您可能已经知道Animoji是几年前Apple首次为 iOS 用户发布的。从那时起,这一趋势一直处于高位,用户正在尽情享受它,以提高短信的参与度。然而,一些Android用户觉得他们错过了使用这个有趣的功能来享受与亲人进行更多动画对话的机会。他们的担忧是可以理解的,因为Animojis比 2D emojis 更有趣和更具表现力。因此,请进一步阅读本文以了解您可以使用哪个Android 版(Android)Animoji以及如何下载Animoji Android来为您的虚拟对话增添趣味。
适用于 Android 的 11 个最佳 Animoji 应用(11 Best Animoji Apps for Android)
Animoji是动画表情符号的缩写,是一种 3D 表情符号,iOS 用户可以借助相机创建并通过消息发送给他人。这些Animojis也可以通过文本作为带有声音的视频发送。以下是关于Animojis的几点。
- iOS(Animojis)设备(尤其是 iPhone X)上的动话表情是使用高科技Face ID技术和RGB摄像头创建的。
- 由于Android手机不具备这样的硬件功能,Animojis是使用(Animojis)Android设备上可用的普通相机创建的。
因此,您可能会注意到在Android(Android)手机和 iOS 设备上创建的这些Animoji的性能差异。(Animojis)因此(Hence),本文中提到的Android 版(Android)Animoji应用程序将为您提供与 iOS 应用程序类似的功能,如果不是完全一样的话。继续阅读以了解适用于Android的(Android)Animoji apk 下载。
1. ZEPETO:3D头像、聊天、见面(1. ZEPETO: 3D avatar, chat & meet)
ZEPETO是Animoji for Android的应用程序之一,它允许用户创建自己的 3D 角色和 Animojis(self 3D characters and Animojis)。以下是下面列出的此应用程序的一些功能。
- 它允许您自定义 Animojis 并(customize Animojis and share)与您在同一平台上遇到的朋友分享。
- 要创建您的 3D 头像和动话表情(Animojis),您可以选择已有的预设,甚至可以拍照。
- 您可以通过自定义服装、配饰和发型(customizing the outfits, accessories, and hairstyles)来选择自己的风格,使其在平台上的其他产品中独树一帜。
- 您可以从直接消息中发送动话表情。(Animojis)
- ZEPETO还允许您将提要帖子分享给您希望的任何人。
- 您可以与ZEPETO上提供的任何其他 3D 化身结交新朋友。
- 您还可以享受多个冒险任务(adventurous missions) 来赚取金币(to earn gold coins)并进一步解锁其他几个自定义选项。
- 它还允许您在平台内创建自己的世界和物品(create your own worlds and items)以赚取更多金币。
2. Emoji Maker-个人动画手机表情符号(2. Emoji Maker- Personal Animated Phone Emojis)
Emoji Maker是Animoji for Android的另一个应用程序,可帮助我们创建令人兴奋和有趣的 Animojis(Animojis)、贴纸和模因。以下是此应用程序的一些功能:
- 这个应用程序易于使用,可以轻松创建个人贴纸和动话表情(Animojis)。
- Emoji Maker中的贴纸内容更加多样化,可以创建狐狸,猪,狗,猫,鸡,猴子,熊猫动画动物表情并在用户之间共享。(animated animal emoticons)
- 您可以与任何您想要的人分享动话表情(Animojis)、贴纸、GIF(GIFs)和模因。
- 该应用的动画效果由(supported by) Android上的多个私人信使(multiple private messengers )支持,例如Whatsapp、Messenger、Facebook、Instagram和Snapchat。
- 角色图像贴纸在此应用程序中具有动画场景再现或动作。(animated scene reproduction or actions)
- 您可以通过动话(Animojis)表情传达更多情绪,因为表情符号的面部特征和表情(facial features and expressions)会根据您的面部动作而变化。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上使用表情符号(How to Use Emojis on Windows 10)
3. MomentCam 卡通和贴纸(3. MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers)
MomentCam应用程序是另一个著名的Animoji应用程序。由于以下功能,您会急切地想要找到这个应用程序并下载Animoji Android 。
- 它允许您从现有照片创建有趣(existing photos)的 Animojis(Animojis)和卡通。
- 您可以从手机相册中的任何图片轻松创建您的个性化头像和背景。(personalized avatar and backgrounds)
- 您可以使用MojiWorld功能自定义漫画。
- 该应用程序每天都会更新最新的背景(updated daily with the latest backgrounds),让您的创作越来越新鲜和富有想象力。
- 您还可以通过在MomentCam(MomentCam)社区内分享 Animoji 创作(sharing Animoji creations)来参与活动,以赢取各种激动人心的奖品(exciting prizes)。
4. MojiPop – 艺术元界(4. MojiPop – Art Metaverse)
- 您可以使用您的脸部及其特定动作(face and its specific movements)从庞大的图书馆中访问漫画和动画(Animated)贴纸。
- 您必须自拍(take a selfie)并继续搜索并从无数可用选项中找到您选择的贴纸。
- 库中的多个贴纸会根据某些情绪或情况不断添加和更新。(added and updated constantly)
- 您可以通过手机设置添加(phone settings)MojiPop 键盘(MojiPop keyboard),然后可以从系统面板中选择它,将您创建的贴纸分享给您的朋友。(share the stickers)
- 在您喜欢(favorite messaging applications)的任何消息应用程序中聊天时查找贴纸非常容易。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )最好的 9 个有趣的照片效果应用程序(Best 9 Funny Photo Effects Apps)
5.表情符号(5. Bemoji)
Bemoji是一款带有表情符号键盘的 3D 头像创建者、表情符号和贴纸制作应用程序。以下是此应用程序的一些功能:
- 您可以创建自己的面部定制Animojis(customized Animojis),它还可以让您创建个性化的贴纸和卡通(personalized stickers and cartoons)。
- 它为面部角色和服装(face characters and outfits)提供了多种选择,以帮助您构建和设计卡通风格。
- 您可以使用Bemoji 头像(Bemoji avatar)创建自己的动话表情和备忘录(Animojis and memojis)。
- 通过WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Snapchat、Instagram、TikTok、Telegram(WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, )等与您的朋友轻松分享创建的Animojis和贴纸。
- 您还可以借助应用程序中的可爱头像贴纸来编辑您的照片。(edit your photos)
- 此外,您可以分享头像的图像和视频,以在社交媒体平台上获得更多关注者。(gain more followers)
6. 比特表情(6. Bitmoji)
Bitmoji是另一个用于下载Animoji Android并用于在虚拟对话中获得乐趣的应用程序。以下是此应用程序的一些功能:
- Bitmoji允许用户使用内置的手机摄像头创建个人表情符号。
- 您可以在庞大的 Bitmoji 库(huge Bitmoji library)中搜索根据您的面部特征和动作定制的贴纸。
- 您也可以创建一个富有表现力的卡通头像(expressive cartoon avatar)。
- 您可以在您聊天的应用程序中分享自定义贴纸,例如(customized stickers)Whatsapp、Snapchat等。
- 此外,如果您在Snapchat上使用(Snapchat)Bitmoji,Friendmoji功能将被解锁,两个人可以在一个Bitmoji中使用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 款最佳健身和锻炼应用程序(2022 年)(10 Best Fitness and Workout Apps for Android (2022))
7.镜面表情制作器(7. Mirror Moji Maker)
Mirror Moji Maker是Animoji的(Animoji)Mirror AI for Android的应用程序,它为用户提供了几种高级3D功能来创建所需的Animoji。以下是下面列出的此应用程序的一些功能。
- 它允许您创建表情符号 AR 贴纸、角色、模因、头像和大表情符号贴纸。
- 此外,它还允许您创建个性化的表情符号键盘(personalized emoji keyboard)来聊天和发送您创建的贴纸和动(Animojis)话表情。
- 这个应用程序允许您插入您的图片进行编辑并将(pics to edit and convert)它们转换为 3D 头像和贴纸。
- 您还可以访问个性化的动画 GIF 和键盘自定义,以通过WhatsApp、Snapchat、Twitter 或 Telegram(WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter, or Telegram)继续分享您的创作。
- 您可以使用meme emoji 生成器(meme emoji generator)创建像素艺术、动漫、3D、线条和许多其他风格的 meme 贴纸。
- 您甚至可以从手机相册中的图片制作漫画(caricature)。
- 它还允许您编辑您的头像(edit your avatars)并自定义服装、发型等。
8. EMOJI 人脸记录仪(8. EMOJI Face Recorder)
EMOJI Face Recorder是一款令人兴奋的应用程序,可以根据各种动物主题创建Animojis 。以下是此应用程序的一些功能:
