谷歌浏览器提供了流畅的界面,因为您已经在大多数(Google Chrome)Android手机上预装了它,并在及时更新中添加了新的有趣的功能。如果您熟悉Google,您就会知道他们一直在开发大量有用的Android Chrome标志。Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)解锁新功能,而Chrome 设置(Chrome Settings)允许您自定义您的网络体验。因此,在本文中,我们汇总了一些适用于Android的最佳(Android)Google Chrome 标志(Google Chrome Flags)列表。但在了解它们之前,让我们先了解一下Chrome标志在Android上的使用和安装(Android).
适用于 Android 的 35 个最佳 Google Chrome 标志(35 Best Google Chrome Flags for Android)
首先,我们将帮助您找到Chrome Android中的标志部分以及如何使用它。可以相应地理解和监控Chrome标志,以便在浏览(Chrome)Google Chrome时获得良好的体验。请按照(Follow)以下步骤操作:
1.在您的设备上启动Chrome 。
2.在搜索中输入chrome://flags或输入网址(Search or type web address )栏并点击Enter。
3. 您可以在可用(Available )部分下找到所有标志。
注意:(Note:)这里以Google Lens为例。
5.在上下文菜单中的Google Lens支持的图像搜索下选择已启用,以搜索可购买的图像。(Enabled)
6. 点击屏幕底部的重新启动。(Relaunch)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 上重置 Google Chrome
所以,现在您知道如何配置Google Chrome标志了。让我们继续使用适用于Android(Android)的最佳Google Chrome标志列表。您可以根据自己的喜好使用这些有用的Android Chrome标志。(Android Chrome)
1. 谷歌镜头(1. Google Lens)
Google 镜头(Google Lens)支持现在可在Android 版(Android)Chrome上使用。然而,它仍然被一面旗帜所掩盖。按照上述方法中的步骤启用Google Lens标志后,您现在可以在浏览网页时使用Google Lens反向搜索照片。(Google Lens)现在,长按任意图像并选择使用 Google 镜头搜索图像(Search image with Google Lens)。
注意:(Note:)您还可以使用以下 URL 打开Google Lens标志:chrome://flags/#context-menu-search-with-google-lens
2. 显示查询图块(2. Show Query Tiles)
显示(Show)查询图块也是另一个有用的Android Chrome标志。您可能已经注意到,Chrome 的主页逐渐膨胀,广告和内容推荐过多,让体验变得非常烦人。新闻、电影、食品、时尚等材料的缩略图是新增内容。老实说,我们并不在乎 Chrome 的建议。因此,如果您与我们处于相同的场景中,请关闭显示(Show)查询图块标志,您就可以开始了。
禁用标志的方法:(Ways to disable the flag:)
- 要加载和禁用标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#query-tiles
- 打开Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)页面并通过在搜索栏中输入查询来搜索标志。(query)
3. 稍后阅读(3. Read Later)
在桌面版Google Chrome上,您可以使用这一有用的Android Chrome标志,即稍后阅读(Read Later)选项,但您也可以在移动设备上使用它。它也是适用于Android的最佳(Android)Google Chrome标志之一。除了(Apart)书签(Bookmarks),这个实验性的稍后阅读(Read Later)标志允许您以后保存和阅读网页(save and read web pages later)的另一种方式。
查找稍后阅读 Chrome 标志的方法:(Ways to find the Read Later Chrome flag:)
- 您可以通过在搜索栏中键入以下URL来启用该标志: (URL)chrome://flags/#read-later
- 您可以通过在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)页面的搜索栏中键入read later来启用该标志。(read later)
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何删除 Android 设备上的浏览历史记录(How to Delete Browsing History on Android Device)
4.密码导入(4. Password Import)
另一个有用的Android Chrome标志是密码导入(Password Import),适用于从Mac或 PC 切换的(Mac)Chrome OS用户或经常在不同操作系统和浏览器之间切换的个人。
- 您可以使用此标志将密码从Safari、Opera、Firefox 和 Microsoft Edge导入 Chrome。(Safari, Opera, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge)
Mac、Linux、Windows、Chrome OS 和 Android(Mac, Linux, Windows, Chrome OS, and Android)是一些受支持的平台。
- 如果您无法记住包含五个特殊符号的 20 个字符的密码,(20-character password with five special symbols)则可以启用此标志(Flag)。
定位标志的方法:(Ways to locate the flag:)
- 要启用该标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#password-import
- 在Chrome Flag(Chrome Flag)页面的搜索栏中输入密码。(password)
5.并行更快下载(5. Parallel for Faster Download)
等待大文件下载可能很不方便。让我们通过将它们分成多个可以同时下载的文件来缩短下载时间。(shorten download times)找到并行下载(Downloading)并将其打开后,使用右侧的下拉菜单。
搜索标志的方法:(Ways to search for the flag:)
- 使用以下 URL 启用标志:chrome://flags/#enable-parallel-downloading
- 此外,您可以通过在Chrome 标志页面上并行(parallel)搜索来找到此Chrome标志。(Chrome)
6.QUIC协议(6. QUIC Protocol)
- QUIC是谷歌开发的协议,旨在加速网络(speed up the web)。
- 如果您启用它,这将加快速度,但前提是您的网站已针对它进行了优化。
- 然而,一切都比没有好!在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)页面上查找实验性 QUIC 协议。(Experimental QUIC Protocol)从下拉菜单中选择启用。(Select)
启用标志的程序:(Procedures to enable the flag:)
- (Find)使用以下 URL查找并启用Chrome标志: (Chrome)chrome://flags/#enable-quic
- 在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)页面的搜索栏中输入quic以(quic)加载标志。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Chrome (Android) 中禁用声音(How To Disable Sound In Chrome (Android))
7. 更安静的权限提示(7. Quieter Permission Prompts)
- 只需启用 Chrome Flag Quieter 通知权限提示(Quieter notification permission prompts)即可。
- 所有通知权限请求将被禁用,您将能够享受不间断的浏览。
- 如果您选择接收来自指定网站的通知,则地址栏右侧会显示一个铃铛图标。要查看通知权限选项,请点击它。
启用标志的两种方法:(Two ways to enable the flag:)
- 使用以下Chrome标志 URL 修改通知权限:chrome://flags/#permission-predictions
注意:(Note:)您可以对Android和其他设备使用相同的URL 。
- 通过在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)页面的搜索栏中输入quieter进行搜索。( quieter)
