如果您是一名视频游戏玩家(video gamer),您就会知道每秒帧数(Frames Per Second)对于愉快流畅的游戏体验(gaming experience)是多么重要。游戏以特定的帧速率(frame rate)运行,每秒显示的帧数称为FPS。帧率(frame rate)越大,游戏质量(game quality)越好。帧速率(frame rate)较低的游戏中的动作时刻通常是不稳定的。同样,更好的FPS将有助于实现增强的流媒体体验(streaming experience)。您将需要有兼容的硬件,这些硬件必须可供游戏使用。阅读我们的 5 个最佳免费FPS 计数器(FPS counter)列表视窗 10(Windows 10)。
适用于 Windows 10 的 5 个最佳 FPS 计数器(5 Best FPS Counter For Windows 10)
有多种不同的因素可能会导致游戏FPS下降。如果您觉得它不够用或者它掉得太频繁,可以添加一个FPS 计数器(FPS counter)来跟踪它。游戏的帧速率(frame rate)通过每秒帧数叠加计数器(overlay counter)显示。一些VDU上提供了(VDUs)帧速率(Frame rate)计数器。
想要掌握 PC 功能的游戏玩家越来越多地使用帧速率(frame rate)计数器。大多数游戏玩家都在努力提高它,因为更高的FPS 数(FPS number)等于更好的性能。您也可以使用它来监控计算机在游戏和流式传输时的性能。
如何测量 FPS(How to Measure FPS)
您尝试玩的每个游戏的总体性能取决于您 PC 的硬件功能。图形硬件(包括GPU 和显卡(GPU and Graphics Card))在一秒钟内渲染的帧数以每秒帧数为单位。如果你的帧率很低(frame rate),比如低于每秒 30 帧,你的游戏就会滞后很多。您可以通过升级您的显卡或降低游戏内的图形设置来改善这一点。阅读我们的关于检查游戏中 FPS 的 4 种方法的指南以了解(Games)更多(FPS)信息。
由于有多种FPS 计数器(FPS counter) 软件(Software)可供选择,您可能会感到困惑。其中一些非常出色,而另一些则不然。这就是为什么我们在Windows 10中编制了这份(Windows 10)顶级 FPS 计数器(Top FPS counter)列表。
FRAPS是该列表中第一个也是最古老的FPS 计数器,(FPS counter)于 1999 年发布(released in 1999)。它可以说是使用最广泛的最佳FPS 计数器 Windows 10(FPS counter Windows 10)。用户可以在屏幕上显示FPS的同时捕捉图片甚至录制游戏。这是一款基准测试软件,可用于为 DirectX 或 OpenGL 游戏添加帧速率计数器,(add a frame rate counter to DirectX or OpenGL games)因为它支持使用DirectX的游戏以及使用 Open GL 图形技术(GL Graphic Technology)的游戏。此外(Furthermore),它与所有版本的 Windows 兼容(compatible with all versions of Windows)。
在软件网站上,registered edition of Fraps costs $37,但是您可以通过单击此页面上的下载 Fraps(Download Fraps)获得适用于从 XP 到 10的Windows平台的(Windows)免费软件版本。(freeware version)未注册的软件包不允许您长时间录制电影,但它确实具有所有FPS 计数器(FPS counter)选项。
- 首先是显示您正在寻找的FPS 。该程序可以比较两个时间段的帧速率(compare frame rates across two time periods),使其成为一个出色的基准测试工具(benchmarking tool)。
- 它还将统计数据存储(stores the statistics)在您的 PC 上,以便您稍后查看它们以进行进一步研究。
- 下一个功能是屏幕截图(screen capture),它允许您随时使用键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcut)截取游戏的屏幕截图。
- 它还允许视频捕捉(video capturing)以高达 7680 x 4800的分辨率和 1-120 FPS的帧速率记录您的游戏。
注意:(Note: )Fraps是一个付费程序,但是,除非您激活视频捕获功能(video capture feature),否则对您的使用方式没有任何限制。
要使用 Fraps,
1.从Fraps(Download Fraps)官网(official website)下载。
2. 现在,打开FRAPS fps程序并切换到99 FPS选项卡。
3. 在这里,选中Benchmark Settings(Benchmark Settings)下标有FPS的框,如图所示。
4. 然后,选择您希望Overlay Corner出现在屏幕上的角落。
注意:(Note:)如果需要,您还可以选择选项Hide overlay。
5. 现在,打开你的游戏并按下(game and press)快捷键(shortcut key) F12打开FPS 覆盖(FPS overlay)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复守望先锋 FPS 掉落问题
2. Dxtory
