编解码器(Codec)一词是压缩器和解压缩器的首字母缩写。编解码器(Codecs)是一种压缩视频并随后帮助对其进行解码的程序。因此,如果您收到错误消息 —需要编解码器才能播放此文件(A codec is required to play this file);这意味着您没有编解码器来解码和播放计算机上的文件。
A codec is required to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the Web, click Web Help.

- Windows Media Player 无法播放该文件,因为您的计算机上未安装所需的视频编解码器。
- Windows Media Player无法播放、刻录、翻录或同步文件,因为您的计算机上未安装所需的音频编解码器。
- 文件格式无效。
此外,还有很多场景。有时视频播放时没有音频,有时播放的声音是空白屏幕。那么当视频无法播放或无法打开时该怎么办。我们需要正确的编解码器。你们中的一些人可能已经在Windows Media Player中看到了这一点。
但是我们如何决定需要哪个编解码器呢?如何检查已安装的编解码器(check the installed codecs)?除非播放器给出特定名称或您使用CodecInstaller,否则很难猜测。因此,在这篇文章中,我们列出了一些流行的编解码器和播放器,您可以使用它们来播放任何文件。
如何在 Windows 10 上下载和安装编解码器
您可以将Windows Media Player配置为自动下载编解码器。为此,请打开Tools > Options并单击播放器(Player)选项卡。选中自动下载编解码器(Download codecs automatically)复选框,然后单击确定。
您也可以手动下载和安装编解码器。要安装编解码器,您必须在其安装程序设置文件上单击。要卸载编解码器,您可以从控制面板(Control Panel)执行此操作。Microsoft Store中提供了一些编解码器。要卸载它们,请在“开始”菜单(Start Menu)应用程序列表中查找该应用程序并从此处卸载它们。
- 高级 Shark007 编解码器
- CCCP – 组合社区编解码器包(CCCP – Combined Community Codec Pack)
- K-Lite 编解码器包
- ffd秀
- LAV 过滤器
- 媒体播放器编解码器包
- 编解码器安装包。
1] 高级 Shark007 编解码器
除了通常的编解码器外,它还可以使用H264编解码器播放 4K (H264)UHD /HDR H265/HEVC和MVC。默认情况下已激活。安装编解码器包时,它会要求您禁用或删除计算机中现有的编解码器。以下是功能列表:
- 全彩(Full-color)缩略图,包括 FLV 和 10 位 MKV。连同预览。
- 允许(Allow)将PowerDVD解码器用于Media Center中的 32 位(Media Center)LiveTV。
- 支持(Support)将LAV过滤器与MKV文件的播放(Play)功能一起使用。
- 支持(Support)播放包含ALAC等的(ALAC)MOD音频文件和M4A文件。
2] CCCP – 组合社区编解码器包(CCCP – Combined Community Codec Pack)
它包括一个支持大多数视频格式的Windows播放包。但是,它最后一次更新是在 2015 年。因此您可能还需要检查其他编解码器。
从这里下载 cccp-project.net。
相关(Related):视频无法解码(Video could not be decoded)。
3] K-Lite 编解码器包
这些包包括 32 位和 64 位编解码器。编解码器支持字幕显示;硬件加速视频解码、音频比特流、资源管理器(Explorer)中的视频缩略图等。
4] ffd秀
- 用于调整大小、去隔行和显示字幕的过滤器
- 它通过标准化、向下/向上混合和重新采样来提高音频质量。
5] LAV过滤器
该解码器使用 libavformat 播放各种媒体文件。libavformat 是FFmpeg的一个库。Ithe库为编码和解码音频、视频和字幕流提供了一个通用框架。
适用于Windows Media Player的Media Player Codec Pack支持现代视频和音频文件使用的几乎所有压缩和文件类型。
- (Compression)您可以播放的压缩类型包括:x265 | h.265 | HEVC| 10 位x264 | x264 |h.264 | AVCHD | AVC | DivX | XviD | MP4 | MPEG4 | MPEG2等等。
- (File)您可以播放的文件类型包括:.bdmv | .evo | .hevc | .mkv | .avi | .flv | .webm | .mp4 | .m4v | .m4a | .ts | .ogm | .ac3 | .dts | .alac | .flac | .ape | .aac | .ogg | .ofr | .mpc | .3gp等等。
Microsoft的编解码器安装包(Codec Installation Package)可用作自动下载Windows Media 编解码器(Windows Media Codecs)的替代方法,或纠正以前下载的编解码器遇到的问题。它在Microsoft(Microsoft –)中可用-但请检查它是否适用于您的Windows和WMP版本。
编解码器(Codecs)在早期是一个大问题。现在,Windows 10 可以成功播放大部分标准文件。Windows Media Player、电影(Movies)和电视应用程序足以播放任何视频。此外(Further),大多数最好的免费媒体播放(best free media players)器几乎可以播放任何文件,并且使用VLC等播放器,您无需从互联网上下载任何内容。
如果这有帮助,请在评论中告诉我们。(Let us know in the comments if this helped.)