8. 全局媒体控制画中画(8. Global Media Control Picture-in-Picture)
画中画模式(PiP Mode)是一项很棒的功能,可让您在计算机上做其他事情的同时进行多任务处理。
- 它产生了一个小型浮动媒体盒,可用于在计算机上观看电视节目或电影。
- 当全局媒体控制标志设置为 true 时,任务栏上会出现一个小控制按钮,您可以从中暂停、播放和移动到下一个、上一个或 PiP 模式(pause, play, and move to the next, previous, or PiP mode)。
- 对于大多数设备,此标志已默认打开。
- 此外,可以在Android设备上启用此Chrome标志。(Chrome)
加载标志的方法:(Means to load the flag:)
- 使用以下URL欣赏您的视频。
- 笔记本电脑/PC: chrome://flags/#global-media-controls-picture-in-picture
- Android 设备:chrome://flags/#android-picture-in-picture-api
- 通过在搜索栏中输入图片(picture)进行搜索,以加载Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)页面上的标志。
9.平滑滚动(9. Smooth Scrolling)
你有没有注意到你的滚动口吃或减慢?这可能有多种原因。但是,Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)几乎肯定会有所帮助。它不仅对Android用户有用,而且还兼容Windows、Linux 和 Chrome OS(Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS)。
- 使用下面给出的URL来启用Chrome标志:chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling
- 只需在Chrome Flag页面的搜索栏中输入Smooth Scrolling ,然后选择(Smooth Scrolling)Chrome Flag即可启用它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Google Assistant 中启用暗模式(How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Assistant)
10. Chrome 共享中心(10. Chrome Sharing Hub)
您在Android上使用(Android)Chrome时共享链接,Google将为Chrome Android添加一个新的共享 UI 。是的,当您使用提供的链接启用标志时,只要您选择共享按钮,您就会看到一个新的共享 UI。正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的,此共享 UI 中有三个选项:
- QR 码允许您通过 QR 码共享URL(URLs),但目前无法使用。
- 发送到您的设备是不言自明的。
- 复制链接也是不言自明的。此外,您可以使用下面的标志来提供快照选项。
启用标志的两种方法:(Two methods to enable the flag:)
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#chrome-sharing-hub和chrome://flags/#chrome-share-screenshot
- 在 Chrome Flag 页面上键入并搜索屏幕截图或共享( screenshot or sharing)。
11. 探索网站(11. Explore Websites)
谷歌(Google)最近已经超越了在Chrome中创建内容建议,这是一种非常烦人的体验。以前,您可以停止发现(Discover)提要(与促销卡不同),但标志(兴趣提要内容建议(Interest Feed Content Suggestion))不再有效。不过,可以(Top Sites menu can be removed)从站点中删除 Top Sites 菜单。只需(Simply)进行Google搜索即可浏览网站并取消选中该框。主页上的热门网站(Sites)部分将不再可见。
禁用浏览网站标志的两种方法:(Two ways to disable Explore Websites flag:)
- 要禁用该标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#explore-sites
- 导航到Chrome标志页面并在搜索栏中键入explore以加载标志。
12. 隐身截图(12. Incognito Screenshot)
适用于Android(Android)的最佳Google Chrome标志列表中的下一个是Incognito Screenshot。虽然在Android上截屏很简单,但在隐身模式下是不可能的。借助添加到Chrome for Android版本 88(稳定版)的此标志,您甚至可以在隐身模式下截取屏幕截图。(take screenshots even in incognito mode)
启用标志的方法:(Means to enable the flag:)
- 使用给定的URL启用标志:chrome://flags/#incognito-screenshot
- 在搜索栏中输入 incognito 并在 Chrome Flag 页面中滑动以找到(incognito)该(Chrome Flag)标志。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何禁用 Google 软件报告工具(How to Disable Google Software Reporter Tool)
13.网页的暗模式(13. Dark Mode for Webpages)
有用的Android Chrome标志之一是网页的深色(Dark)模式。尽管Android 版(Android)Chrome具有深色模式,但并非在所有网站上都可用。
- 例如,Google 搜索(Google Search)页面完全是白色的,并使用白色 UI 来显示结果。
- 这就是这个标志派上用场的地方,可以在所有网站上强制使用暗模式。
- 当您允许这样做时,您的所有网页都会变暗,无论它们是否支持深色主题。
- 是的,有些页面忽略了强加的黑暗主题,但这是你必须为真正令人沮丧的体验付出的代价。
启用标志的两种方法:(Two ways to enable the flag:)
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark
- 通过在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)页面的搜索栏中输入dark来查找标志。( dark )
14.阅读器模式(14. Reader Mode)
如果您正在阅读一篇长文章或页面上有很多干扰,您可以使用新的阅读器模式标志来简化视图。重新启动浏览器并从下拉菜单中选择始终或所有文章以启用阅读器模式。(Always or All Articles)在页面底部,您现在将看到一个名为Simplified View的新选项。点击页面后,页面将以阅读器模式重新加载。
启用标志的不同方法:(Different means to enable the flag:)
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#reader-mode-heuristics
- 在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag)页面上键入reader以启用标志。
15. 后向缓存(15. Back Forward Cache)
如果您经常在页面上来回导航,(navigate back and forth on a page)这种后向缓存将派上用场。特别是,这会将整个网页保存到缓存中。优点是当您按下后退或前进键时,在线页面会迅速加载,不会有任何延迟。
定位 Back Forward Cache 标志的不同方法:(Different ways to locate the Back Forward Cache flag:)
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#back-forward-cache
- (Type)在Chrome Flags(Chrome Flags)页面的搜索栏中键入forward以启用该标志。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从 Google 相册中删除帐户(How to Remove an Account from Google Photos)
16. 自动填充 UPI 详细信息(16. Autofill UPI Details)
另一个有用的Android Chrome标志是自动填充 UPI(Autofill UPI)详细信息。许多UPI支付应用程序,包括 Google在印度自己的(India)Google Pay,已经变得非常流行。因此,Chrome现在允许您记住UPI数据,以便在您下次进行UPI付款时自动填充。Chrome将能够识别 UPI ID 或 VPA(identify UPI IDs or VPAs),并允许您在完成后将这些数据保存在付款中。
