我们今天使用互联网的主要原因是为了交流。毫不夸张地说,它是我们今天所享受的一切的决定因素。如果没有互联网,今天的世界无疑会陷入停顿。互联网(Internet)跨越(Bridging)地理和其他鸿沟,将整个世界压缩成一个地球村。这是由应用程序的创新和开发引领的,这些应用程序进一步试图尽可能地缩小现有差距。其中一个想法是Internet Relay Chat或简称IRC。国税局(IRC)是一个聊天室的纽带,让数百万人可以出于多种原因进行互动,例如随意聊天、约会和消磨空闲时间。它用于将志同道合的人聚集在一起并不受距离限制地与他们互动,并作为交流思想和想法的媒介。在本文中,我们列出了适用于Windows的最佳(Windows)IRC客户端。在此处阅读适用于 Mac 和 Linux 的 15 个最佳 IRC 客户端(15 Best IRC Client for Mac and Linux here)..
适用于 Windows 的 30 大最佳 IRC 客户端(Top 30 Best IRC clients for Windows)
了解了IRC是什么之后,我们现在将深入研究细节并快速查看此类客户的列表。下面给出了人们用来代替电子邮件和电话在全球范围内发送消息和数据文件的最佳 IRC 客户端(Best IRC Clients)的详细列表:
1. XChat
XChat IRC 客户端被认为是(IRC Client)Windows的最佳 IRC 客户端列表。
- 它是一个开源、流行且免费提供的IRC客户端应用程序。
- 它仅启用一个月的免费聊天,之后您必须支付 $19.99才能使用。
- 它只允许您使用它的旧版本 x-chat2( older version x-chat2)。
- 它支持私人一对一以及公共群聊。
- 它可以轻松传输加密的文本和文件。
- 它允许使用键盘快捷键。
- 它有一个轻量级的用户界面。
- 它可以修复错误(bug fixing)。
- 它启用拼写检查( spell check)。
- 它确保了流畅的互联网连接和操作。
2. 冰聊(2. IceChat)
IceChat站点是Windows最佳 IRC 客户端(Best IRC Clients)列表中一个很棒的基于文本的实时消息传递系统。
- 它是一个领先的、易于设置的(easy to set up) 轻量级图形用户界面聊天系统(lightweight, Graphical User Interface, chat system)。
- 它使您能够立即连接到多个预配置的全局服务器。
- 它使您可以灵活地配置服务器。
- 它使您能够更改主题、编写命令或设计弹出窗口。
- 它使用多个插件。
- 它支持使用VBS 技术( VBS technology)。
- 这个用户友好的程序可在Windows 10、8、7、Vista 和 XP 平台( Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP Platforms)上免费使用。
- 它还具有内置表情选项。
3. HydraIRC
HydraIRC是另一种基于文本的消息传递系统,被列入Windows最佳IRC 客户端(Best IRC Clients)列表。
- 它是可用于Windows的免费IRC客户端。
- 它的设计方式使其易于操作。
- 它还使您能够搜索不同的搜索引擎和社交媒体网站。
- 图形用户界面( Graphical User Interface)使用大量插件。
- 它是一个支持多个服务器的开源应用程序。
- 它启用自定义通知。
- 它还启用了源代码(source code)。
KVIrc另一个Internet 中继聊天(Internet Relay Chat)客户端,由于以下详述的以下功能而被列入最佳图形聊天客户端列表:
- 最早的聊天客户端之一,可免费使用。
- 它相信持续发展。
- 它是一个便携式客户端。
- 它使用户能够根据需要进行自定义。
- 它允许通过KDE Plasma(KDE Plasma)弹出活动。
- 它使您能够连接到各种服务器。
- 它使用图形用户界面GNOME启用弹出窗口、各种主题和日志记录选项。
- 它适用于各种Microsoft Windows版本的平台。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 20 款最佳手机追踪应用(20 Best Cell Phone Tracking App)
5.阿迪尔克(5. AdilRc)
AdiIRC是另一个优秀的Internet 中继聊天客户端,在(Internet Relay Chat)Windows的最佳聊天客户端列表中值得考虑。
- 它是一个轻量级、免费使用的Windows IRC客户端。
- 它是一个便携式聊天客户端。
- 它启用多线程(Multithreading)。
- 它使您能够在一个窗口中打开和查看所有通道,或在单独的新窗口中打开和查看每个通道。
- 它可以访问背景图像、消息记录、全屏、高级服务器列表等等。
- 它支持自定义图标、字体、颜色和声音,并且与IRCv3 兼容( IRCv3 compatible)。
- 它反应灵敏。
- 它正在不断发展。
6. HexChat
由于以下特点,HexChat被列入最佳 IRC(Best IRC)客户端列表:
- 由于它是开源的,因此它正在积极开发。
- 它可以根据您的首选语言进行定制。
- 它提供了一个易于使用的 UI(easy-to-use UI)。
- 某些(Certain)功能可以使用界面隐藏。
- 它支持大量的插件。
- 它有一个庞大的脚本库。
- 它使您可以访问当前活跃用户的列表。
- 它允许一对一的交互(one-on-one interaction)。
- 拼写(Spell)检查、代理支持、网络计量器和键盘快捷键都可用。
7. 洋泾浜(7. Pidgin)
Pidgin,前身为Gaim,是一个基于 Windows 的多协议即时消息客户端。
- Pidgin 是一个易于使用的程序。
- 这是一个多平台聊天程序,允许用户同时连接到多个聊天网络。
- 它不仅仅是一个 IRC 客户端。
- 它是一个多合一的Internet消息传递应用程序。
