如果您每天都在监控股票,或者您有一个喜欢关注的股票投资组合,那么(stock portfolio)股票市场应用程序(stock market apps)可以让您更轻松地跟踪这些投资。
股票市场(Stock market)应用程序可让您监控您可能拥有的股票和基金,在购买新投资之前研究它们,并关注您投资的公司的新闻。

以下是您可以在Android或 iOS 设备上安装的 7 个最佳股票市场应用程序。(stock market)
雅虎财经(Yahoo Finance)
雅虎(Yahoo)在向用户提供市场信息(market information)方面一直表现出色。在早期的雅虎(Yahoo)时代,这意味着在他们的主要搜索网站上提供(search website)股市(stock market)数据。后来(Later),雅虎(Yahoo)创建了一个专门的雅虎财经(Yahoo Finance)网页,专供有兴趣跟踪股市(stock market)的用户使用。

雅虎财经股票市场(Yahoo Finance stock)应用程序的一些功能包括:
- (Main page)主要股票市场(stock market)指数的主页
- 我的监视列表,您可以在其中添加要监视的股票
- 股市新闻标签(Stock market news tab)查看领先的市场相关新闻
- 搜索功能(Search feature)按符号搜索股票
- 设置(Set)有关特定股票和价格警报的新闻通知
在菜单中,您可以访问有用的工具,例如加密货币新闻(cryptocurrency news)、股票筛选工具(stock screener tool)和货币转换器(currency converter)。

雅虎财经(Yahoo Finance)的搜索功能(search feature)可让您按市盈率P/E ratio平均交易量、1 年变化等筛选股票。
安装适用于 Android(for Android)或iOS(for iOS)的Yahoo Finance 。
德美利证券(TD Ameritrade)
TD Ameritrade 股票市场(TD Ameritrade stock) 应用程序(market app)是您通常只有在拥有TD Ameritrade 投资(TD Ameritrade investment)账户 时才会使用的应用程序之一。
但是,如果您想购买股票交易应用程序(stock trading app),那么TD Ameritrade是业内最好的应用程序之一。它非常简单,即使是任何刚接触股票交易(stock trading)的人都可以在应用程序中找到自己的方式。

其中包括当前市场数据、一天到五年的历史价格趋势、市场新闻(market news)、股票分析师(stock analyst)评级等。
除了股票研究(stock research)之外,还有可用的整体市场研究(market research)工具。您可以监控所有主要市场指数、市场板块,当然还可以买卖您在(course buy)TD Ameritrade 账户(TD Ameritrade account)中持有的任何股票。

同样,对于希望开始投资市场并希望将投资存入TD Ameritrade 账户(TD Ameritrade account)的任何人来说,这都是一款理想的应用程序。
如果您只是在寻找用于检查股票和监控市场的股票市场应用程序,那么请继续阅读以获取更多选项。(stock market app)
安装适用于 Android(for Android)或iOS(for iOS)的 TD Ameritrade 应用程序。
如果您不熟悉Investing.com,它是互联网上最受欢迎的股票市场(stock market)网站之一。
Investing.com的创建者还制作了一个股市(stock market)应用程序,可以将相同的股市信息(stock market information)带到您的指尖,就在您的移动设备上。
Investing.com应用程序(investing.com app)向您展示当天市场上最活跃的整体应用程序。您还可以使用您关注的应用程序构建自己的关注列表。

点击底部的新闻可查看最新的(News)市场新闻(market news),点击日历(Calendars)可查看按日期和时间(day and time)划分的最新市场活动(market activity),然后选择更多(More)以访问其他工具和资源。其中包括警报、股票筛选器(stock screener)和货币转换器(currency converter)。
单个股票页面包括从一天到股票最长寿命的图表、股票新闻(stock news)、有关股票的分析师信息(analyst information)等。

股票筛选工具(stock screener tool)可让您使用比率、价格、波动性等多种标准搜索股票。

Investor.com 股市(Investor.com stock) 应用程序(market app)是此列表中功能最强大的应用程序之一,它不会让您失望。这个应用程序唯一的烦恼是当你启动应用程序时会出现整页广告,而某些屏幕顶部会出现小广告。
下载适用于 Android(for Android)或iOS(for iOS)的 Investing.com 应用程序。
我的股票投资组合(My Stocks Portfolio)
My Stocks Portfolio 应用程序(My Stocks Portfolio app)是一个非常干净的股票监控应用程序(stock monitoring app)。它易于使用,并且广告不会太打扰。
它也比大多数其他股票市场应用程序(stock market apps)简单一些,但它仍然包含您关注市场所需的一切。
您可以自定义“我的投资组合”部分(My Portfolio section)以仅包含您当前在市场上拥有的股票。

