电脑(Computer)扬声器是几乎必不可少的 PC 配件之一,您可以花 10.00 美元到 1,000.00 美元购买优质 PC 扬声器,具体取决于您的预算。在今天的帖子中,我们将回顾为您的计算机选择音响系统时需要注意的一些事项。

我很喜欢听音乐,因为我的电脑是我收集数字音乐的主要来源,所以一个像样的扬声器系统是必不可少的。我在扬声器上的花费超过了我应该花的钱,我走的是过于便宜的路线,我也购买了中档扬声器。以下是我了解到的有关 PC 扬声器的一些提示和其他指南。
有一次,我在 2.1 PC 扬声器设置上花了很多钱,这当然意味着两个扬声器和一个低音炮。我购买的特定扬声器是具有THX认证的Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 PC 扬声器。在购买时,这些特殊的电脑扬声器被认为是顶级产品,售价数百美元(接近 300.00 美元!)。

在购买这些Klipsch THX扬声器之前,我阅读了很多在线评论,许多网站将它们列为优质、高品质的音频扬声器。对我来说,情况并非如此。在购买扬声器时,我确实注意到它们当然非常好。然而,低音炮并没有明显的“THX”真棒,它产生的低音在高音量时有点刺耳。此外,卫星扬声器确实产生了相当不错的声音。
如开篇所述,我也走廉价路线。当我父母的电脑附带的旧戴尔扬声器坏掉时,他们让我找一些新的扬声器。(Dell)他们不在 PC 上听音乐,而是需要简单的扬声器来播放Windows警报声音和偶尔的音频或YouTube视频。
为此,我非常便宜地购买了一些Logitech S120扬声器,它们是 10.00 美元的多媒体扬声器,没有低音炮。

这些扬声器甚至没有来自大多数网站的四星或五星评级,但同样,它们是 10.00 美元的扬声器,最终成为我父母使用它们的绝佳选择。在相当高的音量下,这些东西听起来很糟糕。他们没有太多的低音。
然而,高音和中音都不错,播放Windows警报和基本的在线音频,它们都很好。我的父母不喜欢响亮的音乐,所以这些扬声器最终成为了一个很好的选择。我已经摔过它们,它们已经摔倒并撞到地板上好几次了,但它们仍然可以正常工作。此外,如果在某些时候它们确实坏了,更换它们只需另外 10.00 美元。这些便宜的扬声器最终成为更好的选择,并且比上面列出的Klipsch THX 音频认证(Klipsch THX Audio Certified)扬声器更耐用。
几年前我购买了JBL Creature II扬声器,它们听起来仍然很棒。(JBL Creature II)

我以 120.00 美元左右的价格购买了这些扬声器,它们看起来像是用不同的布料剪裁而成的,我有点喜欢这种布料,因为它们看起来很独特。
Creature II系统的低音相当不错,但正是整个合奏使这对我来说是一笔不错的购买。两个卫星扬声器看起来几乎太简单了,低音炮朝下,但没有牺牲音频。我要提到的是,Klipsch扬声器在中低音量时可能会产生更准确的低音,但这些会产生更洪亮的低音,而高音和中音与更昂贵的THX系统相得益彰。
这些JBL Creature 扬声器并不完美。卫星扬声器的控制有点时髦,因为它们使用了一些触摸感应/轻敲感应音量控制。因此,如果有任何污垢进入音量控制,它们有时无法完美响应。
什么是最好的 PC 扬声器?
那么,最好的PC扬声器是什么?对我来说,JBL Creature II扬声器是一个不错的选择。对于正在寻找基本 PC 扬声器来播放 PC 音频的其他人来说,一对 10.00 美元的罗技(Logitech)扬声器可能就足够了。上面列出的Klipsch扬声器是技术专家评价最好的,消费者评价最好的,也是最贵的,但对我来说,它们根本不耐用,不值这个价,替换套装也不值得。
除了我的漫无边际,您在购买 PC 音频系统时可能需要一些直接的建议。这里有一些提示……
接受大众消费者的评论,而不是技术爱好者告诉你的。(Go with mass consumer reviews, not what the tech enthusiasts tell you.)
如果某个特定的 PC 扬声器在过去一个季度已售出 1,000 多台,并且消费者的平均评分为 5 星,那么它很有可能是一个很好的选择。许多技术评论网站可能是特定产品的附属机构,因此他们可以通过向您推荐产品来获得资金。
If your budget is under $50.00…
或者您根本不想在电脑扬声器上花费超过 50.00 美元,您可能需要考虑使用优质、基本的两个扬声器系统。当然,您可能会以低于 50.00 美元的价格购买一个带有四个卫星扬声器、一个中置扬声器和一个低音炮的 5.1 音响系统,但它可能来自一个便宜的、未经证实的品牌。更好的选择可能是用这笔钱购买一套质量好的扬声器,包括一个基本的左右,可以持续使用。
以下是一些知名的电脑扬声器品牌:(Here are some reputable computer speaker brands:)
选择现代电脑音箱时要注意什么?(What to look for when choosing modern computer speakers?)
- 多个音频输入接口(最适合与不同设备一起使用)
- 蓝牙连接(从您的智能手机或平板电脑无线播放音乐!)
- 专用的音量和低音控制(低音可能会干扰邻居,因此您可以调整音频并仍然播放响亮的音乐)
- 工程。


