数据有限?想要一款无论身在何处都可以玩的游戏?这份适用于 iPhone 和 iPad 的 18 款最佳离线游戏应用程序列表一定会引起您的兴趣。
奇异人生(Life Is Strange)(Life Is Strange)——精彩的故事讲述( – Excellent Storytelling)
Life is Strange是一种讲故事的体验,您可以在其中跟随一个名叫Max的女孩的生活。她有能力让时间倒流,而您可以选择帮助引导她度过艰难的挑战并避免她在愿景中看到的结果。您所做的选择最终会影响游戏的运行方式,但一个保持不变,您玩得越多,您就越会被吸引到情绪激动、扣人心弦的故事讲述中。
(Life)《奇异(Strange)人生》分集播出,第一集免费——其余的必须付费。如果您获得季票,您将以 8.99 美元的价格获得所有五集。
死细胞(Dead Cells)(Dead Cells)- 抓握动作平台游戏( – Gripping Action Platformer)
Dead Cells是一款广受好评的动作平台游戏,已在 PC、Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4和Xbox One上大放异彩。现在,你也可以在 iOS 上获得 Dead Cells 。iPhone 和 iPad 上的《死亡细胞(Cells)》在内容更新方面略落后于其他平台,但它本质上是同一款游戏。
当你与生物战斗、解锁能力和物品并试图避免不可避免的永久死亡时,你会扮演一个奇怪的人形角色。死细胞(Cells)会让你回到 8.99 美元,但它值得每一分钱。
Sid Meier 的《文明》(Civilization)系列是您最接近了解建立文明并为世界统治而战的感觉。有了这个离线游戏应用程序,您就可以从一小群希望建立他们的第一个定居点的定居者开始。之后,您开始建立更多资源,增加人口,并在整个人类历史中发现技术。
文明VI(Civilization VI)是免费的,但你只能获得60回合。之后,您必须支付 19.99 美元才能访问完整游戏。看起来很多,但与成熟的 PC 版本相比,移动端的《文明》非常接近。(Civilization)
多托邦之战(The Battle of Polytopia)(The Battle of Polytopia)——战争策略,但免费( – War Strategy, But Free)
如果您不想为手机上的游戏支付 20 美元,那么 The Battle of Polytopia是Civilization的不错选择。它有一个相似的主题——你找到一个定居点,然后在你开始发展你的军队时必须收集资源并与其他定居者作战。
星球大战:科托(Star Wars: KOTOR)(Star Wars: KOTOR)- 永恒的 RPG 经典( – Timeless RPG Classic)
星球大战 -(Star Wars – Knights)旧共和国(Old Republic)骑士( KOTOR )的最初版本是在 2003 年为 Xbox 和Windows PC发行的。从那时起,它已被移植到移动设备上。这是一款以星球大战(Star Wars)宇宙为背景的角色扮演游戏,大约比原始星球大战(Star Wars)电影 的事件早 4,000 年。
KOTOR具有回合制战斗、以星球大战为主题的 RPG(Star Wars-themed RPG)技能和力量,以及任何老式RPG玩家都会感到熟悉的派对系统。KOTOR售价 9.99 美元,但您可以从中获得数小时的引人入胜的游戏体验。
Alto's Adventure是一款无尽的跑步游戏,您可以在其中控制一名滑雪板运动员,让他们通过各种疯狂的下潜、潜水和跳跃。Alto's Adventure和续集 Alto's Odyssey的前提很简单,但它们用美丽的场景、音乐和永远不会过时的令人满足的单板滑雪来吸引你。
Alto's Adventure和 Alto's Odyssey均适用于 iOS 和 iPad,售价 4.99 美元。
纪念碑谷 1(Monument Valley 1)和MV 2 - 令人印象深刻的独立益智游戏(Monument Valley 1 & MV 2 – Impressive Indie Puzzlers)
纪念碑谷 1(Monument Valley 1)和 2 是一系列益智游戏,永远不会让玩家大吃一惊。你必须带领一个角色通过 3D 迷宫,这些迷宫基本上向玩家展示自己是活生生的、会呼吸的视错觉。
纪念碑谷(Monument Valley)在益智游戏方面是开箱即用的。纪念碑谷 1(Monument Valley 1)是 3.99 美元,但你可以免费获得纪念碑谷 2(Monument Valley 2)。
BADLAND 1 & BADLAND 2 – 美丽的动作冒险系列(BADLAND 1 & BADLAND 2 – Beautiful Action Adventure Series)
