电子(Video)游戏已成为娱乐巨头(entertainment giant),Grand Theft Auto V 之(Grand Theft Auto V)类的游戏赚的钱比历史上任何其他娱乐(entertainment title)游戏都多。它也恰好是电子游戏中野蛮(poster child)、过度暴力的典型代表。事实上,暴力几乎是电子游戏中的默认主题(default theme)。从马里奥(Mario)压倒倒霉的古姆巴斯(Goombas)到《DOOM 》血腥、粉碎恶魔的动作,电子游戏和暴力似乎是同一枚硬币的两个方面。
然而,事实并非如此。虽然射击游戏和其他暴力动作游戏可能非常受欢迎,但视频游戏媒体(video game medium)现在包含了各种各样的游戏设计和机制。游戏开发者提出了许多富有想象力的游戏,这些游戏不涉及您对游戏中的其他实体实施暴力。
当然,在游戏中也有一定程度的暴力。在这个列表中,我们避免了那些甚至具有卡通马里奥跳跃式(Mario-jumping-on-things level)暴力级别的游戏。这意味着像Stardew Valley(Stardew Valley)这样的流行、适合家庭的游戏不能在这里出现,因为你可以在该游戏中敲打怪物。
这里有十款非暴力视频游戏,可以让您从不同的角度体验非暴力游戏世界(nonviolent gaming world)所提供的内容。此外,请查看我们上面的 YouTube 视频,了解一些游戏玩法。
SimCity 是一个在模拟游戏玩家中具有传奇色彩的特许经营权,但多年来一直没有一个像样的游戏。主线游戏的最后一个版本于 2013 年发布,引起了巨大争议,这要归功于糟糕的发布和始终连接的互联网需求,即使是单人模式!从那以后,出现了一些非常糟糕的移动版本,但没有任何官方(nothing official)版本能够为我们提供现代版的核心SimCity 体验(SimCity experience)。
这就是城市:天际线(Skylines)发挥作用的地方。虽然它可能没有SimCity 标志性的魅力(SimCity charm),但出于显而易见的原因,这无疑是最好的现代开放式城市模拟游戏(city sim)。Skylines几乎可以在所有平台上使用,包括 Switch!如果您有计算机来驱动它们,它还具有绝对华丽的图形。
真正重要的是实际的模拟和建筑机制(simulation and building mechanics)。Skylines非常精细,可让您构建几乎任何您喜欢的城市设计(city design)。还有大量的DLC 和扩展包(DLC and expansions),一些后来的控制台版本确实在价格中包含了一些DLC。例如,Switch 版本(Switch version)包括 After Dark 和 Snowfall DLC(Dark and Snowfall DLC)。
基础游戏(base game)缺少SimCity更暴力的方面,例如自然灾害,但如果你真的想要它们,那么也有一个扩展!
Euro Truck Simulator 2的持久流行说实话有点神秘。直到你真正玩它。是的,这是一个关于驾驶您的大型钻机穿越欧洲乡村(European countryside)的游戏,其中有一个游戏可以处理您的货运业务(trucking business)的扩展。
尽管这款非暴力视频游戏(video game)早在 2012 年就已发布,但开发商仍在积极支持和扩展它。它拥有Steam(Steam)上最大的活跃玩家基地之一。
经过近十年的扩展和升级(expansion and upgrading),如果您的卡车, ETS2为您提供数千小时从驾驶室探索欧洲的无压力时间。(Europe)这很奇怪,但它有效。你甚至不必那么喜欢卡车。
在过去的几年里,出现了不少非暴力的“步行模拟器”。亲爱的 Esther,(Dear Esther,) Gone Home和Journey是典型的例子。问题是这些标题延伸了“游戏”的定义。相反,它们可以更准确地描述为温和互动的数字叙事。
起初,Rime可能感觉像Journey,但这实际上是一款正宗的 3D 益智游戏。你的角色必须攀爬、探索、解决谜题并避开怪物。虽然游戏不是特别深入或具有挑战性,但它很漂亮且制作精良。
它有足够的游戏性,不能算作步行模拟(walking sim)。您几乎可以在每个平台上获得它,但我们建议在控制台上播放它,其中包括Switch。根据我们的经验, Windows 版本(Windows version)的优化非常差。
这种非暴力视频游戏(video game)也在许多平台上广泛使用。我们在高端 PC 和 iPad Pro上都玩过。这是一个科幻益智游戏,你以机器人的身份来到这个世界,或者控制机器人的人,或者认为自己是机器人的人。
