您最近是否从 iOS 切换到 Android,但没有 Facetime 无法应付?幸运的是,Android 有很多 FaceTime 替代品。(Have you recently switched from iOS to Android but not able to cope up without Facetime? Luckily, there are plenty of FaceTime alternatives for Android. )
众所周知,数字革命时代已经彻底改变了我们与他人交流的方式。视频(Video)聊天应用程序已经完成了不可能的事情,现在我们实际上可以看到坐在电话另一端的人,无论我们身处世界的哪个角落。在这些视频聊天应用程序中,Apple的(Apple)FaceTime很可能是目前互联网上最受欢迎的应用程序,这是有充分理由的。借助此应用程序,您实际上可以参加多达 32 人的群组视频通话。(group video call)是的,你听到的是对的。再加上清晰的音频和清晰的视频(crisp video),你就会知道这个应用程序让人产生热潮的原因。然而,安卓(Android) 用户——与(users)苹果(Apple) 用户(users)相比数量太多——不能使用这个应用程序,因为它只与iOS 操作系统(iOS operating system)兼容。
亲爱的 Android(Dear Android)用户,不要失去希望。即使您无法使用FaceTime,也有一些很棒的替代品。那里有很多。这些是什么?我听到你这么问了吗?好吧(Well),那么你来对地方了,我的朋友。在本文中,我将与您讨论 Android 上 FaceTime 的 7种最佳(Android)替代(FaceTime)方案。我还将为您提供有关它们中的每一个的更详细信息。所以一定要坚持到底。现在,不再浪费时间,让我们更深入地研究这个问题。继续阅读。
适用于Android的7种最佳 FaceTime 替代品(Best FaceTime Alternatives)
以下是目前互联网上Android上(Android)FaceTime的 7 种最佳替代方案。(FaceTime)请继续阅读以了解有关它们中的每一个的更多详细信息。
1. 脸书信使(1. Facebook Messenger)
首先(First),我要与您讨论的Android上(Android)FaceTime的第一个替代品称为Facebook Messenger。它是FaceTime(FaceTime)最受欢迎的替代品之一。它也是最容易使用的一种。这背后的原因是大量的人使用Facebook,因此使用——或者至少熟悉Facebook Messenger。反过来,这使您可以与其他人进行视频通话,而无需说服他们安装和使用他们甚至可能没有听说过的新应用程序。
通话质量非常好。除此之外,该应用程序还可以跨平台运行。因此,您可以将其与Android、iOS 甚至您的计算机同步,从而增加乐趣。同一应用程序还有一个精简版,它消耗更少的数据和存储空间(storage space)。尽管Facebook Messenger有一些令人讨厌的地方,但总的来说,它是Apple的(Apple)FaceTime的绝佳替代品。
下载 Facebook 信使( Download Facebook Messenger)
2. Skype
现在,我要与您讨论的Android上(Android)FaceTime的下一个最佳替代方案是Skype。这与Facebook Messenger类似,也是一种知名且知名的视频聊天服务。事实上,我可以说该应用程序确实是智能手机以及计算机语音和视频通话(computer voice and video calls)领域的先驱。因此,您可以确信它的可信赖性和效率。时至今日,该应用程序在市场上占有一席之地,这是一项了不起的成就,尤其是在它加入了微软巨头(Microsoft juggernaut)之后。
作为Skype的用户,您可以完全免费地使用它的一对一以及群组语音(group voice)以及与同样使用Skype的其他人的视频聊天。除此之外,您还可以拨打手机和固定电话号码。但是,您确实需要支付少量费用才能使用该服务。
该应用程序的另一个有用功能是内置即时消息(instant messaging)。使用此服务,您只需将他们的短信(SMS)连接到应用程序,瞧(app and voila)。现在,您完全可以通过Mac 或 PC(Mac or PC)在手机上回复所有这些短信。该应用程序的用户群非常庞大,因此更容易找到您想要联系的人,这些人已经在他们的所有设备上安装了该应用程序。
下载 Skype( Download Skype)
3. 谷歌环聊(3. Google Hangouts)
绝对值得您花时间和注意力的Android上(Android)FaceTime的下一个最佳替代品称为Google Hangouts。它是谷歌(Google)的另一款应用,显然是它所做的最好的应用之一。该应用程序的用户界面 (UI) 和工作流程与Apple的(Apple)FaceTime非常相似。
除此之外,该应用程序使您可以在任何给定时间与多达 10 人进行群组视频会议通话。(group video)除此之外,该应用程序上的群聊可以同时容纳多达 100 人,从而增加了它的好处。要进行视频会议通话,您只需向所有参与者发送加入通话的邀请以及URL即可。然后,参与者将需要单击链接,仅此而已。该应用程序将负责其余的工作,他们将能够加入电话会议或会议(conference call or meeting)。
下载谷歌环聊( Download Google Hangouts)
4. 维伯(4. Viber)
接下来,我会要求大家将注意力转移到 Android 上 FaceTime 的下一个最佳替代方案(Android),(FaceTime)即Viber。该应用程序拥有来自世界各个角落的超过 2.8 亿人的用户群,以及高评分和一些惊人的评论。该应用程序最初是作为一个简单的文本和音频消息应用程序(audio messaging app)开始的。然而,后来开发商意识到视频通话市场的巨大潜力,他们也想分一杯羹。
