如果您是美国的足球或足球爱好者,(United) 您(States)就会知道在互联网上观看比赛有多难。体育赛事直播有许多限制,某些比赛会在电视上播放,而另一些则不会。也许您正在国外旅行,或者无法通过电视订阅来观看您最喜爱的运动。但是Kodi在这里为您解救。有许多Kodi 插件(Kodi Addons)可以观看英超联赛(Premier League)。这是在Kodi上观看EPL的最佳Kodi插件列表。
观看英超联赛的 10 大最佳 Kodi 插件(Top 10 Best Kodi Addons to Watch Premier League)
尽管英超联赛(English Premier League)或EPL非常有名,并且在英国(United Kingdom)以外迅速扩张,但要追随并不容易。除非你很幸运并在电视上看到他们,否则要见证你想要的每一场比赛并不容易。尝试通过互联网直播足球比赛也可能会受到打击或错过。您会很幸运,遇到质量合理、一致且可用而不会卡顿或中断的流。但是,您会经常遇到过于缓慢、损坏或质量太差以至于难以查看的流。
- Kodi 已迅速成为欧洲冠军联赛(Champions League)、英超联赛(Premier League)、西甲联赛(La Liga)、德甲联赛(Bundesliga)、意甲联赛(Serie A)、联赛 1(League 1)和其他转播联赛的流媒体足球比赛的首选界面。(go-to interface)
- Kodi几乎与所有设备兼容(compatible with practically all devices),包括 iPhone、Android智能手机、Mac(Macs)、Windows计算机、Firesticks等。
- 在选择Kodi插件来观看即将到来的英超(Premier League)比赛时,了解哪些Kodi 插件(Kodi add-ons)提供官方材料以及哪些提供未经授权的流至关重要。
在XBMC(XBMC)上观看英超联赛时,您可能会遇到限制和安全问题。但是,Kodi VPN可以帮助解决这些问题。通过使用VPN ,您可以快速克服地理限制并从任何位置在Kodi上观看实时EPL 。
我们进行了广泛的搜索,以找到最好的Kodi 插件(Kodi Addons)来不受任何限制地观看XBMC超级联赛。(XBMC)请(Make)务必阅读到最后,以找到随时随地享受EPL的最佳(EPL)Kodi插件。(Kodi)
1. 运动恶魔(1. SportsDevil)
SportsDevil是观看英超联赛的最佳(Premier League)Kodi插件之一。这是观看体育节目的最受欢迎的Kodi插件,这是有充分理由的。它有各种各样的运动可供观看,包括很多足球。在Firestick上使用Kodi的主播会喜欢这个插件。然而,随着时间的推移,开发人员已经包含了一些补丁和错误修复,使其能够在包括Android TV 在内的各种设备上运行。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何更新 Kodi 库(How to Update Kodi Library)
TvTap Kodi插件是用于Android设备的同名Android应用程序的Kodi端口。(Kodi)它是基于流行的TvTap android 应用程序的免费插件,该应用程序被广泛认为是最伟大的体育软件,尤其是XBMC观看英超联赛(Premier League)。该插件专注于直播电视,可让您免费访问数百个电台。电视频道的组织类别包括纪录片、娱乐(Entertainment)、美食(Food)、儿童(Kids)、电影(Movies)、音乐(Music)、新闻(News)、体育(Sports)和美国频道(USA Channels)。运动类别相当广泛,可能是最受欢迎的,包括所有形式的运动。它允许您在欧洲(Europe)、美国(United)、(States)中东(Middle East)和其他地方的几乎所有著名体育网络上观看足球、拳击、WWE、NFL、NHL、MBA、网球和其他运动。(TENNIS)
3. iPlayer 万维网(3. iPlayer WWW)
每年,英国广播公司(BBC)都会直播超级碗(Super Bowl)以及美国(United) 的(States)其他大型体育赛事。它只能在英国(United Kingdom)访问,并且您需要有效的BBC电视许可证才能观看。您可以在此Kodi插件上观看EPL 。但由于地区限制,您将无法看到此材料。还需要一个英国 IP(UK IP)地址来查看 iPlayer 内容,以及通过扩展查看 iPlayer WWW插件。如果您住在英国但出国,您应该使用VPN(例如ExpressVPN)将您的 IP 地址更改为来自英国的 IP 地址。这BBC iPlayer 插件允许用户观看现场英超联赛(Premier League)比赛,追赶其他电视剧,甚至收听广播节目。Kodi(Kodi Add-on Repository)官方插件存储库是您可以找到此插件的地方。它提供大多数体育赛事的现场报道,包括英超联赛(English Premier League),并提供顶级BBC体育频道。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何观看 Kodi NBA 比赛(How to Watch Kodi NBA Games)