- 它与许多不同的聊天网络进行通信。
- 它的用户可以同时登录到其他IM 网络( IM networks)上的多个帐户。
- 它基于 libpurple 的库。
记录外消息 (OTR)(Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR))是一种流行的功能。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 针对小型企业的 15 家最佳免费电子邮件提供商(15 Best Free Email Providers for Small Business)
8. 网络对话(8. Nettalk)
- 它是一个免费和开源( open-source)的 IRC 客户端。
- 您可以选择加入多个频道。
- 您加入的每个频道都显示在单独的选项卡中。
- 可以查看可访问频道的列表。
- 这是一个免费程序。
- 它可以在任何操作系统上运行,并且非常人性化。
- 用户可以安装插件来帮助进行多任务处理。
(German, Chinese, English, Russian, Hungarian, Spanish, )可用的语言包括德语、中文、英语、俄语、匈牙利语、西班牙语和荷兰语。(Dutch)
- 颜色和背景图像可以自定义。
9. 思木溪(9. Smuxi)
- 您可以暂停聊天并在另一台机器上恢复。
- 它包括一些预配置的服务器。服务器必须由用户选择。
- 它允许用户对其进行个性化设置。
- 背景可能会改变颜色。
- 用户可以选择字体、时间戳格式、缓冲行和其他功能。
- 桌面通知选项可用。
- 它支持Twitter、Facebook Chat和Jabber/XMPP 连接(connections)。
- 使用两种独立的观看模式,您可以处理大量IRC频道。
- 它是可编写脚本的。
10. Foo IRC
Foo IRC是一个简单的Windows在线(Windows)IRC客户端,具有平板电脑友好的 UI。
- Foo IRC 是一个小应用程序。
- 它具有简单的用户界面。
- 它可以在后台运行而不会被注意到。
- 它具有简单的设计。
- 使用颜色编码的文本( color-coded text),使用起来很简单。
- 可以安装各种插件来改变IRC客户端的外观。
- 您可能会记住您经常使用的服务器和频道,以便在您启动计算机时立即连接它们。
- 一次性支付1.49$1.49
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Chrome 的 16 个最佳广告拦截扩展( 16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
- 它提供30 天免费试用( 30-day free trial),让您熟悉其功能。
- 如果您想立即开始使用,您可以以 20 美元的低起始费注册/升级单用户许可证并移除启动画面。
- 使用极简的GUI(GUI)更改字体、布局、弹出窗口等。
- 它允许您与一个人或一群人联系和交谈。
支持 Windows 10、8、7、Vista 和 XP(Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP)。
- 它允许使用复杂而强大的脚本语言。
- 它使用了一组不同的脚本。
12. 微信
- 这是一个免费的Internet 中继聊天(Internet Relay Chat)客户端,快速、轻便且易于使用。
- 它的用户界面是用 C编程语言(programming language)编写的。
- 它还支持大量Python、Ruby和Perl 插件(Perl plug-ins)。
- 它允许动态加载和卸载插件。
- 它的用户界面由256 种不同的颜色(256 different colors)组成。
- 使用键盘快捷键提供了完整的导航优势。
- 它具有许多独特的功能,包括运行大量服务器的能力。
- 它有一个内置的脚本管理器。
- 它支持移动协助。
- 它允许远程访问。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 18 种最佳黑客工具(18 Best Tools for Hacking)
13. IRC云(13. IRCCloud)
- 这个开放平台旨在进行即时对话,并定期更新。
- 它允许用户在群组中实时交互,从而节省他们组织不必要的会议和电子邮件过载的时间。
- 它跟踪所有聊天并保留用户的存在。
- 此客户端允许您将照片(embed photos)、YouTube 视频(YouTube videos)、藤蔓(vines)和其他媒体直接嵌入聊天窗口。
- 它有一个简单的用户界面,并支持拖放文件共享。
- 用户可以通过公开或私人消息或一对一会话进行交流,以保持更有条理。
- 它也可以在移动设备上访问,因此它的可用性有点模糊。
- 它提供免费版本,但upgrade costs $5 per month。
14.猕猴桃IRC(14. Kiwi IRC)
- 它是一个免费和开源的网络客户端。
- 它以时尚和现代的方式设计。
- 它具有传统的双列布局。
- 聊天窗口位于屏幕左侧,而昵称列表位于右侧。
- 它使用户能够构建脚本,允许他们将IRC客户端嵌入到他们的网站中。
- 它可以在世界各地以20 多种不同的语言访问。(20 different languages)
- 它完全免费使用。
15. HydralIRC
创建Hydral IRC(Hydral IRC)的目的是保持用户界面尽可能简单。
- 它是完全免费的。
- 您可以免费注册。
- 插件可以添加到您的网络中。
- 您可以使用社交媒体网站和搜索引擎来查找信息。
自定义警报(Custom alerts)是可能的。
- 这是一个占用很少内存的小软件。
- 它具有大量的配色方案( plethora of color schemes)和主题(themes)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 15 名最佳免费 IPTV 播放器(Top 15 Best Free IPTV Players)
