Fitbit制造出精美、美观且非常实用的健身追踪器。然而,在智能手表领域(smartwatch space),他们并不是大玩家,落后于苹果(Apple)。在 2019 年最后一个季度,他们推出了迄今为止最好的智能手表:Fitbit Versa 2。我们每天对其进行大约一个月的测试,并跟踪我们可以使用它的所有内容,从睡眠和每日步数到锻炼。以下是Fitbit Versa 2必须为有兴趣购买新智能手表的用户提供的功能:
Fitbit Versa 2:它对谁有好处?
- 想要出色的健身追踪(fitness tracking)的爱好者
- 想要分析和改善睡眠模式的人
- 只需要基本智能手表功能和通知的用户
- 人们正在寻找价格合理的智能手表
Fitbit Versa 2有很多优点:
- 价格合理的智能手表
- 宜人的设计
- 出色的健康和健身追踪(health and fitness tracking)
- 很棒的睡眠分析
- 易于导航和使用
- 一流的电池寿命
- 耐水性
- Fitbit Versa 2上没有GPS 芯片(GPS chip)
- Fitbit的(Fitbit)智能手表应用(smartwatch apps)生态系统需要改进
Fitbit Versa 2是Fitbit迄今为止制造的最好的智能手表。然而,与其他品牌的智能手表相比,它缺乏一些功能,其应用生态系统(app ecosystem)也没有那么完善和有用。Fitbit Versa 2对于那些主要对(Fitbit Versa 2)健康和健身追踪(health and fitness tracking)感兴趣,而不是对智能手表功能感兴趣的人来说是一个不错的选择。平易近人的价格和出色的(price and excellent) 电池寿命(battery life)也使其成为首次尝试智能手表概念的用户的完美选择。(smartwatch concept)
拆箱 Fitbit Versa 2
Fitbit Versa 2采用漂亮的白色包装盒,封面(front cover)上印有设备图片。在侧面,您可以获得有关其多种语言的许多功能的大量信息。
打开包装盒后,您会看到包装精美的Versa 2,旁边还有第二条腕带。这样,您就可以在同一个包装中同时获得大号和小号(Large and Small)腕带,避免购买错误尺寸的问题。
打开所有物品后,您会发现以下物品:Versa 2智能手表、第二条由聚酯制成的腕带、其专有的充电线、包含(charging cable)产品信息(product information)的传单和快速设置指南(setup guide)。
Fitbit Versa 2 的拆箱体验快速而愉快。在包装内,您可以获得立即开始所需的一切。(The unboxing experience for the Fitbit Versa 2 is quick and pleasant. Inside the package, you get everything you need to get started right away.)
Fitbit Versa 2看起来与Apple Watch Series 5相似,这不是一件坏事。智能手表的用户将会熟悉它的设计。一个区别是Fitbit Versa 2没有用于导航的轮子,而是一个按钮。此外,它被放置在左侧而不是右侧,就像在Apple Watch Series 5上一样。在Versa 2上,表壳(watch case)由铝制成,表带由聚酯制成,是一款轻便、舒适的设备。使用大腕(Large wristband)带时,它的重量约为 3.35 盎司或 95 克。
至于传感器,Fitbit Versa 2有一个 3 轴加速度计,用于测量运动时的身体速度、一个光学心率监测器(heart rate monitor)和一个用于测量高度的高度计。您还可以获得一个环境光传感器(ambient light sensor)和一个相对SpO2 传感器(SpO2 sensor),可以使用红光和红外光跟踪氧饱和度。(oxygen saturation)
Versa 2有一个振动马达(vibration motor),可通过静音警报唤醒您,还有一个 Wi-Fi 天线,可使用高达Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) 的标准连接到无线网络。还有一个用于Fitbit Pay的(Fitbit Pay)NFC 芯片(NFC chip)、一个蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片和一个内置麦克风。Versa 2上缺少的芯片之一是GPS,这意味着如果没有智能手机,您将无法使用这款智能手表准确跟踪某些锻炼。
Fitbit Versa 2配备彩色AMOLED 触摸屏(AMOLED touchscreen),分辨率为 300 x 300 像素,尺寸为 1.57 英寸或 3.5 厘米,厚度为 0.47 英寸或 12 毫米。这使它非常适合几乎所有尺寸的手腕。但是,对于青少年来说,这款智能手表可能太大了。屏幕具有高达 1,000 尼特的放大亮度,并受到康宁大猩猩玻璃 3(Gorilla Glass 3)的保护。
