在Windows PC(Windows PCs)中,将文件从一个位置复制到另一个位置是我们几乎每天使用键盘快捷键执行的最常见操作:Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V keys。或者,您可以右键单击文件并选择(file and select) 复制(Copy),然后在所需目录中再次右键单击和粘贴选项。(Paste)但是,还有一个更简单的选项,使您可以简单地将文件拖放(drag and drop the file)到所需位置,以便自动复制。增加RAM 大小(RAM size)可能会有所帮助,但不一定有助于提高文件传输速度(file transfer speed)。因此(Hence),为了加快进程,您可以使用文件复制软件(file copy software)免费或付费。阅读我们的 28 款最佳文件复制软件(file copy software)列表,并做出明智的决定。
28 款适用于 Windows PC 的最佳文件复制软件
(28 Best File Copy Software for Windows PCs
为什么选择文件复制软件而不是内置的复制粘贴选项?(Why choose file copy software over in-built copy-paste options?)
- 上述过程非常耗时(time-consuming),尤其是在您必须传输大量数据时。
- 其次,一旦开始,您就无法停止该过程(cannot halt the process once started)。
- 此外,第三方数据传输或文件复制软件(transfer or file copy software)具有许多好处(host of benefits),例如更好的信息、排队复制、暂停、跳过和处理有问题的文件。
1. 快速复制(1. Fast Copy)
Fast Copy是一款非常有用的免费软件,由于以下原因,它被认为是最好的文件复印机之一:
- 快速复制具有与Windows版本 7、8 和 10兼容的高效用户界面。(highly efficient User Interface)
- 它是便携式软件(portable software)。
- 该复印机是最快的文件复制和备份工具(fastest file copying and backup tools)之一。
- 此外,它还可以自动选择(auto-selection)复印设置。
- 它还支持 UNICODE(supports UNICODE )和超过 MAX_PATH 文件路径名。
- 它允许使用ACL。
- 它还允许Allstream 选项(Allstream options)。
- 此外,快速复制(Fast Copy)提供文件复制或传输的所有细节(details of file copy or transfer)。
- 它不会取代(does not replace the default copy utility)Windows 的默认复制实用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Windows 10中复制文件或文件夹时(file or folder)修复未指定错误(Fix Unspecified error)
TeraCopy是另一个适用于Windows 10以及 Windows 7和Windows 8的优秀(Windows 8)文件复制软件程序(file copy software program)。它具有多种功能:
- 它是一个 17.6 MB 的软件(MB software)应用程序,不需要安装(does not require to be installed)。
- 它有免费版和付费版(free and paid versions),付费版起价 19.95 美元。
- 它启用拖放功能(enables drag and drop feature)。
- 它甚至有助于修复和(repair &) 恢复数据(recovery of data)。
- 如果断开连接,它将再次自动重新连接到系统(automatically re-connect to the system)。
- 它使用源文件验证(verifies)复制的文件。
- 它在每次拖放操作后发送确认消息。(sends a confirmatory message)
- 但是,它需要 1 GB RAM(require 1 GB RAM)和至少100 MB 硬盘空间(100 MB of Hard Drive space)。
3.复制处理程序(3. Copy Handler)
Copy Handler是另一个最好的免费文件复制软件(file copy software),由于以下优点,您会在搜索最佳文件复印机时遇到:(file copier)
- 它是开源软件(open-source software),免费提供。
- 它与所有版本的 Windows 兼容(compatible with all versions of Windows)。很酷,对吧?