4. 涨潮 (4. Rising Tides )
Rising Tides是观看网球、高尔夫、篮球、足球、曲棍球、赛车和其他运动的最佳Kodi插件之一。(Kodi)此附加组件中有多个区域可用于观看现场体育赛事。您可以在此Kodi插件上观看EPL 。在一个部分中,您会找到现场足球比赛以及足球集锦。还有一个部分包含 15 种不同运动类型的子类别,包括一些不寻常的替代项目,如赛马和飞镖。体育频道(Sports Channels)、实况足球(Live Football)、直播 PPV 赛事(Live PPV Events)和额外直播内容(Extra Live Content)只是广播分类的一些不寻常但有用的类别。每个类别下都提供了与每个赛事的直接联系,通常是在赛事开始前 5 分钟,因此很容易识别您正在寻找的运动,因为它包含赛事名称和开始时间。
5. Sportowa 电视(5. Sportowa TV)
Sportowa TV与Rising Tides一样,是一款专注于体育运动的Kodi插件。(Kodi)是美国、英国(United Kingdom)、(United) 德国、(States)欧洲运动(Germany)爱好者的(Europe)必备之选。刮板LiveLooker、Crickfree、Sport 365 Live和Live TV提供流行的体育内容,但我们强烈推荐SportsBay刮板/类别作为最全面和可靠的流媒体来源;在此类别中,您会找到其他子类别,例如Live Football 子类别,最终使您可以访问所有实况足球(Live Football)比赛。此插件同样将流列为Rising Tides,但它也指示连接是否可用。
6.体育网 (6. Sportsnet )
Kodi用户可以在加入该服务后从SuperRepo 存储库(SuperRepo Repository)获得这个受欢迎的附加组件,该服务提供每周 7 天、每天 24 小时对所有Sportsnet源的实时访问。这种与Kodi兼容的流媒体服务可让您实时访问您想观看的任何体育比赛。您可以在互联网上观看英超联赛(Premier League)、足总杯(FA Cup)、德甲联赛(Bundesliga)、AVIVA、NHL、MLB、NBA和其他体育赛事的直播视频。Sportsnet服务不同于(Sportsnet)Kodi附加组件,因为它可以从各种设备访问,包括Apple TV、Xbox 和智能手机。即使您无法观看真正的英超联赛(Premier League)比赛,这个新闻插件也会让您及时了解所有比赛的亮点、胜利和失败,以及个人统计数据。此附加组件只能在英国(United Kingdom)购买。Sportsnet Now 仅适用于加拿大公民,但您可以使用VPN从世界任何地方访问它。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Kodi 更新失败(Fix Kodi Update Failed)
7.孔雀(7. Peacock)
Peacock是 NBC 旗下的流媒体服务,目前正在直播英超(Premier League)比赛。Cox和Comcast Xfinity的订阅者可以免费登录和流式传输。独立流媒体服务的起价为每月 5 美元或每年 50 美元,如果您想在没有广告的情况下观看,价格会上涨到两倍。没有可用的免费试用版。Peacock仅在美国(United) 可用,因此如果您想在旅行时观看,则需要(States)VPN。Peacock还按需提供完整的回放。由于它是一项较新的服务,因此目前没有官方的Kodi插件,但请继续关注。
8. 优酷(8. Youtube)
Youtube Kodi插件是观看EPL的最受欢迎和广泛使用的Kodi插件(Kodi)之一。YouTube是最大的在线视频流媒体服务,您的Youtube Kodi插件与数百个其他扩展密切相关。乍一看,Youtube Kodi插件似乎为来自互联网(Internet)上最大的流媒体网站的流媒体视频提供了一个界面。该扩展使搜索、查看和存储来自YouTube的视频和资料变得简单。其直播电视套餐包括NBC、NBCSN、美国(USA)、网络(Network)和CNBC,以及您需要观看英超联赛(Premier League)直播的所有电台。价格从每月 65 美元起,在撰写本文时提供 14 天免费试用。但是,由于Youtube TV仅在美国可用(United) ,(States)因此如果您在国外旅行,则需要VPN 。尽管目前Youtube TV没有(Youtube TV)Kodi插件,但一些用户声称使用Kodi网络浏览器插件访问该服务是成功的。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何观看 Kodi NBA 比赛(How to Watch Kodi NBA Games)
9.葫芦(9. Hulu)
Hulu是在Kodi上观看(Kodi)EPL的流媒体服务的一个很好的例子。就受欢迎程度而言,这项美国流媒体服务仅次于Netflix。它有很多很棒的功能,其中大部分都优于Netflix。它提供了广泛的内容,例如直播电视、IPTV、电影、体育、高级网络插件等等。所有主要的美国广播网络都可以观看。Hulu Originals,如 The Handmaid Tale、 The Act、Ramy、Wu-Tang、Shrill、Pen15等也可用。这Hulu Kodi插件支持GPS,允许您选择您的位置并浏览您所在国家/地区可用的材料。英超球迷可以通过(Premier League)Hulu + Live TV轻松访问和观看在线直播比赛。免费试用 7 天后,每月收费 65 美元。它包含从头到尾播放每场英超比赛所需的所有频道。(Premier League)但是,它仅在美国可用(United) ,(States)因此如果您在国外旅行,则需要VPN 。
