众所周知,Windows是领先的操作系统,占据了 75% 左右的市场份额,位居榜首。有时,用户想要暂时停止凝视通常的Windows UI,而仅仅因为您对Windows感到厌烦而购买(Windows)Mac或Apple产品可能是一件牵强附会的事情。在这种情况下,您可能会问,对于高级用户是否有Windows的替代品?(Windows)对于高级用户,有很多免费的Windows替代品,如果您正在寻找相同的替代品,那么您来对地方了。本文将指导您了解适用于高级用户的Windows 10的最佳替代方案。(Windows 10)
如何为高级用户选择 Windows 的最佳免费替代品(How to Choose Best Free Alternatives to Windows for Advanced Users)
一、主要目的或用途(1. Main Purpose or Use)
在切换到新的操作系统之前,首先要记住的是目的。这一需求进一步将需求分为三类用途: 桌面用途、服务器用途和特殊用途(desktop use, server use, and special purposes)。
对于桌面使用,您需要一个能够提供出色的日常使用性能并且核心用户友好的操作系统。它需要具有 良好 GUI 或图形用户界面(good GUI or graphical user interface)的操作系统 来处理从简单的文字处理到游戏需求的各种事情。
服务器(Server)使用呈现在GUI最少的场景中,并且大多数任务都是使用命令行完成的。操作系统专注于用于进行 日常维护和性能稳健性(daily maintenance and performance robustness)的工具和实用程序,最大限度地减少用户交互。
然后是为特殊目的而构建的操作系统。它的主要关注点是一种 特殊的需求(particular need),并消除了其他操作系统中可能经常发生的事情。尽管如此,这个特制操作系统的主要关注点并不需要它。因此(Hence),对于不关心操作系统的主要目的的人来说,它可能是无用的。
2. 用户友好性(2. User Friendliness)
- 从Windows(Windows)迁移需要从头开始,在新的操作系统上进行规划。这意味着用户可能会探索并找到新的东西来习惯它。
- 因此(Hence),使用级别将用户群分为两个不同的派别:初学者和专家(Beginners and Experts)。
- 虽然一些操作系统简化了用户的迁移过程,满足了他们的需求并在他们的用户界面设计中牢记这一点,但其他操作系统希望用户事先了解他们在操作系统中的使用方式。
- 操作系统变得至关重要,在进行切换之前必须牢记,这取决于专业水平。这是为高级用户提供免费Windows替代品的重要因素之一。(Windows)
3. 支持(3. Support)
- 操作系统迁移(System)对于普通的日常用户来说并不常见,但从商业角度来看却意义重大。
- Microsoft制作了用于商业用途的操作系统及其产品的不同版本。但这些价格标签与正常消费价格不同。
- 因此,迁移到免费提供相同服务(identical services free of cost)
的操作系统 使得企业从Windows转换为不费脑子的选择。
- 但在开始全公司范围的迁移之前,有必要检查新操作系统是否适合企业用户的特殊支持服务。
- 如果出现影响所有计算机的错误并可能影响生产力,那么一个人在公司范围内进行所有更改将是一项艰巨的任务。
拥有对行业的支持可以轻松 解决操作系统错误和(taking care of operating system errors and issues) 有关驱动程序等组件的问题以及从他们身边安装的问题。从长远来看,这是非常有帮助的。
4. 硬件兼容性(4. Hardware Compatibility)
- 如果您的操作系统甚至无法在其上运行或不支持它,那么还需要什么功能强大的顶级配置机器?这个基本因素在选择下一个操作系统时起着重要作用。
操作系统的 系统要求(system requirement) 不容忽视,并且可能会在安装过程中或在您进行某些操作时造成复杂性。
- 大多数时候,您可能面临的问题是您的硬件组件
缺少 合适的驱动程序,基本上使它们无法使用。(proper drivers)
强烈建议您 在安装之前进行研究,(research before the installation) 以避免遇到可能锁定您的问题,从而导致完全放弃系统。
5. 软件兼容性(5. Software Compatibility)
- 另一个需要注意的问题是,您大部分时间在 Windows 上使用的应用程序是否会在您的目标Windows 替代方案上运行。(Windows will run on the alternative for Windows)
- 但是,对于某些高级用户而言,这是Windows(Windows)的免费替代品之一可能很难过渡,并且可能完全违背迁移的目的。
许多应用程序支持多个平台(Many applications support multiple platforms),在不同的操作系统上保持相同的体验。但并非所有应用程序都需要它。
- 因此(Hence),有必要寻找支持您日常使用应用程序的操作系统。
6. 用户群(6. User Base)
- 这个因素通常会被用户忽略,但在需要时起着至关重要的作用。
- Windows有大量用户每天都面临新的错误或错误,他们求助于在线论坛和其他资源,以从其他可能遇到相同问题并可能已经解决的用户那里找到答案。
- 操作系统社区(community of an operating system) 也可以在需要时成为您的救命稻草
- 在许多开源项目中,用户提出了解决方案,并且这些解决方案很多时候得到了操作系统开发人员的认可。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中更改默认操作系统(How to Change Default Operating System in Windows 10)