BADLAND就像那些令人难以置信的控制台动作平台游戏之一,它登上舞台并获得比使命(Call)召唤(Duty)或战地(Battlefield)等游戏更多的奖项。除了它现在也在手机上。简而言之,BADLAND开发人员对他们的游戏的热情和创造力是许多 AAA 发行商似乎已经失去的。
只需 0.99 美元,您就可以沉浸在BADLAND 1的动作冒险世界中,如果您完成它,BADLAND 2也只需 0.99 美元。
星露谷物语(Stardew Valley)(Stardew Valley)- 放松农业 RPG( – Relaxing Farming RPG)
《星露谷物语(Stardew Valley)》是一款让您亲身体验的最轻松的模拟RPG游戏。(RPG)在星露谷物语(Stardew Valley)中,你可以建造农场、种植庄稼和饲养动物。手机上有很多类似概念的游戏,但它们经常使用能量计时器以某种方式限制你的游戏玩法。
Stardew Valley不是这样的——它只是一个离线游戏应用程序,没有任何额外的货币化方法。而且,最终在你的农场里迷路真是太有趣了。Stardew Valley售价 7.99 美元,但没有额外的应用内购买。
Minecraft——最好的沙盒探索( – Sandbox Exploration At Its Finest)
Minecraft是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一。它如此受欢迎,因为它吸引了如此广泛的观众。从学龄前儿童(Minecraft)到老年人,《我的世界》将自己开放为一款易于上手但又具有深度的游戏。(but has so much depth to it.)
它还有很多东西,但你必须自己尝试才能理解它。归根结底, Minecraft(Minecraft)除了享受探索和建造的乐趣外,没有其他主要目标。Minecraft在 iOS 上售价 6.99 美元。
在 2048 年,你从一块空白的瓷砖开始。如果您滑动手指,将出现一个带有数字 2 或 4 的新块。如果您将两个相同的数字滑动到一起,它们就会连接在一起形成一个图块。目标是尝试将瓷砖拼在一起以构建价值为 2048 的瓷砖。
2048 是一款简单的离线游戏应用程序,但令人上瘾,可以免费下载。
Fallout Shelter – 令人上瘾的模拟游戏( – Addictive Sim Game)
Fallout Shelter是一款微观管理游戏,您必须在其中建造您的后世界末日掩体,称为保险库。您必须确保您的居民(被称为避难所居民)通过管理食物、电力和资源感到高兴。随着您的金库变大,管理变得更具挑战性。
Fallout Shelter可在 iOS 上免费使用。
侠盗猎车手(Grand Theft Auto):圣安地列斯(San Andreas)是 2004 年推出的经典动作主机游戏,后来被移植到手机上。它具有与原版相同的开放世界动作。你可以肆无忌惮地在街上开车,与警察或其他罪犯一起开枪,并在充满犯罪的故事活动中取得进展。
侠盗猎车手(Grand Theft Auto):圣安地列斯(San Andreas)售价 6.99 美元。
泰拉瑞亚(Terraria)(Terraria)- 2D 动作角色扮演游戏( – 2D Action RPG)
Terraria是一款大型开放世界 2D 动作RPG游戏,您必须在其中收集资源、建立基地并与怪物和 Boss 作战以获得最好的战利品。
Terraria通常被认为是Minecraft的 2D 版本,但在许多方面,它远不止于此。在角色发展、挑战和战斗方面有更多的深度。
Terraria在 iOS 和 iPad 上售价 4.99 美元。
Krystopia是一款带有精美 3D 图形的益智冒险游戏。在Krystopia中,你的工作是与周围环境互动,以找到解决不同谜题的方法。您将使用物体、激光束、机器人等来解决难题。Krystopia的每一关都由一个美丽而轻松的故事组成。
Krystopia : A Puzzle Journey是免费的,但您必须支付 1.99 美元才能访问游戏的所有章节。
这使我们对 iPhone 和 iPad 的最佳离线游戏应用程序的概述结束。您尝试过此列表中的哪些游戏?或者你有什么自己的建议?为什么不参与下面的评论部分。
18 Best Offline Gaming Apps For iPhone & iPad
Limited on data? Want a game you can play no matter where you are? This list of the 18 best offline gаming apps for iPhone and iPad is sure to take your interest.