另请阅读:2020 年适用于 Android 的 10 款最佳拨号器应用程序(Also Read: 10 Best Dialer Apps for Android in 2020)
在早期,该应用程序试图简单地模拟Skype提供的(Skype)音频通话(audio call)服务。然而,他们很快意识到这还不够,因此也转向了视频通话。该应用程序对市场来说相对较新,尤其是当您将其与列表中的其他一些应用程序进行比较时。但不要让这个事实欺骗(fact fool)你。它仍然是一个了不起的应用程序,绝对值得您花时间和关注。
该应用程序带有一个简单、干净和直观的用户界面 (UI)。这就是该应用程序击败Google Hangouts 和 Skype(Google Hangouts and Skype)等具有更笨重用户界面 (UI) 设计的应用程序的地方。这背后的原因是这些应用程序最初是作为桌面服务开始的,后来又针对移动设备进行了修改。但是,Viber仅适用于智能手机。虽然这使它成为应用程序的绝佳选择,但另一方面,即使您愿意,也无法尝试桌面版本(desktop version),因为他们没有。
不利的一面是,该应用程序不允许其用户与不使用该应用程序的其他人进行交流。除此之外,虽然大多数其他应用程序使用(apps use) SMS 协议(SMS protocol),但Viber不参与其中。因此,您甚至无法向不使用该应用程序的人发送短信。对于某些用户来说,这可能是一个大问题。
下载 Viber( Download Viber)
5. WhatsApp
借助此应用程序,您不仅可以给您的朋友和家人发短信,还可以使用它进行音频通话和视频通话。一个独特的功能是该应用程序可以在所有其他流行平台上跨平台运行。因此,您无需担心您的朋友或家人使用(family use)什么作为交流媒介。根本没关系。
除此之外,该应用程序还使您能够处理各种事情,例如图像、文档、音频剪辑和录音、位置信息(location information)、联系人,甚至视频剪辑。应用程序上的每一次聊天都是加密的。这反过来又为您提供了一层额外的安全性,并使您的聊天记录保持私密。
下载 WhatsApp( Download WhatsApp)
6.谷歌二重奏(6. Google Duo)
我现在要将您的注意力转向Android上的FaceTime的下一个最佳替代方案是Google Duo。说这款应用本质上是安卓的(Android)FaceTime ,或许并不为过。在Google的(Google)信任和效率(trust and efficiency)的支持下,该应用程序提供了一流的性能。该应用程序在Wi-Fi和蜂窝连接上都表现出色。
该应用程序与Android和iOS 操作系统(iOS operating systems)兼容。这反过来又使您能够打电话给您的家人和朋友,无论他们智能手机上的操作系统(operating system)是什么。您完全有可能与群组视频(group video)通话一起进行一对一的通话。对于视频通话功能(video call feature),该应用程序允许其用户与多达 8 人进行视频通话。除此之外,您还可以给您的朋友和家人留言。该应用程序的另一个独特功能称为“敲敲敲门(Knock-knock)”。借助此功能,您实际上可以通过实时视频预览查看谁在通话(video preview)在接听电话之前。端到端加密确保您的个人聊天记录始终安全,不会落入坏人之手。
下载 Google Duo( Download Google Duo)
7. ezTalks 会议(7. ezTalks Meetings)
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,您绝对应该至少检查一次的Android上(Android)FaceTime的最终最佳替代方案称为 ezTalks (FaceTime)Meetings。开发人员构建了这个应用程序,特别是考虑到群组的视频会议通话。这反过来又使它成为最适合您的选择,以防您经营企业并希望召开电话会议,或者您只是喜欢同时与几个不同的家庭成员交谈。除此之外,该应用程序还允许其用户进行一对一通话。将参与者添加到视频通话(video call)的过程非常简单——您只需通过电子邮件中的链接向他们发送邀请即可。
开发人员已向其用户提供免费和付费版本的应用程序。在免费版本中,您完全可以与多达 100 人进行群组视频通话并参加会议。(group conference video call)是的,你看的没错。如果这对您来说还不够,您可以随时参加并主持多达 500 人的群组视频电话会议。(group conference video call)正如您现在可能已经了解的那样,您需要通过支付订阅费(subscription fee)来购买高级版本才能使用此功能。除此之外,还有一个升级到企业计划的选项(Enterprise plan). 根据此计划,您可以在任何给定时间主持和参加多达 10,000 人的在线会议。你能希望找到比这更好的吗?好吧,事实证明,你得到的还不止这些。在此计划中,该应用程序为您提供了一些惊人的自定义功能,例如屏幕共享(screen sharing)、白板共享(whiteboard sharing)、即使参与者位于多个不同时区也可以安排在线会议。
另请阅读:2020 年十大 Android 音乐播放器(Also Read: Top 10 Android Music Players of 2020)
除此之外,该应用程序还提供即时消息、录制在线会议以及播放、录制(play and record)和观看会议等功能,以及更多功能。
下载 ezTalks 会议( Download ezTalks Meetings )
7 Best FaceTime Alternatives for Android
Have you recently switched from iOS to Android but not able to cope up without Facetime? Luckily, there are plenty of FaceTime alternatives for Android.
