微软决定将Edge迁移到Chromium引擎之后,引入了令人印象深刻的功能(introduction of impressive features),并对浏览器进行了惊人的快速检修。Edge变得如此出色,以至于许多互联网用户现在想知道它与谷歌 Chrome 相比如何,谷歌 Chrome(Google Chrome)是一种更老、更流行的基于 Chromium 的浏览器。
除了运行相同的框架外,Chrome和Edge还支持类似的扩展(support similar extensions)。当您将这些主要相似之处放在一边时, Edge(Edge)与Mac上的Chrome之间就会存在天壤之别。在此比较中,我们将重点介绍使这两种浏览器在性能、安全性、工具和其他因素方面与众不同的属性。
CPU 和内存使用情况
众所周知, Google Chrome在移动设备和 PC 上都会消耗大量的 RAM(Google Chrome consumes an insane amount of RAM)和CPU资源。(CPU)启动Chrome,打开几个标签页,你肯定会在Activity Monitor中找到一堆与(Activity Monitor)Chrome相关的进程。另一方面,Microsoft Edge对 Mac 的(Microsoft Edge)RAM和CPU更温和。我们在测试设备上比较了 macOS 上Chrome和Edge的内存使用情况。
通过内置任务管理器使用内存(Memory Usage via Built-In Task Manager)
专业提示:(Pro Tip:)要启动 Chrome 的任务管理器(Task Manager),请转到菜单(Menu)>更多工具(More Tools)>任务管理器(Task Manager)。对于 Microsoft Edge,请转到菜单(Menu)>更多工具(More Tools)>浏览器任务管理器(Browser Task Manager)。
下图是在 Chrome 上打开SwitchingtoMac 主页(SwitchingtoMac’s homepage)后Chrome 的内存和CPU使用情况。
下图显示了Microsoft Edge(RAM Microsoft Edge)打开同一网页所消耗的CPU和RAM。
Chrome应用程序本身消耗了大约111 MB,而 Edge 仅使用了89.6 MB。此外,Chrome 需要70.1 MB 的 RAM(70.1 MB of RAM)来加载 SwitchingtoMac 的主页,而Edge只需要50.5 MB 的 RAM(50.5 MB of RAM)即可完成相同的任务。RAM 使用量增加了大约 39%。
通过活动监视器使用内存(Memory Usage Via Activity Monitor)
使用 macOS 任务管理器(即活动监视器(Activity Monitor))检查两个浏览器进一步证实Chrome确实比(Chrome)Microsoft Edge使用更多的内存和CPU资源。
为了打开单个SwitchingToMac选项卡,Chrome启动了 8 个进程,所有这些进程在活动监视器中总共占用了483.2 MB的 RAM。(483.2 MB)
相反,Microsoft Edge仅消耗405.7 MB的内存占用(比Chrome少 77 MB )来在我们的测试设备上加载相同的网页。
注意:(Note:)实时CPU和内存使用量可能会随着时间的推移而增加或增加 — 取决于您使用浏览器的方式、您访问的网站以及安装的扩展程序的类型和数量。但是,一般来说(Generally),如果 Chrome 使用与Microsoft Edge相同的应用程序和网站, (Microsoft Edge)Chrome很可能会使用最多的资源。
Chrome 的高内存使用主要是由于在后台运行的大量预渲染进程;(pre-rendering processes)谷歌(Google)表示预渲染有助于缩短页面加载时间(pre-rendering helps to improve page load time)。Edge还预渲染页面以更快地加载网页,但它运行的预渲染进程没有Chrome那么多。因此,Microsoft Edge很方便地赢得了这一轮。
WebXPRT是用于评估浏览器性能的最可靠的基准测试工具之一。它通过运行各种测试来确定浏览器处理Javascript和HTML进程的能力。我们对这两种浏览器都使用了该工具,令人惊讶的是,Chrome以 179 的成绩获胜。另一方面,Microsoft Edge的基准测试成绩为 177。(Microsoft Edge)
我们重新启动测试设备并再次运行测试。有趣的是,Chrome再次以 192 次获胜——而且以更大的优势——超过了Microsoft Edge(172 次)。那么这是什么意思?