Dxtory也是一款可让您截取屏幕截图和记录游戏玩法(record gameplay)的软件。该程序非常适合捕捉DirectX 和 OpenGL 游戏画面(DirectX and OpenGL game footage)。当Dxtory处于活动状态时,游戏将在左上角有一个 FPS 计数器(FPS counter in the upper left corner)。该程序与Fraps类似,它允许您更改屏幕上FPS计数器(FPS counter)的颜色。(change the color)Dxtory和Fraps一样,售价costs roughly $35,但有一个适用于Windows的免费版本,您可以在 PC 上下载和播放任意时间。主要区别在于(Windows 10) Dxtory中的Windows 10 FPS 计数器(FPS counter)也适用于通用 Windows 平台游戏(works with Universal Windows Platform games),而 Fraps 则不适用。
- 最好的部分是您可以以多种格式保存屏幕截图( save screenshots in a variety of formats)。但是,唯一的问题是他们的徽标将出现( their logo will appear)在您的所有屏幕截图和视频中。您还必须处理每次关闭软件时都会出现的永久许可证购买站点。
- 可以使用( can be customized)Dxtory中的Overlay Settings 选项卡(Overlay Settings tab)自定义每秒帧数计数器。可以自定义电影或游戏捕获(movie or game capture)的叠加颜色以及屏幕截图捕获。
- 它不会影响程序的功能,它是健壮且适应性强(robust and adaptable)的,但它确实提供了一定的视觉吸引力。
- 此外,它的编解码器能够以相同的方式记录真实像素数据。使用无损视频源(lossless video source),您可以获得更高的质量。
- 更重要的是,采用高比特率捕获功能(high-bitrate capture feature),可以在包括两个或更多存储的环境中提高写入速度。
- 它还支持 VFW 编解码器(supports VFW codecs),让您可以选择自己喜欢的视频编解码器(video codec)。
- 此外,捕获的数据可以用作(captured data may be utilized as a video source)DirectShow 界面的视频源。
1.从Dxtory官网(official website)下载(Download)稳定版。
2. 在Dxtory应用程序中,单击Overlay选项卡中的监视器图标。(monitor icon)
3. 然后,选中标题为Video FPS和Record FPS的框,突出显示。
4. 现在,导航到文件夹(Folder )选项卡并单击第一个文件夹图标(first folder icon)以设置保存游戏记录的路径。
5. 在这里,选择您需要保存文件的文件位置。(file location)
6. 转到屏幕截图(ScreenShot )选项卡并根据您的要求自定义您的屏幕截图设置(ScreenShot Setting, )。
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3. FPS监视器(3. FPS Monitor)
如果您正在寻找专用的专业FPS 计数器(FPS counter),FPS 监控(FPS monitor)程序是您的最佳选择。它是适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)系统的综合硬件跟踪程序,可提供FPS 计数器数据,包括与游戏相关的(FPS counter)GPU 或 CPU(GPU or CPU)性能信息。它是首批FPS 计数器(FPS counter)应用程序之一,不仅提供与Fraps一样准确的FPS统计数据,而且在游戏运行时提供各种其他基准测试和硬件的整体性能。
以下是FPS Monitor的一些用途。
- 您可以通过叠加选项(overlay option)充分利用它,该选项允许用户调整您需要查看的每个传感器的文本、大小和颜色。(adjust the text, size, and color for each sensor)您将能够以多种方式个性化覆盖以适合您的桌面背景(desktop backdrop)。
- 您还可以选择(choose the characteristics that are displayed)屏幕上显示的特征。因此,您可能会限制自己仅查看FPS 计数器(FPS counter)或添加任意数量的其他性能指标。
- 此外,由于 PC 组件会影响游戏性能(game performance),因此需要此类软件来呈现有关您的 PC 操作的事实。您可能会使用 FPS 监视器收到硬件统计信息(receive hardware stats using FPS monitor),这将帮助您确定您的计算机是否需要该设备。
- 此外,除了在游戏中查看实时系统信息(system information)外,精通技术的玩家还可以访问收集(access gathered statistics)到的系统性能(system performance)统计数据并将其存储起来以供进一步分析。
按照以下步骤使用FPS 监视器(FPS monitor):
1.从官网(official website)下载(Download) FPS监视器(FPS monitor )。
3. 在项目设置( Item settings)窗口中,选中已启用传感器部分下的(Enabled sensors)FPS选项以启用它。
注意:(Note: )您还可以选择启用CPU、GPU等设置。