- 它可以实现文件的高速传输(high-speed transfer)。
- 它提供多语言支持(multilingual support)。
- 它允许您检查(check the working health)文件传输过程的工作状况。
- 系统会自动完成所有未完成的任务(automatically completes all unfinished tasks),当您意外关闭电脑时重新启动电脑。(PC whenever)您不再需要担心您的文件了。
- 它具有拖放(drag and drop )功能。
- 它还启用队列支持(queue support)。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )从受病毒感染的笔式驱动器中(Virus Infected Pen Drive)恢复文件(Recover Files)(2022)
KillCopy作为最快的文件复制软件(file copy software)之一进入此列表,由于下面提到的惊人功能,它也是免费的:
它有一个简单的 拖放(drag & drop) 功能,以简化复制过程(copying process)。
您可以使用高速验证( high-speed verification) 模式(mode )从文件中删除由于与远程设备连接不良而发生的任何错误。
使用 KillDelete选项,您可以在完成复制过程(copying procedure)后轻松 删除源文件(source file)。
Turbo 模式 (Turbo mode )允许您提高系统上本地磁盘之间大文件的复制速度。
自动恢复(Auto resume) 功能(feature) 在未知和突然断开连接后
自动恢复文件传输。(file transfer)
历史选项(history option)允许您检查从 KillCopy 目录
通过history.txt 文件传输的文件。(history.txt file)
5. EaseUs 磁盘复制(5. EaseUs Disk Copy)
如果您正在寻找速度极快(incredibly fast)且最好的免费文件复制软件(file copy software)之一,那么您的搜索到此结束。EaseUs Disk Copy软件之所以被认为是这样,是因为它显示了以下属性:
- 只需单击一下,即可将完整的硬盘驱动器(copying of complete Hard Disk Drive) (HDD) 或固态设备 (SDD)复制到新位置。((HDD) or Solid-State Device (SDD))
- 它与所有版本的 Windows 操作系统兼容(compatible with all versions of Windows OS)。
- 它还具有拯救损坏或损坏的硬盘驱动器(rescue corrupt or damaged hard drives)的能力。
- 它还可以复制无法访问(copy inaccessible) 或丢失或删除的文件(or lost or deleted files)。
- 它支持最大 16 TB 的硬盘(supports hard disks up to 16 TB)。
- 该软件有两个付费版本:专业版(Pro)和技术员(Technician),起价分别为每月 19.90 美元和每年 89.00 美元。
- 在要求您购买订阅之前,这两个版本都提供免费试用选项。(offer a free trial option)
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6. 迷你复印机(6. MiniCopier)
MiniCopier是适用于Windows的最佳文件复制软件(file copy software)列表中的另一个名称,由于以下详述的以下功能丰富的属性,因此在列表中被正确考虑:
- 它是免费(free)的。
- 它启用拖放(drag and drop)功能。
- 它有一个简单的用户界面(simple User Interface)。
- 它使您能够调节复印速度(regulate the speed of copying)。
- 它允许您暂停或恢复文件复制过程(pause or resume the file copy process)。
- MiniCopier 提供了跳过当前文件复制或传输(flexibility to skip the current file copy or transfer)并继续进行下一个文件的灵活性。
- 它可以覆盖文件(overwriting of files)和修复错误(bug fixing)。
- 此外,它还保留了复制或传输文件的完整记录(complete records of the files copied or transferred)。
7. 不可阻挡的复印机(7. Unstoppable Copier)
Roadkil Unstoppable Copier在(Roadkil Unstoppable Copier)Windows PC 的最佳免费文件复制软件列表中具有许多出色的功能,例如:(file copy software)
- 它可靠(reliable) 且易于使用(and easy to use)。
- 它与 Windows 10 以外的旧版本 Windows 兼容(compatible with older versions of Windows)。
- 它启用命令行支持。(command line support.)
- 它拥有构建不完整的复制文件(build incomplete copied files)的能力。
- 它是一款出色的恢复软件(recovery software),因为它可以恢复在复制粘贴过程中可能丢失的任何原始文档。(recovery of any original document)
- 它不需要 GUI(does not require GUI)或图形用户界面。
- 它以极快的速度运行(enormous speed)。
- 它启用批处理模式(batch mode processing)。
另请阅读:使用(Also Read:)LAN 电缆(LAN cable)在两台计算机之间传输文件
8. 超复印机(8. UltraCopier)
UltraCopier凭借以下属性在最佳免费文件复制软件(file copy software)列表中赢得一席之地:
- 它是一个开源(open-source)、免费使用的(free-to-use)应用程序。
- 它提供高级功能版本(premium featured version),起价为 14.99 美元。
- 它在您的硬盘上占用的空间非常小。(occupies very little space )
- 除了Windows XP、Vista 、7、8、10 之外,它还兼容 macOS 和 Linux 操作系统(compatible with macOS & Linux OS)。
- 它是高度可定制(highly customizable)的,可以毫无困难地使用。
- 您可以同时执行多个副本(perform multiple copies)。
- 它带有错误管理功能(error management feature)。
- 它还托管一个复印队列托盘(Copy queue tray)来检查复印进度(copy progress)并允许这样做。
9.文件费舍尔(9. File Fisher)
File Fisher是另一种免费提供的文件复制软件(file copy software),强烈推荐,因为:
- 它是一款轻量级软件,具有易于使用和(easy-to-use and) 高度适应性的用户界面(highly adaptable User Interface)。
- 它与所有版本的 Windows 兼容(compatible with all versions of Windows)。
- 它是一种便携式(portable) 工具(tool)。
- 它使您能够批量复制文件(copy files in bulk)。
- 它使您可以灵活地暂停、恢复甚至取消文件传输(flexibility to pause, resume, and even cancel a file transfer)。
- 它有一个菜单栏,提供自动更新、组织文件夹和压缩文件选项(auto-update, organize folders, and compress files options)。
- 它为您提供重命名或替换文件的(rename or replace files )选项,(option to) 就像其他Windows文件重命名软件(file rename software)一样。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何将文件从Android传输到 PC
Easersoft ExtremeCopy是一款非常方便的软件,毫无疑问,它可以被认为是Windows上最好的免费(Windows)文件复制软件(file copy software)之一。
- 它是一个轻量级(lightweight)、易于使用的(easy-to-use)应用程序。
- 它有一个内置的错误管理系统(error management system)。
- 它使您能够轻松地恢复中断的程序(resume the interrupted program)。
- 它还为您提供取消、暂停或跳过文件复制或传输的自由(freedom to cancel, pause or skip a file copy or transfer)。
- 它兼容所有主要操作系统(compatible with all major operating systems),如Windows XP、Vista、7、8、10 和Mac OS。
- 一旦文件复制(file copying)或传输任务完成,它就会自动关闭 Windows 。(auto-closing of Windows)
- 此外,它还提供数据复制完成后的数据验证选项。(data verification)
- 它被认为比默认的Windows 文件(Windows file)复制软件工具(copy software tool)20% to 120% faster。
它提供标准(Standard)版和专业版( Pro-versions),初始免费试用 30 天(30-day free trial)。试用期(trial period)结束后,您必须一次性支付 19.95 美元才能使用它。所以,今天就获得您的试用版(trial version today)!