个股信息(stock information)页面充满了个股的有用数据。
您还可以查看整体市场新闻(market news)、最大赢家和最大输家,以了解整个市场的一般活动。

下载适用于 Android(for Android)或iOS(for iOS)的My Stocks Portfolio 。
只需点击“我的关注列表”页面上的(My Watchlist page)+符号,然后使用搜索字段(search field)查找您要监控的首选股票。

单个股票页面很简单,但包含包含您需要的所有数据的选项卡。您可以找到股票新闻(stock news)、内幕交易、股票分析师的反馈等等。

看起来很简单,这个应用程序似乎有更多的个人股票信息(stock information)屏幕。您会发现比大多数其他应用程序更详细的股票信息(stock information)图表。

您还可以将您选择的股票保存到您自己的云存储帐户(storage account),以便以后存储和加载单个股票列表。
JStock 仅适用于 Android 下载(download for Android)。
另一个加载了一系列令人印象深刻的股票信息(stock information)的应用程序是FinWiz。
当您选择菜单时,您还会看到它加载了有用的工具,例如股票筛选器(stock screener)、股票报价、加密货币研究(cryptocurrency research)、股票筛选器(stock screener),以及建立自己的股票投资组合以进行监控的能力。


FinWiz 的下载仅适用于 Android(only available for Android)手机。
股票追踪器小部件(Stocks Tracker Widget)
Stocks Tracker Widget 应用(Stocks Tracker Widget app)程序(stock market app)与您所要求的一样简单,但仍然非常有用。如果您真的只想要一个应用程序来监控您的应用程序列表的当前价格,那么它是完美的。

使用股票筛选器(stock screener)搜索应用程序并将它们添加到主页上的列表中。
只需为符号或公司名称(company name)输入几个字母,然后选择+符号即可将其添加到您的列表中。

在应用程序设置中,您可以选择更新应用程序数据的频率、对股票进行排序、在文本文件中导入或导出报价(import or export quotes),甚至与他人共享您的投资组合。
您可以下载适用于 Android 的 Stocks Tracker Widget(Stocks Tracker Widget for Android)。iOS 没有,但Stocks Tracker是一个类似的替代方案。
希望(Hopefully one)这些股票市场应用程序(stock market apps)之一将帮助您监控市场并跟踪您当前拥有的股票。它们中的任何一个都提供大量功能,您需要做出的唯一选择是您更喜欢简单的应用程序还是功能齐全的应用程序。
如果您不熟悉投资,请务必查看这些适合新手的最佳投资应用程序。(investing apps)
7 Best Stock Market Apps For Android And iOS
If you monitor stоcks every day or yоu have a stock portfolio that yоu like to keep an eye on, stock markеt apps can make following those investments a lot easier.
Stock market apps let you monitor stocks and funds you might own, research new investments before you buy them, and follow news around the companies you invest in.

The following are 7 of the best stock market apps you can install on your Android or iOS device.
Yahoo Finance
Yahoo has always done an excellent job providing market information to their users. In the early Yahoo days, this meant providing stock market data on their main search website. Later, Yahoo created a dedicated Yahoo Finance web page just for users interested in tracking the stock market.
These days, Yahoo now provides a mobile app dedicated to letting you track and monitor the stocks you’re most interested in.

Some features of the Yahoo Finance stock market app includes:
- Main page with major stock market indexes
- My Watchlist where you can add stocks you want to monitor
- Stock market news tab to see leading market related news
- Search feature to search for stocks by symbol
- Set up notifications for news on specific stocks and price alerts
In the menu, you’ll have access to useful tools like cryptocurrency news, a stock screener tool, and a currency converter.