4.根据选择的定制(Chosen Customization),将设计覆盖。现在,您可以在Windows 10 PC上玩游戏并使用此FPS 计数器。(FPS counter)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何下载 Hextech 修复工具(Download Hextech Repair Tool)
4. 雷蛇皮层(4. Razer Cortex)
Razer Cortex 是一款免费的游戏助推器程序(free game booster program),可用于改进和启动游戏。它通过终止非必要活动并释放RAM来实现这一点,让您的 PC 将其大部分处理能力用于游戏或显示(game or display)。它还带有优化工具,可以帮助您提高游戏的帧速率。您不仅会获得系统帧率(system frame rate),还会获得显示最高、最低和平均帧率的(displaying the highest, lowest, and average frame rates)图表(graph chart) 。因此,补充FPS 图表(FPS chart)可能会帮助您更好地了解游戏的平均帧速率(frame rate)。
以下是Razer Cortex的其他一些功能:
- 无论您是通过(Regardless)Steam、Origin还是您的 PC玩游戏,程序都会立即打开(will open immediately)。
- 更重要的是,一旦您完成游戏,该应用程序将立即将(application will instantly return)您的 PC 恢复到之前的状态。
- 您甚至可以通过使用 CPU Core对 Windows 平台进行微观管理(micro-managing your Windows platform)来增加每秒帧数。
- 它还包含其他具有两种核心模式的(two core modes)普通应用程序(commonplace apps),例如关闭CPU 睡眠(CPU sleep)模式以获得最佳性能和打开CPU 核心(CPU Core)以专注于游戏。
- 最重要的是,您可以使用FPS 计数器(FPS counter)评估您的游戏性能(evaluate your game performance),该计数器在后台运行并跟踪您的系统每秒帧数。
以下是如何使用Razer Cortex免费FPS 计数器(FPS counter)应用程序:
1.下载(Download)Razer Cortex应用程序,如图所示。
2. 然后,打开Razer Cortex并切换到FPS选项卡。
如果您需要在玩游戏时显示FPS叠加,请按照步骤 3-5。(FPS)
3. 选中标记为Show FPS overlay while-in-game突出显示的框。
注意:(Note:)您还可以自定义您的叠加层在您的游戏显示屏幕(game display screen)上的显示位置。
4. 单击任何角落以锚定您的叠加层。
5. 在游戏中同时按下Shift + Alt + Q 键(keys)以显示FPS 覆盖(FPS overlay)。
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5. GeForce 体验(5. GeForce Experience)
如果您的笔记本电脑或台式电脑安装了NVIDIA GeForce显卡,您可以使用GeForce Experience来增强您的游戏。该程序可用于:
- 增强游戏视觉效果,
- 捕捉游戏视频,
- 更新 GeForce 驱动程序,以及
- 甚至为游戏添加额外的饱和度、HDR和其他滤镜。
对于游戏,GeForce Experience具有一个覆盖FPS 计数器(FPS counter),您可以将其放置在四个VDU角中的任何一个中。此外,通过最终调整游戏设置,该程序简化了 PC 游戏配置过程(this program streamlines the PC gaming configuration process)。该程序与 Windows 7、8 和 10 兼容(compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10)。
下面列出了GeForce Experience的一些惊人功能:
- 您可以在YouTube、Facebook和Twitch以及其他主要社交媒体渠道上发布您的作品。(post your work)
- 它使您能够(enables you to broadcast)以很少的开销性能进行广播,同时保证您的游戏流畅运行。
- 游戏中的程序覆盖使其快速且易于使用(quick and easy to use)。
- 最重要的是,NVIDIA确保为每个新游戏提供更新的驱动程序。(updated drivers are available)他们与开发人员密切合作,以确保解决错误、提高性能并优化整个游戏体验(game experience)。
要使用GeForce Experience,请按照以下步骤操作:
1 、从官网下载(Download) GeForce ,如图。(GeForce)
2. 打开GeForce Experience并转到常规(General )选项卡。
3. 为游戏内叠加打开切换开关以启用(IN-GAME OVERLAY)它(On),如下图所示。
4. 转到FPS Counter选项卡并选择您希望它出现在 Windows PC 上的角落。(corner)
5. 打开游戏并按Alt + Z keys 打开 FPS 覆盖。
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常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。Windows 10 中是否有 FPS 计数器?(Q1. Is there an FPS counter in Windows 10?)