11.近地点复制(11. PerigeeCopy)
(PerigreeCopy)由于以下属性,PerigreeCopy在Windows PC的最佳免费文件复制软件列表中占有一席之地:(file copy software)
- 它有一个易于使用的界面(easy-to-use interface),可以高速传输多个文件(transfer of multiple files at high speeds)。
- 它还使您能够以闪电般的速度删除文件(delete files at lightning-fast speeds)。
- 它支持所有 Windows 操作系统,并且在(supports all Windows operating systems)Windows 7和更早版本上运行得非常好。
- 它忽略所有损坏(ignores all corrupt) 或(or) 损坏的文件(damaged files)。
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12. RichCopy
RichCopy由Microsoft的(Microsoft)Ken(Ken Tamaru) Tamaru 设计,用于将文件从一个地方复制或移动到另一个地方。
- 通过该程序独有的独特向导界面(unique Wizard interface),您可以随时了解和查看所有重复的作业(view all duplicated jobs)。
- 它是快速复制整个驱动器、目录或一些修改过的文件(quickly copying an entire drive, directory, or a few modified files)的绝佳工具。
- 您可以使用 RichCopy快速(really fast)复制大量文件。(copy a huge number of files)
- 它是适用于 Windows 7、8 和 10的最快文件传输程序。(quickest file transfer program)
- 除了复制文件外,它还允许您通过网络同步和传输数据。(synchronize and transfer data)
13. 尼斯复印机(13. NiceCopier)
NiceCopier是一款不错的软件,可以很好地替代(NiceCopier)Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)中的内置文件复制功能(file copy feature),因为:
- 它具有快速复制和粘贴数据(copy and paste data quickly)的能力。
- 可以更改(default settings can be changed)其默认设置,例如在启动时运行。
- 功能包括暂停(pause)、恢复( resume)和确定理想复印速度(ideal copying pace)的能力。
- 在一个窗口中,程序显示所有正在运行的任务(shows all running tasks)。
- 它是简单(straightforward) 且可移植(and portable)的软件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 9 款最佳免费数据恢复软件(Data Recovery Software)(2022 年)
14.FF复制(14. FF Copy)
在我们的列表中,FF Copy是适用于Windows的最佳(Windows)文件复制(file copy)工具之一,因为它具有以下显着功能:
- 它有能力通过在源变得不可用时自动重新生成源来大大提高整个过程的速度。(boost the speed)
- 只需将文件复制或粘贴(Simply copy or paste)到传输队列(transfer queue)中,它就会以适当的顺序传输(transferred in the appropriate sequence)。
- 在文件传输过程中,您可以轻松快速地跳到下一个(quickly skip to the next file transfer)文件传输(file transfer)。
- 该过程可以在需要时暂停和恢复(be paused and resumed)。
- 它比这种类型的其他实用程序快得多。(quicker than other utilities)
- 它允许您一次传输大量文件或目录(transfer numerous files or directories, at once)。
15. RoboCopy
RoboCopy不是用于复制文件的软件或实用程序。(not a software or utility)它只是一个用于在Windows中复制和移动文件的命令。
- 除了文件夹和驱动器之外,此命令还可用于将文件和数据从一台服务器传输到另一台服务器。(transfer files and data from one server to another)
- 它的独特之处在于,即使网络中断(even when the network is down),该命令也可以复制文件。
- 此命令以直接的方式替换 XCopy(replaces XCopy )。
- 您甚至可以跳过已在目标磁盘或文件夹上(target disk or folder)的文件副本(skip copies of files)。
- 它复制 259 – 32k 个字符之间的路线,(copies routes between 259 – 32k characters)没有任何错误。
- 它可以在Windows Vista 和 Windows 8(both Windows Vista & Windows 8)操作系统上运行。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 18 种最佳黑客工具
16. 超级复印机(16. SuperCopier)
(SuperCopier4)如果您正在寻找UltraCopier的更稳定替代品, (UltraCopier)SuperCopier4是理想的选择(ideal option)。
- 您可以使用它设置文件传输速度限制(set a file transfer speed limit)。
- 该软件还包括多线程文件传输功能。(multi-threaded file transfer)
- SuperCopier 4 的售价为 14.99 美元。还有一个免费版本(free version)可供您试用。
- 它允许您启动、停止和重新启动文件传输(initiate, halt, and restart file transfers)。
- 它还提供了错误处理机制(an error-handling mechanism )。
- 它使用很少的系统资源(uses very few system resources)。
- 它是免费和开源的(free and open-source),因此适应性很强。
- SuperCopier 提供比 UltraCopier更好的稳定性。(better stability)