16. 伊尔西(16. Irssi)
Irssi是一个Linux、FreeBSD、macOS 和Microsoft Windows命令行IRC客户端。
- 它只使用终端命令。
- 对于众多主题,您可能会改变客户端的外观。
- 它很容易定制和设置。
- 它是一个免费和开源的IRC客户端。(IRC)
- 还有数百种脚本可供选择。
- 它提供远程连接(remote connection)选项、可自定义的键绑定、(keybindings)日志记录(logging)以及所有其他基本IRC客户端功能。
17. 夸塞尔(17. Quassel)
Quassel 2008 年,IRC或Quassel作为图形化、分布式、跨平台的IRC客户端发布。
- IRC客户端可在所有主要平台上免费使用,包括Windows 、(Windows) Mac OS X(Mac OS X)和Linux。
- 这是一个免费的开源程序( open-source program)。
- 它允许用户检查和修改软件及其源代码。
- 它允许用户提供程序以及源代码。
- 它允许各种连接。
- 它允许您与家人、朋友和同事交流。
- 它提供了一个简单而现代的图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface)。
- 它不会过度强调CPU并且使用很少的RAM。
18. IRC 资源管理器(18. IRC Explorer)
IRC Explorer是适用于(IRC Explorer)Windows 8操作系统的尖端Internet 中继聊天(Internet Relay Chat)( IRC ) 客户端。
- 它最多可以处理五个后台会话。
- 支持 SSL。
Bahamut、ircu、ircd-7、UltimateIRCd 和 UnrealIRCd(Bahamut, ircu, ircd-seven, UltimateIRCd, and UnrealIRCd)都是(IRCDs)它支持的 IRCD。
- 它带有服务器管理功能,例如Add、Remove和Edit。
- 多网络、多渠道、多私人查询均支持。
- (Custom)还支持自定义toast 通知。
- 它能够抑制通道事件。
支持多种编码(Multiple encodings)。
- 它可以在外观方面进行定制。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 十大最佳 Kodi Linux 发行版(Top 10 Best Kodi Linux Distro)
19. ThrashIRC
- 它包括其他IRC(IRC)客户端中经常包含的所有最新功能。
- 它确实具有更多功能。
- 此IRC客户端使用户能够利用其功能,同时消耗最少的系统资源(consuming the very minimum of system resources)。
- 它没有广告、广告软件,并提供高水平的稳定性(high level of stability)。
- 它完全免费使用。
20. 中国保监会 (20. CIRC )
- 它利用Chrome API(Chrome APIs)来提供其他IRC客户端所没有的酷炫功能。
- 无需代理服务器即可连接到任何IRC服务器。
- 在任何设备上,它都会记住您的昵称以及您最后进入的频道。
- 同时在许多设备上使用相同的IRC连接。
- 它允许在您的所有设备上运行的脚本。(Scripting)
- 它还使您能够在桌面(Desktop)上接收通知。
21. 大使 (21. Ambassador )
- 它有一个简单易用的用户界面。
- 它包括许多定制和可扩展性的可能性。
- 它作为附加组件提供,可与其他基于 UXP 的程序( UXP-based programs)一起使用。
- 它也可作为独立程序使用,无需访问浏览器即可安装和操作。
- 您现在可以管理已知的网络和服务器,而无需手动修改它们。
- 它还与密码管理器( password manager)集成,允许您保存昵称密码。
22. 格里克(22. Glirc)
- 所有转换和视图都是动态的,不会改变底层模型。
- 以下连接和部分折叠成一行,对话消息不会滚动到屏幕外。
- 它提供了一个详细视图,允许您非常详细地检查通道上的所有消息,包括主机掩码和时间戳。
可以使用上下文相关的选项卡(Context-sensitive tab)完成。
- 可以进行多行编辑。
- 它具有动态的就地消息搜索。
- 在聊天对话中,昵称采用颜色编码以对应来自该昵称的消息。
- 连接后,它能够运行命令。
- 它支持分屏模式( split-screen mode)。
- 它提供了一个可以定制的颜色托盘。
23. 漩涡(23. Swirc)
Swirc是一个轻量级、BSD 许可、基于控制台的ICB和在线IRC客户端。
- 此应用程序具有许多附加功能,可帮助您改善整体体验。
- 提供了被禁止用户的列表。
- 您可以使用该应用程序来管理频道、禁止会员和查看当前时间(manage a channel, ban members, and see the current time)。
- 您可以修改频道的主题并了解有关特定个人的更多信息。
- 使用起来并不难。
- 您必须提供服务器的完整地址才能连接到它;仅仅输入它的名字是没有影响的。
24. xoChat IRC
通过您的 PC、平板电脑、手机和其他设备,xoChat让您与朋友保持联系。
- 它可以适应任何设备或屏幕尺寸。
- 有两种类型的安全连接:标准(standard)和SSL。
- 它使聊天连接在后台保持打开状态。
(NickServ)还支持NickServ和普通 SASL身份验证。(Plain SASL)
- 身份验证后,它具有通道(Channel)自动加入功能。
- 它使自动重影有机会恢复您的身份。
- 在Action Center中,有可选的通知。
- 它具有随机的名称配色方案以及线条样式。
- 提供粗体(Bold)、斜体、下划线和颜色选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 13 种最佳 Mininova 替代品(13 Best Mininova Alternatives)