主要的游戏机制(game mechanic)是俄罗斯方块(Tetris)的集合。它们被锁在拼图区域后面,您必须在其中解决一些令人费解的物理和逻辑难题才能打开通往下一块的道路。这很有趣,除了让你的机器人身体(robot body)被摧毁和重置之外,没有真正的暴力可言。
是的,这是另一个基于车辆的游戏,在寻找非暴力游戏时似乎是一个简单的选择,但Forza Horizon 4不是像Euro Truck Simulator那样的(Euro Truck Simulator)模拟管理游戏(simulation management game)。这也不是您的平均赛车游戏。这是一款开放世界的游戏,具有深度在线集成(online integration)和多种车辆、赛事和赛车类型。
没有什么能比得上(s nothing)Forza的这个迭代了,它在 Xbox 上有着悠久而传奇的历史。此版本也可在Windows上使用,并且在撰写本文时是PC上Xbox Game Pass的一部分。(Xbox Game Pass)如果您喜欢赛车,那么这款游戏几乎可以满足您的所有需求。
唯一要记住的是,《极限竞速:地平线 4》(Forza Horizon 4)不是一款模拟游戏,也不是一款街机游戏。这是两者的一个很好的平衡,但如果你真的想要一个像Gran Turismo一样的(Gran Turismo)硬核模拟(hardcore sim)游戏,最好去别处看看。
另一个有汽车的游戏?我们保证这与列表中的其他两个轮式游戏条目不同。相反,这是“汽车足球”。你可以和其他人一起对抗电脑,只是对抗电脑,用电脑等等。你控制一辆遥控车(RC car),必须将一个巨大的足球(soccer ball)踢进对方球队的球门。容易吧(Easy right)?
好吧,火箭联盟(Rocket League)很容易学习,但几乎不可能掌握。游戏专家可以完成看似超人的动作,但如果这是你的目标,你还有很多练习时间。也可在Switch上使用,这使得您可以在本地与您的伙伴一起玩一款精彩的非暴力视频游戏。(video game)
“俄罗斯方块(Tetris)效应”是当你玩太多像俄罗斯方块(Tetris)这样的游戏并在你闭上眼睛时一直看到它时发生的事情。它也是风靡全球的 电子游戏的名称。(video game)
适用于Windows 和 PS4(Windows and PS4),它是你从未见过的俄罗斯方块。(Tetris)你仍然放置你的四格板和清晰的线条,但它已经被添加了音乐和节奏功能(music and rhythm features),创造了一些(create something)新的和催眠的东西。该游戏在 VR 中特别受欢迎,但没有它仍然相当不错。
Fez现在已经几岁了,但由于其精美渲染的复古图形,它仍然完美地支撑着。这款横向卷轴平台游戏的最大噱头在于它实际上并不是一款 2D 游戏。整个世界都可以在 3D 中旋转,这有助于解决难题并为您的角色开辟道路。世界很迷人,艺术作品受到启发,您可以在各种平台上 玩Fez 。
包括PS3、PS4和Vita(PS4 and Vita)。在我们看来, Vita 版本(Vita version)是游戏中最好的移动版本,但你也可以在 iOS 上玩,它的安装基数要大得多。
作为流行的Wii U 游戏(Wii U game)的续集,Splatoon 2是(Splatoon 2)Nintendo Switch独有的,是一款第三人称多人射击游戏(multiplayer shooter)。除了,这里没有子弹,也没有血迹。
你扮演一个手持油漆枪(paint gun)的鱿鱼人。好吧,如果我们忠实于游戏的术语,那就是墨水。(ink)它有一个超级创意的机制,你可以用自己的墨水颜色(ink color)绘制表面,然后变成鱿鱼形状以加速通过关卡。
列表中的最后一个条目有点作弊,因为它包括两个非暴力视频游戏。然而,这些标题很短,应该成对播放。这是一个物理益智游戏(physics puzzler),你的角色被一台运行“实验”的疯狂电脑(insane computer)折磨着。你需要使用你的传送枪找出路,躲避更多致命的陷阱。
文笔大笑,游戏玩法紧凑而令人兴奋(gameplay tight and exciting)。Portal 游戏经常被认为是有史以来最好的游戏,而且您不必射击任何人就可以玩它的事实曾经而且现在仍然是一股新鲜空气。
爱与和平(Love and Peace)
非暴力游戏仍然很少见,但我们看到越来越多的游戏不依赖谋杀作为其核心游戏机制(game mechanic)。总是会有暴力游戏,这并没有错,但是在选择您喜欢的数字娱乐时,谁能反对有更多的选择呢?