有用的链接:(Useful links:)
- 使用编解码器调整工具管理、检测、删除损坏的编解码器(Codecs)和过滤器
- (Identify)使用VideoInspector识别所需的音频和视频编解码器。
A codec is required to play this file - Download & Install Codec
The word Codec is an acronym of the words compressor and decompressor. Codecs are a program that compresses a video and later helps to decode it. So if you receive an error — A codec is required to play this file; it means you don’t have the codec to decode and play the file on your computer.
A codec is required to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the Web, click Web Help.

Similar other messages you could see are:
- Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required video codec is not installed on your computer.
- Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the file because a required audio codec is not installed on your computer.
- Invalid File Format.
A codec is required to play this file
Think of it as a program which can reduce the size of a video file so the end-user can download it faster. Later, the consumer can decode the file and play it on his computer. Since there are many codecs, unless you have the right codec, you cannot play the file.
Further, there are many scenarios. Sometimes the video plays without audio, occasionally its the sound which plays with a blank screen. So what can do when the video doesn’t play, or it doesn’t open. We need the right codec. Some of you might have seen this with Windows Media Player.
But then how do we decide which codec is required? How can you check the installed codecs? It’s hard to guess unless the player gives out a specific name or you use the CodecInstaller. So in this post, we are listing some popular codecs and players which you can use to play any files.
How to download & install codec on Windows 10
You can configure Windows Media Player to download codecs automatically. To do this, open Tools > Options and click the Player tab. Select the Download codecs automatically check box, and then click OK.
You can also download and install the codecs manually. To install a codec, you have to clcik on its installer setup file. To uninstall the codec, you can do so from the Control Panel. Some codecs are available in the Microsoft Store. To uninstall them, look for the app in the Start Menu apps list and uninstall them from here.
Here is a list of Codecs you can download on your computer. If this doesn’t work, you can choose some favorite players which include many codecs and plays almost any file.
- Advanced Shark007 Codecs
- CCCP – Combined Community Codec Pack
- K-Lite Codec Pack
- ffdshow
- LAV Filters
- Media Player Codec Pack
- Codec Installation Package.
These are more of codecs pack than just being a single pack.
1] Advanced Shark007 Codecs
Apart from the usual codecs, it can also play 4K UHD /HDR H265/HEVC and MVC using H264 codecs. It is activated by default. When installing the codec pack, it will ask you to disable or remove existing codecs from your computer. Here is the list of features:
- Full-color thumbnails including FLV’s and 10bit MKV’s. Along with the preview.
- Allow use of the PowerDVD decoders for 32bit LiveTV in Media Center.
- Support use of the LAV filters with the Play To function for MKV files.
- Support playback of MOD audio files and M4A files containing ALAC and more.
Download from here.
2] CCCP – Combined Community Codec Pack
It includes a playback pack for Windows which supports most of the video formats. However, it was last updated in 2015. So you may want to check on other codecs as well.
Download from here at cccp-project.net.
Related: Video could not be decoded.
3] K-Lite Codec Pack
The packs include 32-bit and 64-bit codecs. The codec supports subtitle display; hardware accelerated video decoding, audio bit streaming, video thumbnails in Explorer and more.
Download from here.
4] ffdshow
It supports formats such as Xvid, DivX, and H.264. Along with this, it also includes a robust filter set that can enhance the video quality.
- Filters for resizing, de-interlacing, and displaying subtitles
- It enhances audio quality through normalization, down-/upmixing, and resampling.
The software pack also offers user interface which lets you configure codecs, show/hide filters, create a profile and so on. You can export and import settings as well if you ever had to reinstall.
Download from here.
5] LAV Filters
This decoder that uses libavformat to play all sorts of media files. libavformat is a library from FFmpeg. Ithe library offers a generic framework for coding and decoding audio, video and subtitle streams.
Download from here.
6] Media Player Codec Pack
The Media Player Codec Pack for Windows Media Player supports almost every compression and file type used by modern video and audio files.
- Compression types that you will be able to play include: x265 | h.265 | HEVC | 10bit x264 | x264 | h.264 | AVCHD | AVC | DivX | XviD | MP4 | MPEG4 | MPEG2 and many more.
- File types you will be able to play include: .bdmv | .evo | .hevc | .mkv | .avi | .flv | .webm | .mp4 | .m4v | .m4a | .ts | .ogm | .ac3 | .dts | .alac | .flac | .ape | .aac | .ogg | .ofr | .mpc | .3gp and many more.
Download it here.
7] Codec Installation Package
The Codec Installation Package from Microsoft can be used as an alternative to automatically downloading Windows Media Codecs, or to correct problems experienced with previously-downloaded codecs. It is available with Microsoft – but check if it applies to your version of Windows and WMP.
Use a Modern Media Player
Codecs were a massive problem in earlier days. Now, Windows 10 can successfully play most of the standard files. Windows Media Player, Movies and TV apps are good enough to play any videos. Further, the majority of best free media players can play almost any files, and with players like VLC, you never have to download anything from the internet.
Let us know in the comments if this helped.
Useful links:
- Manage, detect, remove broken Codecs and Filters with Codec Tweak Tool
- Identify audio & video codecs required, with VideoInspector.