WinIRC是一个用 C# 编写的在线Windows 10 IRC客户端。(IRC)
- 它允许直接IRC连接和WebSocket连接。
- 它使您能够加入和离开频道。
- 它有助于列出可用命令。
- 有几个设置选项可用。
- 它具有响应式用户界面。
26. 翠莉安(26. Trillian)
- 员工(Employee)目录、电话、私人聊天、文件共享和病历管理都包括在内。
- 它的已读回执功能会显示消息的阅读时间,因此您无需发送后续消息。
护理团队(Care teams)可能会向将手机设置为免打扰或静音的消费者发送紧急信息。
- 它允许团队使用他们现有的设备来控制临床交流。
- Trillian 使用TLS 1.2+ protocol对数据进行加密,以确保数据安全。
- 为确保合规性,企业可以设置共享数据和对话历史记录的保留时间。
27. 米比特 (27. Mibbit )
Mibbit是一种现代的基于 Web 浏览器的消息传递服务和在线IRC客户端,它使用户能够连接和管理他们的讨论。
- 它不需要在您的 PC 上安装任何软件。
- 这是一个用户友好的互联网IRC客户端。
- 其革命性的用户界面,允许用户调整他们的界面、功能、连接和对话选择,而无需了解困难的IRC语言说明。
- 它提供了用于发现成员和聊天室等的搜索功能。(search function)
- 它对所有人开放,即使他们没有注册。
28. 酒廊 (28. TheLounge )
- 推送(Push)警报、链接预览、文件上传和其他功能有助于将IRC带入 21 世纪。
- 当您离线时,您可以保持连接到IRC服务器。
- 在任何设备上,您都可以从上次停下的地方继续。
- 在任何 PC、智能手机或平板电脑上,客户端都可以无缝运行。
- Lounge是一个具有(Lounge)MIT 许可证( MIT license)的开源项目。
- 无论您使用什么操作系统,它都没有区别。Lounge可以在安装了(Lounge)Node.js的任何地方工作。
- 支持多个(Multiple)用户帐户。
- 您可以使用IRC4Fun以及您喜欢的其他IRC网络进行连接。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 5 个最佳 IP 地址隐藏应用程序(5 Best IP Address Hider App for Android)
29. Mozilla 雷鸟(29. Mozilla Thunderbird)
- 它适用于所有电子邮件服务并支持众多电子邮件帐户。
- 它还允许您安装附加组件。
- 它有一个内置的RSS 提要阅读器。(RSS feed)
- 您可以添加您选择的任何网站的提要地址。
- 您也可以导入包含所有提要信息的opml 文件(opml file)(如果有的话)。
- 它还具有拼写检查功能。
- 它带有额外的存储空间,您可以使用它来保存您的电子邮件。
- 它还具有即时通讯功能。
- 如果您已经撰写了一封电子邮件并且不想立即发送,您可以稍后再发送一封电子邮件。
- 它有一个名为Filelink(Filelink)的预安装程序,可让您将电子邮件客户端连接到Box、Ubuntu One和High Tail等云服务。
30. 拉伤(30. Srain)
Srain是一个与 Windows 兼容的在线IRC客户端。
- 它是一个IRC 客户端( IRC client),允许您连接到多个不同的IRC服务器。
- 您可以在许多IRC(IRC)频道上使用文本进行交谈。
- 它解析 IRC(parses URLs in IRC) 对话(conversations)中的 URL以确定链接的信息并显示它的预览。
- 它的频道记录最像即时通讯对话。
- 它解决了中继机器人消息的格式和样式经常不均匀,使它们在聊天方案中更易于理解、可解析和可呈现。
- 您可以使用它来隐藏您想要忽略的用户的消息,以及更改他们的消息在屏幕上的外观。
- 它还允许您获取桌面通知。
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够了解适用于 Windows 的最佳 IRC 客户端(IRC clients for Windows)。如果您碰巧知道我们会错过的任何应用程序,或者您认为应该在此列表中占有一席之地,请在下面的评论部分告诉我们。
Top 30 Best IRC clients for Windows
The main reason we use the internet today is for communication. It would not be an exaggeration to call it the determining factor of everything we enjoy today. Without the internet, today’s wоrld woυld no doubt come to a standstill. Bridging gеographical аnd other chasms, the Internet literally comрressed the whole world into a global village. This was led by the innovations and development of аpplications that further trіed to close the existing gap as much as possible. One of those idеas is Internet Relay Chat or IRC for short. ІRC is a nexus of chatrooms that let millions of peоple іnteract with each other for multiple reasons like casual chatting, dating, and spending their free time. It іs used for bringing likе-mіnded people together and interacting with them without any restrictions of distance and serveѕ as a medium for the exchange of thoughts аnd idеas. Іn thiѕ article, we have listed the best IRC clіents for Windows online. Read 15 Best IRC Client for Mac and Linux here..