17. 温门德(17. WinMend)
- 在目的地,它提供替换或跳过匹配文件(replace or skip matched files)的选项。
- 可以根据需要停止和继续复制操作(halt and continue the copying operation)。
- 这是一个免费且易于使用(free and simple to use)的批处理文件复制程序(batch file copying program)。
- 它允许您轻松地将多个文件和文件夹(effortlessly copy multiple files & folders)从多个位置复制到用户定义的目的地。
- 与系统默认功能(system default function)相比,它可以将复制过程加快多达(speed up the copy process)三倍。
- 您也可以使用拖放(drag-and-drop)技术。
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n2ncopy是一款小型Windows 工具(Windows tool),可让您一次将多个文件和文件夹复制或移动到一个或多个目的地(to one or more destinations)。是不是很神奇!而且,
- 您可以通过拖放(dragging and dropping)来移动文件和文件夹。
- 显示列表中文件和文件夹的总数(total number)。
- 通过右键单击界面,您可以自定义它(customise it)。
- 由于它以 ZIP 文件的形式提供,因此无需安装(doesn’t need to be installed).
19. 文件复制实用程序(19. File Copy Utility)
File Copy Utility是我们列表中的下一个适用于Windows的(Windows)顶级文件复制软件。(top file copy software)它具有以下属性:
- 这是一个免费程序(free programme)。
- 它以不需要安装(does not require installation.)的单个可执行文件的形式提供。
- 此实用程序允许您跨不同位置移动文件或文件夹(move files or folders across various locations)。
- 文件和文件夹可以拖放(dragged and dropped)到主窗口中。
- 它还提供了在复制任务完成后关闭计算机的选项。(shutting down the computer)
- 同时将文件从多个位置(from several locations )复制到目标文件夹。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)前 15 名最佳免费 IPTV 播放器
WinRoboCopy是RoboCopy 命令(RoboCopy command)的免费图形用户界面(user interface)。它具有以下特点:
- 它使您能够将任何文件夹(copy any folder)从一个位置复制到另一个位置。
- WinRoboCopy 允许用户通过将文件和目录(specify files and folders by dragging files and directories)拖到 Windows 资源管理器中来指定文件和文件夹。
- 您可以通过单击RoboCopy! button复制过程!(copying procedure)按钮。
- 复制时,您还可以使用通配符和其他开关(utilize wildcards and other switches)。
- 它还具有时间表选项(timetable option),可让您根据自己的日程安排复印工作(copy work)。
21. 位复印机(21. Bit Copier)
您可以使用Bit Copier而不是使用Windows 复印机(Windows copier),因为:
- 它允许您跨位置移动文件和文件夹(move files and folders across locations)。
- 它以便携式形式提供,并且完全免费(free)。
(Multiple files and directories)可以同时复制多个文件和目录。
- 您可以更改(change) 默认缓冲速度(the default buffer speed)。
- 即使出现错误,它也有能力继续复制(continue copying)。
- 其用户友好的界面(user-friendly interface)显示文件/字节的总数以及复制的文件/字节的数量。
- 您应该能够选择是否跳过所有空目录( choose whether or not to skip all empty directories)。
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22. 伊曼文件复印机(22. Iman File Copier)
Iman File Copier是一款有用的软件,可让您轻松管理文件并将其从一个位置复制到另一个位置。
- 它也可用于复制标准文件(copy standard files)。
- 对于复制过程,您可以同时添加多个文件(add numerous files at the same time)。要开始操作,请选择目标目录( target directory)并单击复制按钮(Copy button)。
- 您还可以选择文件复制过程的缓冲区大小(choose the buffer size)。
- 无需安装(no need to install the program)程序。
- 在底部,进度条(progress bar )显示已完成的字节数和总文件大小(file size)。
- 它通过一个简单的用户界面(simple user interface)轻松启动,其中包括触手可及的所有图标。
- 它的主要功能是从 CD 或 DVD 复制数据,(copy data from CDs or DVDs)这是Windows无法自行完成的。
23. Xcopy
xcopy是在(xcopy)命令提示符(Command Prompt)中执行时将大量文件或文件夹从一个位置复制到另一个位置的命令。
- 此命令适用于(available in)所有 Windows 操作系统 ( all Windows operating systems ),即 Windows 10、Windows 8、Windows 7、Windows Vista、Windows XP和 Windows 98。
- 这是一个轻量级(lightweight) 且易于使用的(and easy-to-use)应用程序。
- Copy From 和 Copy To 是右侧的两个窗格(two panes)。
- 它能够复制整个文件夹(copying entire folders)。
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24. 文件复制(24. File Copy)