10. 吊带电视(10. Sling TV)
您可以使用由独立开发商开发的Sling Kodi插件将此(Kodi)OTT服务链接到您首选的家庭影院程序。这个观看英超联赛的(English Premier League)Kodi插件通常具有 720p 和 1080p 的内容,可以在Kodi上观看EPL。Kodi目前不支持 4K 流媒体,但这在这种情况下无关紧要,因为Sling TV 尚未提供任何 4K 节目。话虽如此,没有理由不给这个插件一个机会。如果您不想错过另一场比赛,这就是您的服务。用户可以选择他们希望使用Sling流式传输的任何频道(Sling) 电视,这意味着您可以选择NBCSN和NBC等播放英超(Premier League)比赛的网络,并以每月 35 美元的价格在电视上播放。不幸的是, Sling(Sling) TV不再提供免费试用。要接收直播英超联赛(Premier League)的频道,您需要Sling Blue捆绑包。Sling TV 只能在美国访问(United) ,(States)因此如果您想从其他地方观看,则需要使用VPN。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。是否可以在 Amazon FireStick 上观看英超比赛?(Q1. Is it possible to watch Premier League matches on Amazon FireStick?)
答:是(Ans: Yes)的,你当然可以!大多数主要的美国流媒体提供商,包括整个EPL,都有资格向其客户直播足球赛事。
我们希望您发现此信息对观看英超联赛的最佳 Kodi 插件(Kodi Addons to watch Premier League)有用。请让我们知道您认为哪些Kodi插件最有趣。在TechCult(TechCult)上继续阅读更多与技术相关的文章。请(Feel)随时在下面的评论部分向我们发送您的建议和反馈。
Top 10 Best Kodi Addons to Watch Premier League
If you’re a football or soccer enthusiast in the United Stаtes, you know how toυgh it can be to watch games on the internet. There are numeroυs restrictions governing the broadcasting of live аthletic evеnts, and certain games are shown on television while otherѕ are not. Perhaps you are traveling outside of the natіon or do not haνe access to a television subscription to watch yоur favorite sports. But Kodi is here for your rescue. Therе are many Kodi Addons to watch Premier League. Herе is the list of best Kodi addоns to watch EPL on Kodi.
Top 10 Best Kodi Addons to Watch Premier League
Even though the English Premier League, or EPL, is extremely famous and quickly expanding outside of the United Kingdom, it is not easy to follow. It’s not simple to witness every match you want unless you’re lucky and catch them on TV. Attempts to broadcast live football games via the internet may be hit or miss as well. You can get fortunate and come upon a stream that is of reasonable quality, consistent and usable without stuttering or interruptions. However, you’ll frequently come across streams that are too sluggish, broken, or of such poor quality that they are difficult to view.