功能和设备兼容性(Functionality and Device Compatibility)
您可能需要考虑扬声器是否不仅与 PC 兼容。例如,有时您可能想从智能手机、平板电脑甚至电视播放音乐。
不要在PC音箱上花很多钱……(Don’t spend a lot of money on PC speakers…)
考虑便携性和适应性(Consider portability and adaptability)
您现在的目标可能是为您的 PC 机房创建一个完美的设置,但明年您可能会搬到不同的地方、家等。有时(Sometimes)需要考虑便携性和适应性。

更多的演讲者并不总是更好(More speakers is not always better)
虽然 5 扬声器 PC 音频设置可以确保您获得环绕声,但它可能不是最好的音频体验。来自不同角度的噪音很好,但它也需要最佳距离和扬声器放置。考虑一下您将放置扬声器的房间,因为质量 2.1、左右加低音炮设置可能会为特定房间产生更好的声音,而且设置也不那么复杂。
考虑配件(Consider the accessories)
PC 扬声器附带的大多数附加功能或配件与实际音质无关,但有时为您的扬声器或其他配件配备遥控器会很方便。
考虑使用(Consider Usage)
计算机用途广泛,因此您可以在听音乐、观看Netflix、在线观看电影甚至玩游戏时使用 PC 扬声器。因此,您在观看YouTube(YouTube)剪辑时可能不需要完整的环绕声,但在观看Netflix时可能需要环绕声。选择通用且适合多种用途的 PC 扬声器设置。
更多的瓦数并不总是等同于更多的音量(More wattage does not always equate to more volume)
在许多情况下确实如此,但正如Bose所证明的那样,在选择优质 PC 扬声器时,工程、构造和其他设计因素也很重要。
购买前先测试(Test before you buy)
每个人在高音、中音和低音方面都有自己的音频偏好。人们也有音乐流派偏好。因此,最好先试用您正在考虑购买的扬声器系统。像BestBuy和Frys这样的地方有很多流行的 PC 扬声器。
这些只是选择优质 PC 电脑扬声器的一些注意事项和提示。感谢(Thank)您访问该网站以获取今天的帖子。如果我错过了任何内容,或者我们的任何网站访问者或订阅者对 PC 扬声器有一些额外的提示,请随时发表评论。享受!
What to Look for When Buying PC Speakers
Computer speakers are one of those PC accessorіes that are almost esѕentiаl and you can spend anywherе from $10.00 to $1,000.00 for quality PC speakers, depending on your budget. In today’s post, we will review some things to look for when choosing a sound system for your computеr.

I enjoy listening to music a lot, and because my computer is the main source for my digital music collection, a decent speaker system is essential. I’ve went the route of spending more than I should have on speakers, I’ve went the overly cheap route, and I’ve purchased mid-range speakers as well. Here are a few tips and other guidelines that I’ve learned about PC speakers.
Expensive Is Not Always Best
At one point, I spent quite a bit of money on a 2.1 PC speaker setup, which of course means two speakers and one sub-woofer. The specific speakers that I purchased were Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 PC speakers with THX certification. At the time of purchase, these particular computer speakers were considered to be top of the line, and cost several hundred dollars (close to $300.00!).

Prior to purchasing these Klipsch THX speakers, I had read a lot of online reviews and many websites listed them as being premium, high quality audio speakers. For me, this was not the case. Upon purchasing the speakers, I did notice that they were, of course, quite nice. However, the subwoofer was not noticeably “THX” awesome, and the bass that it produced was kind of rattly at high volumes. Additionally, the satellite speakers did produce fairly nice sound.
These particular speakers didn’t last long before they completely stopped functioning. However, I was able to exchange them for a replacement. The replacement did the same thing and eventually died in less than a year.
Now, this is not to note that these aren’t great speakers. Many online reviews state that these speakers do produce quality audio, but I simply wouldn’t recommend them.
When Going Cheap, You Get What You Pay For
As mentioned in the opening paragraph, I’ve also gone the cheap route. When the old Dell speakers that came with my parents computer crapped out, they asked me to find some new speakers. They do not listen to music on the PC, but rather, needed simple speakers that would play the Windows alert sounds and the occasional audio or YouTube video.
For this, I went ultra cheap and purchased some Logitech S120 speakers which are $10.00 multimedia speakers with no subwoofer.