启用标志的程序:(Procedures to enable the flag:)
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#enable-autofill-upi-vpa
- 您可以通过在Chrome 标志页面上搜索UPI来快速启用该标志。
17. 显示自动填充预测(17. Show Autofill Predictions)
启用标志的两种方法:(Two means to enable the flag:)
- 如果要启用标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#show-autofill-type-predictions
- 在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)页面上搜索自动填充(autofill)以找到该标志并启用它。
18. Chrome 中的新自动填充 UI(18. New Autofill UI in Chrome)
Chrome具有自动填充(Autofill)功能,可以为您填写大部分表格。它也是有用的Android Chrome标志之一。它管理从您的登录名和密码到您的地址和电子邮件地址的所有内容。
- 唯一需要的是在开始时将其输入Chrome并使用相同的电子邮件地址签入。
- 如果满足所有这些先决条件,您现在只需点击凭据区域,Chrome就会填充相应的信息。
- 这消除了记住多个网站的ID(IDs)和密码的需要。
- 此Automiff 菜单(Automiff Menu)设置为进行改造。
- 作为键盘(keyboard)附件视图的自动填充建议和(Autofill Suggestions)为地址和付款 (Android) 选项启用自动填充手动回退(Enable Autofill manual fallback for Addresses and Payments (Android) options)使这变得可行。
加载标志的过程:(Procedures to load the flag:)
- 要启用这些标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#autofill-keyboard-accessory-view
- 键入autofill并在(autofill)Chrome Flags页面上向下滑动以启用这两个设置以查看新的Autofill UI。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Chrome 无法连接到 Internet(Fix Chrome not Connecting to the Internet)
下面列出了额外的Android Chrome标志,但这些标志可能适用于您的Chrome浏览器,也可能不适用。
19. 延迟图片加载(19. Lazy Image Loading)
延迟图像加载是(Lazy Image Loading)Android的另一个最佳Google Chrome标志之一。顾名思义,延迟图片加载(Lazy Picture Loading)会减慢图片加载速度。chrome 标志只会在用户进入视口时呈现图像,即当用户向下滑动页面时。
- 这是一个方便的Chrome标志,可以帮助您加快页面加载并(speed up page loading and save data)通过仅在您向下滑动页面时加载图形来保存数据。
- 它使用loading=lazy property延迟图片的加载,直到页面向下滑动靠近它们。
- 许多当前的网站现在都包含内置的延迟加载功能,尽管许多网站没有此选项。
- 大多数基于内容和图像托管的网站需要很长时间才能加载,因为它们必须等待所有图片。
- 在这种情况下,启用缓慢的图像加载将非常有用。
启用标志的方法:(Ways to enable the flag:)
- 您可以使用以下 URL 来启用标志:chrome://flags/#enable-lazy-image-loading
- 通过在Chrome 标志页面上搜索惰性来找到标志。(lazy)
20.隐藏剪贴板内容(20. Hide Clipboard Content)
在您的移动设备上启用Omnibox Content Recommendations Google Chrome 标志,以(Omnibox Content Recommendations Google Chrome flag)阻止剪贴板(stop clipboard) 建议(suggestions)在您每次点击地址栏时出现。它有效地禁止剪贴板检索其内容。
启用标志的方法:(Ways to enable the flag:)
- 使用以下URL搜索Omnibox Content Recommendations Google Chrome标志:chrome://flags/#omnibox-clipboard-suggestions-content-hidden
- 打开Chrome Flag页面并通过输入clipboard进行搜索。
21. 共享剪贴板(21. Shared Clipboard)
- 多亏了几个新的Chrome标志,您将能够复制Chrome中的文本并将其传输到您的其他设备,无论是手机还是笔记本电脑。
- 因此,首先,您必须通过提供的URL在您的Android手机上启用标志(Flag),然后使用Chrome在您的(Chrome)Mac或Windows计算机上启用。
加载标志的不同方式:(Different ways to load the flag:)
- 在搜索栏中键入以下 URL 以找到Chrome标志:chrome://flags/#shared-clipboard-ui
- 在Chrome Flag页面搜索栏中键入剪贴板(clipboard)以找到该标志。
22.密码账户数据存储(22. Password Account Data Storage)
有些人不希望他们的Chrome浏览器数据在设备之间同步。如果您是这些用户之一,但仍想访问您的密码,您可以使用此Chrome扩展程序将它们存储在辅助 Gaia 帐户范围的存储中。然后,您的密码将可以从许多 Chrome 设备上访问,而无需启用同步(accessible from many Chrome devices without enabling sync)。
查找密码的帐户数据存储标志的方法:(Ways to locate Account Data Storage for Passwords flag:)
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#passwords-account-storage
- (Find Enable)在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)菜单中找到为密码(Passwords)启用帐户数据存储。(Account Data Storage)从它旁边的下拉菜单中选择启用。(Enabled)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 10 种解决谷歌浏览器页面加载缓慢的方法(10 Ways To Fix Slow Page Loading In Google Chrome)
23. 选项卡网格和选项卡组(23. Tab Grid and Tab Groups)
Chrome 开发者长期以来一直在研究标签分组功能,现在它正式可用。
- 在您的 Android 设备上,在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)下查找选项卡组(Tab Groups)并启用所有三个标志。
- 然后,查找Tab Grid Layout并将其打开。
- 当您在浏览器中打开新标签时,点击标签切换器符号,然后点击顶部显示的 + 图标。这将建立一个选项卡组,您可以在其中添加和打开网站。
- 您会注意到选项卡网格布局,而不是选项卡页面上的水平排列。
加载标志的技术:(Techniques to load the flag:)
- 要自定义Chrome选项卡,请使用以下URL(URLs)修改Chrome标志:chrome://flags/#enable-tab-grid-layout和chrome://flags/#enable-tab-groups。
- 在Chrome Flag(Chrome Flag)页面的搜索栏中键入tab以启用该标志。
24. 大量广告干预(24. Heavy Ad Intervention)
Google创建了一个名为Heavy Ad Intervention的新(Heavy Ad Intervention )Chrome 标志(Chrome Flag),以帮助减少网站上的广告数量(reduce the number of adverts on a website)。
- 它会卸载消耗过多Android智能手机设备资源的广告。
- 简而言之,Chrome现在可以识别广告,如果它检测到它们阻碍了您的冲浪体验,它会自动阻止它们。
- 您应该使用Heavy Ad Intervention ,它是适用于Android的最佳Google Chrome 标志(Google Chrome Flags)之一。
启用标志的程序:(Procedures to enable the flag:)
- 接下来给出加载标志的 URL:chrome : (URL)chrome://flags/#enable-heavy-ad-intervention
- 通过在 Chrome 标志页面上输入广告干预进行搜索。(ad intervention)