10 Best Nonviolent Video Games for PC, Xbox, PlayStation
Video games hаνe become аn entertainment giant, with games like Grand Theft Auto V making more money than any other entertainment title in history. It аlso hapрens to be the poster child for brutal, over-thе-toр violencе in video games. In fact, violence is almost a default theme in video games. From Mariо squashing haplеss Goombas to the gory, demon-smashing action of DOOM, video gamеs and violence sеem like two sides of the samе coin.
However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. While shooters and other violent action games may be incredibly popular, the video game medium now includes a massive variety of game designs and mechanics. Game developers have come up with many imaginative games that don’t involve you committing violence against other entities in the game.
Of course, there are degrees of violence when it comes to games. In this list, we have avoided games that even have the cartoony Mario-jumping-on-things level of violence. This means popular, family-friendly games like Stardew Valley can’t feature here, because you can whack monsters on the noggin in that game.
Here are ten nonviolent video games that will give you a varied taste of what the nonviolent gaming world has to offer. Also, check out our YouTube video above to see some gameplay.
SimCity is a franchise that’s legendary among sim gamers, but there hasn’t really been a decent one in ages. The last version of the main line games was released in 2013 to major controversy, thanks to a borked launch and always-connected internet requirements, even for the single-player mode! Since then there have been some pretty awful mobile versions, but nothing official that provides us with the modern equivalent of the core SimCity experience.
This is where Cities: Skylines comes into play. While it may not have the trademark SimCity charm, for obvious reasons, this is undoubtedly the best modern open-ended city sim. Skylines is available on just about every platform, including the Switch! It also has absolutely gorgeous graphics, if you have the computer to drive them.
What really matters is the actual simulation and building mechanics. Skylines is very granular, letting you build just about any city design you like. There are also a mountain of DLC and expansions and some of the later console releases do include some of the DLC in the price. For example, the Switch version includes the After Dark and Snowfall DLC.
The base game lacks the more violent aspects of SimCity, such as natural disasters, but if you really do want them there’s an expansion for that too!
The enduring popularity of Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a bit of a mystery to be honest. That is until you actually play it. Yes, this is a game about driving your big rig across the European countryside and there is a game in there that deals with the expansion of your trucking business.
However, what really makes this game worth playing is the pure zen pleasure of putting on some good music and cruising the highways in your truck for hours on end.
Although the nonviolent video game was released back in 2012, it is still actively being supported and expanded by the developer. It has one of the largest active player bases on Steam.
After almost a decade of expansion and upgrading, ETS2 offers you thousands of stress-free hours exploring Europe from the cab if your truck. It’s weird, but it works. You don’t even have to like trucks all that much.
There have been quite a few non-violent “walking simulators” in the last few years. Dear Esther, Gone Home and Journey are typical examples. The problem is that these titles stretch the definition of what counts as a “game”. Instead, they could be more accurately described as a mildly interactive digital narratives.
At first, Rime might feel like Journey, but this is actually a proper 3D puzzle game. Your character has to climb, explore, solve puzzles and avoid monsters. While the game is not particularly deep or challenging, it is beautiful and well-crafted.
It has just enough gameplay not to count as a walking sim. You can get it on just about every platform, but we suggest playing it on console, which includes the Switch. The Windows version, in our experience, is pretty poorly optimized.