These speakers don’t even have four or five star ratings from most websites, but again, they’re $10.00 speakers, which ended up being a great choice for what my parents use them for. At fairly high volume levels, these things sound terrible; and there is not too much bass to them.
However, the highs and mids are decent and for playing Windows alerts and basic online audio, they are fine. My parents don’t like loud music, so these speakers ended up being a great purchase. I’ve dropped them, they’ve fallen and hit the floor several times, but they are still working okay. Additionally, if at some point they do break, replacing them will simply be another $10.00. These cheap speakers ended up being a better purchase, and being more durable than the Klipsch THX Audio Certified speakers listed above.
The Mid Price Range
The speakers that I currently own are also my favorite computer speakers that I’ve purchased to date. They were mid priced, have proven to be durable, and they produce fair sound.
I purchased the JBL Creature II speakers several years ago, and they still sound great.

These speakers, which I purchased for around $120.00, look like they’re cut from a different cloth, which I kind of liked because they were unique looking.
The bass on the Creature II system is fairly decent, but it’s the entire ensemble that has made this a great purchase for me. The two satellite speakers seem almost too simple and the sub-woofer is down facing, but there is no sacrifice on audio. I will mention that the Klipsch speakers produced maybe a more accurate bass at low to mid volumes, but these produce a more booming bass and the highs and mids are on-point with the much more expensive THX system.
These JBL Creature speakers are not perfect. The controls for the satellite speakers are a bit funky, as they utilize some touch sensitive/tap sensitive volume controls. So if any dirt gets into the volume controls, they sometimes don’t respond perfectly.
However, I’ve gotten angry and kicked the sub-woofer, thrown the speakers and caught my foot on the cord, sending the entire speaker setup tumbling. They still produce great audio to this day, and for the price, I’ve found them to be a great deal.
What are the Best PC Speakers?
So, what are the best PC speakers? For me, the JBL Creature II speakers were a great choice. For others who are looking for basic PC speakers to play PC audio, a pair of $10.00 Logitech speakers may suffice. The Klipsch speakers listed above are the best reviewed by tech experts, best reviewed by consumers and most expensive, but for me, they were simply not durable and not worth the price tag, neither was the replacement set.
Aside from my rambling, you may want some straightforward advice when shopping for a PC audio system. Here are some tips…
Go with mass consumer reviews, not what the tech enthusiasts tell you.
If a particular PC speaker has sold over 1,000 units in the past quarter and has a 5 star average from consumers, there’s a solid possibility that it’s a great buy. Many tech review websites may be affiliates of a particular product, so they get money to recommend the product to you.
If your budget is under $50.00…
or you’re simply not wanting to spend more than $50.00 for computer speakers, you may want to consider going with a quality, basic two speaker system. Sure, you could probably pick up a total, 5.1 sound system with four satellite speakers, a centered sound speaker and a sub-woofer for under $50.00, but it would likely be from a cheap, unproven brand. A better option may to use the money to purchase a quality set of speakers consisting of a a basic left and right that will last.
Here are some reputable computer speaker brands:
- Logitech
- Altec Lansing
- Harmon Kardon
- Bose
What to look for when choosing modern computer speakers?
- Multiple audio input interfaces (optimal for using with different devices)
- Bluetooth connectivity (play music from your smartphone or tablet wirelessly!)
- Dedicated volume and bass controls (bass can be disruptive to neighbors, so you can level the audio and still play loud music)
- Engineering.
These are better:

than these:

Functionality and Device Compatibility
You may want to consider whether or not the speaker is compatible with more than just a PC. For example, there may be times when you want to play music from your smartphone, tablet or even television.
Don’t spend a lot of money on PC speakers…
Unless you have the budget for it or the money to burn. Speakers are less future proof than most tech products, but still, next year, there will be a better or updated version of the speaker that you have.
Consider portability and adaptability
You may be aiming to create a perfect setup for your PC room now, but next year you could move to a different place, home, etc. Sometimes portability and adaptability are things to consider.

More speakers is not always better
While a 5 speaker PC audio setup can assure that you get surround sound, it might not be the best audio experience. Noise coming from different angles is fine, but it also requires optimal distance and speaker placement. Consider the room that you will be placing the speakers in, because a quality 2.1, left and right plus subwoofer setup may produce better sound for a particular room, and it’s less complex to setup.
Consider the accessories
Most of the extras or accessories that come with PC speakers have nothing to do with actual sound quality, but sometimes it’s convenient to have a remote control for your speakers or other accessories.
Consider Usage
Computers are versatile, so you may use your PC speakers when listening to music, watching Netflix, watching movies online or even gaming. Thus, you may not want complete surround sound when watching a YouTube clip, but you may want surround sound when watching Netflix. Choose a PC speaker setup that is versatile and that will fit multiple uses.
More wattage does not always equate to more volume
In many cases it does, but as Bose has proven, engineering, construction and other design factors are also important to consider when choosing quality PC speakers.
Test before you buy
Everyone has their own audio preferences in terms of highs, mids and bass. People also have music genre preferences. Thus, it may be wise to try out a speaker system you are considering purchasing beforehand. Places like BestBuy and Frys carry a lot of popular PC speakers.
Those are just a few considerations and tips for choosing quality PC computer speakers. Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post. If I missed anything or any of our site visitors or subscribers have some additional tips regarding PC speakers, feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy!