适用于 Android 的 30 大最佳第二电话号码应用程序(Top 30 Best Second Phone Number App for Android)
- 电话号码应用程序(Apps)可让您发送消息、使用Wi-Fi和拨打电话。
- 其他方便的功能包括通话录音、转接和自定义这些程序中的欢迎词。许多这些程序可用于发送无限数量的SMS和MMS消息。
- 轻松获得第二个电话号码很简单。您无需为第二个电话号码向您的移动运营商支付额外费用。
1. 自由音(1. FreeTone)
FreeTone是一个智能手机程序,它允许用户向(FreeTone)美国(United) 和加拿大(States)的任何号码拨打和接听免费短信和电话(Canada)。以下(Below)是此应用程序的独特功能:
- 该程序为您的 Android 设备提供免费的私人电话号码。(free private phone number)
- 它允许您发送无限量的文本(limitless amount of texts)。
- 可以向200 多个国家/(200 countries)地区发送免费短信。
- 您可以使用您的电子邮件地址、Facebook 帐户或 Google 帐户(email address, Facebook account, or Google account)进行注册。
- 您可以通过Android 上的群组消息应用程序(Group Messaging apps on Android)轻松发送群组消息、( send group messages,)视频聊天和拨打免费高清电话。
- 它适应性强,包括一个网络应用程序(web app),并且可以在没有SIM卡的情况下在(SIM)Wi-Fi上运行,这是一个不错的优势。
- 它为您提供一个带有任何区号的免费电话号码,如果您接受广告,您可以使用该号码。
- 如果您不想支付经常性的价格,您可以购买积分而不是每周或每月的会员资格。
- 它也适用于iOS 设备(iOS devices)。
2. 副业(2. Sideline)
- 它是适用于Android(Android)的优秀免费电话号码应用程序之一。
- 它使您可以通过 Wi-Fi 发送消息和拨打电话(send messages and make calls via Wi-Fi)。
- 它是具有自动转录功能的最出色的 Wi-Fi 通话应用程序之一。
- 您可以使用该工具查找本地区号并搜索易于记忆的号码。
- 可以转移现有的电话号码。
- 它允许群发短信(group texting)。
- 您可以使用 Sideline发送无限量的 SMS 和 MMS 消息。(infinite amount of SMS and MMS messages)
- 可以管理和记录许多专业问候语。
- 提供7 天免费试用(seven-day free trial),但没有其他免费选项可用。
- 您可以将号码从另一部手机转移到Sideline,这是一项独特的功能。
- 如果您已经有第二部电话,则可以将该号码与Sideline一起使用,从而无需第二部电话。
- 此应用程序可能不适用于所有设备。
另请阅读:(Also read:) 如何在 Android 上查找您的电话号码(How to Find Your Phone Number on Android)
(AES data encryption)此程序中包含AES 数据加密。
- 您可以使用它发送语音、视频和图像(send voice, video, and images)。
- 它可以用来创建几个不同的扩展(several different extensions)。
- 您只需购买所需的积分即可为您的第二个电话号码付费。
- 使用 iPlum 可以将呼叫转移到多个电话号码。
- 该软件支持临时电话号码的消息。
- 您可以记录客户对呼叫的回答(record a customer’s answer to a call)。
- 这个免费的第二号码软件可让您向特定人员的电子邮件地址发送语音消息。
- 此应用程序可与载波信号或 Wi-Fi(carrier signal or Wi-Fi)一起使用。
- 它在智能手机和平板电脑上支持22 种全球语言(22 worldwide languages),并提供国内和国际功能。
4. PhoneBurner
- 它提供高质量的转换和完成的交易(high-quality conversions and completed transactions)。
- 此工具可以与各种其他应用程序结合使用,包括Salesforce、Zapier 和 Zoho(Salesforce, Zapier, and Zoho)。
- 它使拨打带有本地区号的号码成为可能。
- 此技术提供专用的传入电话号码。
- 一个呼叫可以简单地转移到任何号码。
- 您的帐户将在工作人员的帮助下建立。
- 它使您可以轻松地从任何手机拨打电话。
- 它有助于简化远程销售流程。
5.无文本(5. TextFree)
TextFree是一个基于 WiFi 的应用程序,具有以下列出的各种值得注意的功能:
- 它允许您拨打电话和接收语音邮件(make calls and receive voicemail)。
- 它使您能够根据所需的区号个性化电话号码。
- 该软件通过群组、短信和彩信(group, SMS, and MMS)提供免费的照片交流。
- Textfree 为您的第二个号码提供免费短信、来电和受限外拨电话(free text messages, incoming calls, and restricted outbound calls)。
- 请务必记住,您必须至少每30 天(30 days)使用一次免费电话号码,否则提供商会将其取走。
- 只要您愿意,您就可以保留付费号码。
- 该软件提供无限的免费短信以及群发功能。
- 您可以使用Android 或 iOS 手机(Android or iOS phone)拨打电话。
- 它还通过Wi-Fi运行,无需SIM卡。
- 当您接到未接电话时,这个免费的第二个电话号码软件会提醒您。
- TextFree 提供了一个用户友好的环境(user-friendly environment)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Android 上未检测到 SIM 卡错误(Fix No SIM Card Detected Error On Android)
6.飞(6. Flyp)
- 使用此软件,您可以发送和接收照片信息以及文本和 GIF 信息(send and receive photo messages and text and GIF messages)。
- 即使您无法访问互联网,也可以使用它。
- 它允许您同时向您的设备添加许多号码。
- 它使您可以自由地拥有任意数量的数字。
- 您将获得7 天免费试用(seven-day free trial)。
- 用户界面基本且易于使用(basic and easy to use)。
- 您可以根据任何位置选择一个数字,这总是有用的。
- 您可以使用它进行高质量的语音通话(high-quality voice calls)。
- 您可以使用此免费呼叫软件使用不同号码通过蜂窝频道拨打电话。
- TalkU是一项服务,可让您免费呼叫任何人。
- 该程序允许您向阅读收件人发送无限制的免费短信,并在阅读时收到通知。
- 通过TalkU(TalkU)用户之间的无限免费通话和短信,您可以拨打200多个国家(more than 200 countries)的任何手机或固定电话号码。
- TalkU 是一个简单易用的应用程序(use)。
- 您可以使用它拨打国际电话。
- 具有快速收听功能的可视语音邮件、电话屏幕、带有免费群组电话会议的群组通话和对讲机(rapid listening, phone screens, group calling with free group conference calls, and walkie-talkies)只是其中的几个功能。
- 它通过隐藏您的身份(concealing your identity)来保护您的隐私。
- 您将收到未使用此应用程序的人的消息和电话。
- 可用的最大的免费第二电话号码应用程序之一包括语音邮件和筛选功能。
- 这是一个尖端的公司电话系统,允许用户创建多个帐户和电话线。
- 您还可以使用各种电话号码拨打和接听电话。
- 您可以使用它拨打高清电话。(high-definition phone calls)
- 您可以将呼叫转接到全球任何地方的任何电话,包括移动电话。
- 任何国家都可以为您提供免费的本地或国际电话号码(toll-free, local, or international phone number)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 8 个最佳手机清洁器应用程序(8 Best Phone Cleaner Apps for Android)
9. MightyCall
- 使用此系统,您可以使用您喜欢的设备拨打和接听电话。
- 它允许您拒绝、接受或将呼叫转至语音信箱(reject, accept, or put the call to voicemail)。
- MightyCall通过简单的对话图表帮助您建立流程。
- 它为您提供所有通信的全面记录。
- 该工具可让您无限拨打电话(limitless phone calls)。
- 您可以将呼叫路由(route calls)到使用它的任何设备。
- 该计划使您能够在正常工作时间之外继续经营您的业务。
- 您可以选择免工具号码或区号号码,而不会产生额外费用。
- 您可以使用软件电话从您的计算机拨打和接听电话。
- 您可以使用这个程序来记录电话(record a phone call)。
- 您可以使用 MightyCall收听语音邮件并接收通知。(listen to voicemails and receive notifications)
- 它允许您在屏幕上查看您的语音邮件。
10. TextMe Up
TextMe Up允许您处理任意数量的电话号码,并在同一屏幕上在它们之间切换。它具有以下列出的各种功能,使其独一无二:
- 该程序可让您从一个帐户管理多个电话号码。
- 它帮助了40 多个国家(40 nations)。
- 此产品仅在美国有售(only available in the United States)。
- TextMe Up是一款智能手机应用程序,可让您拨打和接听电话和短信。
- 此应用程序可在您的手机、平板电脑或计算机上(phone, tablet, or computer)使用。
- 您可以使用此应用程序擦除或刻录数字(erase or burn numerals)。
- 您可以与朋友分享电话号码。
- 具有高清音视频通话、群发、照片视频分享、群发等功能(HD audio and video calling, group messaging, photo and video sharing, and group messages)。
- 通过按月订阅,您可以拨打美国(United) 、加拿大(Canada)、英国(United Kingdom)和 200 多个其他国家/地区(States)的线路。
- 您可以根据需要不断添加不同的数字。
- 虚拟接待员将接听您的电话。
- 借助专业的电话系统,它可以随时随地管理您不断扩展的业务。
- 它允许您发送语音邮件转录(send voicemail transcriptions)。
- 呼叫被路由到适当的个人。
- 它使您可以快速浏览语音邮件。
- 此外,它还允许您与真正的客户而不是垃圾邮件发送者进行交流。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何配置 SIM 卡(How to Provision a SIM Card)
12.封面我(12. CoverMe)
- 它允许您在隐藏您的个人信息的同时获得一个新的电话号码。
- 程序中还包含一个私人保险库,用于存储图像、电影、密码和数据。
- 您可以删除过去发送的短信。(SMS)
- CoverMe 的端到端加密让您可以使用新号码进行安全的私人通话和发送短信。(safe, private calls and send texts)
- 在美国(United) 和加拿大(States),有很多区号可供选择。(Canada)
支持受密码保护的电话接听(Password-protected phone pickup)。
- 您可以通过摇晃手机来锁定和隐藏您的消息。
13.电话网(13. Phone.com)
- 通过将该号码链接到您的电话帐户,您可以阻止来电。
(Call blocking, forwarding, and screening)此工具支持呼叫阻止、转发和筛选。
- 您可以使用此应用程序使用名称字典拨打任何号码。
- 当您握住手机时,它开始播放音乐。
- 它使您能够设置您的时间表。
- 您可以从任何本地电话号码发送和接收短信。(SMS)
- Phone.com 使构建和管理组和扩展(build and manage groups and extensions)变得简单。
- 您可以自定义您的来电显示。
- 该程序允许您根据接到电话的时间和地点来路由呼叫。
- 使用电话应用程序,您可以同步您的通讯录(sync your address book)。
- 您可以通过添加问候语、信息、语音和音乐(adding greetings, messages, voices, and music)来自定义您的通话。
14.安静(14. Hushed)
另一个注重隐私的服务是Hushed,它提供了一个独立的、易于使用的电话号码,用于发送消息和打电话(independent, easily disposable phone number for messaging and phoning)。
- Hushed是一款电话号码软件,可让您打电话、发短信和分享照片。
- 该程序有助于安全可靠地存储(safe and secure storage)您的真实电话号码。
- 收到该号码的任何短信都会自动回复。
- 使用 Wi-Fi/数据连接,您可以简单地检索您的电话号码。
- 它提供了广泛的订阅和支付选择,从每次通话/短信费率到无限订阅。
- 您可以使用它管理和添加许多号码(manage and add many numbers)。
- 它允许您设置免费电话号码(toll-free number)。
- 您可以使用此功能转接来电。
- 您可以使用Dropbox 或 Slack(Dropbox or Slack)来集成这个应用程序。
- 它可以帮助您维护讨论的隐私和安全。
- 语音邮件(Voicemail)可以被记录和定制。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 被阻止时如何在 WhatsApp 上解除对自己的阻止(How to Unblock Yourself on WhatsApp When Blocked)
15. 2号线(15. Line2)
Line2提供功能齐全的商务电话系统,从1,500 分钟(1,500 minutes)起可拨出或转接您的第二条线路。
- 此应用程序易于使用(easy to use),可以从任何计算机或移动设备访问。
- 这是一种使用第二个电话号码来隔离专业和个人电话和信息(segregate professional and personal calls and messages)的技术。
- 它允许您从任何本地区号中选择一个电话号码。
- 借助可见的来电显示、群组通话和短信、号码屏蔽等功能,您可以在美国或加拿大(United States or Canada)的任何城市获取电话号码。
(Cellular talk, Wi-Fi, and data)这款免费的第二个电话号码应用程序支持蜂窝通话、Wi-Fi 和数据。
- 管理您的手机以满足团队的需求。
- 它每周 7 天(seven days a week)提供援助。
- 应用程序可以很容易地更改。
16. 打开电话(16. OpenPhone)
- 它是可用的最棒的免费第二电话号码应用程序之一,可让您轻松记录通话(record your calls easily)。
支持无限彩信、聊天和文本(Unlimited MMS, chat, and texts)。
- 它适用于Slack和电子邮件。
- 如果你愿意,你可以记录你的电话。
- 它使与您的同事共享电话号码变得容易。
- 您可以轻松地将呼叫路由(easily route calls)到其他号码。
- 您可以使用此工具来确定您的营业时间。
17. 语音(17. eVoice)
免费电话号码应用程序eVoice提供呼叫转移和自动应答功能。由于以下列出的功能,eVoice 是其中之一:
- 它允许您用预先录制的欢迎(pre-recorded welcomes)词来迎接您的客户。
- 这个程序使阅读您的语音邮件变得简单(simple to read your voicemails)。
(Speed dialing)使用此软件可以进行快速拨号。
- 使用 eVoice,您可以获得您所在城市的本地号码并将其转发到您现有的电话线路。
- 使用我们的免费电话号码应用程序,您可以为您的本地、国际或国内业务选择固定电话号码。
- 当您将手机置于保留状态时,eVoice 会播放音乐。
- 您可以使用它来保留电话号码。
- 您可以通过视频会议(video conferencing)随时随地工作。
- 可以从您的 PC 或移动设备拨打或接听电话。
- 此工具可让您选择适合您业务的电话号码。
- 可以利用它来记录电话。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 上解锁电话号码(How to Unblock a Phone Number on Android)
18. 第二行
- 它允许您从平板电脑或智能手机拨打电话。
- 该程序可帮助您区分您的企业电话号码和个人电话号码(distinguishing between your business and personal phone numbers)。
- 该软件允许您拨打国际电话(make international calls)。
- 它包含一个简单易用(simple to use)的电话号码生成器。
- 它是最棒的电话应用程序之一,其电话号码可让您自定义音调。
- 您可以使用它来转接来电。
- 2bdLine 程序允许您发送图片。
语音邮件转录(Voicemail transcription)可在此消息应用程序中使用新电话号码。
19. 蚱蜢(19. Grasshopper)
- 它提供了一个可以从任何手机或固定电话拨打的专业电话号码。(single professional phone number)
- 您可以使用它为您的客户录制专业的问候信息。
- 它使您能够通过将它们路由到不同的电话或团队成员来一次处理多个呼叫。
- 它允许您从电子邮件中以 PDF 附件的形式发送传真(send a fax as a PDF attachment)。
- 它提供了贵公司跨多个渠道的交互的全面视图。
- 该程序允许您轻松迁移您的虚拟电话号码。
- 桌面或移动应用程序可用于拨打和接听电话。
- 该程序将语音邮件转换为文本,因此您可以在不听的情况下阅读它。
- 您可以通过短信回复您的工作单位号码。
20. 优信(20. YouMail)
- 该程序可以自动过滤自动(automatically filter robocalls)呼叫,同时还允许您禁止特定呼叫。
- 您可以轻松识别未回电的呼叫者。
- 它会自动回复未接来电。
- 它允许您参加电话会议。
- (Voicemail)可以自定义语音邮件问候语。
- 它具有可见的语音邮件系统(visible voicemail system)。
- 您可以使用第二个电话号码来保护您的隐私。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何知道是否有人在 Android 上阻止了您的号码(How To Know If Someone Blocked Your Number On Android)
21. 通话路线(21. Talkroute)
- 它允许您使用电话号码应用程序以最小的努力拨打和接听商务电话。
- 该程序根据您的行业提供各种数据。
- 您可以使用Talkroute(Talkroute)向您的消费者发送消息。
- 它提供了关于过去的广泛报告。(extensive reports)
- 您可以选择自定义欢迎信息(customizing your welcome message)。
- 它允许您将呼叫路由或转发到任何位置。
- 它使管理语音邮件变得轻而易举(managing voicemails a breeze)。
- 可以使用3 位或 4 位数字(3 or 4 digits)的分机。
- (MMS)可以发送和接收彩信和短信。(SMS)
- 您可以选择手机可用的时间和日期。
- Android 和 iOS 设备(Android and iOS devices)都与 TalkRoute 兼容。
- 它允许您跟踪来电和去电(keep track of both incoming and outgoing calls)。
- 它使您能够管理用户帐户和权限。
22.谷歌语音(22. Google Voice)
Google Voice是一种虚拟电话服务,提供语音邮件、呼叫转移、短信、语音消息和呼叫终止。
- 它是目前最好的第二个电话号码应用程序之一,它适用于智能手机和网络,可以从任何地方拨打电话。
- 呼叫可能会被重定向到您的手机、计算机、家庭、办公室或其他任何(mobile phone, computer, home, office, or anywhere)地方。
- 除了传统的电话之外,该应用程序还可以将语音邮件消息转录为文本。
- Google Voice 甚至有一个用于语音邮件和消息的垃圾邮件过滤器(spam filter for voicemails and messages),可以帮助您通过它们。
- 您可以免费拨打美国(United States for free)电话。
- 它是您可以自定义以适应您的日常生活的最出色的通话和消息传递应用程序之一。
- 它易于使用(easy to use),甚至具有网络界面(web interface)。
- 您可以毫不费力地与他人合作完成您的任务。
- 它允许您自定义您的PBX。
- 可以将它连接到Google 日历和 Meet(Google Calendar and Meet)。
- 您无法通过网络拨打电话,但可以发送短信和收听语音邮件。
23. 燃烧器(23. Burner)
- 它是一款手机号码软件,可让您免费拨打电话、发送图片和短信(make free calls, send pictures, and text messages)。
- 它允许您同时制作任意数量的数字。
- Burner电话软件使生成一次性电话号码变得简单。
- 它具有个性化的语音邮件问候语。
- 临时版是按月订阅,只要你需要电话号码就可以使用,而小刻录机则为你提供14 天的有限通话时间和短信(14 days of limited call time and SMS messages)。
- 如果您需要更多号码,还有一个三行套餐。(three-line package)
- 有一个可以激活的请勿打扰模式。(do not disturb mode)
- 支持文本和呼叫转移。
- 联系人可能会被简单地阻止和静音。
- Burner与各种应用程序集成,如Slack、Evernote甚至SoundCloud,让您可以公开或私下共享您的语音邮件。
- 像许多其他人一样,您可以获得7 天的免费试用期(seven-day free trial);但是,没有免费的选项(no free option)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Snapchat 上的数字是什么意思?(What Do The Numbers on Snapchat Mean?)
24. 叮咚(24. Dingtone)
- 它为您提供一个免费的美国电话号码(free US phone number),您可以使用该号码拨打或发短信给该国的任何固定电话或手机。
- 您有完全的自由随时联系任何人。
- 它允许您在显示打字指示的同时向阅读接收器发送免费文本消息。
- 您可以选择进行视频通话。
- 您可以用它来召开电话会议(hold a conference call)。
- 这款免费的商务电话号码软件可让您记录所有来电和去电。
- 消息可以传送到200 多个不同的国家(200 different countries)。
- 叮咚为您提供了一个免费的美国电话号码,您可以使用该号码拨打或发短信给 230 多个国家(over 230 countries)的任何固定电话或手机。
- 通过其专用的VoIP 网络(VoIP network),该公司提供高清音频和即时消息,用于共享照片、视频、位置和联系人(HD audio and instant messaging for sharing photos, videos, locations, and contacts)。
- 美国、英国、加拿大、比利时和荷兰(United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium, and the Netherlands)提供年度和月度订阅。
- 叮咚允许您拨打国际电话(international calls)。
25. 特洛斯(25. Telos)
- Telos为您提供第二个电话号码,可以无限拨打电话和发短信(unlimited calls and texts)。
- 此实用程序可用于进行电话会议。
- 消息可以传送到200 多个不同的国家(200 different countries)。
- 您可以获取美国(United) 任何区号的电话号码以及来自多个国家(States)/地区的海外号码。
- 呼叫可以通过语音邮件、自动回复消息和阻止选项(with voicemail, auto reply messages, and blocking options)重定向到任何固定电话或手机号码。
- 您可以使用它拨打移动电话和固定电话(both mobile and landline calls)。
- 您可以使用这个其他电话号码工具来记录任何电话。
26.谈话通(26. Talkatone)
Talkatone是一个基于 WiFi 的实用程序,用于拨打和接听电话和短信。
- 它允许您轻松选择自己的美国电话号码。(own US phone numbers easily.)
- 此应用程序可以在不产生漫游费的情况下使用。
- 有了这个免费的 iPhone 应用程序,您可以使用第二个电话号码与世界各地的任何人聊天。
- 使用起来非常简单(incredibly simple to use)。
(Texting is limitless)使用 Talkatone发短信是无限的。
- 您可以随时更改您的电话号码。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 上查找自己的电话号码(How to Find your Own Phone Number on Android)
27.云SIM(27. Cloud SIM)
Cloud SIM是一项提供四个手机号码的服务,可用于商务(business)、旅行、在线销售和其他目的(travel, online selling, and other purposes)。
- 它使您能够与其他人交谈和互动(converse and interact with other people)。
- 它可以帮助您对您的电话号码保密(confidential)。
- 您可以使用手机拨打国际电话(make international calls)。
- 您可以选择查看谁在给您打电话。
- 这个免费的电话应用程序具有基本且易于使用的界面(basic and easy-to-use interface)。
- 您可以使用Cloud SIM个性化您的云配置文件。
28. 打电话的人(28. Phoner)
- 该软件可帮助您保护(protection)您的个人信息。
- 该应用程序与Android 和 iOS 设备(Android and iOS devices)兼容。
- 您无需使用第二张 SIM 卡(second sim card)即可拨打电话。
- 它支持无限数量的电话号码(unlimited amount of phone numbers)。
- 您可以使用此临时电话号码掩盖您的来电显示。
- 使用此软件,您可能会获得多个号码。
- 该计划可帮助您维护个人电话号码的隐私和安全。
- 您可以包含可以简单丢弃的其他数字。
- 这是一个简单快捷的过程(simple and quick process)。
- 它使您可以根据需要快速生成图形。
- 该程序包括短信、电话、通话录音等功能(text messaging, phone calls, call recording, and other functions)。
- 它与iPhone、iPod 和(iPhone, iPod, and) iPad兼容。
Also Read: How to Find Someone on Instagram by Phone Number
30. Ring4
Ring4 is a program that allows you to create a second phone number that you may text and call.
- This program includes features like voicemail, call recording, and more.
- Multiple phone lines may be easily created and managed.
- It supports up to 5 people in video meetings.
Picture messaging and emoticons are available for texting.
- It assists you in recording any phone call.
- It’s appropriate for both personal and professional use.
- It allows you to select a phone number with the area code of your city.
- 它包含一个拨号盘和一个联系人列表(dial pad and a contact list)。
- 可以阻止不请自来的电话(block unsolicited calls)。
- (Voicemail)可以自定义语音邮件问候语。
我们希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,并且您已经了解了最好的第二个电话号码应用程序(best second phone number app)。请在下面的评论部分告诉我们您对这些应用程序或您最喜欢的应用程序的体验。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
Top 30 Best Second Phone Number App for Android
Alternative phone numbers are excellent for maintaіning anonymity. You get control over who receiνes your phone nυmber and freedom from robocalls. Are you looking for an aрp to get a second phone number app free? Then, you are at the right plаce. This article will give you an insight into the best second phone number appѕ. Continue reading.
Top 30 Best Second Phone Number App for Android
Following are some features of having second phone number app.
- Apps for phone numbers let you send messages, use Wi-Fi, and make phone calls.
- Other handy features include call recording, transferring, and customizing the welcome in these programs. Many of these programs may be used to send an infinite number of SMS and MMS messages.
- It’s simple to get a second phone number with minimal effort. You don’t need to pay extra for a second phone number with your cellular provider.
The following is a hand-picked selection of the best free second phone number app, popular features, and links to their websites. The list includes both open-source (free) and commercial (paid) software.
1. FreeTone
FreeTone is a smartphone program that allows users to make and receive free texts and phone calls to any number in the United States and Canada. Below are the unique features of this app:
- This program offers you a free private phone number for your Android device.
- It permits you to send a limitless amount of texts.
- It is possible to send free text messages to more than 200 countries.
- You can register using your email address, Facebook account, or Google account.
- You can easily send group messages, video chat, and make free HD calls via Group Messaging apps on Android.
- It’s adaptable, includes a web app, and operates on Wi-Fi without a SIM card, which is a nice plus.
- It provides you with one free phone number with any area code, which you may use if you accept advertisements.
- If you don’t want to pay a recurring price, you may buy credits instead of a weekly or monthly membership.
- It is available for iOS devices also.
2. Sideline
Sideline is a phone number software that provides you with a second phone number and all the communication tools you’ll need to start, develop, and grow your business.
- It’s one of the excellent free phone number apps for Android.
- It lets you send messages and make calls via Wi-Fi.
- It’s one of the greatest Wi-Fi calling apps with automatic transcriptions.
- You may use the tool to look up local area codes and search for numbers that are easy to remember.
- An existing phone number can be transferred.
- It allows for group texting.
- You may send an infinite amount of SMS and MMS messages using Sideline.
- Managing and recording many professional greetings is possible.
- A seven-day free trial is provided, but no other free options are available.
- You may port a number from another phone into Sideline, a unique feature.
- If you already have a second phone, you may utilize that number with Sideline and eliminate the need for a second phone.
- This app may not be available for all devices.
Also read: How to Find Your Phone Number on Android
3. iPlum
iPlum is an app that makes it simple to make HD calls and is considered one of the best second phone number apps due to the following reasons:
AES data encryption is included in this program.
- You may send voice, video, and images using it.
- It may be used to create several different extensions.
- You pay as you go for your second phone number by purchasing only the credits you require.
- Call forwarding to several phone numbers is possible with iPlum.
- This software supports messages for a temporary phone number.
- You can record a customer’s answer to a call.
- This free second number software lets you send voice messages to a specific person’s email address.
- This app may be used with either a carrier signal or Wi-Fi.
- It supports 22 worldwide languages on smartphones and tablets and offers domestic and international capability.
4. PhoneBurner
PhoneBurner is a dialer program that helps you close business deals, and it has a wide range of features that are listed below:
- It provides high-quality conversions and completed transactions.
- This tool may be combined with various other applications, including Salesforce, Zapier, and Zoho.
- It makes it possible to dial numbers with local area codes.
- This technique provides dedicated incoming phone numbers.
- A call may simply be transferred to any number.
- Your account will be set up with the help of the staff.
- It enables you to make calls from any mobile phone with ease.
- It aids in the streamlining of the remote sales process.
5. TextFree
TextFree is a WiFi-based application with various noticeable features that are listed below:
- It allows you to make calls and receive voicemail.
- It enables you to personalize phone numbers based on the desired area code.
- This software offers free photo communication through group, SMS, and MMS.
- Textfree offers free text messages, incoming calls, and restricted outbound calls for your second number.
- It’s vital to remember that you must use your free phone number at least once every 30 days, or the provider will take it away.
- The paid numbers are yours to retain for as long as you desire.
- This software offers limitless free texting as well as a group messaging function.
- You may use your Android or iOS phone to make a call.
- It also operates through Wi-Fi, eliminating the need for a SIM card.
- This free software for a second phone number alerts you when you receive a missed call.
- TextFree provides a user-friendly environment.
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6. Flyp
Flyp is a phone number app that allows you to call anyone without dialing a number and is one of the best second phone number apps due to the following reasons:
- Using this software, you can send and receive photo messages and text and GIF messages.
- Even if you don’t have access to the internet, you can use it.
- It allows you to add many numbers to your device simultaneously.
- It provides you the freedom to have as many numbers as you like.
- You get a seven-day free trial.
- The user interface is basic and easy to use.
- You can choose a number based on any location, which is always useful.
- You can make high-quality voice calls using it.
- You may make a call via the cellular channel using this free calling software with different numbers.
7. TalkU
TalkU gives you a free second phone number that you may use to make and receive calls both in the US and internationally.
- TalkU is a service that allows you to call anybody for free.
- This program allows you to send unlimited free text messages to read recipients and receive notifications when they are read.
- With unlimited free calling and texting between TalkU users, you may call any mobile or landline phone number in more than 200 countries.
- TalkU is a simple application to use.
- You may use it to make international phone calls.
- Visual voicemail with rapid listening, phone screens, group calling with free group conference calls, and walkie-talkies are just a few features.
- It protects your privacy by concealing your identity.
- You will receive messages and phone calls from people who are not using this app.
- One of the greatest free second phone number applications available includes voicemail and screening features.
8. ConXhub
ConXhub is an easy-to-use and simple company phone solution with unique features that are listed below:
- It’s a cutting-edge corporate phone system that lets users create several accounts and phone lines.
- You may also make and receive calls using various phone numbers.
- You can make high-definition phone calls using it.
- You may forward calls to any phone, including mobile phones, anywhere globally.
- Any country can provide you with a toll-free, local, or international phone number.
Also Read: 8 Best Phone Cleaner Apps for Android
9. MightyCall
MightyCall is a small-business-focused virtual phone system and is the best second phone number app free because of its features given below:
- Using this system, you may use your preferred device to make and receive calls.
- It allows you to reject, accept, or put the call to voicemail.
- With a simple and conversational chart, MightyCall assists you in establishing your flow.
- It provides you with a comprehensive record of all of your communications.
- The tool allows you to make limitless phone calls.
- You may route calls to any device using it.
- This program enables you to continue running your business outside normal business hours.
- You may select a tool-free or area code number without incurring an additional price.
- You may use a softphone to make and receive phone calls from your computer.
- You may use this program to record a phone call.
- You may listen to voicemails and receive notifications with MightyCall.
- It allows you to see your voicemail on the screen.
10. TextMe Up
TextMe Up allows you to handle as many phone numbers as you like and flip between them all on the same screen. It has various features that are listed below, making it unique:
- This program lets you manage several phone numbers from a single account.
- It assists more than 40 nations.
- This product is only available in the United States.
- TextMe Up is a smartphone app that lets you make and receive phone calls and text messages.
- This app may be used on your phone, tablet, or computer.
- You may use this application to erase or burn numerals.
- You may share phone numbers with your friends.
- It has HD audio and video calling, group messaging, photo and video sharing, and group messages.
- With monthly subscriptions, you may call lines in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and more than 200 other countries.
- You can keep adding different numbers as long as you like.
11. Voxdirect
Voxdirect is a simple and efficient text marketing platform that may help your business develop and has its place on this list for the following reasons:
- Virtual receptionists will answer your calls.
- With a professional phone system, it manages your expanding business from anywhere.
- It allows you to send voicemail transcriptions.
- Calls are routed to the appropriate individual.
- It allows you to skim through your voicemails fast.
- Also, it allows you to communicate with real customers rather than spammers.
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12. CoverMe
CoverMe is a smartphone application, which allows you to text and call privately, with various features that are listed below:
- It allows you to obtain a new phone number while concealing your personal information.
- A private vault is also included in the program for storing images, movies, passwords, and data.
- You can remove SMS that you’ve sent in the past.
- CoverMe’s end-to-end encryption lets you make safe, private calls and send texts with your new number.
- In the United States and Canada, there are many area codes to choose.
Password-protected phone pickup is supported.
- You can lock and conceal your messages by shaking your phone.
13. Phone.com
Phone is a program that allows you to quickly and easily arrange your phone system. It is one of the best free second phone number apps due to the following features:
- By linking the number to your phone account, you may block calls.
Call blocking, forwarding, and screening are all supported by this tool.
- You may use this app to call any number using a name dictionary.
- When you hold the phone, it starts playing music.
- It enables you to set your timetables.
- You may send and receive SMS from any local phone number.
- Phone.com makes it simple to build and manage groups and extensions.
- You may customize your caller ID.
- This program allows you to route calls based on when and where they were received.
- With the phone application, you may sync your address book.
- You may customize your call by adding greetings, messages, voices, and music.
14. Hushed
Another privacy-focused service is Hushed, which provides an independent, easily disposable phone number for messaging and phoning.
- Hushed is a phone number software that allows you to call, text, and share photographs.
- This program aids in the safe and secure storage of your genuine phone number.
- Any text messages received to the number will be automatically responded.
- Using a Wi-Fi/data connection, you may simply retrieve your phone number.
- It offers a broad range of subscription and payment choices, ranging from per-call/text rates to unlimited subscriptions.
- You may manage and add many numbers using it.
- It allows you to set up a toll-free number.
- You may use this feature to forward a call.
- You may use Dropbox or Slack to integrate this app.
- It assists you in maintaining the privacy and security of your discussion.
- Voicemail may be recorded and customized.
Also Read: How to Unblock Yourself on WhatsApp When Blocked
15. Line2
Line2 offers full-featured business phone systems with outgoing calling or forwarding for your second line starting at 1,500 minutes.
- This application is easy to use and can be accessed from any computer or mobile device.
- It’s a technology that uses a second phone number to segregate professional and personal calls and messages.
- It allows you to select a phone number from any local area code.
- With visible caller ID, group calling and texting, number blocking, and more, you can acquire a phone number in any city in the United States or Canada.
Cellular talk, Wi-Fi, and data are all supported by this free 2nd phone number app.
- Manage your phone to meet the demands of your team.
- It offers assistance seven days a week.
- The application may be readily altered.
16. OpenPhone
OpenPhone is software that allows you to call and text with certain phone numbers. It is one of the best free second phone number apps due to the following reasons:
- It’s one of the greatest free second phone number apps available, allowing you to record your calls easily.
Unlimited MMS, chat, and texts are supported.
- It works with Slack as well as email.
- You can record your calls if you want to.
- It makes it easy to share a phone number with your coworkers.
- You may easily route calls to other numbers.
- You may use this tool to determine your business hours.
17. eVoice
Call forwarding and auto-attendant are available with eVoice, a free phone number app. eVoice is one among the list due to the features listed below:
- It allows you to greet your clients with pre-recorded welcomes.
- This program makes it simple to read your voicemails.
Speed dialing is possible with this software.
- Using eVoice, you may get a local number in your city and forward it to your existing phone lines.
- With our freephone number app, you may choose a landline phone number for your local, international, or national business.
- eVoice plays music when you put the phone on hold.
- You may use it to put a phone number on hold.
- You may work from anywhere at any time via video conferencing.
- Calls may be made or received from your PC or your mobile device.
- This tool allows you to choose a phone number suitable for your business.
- It’s possible to utilize it to record a phone call.
Also Read: How to Unblock a Phone Number on Android
18. 2ndLine
2ndLine is a program that allows users to speak and text for as long as they like and is one among the list for the following features:
- It allows you to make phone calls from your tablet or smartphone.
- This program assists you in distinguishing between your business and personal phone numbers.
- This software allows you to make international calls.
- It contains a phone number generator that is simple to use.
- It’s one of the greatest phone applications with a phone number that allows you to customize the tones.
- You can use it to forward a call.
- The 2bdLine program allows you to send pictures.
Voicemail transcription is available in this messaging app with a new phone number.
19. Grasshopper
Grasshopper is a small company phone number application that provides a communication option, and you can give it a try for the significant features listed below:
- It provides a single professional phone number that can be dialed from any cell phone or landline.
- You may use it to record professional greeting messages for your customers.
- It enables you to handle many calls at once by routing them to a different phone or team member.
- It allows you to send a fax as a PDF attachment from your email.
- It provides a comprehensive view of your company’s interactions across several channels.
- This program allows you to migrate your virtual phone number easily.
- A desktop or mobile app can be used to make and receive calls.
- This program turns voicemail into text, so you may read it without listening to it.
- You can SMS your response to your workplace number.
20. YouMail
YouMail is a virtual phone number solution that may assist you in safeguarding your mobile device network and yourself.
- This program can automatically filter robocalls while also allowing you to ban specific calls.
- You’ll have no trouble identifying the caller who hasn’t returned your call.
- It responds to missed calls automatically.
- It allows you to participate in a conference call.
- Voicemail greetings can be customized.
- It features a visible voicemail system.
- You may protect your privacy by using a second phone number.
Also Read: How To Know If Someone Blocked Your Number On Android
21. Talkroute
Next on the list is Talkroute and is considered one of the best for the unique characteristics listed below:
- It allows you to make and receive business calls with minimal effort using a phone number app.
- This program delivers a variety of figures based on your industry.
- You may send a message to your consumers using Talkroute.
- It provides extensive reports about the past.
- You have the option of customizing your welcome message.
- It allows you to route or forward calls to any location.
- It makes managing voicemails a breeze.
- Extensions with 3 or 4 digits are available.
- MMS and SMS may be sent and received.
- You may choose the time and date when your phones are available.
- Both Android and iOS devices are compatible with TalkRoute.
- It allows you to keep track of both incoming and outgoing calls.
- It enables you to manage user accounts and permissions.
22. Google Voice
Google Voice is a virtual phone service that offers voicemail, call forwarding, text, voice messaging, and call termination.
- It’s one of the best second phone number apps out there, and it works on both smartphones and the web to call from anywhere.
- Calls may be redirected to your mobile phone, computer, home, office, or anywhere else.
- In addition to conventional phoning, the application can also transcribe voicemail messages to text.
- Google Voice even has a spam filter for voicemails and messages that might help you go through them.
- You may call the United States for free.
- It’s one of the greatest calling and messaging apps you can customize to fit your daily routine.
- It’s easy to use and even has a web interface.
- You may effortlessly collaborate with others to complete your assignment.
- It allows you to customize your PBX.
- It’s possible to connect it to Google Calendar and Meet.
- You can’t make phone calls from the web, but you can send text messages and listen to voicemail.
23. Burner
One of the most popular apps for generating a secondary number is Burner.
- It’s a cell phone number software that allows you to make free calls, send pictures, and text messages.
- It allows you to make as many numbers as you want simultaneously.
- The Burner phone software makes it simple to generate throwaway phone numbers.
- It has a personalized voicemail greeting.
- The temporary version is a monthly subscription that lasts as long as you need the phone number, while the little burner provides you 14 days of limited call time and SMS messages.
- There is also a three-line package if you require more numbers.
- There is a do not disturb mode that may be activated.
- Text and call forwarding are supported.
- Contacts may be simply blocked and muted.
- Burner integrates with various applications, like Slack, Evernote, and even SoundCloud, allowing you to share your voicemails openly or privately.
- Like many others, you get a seven-day free trial; however, there is no free option.
Also Read: What Do The Numbers on Snapchat Mean?
24. Dingtone
Dingtone is another free software for making calls and messages and one of the best second phone number apps for the following reasons:
- It gives you a free US phone number that you may use to call or text any landline or mobile phone in the country.
- You have complete freedom to contact anyone at any moment.
- It allows you to send free text messages to a reading receiver while displaying a typing indication.
- You have the option of making a video call.
- You may use it to hold a conference call.
- This free business phone number software allows you to record all incoming and outgoing calls.
- Messages may be delivered to more than 200 different countries.
- Dingtone gives you a free US phone number that you may use to call or text any landline or mobile phone in over 230 countries.
- Through its dedicated VoIP network, the company provides HD audio and instant messaging for sharing photos, videos, locations, and contacts.
- Annual and monthly subscriptions are available in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
- Dingtone allows you to make international calls.
25. Telos
Telos is a free program that allows you to make unlimited phone calls, exchange photos, send text messages, and more.
- Telos provides you with a second phone number to make unlimited calls and texts.
- This utility may be used to make a conference call.
- Messages may be delivered to more than 200 different countries.
- You may acquire a phone number in any area code in the United States and overseas numbers from a variety of countries.
- Calls may be redirected to any landline or mobile number with voicemail, auto reply messages, and blocking options.
- You may make both mobile and landline calls using it.
- You may use this other phone number tool to record any calls.
26. Talkatone
Talkatone is a WiFi-based utility for making and receiving phone calls and text messages.
- It allows you to select your own US phone numbers easily.
- This app may be used without incurring roaming fees.
- With this free iPhone app for a second phone number, you can chat with anybody around the globe.
- It’s incredibly simple to use.
Texting is limitless with Talkatone.
- You have the option to change your phone number at any moment.
Also Read: How to Find your Own Phone Number on Android
27. Cloud SIM
Cloud SIM is a service that gives four mobile phone numbers that may be used for business, travel, online selling, and other purposes.
- It enables you to converse and interact with other people.
- It assists you in keeping your phone number confidential.
- You may use your phone to make international calls.
- You have the option of seeing who is calling you.
- This free phone app has a basic and easy-to-use interface.
- You may personalize your cloud profile using Cloud SIM.
28. Phoner
Phoner is one of the best options for making and receiving anonymous calls and texts.
- This software aids you in the protection of your personal information.
- The app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
- You can make calls without using a second sim card.
- It supports an unlimited amount of phone numbers.
- You may mask your caller ID with this temporary phone number.
- You may get several numbers using this software.
29. Numflix
Numflix provides a quick phone number with all the bells and whistles.
- This program assists you in maintaining the privacy and security of your personal phone number.
- You can include additional numbers that can be simply discarded.
- It’s a simple and quick process.
- It allows you to produce figures based on your needs quickly.
- This program includes text messaging, phone calls, call recording, and other functions.
- It’s compatible with iPhone, iPod, and iPad.
Also Read: How to Find Someone on Instagram by Phone Number
30. Ring4
Ring4 is a program that allows you to create a second phone number that you may text and call.
- This program includes features like voicemail, call recording, and more.
- Multiple phone lines may be easily created and managed.
- It supports up to 5 people in video meetings.
Picture messaging and emoticons are available for texting.
- It assists you in recording any phone call.
- It’s appropriate for both personal and professional use.
- It allows you to select a phone number with the area code of your city.
- It contains both a dial pad and a contact list.
- It is possible to block unsolicited calls.
- Voicemail greetings can be customized.
We hope that this article was helpful and you have learned about best second phone number app. Let us know your experience with these apps or your favorite one in the comment section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.