- Kodi has swiftly become the go-to interface for streaming soccer matches from the Champions League, Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, League 1, and other broadcast leagues.
- Kodi is compatible with practically all devices, including iPhones, Android smartphones, Macs, Windows computers, Firesticks, and more.
- It’s crucial to know which Kodi add-ons provide official material and which provide unauthorized streams when choosing a Kodi add-on to watch the upcoming Premier League game.
You may encounter limits and safety concerns when viewing premier league on XBMC. However, a Kodi VPN can help with these issues. By using a VPN, you can quickly overcome geo-restrictions and watch live EPL on Kodi from any location.
We went through a search far and wide to find the best Kodi Addons to watch XBMC premier league without any restriction. Make sure to read till the end to find the best Kodi addon to enjoy EPL anywhere anytime.
1. SportsDevil
SportsDevil is one of the best Kodi addons for viewing the Premier League. This is the most popular Kodi add-on for viewing sports, and for good reason. It has a diverse selection of sports to watch, including a lot of football. Streamers who use Kodi on their Firestick would like this add-on. However, as time has passed, the developers have included a few patches and bug fixes, allowing it to run on a variety of devices, including Android TV.
Also Read: How to Update Kodi Library
2. TvTap
TvTap Kodi addon is a Kodi port for the same-named Android app for Android devices. It’s a free add-on based on the popular TvTap android app, which is widely regarded as the greatest software for sports especially, XBMC to watch Premier League. The add-on focuses on live television and gives you free access to hundreds of stations. The categories in which TV channels are organized are documentary, Entertainment, Food, Kids, Movies, Music, News, Sports, and USA Channels. The sports category is fairly vast and possibly the most popular, including all forms of sports. It allows you to watch football, boxing, WWE, NFL, NHL, MBA, TENNIS, and other sports on practically all prominent sports networks from Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and other places.
3. iPlayer WWW
Every year, the BBC broadcasts the Super Bowl live, as well as other big athletic events in the United States. It’s only accessible in the United Kingdom, and you’ll need a valid BBC TV license to see it. You can watch EPL on this Kodi addon. But you will not be able to see this material due to regional restrictions. A UK IP address is also required to view iPlayer content and, by extension, the iPlayer WWW add-on. If you live in the UK but go abroad, you should use a VPN (e.g. ExpressVPN) to change your IP address to one from the UK. The BBC iPlayer add-on allows users to view live Premier League games, catch up on other TV series, and even listen to radio programming. The Official Kodi Add-on Repository is where you can find this add-on. It provides live coverage of most sporting events, including the English Premier League, and offers top BBC sports channels.
Also Read: How to Watch Kodi NBA Games
4. Rising Tides
Rising Tides is one of the best Kodi addons for watching tennis, golf, basketball, football, hockey, motorsports, and other sports. There are various areas in this add-on for watching live sports. You can watch EPL on this Kodi addon. In one section, you’ll find live soccer matches as well as soccer highlights. There’s also a section with subcategories for 15 various sports genres, including some unusual alternatives like horse racing and darts. Sports Channels, Live Football, Live PPV Events, and Extra Live Content are just a few of the unusual yet helpful categories in which the broadcasts are classified. Direct connections to every event are made available under each category, usually, 5 minutes before the event begins, making it very easy to identify the sport you’re looking for because it contains the event name and starts time.
5. Sportowa TV
Sportowa TV, like Rising Tides, is a Kodi addon that focuses on sports. It’s a must-have for sports enthusiasts in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Europe. The scrappers LiveLooker, Crickfree, Sport 365 Live, and Live TV make popular sports content available, but we strongly recommend the SportsBay scrapper/category as the most comprehensive and reliable streaming source; within this category, you’ll find other subcategories, such as the Live Football subcategory, which, in the end, gives you access to all Live Football matches. This addon similarly lists the streams as Rising Tides, but it also indicates whether or not a connection is available to use.
