在深入研究 chrome 的最佳广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展列表之前,让我们了解一下Chrome 和 adblockers(Chrome and adblockers)。Chrome可以理解为谷歌开发的用于上网和浏览网站的(internet and browse websites)跨平台网络浏览器(cross-platform web browser developed by Google)。它于 2008 年首次在Microsoft Windows上发布,随后作为默认浏览器移植到(default browser)Linux、macOS、iOS 和Android。请阅读以下内容以阅读我们的Chrome最佳免费AdBlock列表。

适用于 Chrome 的最佳免费广告拦截扩展程序(Best Free Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
凭借其作为强大性能浏览器(performance browser)的声誉,它在个人(Personal)电脑(Computers)、平板电脑(Tablets)和智能手机上的approximate 65% market share进入如此大的市场后,它成为营销人员向人们提供产品和服务的最佳来源之一。因此(Hence),为了保持其作为强大用户界面(user interface)的声誉,它开始寻找最好的 AdBlock Chrome 扩展程序(best AdBlock Chrome extensions)以确保其用户的安全和隐私(safety and privacy)。
1. 广告拦截(1. AdBlock)

Adblock 免费 chrome 扩展程序被认为是(Adblock free chrome extension )Chrome(Chrome thereby)最好的广告屏蔽(ad blocking)扩展程序之一,因此赢得了全球大多数用户的信任,原因如下:
- 它是一个开源、免费的(open-source, free of cost)在线 Adblocker
- 它是Chrome以及Firefox、Edge 和 Safari的最佳(Firefox, Edge, and Safari.)广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展之一。
- 此 AdBlocker有助于提高浏览器的浏览速度(helps improve the browsing speed)。
- 它通过使用此链接(this link)为 iOS 用户( for iOS users)启用广告拦截。
- 它还可以阻止Android 用户(for Android users)的广告和弹出窗口。
- 它根据可用的默认阻止列表阻止(default blocklist)广告(Ads),仅允许不影响您隐私的非侵入性广告。(allowing only non-intrusive ads)
- 它使您能够准备或自定义您的列表(customize your list),让您可以根据您的选择灵活地阻止或订阅任何新的可用广告(Ads)列表,以符合可接受的广告(Acceptable Ads)计划。如果您不希望看到任何广告,则必须放弃 可接受的广告政策。(Ads policy)
- 它阻止各种社交媒体网站(如Youtube、Facebook、Twitter等)上的广告、恶意软件和弹出窗口。(blocks ads, malware, and pop-ups)
- 它还有助于删除不需要的社交网络链接,防止潜在的恶意软件攻击(protecting against potential malware attacks)。
- 它会定期更新其软件,(keeps updating its software regularly)以与最新的互联网广告投放(internet ad delivery)方式保持一致,使其成为Chrome的最佳广告拦截程序之一。
AdBlock唯一可察觉的缺点是它被认为是一个有点资源重的,特别是如果您同时打开许多标签,否则它是(resource heavy)Chrome最受欢迎的广告拦截程序之一。
2. AdBlock Plus

Adblock Plus是当今可用的最好和最受欢迎的广告拦截器之一。它本身就是针对Chrome用户的独立广告拦截服务。它被公认为最好的AdBlock Chrome 扩展程序(AdBlock Chrome extension)之一,因为:
- 它可供任何(available for use by anyone)人和所有人使用。
- 它对小公司免费使用,(free to use for small companies)但它通过向大公司收取费用来从大公司那里获得广告收入(ad revenue),从而帮助网站从非侵入性广告中获得一点收入。
- 它的开源代码默认(open-source code by default)启用可接受的广告功能。公司可以申请成为可接受广告(Ads)白名单的一部分。
- 其易于导航的界面(easy to navigate interface)允许通过设置灵活地禁用此非侵入式广告功能。
- 它是一个开源代码,这意味着您还可以根据选择修改功能(modify the features)以阻止弹出窗口、视频(Videos)和广告
- 此外,还可以对其进行修改以过滤不需要的社交网络链接和恶意软件(filter unwanted social networking links & malware)。
- 它可以在Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)平台上启用,即在桌面和移动浏览器上使用其他网络浏览器,如Firefox、Safari、Edge 和 Opera( Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera)。
由于其功能,Adblock Plus在今天与它首次席卷网络时一样受欢迎。它也被称为用于阻止在线广告和弹出窗口的原始Granddad 应用程序。(Granddad app)简而言之,它提供了免费的全面广告拦截服务,使其成为Chrome的最佳广告拦截扩展程序之一。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何修复 Firefox(Fix Firefox)不加载(Loading)页面
3. uBlock 起源(3. uBlock Origin)