答。(Ans. )Windows 10中的FPS 计数器(FPS counter)是内置的。它与Windows 10游戏栏(game bar)兼容。您不需要安装任何东西,您可以使用FPS 计数器(FPS counter)通过将其固定在屏幕上来监控帧速率(frame rate)。
Q2。游戏 PC 每秒有多少帧?(Q2. How many frames per second does a gaming PC have?)
答。每秒 30 帧(Ans. 30 frames per second)是大多数游戏机和廉价游戏 PC 所追求的性能水平。(performance level)请(Keep)记住,大量的卡顿出现在每秒 20 帧以下,因此任何超出此范围的内容都被视为可观看的。大多数游戏 PC 的目标是每秒 60 帧或更高的帧速率(frame rate)。
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所有这些适用于Windows系统的免费(Windows)FPS 计数器(FPS counter)程序都不会消耗大量系统资源。它们小巧轻便,因此您的游戏可以访问大部分(如果不是全部)系统资源。我们希望这些信息可以帮助您确定适用于 Windows 10 的最佳 FPS 计数器(best FPS counter for Windows 10)。如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
5 Best FPS Counter For Windows 10 2022
If yоu are a video gamer, you will know how important Frames Per Second is for a pleasant & smooth gaming experience. Games operate at a specific frame rate and the number of frames displayed per second is referred to as FPS. The greater the frame rate, the better the game quality. Action moments in a game with a lower frame rate are usually choppy. Similarly, better FPS will help achieve an enhanced streaming experience. You will need to have compatible hardware which must be available for usage by the game. Read our list of 5 best free FPS counter for Windows 10.
5 Best FPS Counter For Windows 10
There are a variety of different things that might cause game FPS to drop. If you feel that it’s not adequate or that it drops too frequently, an FPS counter can be added to keep track of it. The frame rate of a game is displayed via a frames-per-second overlay counter. Frame rate counters are available on a few VDUs.
Gamers that want to stay on top of their PC capabilities are increasingly using frame rate counters. The majority of gamers strive to increase it since a higher FPS number equates to better performance. You may use it too, to monitor the performance of your computer while gaming & streaming.
How to Measure FPS
The total performance of every game you try to play is determined by the hardware capabilities of your PC. The number of frames rendered by your graphics hardware, including GPU and Graphics Card, in one second, is measured in frames per second. If you have a low frame rate, such as less than 30 frames per second, your game will lag a lot. You may improve the same by upgrading your graphics card or lowering the in-game graphical settings. Read our guide on 4 Ways to Check FPS In Games to learn more.
Since there is a variety of FPS counter Software to choose from, you might get confused. Some of them are excellent, while others are not. That is why we have compiled this list of Top FPS counter in Windows 10.
FRAPS is the first and oldest FPS counter on this list, having been released in 1999. It is arguably the most widely used best FPS counter Windows 10. Users may capture pictures and even record games while the FPS is shown on the screen as well. This is benchmarking software that can be used to add a frame rate counter to DirectX or OpenGL games as it supports games that use DirectX as well as those that use Open GL Graphic Technology. Furthermore, it is compatible with all versions of Windows.
