“名字里有什么?” 莎士比亚(Shakespeare)说,但文件名很重要,因为它们可以让您了解预期在其中可用的内容类型。有时可能会放错文件,造成大量混乱。因此,在本文中,我们重点介绍了当今可用的各种适用于 Windows 的最佳免费文件重命名软件(file rename software),供您参考和立即使用。这些最好的免费文件重命名器(file renamer)windows 10 将帮助您命名系统上的任意数量的文档。
适用于Windows 10的16 个最佳免费文件重命名器(File Renamer)
我们将研究适用于Windows的最佳免费(Windows)文件重命名软件(file rename software),但首先,让我们了解什么是文件重命名(file renaming)?文件(File)重命名是指更改文件的名称而无需打开和查看其内容。它可以在键盘的帮助下完成,您可以手动选择要重命名的文件或按F2 键(F2 key)并立即在现场重命名文件。但是,使用其他软件来执行重命名文件将为您提供以下功能:
- 快速重命名(Fast renaming)多个图像、MP3、视频等。
- 一次重命名多个文件
- 更快地对数字文档进行排序和分类
- 在任何地方移动或复制数字文件
- 重命名文档组或批次
并且有几个免费的文件重命名软件(File Rename Softwares)可供您在线下载。因此,请在下面的列表中查看我们编译的最佳免费文件重命名器(file renamer)windows 10。
1.文件重命名器基本(1. File Renamer Basic)
File Renamer Basic 是一个简单而强大的文件重命名软件,可以有效地重命名多个文件和图像,并具有以下功能。
File Renamer Basic 具有 易于使用的用户界面 ( easy-to-use User Interface ),可促进文件列表和轻松重命名MP3文件。
它支持 目录树。(a directory tree.)
它提供 编辑标签和表达式(editing tags and expressions) ,如 EXIF、ID3v1 和 ID3v2。
此外,其精心设计的界面有助于 轻松过滤(easily filter) 和缩小对特定类型文件的搜索范围。
它是免费使用的界面,有助于 轻松删除(removing) 大量字符和替换文本。
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2.批量重命名实用程序(2. Bulk Rename Utility)
(Bulk Rename Utility)由于以下主要功能,批量重命名实用程序是Windows 列表中最强大和最流行的文件重命名程序之一。
它允许您 在开始重命名文件之前
预览文件。(preview a file)
它 通过启用 13 个主要重命名功能来(13 primary re-naming functions)管理文件属性(manages file attributes),允许您 通过前缀或后缀花式以及正则表达式
轻松添加、删除和更改文本、字符和符号,如 EFIX 和 ID3v1标签,以及文件名的正则表达式。(tags)
批量重命名实用程序(Bulk Rename Utility)允许使用 元数据(metadata),提供在未来查找、使用、保存和重用数据(preserve and re-use data)的能力。
您可以更改各种文件名的 字母( the letter cases) 大小写,区分大写字母和小写字母。
- 它是一个可安装和便携版本(both installable and portable versions)
的超快速程序 。
此外,它的可安装版本增加了一个右键单击 上下文菜单项(context menu item) ,有助于更快地重命名文件。
此外,它还允许 处理(processing) 子文件夹、添加日期戳、自动编号、搜索和替换、更改时间戳等。
它可以 将文件移动或复制(move or copy files) 到其他位置。
批量重命名实用程序可 免费用于私人、教育和个人用途,(free for private, educational, and personal use) 但对于拥有 6 台以上计算机的企业,起价为 49.95 美元。
3.重命名器(3. ReNamer)
ReNamer 是我们列表中下一个适用于 Windows 的最佳免费文件重命名软件(file rename software)。它具有以下特点。
ReNamer 允许您 在开始重命名文件之前
添加规则。(add rules)
它允许您 批量快速修改(modify the names) 文件和文件夹的名称。
它 不需要安装(does not require installation)。
ReNamer 有一个 标准的重命名程序(standard renaming procedure) ,并提供一个快速指南来帮助您充分利用其功能。
此外,它支持不同 的元标记(meta-tags) ,并 为高级用户提供Pascal 脚本(Pascal Script) 功能。
它允许您 使用复选框(utilize checkboxes) 来创建规则和单选按钮,在拖动要重命名的文件时会派上用场。
您可以使用ReNamer的功能,如插入、删除、前缀、后缀、重新排列文件(rearrange file)名、删除或替换字符。您还可以 在文本选项之后添加编号(add number sequences)规则和各种其他功能,以帮助您重命名文件。
它具有 良好且支持性的界面(good and supportive interface) ,可以更改文件扩展名。
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4. 高级重命名器(4. Advanced Renamer)
Advanced Renamer 是一款批量重命名工具,是一款有效且最佳的 Windows 免费文件重命名软件(file rename software)。它包含以下详述的各种功能。
Advanced Renamer 易于使用 (easy to use )且看起来充满活力。
它是 免费的(free of cost) ,是一个用于创建新文件名的轻量级应用程序。
它有一个 引人入胜的界面,允许您根据使用(engaging interface)GPS 信息(GPS information)、下载视频
中的电视节目播出日期(TV show air date) 等标签获得的数据重命名文件。
此外,它还带有良好的服务文件,可让您 在开始重命名文件和文件夹之前
测试批处理设置。(test the batch settings)
此重命名软件包含 文件更改列表,并允许通过使用(a file change list)自定义批处理脚本功能(a custom batch scripting feature) 对文件和文件夹进行重新编号、添加、删除或替换 ,让您更改或修改文件属性。
