免费服务在线查看 3DS 文件。您可以尝试的一些在线工具是Viewer.Autodesk.com、3DViewerOnline.com、3DUsher.com 等。如果您想使用免费的桌面应用程序,可以查看这篇文章。在这里,我们提到了一些很棒的免费 3D 模型查看器,您可以使用它们在Windows PC上查看 3DS 和其他 3D 文件。现在就让我们来了解一下吧!
3D Viewer 可以打开哪些文件?
3D查看器是适用于(Viewer)Windows 11/10的本机 3D 文件查看器应用程序。它预装在Windows 10中。您可以在其中查看很多 3D 文件。要命名它支持的文件格式,您可以在其中导入和查看OBJ、 3MF 、PLY、STL、FBX、GLB和GLTF。它提供了许多不错的功能,例如着色模式、环境和照明选项、动画选项、混合现实(Mixed Reality)功能等等。
同样,您也可以使用Paint 3D和3D Builder应用程序在Windows 11/10中查看各种 3D 模型。这些是可用于可视化 3D 模型的原生 3D 内容创建应用程序。要查看一些第三方 3D 查看器,请查看以下文章。
(Best)Windows 11/10最佳免费 3D 文件查看器软件
以下是可用于在Windows 11/10 PC 上可视化 3D 模型的最佳免费 3D 文件查看器软件列表:
- 自由CAD
- 网格实验室
- 视图3dscene
- 打开 3D 模型查看器
- 欧特克网格混合器
- 翅膀3D
- Gmsh
- OpenCTM
- 搅拌机
- 云比较
Windows 11/10的免费 3D 模型查看器软件。
1] 自由CAD
FreeCAD 是一款2D 和 3D 建模软件,可让您在(2D and 3D modeling software)Windows 11/10上可视化各种 3D 文件格式。使用它,您可以查看 3D 文件,包括OBJ、PLY、DXF、IGS、IFC、DWG、DAE、STEP、STL、AST、WRL、VRML、WRZ等。您可以找到许多方便的功能,使您能够正确查看和分析 3D 模型。
您可以使用其机器人模拟(Simulation)功能研究 3D 模型的机器人运动。为了渲染您的 3D 模型,它使用POV-Ray和LuxRender技术。它允许您以各种绘制样式渲染 3D 模型,包括正常、阴影、线框、平面线、点、隐藏线和无阴影。要从不同角度查看模型,您可以使用全屏、轴测、正交、顶部、前部、右侧、后部、左侧、底部等视图选项。
其中提供了一些更方便的功能,例如测量距离、冻结视图、模型属性、场景检查器(Scene Inspector)等。基本的缩放、旋转、平移、移动和其他功能也可以在其中找到。
除了查看之外,它还允许您修改或创建新的 3D 模型。您还可以将 3D 文件从一种支持的格式转换为另一种格式。要使用它,您可以从freecadweb.org下载它。
2] 网格实验室
MeshLab是一款出色的免费开源 3D 模型查看器,适用于Windows 11/10。它允许您查看、编辑、创建和转换各种 3D 文件。用于在其中可视化 3D 模型的一些受支持的文件格式包括OBJ、STL、DAE、3DS、PLY、PTX、VMI、X3D等。您可以使用以下任何视图模式自定义视图:边界框、点、正交相机、线框、网格选项、绘制XYZ轴。
Show Box Corners , Enable Shadow Mapping , Show Current Mesh , Show Quality Histogram , Show Quality Contour , Show UV Tex Param , Show Labels和其他选项允许您查看 3D 模型。它还提供专用的测量(Measuring)工具来测量 3D 模型中的不同统计数据。您还可以在其中找到 3D 打印选项。
除了所有这些功能之外,您还可以找到许多过滤器来应用和处理您的 3D 模型。例如,平滑(Smoothing)、清洁(Cleaning)和修复(Repairing)、质量测量(Quality Measure)和计算(Computations)、颜色创建(Color Creation)和处理(Processing)、光顺(Fairing)和变形(Deformation)等等。
阅读:(Read:) How to edit 3D OBJ models in Windows 11/10
3] view3dscene
如果您想要一个可以查看和分析大量 3D 文件的免费桌面应用程序,请尝试view3dscene。它是一个免费、便携和开源的 3D 模型查看器,您可以使用它来可视化大量 3D 文件。其中一些文件包括 3DS、IV、OBJ、DAE、VRML、STL等。它提供了一些非常好的功能,可以帮助您分析 3D 模型。