On the software website, the registered edition of Fraps costs $37, however you may get the freeware version for Windows platforms from XP to 10 by clicking Download Fraps on this page. The unregistered package does not allow you to record films for lengthy periods, but it does have all of the FPS counter options.
Fraps serves the following functions:
- The first is to display FPS which is what you are looking for. This program can compare frame rates across two time periods, making it a great benchmarking tool.
- It also stores the statistics on your PC, allowing you to review them later for further research.
- The next feature is a screen capture, which allows you to snap a screenshot of your gameplay using a keyboard shortcut at any time.
- It allows video capturing as well to record your games in resolutions up to 7680 x 4800, and frame rates ranging from 1-120 FPS.
Note: Fraps is a paid program, however, there are no restrictions on how you use it unless you activate the video capture feature.
To use Fraps,
1. Download Fraps from its official website.
2. Now, open the FRAPS fps program and switch to the 99 FPS tab.
3. Here, check the box marked FPS under Benchmark Settings, as shown.
4. Then, choose the corner where you want Overlay Corner to appear on the screen.
Note: You can also select the option Hide overlay, if needed.
5. Now, open your game and press the shortcut key F12 to open the FPS overlay.
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2. Dxtory
Dxtory is also a piece of software that allows you to take screenshots and record gameplay. The program is ideal for capturing DirectX and OpenGL game footage. When Dxtory is active, games will have an FPS counter in the upper left corner. This program is similar to Fraps in that it allows you to change the color of the FPS counter on your screen. The Dxtory, like Fraps, costs roughly $35, but there is a free version for Windows that you can download and play on your PC for as long as you wish. The main difference is that the Windows 10 FPS counter in Dxtory also works with Universal Windows Platform games, while Fraps does not.
Following are some noteworthy features of this app:
- The best part is that you can save screenshots in a variety of formats. But, the only catch is that their logo will appear in all of your screenshots and videos. You will also have to cope with a persistent license purchasing site that appears every time the software is closed.
- The frames-per-second counter can be customized using the Overlay Settings tab in Dxtory. The overlay colors for movie or game capture, as well as screenshot capture, can be customized.
- It does not affect the functionality of the program, which is robust and adaptable, but it does offer a certain visual appeal.
- Furthermore, its codec is capable of recording the real pixel data in the same manner. With the lossless video source, you may get greater quality.
- What is more, employing the high-bitrate capture feature, may boost writing speed in an environment including two or more storage.
- It also supports VFW codecs, allowing you to select your preferred video codec.
- Furthermore, the captured data may be utilized as a video source for the DirectShow interface.
To use Dxtory, follow the given steps.
1. Download the stable version of Dxtory from its official website.
2. In the Dxtory app, click on the monitor icon in the Overlay tab.
3. Then, check the boxes titled Video FPS and Record FPS, shown highlighted.
4. Now, navigate to the Folder tab and click on the first folder icon to set the path to save your game recordings.
5. Here, choose the file location where you need to save files.
To take screenshots during gameplay, follow these steps:
6. Go to the ScreenShot tab and customize your ScreenShot Setting, as per your requirements.
Also Read: Fix League of Legends Frame Drops
3. FPS Monitor
If you are searching for a dedicated professional FPS counter, the FPS monitor program is the way to go. It is a comprehensive hardware tracking program for Windows 10 systems that provides FPS counter data including information about the performance of the GPU or CPU as it relates to gaming. It is one of the first FPS counter applications that provide not only FPS statistics as accurate as Fraps, but also a variety of other benchmarks and overall performance of your hardware while your game is running.
Following are some uses of the FPS Monitor.
- You may make the most of it with an overlay option that allows users to adjust the text, size, and color for each sensor you need to see. You will be able to personalize the overlay in a variety of ways to fit your desktop backdrop.
- You may also choose the characteristics that are displayed on the screen. Thus, you may limit yourself to merely seeing the FPS counter or adding any number of other performance metrics.
- Furthermore, because PC components impact game performance, such software is required to present facts about your PC operations. You may receive hardware stats using FPS monitor, which will help you figure out if the gear is necessary for your computer or not.