File Copy是一款小巧便携的软件程序(software program),可让您轻松地将数据从一个目录复制到另一个目录。
- 它不需要安装(doesn’t need to be installed)。
- 只需将可执行文件拖放(drag and drop)到硬盘上的任意位置,单击(with a single click)即可启动软件。
- 它加快(accelerates) 了复制过程(the copying process)。选择源文件和目标文件夹(source file and destination folder)后,单击“开始”按钮(Go button)开始操作。
- 将显示一条确认消息(confirmation message),告知活动是否成功完成。
25. 分裂复制(25. SchizoCopy)
SchizoCopy是一种Microsoft Windows 软件(Microsoft Windows software)工具,可让您移动或复制计算机数据。
- 这是一个快速复制大量数据的免费(free) 程序。(program)
- 将数据文件从一个文件夹复制或移动(simple to copy or move data files)到另一个文件夹很简单。
- 它比Windows中的基本复制操作(Windows)更快(quicker)并提供更多功能。
- 它提供了一种独一无二的备份支持(Backup support)选项,以防意外关机或系统离开(shutdown or system departure)。
- 与此列表中的大多数其他功能一样,它支持拖放功能。(Drag and Drop feature)
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26. 复制(26. yCopy)
Ycopy是一个免费(free)的Windows 复制应用程序,具有以下值得注意的功能:
- 它可以通过加快(speeding up)复制过程来帮助您节省时间。
- 它能够跳过无法复制的文件(skip files that cannot be duplicated)。
- 复制操作也可以暂停和恢复(paused and resumed)。
- 无法复制的文件被编译成打印报告(printed report)。
要开始操作,只需选择源文件夹和目标文件夹(source and destination folders),然后单击开始复制(Start Copy)按钮。很简单,不是吗?
27. QCopy
QCopy是一种网络文件复制(network file copier)器,可帮助用户将数据复制到网络位置或从网络位置复制数据。
- 它是一个免费(free) 且(and) 简单(simple) 的Windows文件复制应用程序(file copying application)。
- 这是一个小型(small-sized )软件,可让您将文件和文件夹的内容复制到适当的目的地。
- 通过将文件或文件夹拖放(dragging and dropping)到主屏幕上,您可以将它们添加到主屏幕。
- 可以保存或加载队列以(queue can be saved or loaded)供后续使用。
- 您还可以同时从多个站点复制文件(copy files from numerous sites at the same time)。
- 在任何时候,您都可以暂停并继续(pause and continue)该过程、跳过文件或存储队列以供后续传输。
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28.快速复制粘贴(28. Fast Copy Paste)
快速复制粘贴(Fast Copy Paste)工具是将您选择的文件复制并粘贴到您偏好的确切位置的有用工具。让我们来看看这个应用程序的几个突出特点:
它的简约界面(minimalist interface)允许您指定您的文件和目的地。
它 适用于所有 Windows 版本(works best with all Windows versions)。
具有完美的性能。(flawless performance)
- 只需(just a) 单击几(few clicks)下即可
它是一个 可移植的(portable) 程序(program) ,没有安装步骤的麻烦。
- 它不会在 Windows 注册表中留下任何痕迹。(oes not leave any traces)
此外,它很容易复制到 USB 设备上(copy it on USB devices)并随身携带。
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为了结束讨论,我们为您的Windows 台式机和笔记本电脑精心挑选了一些最值得信赖、高度可靠和最快的(Windows desktops & laptops)文件复制软件(file copy software)。我们衷心希望本文能帮助您寻找适用于 Windows的(for Windows)最佳文件复制软件(best file copy software)。让我们知道您接下来想了解什么。
28 Best File Copy Software for Windows 2022
Copying a file from one location to аnother in Windows PCs is the most common action we perform almost daily using keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V keys. Alternately, you can right-click on the file and select Copy followed by another right-click and Paste option in the desired directory. However, there is a much easier option also available that enables you to simply drag and drop the file to the desired location so that it gets copied automatically. Increasing the RAM size may be of help but it may not necessarily help increase file transfer speed. Hence, to fasten up the process you can use file copy software free or paid. Read our list of the 28 best file copy software and make an informed decision.