由于这些发行版提供的灵活性和功能,这个为高级用户提供 的免费Windows替代品列表包含许多Linux 发行版(Linux distros)以及其他成熟的操作系统。所以,让我们继续探索更多。
1. 软呢帽(1. Fedora)
Fedora在为高级用户提供 的免费Windows替代品列表中排名第一。
Fedora 是 Linux社区
中广为人知的开源 Linux 发行版。(open-source Linux distro)
它 为用户提供了许多选项(many options for users),因此他们可以从操作系统中获得他们想要的东西。
它 不断发展(constantly developed) ,是发烧友的最爱。
- 但它还不够不稳定,无法让您如此快速地切换到另一个操作系统。
您可以 毫无问题地将 Fedora 用作您的日常驱动程序(use Fedora as your daily driver) 。
它是 喜欢在Linux环境
中工作的程序员的热门选择。(popular choice among programmers)
考虑到这一切,Fedora对初学者来说并不吓人,并且可能是 第一次体验 Linux 的绝佳体验(great first-time Linux experience)。
- 安装Fedora需要最低的系统要求(needs minimal system requirements),
它 可以为您的旧计算机注入新的活力。
2. 索卢斯(2. Solus)
Solus OS是针对高级用户的Windows 10的另一种替代方案。
- 它是一个以Budgie 桌面环境(Budgie desktop environment,)而闻名的 Linux 发行版,因其定制选项而受到高级用户的喜爱。
- 由于其出色的应用程序存储库,操作系统非常稳定并提供了大量应用程序(stable and offers plenty of applications)。
- 用户体验与Chrome OS(Chrome OS)非常相似,但具有Linux的优点。
- 它带有Thunderbird、Firefox 和 VLC(Thunderbird, Firefox, and VLC)。您可以使用软件中心(Software Center)安装许多其他应用程序。
- 尽管Solus是(Solus)Windows的一个很好的免费替代品,但与此列表中的其他条目相比,它的规模很小。
- Solus的分发支持包括一个 Wiki(support for Solus comprises a Wiki),其中包括分发文档以及用户和论坛的其他资源。
- 资源更新频繁(resources are updated frequently),社区支持也很强。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 十大最佳 Kodi Linux 发行版(Top 10 Best Kodi Linux Distro)
3. Debian
您的下一个解决方案是Debian OS可以替代(Debian OS)Windows以供高级用户查询 。
- 它被用作许多Linux发行版(如Ubuntu )的(Ubuntu)基础(base)。
Debian OS的 稳定性和健壮性(stability and robustness) 是许多高级用户喜欢它的原因。
- 使用较旧的源代码为开发人员和测试人员提供了充足的时间来测试和修复可能出现的任何错误和错误,从而获得更好的用户体验(better user experience)。
- Debian适合个人计算(good for personal computing),也适合服务器使用。
- 您可以自定义安装(customize the installation)以使其更适合您的使用。
- Debian OS 还提供了不同的变体(different variant)供用户选择,并提供了滚动发布选项(rolling release option available)。
- Debian OS 还支持多种 PC 架构,提高了硬件兼容性(hardware compatibility across the spectrum)。
- Debian OS 的主要优点是社区的支持(support of the community)。
- 该项目的开源性质(open-source nature)吸引了许多开发人员,这反过来又促进了软件支持。
4. Rescatux
Rescatux 是面向高级用户的Windows的免费替代品之一,并提供以下功能:
Rescatux是一个基于 Debian OS的(based on Debian OS)Linux发行 版。
- 当您的操作系统未启动或遇到一些问题时使用它。
Rescatux 带有 能够修复 Linux 发行版和 Windows 的(capable of repairing Linux distros and Windows)工具。因此(Hence),使其成为解决可能削弱系统的问题的有用工具。
Rescatux可以从USB驱动器运行,并为您提供更新 UEFI 顺序、恢复 Windows MBR 甚至重置密码(UEFI order, restoring Windows MBR, and even resetting the password)等选项。因此,对于您的主要操作系统问题,它更像是一把瑞士军刀。
- 这种针对高级用户的Windows 10
替代方案还可以检查和修复文件系统以解决蓝屏死机错误(solve the Blue screen of Death error)。