它支持 文件和文件夹的时间戳(the time stamping) 。
它提供 正则表达式(regular expressions) ,使您能够预览文件和文件夹中的图片。
Advanced Renamer 允许您 选择和删除(select and remove)文件名(file name and change) 的一部分或部分(part or section),并根据您的要求进行更改以与文件内容最佳匹配。
此外,它还支持 便携式版本(portable version) ,您可以在移动工作时随身携带。
5.简单的文件重命名器(5. Easy File Renamer)
Easy File Renamer 是一款响应迅速的Windows文件重命名软件(file rename software),具有以下属性。
它允许 一次重命名多个文件(renaming of multiple files) 。
Easy File Renamer 提供重命名文件的 预览(preview) 。
它可以 根据名称和排名
将重命名的文件移动到不同的文件夹中。(move the renamed files to different folders)
它允许使用文件掩码(file mask) 过滤特定类型( filtering files of a specific type) 或格式的文件,例如 *.png 类型。
此外,它还允许您 经常处理子文件夹和组织文件(frequently process subfolders and organise files)。
- 可以使用Windows 资源管理器上下文菜单(Windows Explorer context)在 Google Drive 上(accessed on Google Drive)
轻松 访问它,这使其成为最好的免费文件重命名器(file renamer)windows 10。
它利用一个对话框(dialog box),在没有用户界面(User Interface)的情况下, 根据您的喜好自定义预定义的工具(customize the pre-defined tools) 。
它是 多语言的(multi-lingual) ,并提供 第三方(third party) 支持(support)。
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6.重命名大师(6. Rename Master)
(Rename Master) 如果您正在寻找免费的文件重命名软件,Rename Master是一款合适的软件。它具有以下属性。
- 只需点击几下,
即可轻松 重命名多个文件、文件夹、文档、图像和视频。(rename multiple)
Rename Master 使用 15 个重命名选项提供子文件夹的自动预览(auto preview) 或扫描,这些选项可以相互独立安装。
它还提供了 创建文件列表和(create file lists and columns) 显示文件详细信息的列的选项,例如文件名称、大小、文件类型(file type)、最后修改日期等。
它包含 Unicode 文件名支持 (Unicode filename support ),这是一种编码书面文本和字符的方法,如 ID3 标记(ID3 tags)、正则表达式、脚本和 普遍使用的
EXIF 标记。(EXIF tags)
它是 便携式软件 (portable software ),不需要任何安装。
此外,它还提供 智能数字评分,(smart number scoring,) 这是一种使用线条、划痕、凹槽或凹口等标记进行记录的过程。
7.重命名它(7. Rename-It)
Rename-它(Rename-It) 是一个文件重命名软件,可以帮助在几秒钟内重命名大量文件,并且由于以下功能而上榜。
Rename-It 是一个 直观的软件(intuitive software) ,其界面与自然看起来正确的内容一致。
它使您可以创建 数字系列。(number series.) 因此,您可以将文件重命名为Image 1、Image 2、Image 3等等。
它可以 在一些基本裁剪或有效更改案例的帮助下
从 CLI 制作脚本。(make a script from the CLI)
此外,它还允许使用 ID 标签和正则表达式(ID tags and regular expressions)。这样您就可以轻松地重命名多个文件或扩展名。
它可以重命名 文件的完整路径( complete path to the file) 或修改其目录。
值得注意的是,它是 开源的(open-source) ,专为新计算机用户设计。
它使用 通配符和字符串替换(wildcards and string replacements) 来搜索文件,而无需输入文件的全名。
Rename-It由带有 RegExp 的简单字符组成,用于将文本与模式匹配(RegExp for matching text with a pattern)。
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8. 灵活的重命名器(8. Flexible Renamer)
Flexible Renamer 是一款出色的重命名软件,它提供了多种用于重命名文件和文件夹的替代方案。它的一些最佳功能如下:
它是一个 轻量级 (lightweight )和 简单( simple tool) 的重命名文件和文件夹的工具。
它包含 简单 (simple )和 高级的重命名方法(advanced rename methods) 来重命名您的文件和文件夹。
您可以使用此软件以 single or in groups/batches重命名文件和文件夹。
灵活的重命名器使用 标签、通配符、使用 ID3 音乐、IPTC、DOC、HTML 标签( tags, wildcards, presets using ID3 music, IPTC, DOC, HTML tags, )和Exif的预设来重命名文件。
由于它是 便携式应用程序 ( portable application ),因此不需要安装。
它有 多种语言版本(multiple languages), 如英语(English)、法语(French)、日语(Japanese)、德语(German)和西班牙语(Spanish)。
此外,它利用 VBscript 或 Jscript(VBscript or Jscript) 进行复杂的重命名功能。
它允许使用 上下文菜单(context menu) 通过各种方法重命名选定文件夹中的文件,例如复制和移动(copy and move)、移动和重命名(move and rename)、移动到回收站等。
Flexible Renamer 有一个 预览功能(preview feature) ,如果重命名有任何问题,它会通知您并帮助消除错误。
9. 变形记 2(9. Metamorphose 2)
Metamorphose 2 是一个复杂但高效的Windows文件重命名软件,包含以下主要功能。