Top 30 Best IRC clients for Windows
Having understood what IRC is, we shall now delve into the specifics and take a quick look into the list of such clients. Given below is a detailed list of the Best IRC Clients used by people as a surrogate for emails and phones to send messages and data files across the globe:
1. XChat
XChat IRC Client is considered in the list of the best IRC clients for Windows.
- It is an open-source, popular, and freely available IRC client app.
- it enables free chat for only one month and thereafter you have to pay $19.99 for use.
- it allows you to use its older version x-chat2 only.
- It enables private one-to-one as well as group chat in public.
- It enables the easy transfer of encrypted texts and files.
- It enables the use of keyboard shortcuts.
- It has a lightweight user interface.
- It enables bug fixing.
- It enables spell check.
- It ensures smooth internet connectivity and operation.
2. IceChat
IceChat site is a great real-time text-based messaging system in the list of Best IRC Clients for Windows.
- It is a leading, easy to set up lightweight, Graphical User Interface, chat system.
- It enables you to instantly connect to multiple pre-configured global servers.
- It gives you the flexibility to configure a server.
- It enables you to change a theme, write your commands or design your pop-ups.
- It uses multiple plug-ins.
- It enables the use of VBS technology.
- This user-friendly program is available free of cost on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP Platforms.
- It also features a built-in emoticon option.
3. HydraIRC
HydraIRC is another text-based messaging system considered in the list of Best IRC Clients for Windows.
- It is free of cost IRC client available for Windows.
- It is designed in such a manner that it is easy to operate.
- It also enables you to search for different search engines and social media sites.
- The Graphical User Interface uses a huge list of plugins.
- It is an open-source application supporting multiple servers.
- It enables custom notifications.
- It also enables a source code.
4. KVIrc
KVIrc another Internet Relay Chat client, is considered in the list of the best graphical chat client due to the following features detailed below:
- One of the earliest chat clients, it is available to use for free.
