如果您想构建或升级计算机,投资快速SSD 驱动器(SSD drive)是一个好主意。虽然拥有快速处理器或一流的显卡(video card)可以提高性能,但没有其他硬件组件会像(hardware component)SSD那样影响 PC 的速度。这种存储设备在市场上并不新鲜,很多人都知道它们的好处。然而,近年来,有一种新型固态硬盘正在接管:NVMe SSD(SSDs)。如果您想知道为什么您的下一个SSD应该是NVMe(NVMe one),请阅读本文并了解金士顿(Kingston)制造的超快驱动器。
在我们继续分享NVMe SSD驱动器的好处之前,让我们解释一下这项技术是什么:NVMe 或非易失性内存 Express(Memory Express)是一种行业标准的软件接口(software interface),它使SSD(SSDs)能够直接通过PCI Express ( PCIe ) 物理接口运行在电脑的主板。正是这一点让SSD(SSDs)更像是它们的快速内存,而不是它们模仿的硬盘。

在购买您的第一个NVMe SSD之前,您应该了解(NVMe SSD)SSD(SSDs)使用的接口及其外形尺寸(form factor)之间的区别。如果您不这样做,我们建议您阅读:M.2 vs . NVMe:SSD(SSDs)有什么不同?
现在我们已经了解了基础知识,让我们回到您应该购买NVMe SSD的原因:
1. 更高的速度,最高可达六倍
NVMe 接口(NVMe interface)比SATA快很多,并且可以显着提高速度。举个例子,我们比较一下两款入门级 SSD:金士顿 A400 SATA SSD(Kingston A400 SATA SSD)和金士顿 A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD)。我们分别查看了 240 GB 和 250 GB 版本。SATA 型号(SATA model)的顺序读取速度为 500 MB/s,而NVMe 型号(NVMe model)的速度为 2000 MB/s - 高出四倍。SATA 型号(SATA model)的写入速度为350 MB/s,而NVMe 型号(NVMe variant)的写入速度为 1100 MB/s- 快三倍以上。在选择更高端的NVMe SSD(NVMe SSDs)型号时,速度差异可能会增加六倍。

这转化为更快的运行冷启动时间和重启时间。文件传输速度要快得多,文件压缩和解压缩(file compression and decompression)或照片和视频编辑(photo and video editing)等活动也是如此。
我们还比较了金士顿 DC1000M U.2(Kingston DC1000M U.2) (NVMe SSD) 和金士顿 DC450R 2.5"(Kingston DC450R 2.5") ( SATA SSD )等面向企业的驱动器。使用NVMe 模型(NVMe model)时,延迟降低,数据读取从 <500 µs 到 <300 µs,从 <数据写入时间为 2 毫秒到 <1 毫秒。NVMe SSD(NVMe SSDs)寻找您需要的数据所需的时间大大缩短。这转化为在企业系统上运行的大型数据集和基于 Web 的应用程序的超低事务延迟.
2. 内置加密和安全性
大多数消费级SATA SSD(SATA SSDs)不提供内置加密功能,除非您选择价格更高的高端选项。相比之下,金士顿的所有(Kingston)NVMe SSD(NVMe SSDs)都是自加密的,使用强大的 XTS-AES 256 位加密。它们还提供与Symantec、McAfee、WinMagic等公司的(WinMagic)TCG Opal 2.0安全管理(security management)解决方案的集成。这些功能不仅对商业用户有用,而且对有兴趣为其数据提供最佳安全性的家庭用户也很有用。

有关更多详细信息,请查看金士顿 A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD)和金士顿 KC2000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2000 NVMe PCIe SSD)等驱动器的规格。
NVMe驱动器在待机模式下往往消耗微不足道(paltry amount)的电量,值得企业级设备使用。首先(First)我们来看看金士顿A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD)。空闲时,它消耗 0.0032W。在平均使用中,它需要 0.08W 的功率。我们再来对比一下金士顿A400 SATA SSD(Kingston A400 SATA SSD)。该驱动器在空闲时需要 0.195 W,平均需要 0.279 W。NVMe SSD(NVMe SSDs)可大幅降低能耗(energy consumption),使其成为超极本和其他移动设备的理想选择。较低的能耗(energy consumption)也转化为另一个好处:产生的热量更少。
4. 更轻的重量和更小的物理空间意味着更高的机动性
许多NVMe SSD(NVMe SSDs)使用M.2 外形(M.2 form)尺寸,形状像一根口香糖。大多数现代主板都有两个或更多 M.2 插槽,允许您在RAID中运行(RAID)SSD(SSDs)。
NVMe SSD金士顿 KC2000(Kingston KC2000)的尺寸为80mm x 22mm x 3.5mm,而采用 2.5"外形(form factor)尺寸的经典SATA SSD金士顿 KC600(Kingston KC600)尺寸为 100.1mm x 69.85mm x 7毫米。