28 Best File Copy Software for Windows PCs
Why choose file copy software over in-built copy-paste options?
- The processes indicated above are time-consuming especially if you have to transfer a large amount of data.
- Secondly, you cannot halt the process once started.
- Moreover, third-party data transfer or file copy software comes with a host of benefits like better information, queuing copies, pausing, skipping, and dealing with problematic files.
The following list provides you with the best options to copy and transfer a file of any size at a faster pace while retaining the quality of the source data.
1. Fast Copy
Fast Copy is highly useful software available free of cost and is considered to be one of the best file copiers due to the following reasons:
- Fast Copy has a highly efficient User Interface compatible with Windows versions 7,8 and10.
- It is portable software.
- This copier is one of the fastest file copying and backup tools.
- Besides, it enables auto-selection of copy settings.
- It also supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH file pathnames.
- It enables the use of the ACL.
- It also allows Allstream options.
- Moreover, Fast Copy provides all the details of file copy or transfer.
- It does not replace the default copy utility of Windows.
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2. TeraCopy
TeraCopy is another good file copy software program for Windows 10 as well as Windows 7 and Windows 8. It hosts multiple features:
- It is a 17.6 MB software application, which does not require to be installed.
- It has both free and paid versions with the paid version starting at $19.95.
- It enables drag and drop feature.
- It even helps in repair & recovery of data.
- If it disconnects, it will again automatically re-connect to the system.
- It verifies the copied files with the source files.
- It sends a confirmatory message after every drag and drop action.
- However, it will require 1 GB RAM and at least 100 MB of Hard Drive space.
3. Copy Handler
Copy Handler is another best free file copy software you will come across in your search for the best file copier due to the following pros:
- It is open-source software, available free of cost.
- It is compatible with all versions of Windows. Cool, right?
- It enables high-speed transfer of files.
- It offers multilingual support.
- It allows you to check the working health of the file transfer process.
- The system automatically completes all unfinished tasks, when you restart your PC whenever it is accidentally shut down. You no longer need to worry about your files anymore.
- It features the drag and drop function.
- It also enables queue support.
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4. KillCopy
KillCopy makes its way into this list as one of the fastest file copy software which is also free due to the amazing features mentioned below:
It has a simple drag & drop feature to ease the copying process.
You can use the high-speed verification mode to remove any errors from the file that occurred due to a bad connection with a remote device.
With the KillDelete option, you can delete the source file easily after completing the copying procedure.
Turbo mode allows you to increase the copying speed of large files between local disks on the system.
Auto resume feature automatically resumes the file transfer after an unknown and abrupt disconnection.
The history option allows you to check the files transferred via history.txt file from KillCopy directory.
5. EaseUs Disk Copy
If you are on the lookout for an incredibly fast and one of the best free file copy software, your search ends here. EaseUs Disk Copy software is considered so, due to the following attributes that it displays:
- It enables the copying of complete Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid-State Device (SDD) to a new location with a single click.
- It is compatible with all versions of Windows OS.
- It also possesses the capability to rescue corrupt or damaged hard drives.
- It can also copy inaccessible or lost or deleted files.
- It supports hard disks up to 16 TB in size.
- The software has two paid variants: Pro and Technician They start at a rate of $19.90 per month and $89.00 per year respectively.
- Both versions offer a free trial option before asking you to buy a subscription.
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6. MiniCopier
MiniCopier is another name in the list of the best file copy software for Windows and is rightly considered so in the list due to the following feature-packed attributes detailed below:
- It is available for free.
- It enables drag and drop functions.
- It has a simple User Interface.
- It enables you to regulate the speed of copying.
- It allows you to pause or resume the file copy process.
- MiniCopier offers the flexibility to skip the current file copy or transfer and move on to the next.
- It enables overwriting of files and bug fixing.
- In addition, it maintains complete records of the files copied or transferred.
7. Unstoppable Copier
Roadkil Unstoppable Copier features in the list of the best free file copy software for Windows PCs due to a host of excellent features, like:
- It is reliable and easy to use.
- It is compatible with older versions of Windows except Windows 10.
- It enables command line support.
- It holds the capability to build incomplete copied files.
- It is excellent recovery software as it enables the recovery of any original document that might have gotten lost during the copy-pasting process.
- It does not require GUI or Graphical User Interface.
- It runs at an enormous speed.
- It enables batch mode processing.
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8. UltraCopier
UltraCopier earned its place in the list of the best free file copy software due to the following attributes:
- It is an open-source, free-to-use application.
- It offers premium featured version available at a starting price of $14.99.
- It occupies very little space on your hard disk.
- It is compatible with macOS & Linux OS besides Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.
- It is highly customizable and can be used without any difficulty.
- You can perform multiple copies at the same time.
- It comes with an error management feature.