它是 免费的(free of cost)。
它可以 同时(simultaneously)重命名文件和文件夹。
Metamorphose 2 可以 撤消任何操作(undo any operation) 并读取 元数据(metadata) ,例如 ID3 和 EXIF 标签
它允许您 更改 文件和文件夹
名称的长度。(alter the length of the names)
此外,它使您能够 以多种不同的方式
更改文件名的大小写。(change the case of the file names)
Metamorphose 2 提供 多种语言版本(multiple languages), 如英语(English)、法语(French)、德语(German)、日语(Japanese)、西班牙语、中文、俄语等。
您可以在 Microsoft Windows、Linux和 macOS
等各种操作系统上使用此软件。(various OS)
它利用 正则表达式(regular expressions) 在搜索引擎中进行模式匹配。
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10. 警笛(10. Siren)
Siren是一个专家级的批处理文件(level batch file)重命名工具,并提供以下功能:
它是 便携式软件 (portable software ),不需要任何安装。
它可以 重命名多个文件和文件夹(rename multiple files and folders)。
Siren 与命令行界面兼容(compatible with Command Line Interface),这是一个基于文本的界面,允许用户通过输入命令和接收响应来执行任务。
它使用 来自文件属性(information from the file properties) 的信息来重命名文件。
此外,它允许您使用正则表达式 自定义命名表达式( customize your naming expression) 并重命名文件和文件夹。
它可以根据需要使用 标签(tags) 来重命名文件和文件夹。
您可以使用 预先安排的模式(pre-arranged modes) 来重命名您的文件和文件夹。
- 尽管它的开发者很长时间没有升级它,但
它 与Windows 7和Windows 10兼容。(compatible)
11. 蚂蚁重命名器(11. Ant Renamer)
Ant Renamer 可帮助您强大而有效地重命名文件和文件夹,并包含以下属性:
- Ant Renamer 是用于重命名多个文件和文件夹的
有用的轻型 便携式软件。(portable)
它可以重命名 文件组、 (groups of files, )整个目录或目录和子目录中的文件组,即也可以更改子文件夹和子文件中的名称。
它可以 用其他字符替换 (replace character strings )文件名(file name)中的字符串。
Ant Renamer 可以 在文件名
中移动、删除或插入字符串。(move, delete or insert character strings)
此外,它使您可以 将大小写更改为大写或小写(change the case to uppercase or lowercase),例如,它可以将每个单词的首字母更改为大写等等。
它可以 使用文件 的最后修改日期和时间(date and time)生成文件名(generate a file name)。
- 您可以通过Enumeration 和 MP3 Tags(Enumeration and MP3 Tags)
创建文件名 。
它也适用于 Vista 和 Windows XP。
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12.狂野重命名(12. Wild Rename)
Wild Rename是一个与(Wild Rename)Windows 兼容的简单文件重命名应用程序,它包括以下功能。
它有一个 简单的用户界面,可以一次性(simple user interface)或批量(go or batch) 重命名多个文件。
您可以 使用小写、大写和普通字符的字符串
更改文件名 。(change file names )
它在重命名文件时使用 正则文本表达式(regular text expressions) 。
Wild Rename 提供了一个 文本计数器(text counter) 来记录一系列文件的数量。
它是 便携式(portable) 的,不需要安装。
它是 免费 (free )且 易于使用(easy to use)的。
13. 照片重命名器(13. PhotoRenamer)
(PhotoRenamer)由于以下功能,PhotoRenamer是我们列出的适用于 Windows 的最佳免费文件重命名软件(file rename software)列表中的下 一个免费软件应用程序。(software application)
PhotoRenamer 允许您 使用带水印 的日期和时间戳(date and time stamp)重命名数码照片(rename digital photos),以便您知道照片的拍摄时间。
它使用 EXIF 数据重命名(EXIF Data to rename) 您的文件和文件夹。
它包含一种称为 重命名掩码(a renaming mask)的特殊格式, 用于重命名文件。
如果需要,重命名蒙版功能(mask feature)可帮助您重命名包含 日、月、年、小时、分钟、秒、照片编号的文件,甚至是自由文本注释(the day, month, year, hour, min, sec, photo number, and even a free text note)。
您可以通过 choosing *.* 作为文件选择过滤器
来使用重命名掩码功能。(renaming mask feature)
它允许您 在一次操作中
调整照片大小和旋转照片。( resize and rotate)
它可以以相同的顺序添加 特殊效果、图形框架和(special effects, graphical frames and touch-up) 修饰照片。
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FlashRenamer 是一个基于 Windows 的文件重命名程序,具有下面提到的生产功能。
FlashRenamer 有一个 结构良好的用户界面(well-structured user interface) ,带有一个显示所选文件和文件夹
的预览窗口。(preview window)
它提供 免费访问(free access) 以探索、查找和挑选文件。
您可以使用 可选的缩略图(optional thumbnails) 查看导致问题的文件。