电池由锂聚合物制成,容量为 165 mAh,充满电大约需要两个小时。Fitbit承诺电池可以正常使用约 6 天。
Fitbit Versa 2上的存储内存(storage memory)足以保存 7 天的详细运动数据,一分钟一分钟,并保存过去 30 天的每日总数。这对大多数用户来说应该足够了。另一个有用的功能是Fitbit Versa 2的防水深度可达 50 米,这对游泳者也很有用。您可以在 14° 至 113°华氏度(Fahrenheit)或 -10° 至 60°摄氏度(Celsius)的温度范围内使用这款智能手表,海拔最高可达 28000 英尺或 8535 米。Fitbit Versa 2与运行 iOS 11 或更高版本的 iPhone、运行Android 7(Android version 7)或更高版本的智能手机以及Windows 10兼容(Windows 10)平板电脑和个人电脑。
要了解有关这款智能手表的功能和规格的更多信息,请访问其官方网页:Fitbit Versa 2 Specs。
设置和使用Fitbit Versa 2
要使用Fitbit Versa 2,您需要下载并安装适用于Android或iOS的(iOS)Fitbit 应用程序(Fitbit app),创建一个帐户,然后将其与您的智能手机配对。在初始设置期间,最好将Versa 2连接到Wi-Fi,下载并安装引入错误(introduce bug)修复和新功能的最新固件更新,例如可以存储多达五个不同的表盘和切换随意在他们之间。
作为初始设置的一部分,您可能还想配置长按Versa按钮的功能。我们发现显示快速设置或激活Fitbit Pay(如果您使用它通过NFC付款)最有用。
设置的另一个重要部分是配置安装在Fitbit Versa 2上的应用程序。其中一些是预装的,例如Spotify、Deezer、Weather、Strava等。最好全部查看,卸载不需要的,然后配置要使用的。您还应该浏览Fitbit的应用商店(app store)。
不幸的是,与Apple Watch(Apple Watches)上可用的智能手表应用程序相比,可用的智能手表应用程序(smartwatch apps)的数量及其质量(quality pale)相形见绌。例如,我们很高兴在Versa 2上使用(Versa 2)Spotify 应用程序(Spotify app)。不幸的是,没有离线播放;Versa 2必须连接到您的智能手机,并且您必须使用Spotify Premium(Spotify Premium)。即使您确实满足所有要求,该应用程序通常也无法运行,正如本论坛讨论(forum discussion)中的用户所揭示的那样。当它起作用时,您只能控制Spotify 播放(Spotify playback)在其他设备上,例如您的智能手机或智能扬声器。我们经常遇到其他Fitbit(Fitbit)用户描述的相同问题。几天后,我们停止在Versa 2上使用(Versa 2)Spotify。用户体验太糟糕和令人沮丧。
如果您想欣赏音乐,您可能更愿意使用为Fitibit的音乐应用程序(Music app)预留的 2.5 GB存储空间(storage space)。您可以将喜爱的歌曲上传至Versa 2 ,并在佩戴(Versa 2)蓝牙耳机(Bluetooth headset)的同时聆听智能手表本地播放的音乐。
另一个限制是Fitbit Versa 2没有GPS 芯片(GPS chip),而是使用连接的GPS。这意味着在进行远足、跑步或骑自行车等户外锻炼时,您必须随身携带智能手机。
Versa 2的屏幕在室内和室外的阳光下均可见且可用。在常亮显示未激活的情况下,我们在需要充电之前使用了智能手表 5 到 6 天。打开常亮显示屏后,时间减少到 2 到 3 天之间。浏览Versa 2 用户界面(user interface)很容易。您可以借助其按钮和触摸手势来完成此操作。短按按钮或轻按屏幕即可激活显示。
向下滑动(Swipe)以访问通知。向左滑动以访问已安装的应用程序。(Swipe)快速设置允许您切换请勿打扰(Disturb)、睡眠模式(Sleep Mode)、常亮显示、屏幕亮度(screen brightness)(三个选项可供选择:暗淡、正常和最大)和屏幕唤醒(screen wake)(自动或手动)选项. 要返回,请按下Versa 2(Versa 2)左侧的按钮。在与设置和配置选项交互时,您还可以使用相同的按钮进行选择。
Fitbit Versa 2上的通知可能很有用,特别是如果您是那种想要与所有更新保持联系的人。但是,它们很快就会变得烦人,因此我们建议您只为对您重要的应用程序启用通知。否则,您可能最终无法完成任何工作,因为您的Versa 2每隔几分钟就会振动一次。您可以直接回复从Versa 2收到的消息。但是,您只能获得五个预定义的快速回复(Quick Replies)。幸运的是,您可以将它们自定义为您想要的任何东西。