- It believes in continuous development.
- It is a portable client.
- it enables the user to customize as per requirement.
- It allows activity pop-ups through KDE Plasma.
- It enables you to connect to various servers.
- It enables pop-ups, various themes, and logging options using GNOME, a graphical user interface.
- It is available across platforms for various Microsoft Windows versions.
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5. AdilRc
AdiIRC is another good Internet Relay Chat client worth consideration in the list of the best chat clients for Windows.
- It is a lightweight, free-to-use IRC client for Windows.
- It is a portable chat client.
- It enables Multithreading.
- It enables you to open and view all channels in one window or each channel in a separate new window.
- It enables access to background images, message logging, full screen, advanced server list, and much more.
- It supports custom icons, fonts, colors, and sounds and is IRCv3 compatible.
- It is highly responsive.
- It is being constantly developed.
6. HexChat
Because of the following characteristics, HexChat is included in the list of Best IRC Clients:
- It is actively developed since it is open-source.
- It may be customized to your preferred language.
- It offers an easy-to-use UI.
- Certain functionalities can be hidden using the interface.
- It supports a large number of plugins.
- It has a large script library.
- It gives you access to a list of currently active users.
- It allows for one-on-one interaction.
- Spell check, proxy support, network meters, and keyboard shortcuts are all available.
7. Pidgin
Pidgin, formerly Gaim, is a Windows-based multi-protocol instant messaging client.
- Pidgin is an easy-to-use program.
- It’s a multi-platform chat program that allows users to connect to many chat networks at the same time.
- It’s more than just an IRC client.
- It’s an all-in-one Internet messaging application.
- It communicates with a number of different chat networks.
- Its users can simultaneously log in to many accounts on other IM networks.
- It’s based on libpurple’s library.
Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) is a popular feature.
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8. Nettalk
Nettalk is an online client for IRC that originates in Germany. It possesses the following characteristics:
- It’s an IRC client that’s free and open-source.
- You have the option of joining several channels.
- Each channel you join is shown in a separate tab.
- The list of accessible channels may be viewed.
- It is a free program.
- It can operate on any operating system and is extremely user-friendly.
- Users can install plugins to help with multitasking.
German, Chinese, English, Russian, Hungarian, Spanish, and Dutch are among the languages available.
- Colors and background images can be customized.
9. Smuxi
Smuxi employs a client-server architecture to retransmit conversations that were lost while you were offline.
- You can pause a chat and resume it on a different machine.
- It includes a few pre-configured servers. A server must be chosen by the user.
- It allows the user to personalize it.
- The backdrop may be changed in color.
- The user may choose the typeface, timestamp formats, buffered lines, and other features.
- The desktop notification option is available.
- It supports Twitter, Facebook Chat, and Jabber/XMPP connections.
- Using two separate viewing modes, you may handle a large number of IRC channels.
- It is scriptable.
10. Foo IRC
Foo IRC is a simple online IRC client for Windows with a tablet-friendly UI.
- Foo IRC is a little application.
- It features a straightforward user interface.
- It can run in the background and go unnoticed.
- It features a straightforward design.
- With color-coded text, it’s simple to utilize.
- Various plugins may be installed to alter the appearance of the IRC client.
- You may remember the servers and channels you use regularly so that they are instantly connected when you start your computer.
- It is available for $1.49 as a one-time payment.
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11. mIRC
mIRC is one of the most popular and capable online IRC clients available.
- It offers a 30-day free trial to allow you to familiarise yourself with its features.
- If you want to get started right away, you may register/upgrade for a single-user licence for a low beginning fee of $20 and remove the splash screen.
- Change fonts, layouts, pop-ups, and more with the minimalist GUI.
- It allows you to connect and talk with a single person or a group of people.
Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP are all supported.
- It allows for a sophisticated and powerful scripting language.
- It employs a diverse set of scripts.
12. WeeChat
WeeChat ultra-light chat client is regarded as one of the most powerful and quick IRC clients.
- It’s a free Internet Relay Chat client that’s quick, light, and easy to use.
- Its user interface is written in the C programming language.
- It also supports a large selection of Python, Ruby, and Perl plug-ins.
- It allows plug-ins to be loaded and unloaded dynamically.
- Its user interface is made up of 256 different colors.
- The use of keyboard shortcuts provides a complete navigational advantage.
- It has a number of unique features, including the ability to run numerous servers.
- It has a script manager built-in.
- It enables mobile assistance.
- It allows for remote access.