uBlock Origin是基于浏览器的Adblocker,它是Raymond Hill ( Gorhill ) 的创意。它被认为是Chrome(Chrome)最好的广告拦截(Ad blocking)扩展程序之一,因为它赢得了全球超过 10,000,000 多名Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser worldwide)用户的信任。其显着特点包括:
- 它是一种免费的实时广告拦截器,(free-of-cost, real-time adblocker)使用户能够永久禁用当前网站上的广告。
- 它是一个开源跨平台(open-source cross-platform),可实现数字内容过滤,重点关注简单高效的阻塞技术
- 它有许多开箱即用的过滤器,如Ublock 的原始过滤器列表,(Ublock’s original list of filters)使其能够读取和选择它想要阻止的广告列表。
- 它还有助于(helps create customized filters)从其专有文件列表创建自定义过滤器。
- 除上述内容外,它还禁用(disables list of advertisements)包含横幅、视频和其他讨厌的弹出式广告的广告列表。
- 它禁止他人跟踪您的浏览活动(disables tracking your browsing activities),切断 Peter Lowe 的服务器广告列表和跟踪器、其他在线恶意URL(URLs)和恶意软件。
- 它在您的计算机 CPU 上(light on your computer CPU)使用很少的内存和资源(memory and resources)。这可确保您的 PC 在在线工作时不会超载并且不会变慢。
- 它使用户能够(enables users to whitelist)将他们需要工作并且不想被阻止的网站列入白名单。
- 它不会收集或使用您的数据(does not collect or use your data)出售给未经您批准的第三方。
- 此外,它禁止使用数据来确定您的信用评分(disables the use of data for determining your credit score)以用于贷款目的。
- 独特的是,它通过提供统计详细信息来不断评估自己(continuously rates itself),以显示其作为实时内容过滤器和(content-filter cum)广告拦截工具的(Adblocking tool)功效和有效性(efficacy and effectiveness)。
因此,uBlock Origin被认为是适用于Chrome和其他各种浏览器(如Firefox )的最佳免费(Firefox)内容过滤器和广告拦截器扩展(content filter and ad-blocker extension)。它被评为个人和商业用途(both personal and business purposes)的最佳广告拦截器之一。
4.幽灵(4. Ghostery)

Ghostery是一种隐私扩展(privacy extension),被认为是Chrome 网络浏览器的最佳(Chrome web)广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展之一,因为它具有以下显着特征:
- 它是免费的(available free of cost),可以从网上的Chrome Webstore下载。
- 它是最好的 AdBlocker 之一,可以从网页中删除广告(removes Ads from web pages),匿名您的数据并保护您的隐私。
- 使用增强的反跟踪技术(enhanced anti-tracking technology),您可以查看收集您的私人信息和数据(information and data)的跟踪器,并阻止不需要的渗透者。以这种方式,只会发生故意的数据传输。
- 它阻止在线弹出广告和横幅广告(blocks both pop-up and banner ads) ,并禁止(online and forbids)视频广告自动启动。
- 它的用户友好界面(user-friendly interface)除了为网络跟踪器自定义数据阻止外,还禁止分析设备收集有关您的信息。
- 删除广告(Ads)后,您可以更好地专注并更有效地浏览网页。(effectively and efficiently.)
- 它利用智能技术分解您访问的每个页面,包括最新的跟踪器和广告的完整详细信息,以启用适当的阻止操作(appropriate blocking action)。
- 其智能技术使您的网页浏览体验安全、干净(browsing experience safe and clean)。
- 它允许快速无忧地查看(speedy hassle-free viewing)您的网页,使您能够快速查看适当和相关的信息。
- 它有不同的版本来保护数据和隐私,让您也可以在(different versions)Android 和 iOS 智能手机上安全地浏览互联网 。
- 除了Chrome之外,它还适用于Cliqz、Firefox、Opera 和 Edge(Cliqz, Firefox, Opera, and Edge)。
此工具的唯一缺点是,与其他工具相比,它似乎稍微复杂( little more complicated)一些,并且需要您投入更多时间和精力(time and effort)才能使其按照您希望的方式工作。
注意:(Note:)它以每月 4.99 美元的初始价格提供更高级的保护,但需要付费。它还提供每月 11.99 美元的内置 VPN ,提供增强的数据(in-built VPN)保护和隐私(protection and privacy)。
总而言之,我们可以从上面看到为什么Ghostery被评为Chrome的(Chrome)最佳(Best)免费AdBlock 扩展(AdBlock extension) 和跟踪器查看(cum tracker viewer)器之一。
5. 广告锁(5. Adlock)

由于以下原因, Adlock(Adlock)被认为是 chrome 的最佳广告屏蔽扩展程序之一:
- 此扩展程序可从Chrome 网上商店(Chrome web store)免费(free of cost)下载。
- 它附带适用于 Windows 和 Android 平台的年度和终身定价(both yearly and lifetime pricing)。
- 其付费产品的所有费率均不含税,并提供30 天退款保证。( 30-day money-back guarantee.)
- 它以非常高的速度快速上传和下载网页。(uploads & downloads webpages quickly)
- 它可以阻止不需要的和恶意的视频和弹出窗口,(enables blocking of unwanted and malicious videos and pop-ups)确保您在网络上工作时的安全。
- 它不会(does not divulge any personal information)在任何网站上泄露任何个人信息。
- 它还可以防止有害错误、(protects against harmful bugs,)基于浏览器的应用程序和其他软件程序(如Skype、YouTube和游戏)。
- 该应用程序在 Google Play 商店中不可用(not available on the Google play store)。
- 它也不是可接受广告的一部分,(not part of Acceptable Ads)也不会识别要列入白名单的网站,以防止对此类网站的任何请求阻止对此类网站的外部跟踪。
如果我们放弃上述几个缺点, 毫无疑问AdLock可以被认为是(AdLock)Chrome最好的免费(Chrome)AdBlocking 扩展(AdBlocking extension)之一。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Chrome中启用(Chrome)Windows 11 UI 样式(UI Style)
6. AdGuard 广告拦截器(6. AdGuard AdBlocker)