通常,具有较高WebXPRT基准分数的浏览器很可能会表现得更好,并提供更快的 Web 体验。但是,与CPU和内存消耗一样,浏览器的性能也取决于安装的扩展程序的数量和类型、您访问的网站、浏览器的版本和其他技术等因素。
尽管Chrome是更受欢迎的选项,但在功能方面远远落后于Microsoft Edge。下面列出的是您在Chrome上找不到的Microsoft Edge功能的摘要。
集合:(Collections:) Microsoft Edge允许您将信息(文本、网页和链接)保存到类似笔记本的条目中。假设(Say)您正在计划团体旅行,您可以将推荐、旅行提示和有用的链接从旅行博客保存到可自定义的集合中。
集合可离线使用(Collections are available offline)(在您的Mac上),并且还可以在连接到您的Microsoft帐户的设备之间同步。
大声朗读:(Read Aloud:) Edge带有一个内置的文本到语音的语音阅读器,它以逼真的语调指示网页的内容。对于视障网络用户而言,这是一项出色的可访问性功能。听写(Dictation)很流畅,听起来几乎不像机器人。该浏览器支持超过 70 种听写语音,并带有一个额外的选项来更改听写速度。
垂直选项卡: Microsoft Edge 的(Vertical Tab:)选项卡栏(Tab Bar)上有一个选项卡方向开关。单击(Click)开关,浏览器会将选项卡栏(Tab Bar)移动到左侧窗格。
垂直选项卡(Vertical Tab)功能提供了更多空间来容纳多个选项卡并在单个视图中显示它们。同样(Likewise),它可以让您轻松组织、选择、分组和重新排序选项卡。
Web Capture/Screenshot:与缺少原生屏幕截图工具的Chrome不同,Microsoft Edge 的“网络捕获”可让您将任何网站的一部分保存为图像或(Chrome)capture a full webpage/scrolling screenshot。
沉浸式阅读模式:(Immersive Reader Mode:)阅读博客时,您是否经常被广告、视频和其他不相关的元素分心?Microsoft Edge“沉浸式阅读器模式”工具通过提供您首选网站的简化的纯文本和图像视图来解决此问题。
沉浸式阅读(Immersive Reading)模式具有图片词典(Picture Dictionary)(显示所选单词的图片)、语法工具(Grammar Tools)(将单词拆分为音节并突出显示词性(Speech))和翻译(Translation)实用程序(将页面翻译成 60 多种语言)等功能。
高级 PDF 查看器:(Advanced PDF Viewer:) Chrome仅允许您查看和复制PDF文档的内容——仅此而已。使用Microsoft Edge,您可以注释和突出显示PDF内容。“朗读”功能也集成到PDF查看器中;您可以让浏览器指示文档的内容。
(Microsoft Edge)如果比较两种浏览器的功能、可访问性和实用程序,Microsoft Edge就胜过Chrome 。但是,Chrome的地址/搜索栏(称为Omnibox或Omnibar)是您在任何网络浏览器上都能找到的最好的。
您可以使用 Chrome 的地址栏执行Google搜索、基本计算、货币换算、翻译语言、访问Google Drive文件,甚至查看天气报告,而无需访问Google。
除了多功能框之外,实时字幕(Live Caption)(自动显示英语(English)视频和音频的字幕)和内置拼写检查器(Spell Checker)等功能胜过 Microsoft Edge。
目前,Microsoft Edges支持保存/收藏页面、浏览器设置、个人信息、密码、浏览历史记录、打开的标签页、扩展和收藏夹的同步。
(Chrome)另一方面,Chrome提供超过 11 种同步选项——应用程序、书签、扩展程序、历史记录、设置、主题、阅读列表、打开的标签、密码、地址、电话号码、付款方式等。
Chrome具有令人印象深刻的功能,专门用于保护用户数据免受恶意网站的侵害,但 Microsoft Edge 的安全和隐私选项占据了优势。浏览(Dig)Chrome的隐私和安全菜单,您会发现两种安全浏览(Browsing)模式:增强(Enhanced)保护和标准(Standard )保护。这两种形式的保护都可以保护您的Mac、帐户和数据免受危险网站和扩展程序的侵害。
Chrome 还具有“密码泄漏保护(Password Leak Protection)”实用程序,可监控您的在线帐户并通知您潜在的数据泄露。
Edge 提供更多级别的跟踪预防——(Prevention—)基本(Basic)、平衡(Balanced)和严格(Strict)——阻止有害广告和网站(blocks harmful ads and websites)。
Microsoft 的 Defender SmartScreen((Microsoft’s Defender SmartScreen)一种网络钓鱼和恶意软件防护工具)也集成到Edge中。最后,还有一个选项可以监控和阻止有害应用程序的下载,以及作为家长控制工具(parental control tool)的“家庭安全”功能,用于监控孩子的互联网活动。