- 这个应用程序允许您记录您的脸部(record your face)并创建您脸部的个性化 3D 模型( personalized 3D models)。
- 斑马(Animas)、鹿(Deer)、圣诞老人(Santa Claus)、章鱼(Octopus)、猪(Pig)、独角兽(Unicorn)、熊猫(Panda)、马(Horse)等动画是一些预设角色,可供用户创建更具表现力的(expressive Animojis)Animojis(Zebra)。
- 此外,通常的表情符号情绪图标,如笑、哭、愤怒、爱和惊喜也可用于自定义。
- 您可以将自己录制为这些有声音的 Animoji,并通过(Animojis with sound)各种消息传递应用程序(various messaging apps)与任何人分享。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用自定义表情符号对 Instagram 消息做出反应(How to React to Instagram Messages with Custom Emojis)
9. 马克杯生活(9. Mug Life)
Mug Life是一个 3D 面部动画应用程序。这个适用于Android的(Android)Animoji应用程序具有以下功能:
- 您可以下载社区动画(download community animations)并将它们应用到您的照片中,以创建令人惊叹的照片真实克隆(photo-real clones)。
- 将您的创作导出和分享为高清图像、GIF、视频和动画 Facebook 头像(HD images, GIFs, videos, and animated Facebook avatars)很容易。
- 它是一个无广告的(ad-free)应用程序,同时免费下载您的无限数量的创作。
- 您还可以选择订阅此应用程序,该应用程序提供无限时间的专业工具。(pro tools)
- 您可以在任何消息应用程序上与您的朋友分享这些高清图像、GIF(GIFs)和视频。
10. VideoMoji
VideoMoji是另一个你可以下载的Animoji Android应用程序,它以创建虚拟 3D 可共享角色而闻名。下面列出了这个应用程序的一些功能。
- 此应用程序可让您轻松使用AR 表情符号(AR emojis)将任何表情符号带入生活。
- 您可以使用自定义表情符号录制有趣的视频(funny videos with customized emojis)并将其发送给您的朋友。
- 您的任何创作都可以通过任何信使应用程序与您的朋友分享。
- 您可以将自己录制为3D 老虎或熊猫(3D tiger or panda),以更具表现力和有趣的方式进行交流。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 款最佳通知应用程序(2022 年)(10 Best Notification Apps for Android (2022))
11. 中堂(11. Chudo)
Chudo是一个为用户提供个性化头像的社交虚拟世界应用程序。它是您可以下载的另一个最好的Animoji Android应用程序之一。(Animoji Android)以下是此应用程序的一些功能:
- 您可以以兔子、独角兽(3D avatar of a rabbit, unicorn)或任何东西的 3D 化身的形式创建自己的数字副本。
- 您可以根据自己的想象构建任何东西(construct anything),例如虚拟学校、房屋,甚至是梦幻般的城堡。
- 它允许您使用其 AI 技术交谈而不是发短信,该技术将您的音频流转换为实时动画(AI technology that turns your audio streams into real-time animations)。
- 您可以与朋友聊天,同时以图像、视频、GIF(GIFs)和动画的形式分享 3D 头像。(sharing 3D avatars)
这些是您可以使用的一些适用于 Android(Animoji for Android)应用程序的最佳 Animoji。您可以使用任何应用程序为您的日常消息带来更多乐趣和娱乐。在下方发表评论,让我们知道您最喜欢哪个应用程序。
11 Best Animoji Apps for Android
You might already know that Animoji was fіrst released by Apple for iOS users a few years ago. Sіncе then, the trеnd has been on high, and users arе еnjoyіng it to the fullest to augment the level of engagement іn texting. However, several Andrоid uѕers feel they are missing oυt on using this fun feature to enjoy more animated conversatiоns with their loved ones. Their concern iѕ understandable as Animojis are more fun and exprеssive than 2D emojis. So read this article further to know which Animoji for Android you can usе and how you can download Anіmoji Android to spice up your virtual conversations.