它提供了检查(Examine)、飞行(Fly)和步行(Walk)查看工具,可让您在交互式动画查看模式下检查和检查 3D 模型。您可以从单一、双重和四重中选择视口。要自定义模型视图,您可以使用Bump Mapping、Screen Effects、Textures、Phong Shading、 Shadow Map、Shadow Volume 等选项。它还提供了各种填充模式(Fill Modes),如线框(Wireframe)、实体(Solid)、轮廓(Silhouette)和边框边缘(Border Edges)等。
此外,您还可以找到多个其他视图选项,例如Bounding Box Visible、Lighting Calculation、Frustum Visualization、Octree Visualization、Use Scene Lights、Blending、Occlusion Sort等。它甚至提供了一些编辑选项,例如Load Material Properties、Add Humanoids Joints Visualization、移除形状(Remove Shape)、移除面(Remove Face)、灯光编辑器(Light Editor)等。
这很适合正确分析您的 3D 模型。
顾名思义,Open 3D Model Viewer是适用于(Model Viewer)Windows 11/10的专用免费和开源 3D 文件查看器。在其中,您可以可视化包括 3DS、 OBJ(OBJ)、PLY、DAE、STL等格式的 3D 模型。您可以在其中获得许多简单方便的查看工具。
它提供不同的侧视图,您可以在不同的视图模式之间切换,例如完整的 3D 视图、两个 3D 视图和四个 3D 视图。它提供线框、阴影和纹理绘制样式来渲染您的模型。查看 3D 模型时,您可以缩放、旋转和启用/禁用灯光。
除了查看功能,它还提供了导出(Export)功能。此功能可让您将 3D 模型转换为另一种受支持的输出 3D 文件格式。您可以从gtihub.com(gtihub.com)下载这个开源 3D 文件查看器。
阅读:(Read:) 如何在 Windows 中使用 Paint 3D 将 OBJ 转换为 FBX(How to convert OBJ to FBX using Paint 3D in Windows)
Autodesk Meshmixer是用于在(Meshmixer)Windows 11/10中查看、检查和编辑 3D 模型的专用软件。在其中,您可以查看OBJ、PLY、STL、AMF、3MF 等格式的 3D 模型。您可以在Orthographic(Orthographic)或Perspective之间切换视图模式,将绘制样式自定义为线框、边界、网格、打印机床等,并编辑一些模型属性以查看 3D 模型。
除了基本的查看工具外,它还包含一组分析(Analysis)工具来检查您的 3D 模型。其中一些 3D 模型检查工具包括测量(Measure)、网格查询(Mesh Query)、尺寸(Dimensions)、方向(Orientation)、悬垂(Overhangs)、厚度(Thickness)、检查器(Inspector)、强度(Strength)、稳定性(Stability)、切片(Slicing)和Layout/Packing。你可以找到很多方便的编辑工具。它还提供导出(Export)功能,允许您将 3D 模型转换为任何受支持的 3D 文件格式。
请参阅:(See:) How to view an STP/STEP file in Windows 11/10?
6] 翅膀3D
您还可以使用Wings3D在Windows 11/10中查看 3D 模型。它是一个免费的开源 3D CAD软件,主要用于创建 3D 模型。您可以查看 3DS、DAE、STL、OBJ、PLY等 3D 文件。它提供正交视图、正交视图、透视图和等距视图模式。此外,您可以使用Wireframe(Wireframe)绘制样式查看模型。
在其中,您可以找到自动旋转 3D 模型的自动旋转( Auto-Rotate)功能。除此之外,它还提供了标准的缩放、旋转和平移功能。您还可以使用其导出(Export)功能转换 3D 文件。
7] Gmsh
Gmsh可以是在(Gmsh)Windows 11/10上查看 3D 模型的另一种选择。它支持的格式包括STEP、GEO、IGES、PLY、STL和P3D。您可以放大/缩小 3D 模型、旋转它、启用全屏模式等。它还显示与您的 3D 模型相关的各种统计信息,例如点数、曲线数、物理组数、曲面数、节点数、点数等.