家庭安全(Family Safety)功能提供您孩子访问的网站的活动报告。您还可以使用该工具阻止访问不适当或可能有害的内容。
同样,Chrome提供针对有害网站的标准保护。密码保护工具非常强大。但是,如果您希望更简化地控制您的在线隐私(和您孩子的隐私),Microsoft Edge应该是您的首选浏览器。
将您的Google帐户连接到Chrome后,您可以访问所有Google应用程序和服务 -文档(Docs)、Google 翻译(Google Translate)、搜索(Search)、YouTube、云端硬盘(Drive)等。如果您迷上了Google生态系统,Chrome可以更好地集成和访问所有服务。还值得一提的是,Chrome的原生服务(搜索(Search)、翻译(Translate)、文档(Docs)等)优于 Microsoft Edge 的同等服务(即Bing、Microsoft Translator等)。
默认情况下,Chrome允许您在没有互联网访问的情况下使用Google应用程序。(Google)要在Microsoft Edge上执行此操作,您需要手动安装Google Docs Offline 扩展(Google Docs Offline extension)。
Microsoft Edge提供了比Chrome更多的功能和强大的隐私管理。同样(Likewise),它消耗更少的CPU功率和RAM。但是,从基准测试结果来看,Chrome表现更好,并提供了更好的网络体验。如果您关心隐私并发现额外功能很有用,请试一试Edge 。
如果 Microsoft Edges 的任何功能都不够吸引人,或者您不愿意失去与Google服务的平滑集成,那么跳跃是没有意义的。不过,我们建议您阅读这份关于如何让 Chrome 使用更少 RAM 和 CPU 的综合指南(comprehensive guide on how to make Chrome use less RAM and CPU)。然后,您可以减少 Chrome 对 Mac 资源的严重影响。
Microsoft Edge vs Chrome for macOS: Which is Better?
Microsoft’s deсision to move Edge to the Chromium engine was followed by the introduction of impressive features and a surprisingly rapid overhaul of the browser. Edge has become so good that many internet users now wonder how it compares to Google Chrome, an older and more popular Chromium-based browser.
In addition to running the same framework, Chrome and Edge also support similar extensions. When you put these major similarities to one side, there’s a world of differences between Edge vs. Chrome on Mac. In this comparison, we’ll highlight the properties that set both browsers apart in terms of performance, security, tools, and other factors.
CPU and Memory Usage
It’s common knowledge that Google Chrome consumes an insane amount of RAM and CPU resources, both on mobile and PC. Launch Chrome, open a few tabs, and you’re sure to find a bunch of Chrome-related processes in the Activity Monitor. Microsoft Edge, on the other hand, is gentler on your Mac’s RAM and CPU. We compare the memory usage for Chrome and Edge on macOS on our test device.
Note: For this comparison, we disabled all built-in and third-party extensions, add-ons, and apps on both browsers.