11 Best Animoji Apps for Android
Animoji, short for animated emoji, is a type of 3D emoji iOS users can create with the help of their camera and send to others through messages. These Animojis can also be sent as a video with sound through the texts. Following are a few points regarding Animojis.
- The Animojis on iOS devices, especially iPhone X, are created with the high-tech Face ID technology and the RGB camera.
- And as Android phones do not possess such hardware capabilities, the Animojis are created with the normal camera available on the Android device.
So, you may notice the differences between the performance of these Animojis created on Android phones and iOS devices. Hence, the apps of Animoji for Android mentioned in this article will give you similar features to those of iOS ones, if not the exact ones. Continue reading to know about the Animoji apk download for Android.
1. ZEPETO: 3D avatar, chat & meet
ZEPETO is one of the apps of Animoji for Android, which allows users to create self 3D characters and Animojis. Here are some features of this app listed below.
- It allows you to customize Animojis and share them with the friends you meet on the same platform.
- To create your 3D avatar and Animojis, you can choose already available presets or even can take a photo.
- You can choose your style by customizing the outfits, accessories, and hairstyles to be unique among others present on the platform.
- You can send the Animojis from the direct messages.
- ZEPETO also allows you to share the feed posts to anyone you wish.
- You may make new friends with any other 3D avatars available on ZEPETO.
- You can also enjoy multiple adventurous missions to earn gold coins and further unlock several other customization options.
- It also allows you to create your own worlds and items within the platform to earn more gold coins.
2. Emoji Maker- Personal Animated Phone Emojis
Emoji Maker is another app of Animoji for Android that helps us create exciting and funny Animojis, stickers, and memes. Following are some features of this app:
- This app is easy to use and creates personal stickers and Animojis effortlessly.
- The content of stickers in Emoji Maker is more diverse like fox, pig, dog, cat, chicken, monkey, panda animated animal emoticons can be created and shared among the users.
- You can share the Animojis, stickers, GIFs, and memes with anyone you want.
- The animation effects of this application are supported by multiple private messengers on Android, such as Whatsapp, Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.
- Character image stickers have animated scene reproduction or actions in this app.
- You can convey more emotions through Animojis because the emoji facial features and expressions change according to your facial movements.
Also Read: How to Use Emojis on Windows 10
3. MomentCam Cartoons & Stickers
MomentCam application is another well-known Animoji application. You will eagerly want to find this app and download Animoji Android due to the following features.
- It allows you to create funny Animojis and cartoons from your existing photos.
- You can easily create your personalized avatar and backgrounds from any picture from the phone album.
- You can use the MojiWorld feature to customize caricatures.
- The application gets updated daily with the latest backgrounds to keep your creations more and more fresh and imaginative.
- You are also allowed to engage in activities by sharing Animoji creations within the MomentCam community to win various exciting prizes.
4. MojiPop – Art Metaverse
MojiPop is mostly known as the app which can create animated stickers and caricatures fluently with the device camera. Below is the list of a few features of this app.
- You can access caricatures and Animated stickers from the vast library using your face and its specific movements.
- You have to take a selfie and proceed to search and find the stickers of your choice out of the myriad options available.
- Multiple stickers in the library are added and updated constantly with the categorization according to certain emotions or situations.
- You can add the MojiPop keyboard through the phone settings and then can select it from the system panel to share the stickers you have created with your friends.
- It is super easy to look for stickers while chatting in any of your favorite messaging applications.
Also Read: Best 9 Funny Photo Effects Apps
5. Bemoji
Bemoji is a 3D avatar creator, emoji, and sticker maker application with an emoji keyboard. Following are some features of this app:
- You can create your own facially customized Animojis, and it also lets you create personalized stickers and cartoons.
- It provides several options for face characters and outfits to help you build and style your cartoon.