Fitbit Versa 2的一个优点是,无论您做什么,每次使用都感觉很快。当您在数据和设置之间导航,或者在启动和关闭应用程序(closing apps)时,没有烦人的延迟。
由于我们的总部设在罗马尼亚(Romania),而且我们的国家没有亚马逊(Amazon)的Alexa,我们无法测试它在Versa 2上的运行情况。但是,通过阅读互联网上的用户评论,我们了解到集成仅限于以文本形式获得响应,并且它变得相当错误和不稳定。我们在这款智能手表上的Spotify 体验(Spotify experience)感觉很熟悉。Fitbit需要对其应用生态系统(app ecosystem)进行投资,以帮助其变得更加成熟和更具竞争力。
无论是在锻炼时还是在睡觉时,佩戴Fitbit Versa 2都是一种舒适的体验。但是,您确实觉得有必要将其取下一段时间,每隔几天一次。如果您希望它记录所有内容,则可以不时换手,以免将其取下。
总体而言,Fitbit Versa 2 提供的智能手表体验不如 Apple Watch 系列那么精致。但是,它是您可以享受使用的数字伴侣,它提供有用的数据和通知。您需要每 5 或 6 天充电一次这一事实是一大优势。(Overall, the smartwatch experience offered by the Fitbit Versa 2 is not as polished as that of the Apple Watch Series. However, it is a digital companion that you can enjoy using, which provides useful data and notifications. The fact that you need to charge it just once every 5 or 6 days is a big plus.)
Fitbit Versa 2的健康和健身功能(health and fitness features)
Fitbit 应用程序(Fitbit app)是您与所有健康和健身数据(health and fitness data)进行交互的地方。在这里,您可以首先查看每天的步数并设定目标。您还可以看到您步行了多长时间、燃烧了多少卡路里以及您每天活动了多少分钟。这些数据可以与MyFitnessPal等食物记录应用程序集成。
当您想要创建一种更积极的生活方式,减少坐在办公桌或电视(desk or TV)前时,步数跟踪非常准确且有用。
心率读数(heart rate reading)显示您所处的心率区间(heart rate zone),例如有氧运动、峰值或脂肪燃烧。Fitbit还会向您显示过去 30 天的静息心率(heart rate)日志,并为您提供与您同龄和性别(age and gender)的其他人的心肺健康状况(cardio fitness)的比较。
年龄越大,我就越喜欢可穿戴设备上的睡眠跟踪功能。(sleep tracking)Fitbit Versa 2在这方面大放异彩。每天晚上,它都会计算一个睡眠分数(Sleep Score),该分数会考虑您醒着、不安的时间以及您在每个睡眠阶段停留的时间:浅睡眠、快速眼动睡眠(REM sleep)和深睡眠。如果您想检查您的睡眠模式(sleep pattern)是否有所改善,它甚至可以为您提供 30 天的数据比较。我注意到我的睡眠分数(Sleep Score)与我每天早上的休息情况之间存在直接关联。Fitbit分享的数据帮助我关注自己的睡眠模式(sleep pattern)s 并随着时间的推移对其进行改进,这非常好。
如果您想要更多数据和图表,我们建议您访问Fitbit.com并激活高级订阅(Premium subscription)。有了它,您可以访问更详细和更有用的指导程序、高级见解、高级睡眠工具和动态锻炼。不幸的是,订阅价格(subscription price)相当高(79.99 美元/年),我们认为Fitbit应该降低它。幸运的是,您可以在 7 天内免费使用Versa 2来测试该服务并确定它是否足够有用,然后再决定购买。
Fitbit 应用程序(Fitbit app)还可用于记录您的体重、饮水量(water intake)和摄入的卡路里,以全面了解您的进化情况。女士们可以使用该应用程序记录她们的经期、记录症状,并将她们的周期与睡眠、活动和体重等其他健康统计数据进行比较。
Fitbit Versa 2 针对对健康和健身感兴趣的人,它提供了许多有用的数据和功能。(Fitbit Versa 2 is aimed at people interested in health and fitness, and it provides lots of useful data and features.)