6. Sportsnet
Kodi users may obtain this popular add-on from the SuperRepo Repository after joining up for the service, which provides live access to all Sportsnet feeds 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This Kodi-compatible streaming service allows you live access to any sports game you want to watch. You may watch live streaming videos of the Premier League, FA Cup, Bundesliga, AVIVA, NHL, MLB, NBA, and other sports on the internet. The Sportsnet service differs from the Kodi add-on in that it can be accessed from a variety of devices, including an Apple TV, an Xbox, and a smartphone. Even though you won’t be able to view real Premier League games, this news add-on will keep you up to speed on all of the game highlights, triumphs, and defeats, as well as individual statistics. This add-on may only be purchased in the United Kingdom. Sportsnet Now is only available to Canadian citizens, but you can use a VPN to access it from anywhere in the world.
Also Read: Fix Kodi Update Failed
7. Peacock
Peacock, an NBC-owned streaming service, is currently live streaming Premier League matches. Subscribers to Cox and Comcast Xfinity may log in and stream for free. Rates for the standalone streaming service begin at $5 per month or $50 per year, with prices rising to twice that if you want to watch without advertisements. There is no free trial available. Peacock is only available in the United States, so if you want to watch it while traveling, you’ll need a VPN. Peacock also provides complete replays on-demand. Since it’s a newer service, there isn’t currently an official Kodi addon, but stay tuned.
8. Youtube
The Youtube Kodi addon is one of the most popular and extensively used Kodi addons to watch EPL. YouTube is the largest online video streaming service, and your Youtube Kodi addon is intimately connected with hundreds of other extensions. At first glance, the Youtube Kodi addon appears to provide an interface for streaming videos from the largest streaming media website on the Internet. The extension makes it simple to search, view, and store videos and material from YouTube. Its live TV package includes NBC, NBCSN, USA, Network, and CNBC, as well as all of the stations you’ll need to watch Premier League games live. Prices begin at $65 a month, with a 14-day free trial available as of this writing. However, because Youtube TV is only available in the United States, you’ll need a VPN if you’re traveling outside of the country. Although there is currently no Kodi add-on for Youtube TV, some users have claimed success using a Kodi web browser add-on to access the service.
Also Read: How to Watch Kodi NBA Games
9. Hulu
Hulu is a wonderful example of a streaming service to watch EPL on Kodi. This American streaming service is only second to Netflix in terms of popularity. It has a lot of great features, most of which are superior to Netflix. It provides a wide range of content, such as live TV, IPTV, movies, sports, premium network add-ons, and much more. All of the main US broadcast networks are available to view. Hulu Originals such as The Handmaid Tale, The Act, Ramy, Wu-Tang, Shrill, Pen15, and others are also available. The Hulu Kodi addon supports GPS, allowing you to select your location and browse material that is available in your country. Premier League fans can easily access and watch live matches online with Hulu + Live TV. It costs $65 per month after a seven-day free trial. It contains all of the required channels to broadcast every Premier League match from beginning to end. However, it is only available in the United States, so you’ll need a VPN if you travel outside of the country.
10. Sling TV
You may link this OTT service to your preferred home theatre program with the Sling Kodi addon developed by an independent developer. This Kodi addon to watch English Premier League usually has 720p and 1080p content to watch EPL on Kodi. Kodi does not currently support 4K streaming, but that is irrelevant in this situation because Sling TV does not yet offer any 4K programming. With that stated, there’s no reason not to give this addon a shot. If you don’t want to miss another game, this is the service for you. Users can choose whatever channels they wish to stream with Sling TV, which means you can choose networks like NBCSN and NBC that broadcast Premier League games and stream them on your TV for $35 per month. Unfortunately, there is no longer a free trial available for Sling TV. To receive the channels that live stream the Premier League, you’ll need the Sling Blue bundle. Sling TV is only accessible in the United States, so if you want to watch it from somewhere else, you’ll need to use a VPN.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is it possible to watch Premier League matches on Amazon FireStick?
Ans: Yes, you certainly can! Most major US streaming providers, including the whole EPL, are eligible to broadcast live soccer events to their customers.
We hope you find this information useful about the best Kodi Addons to watch Premier League. Please let us know which of the Kodi addons you found to be the most entertaining. Keep reading more tech-related articles here on TechCult. Feel free to send us your suggestions and feedback in the comment section down below.