AdGuard AdBlocker扩展是专为Chrome设计的,被认为是(Chrome)Chrome的最佳广告拦截扩展之一,原因如下:
- 它禁用了其他人的在线欺诈性消息传递和跟踪(disables online fraudulent messaging and tracking)。
- 它阻止各种弹出窗口(blocks all kinds of pop-ups)、广告、横幅和视频。
- 它在Chrome商店免费提供。( available free of cost)它不需要您安装任何应用程序,(apps and works)只需更改任何设备上的DNS设置即可。
- 除了 Chrome,它还可以在 Mac、Android 和 iOS( available on Mac, Android, and iOS)浏览器上使用
- 它有桌面版和移动版(both desktop and mobile versions),可以在网上冲浪时减少广告
- 对于 iOS 和 macOS 用户,它可以与 Safari(works well with Safari)一起很好地过滤广告。
- 它利用其家长控制设施(parent control facility)来限制成人内容(adult content),阻止(block foul)拨号程序、广告软件和其他恶意软件等恶意和危险软件,以确保儿童的安全浏览。
- 它可以让您快速无忧地查看(speedy hassle-free viewing)您的网页,从而增强网页浏览体验。
- 它不适用于Android用户(users)的 Google Play 商店,只能从(not available on Google Play Store)Adguard的官方网站安装。
- 它提供 14 天的免费试用期,但(trial but charges) $2.49 per month或终身收费 79.99 美元,需额外缴税。
- 这个轻量级的Chrome 扩展(Chrome extension)不是Acceptable Ads 社区的一部分(ot a part of the Acceptable Ads community)。
7. AdBlocker Ultimate

AdBlocker Ultimate在(AdBlocker Ultimate)Chrome的最佳(Chrome)广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展列表中被评为非常高,因为:
- 它在阻止恶意软件的(blocking malware)同时(while)禁用跟踪(disables tracking) ,让您只专注于手头的任务。
- 它是一个开源(open-source) 浏览器扩展(browser extension),可防止网络钓鱼(Phishing),阻止所有弹出窗口和广告。
- 它支持 14 天免费试用,但(trial but charges) 根据您的选择收取4.95$ per month
- 它也可以保护您在移动浏览器上(on mobile browsers)的隐私。
- 它与Chrome、Mozilla、Opera、Safari 和 Edge 兼容。(Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, and Edge.)
- 它使付费Windows应用程序能够独立工作,不仅可以阻止浏览器上的广告,还可以禁用整个系统的广告(disabling ads throughout the system)。
尽管存在以下缺点,但 AdBlocker Ultimate被认为是(AdBlocker Ultimate)Chrome中最好的免费广告拦截(ad blocker)器之一,它可以删除广告并提高浏览器性能。
- 它没有任何白名单(does not have any whitelist)来区分广告、弹出窗口和恶意软件。
- 它不支持 macOS(does not support macOS)。
- 它不是可接受广告的一部分。(not a part of Acceptable ads.)
8. 公平的广告拦截器(8. Fair AdBlocker)

(Fair AdBlocker)适用于Chrome的(Chrome)Fair AdBlocker扩展程序被认为是具有以下功能的最佳广告拦截器之一:
- 它阻止各种广告和弹出窗口(blocks all kinds of ads and pop-ups),包括Facebook广告、搜索(Search)广告或显示在雅虎和 AOL等(Yahoo and AOL)Web 邮件(Webmail)帐户中的弹出窗口/广告。
- 这款适用于Chrome的最佳免费AdBlock 扩展程序(AdBlock extension)可提供针对恶意软件、任何类型安全威胁的最佳保护,甚至可以防止在线跟踪(prevents online tracking)。
- 其高级过滤器可实现更快、更安全的私人浏览(faster, secure private browsing)和 Google 搜索。
- 它还可以根据您的个人喜好将网站(enables whitelisting of websites)和某些类型的广告列入白名单。
- 因此,它会禁用视频的自动播放,(disables auto-play of Videos)从而节省数据消耗和收取的费用。酷(Cool),不是吗?
这个公平的 AdBlocker(Fair AdBlocker)完全按照它的承诺行事,没有任何焦土方法(earth approach)来实现其既定目的。
另请阅读:( Also Read: )如何在Chrome中启用(Chrome)隐身模式(Incognito Mode)
9. Poper Blocker:Chrome 的弹出窗口拦截器(9. Poper Blocker: Pop up blocker for Chrome)