你会买 Fitbit Versa 2 吗?
现在您知道了我们对Fitbit Versa 2的看法以及它必须为用户提供什么。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的想法。你喜欢Fitbit Versa 2吗?你会考虑买吗?如果您已经拥有它,请在下面的评论中分享您的经验。
Fitbit Versa 2 review: A smartwatch with great fitness tracking!
Fitbit makes great fitnesѕ trackers thаt are polished, good loоking, and very useful. However, in the smartwatch space, they are not a big player, laggіng behind Αpple. In thе last quarter of 2019, they launched their best smartwatch to date: Fitbit Versa 2. We tested it for about a month, daily, and tracked everything we could with it, from sleep and daily steps to workoυts. Here is what the Fitbit Vеrѕa 2 has to offer to users interested in buying a new smartwatch:
Fitbit Versa 2: Who is it good for?
This smartwatch is an excellent choice for:
- Enthusiasts who want excellent fitness tracking
- People who want to analyze and improve their sleep patterns
- Users who need only basic smartwatch features and notifications
- People looking for a smartwatch with a reasonable price
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the Fitbit Versa 2:
- Reasonably priced for a smartwatch
- Pleasant design
- Excellent health and fitness tracking
- Awesome sleep analysis
- Easy to navigate and use
- Top-notch battery life
- Water resistance
There are also negatives to consider:
- There is no GPS chip on the Fitbit Versa 2
- Fitbit's ecosystem of smartwatch apps needs improving
Fitbit Versa 2 is the best smartwatch made by Fitbit to date. However, when compared to smartwatches from other brands, it lacks a few features, and its app ecosystem is not as polished and useful. Fitbit Versa 2 is a great choice for people who are interested mostly in health and fitness tracking, and less about smartwatch features. The accessible price and excellent battery life also make it a perfect choice for users who want to try the smartwatch concept for the first time.
Unboxing the Fitbit Versa 2
Fitbit Versa 2 comes in a good looking white box, featuring a picture of the device on the front cover. On the sides, you get lots of information about its many features in several languages.
When you open the box, you see the Versa 2 nicely packaged, alongside a second wristband. This way, you get both a Large and Small wristband in the same package, avoiding the problem of buying the wrong size.
When you open everything, you find the following items: the Versa 2 smartwatch, a second wristband made from polyester, its proprietary charging cable, a leaflet with product information, and a quick setup guide.
The unboxing experience for the Fitbit Versa 2 is quick and pleasant. Inside the package, you get everything you need to get started right away.
Design and hardware specifications
The Fitbit Versa 2 looks similar to the Apple Watch Series 5, which is not a bad thing. Users of smartwatches are going to be familiar with its design. One difference is that the Fitbit Versa 2 doesn't have a wheel that you use for navigation, but a button. Also, it is placed on the left side instead of the right, as it is on the Apple Watch Series 5. On the Versa 2, the watch case is made from aluminum, and the band from polyester, making for a light, comfortable device. When using the Large wristband, it weighs about 3.35 ounces or 95 grams.