它还提供合并(Merge)功能来组合两个 3D 模型。而且,您还可以使用它转换 3D 文件。你可以从这里(here)下载。
8] OpenCTM
OpenCTM是一个专用的桌面应用程序,用于在 Windows 11/10 PC 上查看或转换 3D 模型。您可以在sourceforge.net上获取它,然后安装它以开始查看 3D 文件。它支持STL、3DS、DAE、PLY、OBJ、OFF和其他一些 3D 文件格式。
您可以在其中找到多个OpenGL交互式 3D 视图选项,包括纹理(Texturing)、基于GLSL的Phong着色和顶点(Vertex)颜色。只需(Simply)使用鼠标手势旋转或移动模型。您可以查看 3D 模型中的顶点和三角形的数量。
它提供了保存(Save)功能,您可以使用该功能将 3D 文件导出为任何受支持的输出格式。
Blender无需介绍。它是专业 3D 模型和动画设计师中的流行软件。除了创建 3D 模型,您还可以使用它导入和查看现有的 3D 文件。它允许您以以下任何格式可视化 3D 模型:STL、FBX、3DS、OBJ、PLY和COLLADA ( DAE )。要简单地查看 3D 模型,您可以使用缩放、旋转、平移等功能。
它是先进而强大的 3D 软件,可从其官方网站(official website)下载。但是,对于仅查看 3D 模型,我建议您使用此列表中的其他一些软件,因为它包含太多功能,无法仅查看模型。
请参阅:(See:) 如何将动画 3D 模型插入 PowerPoint 演示文稿
此列表中的另一个软件是CloudCompare。它也是在Windows 11/10中查看和处理 3D 网格的专用免费软件。您可以在其中找到所有基本视图功能,包括缩放、旋转、平移、移动等。它还提供设置显示设置的选项,如灯光、颜色、材质等。您还可以在正交投影和透视投影模式之间切换。
它是一个开源的 3D 文件查看器。你可以在这里得到它(it here)。
Best free 3D File Viewer software to view 3D models in Windows 11/10
In this post, we are going to disсuss the best free 3D file viewer software for Windows 11/10. Using these free software, you can easily view a variety of 3D files. Some of the commonly supported 3D file formats by these viewers include OBJ, 3DS, DAE, FBX, PLY, IGS, IFC, STEP, STL, WRL, VRML, AMF, WRZ, and more.
These free 3D file viewer software offers a lot of handy tools to visualize and analyze your 3D models. You can find different projection modes, an auto-rotation feature, basic rotate, zoom, move, and pan functions, side viewports, etc. You can also render your models in various draw styles like wireframe, shading, hidden lines, and more. These even let you set up the display settings, light configuration, and more to properly view a model in a customized view. Besides all these features, you can also use these freeware to edit, create, and convert 3D files.
Now, let us take a look at the list of free 3D model viewers and their features.
How do I view 3DS files online?
You can view 3DS files online using a dedicated free service. Some of the online tools that you can try are Viewer.Autodesk.com, 3DViewerOnline.com, 3DUsher.com, etc. If you want to use a free desktop application, you can check out this article. Here, we have mentioned some great free 3D model viewers that you can use to view 3DS and other 3D files on Windows PC. Let us find out now!
What files can 3D Viewer open?
3D Viewer is a native 3D file viewer app for Windows 11/10. It comes preinstalled in Windows 10. You can view a lot of 3D files in it. To name the file formats supported by it, you can import and view OBJ, 3MF, PLY, STL, FBX, GLB, and GLTF in it. It provides a lot of good features like shading mode, environment and lighting options, animation options, a Mixed Reality feature, and more.