它的主要实用程序是一个名为 Rescapp的应用程序,它为您提供了所有选项和工具来自行修复操作系统或与可以帮助您指导您完成整个过程的支持热线聊天。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 28 款适用于 PC 的最佳免费照片编辑软件(28 Best Free Photo Editing Software for PC)
5.鹦鹉安全(5. Parrot Security)
顾名思义, Parrot Security 的开发考虑到了安全性,因此,它成为高级用户Windows 10的最佳替代品而广受欢迎。(Windows 10)
该操作系统 由(made by developers and security specialists) 基于 Debian OS 的开发人员和安全专家制作。
操作系统优先考虑 隐私和安全(privacy and security) ,并让用户完全控制他们的数据。
它是一个 轻量级的开源项目(lightweight and open-source project)。
它有 三种变体,(three variants,) 每种都针对特定的使用场景而设计。
它强调 操作系统
内置的安全工具。(security tools that come built-in)
- Parrot Security OS
的主要目的是 满足道德黑客和网络渗透测试人员的需求(cater needs of ethical hackers and network penetration testers)。
它最受关注的功能之一是 取证模式,(Forensics Mode,) 操作系统不安装任何驱动器,使计算机尽可能安全。
6. Arch Linux
Arch Linux就像是电子游戏的最终 Boss 战。起初它可能看起来很复杂,但一旦你习惯了自己的方式,它就会变得简单而有趣。这种面向高级用户的Windows 10(Windows 10)替代方案具有一些最佳功能。
Arch Linux遵循滚动发布概念并 运行(runs the) 最新的内核和软件(latest kernel and software)。
Arch Linux用户在大多数用户之前享受其他Linux发行版的最新更新。您需要做的就是使用 Arch Linux 的包管理器
Pacman 。
Arch Linux 使用 AUR 存储库,(AUR repository,) 其中包含许多应用程序。
Arch Linux 以其 自定义选项(customization options) 而闻名,您可以控制界面的每个元素。
Arch Linux得到社区的支持,没有企业干预,并享有 巨大的社区支持(huge community support)。
此外,您有一个非常 活跃的 wiki(active wiki) ,您可以在其中找到所有文档和论坛链接,如果需要,您可以在其中找到帮助。
Arch Linux还促使您 更好地掌握 Linux(better grasp of the concepts of Linux) 的整体概念。
- 作为初学者,您在使用Arch Linux(Arch Linux)
时可能会遇到很多困难。它每时每刻都在考验你。因此(Hence),它只推荐给那些对自己 在 Linux 环境中的技能(skills in a Linux environment)有信心的人。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 2022 年 20 个最佳轻量级 Linux 发行版(20 Best Lightweight Linux Distros of 2022)
专业提示:使用 Linux 从头开始创建您自己的 Linux(Pro Tip: Create Your Own Linux with Linux From Scratch)
如果以上操作系统都不能满足你,你可以自己制作操作系统。Linux From Scratch是一个项目,它提倡制作你自己的Linux发行版,只保留对你重要的东西。您可以自行定制操作系统,并根据您的需求塑造操作系统,确保满足您的所有需求。开源最好的一点是你需要它。而且,您可以获取源代码并创建自己的版本。
对于高级用户,有许多最好的免费 Windows 替代品(best free alternatives to Windows for advanced users),而这个列表只包含其中的一小部分。如果您喜欢我们的推荐,请告诉我们!或者,如果您在下面的评论部分中有您的最爱。
6 Best Free Alternatives to Windows for Advanced Users
We all know that Windows is the leading operating system, and it ranks in the top position due to around 75% of the market. Sometimes, υѕers want a break from gazing at the usual Windows UI, and getting а Mac or Aрplе product jυst because you arе bored of Windows can be a far-fetched thing. In such a scenario, you might ask, is there an alternаtive to Windowѕ for advanced users? There are a lot of freе alternatives to Windows for advanсеd υsers, and if you are searching for the same, you are at the right placе. This article will guide you on the beѕt alternatives to Windows 10 for advanced users.