Memory Usage via Built-In Task Manager
Both Chrome and Edge have built-in Task Managers that help determine how many processes the browsers are running on your device. We’ll use this tool to determine how much CPU resources and memory footprints Chrome and Edge consume on the same website.
Pro Tip: To launch Chrome’s Task Manager, go to Menu > More Tools > Task Manager. For Microsoft Edge, go to Menu > More Tools > Browser Task Manager.
The image below is Chrome’s memory and CPU usage after opening SwitchingtoMac’s homepage on Chrome.
The next image shows how much CPU and RAM Microsoft Edge consumes to open the same webpage.
The Chrome app itself consumed about 111 MB while Edge used only 89.6 MB. Additionally, Chrome took 70.1 MB of RAM to load SwitchingtoMac’s homepage while Edge only needed 50.5 MB of RAM to achieve the same task. That’s about 39% more RAM usage.
Memory Usage Via Activity Monitor
Inspecting both browsers using the macOS task manager (i.e. Activity Monitor) further confirmed that Chrome indeed uses more memory and CPU resources than Microsoft Edge.
To open a single SwitchingToMac tab, Chrome initiated eight processes, all of which gorged up a total of 483.2 MB of RAM in the Activity Monitor.
On the contrary, Microsoft Edge consumed only 405.7 MB of memory footprint (77 MB less than Chrome) to load the same webpage on our test device.
Note: Real-time CPU and memory usage may increase or increase over time—depending on how you use the browsers, websites you visit, as well as the type and quantity of extensions installed. Generally, however, Chrome will most likely use the most resources if subjected to the same apps and websites as Microsoft Edge.
Chrome’s high memory usage is majorly due to the numerous pre-rendering processes running in the background; Google says pre-rendering helps to improve page load time. Edge also pre-renders pages to load web pages faster, but it doesn’t run as many pre-rendering processes as Chrome. So, Microsoft Edge wins this round, conveniently.
WebXPRT is one of the most reliable benchmarking tools for evaluating a browser’s performance. It does so by running a variety of tests to determine the browser’s capability to handle Javascript and HTML processes. We subjected both browsers to the tool and surprisingly, Chrome came out triumphant with a score of 179. Microsoft Edge, on the other hand, had a 177 benchmark score.
We restarted the test device and ran the test a second time. Interestingly, Chrome won again (192)—and by a wider margin—over Microsoft Edge (172). So what does this mean?
Typically, a browser with a higher WebXPRT benchmark score will most likely perform better and provide a faster web experience. However, like CPU and memory consumption, a browser’s performance will also depend on factors like quantity and type of extensions installed, websites you visit, the browser’s version, and other technologies.
Despite being the more popular option, Chrome is far behind Microsoft Edge feature-wise. Listed below is a summary of Microsoft Edge’s features you won’t find on Chrome.
Collections: Microsoft Edge lets you save information (texts, webpages, and links) to a notebook-like entry. Say you’re planning a group trip, you can save recommendations, travel tips, and useful links from travel blogs to a customizable collection.
Collections are available offline (on your Mac) and are also synced across devices connected to your Microsoft account.
Read Aloud: Edge comes with a built-in text-to-speech voice reader that dictates the content of a webpage in a realistic intonation. This is a brilliant accessibility feature for visually impaired web users. Dictation is smooth and almost doesn’t sound like a bot. The browser supports over 70 dictation voices with an extra option to change dictation speed.
Vertical Tab: There’s a tab orientation switch on Microsoft Edge’s Tab Bar. Click the switch and the browser will move the Tab Bar to the left-side pane.
The Vertical Tab feature provides more space to accommodate multiple tabs and display them in a single view. Likewise, it lets you easily organize, select, group, and reorder tabs.
Web Capture/Screenshot: Unlike Chrome that lacks a native screenshot tool, Microsoft Edge’s “Web Capture” lets you save a portion of any website as an image or capture a full webpage/scrolling screenshot.