Poper Blocker,又名Pop Up Blocker for Chrome ,在(Chrome)Chrome的最佳(Chrome)广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展列表中被认为是一个大牌,因为:
- 它补充了其他广告(complements other adblockers)拦截器,而不是一个多合一的拦截解决方案(all-in-one blocking solution)
- 它专注于阻止弹出窗口、(focuses on blocking pop-ups,)弹出窗口叠加层、定时和滚动弹出窗口,以及其他可能跳过其他广告屏蔽扩展程序的种类。
- 它会在弹出窗口、广告和其他恶意软件被阻止时通知您。( notifies you)
- 它还使您能够查看您的阻塞(view your blocking) 状态(status)。
- 它的独特之处在于它可以与其他广告拦截器扩展程序(can be kept running along with other adblocker extensions)一起运行,而对它们或您的系统的影响最小。
Poper Blocker可从Chrome 网上(Chrome web)商店下载,它是其用户中评价最高的广告拦截插件之一。
10. Comodo 广告拦截器(10. Comodo Adblocker)

Comodo AdBlocker被认为是(Comodo AdBlocker)Chrome的最佳广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展列表,因为它具有以下优点:
- 它是一个开源的(open-source)Adblocker,有助于阻止展示广告。
- 它会删除所有阻止下载任何恶意间谍软件的(disabling downloading of any malicious spyware)弹出窗口和广告,从而提高浏览器性能(browser performance)。
- 它禁用(disables tracking)了侵入性匿名软件的跟踪,这些软件可能会损坏和破坏计算机。
- 它可以提高在(increase in browsing speed)网上冲浪或工作时的浏览速度。
- 它可以将 CPU 从 cookie 和可能会减慢其处理速度的不良广告中释放出来。(freeing up CPU from cookies and undesirable advertisements)
Comodo AdBlocker在Chrome 网上商店(Chrome Webstore)免费提供,因此被认为是( available free of cost)Chrome 网络浏览器(Chrome web browser)中最好的免费AdBlock之一。
11. Hola 广告卸妆(11. Hola Ad Remover)

Hola Ad remover被评为Chrome的最佳广告拦截扩展程序之一,因为它具有以下惊人的功能:
- 它禁用所有(disables all banners)阻止弹出窗口、覆盖和各种滚动弹出窗口的横幅。
- 它也被认为是禁用视频广告(disables video advertisements)的最佳广告拦截器之一。
- 它不允许未知跟踪器禁用其他人的匿名跟踪。因此,它在冲浪时提供了增强的安全性和隐私性。(enhanced security & privacy)
- 它还被评为最好的免费Chrome 广告拦截器(Chrome ad-block)之一,可在网络上阻止各种恶意软件( blocks all kinds of malware)。
- 它可在 Chrome 网上商店免费获得。(available free of cost)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何通过HTTPS Chrome启用(HTTPS Chrome)DNS
12. 总广告拦截(12. Total Adblock)

Total Adblock进入了我们的Chrome最佳(Chrome)广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展列表:
- 它会禁用所有类型的广告和弹出窗口(disables all types of adverts and pop-ups),包括Facebook广告、Google广告以及通常出现在YouTube和其他带有视频内容的网站上的弹出窗口/广告。
- 其强大的过滤器可实现更快、更安全、私密的浏览(enable faster, safer, private browsing)和 Google 搜索。
- 它提供针对病毒(best protection from viruses)、恶意软件和任何形式安全风险的最佳保护。
- 此外,它甚至可以防止(prevents online monitoring)通过跟踪器进行在线监控。
- 它允许您(allows you to whitelist websites)根据自己的喜好将网站和特定类型的广告列入白名单。
- 它可以防止视频自动播放(prevents videos from automatically playing)。
- 它适用于流行的基于 Chromium 的浏览器(available for popular chromium-based browsers)。
注意:(Note:)选择高级计划(premium plan)将使用户能够无限制地屏蔽广告以及其他额外好处。
13. uBlock

uBlock是广告拦截的先驱之一,并理所当然地声称自己是Chrome的最佳广告拦截扩展程序。经常(Often)与 uBlock Origin混淆,uBlock 是一个完全独立的实体,由于以下原因被包含在我们的列表中:
- 它提供了出色的广告和弹出窗口保护(excellent ad and, pop-up protection)。
- 它兼作防病毒软件,可保护您免受在线恶意软件攻击(protect you from malware attacks)。
- uBlock 适用于Chrome、Firefox、Safari 和 macOS(Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and macOS),覆盖多种设备。
- 它带有一个简单易用的界面。(easy-to-use interface.)
- 此外,它完全免费使用(completely free to use),没有任何隐藏费用。
- 此外,它会定期更新(updated regularly)新广告和弹出模式以完全阻止它们。
在为Chrome命名最佳免费(Chrome)AdBlock 扩展(AdBlock extension)时,uBlock 仍然很高,并且自成立以来就获得了无数用户的信任。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何从 Chrome 中删除 Bing
14. Stopza 广告拦截器(14. Stopza Adblocker)