As for sensors, the Fitbit Versa 2 has a 3-axis accelerometer for measuring your body's velocity when doing sports, an optical heart rate monitor, and an altimeter for measuring the altitude. You also get an ambient light sensor and a relative SpO2 sensor that can track oxygen saturation using red and infrared light.
The Versa 2 has a vibration motor for waking you up with silent alarms and a Wi-Fi antenna for connecting to wireless networks using standards up to Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n). There is also an NFC chip for Fitbit Pay, a Bluetooth 4.0 chip, and a built-in microphone. One of the chips missing on the Versa 2 is GPS, meaning that you cannot use this smartwatch to accurately track some workouts, without having your smartphone with you.
Fitbit Versa 2 has a color AMOLED touchscreen with a resolution of 300 x 300 pixels, a size of 1.57 inches or 3.5 cm, and a thickness of 0.47 inches or 12mm. This makes it fit well on wrists of almost every size. However, for a teenager, this smartwatch can be too large. The screen has an amplified brightness of up to 1,000 nits, and it is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3.
The battery is made of lithium-polymer, it has a capacity of 165 mAh, and it fully charges in about two hours. Fitbit promises that the battery lasts about 6 days of regular use.
The storage memory on the Fitbit Versa 2 is enough to keep 7 days of detailed motion data, minute by minute, and to save daily totals for the last 30 days. This should be enough for most users. Another useful feature is that the Fitbit Versa 2 is water-resistant up to 50 meters deep, which should make it useful for swimmers too. You can use this smartwatch at temperatures ranging from 14° to 113° Fahrenheit or -10° to 60° Celsius, and on altitudes of up to 28000 feet or 8535 meters. Fitbit Versa 2 is compatible with iPhones running iOS 11 or higher, and smartphones running Android version 7 or newer, as well as with Windows 10 tablets and PCs.
To learn more about the features and specifications of this smartwatch, visit its official web page: Fitbit Versa 2 Specs.
Setting up and using the Fitbit Versa 2
To use the Fitbit Versa 2, you need to download and install the Fitbit app for Android or iOS, create an account, and then pair it with your smartphone. During the initial setup, it is a good idea to connect the Versa 2 to the Wi-Fi, to download and install the latest firmware updates that introduce bug fixes and new features, like the possibility to store up to five different watch faces and switch between them as you please.
As part of the initial setup, you might also want to configure what a long press on the Versa's button does. We found it most useful to display the quick settings or activate Fitbit Pay (if you use it to make payments through NFC).
You should also choose your preferred clock faces, install the apps that you want to use, and configure the wallet for wireless payments. The collection of available clock faces is relatively large and growing, and it includes both free and paid options.
Another essential part of the setup is configuring the apps installed on your Fitbit Versa 2. A number of them are preinstalled, like Spotify, Deezer, Weather, Strava, and more. It is a good idea to review them all, uninstall those you don't need, and configure the ones you want to use. You should also explore Fitbit's app store.
Unfortunately, the number of smartwatch apps available and their quality pale compared to what's available on Apple Watches. For example, we were excited to use the Spotify app on the Versa 2. Unfortunately, there is no offline playback; the Versa 2 must be connected to your smartphone, and you must use Spotify Premium. And even if you do meet all the requirements, the app often doesn't work, as revealed by users in this forum discussion. When it does work, you can only control Spotify playback on another device, like your smartphone or smart speaker. We frequently encountered the same issues described by other Fitbit users. After a few days, we stopped using Spotify on Versa 2. The user experience was too buggy and frustrating.
If you want to enjoy listening to music, you might prefer to use the 2.5 GB of storage space reserved for Fitibit's Music app. You can upload your favorite songs to the Versa 2, and listen to music played locally on the smartwatch while wearing a Bluetooth headset.
Another limitation is that the Fitbit Versa 2 doesn't have a GPS chip, and instead, it uses connected GPS. This means you have to take your smartphone with you when doing outdoor workouts like hiking, running, or biking.
The screen of the Versa 2 is visible and usable both when indoors and outdoors in the sunlight. Without the always-on display active, we used the smartwatch between 5 and 6 days before needing to charge it. With the always-on display turned on, the time was reduced to somewhere between 2 and 3 days. Navigating the Versa 2 user interface is easy. You do it with the help of its button and touch gestures. A short press of the button or a tap on the screen activates the display.