How to Choose Best Free Alternatives to Windows for Advanced Users
You must keep a few points in mind before you switch from a Windows comfortable environment. We have made a list of a few points that should serve as the basis for deciding which operating system would serve your digital lifestyle well.
1. Main Purpose or Use
Before switching to a new OS, the first thing to keep in mind is the purpose. This demand further divided the requirement into three groups of usage: desktop use, server use, and special purposes.
For desktop use, you need an operating system that delivers great day-to-day usage performance and is user-friendly at its core. It requires an operating system with a good GUI or graphical user interface to handle things from simple word processing to gaming needs.
Server use presents itself in a scenario where GUI is minimal, and most of the tasks are done using the command line instead. The operating system focuses on the tools and utilities used to conduct daily maintenance and performance robustness, minimizing the user interaction to the least.
Then comes an operating system that is built for special purposes. Its major focus is a particular need and eliminates things that might be a common occurrence in other operating systems. Still, it is not needed for the main concern of this specially made operating system. Hence, it can be useless for someone who is not concerned with the main purpose for which the operating system is made.
2. User Friendliness
- Migrating from Windows requires starting from scratch to map your way around the new operating system. This means the user will likely explore and find new things to get used to it.
- Hence, the usage level divides the user base into two different factions: Beginners and Experts.
- While some operating systems ease the migration process for the users, accommodating their needs and keeping this in mind in their user interface design, other operating systems expect users to know their way around the operating system beforehand.
- The operating system becomes crucial and must be kept in mind before making the switch, depending on the level of expertise. This is one of the important factors with free alternatives to Windows for advanced users.
3. Support
- Operating System migration is not that common for a normal daily user but means significant when seen from a commercial point of view.
- Microsoft makes a different version of both the operating system and its product meant for commercial use. But these come with a different price tag than the normal consumer price.
So, migrating to an operating system that offers identical services free of cost makes it a no-brainer choice for corporates to switch from Windows.
- But before starting a company-wide migration, it is necessary to check if the new operating system caters to special support services for corporate users.
- It would be an arduous task for a person to make all the changes company-wide if there is an error affecting all computers and can affect productivity.
Having support for industries eases things up with taking care of operating system errors and issues regarding components like drivers and installation from their side. It is very helpful in the long run.
4. Hardware Compatibility
- What is the need for an all beefed up, top-of-the-line configuration machine if your operating system doesn’t even work on it or doesn’t support it? This essential factor plays a major role in choosing your next operating system.
The system requirement of an operating system is nothing to be ignored and can create complications during the installation or while you are in the middle of something.
Most of the time, the issue you may face is a lack of proper drivers for your hardware components, basically rendering them unusable.
It is strongly advised that you do your research before the installation to avoid running into a problem that may lock you in, resulting in ditching the system altogether.
5. Software Compatibility
- Another question to look out for is whether the application you use most of the time on Windows will run on the alternative for Windows you are aiming for.
- But this one of the free alternatives to Windows for advanced users transition can be hard for some and may defeat the purpose of migration altogether.
Many applications support multiple platforms, continuing the same experience across different operating systems. But it is not required for all applications.
- Hence, looking for an operating system that supports your daily use application is necessary.
6. User Base
- This factor generally gets overlooked by the users but plays a vital role at times of need.
- Windows has an ample number of users who face a new error or bug every day, and they turn to online forums and other resources to find their answers from other users that may have faced the same problem at their end and may have solved it.
The community of an operating system can also be your saving grace in times of need.
- In many open-sourced projects, the users come up with solutions, and many times these solutions are acknowledged by the developers of the operating system.
Also Read: How to Change Default Operating System in Windows 10
This list of free alternatives to Windows for advanced users contains many Linux distros, among other fully-fledged operating systems, due to the flexibility and functionality these distributions provide. So, let’s go ahead and explore more.
1. Fedora
Coming in first on the list of free alternatives for Windows for advanced users is Fedora.
Fedora is an open-source Linux distro well known in the Linux community.
It offers many options for users, so they get what they want out of the operating system.
It is constantly developed and is something of an enthusiast’s favorite.
- But it is not unstable enough to make you switch to another operating system that quickly.
You can use Fedora as your daily driver with no issue.
It is a popular choice among programmers who like working in a Linux environment.
Considering all this, Fedora is not intimidating to beginners and could be a great first-time Linux experience.
It needs minimal system requirements to install Fedora, and it can breathe new life into your old computer.