Quite frankly, the games in this list are amongst some of the best mobile games of all time. It’s just a bonus that all of these games can also be played offline.
We’ve picked out games from a wide range of categories so make sure to scroll through the list to find games that take your fancy.
Life is Strange is a storytelling experience where you follow the life of a girl called Max. She has the power to rewind time, and it’s your choice to help guide her through difficult challenges and avoid outcomes she sees in her visions. The choices you make will ultimately make a difference in how the game plays out, but one remains the same, the more you play, the more you’ll be sucked into the emotional, gripping storytelling.
Life is Strange is played out in episodes, with the first one being free – the rest must be paid for. If you get the season pass, you’ll get all five episodes for $8.99.
Dead Cells – Gripping Action Platformer
Dead Cells is a critically acclaimed action platformer that has been doing the rounds on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Now, you can get Dead Cells on iOS too. Dead Cells on iPhone and iPad is a little behind the other platforms in terms of content updates, but it’s essentially the very same game.
You play as a strange humanoid form as you fight against creatures, unlock abilities and items, and try to avoid inevitable permadeath. Dead Cells will set you back $8.99 but it’s worth every cent.
Sid Meier’s Civilization series is the closest you’ll get to knowing what it feels like to build a civilization and fight for world domination. With this offline gaming app, you start with just a small group of settlers looking to build their first settlement. After, you start to build more resources, grow your population, and discover technology throughout the entire history of mankind.
To begin with, you’ll only be able to defend your civilization with nothing but spears and primitive bows. Hours will go by without you noticing, and you’ll then be at the forefront of modern war with planes, tanks, and more.
Civilization VI is free, but you only get 60 turns. After that, you must pay $19.99 to get access to the full game. It seems like a lot, but Civilization on mobile is very close in comparison to the fully-fledged PC version.
If you don’t want to pay $20 for a game on your mobile, The Battle of Polytopia is a good alternative to Civilization. It has a similar theme – you find a place to settle, and then must gather resources and fight other settlers as you start to evolve your army.
The Battle of Polytopia is far simpler than Civilization and games won’t take nearly as long, but some may consider that a pro, rather than a con. Also, The Battle of Polytopia is free to play.
The original release of Star Wars – Knights of The Old Republic (KOTOR) was in 2003 for Xbox and Windows PC. Since then it has been ported to mobile. It’s a role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe, roughly 4,000 years before the events of the original Star Wars movies.
KOTOR features turn-based combat, Star Wars-themed RPG skills and force powers, and a party system that will feel familiar to any old-school RPG players. KOTOR costs $9.99 but you’ll get hours upon hours of engaging gameplay out of it.
Alto’s Adventure is an endless runner game where you take control of a snowboarder as they make their way through all sorts of crazy dips, dives, and jumps. Alto’s Adventure and the sequel, Alto’s Odyssey are simple in premise, but they draw you in with beautiful scenes, music, and oh-so-satisfying snowboarding that just never gets old.