Swipe down to access the notifications. Swipe left to access the apps installed. The quick settings allow you to toggle the Do Not Disturb, the Sleep Mode, the always-on display, the screen brightness (three options to choose from: dim, normal, and max), and the screen wake (auto or manual) options. To get back, press the button on the left side of the Versa 2. You can also use the same button to make selections, when interacting with settings and configuration options.
The notifications on the Fitbit Versa 2 can be useful, especially if you are the type of person who wants to stay in touch with all the updates. However, they can quickly become annoying, so we recommend you to only enable notifications for the apps that are important to you. Otherwise, you might end up not getting any work done because your Versa 2 vibrates every few minutes. You can reply to the messages you receive straight from the Versa 2. However, you only get five predefined Quick Replies. Luckily, you can customize them to be anything you wish.
One positive about Fitbit Versa 2 is that it feels fast every time you use it, no matter what you do. There is no annoying lag when you navigate between data and settings, or when launching and closing apps.
Since we are based in Romania, and we don't have Amazon's Alexa available in our country, we couldn't test how well it works on the Versa 2. However, reading user comments on the internet, we learned that the integration is limited to getting a response in text form, and it gets quite buggy and unstable. It felt familiar to the Spotify experience we had on this smartwatch. Fitbit needs to invest in its app ecosystem to help it become more mature and competitive.
Wearing the Fitbit Versa 2 was a comfortable experience, both when exercising, and when sleeping. However, you do feel the need to take it off for a while, once every few days. If you want it to log everything, you can switch hands from time to time, to avoid taking it off at all.
Overall, the smartwatch experience offered by the Fitbit Versa 2 is not as polished as that of the Apple Watch Series. However, it is a digital companion that you can enjoy using, which provides useful data and notifications. The fact that you need to charge it just once every 5 or 6 days is a big plus.
The health and fitness features of the Fitbit Versa 2
The Fitbit app is where you interact with all your health and fitness data. Here, you can first see the number of steps you take each day and set your goals. You also see how long you walk, how many calories you burn, and how many minutes you are active each day. This data can be integrated with food-logging apps such as MyFitnessPal.
The steps tracking is accurate and useful when you want to create a more active lifestyle that involves less sitting in front of your desk or TV.
The heart rate reading shows you what heart rate zone you are in, such as cardio, peak, or fat burn. Fitbit also shows you a log of your resting heart rate for the last 30 days and gives you a comparison of your cardio fitness with other people of your age and gender.
The older I get, the more I appreciate the sleep tracking features on wearable devices. Fitbit Versa 2 shines in this regard. Each night it calculates a Sleep Score that takes into consideration how long you're awake, restless, and how long you remain in each sleep stage: light sleep, REM sleep, and deep sleep. It even gives you a comparison of 30 days' worth of data if you want to check whether your sleep pattern has improved. I noticed a direct correlation between my Sleep Score and how rested I felt each morning. The data shared by Fitbit helped me pay attention to my sleep patterns and improve them over time, which is excellent.
If you want even more data and graphs, we recommend going to and activating the Premium subscription. With it, you get access to guided programs, advanced insights, which are even more detailed and useful, advanced sleep tools, and dynamic workouts. Unfortunately, the subscription price is quite high ($79.99/year), and we believe that Fitbit should lower it. Luckily, you get 7-days free with Versa 2 to test the service and decide whether it is useful enough before deciding to purchase it.
The Fitbit app can also be used to log your weight, water intake, and the calories eaten, for a complete overview of your evolution. Ladies can use the app to log their period, record symptoms, and compare their cycle against other health stats like sleep, activity, and weight.
Fitbit Versa 2 is aimed at people interested in health and fitness, and it provides lots of useful data and features.
Would you buy the Fitbit Versa 2?
Now you know our opinion about the Fitbit Versa 2 and what it has to offer to its users. Before closing this review, tell us what you think. Do you like the Fitbit Versa 2? Would you consider buying it? If you already have it, share your experiences with it in a comment below.