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13. IRCCloud
IRCCloud is an online IRC client that allows users to stay connected and talk from anywhere, ensuring that they never miss a message.
- This open platform is meant for in-the-moment conversations and is updated on a regular basis.
- It lets users interact in real-time in groups, saving them time from organizing unneeded meetings and email overload.
- It keeps track of all chats and preserves the user’s presence.
- This client allows you to embed photos, YouTube videos, vines, and other media right into the chat window.
- It has a straightforward user interface and supports drag-and-drop file sharing.
- Users can communicate in open or private messaging, or in one-on-one sessions, to keep more organized.
- It’s also accessible on mobile devices, thus its availability is a little hazy.
- It offers a free version, but the upgrade costs $5 per month.
14. Kiwi IRC
KiwiIRC makes it simple to use IRC on the web. It’s a beautifully constructed IRC client that you may use.
- It’s a web client that’s both free and open source.
- It’s designed in a stylish and modern manner.
- It has a traditional double-column layout.
- The chat window is on the left side of the screen, while the nicklist is on the right.
- It enables users to build scripts that allow them to embed an IRC client into their website.
- It’s accessible in more than 20 different languages all across the world.
- It’s completely free to use.
15. HydralIRC
Hydral IRC was created with the goal of keeping the user interface as simple as possible.
- It is completely free of charge.
- You may just sign up for free.
- Plugins can be added to your network.
- You may use social media sites and search engines to find information.
Custom alerts are a possibility.
- It’s a little piece of software that takes up very little memory.
- It features a plethora of color schemes and themes.
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16. Irssi
Irssi is a Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, and Microsoft Windows command-line IRC client.
- It just uses terminal commands.
- With numerous themes, you may vary the appearance of the client.
- It’s easy to customize and set up.
- It’s an IRC client that’s free and open-source.
- There are hundreds more scripts to choose from.
- It provides remote connection options, keybindings that may be customized, logging, and all of the other basic IRC client features.
17. Quassel
Quassel In 2008, IRC, or Quassel, was released as a graphical, distributed, cross-platform IRC client.
- The IRC client is available for free on all major platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- This is a free and open-source program.
- It allows the user to examine and modify the software as well as its source code.
- It allows the user to provide the program as well as the source code.
- It allows for various connections.
- It allows you to communicate with your family, friends, and coworkers.
- It offers a straightforward yet contemporary Graphical User Interface.
- It doesn’t stress the CPU excessively and uses very little RAM.
18. IRC Explorer
IRC Explorer is a cutting-edge Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for the Windows 8 operating system.
- It can handle up to five background sessions.
- SSL is supported.
Bahamut, ircu, ircd-seven, UltimateIRCd, and UnrealIRCd are among the IRCDs it supports.
- It comes with server administration features such as Add, Remove, and Edit.
- Multiple networks, channels, and private inquiries are all supported.
- Custom toast notifications are also supported.
- It is capable of suppressing channel events.
Multiple encodings are supported.
- It may be customized in terms of look.
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19. ThrashIRC
ThrashIRC is a useful online IRC client that allows you to converse in peace.
- It includes all of the most recent features that are often included in other IRC clients.
- It does have a few more features.
- This IRC client enables users to take advantage of its capabilities while consuming the very minimum of system resources.
- It is free of advertisements, adware, and delivers a high level of stability.
- It’s entirely free to use.
20. CIRC
CIRC is an IRC client packed as a Chrome extension.
- It takes advantage of Chrome APIs to provide cool features that aren’t available in other IRC clients.
- No proxy server is required to connect to any IRC server.
- On any device, it remembers your nick and which channels you were last in.
- Use the same IRC connection on many devices at the same time.
- It allows Scripting that works on all of your devices.
- It also enables you to receive notifications on the Desktop.
21. Ambassador
Ambassador is a new update that includes a few new features as well as a number of bug fixes.
- It has a straightforward, easy-to-use UI.
- It includes a lot of customization and extensibility possibilities.
- It’s offered as an add-on that works with other UXP-based programs.
- It’s also available as a stand-alone program that may be installed and operated without requiring access to a browser.
- You can now manage your known networks and servers without having to manually modify them.
- It also integrates with the password manager, allowing you to save nickname passwords.
22. Glirc
GlIRC is next on the list of online IRC clients. It possesses the following characteristics:
- All transformations and views are dynamic and do not alter the underlying model.
- Following joins and parts fold into one line, and conversation messages do not scroll off the screen.
- It offers a Detailed view that allows you to examine all of the messages on a channel in great detail, including hostmask and timestamp.