You play a young boy who washes up on the shores of a strange island, where you must figure out its mysteries while interacting with the strange spirits that dwell there. It’s definitely worth checking out.
This nonviolent video game is also widely available on many platforms. We played it on both a high-end PC and on an iPad Pro. It’s a sci-fi puzzler where you come into the world as a robot, or a person controlling a robot, or someone who thinks they are a robot.
The whole point of this game is to unravel the large mysteries of the world you find yourself in and we’ll let you experience it first-hand since that’s such an integral part of the game.
The primary game mechanic is the collection of Tetris pieces. They are locked behind puzzle zones where you have to solve some brain-bending physics and logic puzzles to open the way to the next piece. It’s a lot of fun and, apart from getting your robot body destroyed and reset, there’s no real violence to speak of.
Yes, this is another vehicle-based game, which seems like an easy choice when looking for non-violent games, but Forza Horizon 4 isn’t a simulation management game like Euro Truck Simulator. It’s also not your average racing game either. It’s an open-world game featuring deep online integration and a wide variety of vehicles, events and racing types.
There’s nothing quite like this iteration of Forza, which has a long and storied history on the Xbox. This version is also available on Windows and is, at the time of writing, part of Xbox Game Pass on PC. If you love racing, this is one game that can scratch almost every itch.
The only thing to keep in mind is that Forza Horizon 4 is not quite a sim and not quite an arcade game. It’s a nice balance of the two, but if you really want a hardcore sim in the vein of Gran Turismo, it’s better to look elsewhere.
Another game with cars in it? We promise this isn’t like the other two wheeled-game entries on the list. Instead, this is “car-soccer”. You can play with someone else against the computer, just against the computer, with the computer and so on. You control an RC car and have to punt a giant soccer ball into the other team’s goal. Easy right?
Well, Rocket League is easy to learn, but almost impossible to master. Experts at the game can pull off seemingly superhuman moves, but there are plenty of practice hours ahead of you if that’s your goal. Also available on Switch, which makes for a wonderful nonviolent video game to play with your mates locally.
The “Tetris Effect” is that thing that happens when you play a game like Tetris too much and keep seeing it when you close your eyes. It’s also the name of a video game that’s taken the world by storm.
Available for both Windows and PS4, it’s Tetris like you’ve never seen it before. You still place your tetrominos and clear lines, but it’s been spiced up with music and rhythm features that create something both new and hypnotic. The game is especially popular in VR, but still pretty good without it.
Fez is a couple of years old now, but still holds up perfectly thanks to its lovingly rendered retro graphics. The big gimmick in this side-scrolling platformer is that it isn’t actually a 2D game. The whole world can be rotated in 3D, which helps solve puzzles and opens up pathways for your character. The world is fascinating, the artwork inspired and you can play Fez on a wide range of platforms.
Including PS3, PS4 and Vita. the Vita version is the best mobile take on the game in our opinion, but you can also play on iOS, which has a much larger install base.
A sequel to the popular Wii U game, Splatoon 2 is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch and is a third-person multiplayer shooter. Except, there are no bullets and no blood to be found here.
You play as a squid-person armed with a paint gun. Well, ink if we are being true to the game’s terminology. It has a super-creative mechanic where you paint surfaces in your own ink color and then morph into squid form to speed across the level.
There’s a single-player mode too, so you don’t absolutely need friends to play. It’s just that multiplayer is the main draw of this very family-friendly title.
The last entry on the list is a bit of a cheat since it includes two nonviolent video games. Yet these titles are pretty short and should be played as a pair. This is a physics puzzler where your character is tormented by an insane computer running “experiments”. You need to use your portal gun to figure out your way through, dodging ever more deadly traps.
The writing is laugh-out-loud hilarious and the gameplay tight and exciting. The Portal games are often cited as some of the best games of all time and the fact that you don’t have to shoot anyone to play it was and still is a breath of fresh air.
Love and Peace
Nonviolent games are still pretty rare, but we are seeing more and more titles that don’t rely on murder as their central game mechanic. There will always be violent games and there’s nothing wrong with that, but who can argue with having more choice when it comes to picking your preferred digital entertainment?