2. Solus
Solus OS is another alternative to Windows 10 for advanced users.
- It is a Linux distribution known for the Budgie desktop environment, which is loved by advanced users for its customization options.
- Thanks to its great app repositories, the operating system is quite stable and offers plenty of applications.
- The user experience is quite similar to Chrome OS but with Linux goodness.
- It comes with Thunderbird, Firefox, and VLC. And you can install many other apps using the Software Center.
- Although Solus is a great free alternative to Windows, it is on a small scale compared to other entries on this list.
- The distribution support for Solus comprises a Wiki, which includes distribution documentation and other resources for the users and forums.
- The resources are updated frequently, and the community’s support is also strong.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Kodi Linux Distro
3. Debian
The next solution to your is there an alternative to Windows for advanced users query is the Debian OS.
- It is used as a base for many Linux distributions like Ubuntu.
The stability and robustness of Debian OS are why many advanced users prefer it.
- The use of older source code gives developers and testers ample time to test and fix any bugs and errors that may appear, resulting in a better user experience.
- Debian is good for personal computing, and it is also reliable for server uses.
- You can customize the installation to make it fit much better for your uses.
- Debian OS also offers a different variant for users to choose from and made the rolling release option available.
- Debian OS also supports multiple PC architectures, increasing hardware compatibility across the spectrum.
- The major plus point of Debian OS is the support of the community.
- The project’s open-source nature has attracted many developers, which has, in turn, promoted software support.
4. Rescatux
Rescatux is one of the free alternatives to Windows for advanced users and has these features to offer:
Rescatux is a Linux distribution that is based on Debian OS.
- It is used when your operating system is not booting up or facing some issues.
Rescatux comes with tools capable of repairing Linux distros and Windows. Hence, making it a useful tool to tackle issues that may have crippled your system.
Rescatux can run from a USB drive and provides you with options like updating UEFI order, restoring Windows MBR, and even resetting the password. So, it is more of a Swiss army knife for your major operating system troubles.
This alternative to Windows 10 for advanced users can also check and fix file systems to solve the Blue screen of Death error.
Its main utility is an application named Rescapp, which gives you all the options and tools to fix the operating system on your own or chat with a support line who can help you guide you through the process.
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5. Parrot Security
As the name suggests, Parrot Security was developed keeping security in mind, and due to that, it became popular as the best alternative to Windows 10 for advanced users.
The operating system is made by developers and security specialists based on Debian OS.
The OS prioritizes privacy and security and gives complete control to the user over their data.
It is a lightweight and open-source project.
It comes in three variants, each made for a specific usage scenario.
It emphasizes the security tools that come built-in with the operating system.
The main purpose of Parrot Security OS is to cater needs of ethical hackers and network penetration testers.
One of its most talked-about features is Forensics Mode, where the Operating system doesn’t mount any of the drives, making the computer as secure as it can get.
6. Arch Linux
Arch Linux is like a final boss fight of a video game. It may seem complicated at first, but it is easy and fun once you get used to your way around. This alternative to Windows 10 for advanced users has some of the best features.
Arch Linux follows rolling release concepts and runs the latest kernel and software.
Arch Linux users enjoy the latest updates on other Linux distributions before most users. All you need to do is use Pacman, Arch Linux’s package manager.
Arch Linux uses the AUR repository, which houses many applications.
Arch Linux is known for its customization options where you have control over every element of the interface.
Arch Linux is backed up by the community, has no corporate interference, and enjoys huge community support.
Also, you have a very active wiki where you can find all the documentation and links to forums where you can find help if you need it.
Arch Linux also pushes you to get a better grasp of the concepts of Linux as a whole.
As a beginner user, you may face many difficult moments while dealing with Arch Linux. It tests you at every turn. Hence, it is recommended only to those confident about their skills in a Linux environment.
Also Read: 20 Best Lightweight Linux Distros of 2022
Pro Tip: Create Your Own Linux with Linux From Scratch
If none of the above operating systems satisfy you, you can make your own operating system. Linux From Scratch is a project which promotes making your own Linux distro keeping only things that matters to you. You can customize the operating system from step own and mold the OS around your needs, ensuring that all your needs are fulfilled. And the best thing about open source is that you need it out there. And, you can get the source code and create your own version of it.
There are many best free alternatives to Windows for advanced users out there, and this list only contains a handful of them. Let us know if you liked our recommendations! Or, if you have your favorites in the comment section below.