Context-sensitive tab completion is available.
- Multi-line editing is possible.
- It has in-place message searching that is dynamic.
- In chat conversations, nicknames are color-coded to correspond to messages from that nickname.
- Upon connecting, it is capable of running commands.
- It supports a split-screen mode.
- It offers a color pallet that may be customized.
23. Swirc
Swirc is a lightweight, BSD-licensed, console-based ICB and online IRC client.
- This app has a number of additional features that can help you improve your overall experience.
- A list of banned users is available.
- You may use the app to manage a channel, ban members, and see the current time.
- You may modify the channel’s topic and learn more about a particular individual.
- It’s not difficult to use.
- You must provide the whole address of a server in order to connect to it; merely typing its name has no impact.
24. xoChat IRC
With your PC, tablet, phone, and other devices, xoChat keep you in touch with your pals.
- It can adjust to any device or screen size.
- There are two types of secure connections: standard and SSL.
- It keeps chat connections open in the background.
NickServ and Plain SASL authentication are also supported.
- Following authentication, it features Channel auto-join.
- It gives Auto-ghosting the opportunity to restore your identity.
- In Action Center, there are optional notifications.
- It has a random color scheme for the names, as well as a line style.
- Bold, italic, underline, and color options are available.
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25. WinIRC
WinIRC is an online Windows 10 IRC client written in C#.
- It allows for both a direct IRC connection and a WebSocket connection.
- It gives you the ability to join and leave channels.
- It aids in the listing of available commands.
- There are a few setting choices available.
- It has a responsive user interface.
26. Trillian
Trillian is a robust business and clinical communication platform that is utilized by organizations of all sizes.
- Employee directory, telephone, private chat, file sharing, and medical record management are all included.
- Its read receipts feature shows when messages were read, so you don’t have to send follow-up messages.
Care teams may send urgent messages to consumers who have their phones set to do not disturb or mute.
- It allows teams to use their existing gear to control clinical communication.
- Trillian encrypts data using the TLS 1.2+ protocol to assure data security.
- To ensure regulatory compliance, businesses can set the retention time for shared data and conversation history.
27. Mibbit
Mibbit is a contemporary web browser-based messaging service and online IRC client that empowers users to connect and manage their discussions.
- It does not necessitate the installation of any software on your PC.
- It’s a user-friendly internet IRC client.
- Its revolutionary user interface, allows users to adjust their interface, features, connection, and conversation choices without having to know difficult IRC language instructions.
- It offers a search function for discovering members and chat rooms, among other things.
- It is open to everyone, even if they do not register.
28. TheLounge
Next on the list of online IRC clients is TheLounge. The following features can be found in it:
- Push alerts, link previews, file uploads, and other features help to bring IRC into the twenty-first century.
- While you are offline, you may stay connected to IRC servers.
- On any device, you may pick up where you left off.
- On any PC, smartphone, or tablet, the client runs seamlessly.
- The Lounge is an open-source project with an MIT license.
- It makes no difference whatever operating system you use. The Lounge works anywhere Node.js is installed.
- Multiple user accounts are supported.
- You may use IRC4Fun as well as your other favorite IRC networks to connect.
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29. Mozilla Thunderbird
Thunderbird is a free email client that is simple to set up and modify, and it comes with a lot of useful features.
- It works with all email services and supports numerous email accounts.
- It also allows you to install add-ons.
- It has an RSS feed reader built-in.
- You may add the feed address of any website you choose.
- You may also import an opml file with all of your feed information if you have one.
- It also has a spell-check feature.
- It comes with additional storage space that you may use to save your emails.
- It also has an instant messaging feature.
- You can always send an email later if you have composed one and don’t want to send it straight away.
- It has a pre-installed program called Filelink, which allows you to connect your email client to cloud services like Box, Ubuntu One, and High Tail.
30. Srain
Srain is an online Windows-compatible IRC client.
- It’s an IRC client that allows you to connect to a number of different IRC servers.
- You can talk using text on many IRC channels.
- It parses URLs in IRC conversations to determine what information is linked and displays a preview of it.
- Its channel records resemble instant messenger talks more than anything else.
- It addresses the frequently uneven formatting and styling of relay bot messages, making them more understandable, parseable, and presentable inside the chat scheme.
- You may use this to conceal messages from a user you want to ignore, as well as change the appearance of their messages on the screen.
- It also allows you to get desktop notifications.
We hope this information was helpful and that you were able to know about the best IRC clients for Windows. If you happen to know any application that we would have missed or you think to deserve a place on this list, let us know in the comment section down below.