与此列表中的其他人相比, Stopza Adblocker(Stopza Adblocker)相对较新,但它确实完成了工作。以下显着特点使其值得考虑:
- 它在浏览时为广告和跟踪器筛选所有在线内容。(screens all online content )
- 它阻止各种广告(blocks all kinds of ads),包括视频广告、广告横幅等,以及寻找用户个人数据的跟踪器。
- 这个免费的扩展支持特定网站(supports adblocking for specific websites)的广告拦截以及整个浏览活动(browsing activity)。
- 它可以暂时关闭(can be turned off temporarily),然后再次轻松启用。
- 它也会自动更新(updates automatically)以了解新的广告和跟踪器行为(ad and tracker behaviors),从而更有效地阻止它们。
15. Hulu 广告船长(15. Hulu Ad Skipper)

Hulu Ad Skipper扩展程序因其工作效率高而受到多个用户的喜爱。此外,
- 它能够阻止 Hulu 上的广告(capable of blocking ads on Hulu)。此外,它还支持Hulu+ Live录音中的广告拦截
- 它允许您跳过(allows you to skip all ads)在节目开始和中间出现的所有广告。
- 它甚至允许您将广告静音并快进,以确保将干扰降至最低。(ensure minimal interruptions.)
- 它不会收集用户数据(doesn’t collect user data)或允许其他人访问和使用(access & use)它。
Hulu Ad Skipper对于厌倦了破坏(Hulu Ad Skipper)binging 体验的广告的(binging experience)Hulu用户来说是天赐之物。对于想要在线欣赏自己喜欢的节目和电影的Chrome用户来说,这绝对是最好的广告拦截扩展。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是Google Chrome 提升服务(Google Chrome Elevation Service)?
16. 爬墙(16. Windscribe)

Windscribe是一个多合一的广告拦截器扩展程序(adblocker extension),它非常注意使您的浏览顺畅而没有任何广告中断。Windscribe完全(Fully)配备了以下值得注意的功能,绝对是 chrome 的最佳广告拦截(ad blocking)扩展之一。
- 它带有内置的 VPN(inbuilt VPN)功能,可增强您的网络浏览体验。这会解锁在特定国家/地区可用的内容。
- 它对用户的浏览活动进行加密(encrypts users’ browsing activity),以防止任何个人数据泄露。
- 它可以作为一个独立的应用程序( available as a standalone application)用于通用的无广告体验。
- Windscribe可用于多种设备和平台,以提供对多个设备的覆盖(coverage over multiple devices)。
- 此外,它还为商业或商业场景提供了特殊的计划。(offers special plans)
专业提示:切换到 Opera
Opera Web Browser是当今最具创新性的浏览器之一。基于Chromium的Opera类似于Google Chrome,但其功能使其比Chrome更高效。

- 它是免费提供的,(free of cost)并且有专门为游戏玩家准备的版本( dedicated version for gamers)。
- 它有一个内置的 VPN(built-in VPN),无需任何额外的扩展。
- 它还促进了一个免费的内置广告拦截器( in-built adblocker),可以禁用所有不需要的广告和弹出窗口(Ads and pop-ups)
- 它适用于 Android 和 iOS 用户(available for Android and iOS users),因此可以在Android和 iOS 设备上正常运行。
- Opera 可以轻松地在设备之间同步(easily sync data)书签、密码和历史记录等数据。
- 令人惊讶的是,它支持所有可以直接从Chrome Web Store下载的(Chrome Web Store)Chrome 浏览器扩展(supports all Chrome Browser extensions)。
- 除了阻止不需要的广告(Ads)外,它还警告欺诈性链接和页面(warns against fraudulent links)
- 它有一个创新的侧边栏(innovative sidebar),其中包含您的首选选项,如书签、历史记录、扩展程序,甚至是您的社交媒体信使,如Whatsapp、Facebook Messenger、Telegram等。
- 修复 Chrome 配置文件错误的 14 种方法
- 如何修复 Chrome 内存不足
- 如何在Windows 11上启用(Windows 11)Chrome 远程桌面(Chrome Remote Desktop)
- 如何修复 Crunchyroll(Fix Crunchyroll)无法在Chrome上运行(Chrome)
16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome 2022
Before we delve into the list of the best ad blocking extensiоns for chrome, let us learn about Chrome and adblockers. Chrome can be understood as a cross-platform web browser developed by Google to surf the internet and browse websites. It was first released on Microsoft Windows in 2008 and subsequently ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android as a default browser. Read below to read our list of top best free AdBlock for Chrome.

Best Free Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome
Building on its reputation as a strong performance browser, it enjoys an approximate 65% market share on Personal Computers, Tablets, and smartphones combined. Having access to such a big market, it became one of the best sources for marketers to reach their products and services to the people. Hence, in order to maintain its reputation of being a strong user interface, it began to look for the best AdBlock Chrome extensions to ensure the safety and privacy of its users.
1. AdBlock