25. HTTPS 上的 DNS(25. DNS over HTTPS)
Google Chrome 的最佳功能之一是安全 DNS(secure DNS)。
- 它作为全局默认设置启用,可以帮助保护您的冲浪数据(safeguard your surfing data)免受窥探、数据包嗅探器和黑客(prying eyes, packet sniffers, and hackers)的侵害。
- DNS中对(DNS)HTTPSSSVC(HTTPSSVC)记录的支持通过在不支持它的网站上强制建立HTTPS连接来加密您的所有DNS查询。(DNS)
- 允许启用此关键安全标志以确保您的浏览安全和私密,即使在使用公共Wi-Fi网络时也是如此。
注意:(Note:)要启用此标志,您的设备必须配置为使用DNS服务器,例如Google Public DNS、Cloudflare和 Comcast's DNS。
加载标志的方法:(Ways to load the flag:)
- 使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#dns-httpssvc
- 此外,您可以在Chrome 标志页面(Chrome flag page)的搜索栏中(search bar on the )键入DNS以加载它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Chrome 中通过 HTTPS 启用 DNS(How to Enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome)
26.启用标签搜索(26. Enable Tab Search)
Chrome 的清晰布局和流畅的可访问性使访问互联网变得简单。启用标签搜索也是适用于Android的最佳(Android)Google Chrome标志之一。
- 您可以在基于 Chromium 的浏览器中打开许多选项卡,其中大多数将在后台加载和运行而不会出现任何问题。
- 您可能需要功能强大的 PC 来保持标签页打开并避免重新加载,尤其是对于消耗大量资源的标签页,例如游戏、图形密集型网站或电影。
- 如果您经常使用 Chrome 并且打开了很多选项卡,那么这个有用的标志就会派上用场。
- 启用该标志后, Chrome(Chrome)标签栏顶部会出现一个小搜索栏。
- 在Top Chrome UI(Top Chrome UI)中启用标签搜索(Tab Search)功能,会出现一个弹出气泡,允许用户搜索他们当前打开的标签。
启用标志的方法:(Ways to enable the flag:)
- 在搜索栏中键入以下 URL 以打开标志:chrome://flags/#enable-tab-search
- 此外,转到Chrome标志页面并在搜索栏中键入选项卡搜索(tab search)以加载标志。
27.复制链接到文本(27. Copy Link to Text)
复制文本链接也是另一个有用的Android Chrome标志。您可能想在互联网上分享文章的某个部分。当然,您可以发送标准链接,但收件人必须滑动才能获得必要的文本。
- 复制链接(Copy Link)到文本标志(Text Flag)允许您共享链接以在线显示文档或网页中突出显示的(display the highlighted text)文本。
- 这对教师、学生和花费大量时间进行在线研究的人来说是一个明显的好处。
启用标志的方法:(Ways to enable the flag:)
- 使用以下 URL 启用标志:chrome://flags/#copy-link-to-text
- 转到Chrome标志页面并在搜索栏中键入复制链接(copy link)以加载标志。
28.顶部工具栏中的分享按钮(28. Share Button in Top Toolbar)
如果您经常从Chrome(Chrome)共享文章和链接,则可以启用顶部工具栏中的共享按钮(Share button)和选项卡按钮。这将允许您在几秒钟内将URL(URLs)发送给您想要的任何人。
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#share-button-in-top-toolbar
- 要启用顶部工具栏(Top Toolbar)标志上的共享按钮(Share Button),请通过键入共享按钮(Share button)并点击它转到 Android 上的Chrome 标志页面。(Chrome Flags)
29.多功能框助手语音搜索(29. Omnibox Assistant Voice Search)
Omnibox Assistant 语音搜索(Omnibox Assistant Voice Search)是您必须启用的下一个Android Chrome 标志。(Android Chrome Flag)
- 在Chrome中,必须用Google Assistant代替(Google Assistant)Google Voice。
- 当您按下Chrome上的麦克风按钮时,它会使用Google Assistant为您提供量身定制的搜索结果。
- 您可以使用我们的指南来了解如何在(how to utilize Google Assistant)Android 版(Android)Chrome上使用 Google 助理而不是标准语音搜索。
找到标志的不同方法:(Different ways to find the flag:)
- 复制并粘贴以下 URL:chrome://flags/#omnibox-assistant-voice-search
- 通过在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)页面上键入语音搜索(voice search)来进行搜索,以允许该标志启用该标志。
30.GPU光栅化(30. GPU Rasterization)
您是否(Are)因为Chrome对您来说不够快而感到沮丧?我们知道如何充分利用您计算机的处理能力。但是,有一个问题:您需要专用 GPU 来提高 Chrome 的性能(a dedicated GPU to improve Chrome’s performance)。Chrome可能会使用GPU 光栅化(GPU Rasterization)来减轻您CPU的一些工作量并将它们放在您的GPU上。
启用标志的两种方法:(Two methods to enable the flag:)
- 您可以使用以下 URL 启用标志:chrome://flags/#enable-gpu-rasterization
- 在Chrome Flags页面上查找GPU Rasterization并从下拉选项中将其打开。
31. 启用 LiteVideos(31. Enable LiteVideos)
另一个有用的Android Chrome标志是启用精简视频。如果您经常在移动连接上流式传输视频并且数据计划有限,则可以启用精简视频来标记。(enable the lite videos)此标志可优化 Android 版 Google Chrome 上的视频质量,(optimizes video quality on Google Chrome for Android)并将数据保存(saves data)在媒体流中。
启用标志的方法:(Ways to enable the flag:)
- 使用以下 URL 启用标志:chrome://flags/#enable-lite-video
- 允许标志通过导航到Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)页面并搜索精简视频(lite videos)来保存数据。
32. 拉动刷新手势(32. Pull to Refresh Gesture)
你不喜欢Chrome的移动手势吗?向下滑动以刷新网站是一项流行的功能,Chrome标志可以帮助您将其带到您的 PC 上。如果您有一台运行Windows、Linux或Chrome 操作系统(Chrome OS)的触摸屏计算机,这将特别有用。然后,您可以选择是否应该为所有设备或仅触摸屏启用该功能。
- 要加载标志,请使用 URL:chrome://flags/#pull-to-refresh
- 在Chrome Flags(Chrome Flags)页面上搜索 Pull-to-refresh 手势以启用它。
33.预览页面和图像(33. Preview Page and Image)
- Chrome 现在提供了预览页面功能(Preview Page function)(以前称为偷看),允许您在同一页面上打开链接。
- 启用标志后,您必须长按一个链接并选择“预览(Preview)”页面,这将在底部以一种覆盖的形式打开该链接。
- 您可以通过在此叠加层上向上滑动来查看链接,通过向下滑动来隐藏它,然后通过点击关闭来关闭它。
- 当您扩展此覆盖时,页面的行为类似于选项卡,除了长按选项不可用。
启用标志的不同方法:(Different ways to enable the flag:)
- 以下标志URL可用于启用此新功能:chrome://flags/#enable-ephemeral-tab
- (Locate)通过在Chrome 标志(Chrome Flags)页面上搜索短暂的来找到并启用标志。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Fix Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim!