Both Alto’s Adventure and Alto’s Odyssey are available for iOS and iPad for $4.99.
Monument Valley 1 & 2 are a series of puzzle games that never fail to blow the player’s mind. You must take a character through 3D mazes that essentially show themselves to players as living, breathing optical illusions.
Monument Valley is as far out of the box as it gets when it comes to puzzle games. Monument Valley 1 is $3.99, but you can get Monument Valley 2 for free.
BADLAND 1 & BADLAND 2 – Beautiful Action Adventure Series
BADLAND is like one of those mind-boggling console action platformers that takes the stage and grabs more awards than games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Except it’s now on mobile too. To put it simply, the BADLAND developers hold that level of passion and creativity for their games that many triple-A publishers seem to have lost.
You can immerse yourself in the action-adventure world of BADLAND 1 for just $0.99, and if you complete it, BADLAND 2 is also available for $0.99.
Stardew Valley is the most relaxed simulation RPG game you’ll get your hands on. In Stardew Valley, you get to build a farm, grow crops, and raise animals. There are many games with similar concepts on mobile, but they often use energy timers to restrict your gameplay in some way.
Stardew Valley isn’t like that – it’s an offline gaming app that’s just that, without any extra monetization methods. And, ultimately it’s just so fun to get lost on your farm. Stardew Valley costs $7.99 but there are no extra in-app purchases.
Minecraft – Sandbox Exploration At Its Finest
Minecraft is one of the world’s most popular games. It’s so popular because it appeals to such a wide audience. From preschoolers to seniors, Minecraft opens itself up as a game that’s easy to get to grips with but has so much depth to it.
In Minecraft, you start with nothing and must cut down a tree to get wood so that you can craft your tools. As you play more, you’ll be able to find rare ore, build more powerful tools and armor, and fight against different creatures.
There’s so much more to it, but you have to try it for yourself to understand it. Ultimately, there’s no main goal for Minecraft besides having fun with exploration and building. Minecraft is available on iOS for $6.99.
In 2048, you start with a blank board of tiles. If you swipe your finger, a new block with the number 2, or 4 will appear. If you swipe two of the same numbers together, they join together into one tile. The goal is to try and swipe together tiles to build up a tile with the value of 2048.
The difficult part is that with each swipe, your screen fills up and it won’t be long before you have no room to swipe your tiles freely. If the whole board fills up, it’s game over.
2048 is a simple offline gaming app, yet addictive and it can be downloaded for free.
Fallout Shelter is a micromanagement game where you must build your post-apocalyptic bunker, known as a vault. You must make sure your inhabitants, known as vault dwellers, are happy by managing food, power, and resources. As you grow your vault larger, management becomes more challenging.
Fallout Shelter is available on iOS for free.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a classic action console game from 2004 that has since been ported to mobile. It features all of the same open-world action that the original had. You’re free to drive recklessly through the streets, shoot it out with the police or other criminals, and progress through the crime-packed story campaign.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is available for $6.99.
Terraria is a massive open-world 2D action RPG game where you must gather resources, build a base, and fight against monsters and bosses to get hold of the best loot.
Terraria is often considered the 2D version of Minecraft, but in many ways, it’s more than that. There’s so much more depth when it comes to character progression, challenges, and combat.
Terraria is available for $4.99 on iOS and iPad.
Krystopia is a puzzle adventure game with some beautiful 3D graphics. In Krystopia, it’s your job to interact with your surroundings to find a way to solve different puzzles. You’ll be using objects, laser beams, robots, and more to solve puzzles. Each level in Krystopia is also held together by a beautiful, light-hearted story.
Krystopia: A Puzzle Journey is free but you must pay $1.99 to access all chapters of the game.
That brings us to the end of our overview of the best offline gaming apps for iPhone and iPad. Which games on this list have you tried? Or maybe you have some suggestions of your own? Why not get involved in the comments section below.