As all of us know that the era of the digital revolution has completely changed the way we communicate with others. Video chatting apps have done the impossible and now we can actually see the person sitting at the other end of the call no matter where any of us are in the world. Among these video chatting apps, FaceTime from Apple is most likely the most widely loved one out there on the internet as of now, and for good reason. With the help of this app, you can actually attend a group video call with as many as 32 people. Yes, you heard that right. Add to that the clear audio as well as crisp video, and you will know the reason behind the craze that this app conjures. However, Android users – who are far too many in number when compared to that of Apple users – cannot use this app as it is only compatible with the iOS operating system.
Dear Android users, do not lose hope. Even if you cannot make use of FaceTime, there are some amazing alternatives to it. And there are a plethora of them out there. What are they? Do I hear you asking that? Well, then you are in the right place, my friend. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the 7 best alternatives to FaceTime on Android. I am also going to give you more detailed information on each one of them. So make sure to stick to the end. Now, without wasting any more time, let us dive deeper into the matter. Keep on reading.
7 Best FaceTime Alternatives for Android
Here are the 7 best alternatives to FaceTime on Android out there on the internet as of now. Read along to find out more detailed information on each one of them.
1. Facebook Messenger
First of all, the first alternative to FaceTime on Android that I am going to talk to you about is called Facebook Messenger. It is one of the most widely loved alternatives to FaceTime. It is also one of the easiest ones to use. The reasons behind this are that a huge number of people use Facebook and therefore uses – or at least acquainted with Facebook Messenger. This, in turn, makes it possible for you to video call others without the need to convince them to install and use a new app that they might not even have heard about.
The quality of the calls is pretty good. In addition to that, the app also works cross-platform. As a result, you can sync it with Android, iOS, and even to your computer which increases the fun. There is also a lite version of the same app which consumes fewer data and storage space. Although there are bits about the Facebook Messenger that are downright annoying, but overall, it is a great alternative to FaceTime from Apple.
Download Facebook Messenger
2. Skype
Now, the next best alternative to FaceTime on Android that I am going to talk to you about is called Skype. This too – similar to Facebook Messenger – is a well-known as well as reputed video chat service. In fact, I can go as far as saying that the app is indeed a pioneer in the fields of the smartphone as well as computer voice and video calls. Therefore, you can be sure of its trustworthiness as well as efficiency. And to this day, the app has held its place in the market, a great feat of achievement, especially even after it has joined the Microsoft juggernaut.
As a user of Skype, you can make use of its one-on-one along with group voice as well as video chats to others who also use Skype absolutely free of charge. In addition to that, you can also call mobile as well as landline numbers too. However, you do need to pay a small fee to make use of that service.
Another useful feature of the app is the built-in instant messaging. With this service, you can simply connect their SMS to the app and voila. It is now entirely possible for you to reply to all those text messages on your phone via your Mac or PC. The user base of the app is huge and therefore it is easier to find people you want to get in touch with already having the app installed across all their devices.
Download Skype
3. Google Hangouts
The next best alternative to FaceTime on Android that is definitely well worth of your time as well as attention is called Google Hangouts. It is another app from Google that is clearly one of the best in what it does. The user interface (UI) and the working process of the app is quite similar to that of FaceTime from Apple.
In addition to that, the app enables you to make group video conferencing calls with as many as ten people at any given time. Along with that, group chats on the app can accommodate as many as 100 people at once, adding to its benefits. For making a video conferencing call, all you need to do is send an invitation to join the call to all the participants along with a URL. The participants are then going to need to click on the link, and that is it. The app is going to take care of the rest and they will be able to join the conference call or meeting.