34.启用共享剪贴板(34. Enable Shared Clipboard)
- 您将能够在Chrome中复制文本并将其传输到您的其他设备,无论是手机还是笔记本电脑。
- 因此,首先,您必须通过提供的URL在您的Android手机上启用标志(Flag),然后使用Chrome在您的(Chrome)Mac或Windows计算机上启用。
允许标志启用其功能的方法:(Ways to allow the flag to enable its feature:)
- 要加载标志,请使用以下 URL:chrome://flags/#shared-clipboard-ui
- 通过在Chrome 标志页面上搜索共享剪贴板来启用标志。(shared clipboard)
35. 跨设备同步剪贴板(35. Sync Clipboard Across Devices)
- 通过打开启用接收设备和启用共享剪贴板功能信号,您可以在(Enable receiver device and Enable shared clipboard feature signals)Android智能手机和 PC之间快速同步信息。
- 启用(Enable)接收器设备处理共享剪贴板功能,启用(Enable)共享剪贴板功能信号以处理Android设备上的标志和PC 上的同步剪贴板服务标志。(Sync Clipboard Service)
- 剪贴板现在将在您的 PC 和Android智能手机之间共享,如其名称所示。
- 无论您在Android智能手机上的 Chrome 剪贴板上复制和粘贴的内容,都可以在桌面上访问,反之亦然。
- 唯一要记住的是,两台设备都必须使用相同的电子邮件地址登录(both devices must be logged in using the same email address)。
- 您可以通过在Chrome 标志页面上搜索剪贴板(enable these flags by searching the clipboard)轻松启用这些标志。
Android有很多这样的Chrome标志可以充分利用这些有用的Android Chrome标志。我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您能够找到大量适用于 Android 的最佳 Google Chrome 标志(best Google Chrome flags for Android)。分享您在Google Chrome上可用的最喜欢的标志,并在下面的评论部分与社区分享。如果您在Chrome上配置标志时遇到问题,请直接与我们联系!
35 Best Google Chrome Flags for Android
Google Chrome provides a ѕmoоth interface, and ѕince you already get it рre-instаlled on most Android phones with the addition of new and interesting features in timely updates. If you’re familiar with Google, you’ll know that they’re always wоrking on plеnty of useful Android Chrome flags. Chrome Flags unlock new capabіlities, whereas Chrome Settings allows you to customize your web experience. So, in this article, we’ve compiled a liѕt of some of the best Google Сhrome Flags for Andrоid of all time. But bеfore knowing them, let’s understand the usagе and installation of Chrome flags on Android.
35 Best Google Chrome Flags for Android
First, we’ll help you find the flag section in Chrome Android and how it is used. Chrome flags can be understood and monitored accordingly to get a good experience while browsing Google Chrome. Follow these steps for that:
Note: Smartphones don’t have the same Settings options. They vary from manufacturer to manufacturer so check the correct settings before changing any.
1. Launch Chrome on your device.
2. Type chrome://flags in the Search or type web address bar and tap Enter.
3. You can find all the flags under the Available section.
4. Type Lens in the search bar.
Note: Here, Google Lens is chosen as an example.
5. Choose Enabled under Google Lens powered image search for shoppable images in the context menu.
6. Tap Relaunch at the bottom of the screen.
Also Read: How to Reset Google Chrome on Android
So, now that you know how to configure Google Chrome flags. Let’s move forwards with the list of the best Google Chrome flags for Android. You can use these useful Android Chrome flags according to your preference.
1. Google Lens
Google Lens support is now available on Chrome for Android. It is, however, still obscured by a flag. After enabling the Google Lens flag by following the steps in the above method, you can now use Google Lens to reverse search photographs while browsing the web. Now, long-press any image and choose Search image with Google Lens.
Note: You can also use the following URL to open the Google Lens flag: chrome://flags/#context-menu-search-with-google-lens
2. Show Query Tiles
Show query tiles is also another useful Android Chrome flags. You may have noticed that Chrome’s homepage is gradually bloating with too many adverts and content recommendations, making the experience extremely irritating. Thumbnails of material such as news, films, food, fashion, and more are among the new additions. To be honest, we don’t give a damn about Chrome’s recommendations. So, if you’re in the same scenario as us, turn off the Show query tiles flag, and you’re good to go.
Ways to disable the flag:
- To load and disable the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#query-tiles
- Open the Chrome Flag page and search for the flag by typing query in the search bar.
3. Read Later
On the desktop version of Google Chrome, you can use this one of useful Android Chrome flags i.e. Read Later option, but you can also use it on your mobile device. It is also one of best Google Chrome flags for Android. Apart from Bookmarks, this experimental Read Later flag allows you another way to save and read web pages later.
Ways to find the Read Later Chrome flag:
- You can enable the flag by typing the following URL in the search bar: chrome://flags/#read-later
- You can enable the flag by typing read later in the search bar on the Chrome Flag page.
Also Read: How to Delete Browsing History on Android Device
4. Password Import
Another useful Android Chrome flags is Password Import for Chrome OS users switching from Mac or PC or for individuals who frequently switch between different operating systems and browsers.