- Also, in addition to seeing real-time system information in the game, tech-savvy players may access gathered statistics on system performance and store them for further analysis.
Follow these steps to use the FPS monitor:
1. Download FPS monitor from the official website.
2. Open the app and click on the Overlay to open settings
3. In the Item settings window, check the FPS option under Enabled sensors section to enable it.
Note: You can also choose to enable settings like CPU, GPU etc.
4. According to the Chosen Customization, the overlay will be designed. Now, you can play your game and use this FPS counter in Windows 10 PCs.
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4. Razer Cortex
Razer Cortex is a free game booster program that may be used to improve and launch games. It accomplishes this by terminating non-essential activities and freeing up RAM, allowing your PC to devote the majority of its processing power to the game or display. It also comes with optimization tools that might help you increase the frame rate of your games. You will get not just your system frame rate, but also a graph chart displaying the highest, lowest, and average frame rates. As a result, the supplementary FPS chart might help you better understand what the average frame rate for games is.
Here are some other features of Razer Cortex:
- Regardless of whether you are playing a game via Steam, Origin, or your PC, the program will open immediately.
- What is more, once you have finished playing the game, the application will instantly return your PC to its previous state.
- You may even increase your frames per second by micro-managing your Windows platform using CPU Core.
- It also contains other commonplace apps with two core modes, such as turning off the CPU sleep mode for optimal performance and turning on the CPU Core to concentrate on gaming.
- Best of all, you can evaluate your game performance with the FPS counter, which runs in the background and keeps track of your system frames per second.
Here’s how to use the Razer Cortex free FPS counter app:
1. Download the Razer Cortex app, as shown.
2. Then, open Razer Cortex and switch to the FPS tab.
If you need to show FPS overlay while playing the game, then follow steps 3-5.
3. Check the box marked Show FPS overlay while-in game shown highlighted.
Note: You can also customize your overlay on where it appears on your game display screen.
4. Click on any corner to anchor your overlay.
5. While in the game press the Shift + Alt + Q keys together for the FPS overlay to appear.
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5. GeForce Experience
If your laptop or desktop PC has NVIDIA GeForce graphics card installed, you can use GeForce Experience to enhance your games. This program may be used to:
- enhance game visuals,
- capture gaming videos,
- update GeForce drivers, and
- even add additional saturation, HDR, and other filters to games.
For games, GeForce Experience features an overlay FPS counter that you may place in any of the four VDU corners. Furthermore, by adjusting game settings on their end, this program streamlines the PC gaming configuration process. This program is compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10.
Some amazing features of GeForce Experience are listed below:
- You may post your work on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch, among other major social media channels.
- It enables you to broadcast with little overhead performance while guaranteeing that your games run smoothly.
- The program in-game overlay makes it quick and easy to use.
- Most importantly, NVIDIA ensures that updated drivers are available for each new game. They collaborate closely with the developers to ensure that bugs are addressed, performance is improved, and the entire game experience is optimized.
To use GeForce Experience, follow the given steps:
1. Download GeForce from the official website, as shown.
2. Open GeForce Experience and go to the General tab.
3. Turn the Toggle On for IN-GAME OVERLAY to enable it, as depicted below.
4. Go to the FPS Counter tab and choose the corner where you want it to appear on your Windows PC.
5. Open your game and press Alt + Z keys to open the FPS overlay.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is there an FPS counter in Windows 10?
Ans. The FPS counter in Windows 10 is built-in. It is compatible with Windows 10 game bar. You do not need to install anything, and you can use the FPS counter to monitor the frame rate by pinning it to the screen.
Q2. How many frames per second does a gaming PC have?
Ans. 30 frames per second is the performance level that most consoles and cheap gaming PCs aim for. Keep in mind that substantial stuttering appears at less than 20 frames per second, therefore anything over that is deemed watchable. Most gaming PCs aim for a frame rate of 60 frames per second or more.
All these free FPS counter programs for Windows systems do not consume a lot of system resources. They are small and light, so your game will have access to the majority, if not all, of your system resources. We hope this information helped you decide the best FPS counter for Windows 10. If you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section below.