Download Google Hangouts
4. Viber
Next, I would request all of you to shift your attention to the next best alternative to FaceTime on Android which is called Viber. The app boasts of a user base of more than 280 million people from every corner of the world along with high ratings and some amazing reviews. The app initially began its journey as a simple text as well as an audio messaging app. However, later the developers realized the huge potential of the video calling market and they wanted to have a share as well.
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In its earlier days, the app tried to simply emulate the audio call services offered by Skype. However, they were quick to realize that it would not be enough and moved to video calling as well. The app is relatively new to the market, especially when you compare it with some of the others on the list. But do not let that fact fool you. It is still an amazing app that is definitely worth your time as well as attention.
The app comes loaded with a user interface (UI) that is simple, clean, and intuitive. This is where the app beats the likes of Google Hangouts and Skype which have a more clunky user interface (UI) design. The reason behind this is these apps started as desktop services and later modified themselves for mobile. However, Viber has been built only for smartphones. While that makes it a great choice as an app, on the other hand, you cannot try the desktop version even if you want to, because, well, they do not have one.
On the downside, the app does not allow its users to communicate with others who do not use the app. In addition to that, whereas most of the other apps use SMS protocol, Viber does not take part in it. Therefore, you cannot even send text messages to those who do not use the app. This can be a big issue for some of the users.
Download Viber
5. WhatsApp
Another very well-known as well as the best alternative to FaceTime is WhatsApp. Of course, almost all of you definitely know about WhatsApp. It is one of the most widely loved messaging services out there on the internet that you can find as of now. The developers have offered it free of charge to its users.
With the help of this app, not only can you text your friends and family, but it is also possible to make audio calls as well as video calls with it. A unique feature is that the app works cross-platform across all the other popular platforms. As a result, you do not need to worry about what your friends or family use as a medium of communication. It simply does not matter.
In addition to that, the app also enables you to all sorts of things such as images, documents, audio clips and recordings, location information, contacts, and even video clips. Every single chat on the app is encrypted. This, in turn, gives you an added layer of security and keeps your chat records private.
Download WhatsApp
6. Google Duo
The next best alternative to FaceTime on Android that I am now going to turn your attention to is called Google Duo. It would probably not an exaggeration to say that this app is essentially the FaceTime of Android. Backed by the trust and efficiency of Google, the app delivers a top-notch performance. The app performs exceptionally well on both Wi-Fi as well as cellular connections.
The app is compatible with both Android as well as iOS operating systems. This, in turn, makes you enable to call your family and friends no matter what the operating system on their smartphones are. It is entirely possible for you placing one-on-one along with group video calls. For the video call feature, the app allows its users to make video calls with as many as eight people. In addition to that, you can also leave video messages to your friends and family. Another unique feature of the app is called ‘Knock-knock.’ With the help of this feature, you can actually see who is calling with a live video preview prior to picking up the call. The end-to-end encryption makes sure your personal chat records are always safe and do not fall into the wrong hands.
The app is already integrated with a large number of mobile apps from Google. Add to that the fact that is now comes pre-installed with many of the Android smartphones makes it an amazing choice for the users.
Download Google Duo
7. ezTalks Meetings
Last but not the least, the final best alternative to FaceTime on Android that you should definitely check out at least once is called ezTalks Meetings. The developers have built this app keeping specifically video conferencing calls with groups in mind. This, in turn, makes it the best-suited choice for you in case you run a business and would like to have conference calls or in case you just loving talking to several different members of your family at the same time. In addition to that, the app also allows its users to place one-on-one calls. The process of adding the participants to a video call is super easy – all you need to do is send them an invitation through a link via email.
The developers have offered the app to its users for both free as well as paid versions. In the free version, it is entirely possible for you to make as well as attend a group conference video call with as many as 100 people. Yes, you read that right. In case even that is not enough for you, you can always attend as well as host a group conference video call with as many as 500 people. As you have probably understood by now that you need to buy the premium version by paying a subscription fee to use this feature. In addition to that, there is also an option to upgrade to the Enterprise plan. Under this plan, you can host as well as attend online meetings with as many as 10,000 people at any given time. Can you hope to find better than that? Well, as it turns out, you do get more than that. In this plan, the app offers you some amazing customization features such as screen sharing, whiteboard sharing, the ability to schedule online meetings even when the participants are in several different time zones.
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In addition to that, features such as instant messaging, the ability to record the online meetings as well as play and record and watch them later, and many more are also available on the app.
Download ezTalks Meetings
So, guys, we have come to the end of this article. It is now time to wrap it up. I sincerely hope that the article was well worth your time as well as attention and gave you much-needed value that you have been craving all this while. In case you have a specific question in your mind, or if you think I have missed a specific point, or in case you would like me to talk to you about something else entirely, please do let me know. I would be more than happy to answer your questions and oblige your requests.