- It also hosts a Copy queue tray to check the copy progress and allow the same.
9. File Fisher
File Fisher is one more file copy software available for free and highly recommended because:
- It is a lightweight software with an easy-to-use and highly adaptable User Interface.
- It is compatible with all versions of Windows.
- It is a portable tool.
- It enables you to copy files in bulk.
- It gives you the flexibility to pause, resume, and even cancel a file transfer.
- It has a menu bar that offers auto-update, organize folders, and compress files options.
- It provides you with an option to rename or replace files just like other file rename software for Windows.
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10. ExtremeCopy
Easersoft ExtremeCopy is a very handy software to own and can, without doubt, be considered as one of the best free file copy software for Windows.
- It is a lightweight, easy-to-use application.
- It has an in-built error management system.
- It enables you to easily resume the interrupted program.
- It also offers you the freedom to cancel, pause or skip a file copy or transfer.
- It is compatible with all major operating systems like Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, and Mac OS.
- It enables the auto-closing of Windows once the file copying or transfer task is complete.
- Moreover, it provides data verification option after copying of data is complete.
- It is considered to be 20% to 120% faster than the default Windows file copy software tool.
It offers both Standard & Pro-versions with an initial 30-day free trial. After the trial period is over, you have to shell out a one-time payment of $19.95 to use it. So, get your trial version today!
11. PerigeeCopy
PerigreeCopy has held its ground amongst the list of the best free file copy software for Windows PCs due to the following attributes:
- It has an easy-to-use interface that enables the transfer of multiple files at high speeds.
- It also enables you to delete files at lightning-fast speeds.
- It supports all Windows operating systems and works exceptionally well with Windows 7 and earlier versions.
- It ignores all corrupt or damaged files.
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12. RichCopy
RichCopy was designed by Ken Tamaru of Microsoft to copy or move files from one place to another.
- Through a unique Wizard interface available exclusively with this program, you may always know and view all duplicated jobs.
- It’s a fantastic tool for quickly copying an entire drive, directory, or a few modified files.
- You can copy a huge number of files really fast using RichCopy.
- It’s the quickest file transfer program for Windows 7, 8, and 10.
- It allows you to synchronize and transfer data over a network, in addition to copying files.
13. NiceCopier
NiceCopier is a nice piece of software that functions admirably as a replacement for the built-in file copy feature in Windows Explorer because:
- It has the ability to copy and paste data quickly.
- Its default settings can be changed, such as running at startup.
- Features include pause, resume, and the ability to determine the ideal copying pace.
- In a single window, the program shows all running tasks.
- It’s straightforward and portable software.
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14. FF Copy
On our list, FF Copy is one of the best file copy tools for Windows because of its following remarkable features:
- It has the capacity to considerably boost the speed of the entire process by automatically regenerating the source as soon as it becomes unavailable.
- Simply copy or paste the file into a transfer queue, and it will be transferred in the appropriate sequence.
- You may quickly skip to the next file transfer during a file transfer without difficulty.
- The procedure can be paused and resumed as & when needed.
- It’s a lot quicker than other utilities of this type.
- It allows you to transfer numerous files or directories, at once.
15. RoboCopy
RoboCopy is not a software or utility for copying files. It’s just a command for copying and moving files in Windows.
- This command may also be used to transfer files and data from one server to another, in addition to folders and drives.
- Its unique feature is that this command can copy files even when the network is down.
- This command replaces XCopy in a straightforward manner.
- You can even skip copies of files that are already on the target disk or folder.
- It copies routes between 259 – 32k characters without any mistakes.
- It runs on both Windows Vista & Windows 8 operating systems.
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16. SuperCopier
SuperCopier4 is the ideal option if you’re seeking a more stable alternative to UltraCopier.
- You can set a file transfer speed limit using it.
- A multi-threaded file transfer functionality is also included in the software.
- SuperCopier 4 is priced at $14.99. There is also a free version available that you can try.
- It lets you initiate, halt, and restart file transfers.
- It provides an error-handling mechanism as well.
- It uses very few system resources.
- It’s free and open-source, and thus, it’s quite adaptable.
- SuperCopier offers better stability than UltraCopier.
17. WinMend
The File Copy function in WinMend is quite typical. Here are some notable features of this app:
- At the destination, it offers the option to replace or skip matched files.
- It is possible to halt and continue the copying operation as needed.
- It’s a batch file copying program that’s both free and simple to use.
- It allows you to effortlessly copy multiple files & folders from several places to a user-defined destination.
- It can speed up the copy process by up to three times when compared to the system default function.
- You may utilize the drag-and-drop technique as well.
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18. n2ncopy
n2ncopy is a tiny Windows tool that allows you to copy or move several files and folders to one or more destinations, all at once. Isn’t that amazing! Moreover,
- You can move files and folders around by dragging and dropping them.