简单的预设(例如以Artist-Title 格式保存(Artist-Title format)MP3标题)会在某些文件存储时 自动插入标准(automatically insert criteria to certain files) 。
它提供了一个 音乐按钮,为您提供处理(Music button)MP3标题
您还可以使用 撤消选项(Undo option) 在错误不可逆转之前及时返回。
它 易于使用和导航(easy to use and navigate)。
它可以清理文件和文件夹,并 使用预设标准(use preset criteria) 来帮助您保持整洁。
15. PFrank
(PFrank) 与其他相关程序相比,PFrank以几个复杂的功能而著称。作为此列表中最好的免费文件重命名器(file renamer)windows 10,它具有以下功能:
它允许您 根据 (rename files based on )标签重命名文件、更改文件(change file)特征和时间戳以及对重命名(categorise renaming)基准进行分类等。
(Regular expressions) 应用程序支持
您可以使用此程序简单地 管理您的音频、照片 (manage your audio, photo )和 其他类型( other sorts) 的文件。
它包括一些 预设的正则表达式(pre-set regular expressions),但您可以根据需要对其进行编辑以满足您的需要。
这是一个 复杂的文件重命名 (complex file renaming )程序,具有很高的学习曲线(learning curve)和令人困惑的用户界面。
它可以轻松 创建 您想要的任何重命名命令序列。(create any renaming command sequence)您可以看到结果,然后单击重命名按钮(rename button)。
如果您能 理解复杂的 UI 和一些技术术语(understand the intricate UI and a few technical terms),那么这个程序可能非常适合您。
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16. 个人更名(16. Personal Renamer)
Personal Renamer是此列表中其他最好的免费(Personal Renamer)文件重命名器(file renamer)windows 10中的另一个重命名软件。让我们看看这个软件拥有的功能:
- 您可以在多个位置拆分文件名(split filename)并选择要按任何顺序保留的项目。
- Personal Renamer以从Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)中快速提供文件和文件夹的拖放功能而闻名。(drag and drop)
- 它具有自定义计时器(custom timer)功能,可让您在方便时重命名文件。
- 它是便携式(portable)的,易于携带在闪存驱动器(Flash Drive)上,根本不需要安装(no installation)过程。
- 其他功能,如 案例转换(Case Conversion)、日志(log) 查看(viewing)、隐藏(hide)和锁定(lock) 文件(files)、易于使用的目录和目录(directory) 监视器(monitor)等。
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- 29 个最佳在线 AI 聊天机器人
Windows 的最佳免费文件重命名软件(best free file rename software for windows)列表是无限的,因为有几个免费的文件重(Renamers)命名器可用。MP3 重命名器(MP3 Renamer)、重命名JPEG 文件(RenameJPEG Files)等等。然而,在这个列表中,我们选择了最好的,我们希望它们能帮助满足您的所有要求。
16 Best Free File Rename Software for Windows 2022
“What is there in a name?” says Shakеspeare, but file names are important as they give an idea of the type of contеnt expected to be available in them. Sometimes there is a possibility of misplacing а file, causing a great deal of chaos. So further in this article, we have highlighted the various best free filе rename software for windоws available today for your reference and immedіate use. And these best free file renamer windows 10 will aѕsist you in naming any number of documents on your system.
16 Best Free File Renamer for Windows 10
We will look into the best free file rename software for Windows but first, let us understand what file renaming is? File renaming refers to changing the name of a file without the need to open and view its contents. It can be done with the help of a keyboard, where manually you can select a file to rename or press the F2 key and instantly rename the file at the spot. However, using additional software to perform renaming files will give you the following features:
- Fast renaming for several images, MP3, videos, etc.
- Rename multiple files at once
- Sort and categorize the digital documents faster
- Move or copy digital files anywhere
- Rename groups or batches of documents