The search feature in Yahoo Finance lets you filter stocks by things like P/E ratio, average volume, 1-year change, and more.
Install Yahoo Finance for Android or for iOS.
TD Ameritrade
The TD Ameritrade stock market app is one of those that you’d only typically use if you had a TD Ameritrade investment account.
However, if you are in the market for a stock trading app, TD Ameritrade is one of the best in the industry. It’s simple enough so that even anyone new to stock trading will be able to find their way around the app.
The individual stock data pages are filled with information that’ll help you make the right stock decisions.

These include current market data, historical price trends from one day to five years, market news, stock analyst ratings, and more.
Beyond stock research, there’s also overall market research tools available. You can monitor all major market indices, market sectors, and of course buy or sell any of the stocks you hold in your TD Ameritrade account.

Again, this is ideally an app for anyone looking to start investing in the market and you’d like to put your investments into a TD Ameritrade account.
If you’re only looking for a stock market app for checking stocks and monitoring the market, then keep reading for more options.
Install the TD Ameritrade app for Android or for iOS.
If you’re unfamiliar with Investing.com, it’s one of the most popular stock market websites on the internet.
The creators of Investing.com have also made a stock market app that brings the same stock market information to your fingertips, right on your mobile device.
The investing.com app shows you the most active overall apps on the market for the current day. You can also build your own Watchlist with the apps you care to follow.

There are other markets you can follow with the app like commodities, currencies, cryptocurrency, bonds, and more. The only market this app doesn’t seem to cover is crowdfunding investments.
Tap News at the bottom to see most recent market news, tap Calendars to see most recent market activity by day and time, and select More to access other tools and resources. These include alerts, a stock screener, and a currency converter.
Individual stock pages include charts from one day to the max life of the stock, stock news, analyst information about the stock, and more.

The stock screener tool lets you search for stocks using a variety of criteria like ratios, price, volatility, and much more.

The Investor.com stock market app is one of the most functional apps on this list, and it won’t let you down. The only annoyance with this app is that there are full page ads when you start the app, and small ads at the top of some screens.
Download the Investing.com app for Android or for iOS.
My Stocks Portfolio
The My Stocks Portfolio app is a very clean stock monitoring app. It’s easy to use and the ads aren’t too intrusive.
It’s also a bit simpler than most other stock market apps, but it still includes everything you need to keep an eye on the market.
You can customize the My Portfolio section to include only the stocks that you currently own in the market.

Individual stock information pages are filled with useful data for individual stocks.
This includes a chart that shows the volatility as well as all of the technical data about that stock.
You can also see overall market news, top gainers, and top losers, to get a handle on the general activity across the entire market.

Download My Stocks Portfolio for Android or for iOS.
If you prefer minimalist apps, then JStock is your perfect choice.
Simply tap the + symbol on the My Watchlist page, and use the search field to find your preferred stocks to monitor.

Individual stock pages are simple, but include tabs that have all of the data you need. You can find stock news, insider trades, feedback from stock analysts, and much more.

As simple as it appears, this app seems to have more individual stock information screens. You’ll find more detailed stock information charts than most other apps.

You can also save your chosen stocks to your own cloud storage account so you can store and load individual stock lists later.
JStock is only available to download for Android.
Another app that’s loaded with an impressive array of stock information is FinWiz.
When you select the menu, you’ll also see it’s loaded with useful tools as well such as a stock screener, stock quotes, cryptocurrency research, a stock screener, and the ability to build your own portfolio of stocks to monitor.

Researching individual stocks is amazing in this app. There are impressive charts, including some that show a collection of recommendation ratings from various analysts.

A download for FinWiz is only available for Android phones.
Stocks Tracker Widget
The Stocks Tracker Widget app is about as simple a stock market app as you could ask for, but still very useful. It’s perfect if you really only want an app to monitor the current price of your list of apps.

Search for apps using the stock screener and add them to the list on your main page.
Just type a few letters for the symbol or the company name and select the + symbol to add it to your list.

In the app settings you can choose how often to update the data in the app, sort the stocks, import or export quotes to and from text files, and even share your portfolio with others.
You can download the Stocks Tracker Widget for Android. There isn’t one for iOS, but Stocks Tracker is a similar alternative.
Hopefully one of these stock market apps will help you monitor the market and track the stocks you currently own. Any of them offer plenty of features, the only choice you need to make is whether you prefer a simple app or a full-featured one.
If you’re new to investing, make sure to check out these best investing apps for newbies.