Adblock free chrome extension is considered to be one of the best ad blocking extensions for Chrome thereby, winning the trust of the majority of its users worldwide because of the following reasons:
- It is an open-source, free of cost online Adblocker
- It is one of the best ad blocking extensions for Chrome as well as Firefox, Edge, and Safari.
- This AdBlocker helps improve the browsing speed of your browser.
- It enables ad-blocking for iOS users by using this link.
- It enables blocking of Advertisements and pop-ups for Android users too.
- It blocks the Ads as per the available default blocklist allowing only non-intrusive ads which do not affect your privacy.
- It enables you to prepare or customize your list giving you the flexibility to block or subscribe to any new list of available Ads as per your choice in keeping with the Acceptable Ads initiative. In case, you wish to see no ads at all, then the Acceptable Ads policy has to be foregone.
- It blocks ads, malware, and pop-ups on various social media sites like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- It also helps to remove unwanted social networking links protecting against potential malware attacks.
- It keeps updating its software regularly in keeping with the latest internet ad delivery methods making it one of the best ad-blocking programs for Chrome.
The only perceivable drawback of AdBlock is that it is considered to be a little resource heavy, especially if you open many tabs at the same time otherwise it is amongst the most preferred ad-blocking programs for Chrome.
2. AdBlock Plus

Adblock Plus is one of the best and most popular ad blockers available today. It is in itself an independent ad blocking service for Chrome users. It is highly acknowledged as one of the best AdBlock Chrome extension because:
- It is available for use by anyone and everyone.
- It is free to use for small companies but it generates ad revenue from large companies by charging them a fee, thus, helping websites earn a little bit of revenue from non-intrusive advertisements.
- Its open-source code by default enables the Acceptable ads feature. Companies can apply to be a part of the Acceptable Ads white list.
- Its easy to navigate interface allows the flexibility to disable this non-intrusive advertisement feature via settings.
- It is an open-source code that means you can also modify the features to block pop-ups, Videos, and ads as per choice
- Additionally, it can be modified to filter unwanted social networking links & malware too.
- It can be enabled both for Android and iOS platforms i.e. on desktop and mobile browsers that are using other web browsers like Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera as well.
Due to its features, Adblock Plus is as popular today as it was when it first took the web by storm. It is also known as the original Granddad app for blocking online ads, and pop-ups. In short, it offers a free comprehensive ad-blocking service without fail, making it worthy to be on the list of best Ad blocking extension for Chrome.
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3. uBlock Origin

uBlock Origin is a browser-based Adblocker that is a brainchild of Raymond Hill (Gorhill). It is considered to be one of the best Ad blocking extensions for Chrome as it has won the trust of more than 10,000,000+ users of Chrome browser worldwide. Its notable features include:
- It is a free-of-cost, real-time adblocker enabling users to permanently disable advertisements from the current website.
- It is an open-source cross-platform that enables digital content-filtering with a focus on simple and efficient blocking techniques
- It has numerous out-of-the-box filters like Ublock’s original list of filters enabling it to read and choose lists of ads that it would like to block.
- It also helps create customized filters from its proprietary file list.
- In addition to the above, it also disables list of advertisements which includes banners, videos, and other pesky pop-up ads.
- It disables tracking your browsing activities by others, cutting on Peter Lowe’s list of server ads cum trackers, other online virulent URLs, and malware.
- It is light on your computer CPU using very little of your computer’s memory and resources. This ensures that your PC is not overloaded and does not slow down while working online.
- It enables users to whitelist the websites that they need to work on and do not want to be blocked.
- It does not collect or use your data for selling to third parties other than those approved by you.
- Moreover, it disables the use of data for determining your credit score for lending purposes.
- Uniquely, it continuously rates itself by providing statistical details to display its efficacy and effectiveness as a real-time content-filter cum Adblocking tool.
Thus, uBlock Origin is considered to be the best free content filter and ad-blocker extension for Chrome and various other browsers like Firefox too. It is rated amongst the best Adblockers for both personal and business purposes.
Note: It is important to note that it should not be confused with the site ublock.org which is completely unrelated to this AdBlocker.
4. Ghostery

Ghostery is a privacy extension considered to be one of the best ad blocking extensions for Chrome web browser because of the following remarkable traits:
- It is available free of cost and can be downloaded from the Chrome Webstore on the net.
- It is one of the best AdBlockers that removes Ads from web pages, anonymizing your data and safeguarding your privacy.
- Using enhanced anti-tracking technology enables you to view trackers who collect your private information and data and block unwanted infiltrators. In this manner, only willful data transfer will take place.
- It blocks both pop-up and banner ads online and forbids video ads from starting automatically.
- Its user-friendly interface besides customizing data blocking for web trackers also disables analytic devices from collecting information about you.
- With Ads removed, it enables you to focus better and browse the web more effectively and efficiently.
- It makes use of smart technology by breaking down each page you visit with up to date including complete details of tracers and ads to enable appropriate blocking action.
- Its smart technology makes your web browsing experience safe and clean.
- It allows speedy hassle-free viewing of your web pages enabling you to view the appropriate and relevant information quickly.
- It has different versions which safeguard data and privacy allowing you to browse the internet safely on both Android and iOS smartphones too.
- In addition to Chrome, it works well for Cliqz, Firefox, Opera, and Edge.
The only disadvantage of this tool is that it seems to be a little more complicated as compared to others and requires you to put in a little more time and effort to make it work the way you want it to work.
Note: It offers more advanced protection at a cost, starting at an initial price of $4.99 a month. It also offers an in-built VPN at $11.99 monthly providing enhanced data protection and privacy.
All-in-all we can see from the above why Ghostery is rated amongst the Best free AdBlock extension cum tracker viewer for Chrome.
5. Adlock