NVMe SSD(NVMe SSDs)比普通SATA小得多,重量也轻四倍(10 克而不是 40 克)。这使它们成为超极本、笔记本电脑和迷你 PC 的绝佳选择。
我们是NVMe SSD驱动器的忠实拥护者,我们向所有想要一台高性能计算机的人推荐它们。我们在Digital Citizen(Digital Citizen)工作所使用的PC(PCs)中也有它们。在结束本文之前,让我们知道您对NVMe固态硬盘的看法。您是否欣赏他们提供的提高速度?他们的其他功能呢?下方评论(Comment),一起讨论。
4 reasons why you should buy a NVMe SSD instead of SATA SSD
If you want tо build or upgrade a computer, it is a great idea to invest in a fast SSD drive. Whіle having a fast processor, or a top-notch video card boosts performance, nо other hardware component impаcts the speed of your PC as the SSD does. Such storage devices are not new on the market, and many people know of their benefits. However, in recent yeаrѕ, there's a new type of solid-state drives that are taking over: NVMe SSDs. If you want to know why your next SSD should bе an NVMe one, read this аrticle and learn about the blazingly-fast drives manufactured by Kingston.
First, a brief description of NVMe
Before we go ahead and share the benefits of NVMe SSD drives, let's explain what this technology is: NVMe or Non-Volatile Memory Express is an industry-standard software interface that enables SSDs to run directly through the PCI Express (PCIe) physical interface on a computer's motherboard. It is what allows SSDs to act more like the fast memory that they are, rather than the hard disks they imitate.

Before buying your first NVMe SSD, you should understand the difference between the interfaces used by SSDs and their form factor. If you do not, we recommend reading: M.2 vs. NVMe: What is the difference when it comes to SSDs?
Now that we've got the basics out of the way, let's get back to the reasons why you should buy a NVMe SSD:
1. Higher speeds, up to six-times faster
The NVMe interface is a lot faster than SATA, and it allows significant speed improvements. To give you an example, let's compare two entry-level SSDs: Kingston A400 SATA SSD and Kingston A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD. We looked at the 240 GB and 250 GB versions, respectively. The SATA model has a sequential read speed of 500 MB/s, while the NVMe model has a speed of 2000 MB/s - four times higher. The write speed of the SATA model is of 350 MB/s, while that of the NVMe variant is of 1100 MB/s - more than three times faster. When choosing higher-end models of NVMe SSDs, the speed differences can increase six-fold.

This translates into faster operating cold boot times and restart times. File transfers are substantially speedier, and so are activities like file compression and decompression or photo and video editing.
We also compared enterprise-oriented drives like Kingston DC1000M U.2 (NVMe SSD) and Kingston DC450R 2.5" (SATA SSD). The latency decreases when using the NVMe model, from <500 µs to <300 µs for data reading and from <2 ms to <1 ms for data writing. The time it takes for NVMe SSDs to seek the data you need is substantially shorter. This translates into ultra-low transactional latency for the large data sets and web-based applications that run on enterprise systems.
2. Built-in encryption and security
Most consumer SATA SSDs do not offer built-in encryption, unless you choose the pricier high-end options. In contrast, all NVMe SSDs from Kingston are self-encrypting, using strong XTS-AES 256-bit Encryption. They also offer integration with TCG Opal 2.0 security management solutions from Symantec, McAfee, WinMagic, and others. Such features are useful not only to business users, but also to home users who are interested in having the best possible security for their data.

For more details, take a look at the specifications of drives like Kingston A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD and Kingston KC2000 NVMe PCIe SSD.
3. Power efficiency
NVMe drives tend to consume a paltry amount of power in standby mode, worthy of enterprise-grade devices. First, let's take a look at Kingston A2000 NVMe PCIe SSD. When idle, it consumes 0.0032W. While in average use, it needs 0.08W of power. Let's compare it with the Kingston A400 SATA SSD one more time. This drive needs 0.195 W when idle and 0.279 W on average. NVMe SSDs offer a drastic reduction in energy consumption, which makes them ideal for ultrabooks and other mobile devices. The lower energy consumption also translates into another benefit: less heat generated.
4. Lower weight and smaller physical space means increased mobility
Many NVMe SSDs use the M.2 form factor, which is shaped like a stick of gum. Most modern motherboards have two or more M.2 slots, allowing you to run your SSDs in RAID.
The dimensions of the Kingston KC2000, which is an NVMe SSD, are 80mm x 22mm x 3.5mm, while the Kingston KC600, which is a classic SATA SSD that uses the 2.5" form factor, has a size of 100.1mm x 69.85mm x 7mm.

NVMe SSDs are much smaller than regular SATA ones and weigh four times less (10 grams instead of 40). This makes them an excellent choice for ultrabooks, laptops, and mini PCs.
What is your opinion about NVMe solid-state drives?
We're big fans of NVMe SSD drives, and we recommend them to everyone who wants a top-performing computer. We also have them in the PCs we use for our work at Digital Citizen. Before closing this article, let us know what you think about NVMe solid-state drives. Do you appreciate the increased speed they offer? What about their other features? Comment below, and let's discuss.