And there are several free File Rename Softwares available for you to download online. So take a look at the best free file renamer windows 10 compiled by us in the list below.
1. File Renamer Basic
File Renamer Basic is a simple and powerful file renaming software that can effectively rename several files and images and has the following features.
File Renamer Basic has an easy-to-use User Interface that promotes file listing and renames MP3 files easily.
It supports a directory tree.
It offers editing tags and expressions like EXIF, ID3v1, and ID3v2.
Moreover, its well-designed interface helps to easily filter and narrow down your search for a particular type of file.
It is free to use interface that helps in removing a large number of characters and replacing text without any difficulty.
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2. Bulk Rename Utility
Bulk Rename Utility is another one of the most powerful and popular file renaming programs on the list for Windows due to the following major features.
It allows you to preview a file before you start renaming it.
It manages file attributes by enabling 13 primary re-naming functions allowing you to easily add, delete, and change the text, characters and symbols like EFIX and ID3v1 tags by prefixing or suffixing fancy, as well as regular expressions to filenames.
Bulk Rename Utility allows the use of metadata, providing the ability to find, use, preserve and re-use data in the future.
You can change the letter cases of various file names, making the distinction between the letters that are in larger uppercase and those in the smaller lowercase.
It is a superfast program available in both installable and portable versions.
Moreover, its installable version has the addition of a right-click context menu item that helps rename files faster.
Besides, it allows the processing of subfolders, adding date stamps, auto numbers, searches and replacements, changing timestamps, etc.
It can move or copy files to other locations.
Bulk Rename Utility is free for private, educational, and personal use but comes at a starting cost of $49.95 for businesses with 6+ computers.
3. ReNamer
ReNamer is the best free file rename software for windows next on our list. It has the following features.
ReNamer lets you add rules before you start renaming files.
It allows you to modify the names of files and folders quickly in batches.
It does not require installation.
ReNamer has a standard renaming procedure and offers a quick guide to help you use its functions to the best of your advantage.
Furthermore, it supports different meta-tags and has the Pascal Script feature for power users.
It allows you to utilize checkboxes that create rules and radio buttons that come in handy when dragging the files to be renamed.
You can use functions of ReNamer, like insert, delete, prefixes, suffixes, rearrange file names, remove or replace characters. You can also add number sequences, after text options and various other features to assist you in renaming files.