- You can make use of the Bemoji avatar to create your own Animojis and memojis.
- It is easy to share the created Animojis and stickers with your friends via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, etc.
- You can also edit your photos with the help of cute avatar stickers in the application.
- Further, you can share the images and videos of your avatars to gain more followers across social media platforms.
6. Bitmoji
Bitmoji is another application to download Animoji Android and use to have fun during virtual conversations. Following are a few features of this app:
- Bitmoji allows users to create personal emojis with the in-built phone camera.
- You can search for stickers in the huge Bitmoji library that are customized according to your facial features and movements.
- It is also possible for you to create an expressive cartoon avatar.
- You can share the customized stickers in applications you chat in, like Whatsapp, Snapchat, etc.
- Further, if you use Bitmoji on Snapchat, a Friendmoji feature gets unlocked where two people can feature in a single Bitmoji.
Also Read: 10 Best Fitness and Workout Apps for Android (2022)
7. Mirror Moji Maker
Mirror Moji Maker is an app by Mirror AI of Animoji for Android that provides users with several advanced 3D features to create the desired Animoji. Here are some features of this app listed below.
- It allows you to create memoji AR stickers, characters, memes, avatars, and big emoji stickers.
- Moreover, it also allows you to create a personalized emoji keyboard to chat and send the stickers and Animojis you have created.
- This app allows you to insert your pics to edit and convert them into 3D avatars and stickers.
- You will also have access to personalized animated gifs and keyboard customization to keep sharing your creations through WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter, or Telegram.
- You can use the meme emoji generator to create meme stickers of pixel art, anime, 3D, line, and many other styles.
- You can even make a caricature from a picture existing on your phone album.
- It also allows you to edit your avatars and customize the outfits, hairstyles, etc.
8. EMOJI Face Recorder
EMOJI Face Recorder is an exciting app to create Animojis based on various animal themes. Following are some features of this app:
- This app allows you to record your face and create personalized 3D models of your face.
- Animas like Zebra, Deer, Santa Claus, Octopus, Pig, Unicorn, Panda, Horse, etc., are some of the preset characters available for users to create more expressive Animojis.
- Moreover, the usual emoji mood icons like laugh, cry, angry, love, and surprise are also available for customization.
- You can record yourself as these Animojis with sound and share it with anyone through various messaging apps.
However, you might experience lagging while using this application if you have an Android phone with a weak and incompatible processor.
Also Read: How to React to Instagram Messages with Custom Emojis
9. Mug Life
Mug Life is a 3D face animator application. This Animoji for Android app has the following features:
- You can download community animations and apply them to your photo to create stunning photo-real clones.
- It is easy to export and share your creations as HD images, GIFs, videos, and animated Facebook avatars.
- It is an ad-free application while downloading the unlimited number of creations of yours for free.
- You can also opt for the subscription of this application which provides pro tools for an unlimited time.
- You can share those HD images, GIFs, and videos with your friends on any messaging application.
It is an early access application, so you may experience some instability while using it.
10. VideoMoji
VideoMoji is another Animoji Android app that you can download which is famous for creating virtual 3D shareable characters. A few features of this app is listed below.
- This app makes it easy to bring any emoji to life with AR emojis.
- You can record funny videos with customized emojis and send them to your friends.
- Any of your creations can be shared with your friends through any messenger application.
- You can record yourself as a 3D tiger or panda to communicate in a more expressive and funny way.
Also Read: 10 Best Notification Apps for Android (2022)
11. Chudo
Chudo is a social metaverse application with personalized avatars available for users. It is another one of the best Animoji Android apps that you can download. Following are some features of this app:
- You get to create a digital copy of yourselves in the form of a 3D avatar of a rabbit, unicorn, or anything.
- You can construct anything out of your imagination, like a virtual school, house, or even a dream-like castle.
- It allows you to talk instead of texting with its AI technology that turns your audio streams into real-time animations.
- You can chat with your friends while sharing 3D avatars in the form of images, videos, GIFs, and animations.
These were some of the best Animoji for Android applications available for you. You can use any of the applications to bring more fun and entertainment to your daily messages. Leave a comment down below to let us know which application you liked the most.