- The total number of files and folders in the list is displayed.
- By right-clicking on the interface, you may customise it.
- Since it comes as a ZIP file, it doesn’t need to be installed.
19. File Copy Utility
File Copy Utility is the next top file copy software for Windows on our list. It possesses the following attributes:
- It is a free programme.
- It is supplied as a single executable file that does not require installation.
- This utility allows you to move files or folders across various locations.
- Files and folders may be dragged and dropped into the main window.
- It also provides the option of shutting down the computer once the copy task is completed.
- Copy files to a target folder from several locations simultaneously.
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20. WinRoboCopy
WinRoboCopy is a free graphical user interface for the RoboCopy command. It possesses the following characteristics:
- It enables you to copy any folder from one location to another.
- WinRoboCopy allows the users to specify files and folders by dragging files and directories into Windows Explorer.
- You may begin the copying procedure by clicking the RoboCopy! button.
- When copying, you may also utilize wildcards and other switches.
- It also features a timetable option, allowing you to plan your copy work around your schedule.
21. Bit Copier
Instead of using the Windows copier, you may use Bit Copier instead because:
- It allows you to move files and folders across locations.
- It is available in a portable form and is completely free.
Multiple files and directories can be copied at the same time.
- You can change the default buffer speed.
- Even if a mistake occurs, it has the capacity to continue copying.
- Its user-friendly interface displays the overall number of files/bytes as well as the number of files/bytes copied.
- You should be able to choose whether or not to skip all empty directories.
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22. Iman File Copier
Iman File Copier is a useful piece of software that lets you easily manage and copy files from one location to another.
- It may also be used to copy standard files.
- For the copying procedure, you may add numerous files at the same time. To begin the operation, pick the target directory and click the Copy button.
- You may also choose the buffer size for the file copying procedure.
- There is no need to install the program.
- At the bottom, a progress bar displays the number of bytes completed and the overall file size.
- It easily starts up with a simple user interface that includes all of the icons at your fingertips.
- Its primary function is to copy data from CDs or DVDs that Windows is unable to do by itself.
23. Xcopy
xcopy is a command that copies a large number of files or folders from one location to another when executed in Command Prompt.
- This command is available in all Windows operating systems viz Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 98.
- It’s a lightweight and easy-to-use application.
- Copy From and Copy To are the two panes on the right.
- It’s capable of copying entire folders.
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24. File Copy
File Copy is a small and portable software program that allows you to copy data from one directory to another with ease.
- It doesn’t need to be installed.
- Just drag and drop the executable file anywhere on your hard drive to start the software with a single click.
- It accelerates the copying process. After selecting the source file and destination folder, click the Go button to begin the operation.
- A confirmation message is displayed informing whether or not the activity was successfully completed.
The only disadvantage is that it allows you to copy only one file at a time.
25. SchizoCopy
SchizoCopy is a Microsoft Windows software tool that allows you to move or copy computer data.
- It is a free program for quickly copying big amounts of data.
- It is simple to copy or move data files from one folder to another.
- It is quicker and offers more features than the basic copy operations in Windows.
- It offers a one-of-a-kind Backup support option in case of an unplanned shutdown or system departure.
- It supports Drag and Drop feature like most others on this list.
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26. yCopy
Ycopy is a free Windows copy application with the following noteworthy features:
- It helps you save time by speeding up the copying process.
- It has the ability to skip files that cannot be duplicated.
- The copying operation can also be paused and resumed.
- The files that could not be copied are compiled into a printed report.
To begin the operation, just pick the source and destination folders and then click the Start Copy button. Simple, isn’t it?
27. QCopy
QCopy is a network file copier that helps users copy data to and from network locations.
- It is a free and simple file copying application for Windows.
- It’s a small-sized software which allows you to copy the contents of files and folders to the appropriate destination.
- By dragging and dropping files or folders onto the main screen, you may add them to the main screen.
- The queue can be saved or loaded for subsequent use.
- You may also copy files from numerous sites at the same time.
- At any moment, you may pause and continue the process, skip files, or store the queue for subsequent transfer as well.
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28. Fast Copy Paste
Fast Copy Paste tool is a useful tool to copy and paste the files of your choice to the exact location of your preference. Let’s take a look at a few prominent features of this app:
It’s minimalist interface allows you to be specific with your files and destination.
It works best with all Windows versions.
As per user reviews, it functions with flawless performance in transferring data.
You can complete the copy tasks with just a few clicks.
It is a portable program with no hassle of installation steps.
- It does not leave any traces in the Windows registry.
Additionally, it is easy to copy it on USB devices and take it with you anywhere.
To conclude the discussion, we have handpicked some of the most trusted, highly reliable & fastest file copy software for your Windows desktops & laptops. We sincerely hope that this article helped you in your search for the best file copy software for Windows. Let us know what you want to learn about next.