It has a good and supportive interface that can change file extensions.
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4. Advanced Renamer
Advanced Renamer is a batch renaming tool that is an effective and best free file rename software for windows. It comes packed with various features detailed below.
Advanced Renamer is easy to use and appears vibrant.
It is free of cost and a lightweight application for creating new file names.
It has an engaging interface that allows you to rename files based on data obtained using tags like GPS information, TV show air date from downloaded videos and so on.
Also, it carries good service files that allow you to test the batch settings before you start renaming files and folders.
This rename software contains a file change list and allows re-numbering, adding, removing or replacing of files and folders through the use of a custom batch scripting feature, letting you change or revise file attributes.
It supports the time stamping of files and folders.
It offers regular expressions and enables you to preview the pictures in your files and folders.
Advanced Renamer allows you to select and remove a part or section of your file name and change it according to your requirements to match best with the file contents.
Moreover, it also supports a portable version which you can carry along while working on the move.
5. Easy File Renamer
Easy File Renamer is a highly responsive file rename software for Windows and has the following attributes.
It allows the renaming of multiple files in one go.
Easy File Renamer offers a preview of the renamed files.
It can move the renamed files to different folders, as per the name and ranking.
It allows filtering files of a specific type or format, for example, the *.png type, using a file mask.
Moreover, it allows you to frequently process subfolders and organise files.
It can easily be accessed on Google Drive using the Windows Explorer context menu which makes it the best free file renamer windows 10.
It makes use of a dialog box, in the absence of User Interface, to customize the pre-defined tools by your preferences.
It is multi-lingual and offers third party support.
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6. Rename Master
Rename Master is a suitable software if you are looking for free file renaming software. It boasts the following attributes.
It can easily rename multiple files, folders, documents, images and videos with just a few clicks.
Rename Master offers auto preview or scanning of a subfolder using 15 renaming options, which can be installed independently of each other.
It also provides the option to create file lists and columns displaying the details of a file, for example, its name, size, file type, last date of modification, etc.
It contains Unicode filename support which is a method of encoding written text and characters like ID3 tags, regular expressions, scripts, and EXIF tags that are in universal use.
It is portable software and does not require any installation.
Moreover, it offers smart number scoring, a process of keeping a record using markers like lines, scratches, grooves, or notches.
7. Rename-It
Rename-It is a file renaming software that helps rename a large number of files in seconds and is on the list due to the following features.
Rename-It is an intuitive software having an interface that agrees with what naturally seems right.
It lets you create number series. So you can rename files as Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, and so forth.
It can make a script from the CLI with the help of some basic cropping or effectively changing cases.
Also, it allows the use of ID tags and regular expressions. So that you rename multiple files or extensions easily.
It can rename the complete path to the file or modify its directory.
Significantly, it is open-source and specially designed for new computer users.
It makes use of wildcards and string replacements to search files without typing their full names.
Rename-It is composed of simple characters with RegExp for matching text with a pattern.
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8. Flexible Renamer
Flexible Renamer is wonderful renaming software that carries a variety of alternatives for renaming files and folders. Some of its best features are as follows:
It is a lightweight and simple tool to rename your files and folders.
It contains simple and advanced rename methods to rename your files and folders.
You can use this software to rename files and folders in single or in groups/batches.
Flexible Renamer uses tags, wildcards, presets using ID3 music, IPTC, DOC, HTML tags, and Exif for the renaming of files.
As it is a portable application it does not require to be installed.
It is available in multiple languages like English, French, Japanese, German, and Spanish.
Moreover, it makes use of VBscript or Jscript for complicated renaming functions.
It allows renaming of files in selected folders using the context menu by various methods like copy and move, move and rename, moves to recycle bin, etc.
Flexible Renamer has a preview feature that notifies you if renaming has any issues and helps remove errors.
9. Metamorphose 2
Metamorphose 2 is a complicated but productive file renaming software for Windows and contains the following major features.
It is free of cost.
It can rename files and folders simultaneously.
Metamorphose 2 can undo any operation and also read metadata e.g. ID3 and EXIF tags
It allows you to alter the length of the names of files and folders.
Further, it enables you to change the case of the file names in many separate ways.
Metamorphose 2 is available in multiple languages like English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, etc.
You can use this software on various OS like Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS.
It makes use of regular expressions for pattern matching in search engines.