- You can import passwords from Safari, Opera, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge to Chrome using this Flag.
Mac, Linux, Windows, Chrome OS, and Android are some supported platforms.
- This is the Flag to enable if you’re having trouble remembering your 20-character password with five special symbols.
Ways to locate the flag:
- To enable the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#password-import
- Type password in the search bar on the Chrome Flag page.
5. Parallel for Faster Download
It can be inconvenient to wait for large files to download. Let’s shorten download times by splitting them into many files that can be downloaded simultaneously. Use the drop-down menu to the right after you find Parallel Downloading and turn it on.
Ways to search for the flag:
- Use the following URL to enable the flag: chrome://flags/#enable-parallel-downloading
- Also, you can find this Chrome flag by searching for it as parallel on the Chrome Flag page.
6. QUIC Protocol
Chrome flags can also be used to improve the speed of your browsing.
- QUIC is a Google-developed protocol that aims to speed up the web.
- This will speed things up if you enable it, but only if your websites have been optimized for it.
- However, everything is preferable to nothing! Look for Experimental QUIC Protocol on the Chrome Flags page. Select Enabled from the drop-down menu.
Procedures to enable the flag:
- Find and enable the Chrome flag using the following URL: chrome://flags/#enable-quic
- Type quic in the search bar on the Chrome Flag page to load the flag.
Also Read: How To Disable Sound In Chrome (Android)
7. Quieter Permission Prompts
Every website in the world wants to send you notifications right now! It has become an irritation, and practically everyone is sick of it. If you enable this, you will no longer be disturbed.
- Simply enable the Chrome Flag Quieter notification permission prompts.
- All notification permission requests will be disabled, and you will be able to enjoy uninterrupted browsing.
- A bell icon will display to the right of the address bar if you choose to get notifications from specified websites. To view notification permission choices, tap on it.
Two ways to enable the flag:
- Modify the notification permissions using the following Chrome flag URL: chrome://flags/#permission-predictions
Note: You can use the same URL for Android and other devices.
- Search by typing quieter in the search bar on the Chrome Flag page.
8. Global Media Control Picture-in-Picture
PiP Mode is a wonderful feature that allows you to multitask while doing other things on your computer.
- It produces a little floating media box that can be used to watch TV shows or movies on a computer.
- When the global media control flag is set to true, a little control button will appear on the taskbar from which you can pause, play, and move to the next, previous, or PiP mode.
- For most devices, this flag is already turned on by default.
- Also, this Chrome flag can be enabled on Android devices.
Means to load the flag:
- Use the following URL to enjoy your video.
- Laptop/PC: chrome://flags/#global-media-controls-picture-in-picture
- Android devices: chrome://flags/#android-picture-in-picture-api
- Search by typing picture in the search bar to load the flag on the Chrome Flag page.
9. Smooth Scrolling
Have you ever noticed that your scrolling stutters or slows down? There could be a variety of reasons for this. However, the Chrome Flag will almost certainly help. It’s not only a useful feature for Android users, but it’s also compatible with Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS.
- Use the URL given below to enable the Chrome flag: chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling
- Simply type Smooth Scrolling in the search bar on the Chrome Flag page and select the Chrome Flag to enable it.
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10. Chrome Sharing Hub
You share links while using Chrome on Android, and Google will add a new sharing UI to Chrome Android. Yes, when you enable the flag using the provided link, you will see a new sharing UI whenever you select the share button. As you can see in the screenshot below, there are three options in this sharing UI:
- QR code allows you to share URLs via QR code but isn’t working right now.
- Send to your devices is self-explanatory.
- Copy link is self-explanatory as well. In addition, you can use the flag below to provide a snapshot option.
Two methods to enable the flag:
- To load the flags, use the following URLs: chrome://flags/#chrome-sharing-hub and chrome://flags/#chrome-share-screenshot
- Type and search screenshot or sharing on the Chrome Flag page.
11. Explore Websites
Google has recently gone beyond creating content suggestions in Chrome, which is a pretty annoying experience. Previously, you could stop the Discover feed (which is not the same as promo cards), but the flag (Interest Feed Content Suggestion) is no longer active. The Top Sites menu can be removed from the site, though. Simply do a Google search to browse websites and uncheck the box. The Top Sites section on the homepage will no longer be visible.
Two ways to disable Explore Websites flag:
- To disable the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#explore-sites
- Navigate to the Chrome flag page and type explore in the search bar to load the flag.
12. Incognito Screenshot
The next on the list of the best Google Chrome flags for Android is Incognito Screenshot. While taking screenshots on Android is simple, it is impossible to do it in incognito mode. You can take screenshots even in incognito mode with the aid of this flag that was added to Chrome for Android version 88 (Stable).
Means to enable the flag:
- Use the given URL to enable the flag: chrome://flags/#incognito-screenshot
- Type incognito in the search bar and swipe through the Chrome Flag page to locate the flag.
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13. Dark Mode for Webpages
One of useful Android Chrome flags is Dark mode for webpages. Although Chrome for Android features a dark mode, it is not available on all websites.
- The Google Search page, for example, is entirely white and uses a white UI to display results.
- That’s where this flag comes in handy for forcing dark mode on all websites.
- When you allow this, all of your web pages will darken, whether they support a dark theme.
- Yes, some pages ignore the imposed dark theme, but that’s a cost you have to pay for a truly gloomy experience.
Two ways to enable the flag:
- To load the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark
- Find the flag by typing dark in the search bar on the Chrome Flag page.
14. Reader Mode
You can use the new reader mode flag to simplify the view if you’re reading a long article or there are a lot of distractions on the page. Relaunch the browser and select Always or All Articles from the drop-down menu to enable the reader mode. At the bottom of the page, you’ll now see a new option called Simplified View. The page will reload in reader mode after you tap it.
Different means to enable the flag:
- To load the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#reader-mode-heuristics
- Type reader on the Chrome Flag page to enable the flag.
15. Back Forward Cache
This back-forward cache will come in handy if you frequently navigate back and forth on a page. This, in particular, saves the full webpage to the cache. The advantage is that when you press the back or forward keys, the online pages load promptly and without any delay.
Different ways to locate the Back Forward Cache flag:
- To load the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#back-forward-cache
- Type forward in the search bar on the Chrome Flags page to enable the flag.