Immersive Reader Mode: Do you often get distracted by ads, videos, and other irrelevant elements when reading a blog? The Microsoft Edge “Immersive Reader Mode” tool solves this problem by providing a simplified text-and-image-only view of your preferred websites.
The Immersive Reading mode boasts of features like a Picture Dictionary (displays a picture of selected words), Grammar Tools (splits words into syllables and highlights Parts of Speech), and a Translation utility (translates a page to over 60 languages).
Advanced PDF Viewer: Chrome only lets you view and copy the content of a PDF document—that’s about it. With Microsoft Edge, you can annotate and highlight PDF content. The “Read Aloud” feature is also integrated into the PDF viewer; you can have the browser dictate the content of a document.
Microsoft Edge beats Chrome hands-down if the features, accessibility, and utilities of both browsers are compared. However, Chrome’s address/search bar (called the Omnibox or Omnibar) is the best you’ll ever find on any web browser.
You can use Chrome’s address bar to perform Google searches, basic calculations, currency conversion, translate languages, access Google Drive files, and even check weather reports without having to visit Google.
Besides Omnibox, features like Live Caption (automatically displays captions for English video and audio) and a built-in Spell Checker trump over Microsoft Edge.
Synchronization Options
Both Chrome and Edge support native data synchronization across all devices connected to your Google and Microsoft account respectively. However, Chrome’s synchronization options are a little more robust than Edge’s.
Currently, Microsoft Edges supports the synchronization of saved/favorite pages, browser settings, personal info, passwords, browsing history, open tabs, extensions, and collections.
Chrome, on the other hand, offers over 11 synchronization options—apps, bookmarks, extensions, history, settings, theme, reading list, open tabs, passwords, addresses, phone number, payment methods, and so on.
Privacy and Security
Chrome has impressive features dedicated to protecting users’ data from malicious websites, but Microsoft Edge’s security and privacy options take the cake. Dig through Chrome’s privacy and security menu and you’ll find two Safe Browsing modes: Enhanced and Standard protection. Both forms of protection safeguard your Mac, accounts, and data against dangerous websites and extensions.
Chrome also has a “Password Leak Protection” utility that monitors your online accounts and notifies you of potential data breaches.
Edge offers more tiers of Tracking Prevention—Basic, Balanced, and Strict—that blocks harmful ads and websites.
Microsoft’s Defender SmartScreen—a phishing and malware protection tool—is also integrated into Edge. Finally, there’s an option to monitor and block the download of harmful apps, as well as a “Family Safety” feature that serves as a parental control tool for monitoring your kids’ internet activities.
The Family Safety feature provides an activity report of websites your kids visit. You can also use the tool to block access to inappropriate or potentially harmful content.
Similarly, Chrome offers standard protection against harmful websites. The password protection tool is robust. However, if you desire more streamlined control over your online privacy (and your kids’), Microsoft Edge should be your go-to browser.
App and Service Integration
Connecting your Google account to Chrome gives you access to all Google apps and services—Docs, Google Translate, Search, YouTube, Drive, etc. If you’re hooked into the Google ecosystem, Chrome offers better integration and access to all services. It’s also worth mentioning that Chrome’s native services (Search, Translate, Docs, etc.) outperform Microsoft Edge’s equivalent (i.e. Bing, Microsoft Translator, etc.)
By default, Chrome allows you to work with Google apps without internet access. To do that on Microsoft Edge, you´ll need to manually install the Google Docs Offline extension.
The Choice Is Yours
Microsoft Edge offers more features and powerful privacy management over Chrome. Likewise, it consumes less CPU power and RAM. However, from the benchmark results, Chrome performs better and provides a better web experience. Give Edge a shot if you care about privacy and find the extra features useful.
If none of Microsoft Edges’ features are alluring enough, or you are reluctant about losing the smooth integration to Google services, there’s no point making the jump. However, we recommend that you read this comprehensive guide on how to make Chrome use less RAM and CPU. You can then reduce Chrome’s heavy impact on your Mac’s resources.