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10. Siren
Siren is an expert level batch file renaming tool and offers the following features:
It is portable software and does not require any installation.
It can rename multiple files and folders.
Siren is compatible with Command Line Interface, a text-based interface that allows a user to perform tasks by entering commands and receiving responses.
It uses information from the file properties for the renaming of files.
Furthermore, it allows you to customize your naming expression using regular expressions and rename your files and folders.
It can use tags for the renaming of your files and folders as required.
You can make use of pre-arranged modes to rename your files and folders.
It is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 10 despite not being upgraded by its developer for a long time.
11. Ant Renamer
Ant Renamer helps you to rename your files and folders powerfully and effectively and packs the following attributes:
Ant Renamer is useful light-duty portable software for the renaming of multiple files and folders.
It can rename groups of files, entire directories or groups of files in directories and subdirectories, i.e. change names in subfolders and subfiles too.
It can replace character strings in a file name with other characters.
Ant Renamer can move, delete or insert character strings in file names.
Furthermore, it enables you to change the case to uppercase or lowercase, for example, it can change the first letter of each word in uppercase and so on.
It can generate a file name using the last date and time of modification of the file.
You can create file names through Enumeration and MP3 Tags.
It also works well both in Vista and Windows XP.
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12. Wild Rename
Wild Rename is a simple file renaming app compatible with Windows and it includes the following features.
It has a simple user interface that can rename multiple files in one go or batch.
You can change file names using strings of lowercase, uppercase and normal characters.
It makes use of regular text expressions in the renaming of files.
Wild Rename offers a text counter to keep a count of the number of files in a series.
It is portable and does not require installation.
It is free and easy to use.
13. PhotoRenamer
PhotoRenamer is a free software application next in our list of the best free file rename software for windows due to the following features.
PhotoRenamer allows you to rename digital photos with a date and time stamp with a watermark so that you know when the picture was taken.
It uses EXIF Data to rename your files and folders.
It contains a special format known as a renaming mask for the renaming of your files.
The renaming mask feature helps you to rename a file containing the day, month, year, hour, min, sec, photo number, and even a free text note, if desired.
You can use the renaming mask feature by choosing *.* as the file selection filter.
It allows you to resize and rotate photos in a single operation.
It can add special effects, graphical frames and touch-up the photos in the same sequence.
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14. FlashRenamer
FlashRenamer is a Windows-based file renaming programme filled with productive features mentioned below.
FlashRenamer has a well-structured user interface with a preview window that shows the selected files and folders.
It provides free access to explore, look up and pick files.
You can use the optional thumbnails to see which files are causing problems.
Simple presets, such as saving MP3 titles in Artist-Title format, automatically insert criteria to certain files when they are stored.
It offers a Music button which gives you a variety of choices for handling MP3 titles.
You can also utilize the Undo option to go back in time before an error is irreversible.
It is easy to use and navigate.
It can clean up files and folders and use preset criteria to help you keep things tidy.
15. PFrank
PFrank is notable for several sophisticated features in comparison to other related programs. As the best free file renamer windows 10 in this list, it has the following features:
It allows you to rename files based on tags, change file characteristics and timestamps and categorise renaming benchmarks, among other things.
Regular expressions are supported by the application for more intricate renaming needs.
You can simply manage your audio, photo and other sorts of files using this programme.
It includes some pre-set regular expressions, but you can edit them to suit your needs if necessary.
It is a complex file renaming programme with a high learning curve and a befuddling user interface.
It can easily create any renaming command sequence you want. You can see the results and then click the rename button.
If you can understand the intricate UI and a few technical terms, this programme could be the perfect fit for you.
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16. Personal Renamer
Personal Renamer is another renaming software out of other best free file renamer windows 10 from this list. Let us see the feature this software boasts:
- You can split filename at numerous locations and choose items to keep in any order.
- Personal Renamer is known for providing the drag and drop feature for files and folders from Windows Explorer at a fast pace.
- It has the custom timer feature which allows you to rename files at your convenience.
- It is portable with easy to carry on a Flash Drive with no installation process needed at all.
- Other features like Case Conversion, log viewing, hide and lock files, easy-to-use directory with directory monitor, etc.
The list of best free file rename software for windows is unlimited as there are several free file Renamers available. MP3 Renamer, RenameJPEG Files to name a few more. However, in this list, we have picked the best of the lot and we hope they will help meet all your requirements.