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16. Autofill UPI Details
Another useful Android Chrome flags is Autofill UPI details. Many UPI payment applications, including Google’s own Google Pay in India, have grown extremely popular. As a result, Chrome now allows you to remember UPI data so that it may be auto-filled the next time you make a UPI payment. Chrome will be able to identify UPI IDs or VPAs and allow you to save these data in payments once this is completed.
Procedures to enable the flag:
- To load the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#enable-autofill-upi-vpa
- You can quickly enable the flag by searching UPI on the Chrome Flags page.
17. Show Autofill Predictions
This Flag makes your life simpler by pre-filling fields with autocompleted content. Your name, address, zip code, and other information will now be automatically loaded on shipping and billing forms online. You may activate this important time-saving Flag with little risk.
Two means to enable the flag:
- If you want to enable the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#show-autofill-type-predictions
- Search autofill on the Chrome Flags page to find the flag and enable it.
18. New Autofill UI in Chrome
Chrome has an Autofill function that fills in most of the forms for you. It is also one of useful Android Chrome flags. It manages everything from your login and password to your addresses and email address.
- The only need is to input it to Chrome once at the start and check in with the same email address.
- If all of these prerequisites are met, all you have to do now is tap on the credentials area, and Chrome will populate the appropriate information.
- This eliminates the need to remember the IDs and passwords of several websites.
- This Automiff Menu is set to get a makeover.
- The Autofill Suggestions as keyboard accessory view and Enable Autofill manual fallback for Addresses and Payments (Android) options make this feasible.
Procedures to load the flag:
- To enable these flags, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#autofill-keyboard-accessory-view
- Type autofill and swipe down on the Chrome Flags page to enable these two settings to see the new Autofill UI.
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Listed below are the additional Android Chrome flags but these flags may or may not be available for your Chrome browser.
19. Lazy Image Loading
Lazy Image Loading is another one of best Google Chrome flags for Android. As the name implies, Lazy Picture Loading slows down image loading. The chrome flag will only render images when the user enters the viewport, i.e., when the user swipes down the page.
- It’s a handy Chrome flag that may help you speed up page loading and save data by only loading graphics as you swipe down the page.
- It delays the loading of pictures with the loading=lazy property until the page is swiped down close to them.
- Numerous current websites now include a built-in lazy loading capability, although many websites do not have this option.
- Most content-based and image-hosting websites take a long time to load because they have to wait for all of the pictures.
- Enable sluggish image loading will be quite useful in this case.
Ways to enable the flag:
- You can use the following URL to enable the flag: chrome://flags/#enable-lazy-image-loading
- Locate the flag by searching lazy on the Chrome Flags page.
20. Hide Clipboard Content
Enable the Omnibox Content Recommendations Google Chrome flag on your mobile device to stop clipboard suggestions from appearing every time you hit the address bar. It effectively prohibits the clipboard from retrieving its contents.
Ways to enable the flag:
- Use the below URL to search the Omnibox Content Recommendations Google Chrome flag: chrome://flags/#omnibox-clipboard-suggestions-content-hidden
- Open the Chrome Flag page and search by typing clipboard.
21. Shared Clipboard
Clipboard sharing is a feature you’ve wished for in Chrome, and it’s now finally here.
- Thanks to several new Chrome flags, you’ll be able to copy the text in Chrome and transfer it to your other device, whether a phone or a laptop.
- So, first and foremost, you must enable the Flag on your Android phone through the provided URL and then on your Mac or Windows computer using Chrome.
Different ways to load the flag:
- Type the following URL in the search bar to locate the Chrome flag: chrome://flags/#shared-clipboard-ui
- Type clipboard in the Chrome Flag page search bar to locate the flag.
22. Password Account Data Storage
Some folks don’t want their Chrome browser data synced between devices. If you’re one of these users but still want access to your passwords, you may use this Chrome extension to store them in secondary Gaia-account-scoped storage. Your passwords will then be accessible from many Chrome devices without enabling sync.
Ways to locate Account Data Storage for Passwords flag:
- To load the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#passwords-account-storage
- Find Enable the Account Data Storage for Passwords in the Chrome Flags menu. Choose Enabled from the drop-down menu next to it.
Also Read: 10 Ways To Fix Slow Page Loading In Google Chrome
23. Tab Grid and Tab Groups
Chrome developers have been working on a tab grouping function for a long time, and now it’s officially available.
- On your Android device, look for Tab Groups under Chrome Flags and enable all three flags.
- Then, look for Tab Grid Layout and turn it on.
- When you open a new tab in your browser, hit the tab switcher symbol and then the + icon that appears on top. This will establish a tab group to which you can add and open websites.
- Instead of a horizontal arrangement on the tabs page, you’ll notice a tab grid layout.
Techniques to load the flag:
- To customize the Chrome tabs, use the following URLs to modify the Chrome flags: chrome://flags/#enable-tab-grid-layout and chrome://flags/#enable-tab-groups.
- Type tab in the search bar of the Chrome Flag page to enable the flag.
24. Heavy Ad Intervention
Google has created a new Chrome Flag dubbed Heavy Ad Intervention to help reduce the number of adverts on a website.
- It unloads adverts that consume too much of your Android smartphone’s device resources.
- In short, Chrome is now aware of advertising, and it will automatically block them if it detects that they are obstructing your surfing experience.
- You should utilize Heavy Ad Intervention, one of the best Google Chrome Flags for Android.
Procedures to enable the flag:
- The URL to load the flag is given next: chrome://flags/#enable-heavy-ad-intervention
- Search by typing ad intervention on the Chrome Flag page.
25. DNS over HTTPS
One of Google Chrome’s best features is secure DNS.
- It’s enabled as a global default setting and can help safeguard your surfing data from prying eyes, packet sniffers, and hackers.
- Support for HTTPSSVC records in DNS encrypts all of your DNS queries by forcing an HTTPS connection on websites that don’t support it.
- Allow this critical security flag to be enabled to keep your browsing safe and private, even when using public Wi-Fi networks.
Note: To enable this flag, your device must be configured to use DNS servers such as Google Public DNS, Cloudflare, and Comcast’s DNS.
Ways to load the flag:
- Use the following URL: chrome://flags/#dns-httpssvc
- Also, you can type DNS in the search bar on the Chrome flag page to load it.