Adlock is considered to be on the list of the best ad blocking extension for chrome due to the following reasons:
- This extension is available for download, free of cost from Chrome web store.
- It comes with both yearly and lifetime pricing for Windows and Android platforms.
- All rates of its paid products are exclusive of tax with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
- It uploads & downloads webpages quickly at very high speeds.
- It enables blocking of unwanted and malicious videos and pop-ups keeping you secure while working on the web.
- It does not divulge any personal information on any site.
- It also protects against harmful bugs, browser-based apps, and other software programs like Skype, YouTube, and games.
However, it also has a few drawbacks as well such as:
- The app is not available on the Google play store.
- It is also not part of Acceptable Ads and does not identify sites to be whitelisted preventing any request to such sites from blocking external tracking of such websites.
If we forego the above few drawbacks, AdLock, without any iota of doubt can be considered to be one of the best free AdBlocking extension for Chrome.
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6. AdGuard AdBlocker

AdGuard AdBlocker extension is specially designed for Chrome and is considered amongst the best ad blocking extension for Chrome because of the following reasons:
- It disables online fraudulent messaging and tracking by others.
- It blocks all kinds of pop-ups, Ads, banners, and videos.
- It is available free of cost at Chrome stores. It does not require you to install any apps and works by a simple change of the DNS settings on any device.
- Besides Chrome, it is available on Mac, Android, and iOS browsers
- It has both desktop and mobile versions that reduce ads when surfing online
- For iOS & macOS users, it works well with Safari for filtering of Ads.
- It makes use of its parent control facility to restrict adult content, block foul and dangerous software like dialers, adware, and other malware to ensure secure browsing for children.
- It enables speedy hassle-free viewing of your web pages enhancing the web browsing experience.
A few minor disadvantages include:
- It is not available on Google Play Store for Android users & can be installed from the official website of Adguard only.
- It offers a 14-day free trial but charges $2.49 per month or $79.99 for a lifetime, taxes extra.
- This lightweight Chrome extension is not a part of the Acceptable Ads community.
7. AdBlocker Ultimate

AdBlocker Ultimate is rated very highly in the list of best ad blocking extensions for Chrome because:
- It disables tracking while blocking malware allowing you to focus only on the task at hand.
- It is an open-source browser extension that protects against Phishing, blocking all pop-ups & ads.
- It enables 14 days free trial but charges 4.95$ per month or 74.95$ lifetime as per your choice.
- It safeguards your privacy on mobile browsers too.
- It is compatible with Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, and Edge.
- It enables paid Windows applications to work independently by not only blocking ads on the browser but also, disabling ads throughout the system.
Despite the following drawbacks, AdBlocker Ultimate is considered amongst the best free ad blocker for Chrome that removes advertisements and improves browser performance.
- It does not have any whitelist to discriminate between ads, pop-ups, and malware.
- It does not support macOS.
- It is not a part of Acceptable ads.
8. Fair AdBlocker

Fair AdBlocker extension for Chrome is considered one of the best ad blockers for the following features:
- It blocks all kinds of ads and pop-ups which include Facebook ads, Search ads, or popups/ads that show in Webmail accounts like Yahoo and AOL and so on.
- This best free AdBlock extension for Chrome provides the best protection from malware, any kind of security threats and even prevents online tracking.
- Its advanced filters enable a faster, secure private browsing and Google search.
- It also enables whitelisting of websites and certain types of ads as per your personal preference.
- It disables auto-play of Videos thus, saving data consumption and levied charges. Cool, isn’t it?
This Fair AdBlocker does precisely what it promises without any scorched earth approach to its stated purpose.
Also Read: How to Enable Incognito Mode in Chrome
9. Poper Blocker: Pop up blocker for Chrome

Poper Blocker, aka Pop Up Blocker for Chrome, is considered a big name in the list of the best ad blocking extensions for Chrome since:
- It complements other adblockers rather than being an all-in-one blocking solution
- It focuses on blocking pop-ups, pop-up overlays, timed and scroll pop-ups, and other varieties that might slip past other ad-blocking extensions.
- It notifies you as and when pop-ups, ads, and other malware are blocked by it.
- It also enables you to view your blocking status.
- Its unique quality is that it can be kept running along with other adblocker extensions with minimal impact on them or your system.
Poper Blocker is available for download from the Chrome web store as one of the best-rated ad-blocking plug-ins among its users.
10. Comodo Adblocker

Comodo AdBlocker is considered in the list of best ad blocking extensions for Chrome because of the below-mentioned advantages:
- It is an open-source Adblocker that helps to prevent display ads.
- It removes all pop-ups and advertisements disabling downloading of any malicious spyware, thereby improving browser performance.
- It disables tracking by intrusive anonymous software which can damage and destroy computers.
- It enables an increase in browsing speed when surfing or working on the web.
- It enables freeing up CPU from cookies and undesirable advertisements that may slow down its processing speeds.
Comodo AdBlocker is available free of cost on the Chrome Webstore and thus, considered to be amongst the best free AdBlock for Chrome web browser.
11. Hola Ad Remover