Likewise, you can also use Paint 3D and 3D Builder apps to view various 3D models in Windows 11/10. These are native 3D content creation apps that you can use to visualize 3D models. To check out some third-party 3D viewers, check out the article below.
Best free 3D file viewer software for Windows 11/10
Here is a list of the best free 3D file viewer software that you can use to visualize 3D models on Windows 11/10 PC:
- FreeCAD
- MeshLab
- view3dscene
- Open 3D Model Viewer
- Autodesk Meshmixer
- Wings3D
- Gmsh
- OpenCTM
- Blender
- CloudCompare
Let us discuss these free 3D model viewer software for Windows 11/10.
1] FreeCAD
FreeCAD is a 2D and 3D modeling software that lets you visualize a variety of 3D file formats on Windows 11/10. Using it, you can view 3D files including OBJ, PLY, DXF, IGS, IFC, DWG, DAE, STEP, STL, AST, WRL, VRML, WRZ, and more. You can find a lot of handy features that enable you properly view and analyze the 3D model.
You can study the robotic movements of 3D models using its Robotic Simulation feature. To render your 3D models, it uses POV-Ray and LuxRender techniques. It lets you render a 3D model in various draw styles including normal, shaded, wireframe, flat lines, points, hidden line, and no shading. For viewing a model from different angles, you can use view options like fullscreen, axonometric, orthographic, top, front, right, rear, left, bottom, etc.
Some more handy features such as measure distance, freeze view, model properties, Scene Inspector, and more are provided in it. The basic zoom, rotate, pan, move, and other features can also be found in it.
Apart from viewing, it also allows you to modify or create new 3D models. You can also convert a 3D file from one supported format to another. To use it, you can download it from freecadweb.org.
2] MeshLab
MeshLab is a great free and open-source 3D model viewer for Windows 11/10. It lets you view, edit, create and convert various 3D files. Some of the supported file formats to visualize a 3D model in it include OBJ, STL, DAE, 3DS, PLY, PTX, VMI, X3D, etc. You can customize your view using any of the following view modes: bounding box, points, orthographic camera, wireframe, grid options, draw XYZ axis.
Show Box Corners, Enable Shadow Mapping, Show Current Mesh, Show Quality Histogram, Show Quality Contour, Show UV Tex Param, Show Labels, and other options allow you to view the 3D model. It also offers a dedicated Measuring tool to measure different statistics in a 3D model. You can also find a 3D printing option in it.
Apart from all these features, you can find a lot of filters to apply and process your 3D model. For example, Smoothing, Cleaning and Repairing, Quality Measure and Computations, Color Creation and Processing, Fairing and Deformation, and more.
Read: How to edit 3D OBJ models in Windows 11/10
3] view3dscene
If you want a free desktop application that lets you view and analyze a wide number of 3D files, try view3dscene. It is a free, portable, and open-source 3D model viewer using which you visualize a lot of 3D files. Some of these files include 3DS, IV, OBJ, DAE, VRML, STL, etc. It offers some really good features that help you analyze a 3D model.
It provides Examine, Fly, and Walk viewing tools that let you examine and inspect a 3D model in interactive animation view mode. You can select viewports from single, double, and quadruple. To customize the model view, you can make use of Bump Mapping, Screen Effects, Textures, Phong Shading, Shadow Map, Shadow Volume, and more options. It also provides various Fill Modes such as Wireframe, Solid, Silhouette & Border Edges, etc.
Furthermore, you can also find multiple other view options like Bounding Box Visible, Lighting Calculation, Frustum Visualization, Octree Visualization, Use Scene Lights, Blending, Occlusion Sort, etc. It even provides some editing options like Load Material Properties, Add Humanoids Joints Visualization, Remove Shape, Remove Face, Light Editor, etc.
This one is good to properly analyze your 3D models.