Also Read: How to Enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome
26. Enable Tab Search
Chrome’s clear layout and smooth accessibility make it simple to access the internet. Enable tab search is also one of best Google Chrome flags for Android.
- You can open numerous tabs in your Chromium-based browser, and most of them will load and run in the background without any issues.
- You may require a powerful PC to keep the tabs open and avoid reloading, especially for tabs that consume many resources, such as games, graphics-intensive websites, or films.
- If you use Chrome a lot and have a lot of tabs open, this useful flag will come in handy.
- When you enable the flag, a little search bar appears at the top of the Chrome tab bar.
- Enable the Tab Search function in the Top Chrome UI, and a popup bubble will appear, allowing users to search through their currently open tabs.
Ways to enable the flag:
- Type the following URL in the search bar to open the flag: chrome://flags/#enable-tab-search
- Also, go to the Chrome flags page and type tab search in the search bar to load the flag.
Note: If you cannot find this flag, it might be configured as default on your device.
27. Copy Link to Text
Copy link to text is also another useful Android Chrome flags. You could want to share a certain section of an article on the internet. Of course, you can send the standard link, but the recipient will have to swipe to get the necessary text.
- The Copy Link to Text Flag allows you to share a link to display the highlighted text in a document or webpage online.
- This is an obvious benefit for instructors, students, and people who spend significant time undertaking online research.
Ways to enable the flag:
- Use the following URL to enable the flag: chrome://flags/#copy-link-to-text
- Go to the Chrome flag page and type copy link in the search bar to load the flag.
28. Share Button in Top Toolbar
You can enable a Share button in the top toolbar and the tab button if you frequently share articles and links from Chrome. This will allow you to send URLs to whomever you want in seconds.
- To load the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#share-button-in-top-toolbar
- To enable the Share Button on the Top Toolbar flag, go to the Chrome Flags page on your Android by typing Share button and tapping it.
29. Omnibox Assistant Voice Search
Omnibox Assistant Voice Search is the next Android Chrome Flag you must enable.
- In Chrome, it is essential to substitute Google Voice with Google Assistant.
- When you press the microphone button on Chrome, it will use Google Assistant to provide you with tailored search results.
- You may use our guide to learn how to utilize Google Assistant instead of standard voice search on Chrome for Android.
Different ways to find the flag:
- Copy and paste the following URL: chrome://flags/#omnibox-assistant-voice-search
- Search by typing voice search on the Chrome Flags page to allow the flag to enable the flag.
30. GPU Rasterization
Are you frustrated because Chrome isn’t quick enough for you? We know how to get the most out of your computer’s processing capability. However, there is a catch: you’ll need a dedicated GPU to improve Chrome’s performance. Chrome may use GPU Rasterization to offload some efforts from your CPU and place them on your GPU.
Two methods to enable the flag:
- You can enable the flag using the following URL: chrome://flags/#enable-gpu-rasterization
- Look for GPU Rasterization on the Chrome Flags page and turn it on from the drop-down option.
31. Enable LiteVideos
Another useful Android Chrome flags is enabling lite videos. You can enable the lite videos to flag if you frequently stream videos on a mobile connection and have a limited data plan. This flag optimizes video quality on Google Chrome for Android and saves data on the media stream.
Ways to enable the flag:
- Use the following URL to enable the flag: chrome://flags/#enable-lite-video
- To allow the flag to save data by navigating to the Chrome Flags page and searching lite videos.
32. Pull to Refresh Gesture
Don’t you adore Chrome’s mobile gestures? Swiping down to refresh a website is a popular function, and Chrome flags can help you bring it to your PC. This is especially useful if you have a touchscreen computer running Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS. You may then pick whether the feature should be enabled for all devices or just touchscreens.
Methods to enable the flag:
- To load the flag, use the URL: chrome://flags/#pull-to-refresh
- Search for the Pull-to-refresh gesture on the Chrome Flags page to enable it.
33. Preview Page and Image
There are a few options when you need to open a link but don’t want to open it in a new tab.
- Chrome now offers a Preview Page function (formerly known as a sneak peek), allowing you to open a link on the same page.
- After enabling the flag, you have to long-press a link and select the Preview page, which will open the link in a sort of overlay at the bottom.
- You can check out the link by swiping up on this overlay, hiding it by swiping down, and closing it by hitting close.
- When you extend this overlay, the page behaves similarly to a tab, except that long-press options are not available.
Different ways to enable the flag:
- The following flag URL can be used to enable this new feature: chrome://flags/#enable-ephemeral-tab
- Locate and enable the flag by searching ephemeral on the Chrome Flags page.
Also Read: Fix Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim!
34. Enable Shared Clipboard
Clipboard sharing is a feature that we’ve all wished for in Chrome, and it’s now finally here.
- You’ll be able to copy the text in Chrome and transfer it to your other device, whether it’s a phone or a laptop.
- So, first and foremost, you must enable the Flag on your Android phone through the provided URL and then on your Mac or Windows computer using Chrome.
Ways to allow the flag to enable its feature:
- To load the flag, use the following URL: chrome://flags/#shared-clipboard-ui
- Enable the flag by searching shared clipboard on the Chrome Flags page.
35. Sync Clipboard Across Devices
You may be working on your laptop, and your Android phone is nearby. You can come across something intriguing on your smartphone and want to transfer it to your computer or vice versa. There are a plethora of third-party apps available for this. But why use a third-party program when Chrome can do it just as well?
- You can quickly sync information between your Android smartphone and your PC by turning on the Enable receiver device and Enable shared clipboard feature signals.
- Enable receiver device handles the shared clipboard feature, and Enable shared clipboard feature signals to handle flags on your Android device and the Sync Clipboard Service flag on your PC.
- The clipboard will now be shared across your PC and Android smartphone, as indicated by its name.
- Whatever you copy and paste on Chrome’s clipboard on your Android smartphone may be accessible on your desktop and vice versa.
- The only thing to remember is that both devices must be logged in using the same email address.
- You can easily enable these flags by searching the clipboard on the Chrome Flags page.
There are a lot of such Chrome flags for Android to make the most usage of these useful Android Chrome flags. We hope this article helped you in some way, and you were able to find plenty of best Google Chrome flags for Android. Share your favorite flags available on Google Chrome and share them in the comment section below with the community. If you’re stuck somewhere while configuring flags on Chrome, reach out to us directly!