Hola Ad remover is rated as one of the best ad blocking extension for Chrome because of the following amazing features:
- It disables all banners blocking pop-ups, overlays, and various varieties of scroll pop-ups.
- It is also considered to be one of the best adblocker that disables video advertisements.
- It does not allow unknown trackers to disable anonymous tracking by others. Therefore, it provides enhanced security & privacy while surfing.
- It is also rated to be one of the best free Chrome ad-block that blocks all kinds of malware while working on the web.
- It is available free of cost at the Chrome Webstore.
Also Read: How to Enable DNS over HTTPS Chrome
12. Total Adblock

Total Adblock made its way into our list of best ad blocking extensions for Chrome as:
- It disables all types of adverts and pop-ups, including Facebook ads, Google ads, and pop-ups/ads that usually appear on YouTube and other websites with video content.
- Its powerful filters enable faster, safer, private browsing and Google search.
- It provides the best protection from viruses, malware, any form of security risks.
- Furthermore, it even prevents online monitoring via trackers.
- It allows you to whitelist websites and particular sorts of advertisements based on your preferences.
- It prevents videos from automatically playing.
- It is available for popular chromium-based browsers.
Note: Opting for a premium plan would enable users unlimited ad blocking along with other additional benefits.
13. uBlock

uBlock is one of the pioneers of adblocking and rightfully claims itself to be the best ad blocking extension for Chrome. Often confused with uBlock Origin, uBlock is a completely separate entity of its own and is included in our list due to the following reasons:
- It provides excellent ad and, pop-up protection.
- It doubles as an antivirus to protect you from malware attacks online.
- uBlock is available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and macOS giving coverage over multiple devices.
- It comes with a simple and easy-to-use interface.
- In addition, it is completely free to use with no hidden costs.
- Furthermore, it is updated regularly with new ads and pop-up patterns to block them completely.
uBlock still stands tall when it comes to naming the best free AdBlock extension for Chrome and has worked flawlessly thereby gaining the trust of tons of users since its inception.
Also Read: How to Remove Bing from Chrome
14. Stopza Adblocker

Stopza Adblocker is relatively newer compared to others on this list but it does get the job done. Following remarkable features make it worthy of consideration:
- It screens all online content for ads and trackers while browsing.
- It blocks all kinds of ads be its video ads, ads banners, etc. along with trackers looking for personal data of users.
- This free extension supports adblocking for specific websites as well as overall entire browsing activity.
- It can be turned off temporarily and then, enabled again with ease.
- It too, updates automatically to learn about new ad and tracker behaviors to block them more efficiently.
15. Hulu Ad Skipper

Hulu Ad Skipper extension is loved by several users because of how efficient it is at doing its job. In addition,
- It is capable of blocking ads on Hulu. Additionally, it supports adblocking in Hulu+ Live recordings
- It allows you to skip all ads that come at the starting and in the middle of the show.
- It even allows you to mute ads and fast-forward them to ensure minimal interruptions.
- It doesn’t collect user data or allow others to access & use it.
Hulu Ad Skipper is a godsend for Hulu users who are tired of the ads ruining the binging experience. It is definitely the best ad blocking extension for Chrome users who want to enjoy their favorite shows & movies online.
Also Read: What is Google Chrome Elevation Service?
16. Windscribe

Windscribe is an all-in-one adblocker extension that takes huge care in making your browsing smooth without any ad interruptions. Fully equipped with the following noteworthy features, Windscribe is definitely one of the best ad blocking extensions for chrome.
- It comes with inbuilt VPN features enhancing your web browsing experience. This unlocks content that are available in select countries.
- It encrypts users’ browsing activity to prevent any leaks of personal data.
- It is available as a standalone application to be used for a universal ad-free experience.
- Windscribe is available for a large variety of devices and platforms to provide coverage over multiple devices.
- Moreover, it offers special plans for commercial or business scenarios.
Pro Tip: Switch to Opera
Opera Web Browser is one of the most innovative browsers available today. Based on Chromium, Opera is similar to Google Chrome but with features that make it more efficient than Chrome.

It is a herculean task to be considered as a replacement of Chrome but what sets it apart are the following facts:
- It is available free of cost and has a dedicated version for gamers.
- It has a built-in VPN which disables the need for any additional extensions.
- It also facilitates a free in-built adblocker that disables all unwanted Ads and pop-ups
- It is available for Android and iOS users and can therefore work well on both Android and iOS devices.
- Opera can easily sync data like bookmark, password, and history between devices.
- Amazingly, it supports all Chrome Browser extensions which can be downloaded directly from Chrome Web Store.
- It also warns against fraudulent links and pages in addition to blocking unwanted Ads
- It has an innovative sidebar that houses your go-to options like bookmarks, history, extensions, and even your social media messengers like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, etc.
To conclude the discussion, it can be said that the free and paid versions of the best ad blocking extension for Chrome come in different shapes and sizes making it very difficult to decide the best amongst them. To our reasoning, it is best to leave it to the user to strike a balance according to his needs, requirements, and experience. Hence, we would love to hear your thoughts. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below.