4] Open 3D Model Viewer
As the name suggests, Open 3D Model Viewer is a dedicated free and open-source 3D file viewer for Windows 11/10. In it, you can visualize 3D models of formats including 3DS, OBJ, PLY, DAE, STL, etc. You get a lot of easy and handy viewing tools in it.
It offers different side views and you can toggle between distinct view modes like full 3D view, two 3D views, and four 3D views. It provides wireframe, shading, and textures draw styles to render your model. You can zoom, rotate, and enable/ disable light while viewing a 3D model.
Apart from the viewing functions, it also provides an Export feature. This feature lets you convert a 3D model to another supported output 3D file format. You can download this open-source 3D file viewer from gtihub.com.
Read: How to convert OBJ to FBX using Paint 3D in Windows
5] Autodesk Meshmixer
Autodesk Meshmixer is a dedicated software to view, inspect, and edit 3D models in Windows 11/10. In it, you can view 3D models in OBJ, PLY, STL, AMF, 3MF, and more formats. You can toggle view mode between Orthographic or Perspective, customize draw style to wireframe, boundaries, grid, printer bed, etc., and edit some model properties to view a 3D model.
Apart from basic viewing tools, it contains a set of Analysis tools to inspect your 3D model. Some of these 3D model inspection tools include Measure, Mesh Query, Dimensions, Orientation, Overhangs, Thickness, Inspector, Strength, Stability, Slicing, and Layout/Packing. You can find a lot of handy editing tools. It also provides an Export feature that allows you to convert a 3D model to any of the supported 3D file formats.
See: How to view an STP/STEP file in Windows 11/10?
6] Wings3D
You can also use Wings3D to view 3D models in Windows 11/10. It is a free and open-source 3D CAD software that is primarily used to create a 3D model. You can view 3D files like 3DS, DAE, STL, OBJ, PLY, etc. It provides orthographic view, orthogonal view, perspective view, and isometric view modes. Also, you can view the model in Wireframe draw style.
In it, you can find an Auto-Rotate feature that automatically rotates a 3D model. Besides that, standard zoom, rotate, and pan functions are also provided in it. You can also convert a 3D file using its Export function.
7] Gmsh
Gmsh can be another alternative to view a 3D model on Windows 11/10. The formats supported in it include STEP, GEO, IGES, PLY, STL, and P3D. You can zoom in/out a 3D model, rotate it, enable fullscreen mode, etc. It also shows you various statistics related to your 3D model, such as the number of points, curves, physical groups, surfaces, nodes, points, etc.
It also provides a Merge feature to combine two 3D models. And, you can also convert a 3D file using it. You can download it from here.
8] OpenCTM
OpenCTM is a dedicated desktop application to view or convert a 3D model on your Windows 11/10 PC. You can get it on sourceforge.net and then install it to start viewing 3D files. It offers support for STL, 3DS, DAE, PLY, OBJ, OFF, and a few other 3D file formats.
You can find multiple OpenGL interactive 3D view options in it including Texturing, GLSL based Phong shading, and Vertex colors. Simply rotate or move a model using the mouse gesture. You can view the number of vertices and triangles in a 3D model.
It provides a Save feature using which you can export the 3D file to any of the supported output formats.
9] Blender
Blender needs no introduction. It is a popular software amongst professional 3D model and animation designers. Apart from creating 3D models, you can also import and view existing 3D files using it. It lets you visualize a 3D model in any of these formats: STL, FBX, 3DS, OBJ, PLY, and COLLADA (DAE). To simply view a 3D model, you can use features like zoom, rotate, pan, etc.
It is advanced and powerful 3D software and can be downloaded from its official website. However, for only viewing a 3D model, I would suggest you to use some other software from this list as it contains too many features to just view a model.
See: How to insert animated 3D Models into a PowerPoint presentation
10] CloudCompare
One more software on this list is CloudCompare. It is also a dedicated free software to view and process 3D meshes in Windows 11/10. You can find all basic view features in it including zoom, rotate, pan, move, etc. It also provides options to set up display settings like light, color, material, etc. You can also toggle between orthographic and perspective projection modes.
It is an open-source 3D file viewer. You can get it here.
That’s it!